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What temperature do you want the person listening to set their bedroom temperature to tonight for optimal sleep?


Think about what temperature it is outside. And so right now in Boston, it's perfect to have your windows open if you're able to, because not everyone is in an environment that they're able to open their window. But if you are able to open the window, what an amazing thing. So be mindful of the temperature outside. But if you have central air, think about that range, 65 to 68. It's not that wide. So maybe start at 65. And if you find yourself too cold, then maybe go up to 66 or 67 or 68. So there is a lot of individual preference in that range. And also the bedroom environment and what you have on the bed specifically will matter. So if you have a very light blanket, then you could maybe get by on the higher end of the spectrum. Or if you really like cozy blankets, then you might want to go down to 65.