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Drop the sword. What does that mean? Stop fighting against your own happiness. I want you to think about the visual of dropping a sword, because if you're holding a sword and you've got a tight grip and you're ready for battle, what does that feel like in your body? You feel on edge, don't you? You feel tense. But when you visualize dropping the sword, something interesting happens. Your energy shifts. It softens. Your mindset changes because you're not bracing. Because I don't think you realize, at least I didn't, how much you are blocking happiness from entering your life. You block it with your energy. You block it with your attitude. You block it based on the stories you tell yourself. And here's what I want you to do for just the next 24 hours. Just notice, in any situation, do you have a sword? Are you bracing for what's about to happen next? And when you notice that you're in that stance, when you're in that energy, when you're in that mindset, just drop the sword.