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Hey, it's your friend Mel. And if.


You're having trouble getting out.


Of bed right now, I want to give you two hacks that I absolutely love. And the.


First one is slithering. Here's how it works.


Instead of.


Springing out of bed.


Let's just slither out.


I learned this from my therapist. You literally just roll onto the ground. It's easy to let your body weight fall onto the ground. You roll the bad energy out. And when you feel ready, you are going to sit up. Now, hack number two, you.


Got to plan what you want. I want to give you a free 29-page workbook. I've used science to help you figure out what you actually want in 2024.


And then I'm going to hold your hand.


As you create a plan to step by step, go make it happen. When you have something in the future that you're working on that you really care about, it motivates you to get out of bed. And that's what I want for you. Let me help you make this the best year of your life because you can make it the best year of your life. And I am here to support you every slither and every step of the way.