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Time is slipping through your hands. It's like a melting ice cube. Isn't it amazing how there can be an ice cube on the countertop in your kitchen? Or maybe it drops on the floor and you're like, Oh, I'll pick that up later. And an hour later, you walk back in, gone. That's exactly what happens with time. The time that you have with people that you love is a melting ice cube. And the research about how much time that you have with the people that you love is downright terrifying. By the time your kids are 12, you'll have spent 75% of the time that you have with them. By the time your kids turn 18, you will have spent 90% of the time that you have with them during your life. The ice cube from melting, but you can recognize that it is. And now you can do something about it. And I hope you do.