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How do you reframe the way you think about failure to help yourself get unstuck and be successful? Very few failures are the be all and end all. You know, it's all about framing and how you think about a failure. Very few failures mean you can never do this thing again. Usually they open up other options, opportunities, a second attempt at the same thing. And so the first thing is to accept that and to recognize that failure is inevitable. It's going to happen as you get better, as you challenge yourself. The other thing is to figure out what to take away from that failure. So there are good failures and bad failures. Bad failure is where you fail. You have no idea why, and it doesn't help you move forward and you feel dejected. You don't feel good about it. Good failure is saying, I've learned something. Here is what I've learned. This part of what I did actually worked quite well. Here is where I got close. Here's where I fell short. So essentially, the question that differentiates good failure from bad failure is, have I learned what the next thing should be from this failure?