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What do you want to say to women who are in menopause?


I would say that menopause is a normal part of the ovulatory cycles that we have. Just like you went through puberty, which might have been challenging and had some symptoms, that menopause is in many ways the same thing. You can think about it as puberty in reverse. That it is a normal experience, but normal doesn't have to mean pleasant, right? So just like when you went through puberty, maybe you got acne, or maybe you had really heavy irregular periods, or pregnancy, also a normal experience. Maybe you had terrible nausea and vomiting. There are things about menopause that can be very unpleasant for people. There's things that can be very liberating. People who've had terrible painful periods who now don't have them think it's amazing.


I've never heard anybody call it puberty in reverse. That actually makes a lot of sense.