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This is one of the biggest problems I have with the narrative in America. We are blaming the person who's overweight for their problem. It's your fault that you're eating too much and not exercising enough because that's the solution to weight loss. It's all about calories in, calories out. It's all about moderation. If you can't do it, there's something wrong with you. That's just a big fat lie. When you look at the biology of it, only 6.8% of Americans are metabolically healthy. That means 93% of us are somewhere in the spectrum from normal to prediabetes.


What you're here to say is it's not your fault because the way that food is manufactured, it is addictive. All of your work points to the fact that one of the places that all of us can start is by just doing an experiment for 10 days where you stop the dairy, stop the gluten, stop the sugar, and you eat a colorful meal of wholefoods.


If you, for a short time, reset, has enormous benefits because for the first time, people understand what they're doing impacts how they feel.