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I just saw an announcement yesterday, which was a curious booking, a boxing match, Chael Sonnen versus Anderson, the Spider Silver, in what is built as Anderson Silver's final five, five two-minute rounds of boxing. What are your thoughts on that, Anthony?


Shox. Chael and I work together a lot, and I always... I do the same thing with you. I'm like, Come on, man, just one more. And he's always like, No, I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. But he looks good, and he looks like he's been in shape. He looks a little bit leaner. And I don't know if he's known something was coming down the pipe for a while, but he looked different the last couple of times we worked together.


You're like, UFC 300. Nice, though.


Yeah, he looked good.


He looked lean, Chael.


It looks like he's been working out and training, at least doing some conditioning or whatever. He looks lean. So of course, I'm like, Hey, Chael, you need to get one more, right? But he's always said, I'm not a boxer. He doesn't want to train MMA. And he said, I don't box. So I just always thought it wasn't going to happen. But then I seen the announcement and I text him right away. And he texted me this morning and said, Yeah, it's happening. Not that surprised for Anderson. I thought we would see Anderson at least one more time. Really shocked that Chael is lacing him.