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Alex Pereira is doubling down.


He can triple down. He can do whatever the fuck he wants. You're going to take that bet? I already did, but he keeps changing the fucking rules.


I have the statement, Someone tell this guy that the bet is real. He said he would use this money to buy the stupidest thing. I would buy food for people in need.


Here's a guy from the Amazonian jungle. He wants to generate $50,000 and feed starving children.


You want to buy- Like an 18-foot dildo. I don't understand why he dislikes likes me so much. I've literally spent his entire UFC career promoting him. So what I pick against you sometimes a fight. It doesn't matter what I say. Go out and win. I am critical of some parts of his game. That's my job. I'm a fan of your game. I've never challenged Alex Pereira to anything, but I'm not the one that keeps poking him.


Are we saying international fire week, Poulsan versus Lionheart? Yes. I'm promoting this exclusively.


I'm in. All bullshited. If he wanted to do it and we donated the whole thing to the charity of whoever the winner's choice is, I'm fine with.