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Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the fk up. You're listening to believe you me with Michael the Count Bisbing.


You know my name yet? And Anthony Lionhardt-Smith.


We're back, boys and girls. I hate to rub it in, guys, but my car is looking nice and shiny on the driveway.


Don't be like that.I.


Got my car cleaned, guys. You know what happened. The relevance of what I'm saying is I'm not bragging about my bloody shiny car. I didn't get my car washed. It's the only thing my little pea brain could think of. Harrington sends the notes to us this morning, and then he follows up in the email, Oh, by the way, my car got robbed. And then, Brian, you also had an interaction that maybe you don't want to talk about because the police might be involved. And then you said you're not sure if your car has been stolen, Harrington. Pray tell.


Okay. I was in Hilton Head. I was visiting my parents last weekend. It was a great time. I parked my car Wednesday night in a spot. I made sure to drop a pin to my wife where my car was because I always forget where I parked the damn thing. I come back today, I needed to take my car to go into the studio. As you can tell, I'm not there because when I arrived where my car was supposed to be parked, absolutely nothing was there. It was just the front of some guy's In front of some guy's house. I've just been searching. I went on to see if I have unpaid tickets, and the city towed it. They said no. I went to check with the local precinct to see if there was a parade that came through and they had to move it. They said no. So they told me, My best course of action is call 911 and get the police out here to file a proper report.


Hamilton. How many steps do you go through before you will come to the realization your car has been stolen Is that okay? Maybe a parade came through and knew that perhaps I've got unpaid fines or warrants or whatever. Just the car is not there.


It's not the first time Harrington has misplaced the vehicle.


Dude, Where's my car? Oh, my God. Brian, you had some vehicular thing as well. Yeah, I had a weird little road rage incident.


Some men may or may not have tried to murder me in the traffic and ended up just popping my tire. So the police were involved. It was a whole scene.


So you don't want to talk about that. I was a very angry person. You don't want to talk about that, obviously, because the police are getting involved. But from the little that we can say, I'm just going to say it for you, you did the right thing staying in that car. You did the right thing. When the guy's got a knife, you could have been in the hospital right now.


Well, yeah, I didn't know what he had in his hand, but I knew he had something. So I was like, I'm not playing this game. Get back in your car. No. You're a savage.


This would lead me to believe I believe that we have some very, very angry believers walking the streets of New York. They're like, We're going to find Hamilton. We're going to find Brian. We're going to fuck their cars up. Fuck that podcast. I don't like it anymore. And they've got cars. They do not deserve it.


I'll drink Pepsi anyway.


Anyway, who does drink Pepsi? Anytime I'm in a restaurant or anywhere, I say, Diet Coke, please. Oh, no, we've got Pepsi products.


Who likes Pepsi? Okay, I guess.


I mean, I'll take it. Anyway, whatever. Welcome to the show, everybody. We're going to do some predictions for the big, big boxing fight this weekend, USIC versus FURY. I guess, though, we'll start with the other big boxing fight coming up, which is Jake Paul versus Mike Tyson. They had the press conference yesterday. Pretty cordial affair, the squared up. Tyson gave him a little punch in the stomach. Just a tiny, tiny little dig. They were just having a laugh. Mike Tyson said, who was it? I think I mean, Ariel Hauwani. I mean, talk about softballs, shall we say. Talk about easy questions. He wants to talk about how shitty the media are at UFC events these days. Bro. Anyway, Ariel, just was good for the goosh, it's good for the gander. Mike Tyson was there, Ariel said, Well, you look good. He said, Yeah, I'm beautiful. And I got a good laugh from the crowd. Then he goes, But my body's disgusting. My My body feels like shit. My body's horrible. One of those three. And it's like, Well, yeah, I'm not surprised, mate. You're 58 years old. We see the 30 second clips on Instagram.


It's easy to look good for 30 seconds when you're hitting pads with the trainer that you work with. I'm not saying that he can't beat him, and we've spoke about this a lot, but yesterday they were on the press conference. Fair play. I hope everyone makes a ton of money. One thing Jake Paul said that I did have an issue with is that ever since this fight became professional, That means someone's got to die. Somebody's got to die, right? People die in boxing. In fact, a young guy in England, Sunday night, 24 years old, making his professional debut, round four, takes a shot to the temple, I think it was, died, passed away, passed away. So he's there and he's trying to bloody make these clips and make it sound badass and intense and all the rest of it. You don't need to. The sport of boxing is already incredibly dangerous, and I just don't think that he even still realizes it. And even Deontay Wilder was saying, I hope Mike Tyson, something bad doesn't happen to Mike Tyson, because for all the things I've said about Jake Paul, you can't deny his punching power.


People don't knock out Tyrone Woodley the way that he did. Granted, Tyrone was on a fight fight losing street with the UFC. Boxing, Jake Paul loses a decision, but we never saw a flat line like that. So the man's got serious power. And at 58 years old, I'm pretty sure you can't take a shot the same way, Harrington.


Yeah. I mean, the example that I always go to, look at Chuck Liddell in that last fight against Tito Ortiz. He was 50 years old, right? And that guy looked like he had absolutely no business being in a cage, right? So now add eight years onto that, and you're not going in there against a guy in his 40s. You're going in there against a guy in 20s who still has dreams and aspirations, as wild as they may sound, of maybe one day becoming a boxing world champion. That is not someone who's going to take it easy on you, who's going to put on a show for all these people on Netflix. You're a 58 A five-year-old man who's in there for a want of a better word, like a young killer. It's an issue. It definitely is. It's the first concern that you came up with, and I think everybody who has half a brain came up with when this fight was booked.


Yeah, no, absolutely. Totally. And I think you got two demographics. You got the old school boxers that are all rooting for Mike Tyson to win. And then Jake Paul even said it himself. He said, And I bring the YouTube, I bring the kids from TikTok and this and that. And I think right Right now, we have a video of the prime example of a typical Jake Paul fan. Brian, roll the tape, and I will say this, this kid, and I don't advocate beating kids. If you're a mother or father, you shouldn't beat your children. Violence is not the answer, but this little shit needs a slap.


Here, so you're up first, my man.


Yo, I'm Kayo Martin, and I'm a big fan of both of you. You guys are both from legends. I just want to Where's your mother at? Who do you think has got a higher body count? What's your body count, Jake? What's your body count? She got a higher body. No. Where's this kid's mother?


Jake, you think yours is higher?


Type shit, we outside. Ga, ga, boom, bitch. Well done, little man.


I love you guys, brother.


Okay. I loveHow old?Well done. How old do we think he is?




No. Fourteen? No. He's not nine. Yeah, 13-ish. I'd say something like that.


Yeah, that kid stinks.


Yeah, you can just tell from it. Put the confidence on the kid. Do you know what I mean? To get up there and be talking like that. When he was referring to body count, it's not an expression I've used. He's talking about sexual partners, right?


Yes. Yeah. Unless he's an old-time mafioso and he's talking about how many people they've killed.


Well, that's where my mind When the age went, first of all, I truly am a boomer, for crying out loud. None of them are assassins, even though J Paul pretends to be one in the ring. I'm telling you, as Mike Tyson said, Where is that kid's mother? Because I'm I was joking before I give him a slap. But Jesus Christ, no wonder you've got people robbing your cars and coming at you on the street, and there's little shits like that walking around. And every time we talk about this recently, so we're not going to spend long on it, but I saw that. I couldn't believe it.


It's It's a Twitch generation. They grew up watching people do the most shocking possible things for attention.


Yeah, and it's TikTok, too, right? That kid we talked about last year in England, the one who was going into strangers' houses and picking up library books and stealing people's dogs. These kids have... You think about the pandemic is now four years ago. They were all locked inside for a year watching on TikTok as people blew up and got clout and internet fame for doing nonsense like that. I feel like it has shaped this next generation of these kids now four or five years later, where they're in their teens now able to have the accounts on these sites and they want to do whatever they can to get clout. That kid was shouting out his thing from the beginning. So it's like there's no way this kid isn't trying to be some little shit influencer.


Yeah, no. And that's a great point, actually. And the pandemic, it fucked so much, so many things for so many people. And young children definitely did feel the brunt of that being out of school for so long. College kids as well. And even now, college people can't bloody have the graduation because of all the madness that's going on. But this leads us into the first non-MMA story, Harrington. We'll just get this one out of the way. You said that a principal in Florida has been arrested for choking a child. Now, listen, I'm all for discipline, as I just said, but choking a child, and I believe there was a bit more.


Yeah, it was bad. So there's a video came out. The kid's face is blocked knocked, obviously, because this is a child who's the victim here. But you can see in the video, he at one point, grabs the kid in some a chokehold. At another point, he grabs a cell phone charger and starts whipping the kid with it. The kid tries to escape, and he blocks the door to prevent the child from leaving. This went on for the better part of 45 minutes.




Yes. Keeping the kid in the middle.


45 minutes. Yeah. And how old was this kid?


I believe it was eight or nine. I'm not 100 % sure, but young.


This is how you create serial killers for sure.


45 minutes, that's torture. That's That's not the teacher losing his temper, letting his emotions get the better of him. Listen, you got to assume that there's maybe coming into that one, maybe the kid was being a little shit. Let's just play devil's avocado. Let's give the teacher that benefit of the doubt. So he snaps, he loses his mind, which is inexcusable. You're a teacher. You should have better control of yourself. But let's just say it because he's only human. You lose your mind, you lose your temper, you snap, you go too far, you think you know what you need? You need whipping with a phone charger, bit extreme, a lot extreme, strangling and all the rest of it, but whatever. But to go on 45 minutes, that ain't losing your temper. That's a sick individual that should not be anywhere near children. Simple as that.


Yeah, and you can see it. There's a moment where the police, the body cam footage shows the police interviewing the guy, and he's like, Yeah, it's like normal disciplinary stuff that I was doing. We held him a little bit late for his mom to come pick him up. So this whole thing is completely blown out of proportion. And the cop says, Really? Because that's not what the security camera in there shows. And you see the look on the guy's face going, Oh, there's a security camera in there? Yeah. Holy shit, I'm screwed.


This is going to be a somewhat controversial point what I'm going to say, because I know a lot of people don't want the police state or whatever. But if it wasn't for these security cameras everywhere, you wouldn't see things like that. And that guy could have got away with it and said that the kid was making up lies and all the rest of it. And I'm assuming there's so many heinous crimes that get caught on camera. And then the people, the perpetrators are put in prison, not allowed to do their jobs and so on and so forth. If you're doing nothing wrong, for the most part, I don't give a fuck. You know what I mean? You want to catch the guys lassoing that woman in New York City, stealing your car, and going after bloody Brian. Anyway, the world's gone mental. So let's talk about some mixed martial arts. Ian Gary. Ian Gary, polarizing person. Would you say right now, I'm going to choose my words, I'll screw it, one of the most hated UFC types right now?


Without a doubt. Without a doubt. He is a lightning rod for criticism. I mean, he might be one of those fans, one of those fighters that the fans love to hate, but regardless, he's for sure, if not at the top, very close to public enemy number one and MMA fan.


Who do we think the top, quote unquote pantomime villains, hated, real life hated, loved to hate, regardless, those types that get the biggest booze, who do we think they are right now? I used to be one. I know that for a fact, and it worked out great for me. So I'm not necessarily talking shit. I'm not talking shit. We're having a conversation and speaking facts. So Ian Gary, I'd say Colby Covington, certainly after his last fight, turned a corner. Who else is there? I mean, Aljomate Sterling.


Sterling gets a bunch of booze.


But I think he's redeemed himself in the eyes of the fans over the past couple of fights, no?


Yeah, I don't know. That last one was a little bit of a snooze first, and then... I mean, no disrespect to the guy. He got the win. He got the win. But Alja was there for a while. Maybe he has recently.


I would say Patty's teetering on that list.


Patty? Yeah, no, you're right. You're right. Certainly after the, again, the Jared Gordon situation, which wasn't his fault, but he just acted like a cocky bastard after. Funnily enough, I did the same thing, and he did the same exact thing to me, this exact same outcome. I won a very close fight that could have gone either way. I acted like a dickhead on the microphone afterwards, and that was that. Because I was popular. I walked out at UFC 66 '96 in Vegas, and I got a huge applause. And then when that happened in London at UFC 75, Spike TV, middle of the day, I think there was something like 4 million people watching it. And of course, he's deaf, so it makes me look like a bigger bastard. After that, that was it. For a good few years, public enemy number one.


You beat up a cripple, Mike. I don't know.


That cripple whooped my ass for a good period of that fight, let me tell you.


Well, Patty also followed up that Jared Gordon fight with a ho-hum decision win against a fighter most people generally love in Tony Ferguson. It's like, if you're going to make your bones winning these close decisions against prospects, we don't think you should have won that fight against. Then beating up on guys who we love, who you wouldn't have had a chance against five years ago, it doesn't sit right.


I also followed up that performance against Mahamel with a whole home fight Right decision, but it was a loss, a split decision to Richard Evans, a person that people be loved now. We got a lot in common. All right, today's episode is sponsored by Betterhelp. Right now, if you're thinking of giving therapy a try, Well, this is the way to do it, okay? Give better help a try because it's entirely online, designed to be convenient, flexible, suited to your schedule. And starting therapy, that can give you anxiety all of itself. I I want to do it, but it's complicated. I've got to sit there with someone. I've got to talk about my feelings and my problems and whatever's going on between my ears. I haven't got time for it. I've got to drive in the car. I've got to deal with traffic. I don't want people necessarily knowing that I'm going to therapy. I don't even want to tell my wife or my boyfriend or whatever it is that I'm going to therapy. So when do I find the time? Well, with better help, it's all online. It's all done via the phone. You just fill in a brief questionnaire.


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But Gary says that Colby has turned them all down, and now there's a potential fight with MVP. Brian, do we have that video, please? What about a fight with Michael Vennen Page? I've said yes. Okay. I've said yes to that man. Him and his coaches are deciding because he feels a bit heavy. He's a bit heavy to make weight in seven weeks time. But I said yes. What other names have been offered to you then? I'm assuming they're all ranked. I'm assuming that they're all top 15. There's been so many at this point. You lose count. I feel like I've gone through about eight or nine names. And it's like, No, don't want that fight. Not interested. The USA are saying they're not interested in it. They've offered me Kobe. I said yes to MVP. I said yes to Sean braided. I said yes to... I don't even know his name. It was Becker Stani guy, if he had a one. I said yes to Wakeem Buckley. I said yes to every single person that has come my way. That is what I do. And since I've entered the UFC, I've done nothing different. I say yes, say what, date, where and when.


Because he's a real badass. That's what you do in the UFC. You get off in fights and you say, yes, I'm joking. I, for one... I mean, listen, of course, as the fighter, you're going to spin it a little negatively on the opponent because that's Gary's style. He's not going to change. He's cocky, he's undefeated, he's young. So he's going to hold on, he's saying he's a bit overweight. He might be a bit overweight. He was just on vacation after his UFC debut. But Michael Vennen Page doesn't have too much time to waste. I believe he's 36 years old. He fought in February. Fighting this summer is about right. And I think I called for it straight away. Ian Gary, Michael Vennen Page would be the matchup that I made. A lot of people didn't like Gary's last performance against Jeff Neil because he used the height, the kickboxing ability, the range, the footwork, and all the rest of it. And he did it in a very defensive fashion. He thought smart. He had a game plan, and he stuck to it. He wouldn't be able to fight like that against Michael Venner-Page. And it would be a fight with the two of them.


Very, very different style, but a mirror image in terms of body types and approach to the game. Striking, tall, 6'3, lean, fast. Not one-trick ponies. I'm sure they can all hit an arm bar here and there. Gary has been down in Brazil for a long time, but I think that's the fight to make.


It's a brilliant fight. It's a fight the fans want to see. It's certainly like this is a true test for Ian Gary. I feel like most people, there was not a lot of backers for Neil Magney when Ian Gary fought him. There was a lot of backers for Jeff Neil when Jeff Neil fought him. This feels like when the oddsmakers come out with this, it's going to be minus 110 aside. I don't know how Vegas picks a favorite in this one.


It's an interesting match up because I think when you look at Michael Bedden-Page, in terms of singular shots, he's faster, he's He's more dynamic, he's more explosive, he hits harder. But I think when you look at combinations and more orthodox style, probably Ian Gary has an advantage there. But I would lean towards Michael Vennen Page in that five. But who cares? Who knows? Remains to see if it even gets made. They want to talk about Alexander Usik, Tyson Führer going down this weekend. We spoke about it on Monday. I'm excited for this fight. I'll be in Costa Rica. I'm going to be doing a live stream for that one. So if any If someone's interested, tune in for the Coast of Weekend live stream, live and direct.


What's the Facebook? I don't feel people are going to be interested. You're saying if anyone's interested, last time you did a Live for Furi, you had 300,000 people watching.


It You're going to have- It was a lot of people watching. It was wild. I might be there, I don't know, in some jungle attire. I will not be. I'll have a black T-shirt on, like always.


As long as you're sipping a drink from a coconut, I think people know you're in a tropical locale. You'll be good. That's not bad.


Listen, I'm excited for this one. The question is, who wins the fight? We touched on it on Monday a tiny bit. I wanted to save it for this. A good question here is, Who has more to lose? I think who has more to lose goes to the side of Tyson Fury because of, listen, the shit talk. He always talks shit. He always hypes a fight. He always sells it. He always dismisses the threat of his opponents, but he is fighting a much smaller guy. So whoever loses this is not the best boxer of that generation. Whoever wins this for sure is. Simple as that. The best heavyweight boxer of that generation without a shadow of a doubt. So it's a massive fight. The first undisputed belt in 25 years. Whoever wins it is the best of that generation, and it's over. So for Tyson to lose it to a A guy that is called a middleweight for so long, and he was a cruiserweight for a long time, that again makes it a tougher pill to swallow. When your dad's walking around headbutting people in the lobby, do you know what I mean? When your team is getting on like that, I don't know about I'm in a hurry.


I just know for me personally, I'll be like, For the sake, dad, what are you doing? What are you doing? Assaulting people in the hotel. Now I'm going to have to go out there. I'm going to have to put on a blinding performance. I'm going to have to make sure I get the victory. I'm going to have to get on the microphone and just say, Look, listen, we're all just hyped up. Tensions were running high. Pressures were on. It's a big fight, but apologies for anything because it's not how you want to conduct yourself. I know I did like that at times when I was fighting, but there was never any head What's to fans? I'm proud to say. And I just think with the way that Fewie has dismissed the threat is the main thing. I had the press conference the other day, Fewie's yapping and shouting and giving him loads of shit, calling him the sausage or whatever. And who sees just cool, calm, and collective, man? And he's just like, You're finished? You're finished? Anything else? He's not bothered. He's not fazed by one little bit. It reminds me of when I thought, G, has seat, and I was chatting shit on the other side, sitting there, and George was just laughing.


You know what I mean? But I had one eye and broken ribs in that fight. So I'll go for yourself before you start. Who wins Hamilton in your opinion, I'll let him get, and then I'll do my analysis in a second.


I mean, there's just something about Tyson Furie. Yes, for all the... He's a cruiserweight and everything. It's true. The guy fought a cruiser his weight for the majority of his career. People weren't sure how it was going to translate when he came up the heavyweight. Yes, he's had some brilliant performances since he came up the heavyweight. But I don't know, man. Tyson Furie, he knows how to use his weight. He knows how to use his size more than most boxers, I think. We saw it in the Nganu fight, how he faces adversity. For a fight that I think we can both agree, he didn't train for. He was not in fight shape for it. He had the big pop out. So nothing about that looked like a Tyson Fury fight. Say what you will about boxing judging, but he did get up off the canvas and do just enough to show the ring generalship to win those last few rounds. So something about the experience of heavyweight boxing, of some people that size, I think Tyson Fury can sweep by for a decision.


Yeah, I disagree. I've got USIC in this one, and I'm basing a lot of it on those two victories of Anthony Joshua. Anthony Joshua was on a mission to save his career, to get it back on track after the lost to, who was it? Andy Ruiz, and he struggled a little bit, and his popularity had dipped. But then So he was on a mission. And then he has a couple of wins, and then he meets Usik, he loses, then they have a rematch. And yeah, he did a lot better in the rematch, but he still lost. Anthony Joshua is a phenomenal man. I mean, look at him against Nganu, and we spoke about the other day? Mma math, boxing math, not stacking up. But I think it does a little bit. I think Usik is used to his entire career fighting heavyweights or bigger guys. So this is nothing new for him. I think he's going He's the faster guy. I think he's got better footwork. He's got better technicalities. Of course, the reach of you is going to be an issue. Tyson's fast. He moves his head well. There's a reason why he's undefeated.


He's 34 and one, I believe.


You don't get- He's very heavy.


He's very heavy. You don't get, though, the accolades that he has. I mean, some of the performances I've seen from Tyson Führ, I've been mind-blowing. I've been like, Holy shit, man, because when you look at him, he doesn't look athletic. But then when you see some of the fights, and granted, the Nganu one, he looked like grade A dog shit. He was the one going to his knees, and it looked like he was going for takedowns. He was the one clenching every few seconds because I think he thought he was just going to spark him out. Anyway, so as I'm saying, full respect to Tyson Fury, I just think USSEC is going to get it done. I think, does he stop him? Does Alexander Ousik not only beat but knock out Tyson Fury, the first person to do both? I mean, oh my God. I want that to happen just to see, no matter why, knocks out my son, beats my son. Fighting men. He's going to kick off in Riyadh. What are you going to say, Brian?


Well, arguably, he was down for quite a while during one of those knockdowns during the Deontay Wilder fight. It's not like he hasn't been severely hurt in a fight before, and Usik is going to get in.


Correct. Listen, again, I am not disrespecting Tyson Fury, but Francis Ingarnu, Derek Chesora, Dylan White, who he'd beaten a few times, Deontay Wilder, who looked like shit just recently. Who did he fight just recently? I forget my- He got his ass whooped, though. Yeah, he did it.


Let me check.


Yeah, he wasn't good. Otto Balling, Tom Schwartz. They're good fighters. They're good fighters, but these are not... Sorry, no, no, hold on. I'm looking at bloody... I am looking at Tyson Fury's record. I thought, Hold on a minute. I'm looking at his record. I am. So they're good fighters, but I don't think any of those people possess the technical ability that USSEC does. And I think anyone that knows boxing would 100% agree with me. And then I think given the fact he's so motivated, the fact what his people in Ukraine are going through, you know what I'm saying? Without getting into all that stuff, but it's like they are going through a war that's going on what? Two, three years now, two and a half years, something like that. He's fighting for his nation. Tyson Fuhs made hundreds of millions of dollars. And it's the same old analogy. I'm not even going to say it. And McGregor is in the same situation. All he's fighting for right now is ego, which is a powerful motivator. But Usik, yeah, he's got the ego, yeah, he's got the financial side, yeah, he's got the boxing record, he's got the accolades that are all going to motivate him.


But he's also got the fact that his country is getting bombed every single day, and his people are looking for a bit of inspiration. That's got to be a powerful motivator.


If I'm not mistaken, I think early on, in the early, early days when Russia was marching on Kyiv, USSEC was on the front lines fighting with the Klitschko brother, who is the mayor of that city. So, yes, certainly you seeing that, seeing war, right, as the heavyweight champion of the world, having Tyson Fury talk a bit of smack to you is certainly, that's not going to get into your skin. It's not going to make you win.


Because he's emotionally mature. You know what I'm saying? And he's just like, Listen, I feel... Have you seen that, Brian?


He's also one of the funniest dudes. Like you're saying. I think he's doing that on purpose.


See if you can find a little video that we can play of Usi because there's some bloody good ones, honestly. Because he does have this funny little face, and Tyson just keeps calling him a bloody sausage and an ugly little man and run rabbit, run rabbit. It's like, dude, trash talk might need a bit of work there. He's extremely captivating. He is charismatic. He is, but the insults, they're not the best. They're not the best.


You got all that money. Hire a writer, dude. Hire I'm a writer.


Here, I got a video.


I'm just going to play it. What did I say to George? I had some good ones to George, but let's have a listen. Let's have a look.


Hello, my name is Alexander. Kind cat, pussy.


How's your English? Perfecto.


How do you feel? I feel good. How do you feel?


I'm very filled.


How do you feel?


I'm feel.


Listen, you just said all that money, get yourself a writer. You know I'm a fan of Whooshik. All that money, you got to get that gap in your teeth fixed. You got to get the gap in the teeth fixed. You do. You know what I mean? And to be fair, there's nothing wrong with it. And character and being unusual is cool. It should be embraced. So maybe I'm wrong. I'm just saying if that was me, I'd be like, Mr. Dentist, man, can you please do something about this gaping bloody chasm between between my two front teeth.


You wouldn't worry about your dental work getting messed up when you get punched in the mouth?


I had all these bad boys redone right before the George St. Pierre fight. Why? Yeah, it was terrible timing. I didn't know what I get involved. I've told this story many times, so I'm not going to repeat it again. I didn't know what it was going to involve. I didn't realize they were going to drill all my teeth away. Anyway, I think it's going to be a tremendous fight. I can't wait for it. I'm We're doing a livestream on Saturdays, so tune in for that, and then I think USSEP wins it. But I wouldn't be surprised. It's one of those, and that's what makes it a great fight. And it's just so good that after all this time, they're finally going to throw down because that's the problem with boxing. It is. And look how long it took to make this happen. We still haven't had Anthony Joshua and Tyson Fury, both English, both great, both been going at each other. Well, Fury going at Joshua, and Joshua ignoring him for many years. That fight should have happened by rights years ago.


Well, it couldn't because the way boxing contracts are structured, you fight a guy, and now you're locked into seven rematches with the guy, right? He would have had to have paid Deontay Wilder $10 million to not fight as a man. How can you.


Yeah, I'm not talking about that. I'm just talking about in general, there were so many negotiations. It fell through and there was demands, and there's been so many times. It has been so many years. You know what I'm saying? Listen, this one's This one's happening. Well done to Türke Al Sheik, the Sheik of Saudi Arabia. He's spending a lot of money. He's making all these events happen. And if the money wasn't right, this fight wouldn't be happening. If Türke Al Sheik wasn't, and I don't know what the prices are going to be, I guarantee they are absolutely astronomical. We got to be talking... Well, Ryan Garcia got 50 million recently, reportedly. With Ryan Garcia is getting 50 mil for that fight.


I mean, I-I think 150.


I don't know if it's that much.


That's crazy. I mean, it's oil money, dude.


Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Anyway, regardless, well done for that fight even taking place in the first place. Why this episode is sponsored by Fitbot, and FitBod is the personalized workout routine. It's your personal trainer. It's your personal motivation fitness guru right there on your phone. Haven't got time to get to a gym? It'll give you a workout wherever you are. Can't afford for a gym? Well, when I tell you this offer, it's a ridiculously cheap offer. Getting bored, you've plateaued, you're getting just so sick of the same routines. This will give you the best workouts. It will show you all new stuff, and it will cater it to whatever available equipment you have. So if you've got a full on gym, fantastic. If you just got a with a couple of free weights, it'll help you out. If you just got to go down the local park, it'll show you a ton of stuff there. You can learn the new movements the right way because there's over 1,000 high definition demonstration videos to make sure that you're doing it correctly. But more importantly, the form is right and you don't injure yourself.


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So he did. And then he had an artist paint a photo, realistic version of the boat on the fence. Oh, My God, that is brilliant. That is great. Look at the detail on that.


It's not killdozer level public disturbance, but I still appreciate it.


Yeah, but it's done so well. See, I wasn't imagining That's like 3D. As you're walking by, that looks like there's a boat there because it's done so well. That is the ultimate cue, is that the ultimate, you're such a stupid little dickhead. You've reported me to the local authorities to move my boat because I use it frequently, so I conveniently leave it on my driveway. I leave it on my land, on my house, which I have paid for. And you put a complaint in, so now I got to put it behind the fence. Well, guess what? It isn't going to end there. That is amazing.


That is such... Literally no one hates their homeowners association more than this guy.


I tell you, the HOA is where I live. They're out of control. We painted our house because it needed it, but we didn't get authorisation first, and it wasn't a different color. The color scheme's changed a little bit, but essentially similar colors. There was a bit of black and a bit of cream on there, ivory. But we got fined because we did He didn't ask for permission. And currently, right now, at the front of the house above the garage, there's a long wooden strip. That's one of the parts that's painted black. And we're very annoyed. Some of the wood has chipped off. There's a big piece, it just chipped off. So there's a big white patch. We got a letter from the HOA, We have to resolve that soon, otherwise, they're going to find us again.


That's absurd. That's absurd. These guys have too much power. I bought the house here. Why do you have any say in what I What do you do with my house?


And on the flip side, when you enter our estate, there's a guard, as you guys know. On the right side is for guests. So you just go through and there's a little flashy thing on the front of your car and the barrier lifts. On the other side is for guests, and they got to check in with the guard and they call where they're going to and all the rest of it. It's been broken for about four months currently. So we got to wait in line and it's taking forever, for ages, every single time because they're even checking our stuff. They want to see our ID all the rest of it, even though I've lived there for 13 years now because there's been a lot of breakings recently. There's been a lot of break-ins, cars stolen and stuff like that. So it's taking ages to get into the neighborhood, but they're going to find us. They're going to find us because a little piece of bloody wood has chipped off.


They got to pay to get that gate fixed somehow.


Well, they get paid pretty bloody well. Every single bloody month, it's insane. It's insane. I mean, that's great, though. California, that's the thing, man. All the rules and regulations. I mean, it's a beautiful place, and the weather's incredible. I talk about going to North Carolina and stuff, but I don't know if I could ever actually truly leave here. You know what I mean?


Yeah, you could, dude. Yeah, I don't know.


California is easy to leave.


That's God's country.


Not where I am. It's pretty nice.


You do live in a really nice spot.


There's not all the madness, and we got a nice bit of land and trails and all the rest of it right by us. There's nature very close. The weather It's beautiful today.


That exists in so many places in America. You could literally just move. I mean, I wouldn't recommend moving to upstate New York because it gets cold as shit in the winter. But the Carolinas a little bit inland so you don't get smashed by hurricanes. That's the place to be.


I sat next to a guy on the plane flying to St. Louis last week. Beautiful guy, really nice guy, a block, I'd say in his mid to late '60s. He was the dean of global programs for a A bunch of universities all over the world. Very smart, intelligent guy, a powerful guy in the education world, travels all over the place. So he knows everywhere. So we got talking, and he liked to put down a little gin and tonic. I like to put down a little vodka and tonic. It was a three and a half hour flight, and it was a three and a half hour conversation. We went through a range of topics, one of which being, we're thinking about moving to North Carolina, and he was He's like, Brother, I've just met you. I feel like I've got to gage on who you are. You ain't going to like North Carolina. He said, It is full of hillbillies. Maybe I'm wrong. That's true. You don't look at the type of guy that's going to blend with the hillbillies too much.


Well, I'm telling you, South Carolina is where I'm all about, right? Because that's even... You have more protection from hurricanes. The weather is slightly more of a tropical climate because you're that much closer to the on the equator. Mike, I'm telling you, I'm going to send you some Zillow list things. You're going to fall in love.


Yeah, that's really good.


I just want to say a massive round of applause to that guy, though, for painting that boat. That is the ultimate, All right, I'll do it, but I'm going to get you back. And he's well within his rights, saying that the HOA might have something to say about that, if they're bloody bitching about my paint scheme. Anyway, MMA Umar Nemaga made off. Versus Cory Sandhagen is due to go down. Bantamweight division, number one contender matchup, do we think? Abu Dhabi as well, right?


Abu Dhabi, yeah. Just the fact that there's been no movement for Marab versus Sean O'Malley tells me that Marab might not be number one. And this Sanhagen versus Umar Nmado fight, it's going to be pretty hard if there's a convincing winner in this fight. It doesn't go to a split decision or whatever. If somebody walks away from this a clear-cut head and shoulders above the other, it's going to be so hard to give that number one contender spot to anyone else.


I don't know this firsthand, but I saw something on social media talking about Umar Nmadov, and it basically said that he's never lost a round. Now, I don't know if that's true because I can't remember every round that he's ever competed in, but he's certainly undefeated. And in the UFC so far, Serge Mrozov finished, Brian Kelleher, rear naked choke, Nate Menez, decision, Roni Barcellas, first round stoppage. That was impressive. I called that one last time, a decision division again. So 3, 4, 5, and all so far in the UFC, he's slick on the feet. He's got great kickboxing. The wrestling, of course, being the Daghestani, how tall is he? I think he's pretty tall as well. Five, eight for the division. I think O'Malley is what? 5'10?


Yeah, I think he's 5'10, 5'11, something like that.


Yeah. Cory Sandegen, no. He's no slouch either. I hate to bring it up. Look at what he did to Cheeto Vera. I hate to bring that up, but it's true. That's the fight where I looked at Cory Sandegen in a completely different light. I was like, Jesus Christ. That is a phenomenal fight.


Yeah, I think he didn't he break his hand against Rob Font in the first round. Granted, not the most exciting fight from there on out, but if he's doing that with a broken hand to somebody who is a perennial top five, top seven contender type guy, the guy is an absolute It's a problem. It's like, I don't know. This is the fight. This is the fight for Umar. Yeah, sure. You haven't lost a round up to this point. You also haven't fought anybody nearly as good as Cory Sanhagen. Let's see if you keep that streak alive.


This is the thing, Bantamweight. It's insane. Most of the weight classes now are crazy. Sean O'Malley, an incredible champion. I think he has grown into that role so good. That last fight against Cheeto, the fight against Salja Mane Sterling. Pyodian was a close one, and people weren't still sold, but those last two performances, how can you not be? And they were like, Oh, the slow rolling in, the taking the time. You're right. They were. They did. But you could argue that that's an appropriate path to take with somebody with real potential that you're building along the way, that a good manager would choose those appropriate step-ups in competition as the career progresses. And now when he gets to the chance of being a champion, he's a dominant champion, granted only one defense, but he has got a murderer's role. So he's got Marab coming up. Cory Sandegen is two. Pyodian is beating, Marlon Vera, he's beating. Henry Sahudo, I don't think he's getting a shot. Umar Nemaga made of is only ranked number 10. So yeah, in terms of threats, it's Marab, Cory, and Umar Nemaga made of. And I think all of those, I think they're all tough with respect to Sean, of course, I think they're all tough matchups.


I I think Umar Nemaga made of, probably the toughest out of all of them.


Yeah, especially with all three of those guys you just mentioned, grappling being a large part of their game plan, somebody who can stifle the kickbox and range distance approach of somebody like Sean O'Malley. That's one person. The only guy who was really a threat like that was Jan, but that guy, he doesn't go to his offensive wrestling that much. These guys are really going to test his takedown. Of defense.


Yeah, and most of them are long. Marab's not. I think Marab, he's very good at what he does, but he's not as dynamic and not as versatile as Umar or Cory Sandegen. They can really pick They're poison. They're fast. They're dynamic, as I said. They're very technical on the feet. And then the grappling is probably just as good as well. Whereas Marab, he's a marauder. He's a cardio machine. He's a monster. He pushes forward, relentless pressure, insane cardio. But there is a potential for Sean to catch Marab the same way that he caught Aljomane Sterling. It's a great fight. Can't wait for Marab, and I wish him all the best, of course. But after that, I tell you what, O'Malley's got some tough fights, but that means money. Big fights. Not surprised he's calling out Ilia Teporia.


Yeah, dude, get me out of this division, right? Give me a striker.


I don't think he's doing that. What is going on? What do we know about Ilia Teporia? Because I saw some... Max Holloway was on the Joe Rogan podcast. I know this is in the notes. He was on the podcast, and he cleared up some things. Do you recall what that was?


Yeah. So Ilia keeps saying, I only want to fight this guy if the BMF is on the line. So Holloway came out and said, All right, fine. The bitchiest piece of your belt can be on the line. If you're going to be this much of a winer and complainer about what stipulation you're going to put on a fight. That doesn't really seem like BMF behavior, but sure, whatever. I don't care. Give me the fight.


So they've moved on then. Have they completely from Volkanovski?


As far as what Ilyas said is, I've never turned down the Volkanovski fight. There was rumors that he was offered Volkanovski for the card in Australia coming up, and early reports were that Ilyas Teporia had no interest in going to Australia to fight him. Ilyas came out and said, I I haven't been offered the Volkanovski fight, which means I haven't turned down the Volkanovski fight, but that belt that Max has around his shoulder is pretty tempting to me.


It's the exact same situation as Justin Gagey, Dustin Poey and Islan Makhachev. I said it at the time with that performance that Justin Poey had against Benoît-Sandanae. Don't be surprised if he gets a title fight. And that was before Max Holloway flatline Justin Gagey. And now it's the same thing. Volkanovski, by rights, By merits, what he's done in the division should be the next guy. However, Max Holloway putting on one of the most inspiring performances that you're ever going to see, he's jumped the queue. And I think most fans right now, certainly when... And come on, we all love Volkanovski. But when you saw how such an emphatic stoppage, the way he knocked him out, and then you look at the fight before that against Islam, and it was a knockout then. And then there was the decision lost to Islam as well. That That just affects the casual fan base's appreciation for that fighter. It's like, Hold on, three out of four is it? Three out of four, you've lost now. Ilyia wants the biggest fight as possible, and the public want to see the guys that they're going to point at the floor and say, Come on, let's finally do this.


Let's do that man dance. You know what I mean? I'd say Holloway versus Teporia would be my pick.


Well, I think there's a reason, Dana White, for the massive massive stage that was the Tom braided roast, he brought two guys with him to sit at his table. Sean O'Malley, who we all agree is he's the next biggest star. He's maybe going to move into that regular spot. Then Max Holloway, who I legitimately think after UFC 300, might be the biggest star in the company.


Yeah. Who? Max Holloway? Yeah.


I mean, that moment crossed over, dude. Casuals who I haven't talked to in years were texting me about that point at the floor moment.


Yeah, no, for sure. It's not the first time he's done That was a massive, massive spotlight, UFC 300. That was the narrative. Listen, Pereira was incredible. That uppercut the way he finished Jamal Hill. Incredible. Well done to him. I mean, he continues to do incredible things. But yeah, Max Holloway, the fight itself himself, stepping up, beating Justin Gagey, then flatlining him in the final seconds. That's what being a bad man is all about. And that's what people want to see when they tune into the UFC. They're the type of fights that they want to see. That's why when I said before, when I was talking about Ian Gary, I wasn't trying to be disrespectful. I'm talking about what people are tuning on the TV for on a Saturday night. Yeah, they appreciate strategy and technique. And we saw that with the Max Holloway fight, but we also saw that fire. We also saw that willingness to take risk. We saw the emphatic finish, the knockout, just engaging, getting face planted. You want those moments where your jaw falls to the floor. And there were so many people in the ring just like, Oh, my My God.


Wow. You know what I mean? And when people see that, they're like, Shit, I want to see this guy again. And that was why Conor McGregor went on such a massive shot to stardom, because that's what he was doing. He was going out there, he was talking shit. He was charismatic as hell. He was original at the time. We hadn't seen an Irishman like this with that swagger and talk, and then his unique approach. But then the skill in the octagon and the way that he was dismantling people. You know what I mean? Again, you get those jaw-drop in moments. Plus, of course, every bloody American, they all claim to be Irish. You know what I mean? They're like, Oh, he's going to find an Auschwitz, so he has... So you all claim to be Irish. Every person I speak to, Oh, yeah, I'm Irish. I'm Irish. Yeah, you're Irish, Brian. Are you Irish? Are you of Irish descent, Brian?




Scottish. You bastard. Good lad, McKay, of course. How would That could be Irish, though, as well.


It says the spelling is... Irish spelling has a G in it. My spelling is M-A-C, so it's Mac, K.


Mac, K.


Mac Gregor. Yeah, no, they do. It's funny. I don't want to go down that path, though. Paul Felder, who's, of course, a friend of the show, a friend of mine, commentator, and sometimes co-host here and there. We got into a pretty heated argument one night. Have I ever talked about this?


I don't know, about the Philadelphia Irish dragon?


Yeah. Have I talked about it on the show?


I don't think so.


It was after a London event. I was just teasing. I was just teasing when I took it too far. I had a few drinks, so would he. It was like four in the morning. He was drinking a lot of whiskey. I was drinking whatever I drink, and we're all having a good time. And then somehow, nicknames came off and I was like, Irish dragon. I said, Is anyone in your family actually Irish? Because my mom's actually Irish. And I'm like, Okay, listen, unless someone in your immediate family has an Irish accent, you can't call yourself Irish. And of course, I'm joking, I'm busting balls. But Paul didn't take it too kindly. And fair play, he is an Irish dragon. He's a fiery dragon, that's for sure. He was getting in my face. And I'm like, Paul. And then I was like, I was just continuing to be a smoke because I was laughing. I was drunk. I was winding him up, but I didn't think he'd get quite so... Hey, there you go. Careful with Paul Felder. Paul Felder does not mess about. Let me tell you that.


Everybody's favorite county of Ireland, Philadelphia, dude. They all know what's up over there.


Shut up. Paul's the man. I love Paul. He's so good to work with. This episode is sponsored by optimizers that are going to give you every form of magnesium that your body requires. And you're sitting there thinking, I don't need magnesium. Why do I need magnesium? Well, you probably don't know it, but 80 % of the population is deficient in magnesium. And magnesium is required in your body for a bunch of different things on a cellular level. And one of those things it is critical for is sleep. Magnesium increases GABA, which encourages relaxation on a cellular level, which, as I said, plays a massive part in your sleep. Magnesium also plays a key role in regulating your body stress response system. Those with a magnesium deficiency usually have higher anxiety and stress levels, which negatively impact sleep as well. And don't just go out there and buy any magnesium because most magnesium supplements that you buy have one or two forms of magnesium, when in reality your body needs all seven forms of this essential sleep mineral. And that is why you're going to buy Magnesium Breakthrough. I recommend it because it's got all seven forms to help calm your mind, help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed.


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Oh, he's been talking about it. Remember we had that phone call that he had with Mick Maynard sometime last year. There's an itch. I've become a star in this other place, but I still want to be a UFC He's a UFC champion one day.


Well, the rumors that I'm seeing right now, and I'd love to see him back in the UFC, I would. The rumors that I'm seeing is that with Conor McGregor now being a part owner of BKFC, and I don't know if this is true, and I don't know if I want to see it, Dylan Dennis versus Mike Perry, Bear Knuckle.


Take my money.


Oh, really?


Oh, yeah. To watch Dylan Dennis get smashed to bits. It's going to be insane.


And every dollar that he makes goes to Logan Paul.


It's a win-win. Oh, it's great. That's the best.


No, I don't like that, if I'm honest. I saw that recently. Dylan Dennis had a tweet out there. He said, He's trying to ruin my life for the last The last nine months. I've been dealing with this lawsuit. Oh, I didn't even know. Yeah, I saw a tweet from him recently, and I resonated with that. A former manager of mine had a bullshit lawsuit that went on for 10 years. And I'm telling you, the mental stress that that causes is just the financial. Every fucking day, legal letters and stuff like that, and just the monthly legal fees that went on for 10 years. And it was all bullshit. And eventually, finally, after three trials, it got thrown out. And then I got some money back, and he still owes me a It's a fortune of it, which I'll never see, but whatever, I want in the end. So I feel for Dylan that. But you start posting pictures, rude pictures of the man's love of his life. He's going to do something. Is it the mother of his child?


Yeah, she's pregnant now. Yeah, but I... Go on.


Does Dylan Dennis owe him a full ton of money?


I have no idea what's going on in Dylan Dennis's life.


No, Nina and Logan are both suing him, and he's been very vocal about how that's-He hasn't lost yet, right?


He doesn't owe them a million dollars yet.


But he still has to pay the court fee, the legal fee, as Mike was saying, to your lawyers every month to go and fight this case. And Logan, it's not hurting him.


That's the problem with the legal system out here. And sorry, not just here, in the UK as well. And probably most countries, Western countries, or with a similar legal system. You file a lawsuit against somebody, and if you have the money to prosecute, the person defending could have done absolutely nothing wrong. It can be totally fabricated, and you have no choice but to lawyer up and pay the legal fees of which they are absolutely astronomical, or you're going to lose that case. You're going to have a judgment made against you for whatever amount of money it is. And if you have money in the bank, if you have assets, houses, cars, whatever it is, they're going to come and they're going to take it all off you if you don't pay a ridiculous amount of money. Now, granted, if you are successful, the person that's suing you has to pay your legal fees. But sometimes it doesn't pan out like that. Sometimes the judge says, No, I don't know. It's a bit ambiguous. I wasn't sure. I'm not going to wash my hands of it all, but you all cover your own legal fees. It's a messed up system.


I could sue you right now, Brian. What for? What would I sue Brian for, Harry, to?


I don't know.


I don't know.


I told you to contract, but there isn't one.


Yeah, exactly. You could sue me. Let's do it the other way. Sue me for Harrington could sue me for abuse.


That's fair.


Yeah, sure. In the workplace.


I'll tell you. Yeah.


Judge, strangers come up to me, say, What's your view to me in front of my daughter?


They say it in a Yeah, that's it. This is a legitimate thing, right? And it's messy with your side.


It's like getting served tomorrow.


You can't go out in public now when you're with your father, who's a respectable man, okay? When you're with your young child, when you're with people and work associates, and there's people just abusing you in the street, it's affecting your sleep. You don't want to go outside. You can't sleep at night. It's perfecting your professional relationships and your personal relationship with your... Is it your fiance now? Wife? Yes, fiancé. Yeah, with your fiancé.


I'm saying I would not be surprised if somebody in the comments He was like, I'm a lawyer, Harrington, please call me.


Yeah, just for the record, I'll kill you. I'll kill you. At this point, I am reminded from that scene from Casino. He says, Joe Pesce, if you I don't have my money in the morning, this is what's going to happen. I'm going to come around, I'm going to break your face. What does he say? He's going to beat the shit out of me. I'm going to put you in the hospital, and you're going to be in a fucking coma. By the time you're getting out of a coma, I'll be getting out of prison. And you know what I'm going to do in the first day? I'm going to come beat the shit out of you again because that's who I am, and I got to deal with that. So I have my money in the morning. And if you pull that shit, Harrington, you're dead. I'm joking. Just thought I'd say that for the record.


But I do. My God. That's all jokes here, everybody. Mike Perry, Dylan Dennis, though. How fun is that going to be?


Yeah. Build up great. Dylan Dennis, awesome. Because he does promote a show. He does in his own unique way, and he's got himself in hot water on social media before we were just talking about it. I think Mike Perry would just absolutely murder him, though. I mean, the aggression from Mike Perry in bare-knuckle, it's just one mode. He's like a Pitbull. He's like an absolute Pitbull. He just, That's it. We're fighting bare-knuckle. We're going to stand in the pocket. We're going to swing. We're going to swing and you're just going to fight. And the last man standing. He fights for real like Shor Strickland says he does.


Hear me out. Mvp gets to a belt, and they bring Mike Perry in to fight for the title. And then we have Mike Perry holding a UFC belt by the end of the year.


Oh, God. Wild card.


It's built in.


That is the avenue of mixed martial arts matchmaking. Jesus Christ. Could you imagine Mike Perry, cut from the organization, becomes a massive superstar, makes, I don't know, I'm assuming millions of dollars at this point, comes back to the UFC, rematches Michael Vennan Page, pardon me, and becomes the champ. Now, that's a Hollywood story right there.


It's all in play.


It's all in play.


You need to call Mike Perry's manager and get on with that shit. Okay, this weekend, we got some fights going down. Edson Barbeau has worked with Lerone Murphy, the undefeated miracle Laron, the Miracle Murphy. Tremendous fight. Edson Barba was a man. I think last time we saw him, Sadik Youssef, right? He had a tough fight against Sadik Youssef. Beautiful fight. Sadik Youssef, it looked like it was going to be done. It looked like Sadik was going to finish him early. And Edson Barba was a show that he still got a chin. He can still take. He still started landing those spinning wheel kicks and shit. It was a phenomenal fight, and he wins a very, very hardfoured decision. Laron Cormur Murphy on the flip side, younger, not as much as Miles on the clock in the ring, but Miles on the clock outside of the ring. Remember, this guy was shot in the face multiple times, I believe, if I'm not mistaken, he's been on the podcast. Then he fell off his bike. He was in a coma, got hit by a car when he was on his bike. So that's why he hasn't been fighting too frequently.


But he's really good. He's got slick striking, great boxing, good take down defense, and I'm assuming decent jiu-jitsu. We just don't really see it much. But it's an interesting fight. It's a clash of two strikers. Who you got?


It's so tough to pick against Edson Barboza, especially the last two fights, Billy Q, and then, as you were saying, the Sidi Youssef, he does do a very good job of turning back these hungry young prospects. There's something about Laron, though, that feels like... There's two types of prospects that fight Edson Barboza. Remember when Khabib absolutely ragged all them and dominated him for the better part of five rounds versus something, like I said, the Billy Qs or Sidi Youssefs of the world. I think Laron is closer to the Khabib camp where this guy is legit title contender versus some of these other guys who I think are going to be very good prospects, guys who I think can be ranked in the division, but maybe not championship material.


Yeah, no, I was listening to you. I'm just bringing up the Wikipedia page. You could just take a look. Yeah, because it's one of those because I support English fighters. I root for them. But it doesn't mean that I just blindly say they're going to win. And does it mean I always want them to win. I can't think of many, but if you're a dickhead, do you know what I mean? And someone's a better fighter and have a better relationship, sometimes that might skew you. But Leroy Murphy is a great guy, man. He's a He's a great guy, and he's a great fighter, and he's undefeated. And I think he's got the future to become a champion. But then when you look at Edson Barbuza, oh, darling. When you look at Edson Barbuza, when you look at him, you want to talk about a great guy. Never mind all the action inside the octagon, you want to talk about a humble human being and a man that's just a pleasure to be around. He came on the show right after his last fight.


Edson? Yeah, I think so.


I think he might have done it, mate, if he did. And then I've definitely been hit too hard in the head. But when Edson Barboza, man, listen, he's lost a few to Gigi Chkadze and Bryce Mitchell, Paul Felder, Dan Higuet, Justin Gagey. In between those, he's been beating good people. Sadiq, Billy Q, Shane Burgos, Maquaname O'Khani, Dan Hucker. So it's like, I don't know, man. It's a tough fight. I'll say Leroy Murphy. I'll say Leroy Murphy, but if Leroy Murphy gets it done, it's with the hands. He's the better boxer. He's the better boxer. Edson is the better kicker. Ed's got better ju-jitsu. Might be a time when we see Ed and Bob Oza softening him up with the kicks and then go for a takedown. But it's a great fight. Love it.


Yeah, it's going to be a fun fight card. This is a great weekend of fights. Dude, because we got Fury versus Usik in the afternoon, then that's at night. I feel bad for my fiance, how much time be in front of the TV watching men hit each other this weekend.


Yes. Well, I feel bad for your fiance every day. No disrespect. Anthony's back on Monday. Shorter show today. I'm leaving to the airport at 4:00 in the morning. I've got a lot of loose ends. I got a lot of evidence. I got to do something about this hair. I got to go get a haircut. If you have a question now for next week, send it into bympod@gmail. Com.


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There's two shows in a row now, brother. I've cursed you.


Yeah, dude. It's you staring me down.


Oh, yeah. Hey, listen, thanks. There's me, though. Thanks for supporting everyone. We appreciate you, and we'll be back on Monday.