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Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the up. You're listening to believe.


You, me with Michael the Count Bisbing and Anthony Lionheart Smith.


Do not adjust your screens. Anthony Smith has not grown dreadlocks. For this one, I am joined, of course, by the one, the only, my former opponent, a very good friend of mine, an absolute legend when it comes to mixed martial arts, the one and only, sugar, Rashad Evans. Rashad, my man. Thanks for your time, brother.


Michael. Bisbee. What's going on, brother? How you doing?


Let's go, let's go. You know, so I'm sitting there on my balcony last night, and a mutual friend of ours, Chris from Fitz, order. He text me about a drink. And then I get the notes for mix for the podcast today from Harrington, my producer, and I'd seen this anyway, I'm like, why did I not think about asking Rashad? Because you are coming back to the ring, to the squared circle, with a former opponent, the one and only Quentin Rampage Jackson. Talk to me about what's going on, Rashad.


Yeah, you know, you know, after me and Rampage did the podcast, you know, we had a good podcast, but, you know, we started to talk, and he talked about the whole thing that happened between him and Shannon, how the fight didn't end up going through, how he got in great shape. And now that he's got in great shape, he's got his diet under control, he's feeling strong, he's feeling good. He was talking about getting some rounds and he said, I don't want it to go to waste. And I'm like, dude, say less, say less. You know, me and rampage, we've had, you know, we had a tumultuous, crazy relationship in the beginning, but we did, we did the movie together. We were, you know, german twins. And after that, we kind of, we kind of had a chance to talk things out and kind of establish a relationship. But there's still that competitive edge. Cause even when we're doing a show, even we're doing a movie, you know, we'll be doing workouts and we'll find ourselves, you know, competing a little bit. Just doing a little workout, you know.


So what was the movie?


The movie is boss level.




Boss level.




Joe. Joe. Oh, okay. Okay.


No, Joe Carnan. I'll tell you, I actually auditioned for a part in that film. They didn't give it to me. They me off. I don't even think they considered me for a second. And then I saw you and rampage in it. I'm like, these bastards, mate. That's awesome. That's awesome. So, obviously, you and rampage for UFC 114 MGM grand, I was the coal main event. I fought Dan Miller, so I helped rampage train for that one. You got the win in that one. You used your wrestling. You've been retired for a little bit, Rashad, now. So how you feeling about this fight?


You know. Well, I mean, I'm feeling. I'm feeling confident. You know, it's a boxing match, so I feel, when it comes down to it, you know, he's complained in the past, the fact that, you know, I beat him, and the only reason why I beat him is because I was able to wrestle. And he talks about the third round, how he had me days and had me skating all nights, and how I barely survived.


And I.


And I've had to listen to this for years. So that. That right there is motivating enough, Mike. It's like one of those things where it's like, listen, I'm gonna try to dog walk his ass. You know what I'm saying? Like, I'm gonna get on him, man, because, like. Yeah, you know, he hit me in the third, and he had a little bit of power. But at the end of the day, like, I feel like when it comes down to where I am right now, as far as my understanding of the striking and my ability to strike, I feel that I'm a walk him down.


You're gonna dog walk the wolf, man? That's brilliant. Hey, you gotta watch that power, though, buddy. The last thing to go is the power. I know. You take care of yourself. You know, you are a true athlete. You are a new person these days from the person you used to be. We've spoke about that many times. Times. But he's still a dangerous old boy.


No, no, he is. He is. And that's one of the things that, you know, I said, if I'm gonna do this, I want to make sure I really take it serious and make sure that I do all the steps, because it's just one thing, you know, like, going in here and coming back at my age is always one of those things where it's like. You know what I'm saying? It could be. It could be embarrassing if you don't do it right. You know? It can be very embarrassing. It can work against you if you don't do it right. And that's something that I had to weigh in my mind, like, is it even worth it? As if I don't, you know, if I don't perform my best, but at the end of the day, it's like, I'm gonna make sure I perform my best. I'm gonna make sure that I bring my best to the table. I'm gonna make sure I'm at my best, and I'm gonna be serious about it, you know? So, um, it's really something fun to look forward to and, uh, you know, we'll see.


Yeah. Yeah, I'm looking forward to. So this is going to be one championship, right, in the american show in Chicago.


Um, I'm not. I'm not sure where it's going to be, but. But we're working something out with one. Yeah. You know?




Yeah, yeah.


So. So talk to me about how the body's feeling, Michelle, because I'm 45. Rampage is 45. What are you, 44?


I'm 44 right now.


Yeah. 44.


Son of a bitch. 44. The man's younger than me. How's the body feeling? Because I'll be honest, mine's falling apart at the seams. You take great care of yourself these days.


You know, Mike, once I took some time off, and I just cut back on the impact of what I was doing. Less hard rounds, more technical rounds. And sometimes, you know, I'm not even getting those rounds in, but I just allow my body to just take the time off it needs to take off. You know, I don't push it when it's feeling worn down. If it's feeling run down, I'll take a few days off, but I know just my mindset. By the end of the week, I'm jonesing to get back in there. So I just make sure I stay pretty consistent. But I don't go crazy with it, and I don't. And I don't try to overdo it. I'm very well aware of the fact that I get my biggest gains when I rest more versus when I try to push through.


Yeah, it's crazy, isn't it? You know, it's only with age and experience you realize that, you know, because when you're kids, it's like, let's go, let's go, let's go. Harder, harder, harder. Sometimes you just got to step off the gas. If you were talking, I mean, because you've been around mixed martial arts at the highest level. You've been a champion, you've coached great people like Camaro, Usman. You're still fighting at your age. You're an analyst in the UFC. And I get young fighters asking me all the time, you know, what's one piece of advice. Somebody asked me at the weekend, I was actually at the Masvidal versus Diaz fight. It was the guy walking me back to the vip area where rampage was actually, he looked a little heavy. He looked bigger than you. And that guy said, he said, yeah, I'm an up and coming boxer. What's one piece of advice? And I was with my brother in law and he laughed his head off when I gave the advice. Like, that's the worst advice ever. I said, make sure you stretch. Make sure you focus on your recovery. And the guy was like, that's it.


I'm like, well, dude, obviously if you want to do this, you're going to push yourself, you're going to train, but make sure you focus on the recovery. And my brother in law was laughing, going, that is the least exciting advice he expected. But what would you say, Rashad?


No, that's very important. That's one up there. But I would say enjoy the process. And whatever that process may be, sometimes that process takes different forms. The amount you gotta train, the times you gotta train, the rest you gotta take, or just dealing with the media of the event, those are the times in my career where I can say I didn't enjoy it the most. You know, the anticipation before the fight sometimes got to me, and I didn't live in enough of those moments. And when you truly live in those moments, you know, the results are gonna be what it's gonna be, but you're truly getting the most out of that experience. And when you get the most out of the experience, able to bring more of yourself. So I would say just be all the way dialed in.


Yeah. That reminds me of a conversation that I had with Anthony on Monday. Obviously, you know, we just fought and came short in his last fight. And he was talking about that, saying how he's not enjoying the process and he just wants the fun part, you know? And I'm like, well, dude, you don't get to have the fun unless you do all the hard work. You know, you've been at some. You've had some ups. A lot of ups. Mainly ups towards the end of your UFC run. There were some, there was some. Some downs, shall we say. What's some advice you would give to Anthony right now?


You know, I would say he has to redefine his. Why? Why is he doing it at this point and reestablish that hunger in that? Why, if that hunger is there? Because here's the thing about it. When he's, he's been in the sport for a long time. He's got over 50 something fights, you know, and he's had a lot of success in that. Right. But there becomes a time where you can't draw on that same pool forever. You can't draw from that same well. You got to be able to dig a new well of this is why I'm doing this and be able to frame it in that context. Because when you're going out there and you got guys who've never had a taste of what you had to, and idealistically speaking, their ambition of what it may be is so overpowering that they'll walk through fire to get there. And that's what you gotta. That's what you gotta meet across the cage. So at the end of the day, your will has got to be strong enough to handle going there against anybody's will. And that's. That comes from that why? So he just got to go and tap into that.


Why he needs to go and just maybe sit down with himself and just, you know, get deep. You know what I'm saying? Maybe drop a few grams of mushrooms to see what's really going on.


I'm glad you brought that up. So get deep. Come on, Mashard. What is getting deep? And if he was to take a few grams of mushrooms or I was, what would happen to me? Where would I go? Come on. Come on. Because I need to get deep. You see me now. I'm always acting the fool. I said to myself this morning, because I'm always a dickhead on the podcast, just maybe this time, I'm going to bring the energy down a bit. I'm not going to be as silly, I'm not going to be as foolish, but I can't help it. Maybe I'm just a fool or the class clown, but. So I'm going to go on a mission. I'm going to take some mushrooms. What's going to happen, Richard? Where will I be at the end of my journey?


Well, hopefully somewhere good. Hopefully you've made it through that rough part that can be part of the trip sometimes, you know, when you. When you're battling that. That. That feeling of hanging on to who you think you really are and truly letting go, and it's in that letting go process that you realize that letting go is the most liberating thing that you can do. And a lot of the tension that we have in life and the stresses that we have in life is because we're holding on. And sometimes we don't even realize how tight that we're holding on. But was when you able to let go and just relax and trust in the fact that everything is going to be okay, then you can see on the other side, and then you can find that silver lining in that dark cloud. And, you know, it all depends on the grams you take now, too. You know what I'm saying? You get a little deep, but at the end of the day, it's you discovering yourself, and I feel that that can be overstated enough. You know, we get glimpses of finding ourselves and looking in ourselves whenever we got to have that moment of combat where we got to walk.


You know, we got to walk that green mile to the cage, right? And we get that very introspection, introspective feeling. But, you know, there. There is. There's more behind it, and you can dive deeper into it and really uncover some things and just truly just expose the fear for what it is. And once you expose the fear for true what it is, it can't live you and live in you anymore.


That's. This very, very good words. Let me ask you this stuff, Rashad, because the version of you we. That I see now that I'm talking to you is very different to the 2014 or when was that fight? 2014. No.


Yeah, no, like, yeah, ten.


Very different to the 2010 version. So, would, you know, the psychedelics and the. For want of a better expression, you know, I'm always silly. There's no disrespect, the combinedness of it all. Would that coincide with trying to whoop someone's ass in the UFC? Do you see the juxtaposition?


Yeah. No. You know, it is a juxtaposition, but when it comes down to it, it's coming down to the understanding of who you are. Right. And that's what it's about. And who I am is. That's what I like, that's what I. That's what's fun to me. That's what excites me. So clearing up that path, mentally speaking, as far as getting some of that. That dirty laundry out of my life and mental baggage out of my life that was able to go and the drive to want to compete got stronger, because now I was more crystal clear about why I was competing. It wasn't due to any trauma. It wasn't due to me being mad about this. It was about one thing. It was about me pushing myself as hard as I can. Because you know what? I'm sick like that. And that's what I find fun. And I made it personal, and making it personal is. Is a fuel that's inexhaustible. Because when. When I was using other sources of fuel, just anger and stuff that I have from the past, I found myself, you know, running out. Because as you go through life, life teaches you, and as you learn through life, you learn to forgive, and you learn to work past a lot of the traumas that you have.


Yeah, that's. That's. It's very deep, but it's perfect words. It really is. And I'm sure a lot of young people listening to this right now hopefully take advantage of what you're saying. Rashad, you had a legendary career. Ultimate fighter two. You knocked out Chuck Liddell. You became champion of the world. You coached the ultimate fighter against rampage Jackson. So you guys have a lot of history. What was the peak, the highlight, or the most personal, satisfying victory for you? And don't say when you beat me, because he wasn't. When you walked my ass in.


That was one of the scariest fights, I'll be honest.


No, you know, like a personal victory at the end. I mean, because the obvious choice is when you became the champion.


Yeah. You know, it was. It was the fight that I fought, Chuck Liddell. And it's not so much because of the way the fight ended. It was more or less because that was really one of the first times that I wasn't able to. To conquer the fear that I had, like, you know, the anxiety and the anticipation, the fight. And you get it every single time you fight, but sometimes it's more manageable than others. And then that fight was really my first time not being able to manage it and finding a way to work through that. Once I. Once I was, like, completely an emotional wreck going into that fight. I felt really proud of myself because I felt as if, like I grew as a person. And that's one of the best things about a fight in general is that, you know, people look at the physical side of it and things like that and be like, man, that was awesome. But for me, every single one of my fights, it was very symbolic in the growth that I had internally speaking as a person. And, you know, that fight, I felt as if, like, I grew so much as a person that it leveled me up in a way, in belief in myself that I never had.


And it was something that just kind of stuck with me as a person. It was really one of those moments where it was like, dude, you can do anything that you put your mind to. And it was just kind of very one. It was like one of those moments where you you know, when you're in it, you don't really catch a true glimpse of how far you've come. But that was one of those moments that I was able to catch a glimpse because I remember when I was coming into the UFC and I first got onto the Ultimate Fighter show, and I won that show. I had one of my best friends, Craig Waldeck. He's like, so you mean to tell me that you're going to fight against Cheetah Ortiz and Chuck Liddell? And I'm like. And I'm like, yeah. And he's like, dude, you're going to get killed. And it kind of stuck with me because I'm just like, at that point, I was so happy to be in the UFC, I wasn't really even thinking about the competition like that. And it never dawned on me that in people's mind that these people are so big that they can't get beat.


And when I beat them, I'm just like, all right, all right.


Yeah, yeah. No, no. And I totally resonate with that because me personally, and by the sounds of it, yourself and a lot of other fighters, we kind of have this impostor syndrome, you know, because we look at these people, we put them on a pedestal. We see them on tv, you know, and then all of a sudden, we're in there, and I'm like, oh, shit, we're really doing this. We're really winning. Like, when we fought, sorry to bring it up again, but that was my first loss. And when I. I was so happy. Kind of going the distance.




Do you know what I mean? I was like, well, I went to a decision with Rashard Evans because I watched you on the ultimate fight season two. So I was like, shit, this Richard Evans, he's the wrestler? You can't compete with the wrestler. I'm like, well, I did okay, you know, and my manager at the time was like, what the are you talking about? You just can't compete. Your career is down the toilet. I'm like, I don't know. I'm pretty happy with it. With a close fight, you know? But. No, but I think it's remarkable for people to hear stuff like that. I can hear the birds tweeting. Sounds like you're in paradise.


Yeah. You know what it is? It's the baby birds that I got. It's the baby birds that I got.


What kind of birds? Never mind the product. I want to hear chickens.


Chickens. Chickens. Chickens, chickens.


Can you show me?


Huh? They're in. They're in a little tent. Right now, they're, like, in a little. In a little. Let's see here.


My wife is obsessed with birds.


No, there's. They're still, like. They're still, like, in there infancy stage here that is.




Yeah, they just barely getting around. They're too, uh. They're too small to be on their own right now, so they're just in.


The little, you know, raising your own eggs and stuff like that. That's the idea.


That's the idea, man. That's where I want to go with it, man. That's what. You know, we had about eight chickens before, and the way it works out here, man, it just. You don't keep your chickens long, sometimes it gets snatched up by all kinds of foxes and everything else out here.


Yeah, yeah. That's what we're trying to do. We're talking about North Carolina, starting a farm.


Oh, you. Listen, Mike, listen. You have to do it. You can.


For the.


For the kind of money you pay in LA, bruh. Listen, you would be living high on the hog out here. I'm telling you.


I'm telling you. My wife's like, she wants bees, she wants goats, she wants pigs, she wants chicken, she wants to grow all these vegetables and all the rest of it. And I'm like, okay, whatever. I'll just go along for the ride. But you're right.




The finances, that sounds very.


I mean, listen, when you don't got to pay all those taxes, bro.


Bro, we just raised them again yesterday in California for small businesses out business owners. Because I've got the UFC gym, and I'm like, jesus Christ. It's hard enough just to keep the place open because we're like, you know, I mean, like, the gym's got a lot of members, but it's like, you know, it's hard. Rashad, all chickens aside, umbo. Tell me about umbo. What is this drink?


So, umbo is a functional mushroom company that I'm a part of. I'm partners with Jake Plummer, the former cornerback for the Denver Broncos, Arizona Cardinals, and also dell jolly. We're founders in a company, and we started the company just because of the benefits that we had from the functional mushrooms. Not the medicinal, not the crazy ones, but the lion's mane, reishi, turkey tail, the ones that have no psycho, no psychoactive effect. So we started this company, and we had a few different skus. One of them was this really good, nutritious bar. It's a MuShrooM bar, has, like, 15, like, a bunch of different mushrooms in it. Lion's mane, turkey tail reishi. ANd it's like 1500 milligrams of mushrooms in it. Then we had capsules, and we came out with the drink. As of lately, it's a Michael rise and a micro ras. It's like the recovery type thing, because our main thing is we're pushing the active, but we were using the mushrooms for that, using the cordyceps and, and their, like, opponents, you know, different mushrooms that work together with that. And then we have the micro rest, which is for after you get done from working out.


It's more of something to kind of help you, you know, get into rest and relaxation and things like that to help you down, cycle a bit.


Nice, nice. Yeah, I see a lot of these products, and I'm starting to delve into this kind of stuff myself. Not that you're pitching to or anything, but if you were on dragons den. No, that's the UK version. If you were on, what's it called? Shark tank. Right. Now, what makes your product stand out over the competitors?


Well, I mean, what makes us stand out is the fact that we've. We tried to take more of an athletic approach with our formulations and things like that, because me and Jake are athletes and we wanted something in the mushroom space, but we wanted to be more speak to the athletes. And what we need, we need a little bit extra when it comes to things that can make us move and things that can help us with balancing out the inflammation, you know, balancing out that lactic acid that builds up and things like that. So we try to put mushrooms together that really work and really speak to, you know, the athletic body and what the athletic body needs during competition.


Okay. Okay, well, I'm sold. Uh, I'll invest $200,000, 10%.


Umbo.Com. Yep. And if you can go and you can check out, we got a bizbing. Is the, uh, is it a code offer? So if you guys go and you put in biz bing, you'll get a discount.


Lastly, what are you wearing right now? Because you. You're getting smaller and smaller every time I see you. Yeah.


So, so here's the thing. Like, I. I look like I'm a lot smaller, but I'm around, like, 200 and 2225.




So I'm still. I'm still heavier. The thing is, I don't lift any weights, so all the weight is kind of carried in my. In my lower, lower part.


You know, that's what makes the power.


That's the power right there.


It's all in the ass. So, rampage, he's gonna get knocked out or what?


You know, I'm not gonna talk crazy yet. I gotta start going through camp and see how I feel, but, I mean, yeah, I'm gonna walk his ass down. We can put that on. We can put that on a record. Okay, I'm gonna walk.


I've got a dog walk. Rampage. Amazing. Rashad, always great talking to you, buddy. I'll see you on the road soon. All the best with everything, and thanks again.


Thank you, my man. Take care. Peace.


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I think the biggest thing just came across my desk earlier this morning. There is nothing confirmed yet, but the rumors are that the UFC is looking to set up a fight between Justin Gaethje and Alexander Volkanovsky for, I believe it's UFC 308 in Abu Dhabi.


Oh, interesting, interesting. You know, I saw something about that, I think, last week on Twitter, but it was just some, like, you know, random Twitter account talking about it. And the fact that you're seeing it now. I don't know. I don't want to break any stories or whatnot. But you're seeing it online, so it's reported. But if we just take it as that it's happening right now as a discussion point, my initial reaction is, God bless Alexander Volkanovsky. I mean, what a guy, right? Because he just lost two to Poria. Tough knockout. Loses to Islam. Tough knockout. Beat yair, but lost to Islam. Before that. He was the long time champ. He was the pound for pound number one. Two tough knockout losses in a row. Takes, what, eight months off and comes back and takes on Justin Gagey, who's one of the scariest dudes in all of the lightweight division. And of course, given the way it ended against Max Holloway, a man that's going to be extremely motivated to come back as the best version of himself, to ride the ship, get back on track, get that title fire before he retires, because he spoke about it, Justin, he doesn't want to do this for too much longer.


So you put all that into the equation. Justin Gage is going to come back a really, really dangerous version of himself. Because most fighters, if you cut from the correct cloth, when they lose a fight like that, they come back better, you know? I mean, Justin Gage has never been knocked unconscious like that. I think he has been stopped before, but he's never come back. He's never lost a fight like that. And when you do lose a fight like that, that's when you got to do some soul searching. You got to figure out why you do this sport, and you got to also make sure, because now there's an element of fear. You know, stepping back in the October when you just got flatlined like that, there's an element of fear, first and foremost, which is present in your mind. So to ensure that doesn't happen, you're leaving no stone unturned. So Justin Gage is going to come back. Absolutely. At the height of his danger or his potential danger. And Volkanovsky is like, yeah, Mike, give me the fight. There's me swearing again. But that's what he's going to say, you know, and even though.


What is Volkanovski? 35 36 even by the time the fight comes around. Yeah. Volkanovsky. Unbelievable.




And it's like, you know, to. For a guy, like we just saw with Dustin Poirier, like you were talking about, right? Like he had that bad knockout against Justin Gaethje, comes back against Ben Washington, and it's like, oh, yeah, no, this guy should be fighting for a title, you know? So it's like, you know, you. You do see that turnaround very quickly, especially at the higher echelon of this weight division. But, I mean, good on Justin Gaethje, too, right? Last 40 took was against a 145. Er, came up, slept him. Right? Like, put him in a bad way. Now you got a guy who arguably has bigger power in a Volkanovski than a Max holloway. And it's like, you know, you're stepping right in there against him, and it's.


A guy that's beaten Max Holloway three times. You know what I mean? I never thought it before. From that perspective, when you think of Justin Gagey, the human highlight reel, you think of the punching power, the takedown defense in the world that he was on, but he lost to Max. And as I said, volk beat Max handily. Handily three times. So, yeah, a very, very entertaining matchup. I hope that becomes official. But what does that mean for Volkanovski? Does that mean he's coming up to 155 at his weight, with him losing two fights via knockout? I think that would make sense if he still wants to fight, which, of course, he's going to, because Volkanovski as well, he's been calling out everybody. He's been trying to step up last minute against everybody. I just love this guy. He's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. He's very humble, he's down to earth, great sense of humor, hell of a barbecue chef, and he just embodies the whole australian vibe. Australian people are just so chill and down to earth. But I think him moving up to 155 because of the wake ups, because of the knockouts, makes a lot of sense.


But that would be a great fight. But one thing about Bolkonovsky is that he was a double champ, or tried to be a double champ against Islam. Makachev. Here's the segway. Blew it for a second. Leon Edwards has been saying that he was interested in that. I'm looking at your note. Note number six, Harrington.


Yes. So he says that while he is interested in a fight with Islam Mahatma, for Islam to potentially come up and challenge for double champ status, he said that's the first lightweight he beat is Dustin Poirier in his last fight. So he's got some more work to do at 155. I have some more work to do at 170, so I would welcome him up for. For a champ. Champ down the line. But I also want to make the jump up to 185 and challenge for two belts myself. So, you know, he better get to. Better get his work done a lot faster than I got mine done.


Yeah, I'm just looking at the rankings here and thinking about Islam, you know, does he really have that much work to do? I mean, the only contender he's really got is Arman Sarrukian, who's on a suspension. But hopefully, by the time that Abu Dhabi card comes around. He should be free to fight Charles Oliveira, number two. Just engage it. He's not probably eligible right now. He just beat Dustin Poirier. I know we did this kind of recently. And then there's Michael Chandlerez. You know, Michael Chandler. He was pissing off Dustin Poirier this week. He was on somebody else's show and was talking about Chandler, and he was like, what did he say? He used we. And Dustin was like, what do you mean this week? You've had one win in the UFC. What did he say? Just remind me.


So he told. He said that Poirier should retire. And he said, you know, we've had enough or something to that effect. And Poirierez, who's we? Let me see if I can find the. If I can find the clip to bring up. But damn, dude, he went after him.


Yeah, no, he did. He did. I mean, who is Michael Chandler, to be honest? To tell Dustin Poirier to retire. I did see that Poirier is angling for one more final fight. I know he was talking about potentially, you know, going up against Nate Diaz. Nate Diaz in a boxing ring as well, which, you know, we'd all love to see that. I don't think that is going to happen. But what other names did he throw.


Out there for boxing? He didn't say. He just said that it is something that it would be interested in. He also said, oh, an MMA. I did not. I did not hear him say anybody who's super excited about fighting. He did talk about the idea that, that he did agree on, like an hour's or 24 hours notice to step in to fight Nate Diaz when Nate ended up fighting Tony, when it went. When Hamza fell off that card. And he talked about. Yeah, he talked about Michael Chandler and how he is absolutely not happy with, with Michael Chandler calling for his retirement.


Well, there's only one way to settle that. They've got a fight. They already did that. It was a potential fight of the year. Dustin Poirier got the job done once again. But they're the type of fights that I wouldn't mind seeing again. And that's all rumored for now, so there's no point digesting it too much. But I do want to talk about this. Alex Pereira is incredible what he's achieved. We all know that. I did a YouTube video this week saying his nemesis is coming. And I am, of course, talking about Artem Vakitov. Artem Vakitov went one on one in glory with Pereira. Very, very close fights. They won one apiece. He's now switched to mixed martial arts. He's two and one. Lost his first fight, just like Pereira, and then he's won two this year. And then now I'm seeing reports on social media that he's gonna be on the Contender series this summer. Now, I don't know. That's what my YouTube editor told me. I'm calling some of the contender fights, but I haven't heard that yet, not from any official sources. But I actually said in that video that I did. I said, look at this.


All he's going to do is win a couple more fights. They'll put him on the contender. There'll be a big song and dance around it. He wins a fight on the contender, he comes on into the UFC, wins two or three fights, and then he will fight Alex Pereira. And I got a ton of shit because Alex Pereira is so popular right now. If you go against that guy, if you predict him to lose a fight, which I did, and of course, Anthony's, you know, said that he's one dimensional and stuff like that. So he gets a lot of. But me just floating the idea that this guy might be coming for him was not a popular notion. I was like, guys, relax. It's just a conversation point. And it is definitely a conversation. This guy is an unbelievable kickboxer. Defended the belt multiple times. Those two fights that he had with Pereira, they were amazing contests. Have you watched them?


I watched the second one, yeah, they were phenomenal.


Now Pereira feels like they gave it to him because Glory knew that Pereira was leaving the organization. They didn't want him to leave with a belt, but they'd be going back and forth. What have they been saying?


Yes. So Vakitov started off, you know, he said that he was interested in coming over to the UFC, you know, and making waves and becoming a champion pretty quickly. Poets on took some exception that he said, hey, brother, be careful with the people that are giving you this idea. The same person that is advising you to do that has tried to do the same to me, and I didn't do it because I'm not stupid. Lol. Everybody knows that when they gave you the win in glory, it was because Glory knew that that would be my last fight in the organization. They didn't want me to leave with the belt. For you to expose yourself like this, it seems like you're a bit lost and almost certainly doesn't have a manager. That's what I think. You should message my boy Jorge Gumares, his manager, because I think he can help you, Shaman?


Yeah. Shama, shama, shama. Everyone's getting shammer these days. Listen, we could talk about that all day long. There's a lot of if, buts and maybes. Pereira kind of got the exact same path, you know, because of the relationship or the history with Izzy. So this guy's probably going to repeat history because of his history, to use that word again with Pereira. So it's history repeating itself, kind of. But I tell you what, you know, the interesting thing is, look at the influx of kickboxers that we've had lately in the UFC. And I think it's phenomenal, I really do, because it just shows the evolution of the sport. Because for the longest time, people always say the best base for mixed martial arts is wrestling or jiu jitsu, because you can add all the other things on. Well, now we're seeing high level kickboxers, and I was thinking earlier, I even put a tweet out this morning, what are, who are some of the best kickboxers that we've had in the UFC? And when you start going down the list, I mean, if I even bring up the tweet and look at the responses, you go through it, you've got Anderson Silver.


He's probably one of the greatest of all time. Defended the belt God knows how many times. I think eleven, he'd be up there. We've got Israel Adesanya, Alex Pereira, Vandelier Silva, Merko Krokop, Shogun. He was a champion. Loyoto Machida. Was a karate specialist. Not a kid boxer, but a striking background. George St Pierre, believe it or not, was a karate guy before he learned to wrestle. Did not wrestle at college. What is it? Maurice Green. He was a kickboxer back in the day. He was a heavyweight champion.


Was overeem a kickboxer.


Aleister Oveream. Was certainly a kickboxer. Will be joined by one of the world's best kickboxers very shortly. Giga Gicadze. He was going up against Arnold Allen. The point I'm making is it's looking like there's a shift, you know, I mean, don't get me wrong, the Dagestanis, the wrestlers, they're always going to have their place. But I think as the sport evolves and coaching methods get better, people are learning how to stop the takedowns, how to get back to the feet. That's why I think if you look, and maybe I'm wrong, but it feels like the number of submissions that we see in the UFC compared to other years has kind of gone down. Certainly when you look at 1993, when the UFC originated, nobody knew what an arm bar was. Just people, you know, that did brazilian jiu jitsu or some martial arts weirdo, you know what I mean? Most people did it. Now everyone knows you gotta watch the armbar. When you pull the arm out, you gotta watch the triangle, you gotta watch the rear. Nikki chokes and all the rest of it. When you're standing back up, you gotta keep your back against the fence, and people don't take you back.


And I point the hooks in. There's a lot of very, very basic principles now that people can follow as a fighter to eliminate a lot of the threats. But, Brian, while we're just talking, can you just look up and I think we've done this before, and I think it proved me wrong, but just look up number of submissions in the UFC 2024. We'll have to go 2023 compared to 2015, but it's hard to. You can't really do that because we have more events these days, but still. Just have a look, Brian, if you can. But what do you think, Harrington? What's your point as a guy that's never trained and doesn't know how to do an armbar or kick someone in the head?


I've slept on trains, so that counts. So I thought this was interesting response. He said, it's been great to see your success, and I wish you even more success in the future, but I am sure you can understand that. For me, it is strange to be always reading about the best striker on the planet when, in my opinion, I beat this person twice already. I would like to settle the issue in the UFC octagon. And it's like, well, yeah, I don't. I see that. And it's like, okay, so why. What is stopping us from having this happen? Because, like, you know, the. The. You got Joe Rogan openly begging the. The president of the company to let this guy go up to heavyweight and face new challenges there. Like, I mean, you know, the wall while Magaman and Goliath is there. Sure. Like, I don't think. I don't know. I don't know too many people who are that excited to be watching Magaman ackle. I don't think I'm ever going to be bouncing little or on my knee telling her about Magama and Goliath's debut. You know, this guy, though, this guy who is a superstar, high level kickboxer who can.


If you put that kid in the contender series, like, that's going to be a massive, highlight reel worthy knockout. And somebody like that who is laser focused on a champion at 02:05 that the champion at 02:05 is already talking about. I mean, dude, it's already there. Please just give it to me. UFC?


Yeah, yeah, yeah. But we do have to point this out. Just because you're a great kickboxer doesn't mean you'll be a great mixed martial artist. Just because a few years ago, you had two great fights with Alex Pereira doesn't mean you can revisit that a few years down the line and still have the same result. You can't take that for granted, right? Look at Alex Pereira and look at the work that he has done. You know what I mean? Look at the discipline that he has shown, the training that he has put in. Like, he just knocked out Yuri. He was back in the gym on Monday. There was footage of him on social media. Now, I don't know if it was for social media alone or just to do a little YouTube video or whatever, saying, hey, guys, look at me on. I just. Mister, mister work hard, dedication. You know what I mean? And then, like, they got the video, and then he was like, screw this charmer. I'm off to the pub, right? Even though he doesn't drink, you know?




But the point, what I'm saying is, he's clearly. Clearly been ultra dedicated, had an incredible team around him, and the proof is in the pudding. It kind of goes back to, like, what we were saying about what Anthony was saying on Monday, you know what I mean? About the training, how he doesn't enjoy it. You've got to enjoy the process. Vishal was just saying it a minute ago. So we don't know what this Arsene Vakitov has been doing. He switched over to mixed martial arts. Yeah, he's russian, so, you know, I'm finding an international master of sambo in his local neighborhood isn't going to be hard. You know what I mean? There'll be plenty of people called Nikolai or Dmitry that can double leg the shit out of him all day long. Do you know what I mean? I guarantee. I guarantee within five doors of where Vakitov lives, does an international master of sambal. Okay. One of his neighbors knows how to wrestle at a very high level.


Yeah, believe it or not. You can go down to the Home Depot there. There's seven international master of Sambo guys just waiting for work.


It's like, brother, brother, this is number one bullshit. I was international master of sport, and now I sell wood to people. But anyway, we got Gigi Jakadze joining.


Us on your question. Earlier, I found this chart.


Oh, yeah, please. Thanks, Brian. Because Harrington just glossed over that completely and went back.


But I was giving Brian time to look it up.


This is knockouts and submissions between 2020 and 2014. This is just the nicest package I found.


Knockouts and submissions. So 2020 to 2014. So it's going down 77 to 99 from 14 to 2020, which doesn't sound like that much, but it's 22 less. So we'll call that almost a quarter.




And I. And I think that trend has increased even more in the last few years.


Well, also, there's probably more events going on in 2020 than there was in 2014, I would imagine.


Yeah. Well, yeah, that's actually a really good point. There was, for sure, more events. There's more events now. There's more people doing it. The popularity of the sport is at an all time high. It's never been bigger, and it's still growing. More people are adopting this as a career. You know, mixed martial arts wasn't the type of thing that people considered realistically as a career move, you know, and that's why at high school, certainly in America, your big, massive athletes, they're going to go towards football, they're going to go towards basketball or other sports which are more of established with an established, you know, way to make ridiculous amounts of money. Baseball, so on, tennis, so on and so forth. But now this reach. Really reaching the levels now to where certain people, if you're willing to work hard, you might go, shit, let's go and do this. The point I'm making is, though, is that it's so exposed to everyone, then you're going to be pretty shit these days to be getting submitted. I don't know. That's a joke, of course. But, you know, you pound someone, you punch them in the face, elbow them, the brain gets scrambled and you don't really know what's going on.


So take that last comment with a pinch of salt. But, yeah, it is interesting.


Oh, you know what else is interesting?


Go on.


Giga, Chicago.


What's up, guys?


The one, the only, Giga. The Giga kick. Jacadze. What's up, brother? How you doing?


Good, sir. I'm doing great, brother. How are you? Been a while.


I'm doing good. I'm doing better than your Internet connection right now. It's settling in. It's settling in. There we go. You were very. You were very pixelated a moment ago. It looked like you were coming in on 1995 georgian Wi Fi.


Actually, it's not that bad, brother. I'm not far from you. I'm in Huntington beach.


Oh, yeah, I know. I know.


What's going on?


Giga, thanks for joining me, buddy. I know you got a big fight coming up soon. Arnold Allen, UFC 304 how you feeling?


Feeling. Feeling great, you know, finally injury free and ready to go. I'm super excited to go in England. It's been a while. I haven't been there too, and I've never been in Manchester. That's another thing. Any other city, I always wanted to go, especially the all the soccer popularity in England. You know, I've been a big fan of soccer for a long time, so.


Nice. We'll try and get you out to a game if there's one going. Have you been keeping an eye on the euros?


Of course, brother. Georgia made the first time the European cup and they went in. They went in 16 finals. You know, they made it history for us. We beat to Portugal.


I hate to brag, but we're in the final.


It's all good, brother. It's all good. I've been an England fan for a long time, you know, especially Michael Owen. The player was my favorite when I was a kid.


Nice, nice. Have you fought in England before?


Tournament in karate in 2002.


Nice, nice. Okay, so you're kind of familiar with it. Of course the fight's going to be happening maybe 02:00 in the morning. You've probably never done that.


I don't pay attention, brother. I live in California. I'm going to try to stay here as long as I can. So I'm gonna arrive as late as I can there. And can I keep sleeping daytime? I mean, I'll follow the California time. One of the pioneer from UFC recommended me through my friend.


I wonder who that could be.


Yeah, we have.


We have a mutual friend, of course. And I was saying that's all you got to do. I mean, you're on California time now. Just stay on it, which is almost impossible, but you want to get up and you want to get some daylight anyway. You want to get a bit of vitamin D, get a bit of sun. Not that you'll get much in Manchester, but it's good for the brain. What was I going to say? Oh, yeah, I wanted to ask, before we talk about Arnold Allen, I want to ask you about this, Giga, because we were just having a conversation about kickboxers and how successful kickboxers are being in the UFC now. I mean, obviously you got Alex Pereira, you've got Israel, Adesanya. There was many, many others beforehand, yourself, of course. Do you feel like there's a shift now? Because in the past, it was all about wrestling and jiu jitsu, but do you feel like there's a shift in terms of a base?


Yeah, 100%. You know, 100%. When you. So back in the days, nobody knew what was jiu jitsu, right. So Gracie came and he submitted everybody with, like, the basic jokes, because when you don't know what. What's jiu jitsu? It's really hard to understand. And sometimes the people were panicking for. From the. Some of the. The basic moves today that even a ten year old would do even better, you know? But now people spending a couple of years in Jujitsu, a couple of years in the grappling, and the rest of their life in striking, that's a problem, brother. That's a real problem.


And in my opinion, I mean, I love grappling, of course, but it makes it very exciting for the fans.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


And you are one of the best kickboxers that we've seen in the UFC, Giga. That's why I always love watching you fight Arnold Allen. So. I know Arnold, obviously. We're both English. Doesn't mean I know everybody. It was like I was going to get Marab on, and I was trying to get Ilya on, and we were going to do a georgian takeover, and I just.


When you're talking about georgian takeover, that's all you have here, you know that? You talk about me, you know? You.


Okay, when you.


When you say georgian takeover, here I am. You know? Anybody else?


Fuck everybody else. Here he is, one and only. We don't need anybody else. You are the georgian takeover. So the georgian takeover of Manchester. For that to happen, you got to get through Arnold Allen. He's a great guy. He's a nice, humble guy. What do you think of him as a fighter?


Okay, we're talking about the people's personalities here, or we're talking about the fight, brother. We're in business. You know, we're. We don't give up. Who we gonna fight? I'll fight everybody.


We don't.


We. Everybody.


Oh, I'm sure. Okay, so how you gonna.


I'm sure he's a great guy, you know, great human being. I watch few videos. He's put some of the YouTube and stuff, and that's the one good thing in MMA, you know? Like, the people don't know how good human beings we are. They all think that we are just some badass who love to go in the street and fight everybody. But that's completely opposite in my opinion and from my experience, obviously there are some idiots as well in any sports, but, yeah, I'm sure he's a good guy.


Yeah, no, he is. He's a very nice guy. But all that aside, it doesn't matter whether they're a good guy or a bad guy. Who gives a shit. You're going to try and knock him out. Simple as that. What do you think the strengths and weaknesses are of Arnold Allen? What have you got to do to beat this guy?


He's short.


Oh, straight for the jugular. He's short.


I mean, he's obviously like well rounded in the all distance. You know, he has a good wrestling and grappling. His training, the one of the high level grappling gym as well, like, mindset in MMA, their gym is kind of grappling, I believe, but obviously he's a good striker as well. Nice southpaw game. Yeah, I mean, as you mentioned, you know, like we strikers, when we come with a high level kickboxing leagues, like either glory or some of the striking schools like that, and then you learn wrestling and grappling and you got comfortable in that, then everyone is the same for you. And especially the MMA strikers who just starting a little bit of everything, you know, I'm saying that I have an advantage in striking, I believe, to compare to all of my opponents and all of the UFC featherweights. And I don't think it's gonna be the surprise for anyone when I step in Octagon. And what's gonna be my plan? My plan is to go there and take their head off, and that's gonna be the same game plan in this game as well.


Always the same game plan. Giga, I'm just looking at your record. Eight and one in the UFC, right. Obviously, you've got a lot more fights than that. 15 and three overall, and I think eight and one in the UFC. Right. The only loss to Kelvin Keita. So you've got a tremendous record. You've had incredible success. But I'm looking at the UFC rankings and I don't see your name. Does that drive you crazy?


I mean, I. I think I'm on the ranking.


No, hold on, let's have a look. I was. I was looking at the lightweight. You're number nine. I was just looking at the wrong rankings.


I'm like, what happened, brother?


Yeah, yeah, no, I know. I'm looking at.


I was.


We were just talking about a different weight class a minute ago. What the hell?


You correct. You correct. I should be ranked in lightweight too, very soon.


Well, Arnold Allen I is number six, right? You're number nine. My apologies, I was looking at the wrong one. So you're going to jump up if you get the job done, which of course you're planning on doing that. I mean, how far away from a title fight are you? And with Ilya Toporia obviously representing your country in Spain at the same time, is that a fight you'd be interested in? And I know it's not going to happen anytime soon, but let's just say Ilya continues to dominate. Is that something you'd be interested in?


Let's say, like this, brother, I have a big fight coming up. This is my title fight. Like you said that. What's your plan? My plan is always to be a champion. I believe my country also deserves to have a real one and only Georgian representing the champion, and I believe that my family deserves it. Obviously, I'm very happy for Ilya. I know him and his family when they also, he was fighting for his title. How me, both of my kids and wife and all of the georgian crew, we went there to support him and his family. And Mehrab was fighting the same day.




But I'm fighting for my family, I'm fighting for myself, I'm fighting the day I was born, there was said that he was born the world champion in the fighting. And that's, that's my motivation and the reason why I'm fighting. I'm not fighting for money. I have everything. What normal men would want, normal family man would want to have it. I have money, I have great houses, I have family. You know, my motivation is the belt. My motivation is to become a champion. And I see Arnold Allen fight as a championship fight. You know, he fought the max very well, and he fought Evloy. That's only two losses he has in UFC. And both of the fights were very close. Some of them think that he won the fight versus Evolv. So I don't watch him as an gatekeeper kind of guy for top five, I watch him as an one of the title contender, champion, level fighter. And winning this fight is going to put me where I belong. But right now, 100%, I'm concentrated on the Arnold Allen. You know, like, I know that that's my belt fight. If I don't win the fight, I'm not going to get any belts right now at the moment.


And I know that I have to win the fight and then I'm looking for the belt. I've done the mistakes. You know, I didn't respect too much Kelvin Ketter, like, as a person and the fighter. I was always big fan of him before I got to UFC because he's one of the great striker in featherweights, you know, he has such a nice wins with the elbows and all different type of the knockouts. And when I was in, when I jumped in the ranking and I was seven and all the time when I fought cater, I promised Daniel the few days before that, hey, don't schedule the fight, because Max got, Max fight with Volkanovski got canceled from the max injury. And I told him that don't schedule the ADHD because that was the week before God canceled that fight. And I was like, I'm gonna win this fight in the first round, and you're gonna put me for the title fight for April in 2022. And he was like, let's see what happens. Let's go. Let's do it. And once I slipped in the first round, if people don't remember, you know, you mentioned that you own or your only loss in UFC.


Yes, I lost this fight, but I still see as a big win in my career from that fight because every time I watched last night, too, every time I watch, I'm proud of myself. 25 minutes going toe to toe, you know, we both end up in the hospital. But I had the great moments. I had more than 150 significant strikes in the first. And the way I started the fight, it was, everything was by plan, and I slept, like, after two minutes, I kicked and I slapped the kick, and I felt by myself. He didn't even take me down, and then he jumped on me. You know, it's kind of like in kickboxing, like when somebody slept, like, we just give him a time to stand up. But, yeah, once again, you know, I learned from my lessons. I didn't stand up really fast, and once I was taking my time, he jumped on me and all that made my muscle, made my body change, and I was not feeling the same way. And from rest of the fight, I was worried about, whoa, I didn't knock him out in the first round when I promised Danny.


So all that said, you know, I learned my lessons, and I feel like I'm a championship level fighter right now and on my path.


That pisses you off, doesn't it, Nate? Giga, I can tell. I can tell. And I love that. I love that. The fact that I even said eight and one, you were like, I feel like I won that. I love that though. That's how a fighter should be. But you know what I find after.


A few hours, I think I did the Facebook live or Instagram live. I was saying that if I would lose the one fight with cater from ten, that would, would be the one. And the rest of the fight I would win. So pretty much I'm saying I think the same way. I made mistake and that's how I lost the fight. Other than that, I don't think the featherweights anybody can beat me.


And rightly so. I mean, your striking is some of the absolute best, obviously, since, I mean, you haven't fought in almost a year. Was there an injury? What was the reason for the layoff?


I was scheduled to fight with Emmet and I tear my groin. The mehrab came to help me for sparrings because of the hate and kind of how stuck in Mehrab is also the like an Emmett, he's obviously his bantam weight, but he kinda was imitating the, he was giving me the same look. And from the far distance I throw my special kick and you know, like when you cutting weight, always stuff like this can happen. And I'm the big guy. I cut 40 pounds for the fight and that's what happened. Yeah. I tear my drawing and unfortunately I couldn't make it.


That's the game, sadly. Well, you are coming back and I love the chip on your shoulder, giga. I love it. Look like you're ready to kill someone.


That's why we're, that's why I'm in the game, you know. Otherwise I would be enjoying with my family. I'm rising. The two kids, both of them the little athletes, you know, enjoying the days with them in the sunny weather in Huntington beachfront.


And that's what life's all about, right? That's why we do this.




Yeah. You're the man. I will see you there in Manchester, I would say sunny Manchester. It's probably going to rain the place. It's a beautiful place. The people are fantastic, very friendly. But it's going to be cold, so make sure you keep hold of that hat you're going to.


I lived in Amsterdam for seven years, so I'm very familiar. Kind of similar weather. Here we go.


Yeah. Okay, well, I'll see you there, brother. Have a great flight. Thanks as always for your time, and we'll talk soon.


Thank you, Michael.


Gigi, you the man. Take care, buddy. All right. Big thanks to Gigi Chikatsi. Well, it wouldn't be the believing me podcast if we didn't sprinkle in a little bit of non MMA. Now, I sent these to you yesterday, Harrington. Not because I think it's great, simply because I'm sick of seeing this girl. And I think it's a real reflection on society en masse, to be honest. And I am talking about the hot tour girl. Right? You've all probably seen it right now. If you've been on social media, you have seen it, but it's everywhere. She's blowing up like crazy, right? She did the interview. I'm sure everyone's seen it, where she was talking about what she would do if she was having oral sex. She would spit on it and all the rest of it. It's a little. It's a little off color, so I'm not going to. We don't need to play the video, but we all know what I'm talking about right now. She's singing at concerts. Who was the country star?


Luke Bryan.


Luke Bryan. Okay. Apparently she's getting her own reality tv show. Okay. And then yesterday, I'm scrolling social media, and now there's new versions of it. Brian, play this. This is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life. Was it. Oh, it's not like, yeah, play this one, though. On that thing. She's not most disgusted. It's got to be super wet, so of course it's gotta be.




Do you, like, pretend this is my. We pretend this is my weenie?


Do you like spinning on it? What?


Do you spit on it? She is a freak.


I get that.


So it.


Show the camera how you do it.


Do it again.


Anyway, anyway, that's not the video that I meant.


There was one other one, too.


There's another one. Brian, play that one. Play that one. Because that one, I think I. But everyone's trying to, like, replicate yet. This one. This is what I saw. This is what I saw. This is gross.


That girl said, hard spit on that thing.


That's boring.


I'm farting on it.


Mm hmm.


Exactly. Speak to him, toothless. I'm farting on it. That just made me want to throw up when I saw that, and I was like, I did not laugh. I thought that was just utterly disgusting.




She called her butthole toothless, as in the dragon from how to train your dragon. That's so funny.


Well, maybe. Maybe I need to watch how to train your dragon more often because I didn't get the job. But I was just like, dude, is this what's happening? I mean, listen, that girl that did that, she came out. She did a little video recently. She was talking about it. I think she was just drunk on a night out, and a camera randomly gets in her face, and she comes out with some nonsense. She comes out of a bit of bullshit. She's being silly. She probably didn't expect it to turn into some massive viral sensation the way that it has. And, hey, fair play, she's getting a five minutes of fame, and she's capitalizing on it, apparently, selling merch and all kinds of stuff. She's now got a manager, which is just wild. But hey, listen, whatever. But when people come out, it's like in the UFC, and you're trying to be somebody else, you're trying to be somebody you're not, it's just cringe. And you thought that was hilarious. But it's like, I really do wonder for young girls these days, it's like, that's what they're seeing on social media, and that's what they're trying to live up to, and that's what they're trying to become.


Harrison, you have a daughter, right? What would you say aura is giving it the Hawk tour when she gets older? Do you know what I mean? Come on.


Well, as I. As I've said on the show before, I am holding out hope that my daughter is a lesbian. But the fact of the matter is. The fact of the matter is like that. That second girl with the farting, she was clearly, I thought she was clearly joking and making a play on that other one, that very attractive girl who's doing the, like, two hands and all that. It's like that is the. That's where it actually becomes a problem. Like the hawk to a girl, right? She blew up. She quit her job at the spring factory. She's moving to LA. She's got plans and things that might actually happen for her. Now. You're going to start seeing so many more of these girls trying to get caught in these. In these, you know, viral street interviews and go more and more over the top. And it's like, if that becomes a career path, if it legitimately becomes a career path to just get drunk on 6th street in Austin, Texas, and tell some guy with the cell phone some of the most perverse things that you could do, like, that's. That's the downfall of western society, more so than it already is.


Yeah, well, that was very well put, and I totally agree. And that's kind of where I was going with it mentally. As I said, I was just sitting there on the balcony yesterday, just chilling and just having a little social media scroll, as you do. And I came across multiple different iterations of it, and I was like, what is going on? Because this is old now. And it came out a few weeks ago and I didn't want to speak about it. I think you put it in the notes at the time.


And I was like, times.


Yeah, you did. And I'm like, I don't want to talk about it. But then when I start seeing all, like, the. The wannabes and people trying to replicate it, I was like, jesus Christ, who were these people's role models? And listen, far be it for me to sit here and judge people, right? I'm not a perfect person. You know, I make a lot of mistakes and all the rest of it, and maybe they're just having a bit of fun, but, like, come on. Come on. Jeez. Have you not got any shame whatsoever? Maybe I'm getting old. Maybe I'm getting older. Maybe I'm being a little bit judgmental with it, but it's like, dude, really? I have a bit of respect for yourself. One day you're going to meet a guy, one day you're going to meet a guy, and that guy's going to see that video and be very put off by it, one would assume. Yeah.


I mean, either that or you're just going to be busy hawk chewing every night. Because it's like, well, you're doing it for these dumb guys in your twenties. I'm your husband.


Come on. Jesus Christ. I mean, there is a give and take, isn't there? There's a give and take. All right. No, I completely retract my statement and my position is changed. I'm with you, Harrington. I'm on board. Let's go hog tour all day. England. Congratulations. They are in the finals. So that's fantastic. I'm not a big football fan, so I can't sit here and debate the finer ins and outs, but I do just want to say congratulations and good luck on Sunday. So what do we do? Danny Trejo getting into a fire at 80 years old or two. Burgers being better than a burger with fries, I think. Danny trail all day long. Brian, roll the tape, please. So what's going on? So there's Danny Trail gets out the car.


Yeah. He's driving in this lowrider. Right before this video was filmed, someone threw a water balloon at the lowrider, right? So here's Danny gets out.


Oh, boom. Dropped. Dude, that guy's swinging hard. So that's basically the gist of the video. Yeah, that's the Danny trails driving along. They throw a water bomb at him. He pulls up, gets out, walks over and just starts swinging in. That's crazy, man. Listen, again, not being judgmental. 80 years old at 80 years. I mean, listen, Danny Trail is a gangster. You know, that's what he's portrayed in films. Prior to being an actor, he was apparently in and out, in prison, in and out of prison for a long time. You know, so, you know, old tricks die hard, so to speak. But I think at 45 years old now, I'm definitely much calmer than what I was in, in my twenties. And I would hope that that continues to evolve. And there's no judgment on Danny trail. I just. If anything, I think it's crazy that 80 years old, that's his goal, to, you know, just jump out and swing. I mean, fair play to the guy, I guess.


Yeah, I mean, it's like. I guess for somebody like that, like the. The g in you, it's hard to kill that. And it's like, you know, you're. You should be so respected at this point. Driving around your own neighborhood in LA and to have then water balloons thrown at you. Apparently there was some confusion. Somebody had screamed out in a crowd it was acid inside the water balloon. So he was like, he got super nervous about that. And he claims he was just going over to confront the guy and say, hey, why are you throwing, like, hazardous materials at my car? The guy then threw a water balloon at him, so he started swinging, and that's. That's how that went down.


Right, right. So these are very, very key important factors that you did. Nothing put in the notes. Do you know what I mean? It's just escalated from having a water balloon thrown at him to potentially hazardous materials to potentially being a balloon full of acid. Number one. If that was true, I want to know what was this balloon made of? That acid didn't corrode through it instantly, okay? It wasn't acid. We know that for a fact. I'm calling bullshit on the acid version. Okay? Yeah, Danny Trail has made that up.


Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I guess you're. You're looking for an excuse. You just got slept in the street. That's why you don't interview a guy after he gets knocked out.


80 years old, getting out and swinging like that. I mean, from one point you can kind of say as a man, you respect it, but at 80 years old, that's dangerous, man. Anything could happen when he got dropped like that. He could have hit the deck, hit his head on the ground and died. You know, there was a guy in our town, got punched in the face in the pub, hit his head on the ground, died. Happens all the time to young men, let alone 80 years old. But still. All right, well, Danny Treyo, he's still got it. He's still a wild one. Today's episode is sponsored by Shopify, which is the e commerce platform revolutionizing millions of businesses worldwide. Basically, if you have an idea, if you have an ongoing business concern, but you want to take it to the next level, you want to get online, you want to accept major credit card payments, you want to have a website and all that type of stuff. That's a big investment. That's a lot of time. It's very, very complicated. Not anymore. Shopify makes it so simple and extremely affordable and of course, done in a very, very professional manner.


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So a dietician came out with uh, with, with this theory here, uh, basically said that, uh, because of the, the kinds of macronutrients and the kind of like, you know, like the, the wider array of, uh, of, of nutrients in, uh, a burger. She said it would. It's technically healthier for you to add a meal, eat two burgers instead of ordering a burger and a side of fries. The idea there being the fries are nothing but carbohydrates and, you know, some salt, sodium, whatever. Um, so you're taking in, you know, a lot of those extra calories, and it's kind of throwing all your macros out of whack. Versus if you eat the two burgers with the buns, you're getting plenty of fat, plenty of protein, and you're still getting the carbohydrates from the buns.


Yeah, yeah. And it makes total sense when you break it down like that. Of course it does, you know, but who wants two burgers? Do you know what I mean? You want the fries? Listen, life, I'm not going to sit here and give everyone a lecture about nutrition and all the rest of it. I try and eat a good diet. I try and eat as little processed foods as possible, but you're allowed to enjoy yourself a little bit. Everything in moderation. And if you want to have a burger, generally you want to have it with some fries. Now, the burger is the best bit, but a side of fries, delicious, fried, golden fries, lots of salt on pepper. I like mayonnaise. I like chipotle. I don't really go for ketchup on the side, but a little bit of dip. Oh, get a couple of those chips. Put them on the burger. Do you do that, Harrington?


Oh, of course. Of course, dude. I'm a certified fat guy.


Now, don't get me wrong. If I go to in and out, I get two double doubles. So it's healthier than getting the fries, you know, but sometimes you gotta have a few fries. Everything in moderation. But I was watching a video this morning, actually, of Russell Brand. Russell Brand was talking to somebody, and they had like a, not a food pyramid, but they had a chart of the most healthiest foods you can eat, down to the worst. So it was something like foods they recommend you should eat in high doses, foods you should be moderate with and foods you should avoid. Right at the top of the list, it was kale and watermelon. Then it was dried frosted mini wheats, and lucky charms were in the suggested stuff. At the bottom of the barrel in the avoid was eggs, ground beef, natural products. It's absolutely insane, the advice that these people are giving out. And this is Tufts University. I didn't know what Tufts University was. I assumed it was kind of a ponzi nice, well to do school. I thought, is it Ivy League? So I googled it. It's not an Ivy League school, but it's a very, well, highly respected private school, college, university.


And if this is what they're teaching, if they're teaching that, then what other absolute nonsense are they teaching? Because lucky charms should not be a food that anybody's recommending. That is pure, straight up, processed garbage that is going to kill you, that is going to give you diabetes. It is going to help all these myriad of health issues as people get older. If you're eating that crap, you're gonna have issues. Take the two burgers, have a few fries. Leave the lucky charms alone. My God, I'm sure Brian could dive in here. I mean, Brian, if they're teaching that shit in these universities, I'm telling you right now, this new generation, they're.


No wonder they lost fried. It's like, well, you see what happens in some of these Internet clips of people at school board meetings where their kids have access to these crazy, wild, radical books at a very young age, seeing things they probably are not mentally equipped to handle. And it's. It really is the evil government trying to push these things on us, I feel, you know, like.




Like the Department of Education is just, uh. It's all. It's like a hindrance on society at this point.


Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the most classic example just there. It was there in black and white. I saw it on Russell Brand's video. You know, I mean, that's. These were the foods they were pushing. These were the foods that they said to avoid. Right. And it's always been that way for a long time. The food pyramid is essentially upside down. It's nonsense. Yeah.


Even the food pyramid that we grew up with is, like, not right, you know?


Yeah. You need nine servings of bread a day.


Yeah. It's like, you shouldn't be eating a loaf of white bread a day.


What is.




Is there any governmental guidelines? What are the governmental guidelines right now that you can share on screen? Is there anything that I'll find about. I've never looked this up, you know, but it is crazy. Like the amount of nonsense that you get and the amount of advice, and to be. To be honest, it's hard to know what to follow and what to understand unless you're gonna go really, really do some deep study on it and research it, you know, and maybe do a nutrition class at college or whatever. But even still, they're teaching absolute nonsense. But I just think as a general guideline, the more natural the product, the healthier it's going to be. And also everything in moderation. I mean, they always used to say, I know, I'm repeating this from my former show, you know, avoid fats. No, fats are okay in moderation. Avoid salt, no salt. I sprinkle salt in my water every day. Okay. It's good for you. If you. If you have too much salt, you will piss it out. It's that simple. It's not going to give you. I mean, they say it contributes to high blood, blood pressure.


I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure that the doctors I have seen speak about it. I'll tell them the truth. Too much salt, you piss it out if you're drinking a lot of water. If you're working out, if you're living a healthy lifestyle, then get fat, get some carbs, get some fruits and vegetables. Have a cheeseburger, have two cheeseburgers. Just balance it all out. If you want to have a Diet Coke, have a Diet Coke. I know there's a big, like, scourge now on diet drinks and stuff like that. There's zero calories. If you're counting calories, go for it. Have a diet one, but just don't have ten a day. You know what I'm saying?


So it took me a long time because I almost didn't believe it. But this is the new dietary guidelines pyramid guideline thing. It's like a plate and it says, these are the things you should be eating. I'm not certain the dairy should necessarily be on anybody's plate. That's more like a choice kind of food thing.


Yeah, but it's kind of off to the side, to be honest. I don't really have a problem with that. I mean, that's essentially four quarters, which is great, you know, protein, vegetables, fruits and grains. You're going to get a lot of minerals there. I don't see what the issue is with dairy. I know there's a big war on dairy products right now. A lot of people think it's unnatural and, you know, why do we drink milk from an animal?


Don't have the genetics to digest it?


Yeah, I think that's bullshit as well. I think that's some utter nonsense, right? It's just like all these people that are getting allergies, all these people that are allergic to all this crazy. You've just got to expose them to more stuff when they're younger. From what I'm understanding. Anyway, nobody came here for the Mikey B. Nutrition corner, but get out there, get your two burgers. Bollocks. Throw the fries on as well. That's what I say. Have the two burgers and the fries, and wash it down with a nice can of beer. Do we have an MMA MMA story to finish up on?


Yeah, I do have a story. Unfortunately, Bobby Green is no longer with us.


Michael, I was just with him. Bobby Green is dead. I was just with him at Diaz versus Masvidal.


No, he's not dead, but Bobby Green is no longer Bobby Green. Long live the king. He has officially changed his name legally to King Green. So that's the new moniker moving forward.


No, I know Bobby Greenhouse. Born in San Bernardino county at the medical center. I'm sens. My birth certificate. Then we have to go and do this right here. See that name right there? Amended. My name is King. Just let people know I wasn't playing.


Oh, God, Brian, just look up Paddy Pimblett's thing, because I saw him. I knew about this. I saw a video that he did. He said, look at this. This idiot's changed his name to King, so he's calling himself the king slayer. If you can find that video, just bring it up, please. Brian, you know what? Bobby Green wants to change his name to King fairplay. Okay? He's had a tough life. He had a terrible upbringing. He's fought his ass off. He's become very, very successful. He's a great guy. I love watching him fight. And if he wants to call himself King, then so be it. Long live the king. Yeah.


I love it. Dude, that's. That's. And it's like, yo, talk about staying on business. He's like, Bobby Green is done. Bobby Green has had ups and downs. He's had, you know, he's been around the block. King Green is the king, and he's here to stay.


I wonder what the motivation for that was, though. I mean, I guess it's just. It's a gangster side of things, as I say. I was. I was at the fight at the weekend, and I was with my brother in law, as I mentioned, and we saw Bobby. And Bobby's always blinged out to the max. I mean, Bobby Green is. Ring collection alone. I don't know what that costs. You know, if they are real, there's a lot of money in rings and chains and diamonds. I mean, that man is. I mean, would the term be flossing? As I, as I think some of the kids say these days?


I mean, he's stunting for sure. There's no doubt about that.


He's stunted. He's flossing. He's stunting. Hey, he's the kingdom swanson. His king's called king.




Yeah, King Swanson.


So, you know, that's pretty sweet.


It's a common name these days, going up against Paddy Pimblett. What do you think about that fire, Harrington?


So, you know, I know Jared Gordon thinks the, the. Patty's going to win. I don't know, man. Like, I just. I've been waiting for the guy to get in Patty Pimblett's face and really take the fire to him. And that's one thing I know about Bobby Green. He is never going to shy away from a firefight. He is always going to bring the pressure. And I think if he gets in a good boxing rhythm, I don't know how Patty has the answers to it because he also, like, not, not the, you know, not like division one wrestler takedown defense. But it's pretty good. It's pretty good. And if, if all your goal is to, to keep yourself on the feet and stay in a boxing flow, I think Bobby Green is better at. Or King Green, I should say, is better at that than most.


Yes. Do not. Do not refer to him as Bobby. I mean, I can't dead name. What are you going to do next? You just misgender him next. My God, Harrington, shame on you. I saw Paddy come out and he said, bobby can't knock me out, right? He said, I'll stand with him because, of course, every fight starts on the feet. I'll stand with him, but will he come to the ground with me? Come on, Bobby. Come down to the ground or king, come and play on the ground with me. I guarantee I'll submit him. I'm paraphrasing something like that. It's an interesting fight. I do think Bobby, he's faster on the feet. I think he is slicker. I think Paddy has a kind of a valid point. You know, it's not like he's got one shot knockout power, but the man is slick as hell on the feet, and he's just got an infectious personality. I mean, when Bobby Green came on the show last time, how funny was he? He was amazing. He was great. He was fantastic to speak to. So I'm looking forward to the fight's going to be a good one on this weekend, of course, UFC will be back in action in Denver, Colorado, the birthplace of the UFC, if I'm not mistaken.


And if I go down here, Rose, Nami Yunis going up against Tracy Cortez. I'll give you some predictions. So I think Rosnam Yunis versus Tracy Cortez. Tracy, probably to be successful. She's got a grapple. She's got to use the wrestling. She is a very good wrestler. She's using that to great effect a number of times throughout her career. But Rose, with the amount of experience she has right now, I wouldn't be surprised if she can stop the takedowns. She's faster on the feet, she's quicker, she's more experienced. She's fought tougher competition, but also, you know, maybe getting a little long in the tooth, maybe starting to maybe not push yourself quite as hard. Not a conscious thing. It's just kind of what happens, you know, when you've had a long career, when you've made tons of money, when you've been a champion, does the fire still burn as bright? You know, so. But I would say that Rosnam and Yunus gets the job done probably via decision. Santiago Ponzinibio versus Muslim Salikoff, the king of kung fu. Muslim, Muslim, great fighter, excellent striking. Matches up very well with Santiago ponzinibio. The thing that makes me lean towards Santiago is, well, number one, he's a great fighter, and I love watching him fight, and I love talking to him at the apex because he does the spanish commentating.


He has got the thickest accent because he speaks English for a lot of the. And he's so friendly. He is, because I get steak and eggs every time I go to the apex. I sit down, I'm having my steak and eggs. Santiago comes through, and he comes over. He comes and chats, and I have no clue what he's saying. His accent is as thick as they can, but he's. But it's always a nice interaction. Do you know what I mean? But I'm trying to extrapolate certain words. I just think Muslim Salikov is starting to slow down a little bit. In his prime, he was fantastic. I think we've just seen some of the recent results. He's just starting to slow down a touch. Maybe I'm wrong, but based upon that, santiago ponzi nibbio. Here's my pick for a potential banger of the night, though. Drew Dober versus Jean Silver. Jean Silva. Who did he just beat on the last pay per view?


Charles Jordan.


Charles Jordan. That is correct. What five was that? Was that three or two?


Yeah, that was, that was the pay per view. That just three or three?


That is a quick, quick turnaround. Now, as we know, Drew Dolph, friend of the show, great guy, hell of a facial structure, handsome dude, big knockout power. Oh, this is a tough one because Jean Silver just knocked out Charles Jose, knocked out his opponent. No, he didn't. He won by a contender, so he won by a decision on the Contender series. But when I commentated that contender series fight, I have never seen an individual so confident in all of my life. And I thought, this guy's another example of a newer generation not having respect and not knowing how tough this sport is, because often you see fighters on the contender series, and they're full of it. They're full of their own enthusiasm, maybe a little bit of arrogance. They're undefeated and all the rest of it, and they kind of. Sometimes they do great. A lot of the time they can get exposed. And this yarn silver was saying in the interviews, I don't know. I haven't decided how I'm going to finish the fight yet. Maybe I'll do it via knockout, maybe I'll do it via decision, but I can do it any way I want.


I tell you what, the opponent he fought was very, very good. John Silver won by a decision, but he's very good, highly skilled, because then when I was researching him for the contender, I looked up some of his highlight stuff. Jesus Christ. He's very, very good.


One of the top prospects out of Brazil.


Yeah, tough, tough one for Drew Dolby there. Rest of the car. Bonfeed Angelus. A great fight there. Go on. You were going to say.


Well, I was going to say, for Silva, this is a super interesting one, because that fight against Jordan was at 145. Now, he stepped in on, like, what, less than two weeks notice against Drew Dobre at 155. And that's one where it's like, yeah, you almost got nothing to lose there, right? Cause if you win, it's like, gee, you're going, that's. That's Hamzat level. You're getting two wins in two weeks at different weight classes. That's absolutely insane. And if you lose, it's like you're kind of supposed to lose to drew Dobr this early in your UFC career, taking the fight on less than two weeks notice.


He's no spring chicken. Now, John Silver, he's not a young guy, and he's had a lot of fights. It's not like he's six or seven or eight or something like that. USC, three or two. If I'm not mistaken, though, he missed weight quite significantly. Correct.


For the Jordan fight. I'll look that up.


Yeah. For the Jourdain fight, I think he did. Don't worry. Looking it up. If I'm wrong, I apologize, but I'm pretty sure he did. But still a quick turnaround. Gabriel Bonfine versus Angelusa out of Paris. That'll be a banger of a fight. I'll lean towards Bonfine, but I don't know. Angelus is good though, man. Julian Orosa, Christian Rodriguez and Abdul Razak al Hasan taking on Kaudi brundage. Pretty good main card coming at us from Denver, Colorado. All right, that's the podcast. I want to say a big thank you to Gigi chikadze. Want to say a big, big thank you to, of course, Rashad Evans at the top of the show. And a big thank you to you guys for supporting what we do. Thank you very much. We will be back on Monday with Anthony Smith and we'll do some questions on Monday with Anthony Smith. If you have a question, send it into


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