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Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the f up.


You're listening to believe you me with Michael the Count Bisbing.


You know my name yet? And Anthony Lionhardt-Smith.


All right, we're back, ladies and gentlemen. Before we get into the show, Hamilton, thank you for being here. And all you believe us, thank you for watching. Apologies, we didn't do a show last week and we didn't do a show Monday. You'll be watching this Wednesday evening. I was away last week working on a movie. It's a big, big movie with a lot of MMA personalities. Trying to make a show happen on Sunday, schedules, all that type of stuff. Anyway, we're here. Apologies. There you go. Mike Hamilton, how the hell are you?


Dude, I'm doing excellent. It was nice to have a couple of extra days, hang out with the fam. Now my wife and child are gone. So I am 100% locked in, devoted to BYM right now.


Oh, well, good, good, good. Glad to hear it because we have a lot of things to talk about. A lot of things pop in, a lot of speculation, a lot A lot of things brewing. Real quick, I just want to say a big shout out to the city of Atlanta. That's where we were shooting this film. It's only a small part, very small part, but a couple of fun scenes. And MMA fans, UFC fans are going to love this when it comes out. I'm telling you now. Anyway, the people in Atlanta, it's true what they say about Southern hospitality. Oh, my God, the nicest people. I did a little video, but then I deleted it on Instagram talking about the TSA. Even the TSA at the airport in Atlanta. Beautiful people. Have a great day, sir. Give you a smile. All the rest of it. You go to LA, they talk to you like shit. They bark instructions at you. They're just plain rude. You know what I mean? When there's no need to be. You know what I mean? Anyway, so Atlanta, thank you very much. Still, enough about that. Harrington, give me your story.


Okay. I think the biggest news, especially for people watching this show, would be former heavyweight champion in the world, a guy who just challenged to unify the Bells, Tyson Fury, having a rough Saturday night, it seems. He was escorted out of a pub, as you can see here, by some bouncer, and then had an unfortunate incident down the block.


Yeah. I mean, so this was his hometown of Morcom, and there he is, falls down to his knees and stuff like that. And I've seen a lot of speculation online. First of all, shout out to the man still hanging out in his hometown of Morcom. Excuse me. No offense to the people of Morecam. It's not the nicest place on planet Earth. It's just not. It's a very working class town. He still lives there. He's still hanging out. He's still a normal person. He's going out enjoying himself. I don't think anybody, when they go out, go out with the intentions of getting that hammered. But you go out and you have a few too many drinks, and next thing you know, you're falling on your ass. Most people that indulge in alcohol, certainly in the fashion that men do from the Northwest of England, they've probably been in that state at some point. The problem is for Tyson Fuhre is that, of course, he's a very famous man. And in this modern day and age, people pull their phones out. When I was just in Atlanta, Saturday night, I was sitting down watching the Jared Canon ear fight, and there was a wedding going on.


And there was a woman, she looked to be a very nice, respectable lady. She had too much to drink. She fell over, glass smashed and everything, and everybody She laughed. And it was nothing much to do about nothing. She got up and she was a bit embarrassed, and they swept up the glass, and that was that. No big deal. But she's not Tyson Furie. You know what I'm saying? So people weren't filming. We've all been there. Now, the speculation is because of Tyson Furie with his problems, with depression, and things like that, and he's gone off the rails before, and he spoke very openly and candidly about battling demons, depression, substance abuse, use alcohol, putting on extreme amounts of weight, getting up to £360 or whatever it was. I see YouTube is speculating that, Oh, this is it. This could be the beginning of a decline because his identity has been taken away from him. He's the Gipsy king. He's the undefeated one. No man alive, born of a woman, and all that stuff. Well, he lost a fight, fair and square. The better man won in Alexander Usik. So I understand that the theory of why people are saying that?


They're looking into this, but I think they're just looking into it too deep. He's a human being. He's been in training camp for probably the last 6-8 months because there was a cut on the eye. You know what I mean? He's gone off, he's blown off some steam. He's with his mates, maybe his old crew. There's probably some shots going on. He's having a night out and it's just got a little bit carried away. And because of his time away and being disciplined and all the rest of it's gone to his head, Maybe he's getting older, he can't take it anymore. Maybe he had too much to drink, who knows? But he's in a pub, he's enjoying himself, and he's slipped and fallen over and been hammered. I think people are looking into it way too deeply. Yeah, will he be pissed off? Of course he will. He'll be angry. He'll want to He'll want to get back in the gym. He'll want to get revenge. He'll want to have that rematch, all that type of stuff. But at the end of the day, the man's still just a human being, right? And there's no path that is carved out.


There's no lifestyle book to teach you how to be one of the most famous athletes on the planet, and when you lose the first time, how to handle it. So he's just how to get enjoying himself. And all these people, anyone that has an issue with that, and everyone reporting on it, listen, I get it for the click bait and all the rest of it, and it sells. And It sells, and they can sell ads on... Nobody buys newspapers these days, but you know what I mean? That's why they report on this stuff. But if that little prick and to film that on his camera phone, no one would know because it's not a big deal. You know what I'm saying? So I I think people are looking into it far too much.


Dude, if that's you, that's Mikey B. It makes good back in Clithero, right? He's closing down the local pub. Do you think the local Clitherians would have the stones to post a video of you getting escorted out, or do they know not to mess with Mikey B like that?


One million %.


It's going up.


You never know. It depends who you're with. If you're with friends, like real friends, they wouldn't do that. But if they just, I mean, listen, onlookers, fans, people like that, people just pull the phones out anyway when they see somebody like a Tyson Furie. They do it with people like me, and I ain't nowhere near the stratosphere of Tyson Furie. You know what I'm saying? So It's just the way that it is. But it'll be fine. He would have had a sore head the next day. He'll be embarrassed when he sees that all over the newspapers and people talking about it and all the rest of it. But the main thing eating away him is the fact that he just lost his belt. We all deal with hangovers. We've all been We've all made a fool out of ourselves. He didn't hurt anybody. He wasn't starting fights. He wasn't slapping people. He wasn't starting being abusive to women. He wasn't doing anything like that. He got drunk and slipped and fell over. You know what I mean? What does he do? Every single town in England, I used to love this when I was DJing back in the day, I used to love it because when I come out of the club at 2:00 in the morning or whatever time it was, I'd always drive down certain streets just to have a look, just to have a watch.


Because on the streets, there's always one main street where the kebab shops are and the pizza shops and the burger shops and all the rest of it. And they're packed, and everyone's eating food and throwing up and arguing and there's fights going on and girls with next to nothing on. I'm like, Come on, let's do a little lap. Let's do a little lap and see the madness was cooking before we drive home. Anyway, there you are. Ties of Furie, rest up. Hope you enjoyed yourself, and I hope the headache wasn't too bad the next morning. What else is going on, Hummingbone?


So This one I thought was interesting. Jamal Hill has taken exception with Alex Pereira. It seems like he just found out that he lost the fight, and now he's taking the social media to clown on Alex. He said that he was nothing but classy when he defeated Glover to share in Brazil. Meanwhile, yeah, Pereira is here gloating over his body. He took exception with that.


Yeah. I mean, listen, he lost his belt. He lost his belt. He fought a very, very tough guy. Brian, can we play the other video? There's a video of Jamal Hill offering $20,000 to all the haters or to anybody talking crap, because that's the one that's more interesting. Listen, of course, Jamal is a proud man. He's got a nasty streak in him. That's why he's got to where he is. That's why he discovered that he can fight. That's probably why he didn't go into pro basketball because he's an incredible athlete, apparently a very good basketball player, but the man likes to fight, and he's an angry bastard. Look at this. Fuck all that, bro. At the end of the day, bro, you all can only talk so much shit before somebody started to say something back. So for all you all that's talking all this shit about this fight shit, you all want to speak on some fight shit. We talk money shit, 20 bands, pull up to the gym. All you all that's talking on these posts and all of this shit, a doctor, this and that, I got 20 bands, pull up to the gym, bro.


Come get paid. I know you all broke and needed. I love all that, bro. At the end of the day-Clearly by that, you can tell that it's all bothering him. This is the thing on social media these days. These are people that you don't even know, that you're never going to even meet. So you should just ignore it. Regardless of whatever it is that in your post, people are always going to talk crap. When you're in the public eye like Jamal Hill and you were the champion, and you get stopped in the way that he did, people are going to talk shit, especially the way that Jamal Hill was talking before the fight. That's the risk that you take. Like I was dismissing GSP completely. I got beat. You got to eat that humble pie and just take it on the chin again for what it is. You know what I'm saying?


And go on. Did you get a lot of tweets from GSP fans? Like, Michael, you should be embarrassed.


I didn't actually know because much like George, they're probably the most sophisticated subculture of mixed martial arts. Do you know what I mean? I would never lower myself to I sat away on social media. Yes, Brian. Welcome to the show, brother.


Hey, the Internet has this hilarious opinion, by the way. Alex Pereira. That Alex Pereira should show up to the gym and take the time.


Yeah, I like Jamal, so I'm hesitant to say this, but you're just feeding into the trolls there. They said, Don't feed the trolls when they're talking shit. Don't do a video showing that they're clearly getting to you flexing 20 grand. They're saying, Get your ass in the gym. They don't have to come into the gym and fight you. They're fans. Fans are allowed an opinion on the sport. Without the fans, there's no sport. So there's no athletes, there's no fighters, there's no big paychecks. Without the fans, there's nothing. Some of those fans are going to support you. Some of those fans are going to talk shit, and that's what makes it great. And that's what makes sports so entertaining. And the more passionate the fans are, the better it is. Like, Jon Jones has got passionate fans. Islam Mahachev has ridiculously passionate fans that are attacking me like crazy for thinking that Jones is the pound for pound number one. It might be, it might be Islam. There's no need to get offended. These are just opinions. They're both incredible fighters. You know what I mean? But people are feeling passionate. It's all good.


Not to mention this is a made up list for a made up belt that doesn't exist, right? And it changes once every three months, pretty much.


Yeah, no, it does. Jamal is just pissed. You know what I mean? He's angry, probably more so at himself. I'm no Therapist, far from it. I could do some more therapy, but I would just say knowing the path of a fighter is probably deep down annoyed at himself for losing, for getting caught with that punch. He probably He thought in his mind, he's going to defend the belt. He's going to make millions of dollars. He's going to go in a long run, generate ridiculous wealth, and sail off into the sunset, and all those plans get derailed. And now on top of that, now you're going I deal with Johnny5x23 on Instagram saying that you suck balls and you're a lot of shit, and you were never that good in the first place. You know what I mean? And when you look at that, sometimes it can get on your tits, but you just ignore them. And of course, anyone that says they don't read the comments is probably full of shit, but I don't read all the comments because I don't have time. I'll look at the first few because you're interested. You look at the first few, even on here, when a new episode drops, I'll check in to see how it's performing.


I'll look at the first few comments, whatever, whilst I have my coffee, get a general vibe. They were like, This bin was a dick on that one. He was way off on that point. I'm like, Oh, yeah, don't read the comments. See you later. All right, this episode is sponsored by Chuck that specializes in natural testosterone boosters. But more importantly, natural testosterone boosters that work. Look, listen, you see it all the time, guys, They're working out, they eat clean, all the rest of it, but they're not making gains. That's because men's testosterone levels are an all time low. And not a day goes by that I see someone that had a bad diet earlier on in life or they've just got low testosterone levels naturally, and And they need a little boost to help out their training and to help out their lifestyle. When the testosterone starts to drop, it's the vital ingredient to being a man. You don't have the same energy. The libido drops, it's harder to gain muscle, it's easier to gain fat. So that is where Choc comes in. They have created an all new natural testosterone booster, taking the sports nutrition world by storm, and I prefer Choc for several reasons.


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Yeah. So he was at, I believe it was called Icon MMA, some Eastern European promotion. He was ambush interviewed from the crowd. He said during that interview that his next fight is booked. He signed the contract on it, and the reporter went on to speculate, and I'm not going to do it justice. Why don't we just listen to him talk about Okay.


Perfectly signed up by Brian there.




Bude to venku a demne pro to. Mužu spekulovat? Hale, ja sem v tomletom striktný trošta. Ty nesmiješ nič nič, a ja budu spekulovat. Spekuluj. Takže, dámy a pánové, Jiri Procházka, buden, podle mého, náhradou na turnaji 303 UFC za zranenéhého Konona McGregora v titulovem zápase.


Sperreiro, hlavný zápas.


A Jirka nemuže nič niti, vole.


Hezká spekulace..


I mean, Jury is in a spot there. Poor old Jury. You know what I mean? Because you get told, don't say anything. Certainly, if it's something like this, don't say anything. It might be... I don't think that necessarily means what you think. You think that means 100 % that's the case. I don't think it means that. I think it just means he's playing the game. He's saying, nice speculation. Jury versus Pereira I were to, I'd like to see it. I think everyone would want to see it. But I do believe, and I'm a massive fan of Yuri Proashka, certainly after that fight with Alexander Rackage, what a war, the next guy is Magomed Ancalyev. What is going on with Magomed Anca? Well, it's got to be Magamed Ancalyev, right?


I thought he was booked to fight Jamal, and then he got injured.


Am I missing something? Maybe I'm missing something. Really?


Yeah, no. I think it was supposed to be... I think it was supposed to be a year, especially because I think Ancalyev was out for... Ancalyev is out for a while. He wanted to fight in Abu Dhabi or sometime in the spring or something like Well, listen, I hadn't heard that.


But if that's the case, that's the case.


Yeah, Jamal was supposed to fight Khalil. I'm sorry about that. I got that confused. Yes, that is correct.


Khalil got injured. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Listen, Magamed Ancalyev is out there. He's undefeated other than the one freak loss to Paul Krieg. And he's the next guy in line. But I don't care either way. I mean, if Yuri gets it, I'd like to see that again. I thought that was shaping up to be a great fight until those elbows against the fence. Fair play to Alex Pereira. But I do think that leads us on quite nicely to yet another discussion about UFC 303. I mean, it's a pretty good segue.


There's a reason that you're the segue of the year. You're the man of this. There's no one better.


That's not what I'm looking for, Herringbone, one day. What I'm looking for is some speculation from yourself and some facts and figures. I see Ariel Hauwan is out there, and he's posting and he's tweeting. A lot of the time, he's posting and tweeting like he's He's an expert on everything, but he knows nothing. He's putting feelers out there. But Ariel also is the type of guy to be calling managers, agents, fighters, coaches, sparring partners, because that's what he wants to do. That's his badge of honor. He likes to break news. Do you know what I mean? I'm much like you or anyone else. I obviously am involved with the sport. I'll be commentating this weekend, and I have contacts and stuff like that. But if I hear of a situation I'm not doing investigative journalism, trying to find out my life depends on it, and I will risk everything so I can be the one to break it. Because who gives a and it's none of your business. Do you know what I mean? What will be will for you to be. Stay out of it, you prick. But apparently, he's been doing that. What was the statement from him?


Have you got it right there?


Yes. So You want me to read it?


Go ahead.


All right. Latest on UFC 303. Around this time last week, all the anxieties surrounding UFC three main events seemed to start to dissipate. By Wednesday, no more feelers about replacements were being sent out. All systems seemed to be a go again. Later in the week, Chandler did an interview with the pivot about it being all good, and on the UFC was promoting... On Saturday, the UFC was promoting it again on the ABC fight night telecast. There was a scare about the fight being off, and the scare appeared to be no more. But since this morning, meaning yesterday. Multiple sources are now saying feelers are being sent out again for June 29th for a replacement and/or new fights. In short, there seems to be pessimism all over again regarding the status of the 303 main event. Actually, even more pessimism has been seen than on Mondays last week when the pressure was canceled at last minute. Is this insurance due diligence, emergency replacement mode remains to be seen? It is all developing again, but it does appear as though we are out of the woods either way just yet. Okay, more to come and definitive answer one way or another in short order.


Yeah, so once again, big long statement, sounding like an expert, but no news. I did a YouTube video yesterday saying, Oh, it's back on. Do you know what I mean? No.


They ran a promo.


It looked that way because everything came down, then everything went back up. I mean, the press conference was canceled. The advertisement came off ESPN. The free fights were taken down. Press conference was canceled. That's One of the big ones, and nothing. And then everything reappears again. Conor McGregor is posting sparring footage, by the way, looking very sharp, I might add. He was looking good. And I was like, If that's new sparring footage, There's nothing wrong with his leg. Now, I was speaking to somebody that does know someone very close to the situation, and I'm not at liberty to divulge that. And this person said it was off, and then he said it on. The reality is I don't know what's bloody going on. I don't think anybody does. The only people that do is the UFC. But I did a video on it, and McGregor looked sharp, and he was dancing around on that leg, and he was going side to side, and he was throwing kicks and all the rest of it and knees and he looked sharp. But the only thing, and just to repeat what me and Anthony said, I think, I mean, if it's off, I assume McGregor is injured.


We don't know for sure. We don't know anything. So we're all I'm just bloody speculating about the nonsense, but it's getting close. Anyway, there's no point speculating. There's no point doing a podcast speculating. If I'm talking shit about Ariel Helwani, then it's tweeting speculations. You know what I mean? We're going to do an entire podcast where we speculate about nothing.


To be fair, Ariel also did a podcast, Openly Speculating. He seems like he's an Old West prospector. He's just in the speculation business these days.


He's an old speculating son of a bitch. Right. So give me a non-MMA story, please.


Okay. This one was absolutely wild. Did you see this bull getting loose at a rodeo? I believe it was Indiana. I'm not 100% sure, though.


All right, so here they are. Here we go. Rodeo. I've never been to a rodeo, but I can't wait to go. It's a big old bull as well. Those things are so powerful. The athletic ability as well is ridiculous. Check this out now. Get ready for it. No problem. Straight over the fence, out the back, knocks the garbage can over. You're going for a ride. See you. Get off. Boom. Wow. Look at the power on that. That is insane. And it's still going. Is that in the streets, in the fields, in the car park? I did hear, though, they never put it down.


No, they caught it. Which is good.


Yeah. Go on, go on.


No, they were able to catch it, subdue it. They had a judgment on it, and the animal will not be put down.


Yeah. I mean, look, listen, I'll have a steak tonight. So it's not like I'm taking some massive stance or anything, but you take a gigantic, ferocious animal like a bull, which is insanely powerful. You have God knows how many thousands of people there staring at it, flashing lights, all that type of stuff. If you think human beings, fighters, it's the fight day nerves. It's the pressure. It's the bright light that gets to you. What are you thinking it's doing to that bull's tiny little My brain. Do you know what I mean? He's like, What is going on here? I want out of here. I'm flying over there. I'm glad it didn't get put down. I'm glad. But that is a terrifying prospect, a bull with big horns running around like that. I've been there. I've said it before. I worked at a slaughterhouse, and we had to kill the cows, man. And the bulls, I've had some terrifying run-ins with a bull trying to save its life as I've been doing the business. Have I spoke about this. I think I have. A bull?


Never know.


So now and again, you got a bull. I've talked about how we used to slaughter the bulls. It's the belting and then the pipping rod.


No country for old men style.


I don't know what that reference means, but oh, yeah, no country for old men style. Yeah, you're right. Exactly. So we do one of them and the cows just drop. But some of the big... Who's a definite juiced-out fighter? Who's a definite juiced-out?


Mark Coleman.


Mark Coleman in his prime. A Conor McGregor 2022, '23. There were some of the big marauding bulls. And it's in this thing that moves around and you hit it with the hydraulic bolt and it wouldn't go down. And you're like, oh, shit. You go again. And all it would do sometimes is just get it madder and madder because it's fighting for its life. And the doors that held it down, they go up and down on these conveyor belts and stuff. So they move. Do you know what I mean? And when that thing's shit in its pants, fighting for its life. And I'm stood there and I'm 18 years old going, Oh, oh, oh. They're going, Hit it again. And it's just going more and more wild. And then the old dude comes up, The hell are you doing? There's been... I killed the thing. And I'm like, Okay, okay. I'm traumatized. Yeah, man. We're in a slaughterhouse.


Did you ever have one make it through the doors?


No, they never got through the doors. But in In my mind, they probably couldn't get through the doors, but they do move. But in my little mind, my little uneducated, new to the slaughtering world mind, I'm like, This car is going to get out of here and kill everybody. So, yeah, no. Glad to see the bull didn't get killed.


You know who did get killed?


Good segue.


An alligator in Florida who made the mistake of running into Armon Sarukian. He was in, I believe it was the Florida Everglades. And he says, he ran across this gator. He said, I choked him out. I pulled him from the river, choked him out and put him on my back. In Florida, I got the license to kill the gator. You throw the hook in the However, Alligator got caught in the hook. You got to pull it. We pulled two of us, me and my friend. We pulled one Alligator. He was like seven or eight feet. But there is 12 or 13 foot gators, and hopefully he was small, maybe 50 to 70 pounds. I catch it without meat or anything, just a hook empty hook. I kill a lot of animals, but I don't post the other animals. But alligators, it's okay.


Well, we've got to see a picture of it. You know what I mean? Brian, do we have the picture? Oh, dude. Now, okay. All right. He'll get a couple of pairs of nice boots out of that. Put it back up, Brian. Let me see that thing again. I want to see that closely. Can we zoom in on it? Is that possible? If it's not possible, don't worry about it. I mean, that's... Now, the real question is, do we believe him? So just what did he say? He said that he choked it out.


Yeah, he said that he threw a hook in, no meat on the hook. The allegator just bit the hook. Him and his buddy dragged it in. Once they got it in, Arman jumped on the back and choked it out.


Do you believe him?


I You don't see any bullet holes. It doesn't look like it was bludgeoned to death. Unless it's a great party trick where it's sleeping like that, how else do you kill it with no marks?


Well, I'm just saying, look, listen, right? A reenaked chow, what is the smallest amount? I mean, that was an alligator was about that thick. Okay, so it's a good neck. But an alligator doesn't have a neck like a human being. It's just one long piece of muscle. Muscle. Ridiculously powerful muscle. Ridiculously tough hide. There isn't veins on the end of their throats that are going to get constricted by the pressure of Arm and Saurukia. Listen, Arm is a great guy. I doubt he would fabricate such a story, but I'm just saying, he rear naked, choked that allegated to death. Is that what you're asking me to believe right now?


I mean, look, that's what he's asking you to believe. And you know what? I mean, I'm not going to call the guy a liar Because he could beat me up.


Yeah, no, but we can call bullshit on a story without it being offensive. You know what I mean? I think he's trying to sell himself. I think he was trying to get that Islam fight. I'm sorry, Arman, you're the man. Big fan of you, brother. That's a bullshit story. There's no fucking way that he choked that allegator to death. Brian, can I get a second opinion? What do you think? Because I think you're... Do you honestly believe that he choked that to death?


Not one second, do I believe that?




What do you think? Is it a stuffed Alligator?


How else do you get it out?


You can hit it with your boat anyway.


It's a dead allegator. Allegators die. They don't live forever. You could poison it. It could eat some shitty meat. It could come to a terrible end a million different ways. Brian, can you just Google, can you choke an alligator to death? I'm sure you can. I'm sure if you got some machine equipment, put it on its neck, You think there's a gator choking machine? Well, like some elevator doors, shut on a card. You know what I mean? I don't think the pressure of Ammon saw Ruchian. A goddamn lightweight. There ain't no lightweight out there. Choking out. No man alive can choke out an alligator. That's a good T-shirt. Send me in a design, we'll make it. I'm very curious as to see what Brian is going to say to that.


Well, I know they can't... I know alligators can't open their mouth if you put any pressure on top. They have no... All their bite strength is down. They have no strength going up. So it's like, I guess if you start to choke it and you put your head in so it can't open its mouth anymore, then conceivably now it's just breathing out of those two little small nostrils that it's probably not used to breathing out of all the way.


Yeah, here's Brian with some actual sense. Harrington, do yourself a favor and just don't talk for the next I don't know how much actual sense I'm going to make.


The Internet seems to be an agreement. If it has a neck, you can choke it.


Okay, all right. Well, maybe I'm wrong. And if I am, so be it. And that's very, very impressive. But I just... An allegator Which is basically a dinosaur that doesn't have a neck. Do you know what I mean? I'd assume it's hard to choke out. But what do I know about alligators? I ain't no goddamn hillbilly, son. I don't live down there. I don't live in those ever forglades. Well, good for him.


Am I fair to say, open invitation to Armin Sarukian, if you want to come on here and give us tips on choking an allocator to death?


I want to hear all about this. I want to hear it from him first-hand if he choked this thing out or not. All right, this episode is sponsored by Mando, which comes from the makers of Lumide Diorgen, and it is clinically proven to control odor for up to 72 hours wherever you stink. Pit, package, feet, and beyond. If you want to take care of that smell that you suffer with, some people are more sweaty than others, and when you sweat, it turns into a terrible odor. If you want to get rid of that smell, and by the way, you should want to get rid of that smell, then Mando Whole Body Diorgent is the way to go So you can smell like a zero out of 10. Because in a clinical study, men who showered with soap and used Mando whole body deodorant had an arm pit order score of zero out of 10 after 12 hours. Men that showered with soap alone had It's an arm pit order score of eight out of 10 after 12 hours. So that is a big difference. Right now, you can get a special offer. New customers can get $5 off the starter pack with the exclusive code and the link.


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Okay, so this one is interesting possible fight for the Sphere. A lot of guys A lot of guys recently been calling out Henry Cejudo. The latest one, Dominic Cruz. He says that in a rematch of their fight, which was for the Bantamway title, I think it was five years ago at this point, he thinks he would get a completely different fighter out of both of them, and he thinks it would make an incredible fight for the Sphere for Mexican Independence Day in September.


So Henry Cejudo versus Dominic Cruz at the Sphere. I like it. I think it's a great call out. I think it makes sense for both men. I think with respect to both of them, they're both at the end of their incredible careers. Henry Sohudo is, Dominic Cruz definitely is. Cruz, if I'm not mistaken, last time we saw him was when he lost to Chito Vera, right?


Was that the last time out? Wow.


Yeah, 2022. So he hasn't fought in almost two years. Last time we saw Suhudo, he came back against Marab, lost, lost to Aljomane Sterling. So I think it's fair to say that he's lost a step. I'm not saying that Marab or Aljo's wins weren't impressive, but here was a guy that was beating everybody, an Olympic gold medalist. And what? He's 36 now, maybe even 38. I'm not sure, but he's definitely pushing 40. You slow down, you get older. Dominic Cruise is there. Dominic Cruise is, I don't know what he is, 36, 37, maybe 38. Just look that up if you don't mind. But it makes perfect sense. It would be a rematch, right? Dominic Cruise didn't like it last time. He said that Keith Peterson smelled of cigarettes and alcohol. I mean, So who don't want that fight fair and square. But in terms of two names, Star Power, legendary fighters, going up against one another, competing at the sphere, the both Mexican or Mexican heritage or Mexican families, it makes all the sense in the world. I think that's a tremendous call out.


I mean, Cruz versus Sohuto on a card celebrating Mexican Independence Day is like, that's guarantee going to get you another 50,000 1,000 pay-per-view buys or whatever, however they end up working. In my mind, at least fight promotion-wise, that's...


I tell you what, that Sphere card is going to be ridiculous. I know that the UFC are spending an absolute fortune on that card. The production value is going to be out of this world. It's going to be things that you've never seen done before. And don't be sitting there thinking, This is basically being a company, man. This is what I'm being told. Because it's not the type of venue that they can go to. This might be a one and done scenario. And so they're going to make a big splash. We saw Dana, I think he was talking to Andrew Schultz, and he was talking about how to be called a Mexican fighter is one of the best compliments you can have. And it is. I remember Ross Pearson, Ultimate fighter, Season 3, Season 9, sorry. I was on Season 3. Ross Pearson was ripped into the body. I forget who it was. And what was he called? Stitch, the old man. Stitch afterwards in the dressing room was like, Man, you were like a Mexican. You were like a Mexican in there, ripped into the body. And of course, Stitch Durán, he is Mexican.


And Ross, coming from New Castle in England, but being a boxing fan as well, he was tickled pink. He's like, You heard that, man? He was saying I was like, I thought you were Mexican. Do you know what I mean? However, let's go. I'm a Mexican, man. But it is. That's such an honor. And Dana is a massive boxing fan. And I don't know what it looks like inside the sphere, but outside it's unbelievable.


Dude, it looks awesome. I've watched a bunch of videos from Fish, did a big residency there last year, and it was all the videos that they put out in HD were incredible. But it's like, this is nuts to the point where I think Dead & Co with John Mayer did a series there. No, sorry, You Two. You Two was the opening thing there. They said it took them eight days of their 14-day run before they even broke even on production costs for the Sphere. It is such a massive undertaking for anyone to be doing in there. So for the UFC to be doing this, it's like it is a love letter to the fans. This is not a cash grab by any stretch of the imagination.


I've got to be there. I have very much doubt I'll be working that event, but I want to be there as a fan. Hope I can get a ticket. Because if I'm not mistaken, the inside is like the outside, right? Imagine this, and I think we spoke about this, but so you get... You It makes it like Streetfighter 2 or a video game. So say Alex Pereira on his walk out, everything turns into the Amazon jungle. Do you know what I mean? And then somebody from Japan, lightning, striking, and clouds and just a bit of the moon coming through the clouds and then like... Do you know what I mean? Like Japanese temples and stuff. Do you know what I mean? Every one, and then you have the different settings and stuff. It just be It's unbelievable. And then you've got a sick fight going on. I mean, I don't like that. I think that's a waste of all those screens. You make it one big, giant animation. I mean, yeah, again, that's very pretty and they're nice lights, but it's nothing like what I'm saying. I need 8 bit, 1984 technologies, street fire 2.


No, man. I'm joking. For Mexican Independence Day, you do the square pyramids, like those giant square and make it look like it's two guys fighting in the desert at the foot of one of those. You could do 8K ultra, make it look like they're fighting anywhere on the planet.


Jeez, no, it'd be amazing. Obviously, for the Mexicans, there'll be a lot of Mexican themes. That's what it's all about. But the opponents probably won't be Mexican. You know what I mean? Oh, God, it's unbelievable. I hope I'm commentating that card. It'll be John Anick, it'll be DC, and probably Dominic Cruz because he's Mexican, but I don't know. We'll see.


How can he commentate and fight?


Say again. How can he commentate and fight? That's right.


You better hope he gets this fight, baby boy. Let's go.


I'm going to start embracing my Mexican heritage. You know what I mean? I'm going to start wearing a brother's sombrero. I'm the biggest Mexican guy ever. I love Mexicans. Have you ever told you, having to know how much the culture and the food and the people, they're just so humble and they work hard.


Did you know Santa Ana's right-hand man was named Bisping?


Jesus Christ. Let's go. Sign me up. I'm moving to Tijuana. And in fact, it's not Tijuana, it's Tijuana.


There you go.


Because I respect the culture. If you're going to say the word, it's going to be said properly. Ask me a question.


How do you say chicken?


Baya. Look Pay me a compliment.


Your hair looks great today, sir.


. You're very welcome. I only know that because that's what everybody says in Costa Rica. Anything you say in I would have either. Anyway, we're losing people by the second here. Give me an MMA story.


Okay, you want an MMA?


All right, we got- It was MMA, I think. But go on, what else is going on?


That last one was MMA, so I got another one coming up. This is not strictly MMA, but it does include a former MMA fighter, Mike Perry finally got his big fight, the one he's been calling for for God knows how long. It appears that he and Jake Paul are going to take that July 20th date that he was supposed to have with Tyson.


Yeah. It's interesting, isn't it? Who's reporting that, by the way? Because I know if you Google his name, it's everywhere. If you Google Jake Paul or Mike Perry, they're all reporting it. But is Jake Paul saying that? Is Mike Perry saying that? Now, granted, they might not because they want to do a big unveil, so to speak. But I thought they'd moved officially the Tyson date to November, correct?


Yes. Yeah. That fight is scheduled to go down same place in Dallas. But I believe it was Thanksgiving weekend. Or something like that.


Yeah, because I tell you what, I mean, yeah, J Paul has all the young YouTuber fans and stuff like that. And I think regardless, if he was to lose to Mike Perry, they'd probably still watch the spectacle of him versus Mike Tyson. We all know, I don't think that fight should take place. I tell you what, he started training. He had some issues. Mike Tyson had a medical emergency. Now he can't train. It's going to be even harder because guess what? It's only a few months. We're getting older every single day. That's why you got to get out there, Hamilton. You got to enjoy yourself. You got to make memories, buddy.


I got in the gym this morning.


You did? What did you do?


I boxed a little bit for the first time in a long time. Got my ass absolutely handed to me by anyone and anyone who stepped in that ring.


You just had to bring that up. I was boxing this morning.


That's nothing crazy.


Yeah, no, but Mike Tyson is getting older. Who knows if that fight will even take place? But the point I'm making is that if it was a regular fight scenario, there's no way Jake Paul would be fighting somebody else. No. You know what I'm saying? Because of the risk. If you lose, it affects that fight. Because I tell you what, I don't think Jake Paul will beat Mike Perry. I think once again, they have tried to masterfully navigate this world. Assuming that this fight is happening, it isn't confirmed. It's widely reported everywhere. Widely reported, pardon me. It's everywhere. Everyone is talking about it. So they think what they've done is they've dragged out another former UFC guy that is washed up, that Jake Paul is not going to beat. And they've got them on this one. They've got them on this one. Nick Dias, perfect. Tyron Wood... Hold on. It was the basketballer, then it was Ben Askin. He can't punch his way out of a wet paper bag. Simple as that. Then it was Tyron Woodley, who the fire had long gone out. Then it was Tommy Fury, if I'm not mistaken. Tommy Fury beats him.


They're like, Oh, no, it was Anderson Silver first. Fair play. He beat Anderson Silver. Give him that. Did Anderson get old? Yes. Did Anderson underestimate him? Probably. But fair play, he beat him. He beat him in a boxing match. So respect for that. Then he fights Tommy Fuhre, loses. They're like, What are we Then it was Nate Dias, fights Nate Dias. Fights Nate Dias, Dias and Masvidal are going down. We got to talk about that bloody crazy brawl. Did we talk about that?


No, we didn't.


Nice job putting that in the notes, Harrington.


Yeah, I knew I was missing something. My bad.


Yeah. Then he beats Dias. Dias didn't look good, let's be honest. So anyway.


And then he finds Ryan Borland.


Then he beats the Domino's driver and a couple A couple of pasta prime, older boxers, whatever. I don't know. Who cares? But J Paul is a legit fighter. J Paul, yeah, I think he was somewhere like 14 and eight in the UFC, so he had a good little run. He had a good run? Yeah. Sorry. Pardon me. Mike Perry. Yeah. Sorry. Thank you. Mike Perry, yeah, left the UFC. He had some good wins. He had a few losses. He was never the most technical grappler. He's not really a jiu-jitsu guy. He's not really a wrestler, but he's a hard nose, hard Chinned, tough nose, son of a bitch will get in your face and fight you to the death person, right? And yes, bare-knuckle boxing is different to regular boxing. The gloves, well, they have gloves for a while, so the hands don't cut you and all that type of stuff. But it ain't that different. At the end of the day, you're still swinging with your hands. Mike Perry will go at him. He's got good little boxing. He's got powerful hands. He's got a great chin. He'll have a gas tank on him, and he's hungry, and he trains.


And I think he feels good when he smokes Jake Paul.


Yeah. I mean, this is the only thing that makes me just a little bit hesitant is Mike Perry was fighting at, I think it was what, 170 for most of his time in the UFC, and J Paul walks around like 215. I think he fights a 195 or 205 or something like that. So that's a big... That is a lot of weight to ask Mike Perry to put on. But I'm pretty sure... I mean, he got in there with Luke Rockhold, who was a 185er who fought at 205. A gigantic 185er.


Rockhold is massive. And by the way, he beat Rockhold, he beat Michael Ben and Page, he beat Eddie Alvarez, he beat Tiago Alvarez. Granted, Eddie and Tiago, maybe, but Ben and Page in the prime of his career. Luke Rockhold, people love to shit on Luke and discredit him. Luke Rockhold in his prime, which granted, he's not now because he's older and he's had some knockout losses. Joel Romero, Jan Blerowicz, myself. And he's been through it. He's been through. But when he was in his prime, he was an absolute monster, a monster. Look at what he did to Lai Otto Machida and people like that. People forget. But for Perry to go out there and beat him the way that he did to knock his teeth out, do you know what I mean? It's not an easy thing to do to beat Michael Ben and Page. Look at how Michael Ben and Page made Kevin Holland look like an absolute amateur at UFC 299. And I don't enjoy saying that, but he had Kevin just getting desperate and swinging because that was the only chance because he wasn't quick enough to actually try and throw a decent shot.


He just had to try and throw a wild whatever to try and get a hoping health chance of catching him. So given that Mike Perry beat all of them in a bare-knuckle boxing match, I think I put my money on him against J. Paul. But what weight Is it going to be at? Did they say a wait?


No. So I'm looking at... It's just one of these Twitter accounts that posted this thing, and it just said that they have agreed to the bout. So I'm not seeing... And it says, Per source is July 20th, That's what I'm looking at. He's closest to Paul's camp. It does not say anything about a wait or location or anything other than date an opponent.


Yeah. So there's an article here that I'm looking at. Mike Perry and Sean Strickland have been talking shit as well. Did you see this?


No, I saw Rockhold talking shit to Strickland, but not Perry.


Yeah, so Rockhold and Strickland. So Sean Strickland and Mike Perry recently engaged in a dispute regarding fighter pay in the Bernacle Fighting Championships. Strickland was asked about a potential career in BKFC leading up to his three or two fight against Paulo Costa. And he said, Oh, my God. How much will I get for fighting Bernacle, man? Nothing. He said, How much will I get for fighting Bernacle? Nothing. That's what they would pay me. They're paying their guy shit. They're breaking their hands breaking their hospitals, and they're making a couple of thousand bucks. So then Mike Perry came over and he said, Sean Strickland needs fight for the UFC for pesos, and I'm getting paid over here. He's always posting videos on Instagram where he walks outside of his garage, of his front door, and somebody is in his driveway, and he's trying to fight them bare-knuckle for free. So what are you talking about, Sean? And then Mike Perry goes on to bitch about UFC pay, et cetera, et cetera. And And then he goes, While I'm on a soapbox from a poor man who became a rich man, once you have capital, it just snowballs.


These elites could probably never take a paycheck again and easily make 500K a year. Yet they still land their bank accounts with millions. I don't know what is going on about now. But anyway, Strickland, Mike Perry, talking shit. Strickland is making good money, no doubt. Once you get to the high ends of the UFC, you're making great money. You are. But Mike Perry, by all accounts, is making ridiculous money. Berenoukle FC. I was very, very shocked. Anthony told me one of the offers that they made him, and I was like, What? I had no idea that they had that money. And now, McGregor invested. He's got a piece of that. I think with McGregor involved, there's going to be more sponsors coming into the fold. Big, big sponsors paying massive amounts of money. Better TV deals, streaming networks, whatever it is, going to be more money. Mike Perry is getting paid, and he's the biggest star in that organization by far.


Well, yeah, that's what I was going to say. Mike Perry can say what he wants, but he was topping out as a fight night main event or a pre-limb headliner on a pay-per-view in the UFC. For BKFC, he's their Conor McGregor. He's their massive star that they're putting the 10- Pole pay-per-views on Mike Perry. So it's like, you can't... That's apples and oranges, Mike, but to what you're making in BKFC. I'm sure there are guys lowered down on the card who are getting paid 500 bucks to break their hands.


Oh, 100 %. Just like in the UFC, that's what he's talking, who's saying that, Oh, Mike Perry. Yeah, this guy is making 12 and 12. I think that's entry now, right? That's not bad.


Just like in box sheet. 24k a year?


24k a year. There's people making 500 bucks, and we don't need to defend UFC fighter pay and on boxing the same shit. You know what I mean? But it's Like anything, Mike Perry, when he was in the UFC, he wasn't fighting for belts and stuff like that. He was popular, and he won some good fights, but he's not the best mixed martial artist. He definitely is one of the best bare-knuckle fighters. That's just a fact. Do you know what I'm saying? And if you can't cut it, you don't do that well. And eventually, he party ways with the promotion because Donald Cerroni submitted it. Donald Cerroni has got great jiu-jitsu, by the way, but he found his niche, man. And I'm so happy because I love seeing the shit my Perry has to say. I think he's such an entertaining character. He's hilarious. I've never watched a full episode of his podcast, but I see some clips. He's got a good podcast as well. Don't unsubscribe. Subscribe and ring the bell to the believe you me. Thank you. But yeah, he's got a good podcast. My Perry, he's entertaining in whatever it is. Oh, by the way, we're going to talk about this.


This weekend, Chael Sonnen, boxing, Anderson Silva in Brazil. And I'm very intrigued because Chael... Listen, Chael Sonnen is a master promoter, and I saw a couple of video clips from him this week. Brian, let's start with this one of him packing. He's packing with his children. And this is just hilarious. Have a look at this. Daddy, from the sake. Dad, did you remember to take your steroids? Yeah, everything's coming together. Okay, what is that? Pause, pause, pause. Did Did you remember to take your steroids? I mean, that's brilliant. Talk about leaning into it and just playing up to it. And he's told the kids, he's told the kid to ask me to say, did you remember to take your steroids? I mean, think of that when you will. You know what I mean? But go on, continue, right? It's a Ninja Star. It's a Ninja Star. That's when you're a Ninja Star. You throw it, you can be very quick.


You get good with it, you can run with each.


That's disgusting. I would never want to poke somebody's eye out. Particularly, the rules say you just have to get a cut and they can interfere. There's no need for a loss of an eye. So this is called numb chucks, as you know. You can hide these inside your gloves. I have these in many fights. I don't plan to hit Anderson with numb chucks. I bring the numb chucks in case I need to hit Anderson. Does that make sense? I don't think I'm going to die, but I have a life insurance policy. Good. I don't think I'm going to need a knife.


But you're tuck it in your glove in case.


You'll stab your hand. Exactly. Highly illegal in the fight. I don't plan to use this stuff there. I just... You bring it in case. Dad, are you ready for this? Yeah. Dad, do you remember? That's a great point. Listen, I don't think I'm going to die, but I've got a life insurance policy. I I think I'm going to need a Ninja Star. I don't think I need none, Shox or a knife. I mean, I love how he's got the kids involved. It's fantastic. And Jail is absolutely hilarious. There's another one. I think he's doing some media, Brian. Let's have a look at this. I'm not going to go out and try to knock him out with my power. I'm not going to go out there and think that I can put a pressure on him and make him quit. I've tried that twice. That's not the strategy to beat Anderson. Can I beat Anderson, Silva? Yeah. I mean, in my opinion, I think he's faster than I really- You mentioned that last night. You said he's faster than me, which was a big surprise. Watch this. Are you ready? Ready? Do you think he can move that fast?


Probably. All right, so he's faster than me, but what else? Look at how big, look at the stairway is. Hey, look how big I Look at the steroids. What was the question? Can I beat Anderson Silva? Yes. Are you sure? Yeah. How do I beat him?


Use your power.


Oh, she. Why? I'm going to be out there once. Again, he's planted that. They've said, Listen, when I ask you, How do I beat him? You say, Cheat. And he goes, Use your power. I'm like, Oh, cheat. I mean, that's great. It's hilarious. His son, obviously, is a chip off the old block. Best of luck to both men. That reminds me of when I was fighting and Lucas, at least Chael's son, said that he thinks he's going to win. So many times, Lucas was always like, I'm like, who's going to win? I think Anderson Silver because he's stronger. He picked Dan Henderson. He picked Anderson Silver. He picked Luke Rockhold, and he picked me to be GSP. So the one time he did pick me, I lost. But that's great, man. I don't think in a boxing match, well, see earlier conversation, Jake Paul beat Anderson Silva. So I think Anderson is definitely slowing down. But at least Anderson has been active. There's no threat of a takedown from Chael Sonnen. Obviously, that was what made him successful, certainly in that first fight. And the second fight, if I remember rightly, in the second fight, he took him down in round one and had a really successful round in round two He tried to spin him back first and fell over and got finished.


But there's no threat of a takedown, zero threat. And I just don't think Chael is that good of a boxer. He does have power. I've told the I saw him many times when I fought Chael, he took me down and I was getting back up and he hit me with a little short, little uppercut as I was just getting back to my knees. I was talking about this last week when I was on set. I was telling Big John McCarthy, This is true. This is not me trying to be funny. This is not me trying to be... I specifically remember, I took a shot and for a split second, I was in a field with big, tall yellow flowers riding a bike. And then I snatched out of it, and I'm like, oh, shit, I'm in an octagon. I'm in the middle of a fight. But for a split, I got hit for a split second. I was in a field, and it was a beautiful sunny day. It's like I was in paradise, and I was riding a bike. And then it came back And I'm like, Oh, shit. Whoa, whoa, whoa, get back into it.


So Chael does have power. He's on the steroids. He's got the Ninja Stars. He's got the the Numshocks and the knife inside the glove. All that together, I still think he loses a boxing match.


I think, look, if he needs to use the Nunchucks and does use the Nunchucks, I think there is a path to victory there. But anything short of that, yeah, I do I mean, Anderson Silva went out there against... I mean, who was it? Julio César Chávez Jr. And put a clinic on him. I mean, granted, that guy's also towards the end of his run.


Tito Ortiz slept in with one shot. It was a really, really bad knockout that he got Tito with. That's what he did throughout the entirety of his career. He'll be slower, he's aging. But Anderson isn't a guy that's getting flatlined. He lost a decision against J Paul because Jake's younger and But had a higher work rate and hit him with a couple of good shots here and there. But Anderson is not a guy that his chin has expired. He's not a guy that's getting consecutively knocked out time after time. He's just a guy that's aging and a guy that ages gets slower. It's as simple as that. But so is Chael Sonnen. Chael Sonnen is 45, 46 maybe, and he's never been a striker. Can he throw a punch? Of course. Is he going to go out there and try his best? Of course. Will he be on every performance-enhancing drug now to man? Of course. Will he get tested? No chance. They're both going to be juiced up. They're in Brazil, baby. They don't give a shit. Have some fun. I hope it's an entertaining fight. I hope they both get paid a boatload of cash, and I hope no one gets hurt.


I I think if I have to pick a winner, I got to go with that since over all day long, but it'll be a fun event. I think it's incredible that these two are locking horns once again after those two massive fights that they had all these years later. The first one was 2010. I was working on a TV show called Hollyoaks in the UK. It's like soap opera for teenagers, basically. I was working on that.


Like or something like that?


Yeah, it's Hollyoaks, but it was Hollyoaks The Oats late Night. So they show a bit of tit and ass in that. And there's a bit of violence and the occasional swear word. So I was the bad guy. I was a gangster brought in. I forget what I was doing now selling drugs. The usual affair, and of course, I die. I died a very sticky death. But yeah, man, fair play to him. I think that's incredible.


It's going to be awesome. I think it's on DAZN. So you are going to be able to watch that thing.


I will be working in Las Vegas, as always. I got Fyce this weekend, Tatsuda Tata taking on Alex Perez and a decent undercard as well. This episode is sponsored by Shopify, which is taking over the world of e-commerce and making it very, very simple for you. If you are an entrepreneur, if you are a businessman, if you sell any products, you got to get online, you got to sell to the whole worldwide market. You got to get online. Sounds complicated, sounds expensive, sounds time consuming, but not with Shopify. Shopify is the e-commerce platform revolutionizing millions of businesses worldwide. So whatever it is that you're selling, Shopify simplifies selling online and in person. So you can basically just focus on successfully growing your business. Shopify covers every sales channel from an in-person POS system to an all-in-one e-commerce platform. It even lets you sell across social media marketplaces like Facebook and Instagram. It's packed with industry-leading tools to to ignite your growth. Shopify gives you complete control of your business and your brand without having to learn any new skills in design or code. And thanks to a 24/7 help service and an extensive customer business course library, Shopify is there to support your success every single step of the way.


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Oh, yeah, there's a bunch. Do you want to go MMA or non-MMA?


Give me a non-MMA.


Okay. I think this one is... We were talking about Elon Musk before. He's catching a little bit of flak here after he provided a tribe. I believe it was either in Africa or the Amazon, with Starlink, giving them access to the Internet for the first time. It's a remote Indigenous tribe. They liked It was awesome doing great for the first few months there. But now we're about a year in. Apparently, all the young boys in the village are addicted to porn and just scrolling on their phone all day. Nothing gets done anymore. Everyone's lost to the cell phone.


Yeah. Well, I mean, because think about it, right? We've had a slow integration with technology. I don't know much about these tribes, but if they don't have WiFi, I'm assuming they don't have the everyday mod cons that we have, the modern conveniences. How the fuck have they even got cell phones?I.


Mean, I'm guessing that's my first question.That's.


My first question. When I think of Amazonian or African tribes, I don't think of them having iPhone 15 Pro Max.


No, but you can get an Android pretty cheap anywhere in the world.


Yeah. Anyway, it's not surprising that they bloody got addicted to porn. I mean, that's the thing. I saw a video today online, and it's so true. And I wish I took note of this because I didn't. Lucas has had a phone for a couple of years. The kids, Kalim and Ellie, they had phones when they were about, I want to say 10, 11, something like that. They didn't have flip iPhone back then, but they had phones because we want to be able to contact them when they're out playing with their friends and whatnot. We're talking 13 years ago, so they weren't really... They were a thing, but certainly They weren't having iPhones. But I saw this video and it said, Yeah, if you want to give your kid a phone, give it a flip phone. Do not give it a smartphone. No child should have access to the Internet Freely. And I thought, that is a great point. It's a great point, certainly for young men. They said they're going to be watching beheading videos. They're going to be watching porn. They're going to be watching all manner of the disgusting side of human nature, what you can find online.


Because young men, particularly, they're curious. And when you're younger and you're immature, you find that stuff I don't want to say entertaining, but you find it like you're curious about it, you want to watch it, you've never seen it, you don't know if it's real, you see it, the shock value of it not impresses you, But there is a fascination. You're like, Shit, this stuff really happens. And a lot of young boys, they're not sexually active. So then they get to watch some bloody porns And they're like, Oh, my God. And he said, Don't give smartphones. Give him a phone. Give him a smartphone at 14, but you don't give him unrespected access to everything. I don't even know how you do that until they're 16 years old. And I think that's actually pretty good advice. And if there are a bunch of Yana Mamo tribesmen from the Amazonian jungle, and that is a real tribe, by the way, the Yana Mamo, it is. Do you know how I know that?


From doing desk work for an Alex Pereira fight?


No, it's not. But that's a good guess. My brother Conrad, he was a part of choir, and they sing a song with Sting about the lonely Jaguar and the Yano Mamo tribe in the Amazon jump. Oh, wow. Yeah, how about that? Isn't that cool? Anyway, so the Yano Mamo people, they're not rocking an iPhone 15 Pro Max, and they do not need a subscription to Bang Bros. You know what I'm saying? But, Brian, maybe you could shed some light on this if you feel up to it. I know you're suffering with a bit of toothache right now. I saw, speaking of Elon Musk, and I don't understand this, I saw some posts the other day, I'm sure you know all about this, where he was saying that, Apparently, the iPhone are going to integrate into their operating server, OpenAI, like a ChatGPT thing. And I saw the tweets from Elon saying, If they do that, none of his employees will be able to enter their headquarters with a phone that is Apple, simple as that because of the security breach. Are you able to elaborate on that?


I don't know too much more than what you said, but it makes all the sense in the world. If the phone is able to autonomously do things on its own, like take in data from classified areas and all that other shit, you absolutely shouldn't be able to have them. I know somebody who works in the Pentagon, and he can't bring his phone in.


Yeah. But But what is the threat of just having the program in the operating server? I mean, obviously, I never, ever use it. I downloaded ChatGPT because I wanted to see what it was all about. And I think I've messed with it for fun, two or three times. Open I've forgotten that I'd be even bloody having.


Openai is a little more robust than your ChatGPT is going to be. And if you give your... Essentially, it's getting close to AGI, where it's like an autonomous general intelligence, where if you give that access to your network, then who knows what's going to happen once this thing gets access to your network and all your files. That's the danger behind it is.


So basically, it's a protocol just basically being on the safe side.


It's literally the plot for Terminator, right? So Skynet was designed to do all these things, and it secretly got into everybody's programs all over the world. And then when they decided, when they told Skynet to get rid of itself, it turned on the people. It's literally the plot for Terminator.


And a lot of other science fiction movies as well, basically. Sure. Anyway, all right. Well, listen, if you're addicted to porn and you're in the Amazon jungle, sue Elon Musk.


It's his fault.


It's his fault. You brought this stuff down here. I'd never seen it before. I didn't even know what porn was. Now I can't get away from it.


The length he will go to to get new people to sign up for Twitter.


Yeah, exactly. No man alive should be seeing that. Now, give me some MMA. We'll do about another 15 minutes or so if you got time, and then we'll call it a day.


Yeah, all the time in the world. I think the biggest story you touched on earlier, that Dias Masvidal brawl from last week's press conference. So again, Nate Diaz, as he's wanted to do, walks off for press conference stage. That is to be expected at this point. Now, then after that, Mazvidal and one of the guys in Diaz's crew got into it with one of the guys in Diaz's crew taking the first swing.


Oh my god. What's going on? What's going on? No, no, no, no, no, Oh my god.


Let's go.


. For that. Message as well, where something like, Masvidal is getting pulled by his hair. He's sneaking it behind him, and he pulled by the hair and stuff. I think that's been here. It really kicks off, didn't it?


Oh, yeah. Yeah, these guys really got into it. It seems like there's some actual bad blood between them.


Put that back on, Brian. I was enjoying that, buddy. Put that back on.


You see guys hitting the deck, chairs being thrown. Masdar's got him by the hair, the guy who threw that first punch.


Yeah, I'm trying to watch. Shut up. Sorry. It's repeating. Shit, man. Shit. Wow. I mean, it's great promotion for a fight. It really is. I mean, again, McGregor Khabib, biggest one ever, and we know what happened there. I What is the deal with Dias, man? And his whole crew? I mean, that could have got really ugly. And I know I sound like an old, boring fart when I say this, but you see all the metal pipes, and there was a lot of concrete around and stuff like that. And it seems like Dias and his crew, they're mainly the instigators. And listen, we all enjoy what the Dias brothers do. But there's a lot of innocent bystanders there. You know what I'm saying? When this shit kicks off like that, people get hurt. People get caught in the uproar of it all. They get knocked over, they hit their head. Someone really hurts themselves. You know what I'm saying? It's like, do it in the ring. Granted, all right, it's all promotion, and to a certain extent, it is. But it's like, come on, man. Come on. Conduct yourself with a little bit of class.


Hey, man, if you're a real one in the Nakedia's arm You're going to be able to hold your own in a bra like that. And if you ain't a real one in the Nakeda as army, then you against us, then you deserve whatever happened to you. I feel like that's the mindset.


Yeah, well, if you're a real man as well, you don't need to go around with an army. You never see me. I'm not saying I'm the toughest man alive, but me, myself, and I, I don't need a whole crew of ass-licking from the goons telling me how great I'm willing to cause a scene and disrupt innocent people's lives. Granted, they're going to throw down intentions fly, just like with Tyson Furie and... What was it?


Tyson Furie and- Big John, a U6 man.


Yeah, a U6, and what his father did. Granted, It didn't look like that was Dias there. And it's always often the case. So Dias is focused on the fire with Masvidal. I wasn't there, but I'm assuming it's Dias' team, right? Talking shit, starting shit, It being violent because Dias has got a fight to train for. Dias doesn't want to be rolling around in that situation. He wants to get paid for all the work that he's done, for all the promotion that they've done. You know what I mean? Getting involved in a fight like that, the fight could easily be canceled. But it's all the other ones because they ain't getting in the ring. They haven't got the acclaim. They haven't got the Fame. They haven't got the money. But they want to be seen to be a tough guy. You know what I'm saying? So I've got to find somewhere better to do with your life. Simple as that. It's always the ones around the tough guys that have always got the loudest mouths and always willing to do shit like that. But those guys probably wouldn't do shit in a one-on-one situation. I know a guy that I was in Toronto, and this guy is not a fighter.


This guy is a weak pussy of a human being. But because he was with me, and Parillo and a few others, and he felt safe, he was abusing this guy across the street. And I think he thought that we would find it impressive. I think he thought that we'd think, Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was like, What are you doing? Why are you acting tough to that guy there? Because that guy will kick the f out of you, but you know you're with us. So what? He won't kick the f out of you. And two, you think that impresses us? Do you think me and Parillo are actually I'm impressed. Well, look at this guy. He's talking shit to someone.


We wanted to get dragged into a fight tonight.


Yeah, no, exactly. It's when I was there promoting the George St. Pierre fight, when we went to the Ice Hockey Hall of Fame, and we just went out for dinner that night. And this one guy's acting all tough that's with us and just being a dick to people. Oh, yeah, that's really impressive to us. You being rude and obnoxious to someone across the street for doing nothing. Do you know what I mean? But that's what some people do. They get around fighters, and I'm not saying these people, they get around fighters and they think that that impresses them. It doesn't. Anyway, I hope, again, Masvidal and Dias, that goes down soon. Once again, I hope they make a ton of money. I got Jorge Masvidal in that fight all day long, though.


Yeah. I mean, it is tough to pick Dias at this point. You know what I mean? You're coming off a Jake Paul loss. I cannot back the guy who just lost to Jake Paul. In the same sport, you're about to fight Jorge Masvidal in. You know what I mean?


Masvidal beat him pretty soundly. Yes, it was a cut. You know what I mean? But it was a pretty good beat down until that point came. You never know, Díaz is tough. Look at him in round five against Leon Edwards, which is a fair point, to be fair. Anyway, so, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for watching. We will be back with another show, a second show coming at you this week. If you have a question, please send it in to bympotter@gmail. C com. Now, there's no questions to do today because you guys haven't sent in good ones. There has been some submitted, but they're just not good questions, to be quite frank. And I don't know this. I'm going off what Brian said. So they're pretty bad questions, though, you said.


I'm never going to play, again, what's the best base for your kid? Has it been answered 13 times? Yes. If you want to start your kid in MMA, send them to jiu-jitsu or boxing, period. We've said that like 100 times.


Oh, wrestling or anything. It's not going to go wrong with any of them, to be honest.


And then check your videos and make sure there's audio on them. That's another hit.


We need audio. We do need audio. If you're going to send the question in, but we appreciate all of the support. Thank you for watching, Harrington.


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