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So we're up.


You're listening to the Gas Digital Network. Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the f up. You're listening to believe you me with Michael, the Count Bisbing.


You know my name yet? And Anthony Lionhardt-Smith.


All right, and we're back. Believe You Me podcast. Today, joining the show, we will have the one and only, Brandon All in Allen. We will have the one and only, Michael Benham-Page. We will have Arnold Allen. It is an Allen Spectacular and a Harrington Spectacular. Harrington with a little shade of purple to you today.


Yeah, I know.


The kids are all in on this grimace thing, so I'm checking in with that. I'm seeing what's going on.


Okay, we're talking of grimacing. I was grimacing a little bit yesterday. We just talk about this for five minutes before Brenda Allen joins us. I was grimacing at the Jake Paul, Mike Perry open workouts yesterday. The W guy, who is the W guy? Apparently, he's Jake Paul's mascot. When I think of Jake Paul's mascot, I think of the giant robot dude or whatever. But now he's got a W guy. At the open workouts, Mike Perry is doing his thing. He's in the ring, he's hitting pads, he's wasn't exactly an all-action Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em robots type thing. You know what I mean? And that Nate Diaz was not the Diaz that showed up against Masvidal. Let's just put it like But Mike Perry, if he goes out in the whole time like a little buzz saw with aggression and fast, powerful shots in the pocket, that's going to be a nightmare for J Paul.The only question is, can he maintain that pace? Because fighting like that is extremely tiresome. Can Mike Perry maintain that pace? If he can, that would be the recipe to beating J Paul quite comfortably, I think. I don't know about finishing, but I would love to see that.That is one of those things, though. Like Brandon was just talking about, Jake gets to pick the judges in his fights and things like that. I mean, it's an MVP promotions production. So it's like, I do question, just because of boxing being the nature of what it is, I question any fight going to the scorecards and them not reading Jake Paul's name to get their guy over. I thought for sure he was going to get screwed to win in the Tommy Paul fight. Not Tommy Paul, Tommy Fury fight. So I I don't know how well a decision goes for Mike Perry in a fight like this, but I do agree. I think for somebody like Mike Perry, if you take out the wrestling, take out the threat of the head kicks, that's a guy who could have stayed in your face for 25 minutes in a UFC octagon. I don't see why he couldn't do that against Jake Paul in a boxing ring.I just hope that he does. I really hope that he does because I've got nothing against Jake Paul. I say that all the time. I don't, but he's a bit annoying. Mike Perry, how can you not resonate Mike Perry? Yeah, he's a wild man. He said some crazy shit, but he's hilarious. My YouTube editor did a video yesterday. It was Mike Perry dancing before a UFC fight, before he was about to fight. And he's doing, what did he call that move? What did he call it? There's a- Flossing?Oh, the Running Man.The Running Man. He's doing the Running Man before he fights. I'm like, this guy's hilarious. He's out of his mind. He went, go on.How about when he asked for the halo video game theme music music, and instead they played Beyoncé's halo, and he's like, All right, and just started singing along and dancing to it? Yeah.Brings his girlfriend in to corner him as the only cornerman. He's a wild man, and I love it. I love that about her, and I wish him nothing but the best this week. And real quick, Connor. How's he involved here? I just see Connor's name in the notes there.Well, he's a partner with BKFC now. So he was at their press conference in Spain was a lot of words, right? First and foremost, the fact that he was in Spain, a lot of people bringing up Ilyas Teporia said that he'd beat him up. He's too big for him. Ilyas is too small, et cetera. He said that he sees himself as a player manager going forward with BKFC. He said there's two fights left on his UFC contract. Then he would love to become a two-sport champion claiming gold in BKFC. And finally, got the crowd all riled up, said, Of course, everybody here is rooting for Mike Perry against Jake Paul this weekend. I think he called Jake Paul a dweeb. And then he said, Yeah, obviously everyone here can resonate with Mike Perry, and they can see what BKFC can do for the second half of fighters career.Yeah, and he's absolutely right on most points there. You know what I mean? I don't know if Iliya is too small for Conor McGregor, though. Mcgregor is not exactly the biggest guy. What a fight that would be, though. Could you imagine? And what a fight that would be, hypothetically, a 2016 version of Conor McGregor and the 2024 Iliya Sephora, who is- At Feathr Way?Jesus.At Feathr Way. That would be amazing. Conor, he's got two more fights left on his BK, sorry, UFC career on his UFC contract. It's hard enough getting him down one fight on the two fights, you know what I'm saying? But he could smash those out real quickly. He could smash those out quick. I'll tell you what, it'd be cool seeing Connor McGregor in Berenoukle. I'd I like to see it given the Irish Gipsy Berenoukle boxing. Not that he has that background, but it comes from that neck of the woods. Anyway, we've got a few minutes before the one and only Michael Vennen Page joins us. Tell us about Pavee Pimble, what's he been saying lately?So Patti Pimble, again, a contract talk. This is apparently the last fight on his contract. He did say, though, he had talked about maybe influence or boxing or something like that. He made it very clear he fully intends to resign with the UFC after this fight. He said, This is where the best fighters in the world fight. Why would I want to go to any other organization? It's preposterous. And he also said that he sees this as a stepping stone with this new contract that he's signing. He has a four-fight plan to get to a title. He said it involves Hinata Cacano, Benilde Dariush, any top five lightweight, and then a title shop.Yeah. The problem is, I mean, obviously, let's read between the lines here. One would assume the UFC made him an offer. They always do. So they made him an offer and he declined that offer and he's essentially gambling on himself. That he's going to go out there, he's going to beat Bobby Green, he's going to do it in sensational fashion and then therefore get an increased contractual offer. That's what he's planning on. And I respect him for that. And a lot of people do that. They roll the dice. Problem is when you lose, the contractual offer normally goes down because that's just the way the game works. You want to try and screw me for a bit more? Fine. Well, then we'll screw you for less. Your stock has just gone up, the offer goes up. Well, now your stock has just gone down, so then the offer goes down. It's just fair business. That's the way it works. So I respect him for doing this because Bobby Green is a really, really tough matchup. And this is going to be the sink or swim moment for Pavee Pimble. And I say that with respect, that's not me talking shit, because now, he had a slow rise in in the UFC, not the craziest schedule, a massive fan base, Barstool Sports, apparently giving him big contracts and big social media following and massive support in the crowd.I mean, I commentated most of his fights, I think, and he whips the crowd up into a frenzy. So it's usually wildly popular. And a slow ascension. Of course, he had the Jared Gordon fight, which hurt his stock. It was a very close fight. I leaned towards Jared Gordon on the night, probably still do, but whatever, it's not his fault. But then some of his remarks afterwards turned people off him. Then he comes back and fights Tony Ferguson after a long layoff as well. He wins that fight, but that's a really tough situation because it's Tony Ferguson on a losing streak. Now he's a big priority of yours? And if so, have you spoken to the UFC about, Listen, I need more fights?No, I haven't. But I think where I was I'm such a quiet guy and I just go under the radar, I wouldn't ask. If they offered it, I'm here. I've got something, let's go. But now I'm actually established and my name's out there a bit more. I think they're pushing to get me fights more often, so that's good. Three a year would be great. We all get in this game because we love fighting, and that's it. I don't want to not be fighting all the time.Yeah, well, of course. I mean, listen, Arnold, you're tremendous in the octagon. You're very, very skilled, fun to watch, exciting style, but you've always been a quieter guy. Are you planning on making a bit more? And I don't mean selling your soul. I don't mean becoming somebody that you're not. I'm talking shit for the sake of talking shit. But maybe as you're getting older and you're mature and you feel a bit more comfortable in your skin type of thing, are you going to make the correct noise?Yeah, definitely. I think that's been the thing I wanted to do my whole career. Even start my YouTube channel and shit, do my own thing, just try and do it without becoming something I'm not. Just do my thing and just be my own character. And show I've got something Because everyone used to go, 'Oh, ' and Arnold doesn't say anything's boring. But yeah, exactly. I do it for the weird, quiet guys.Were you a shy, shy person when you were younger? What up, Mike?How are you guys doing? How are you doing Arnold? Are you? Yeah, good, Arnold, you're right?I'm going to rate you.Yeah, good man. Were you a shy guy when you were younger?No, not really, to be honest. I was always awkward, but I actually got kicked out of school for being loudmouth.Oh, really? He was a victim of his own success. He was winning fights so handily and so easily. Maybe took his foot off the gas a little bit. But I'm sure that when he was fighting for his heavyweight debut He had Cyril Garn that he was motivated to come back after three years and show the world and remind them how good he was. And look what he did to Cyril Garn. Of course, he's not the most disciplined guy. And Jon Jones, currently in the news. Did you see that he's pleaded not guilty, by the way?I did see that.Pleaded not guilty. What does that mean, Hamilton?That means the trial is coming up.It means it's going to trial. The Johnny Debt, Amber Heard, Trial of the Century. I'll be livestreaming the whole thing. It's going to be interesting, though. It's going to be very interesting. It's going to be very interesting. Thank you for the question, though. What separates the elite from the good? That's what he said, right?I don't remember, but I think that was- You said it was elite from the elite.How can you separate the elite from the elite? They're elite.Some guys are truly elite level but never become champions. You can't stay at the top of this game, at the top of the rankings, in the top five, fighting the best of the best on the planet for almost a decade and not be considered elite.Well, I'm verbate elite. A select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society. So the elite, the best, the champions.I think the elite is a group, and then champion is a singular, somebody who rises above all the other, even the best guys to become champion of the world.No, I understand what you're saying, a perennial contender. A perennial contender, you would consider them elite. But if they're a perennial contender, and never become champ or the elite, or were they just always... It was really good. You can't tell me- No, I'm not saying it. It was a question. I'm asking a question.I think for the people who watch the sport and care about the sport and discuss the sport, yes, you can 100% be elite. You can't tell me Joseph Benavides was not elite for his run at Flyway. Demetrius Johnson just happened to be there.And that's a great example. That's a perfect example because Joseph Benavidas was elite. He really was. He really was elite. And Dimitrius was there. And then who else did he lose to? I mean, David Sardipo was right at the end. But Henry Sajudo was there as well. He went on to become a double champ. That was a good one. Anyway, that's the show, everyone. Big thank you to Michael Benne page, to Arnold Allen, to Brandon Allen. And thank you all for watching. I'll see you on Monday.


wasn't exactly an all-action Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em robots type thing. You know what I mean? And that Nate Diaz was not the Diaz that showed up against Masvidal. Let's just put it like But Mike Perry, if he goes out in the whole time like a little buzz saw with aggression and fast, powerful shots in the pocket, that's going to be a nightmare for J Paul.


The only question is, can he maintain that pace? Because fighting like that is extremely tiresome. Can Mike Perry maintain that pace? If he can, that would be the recipe to beating J Paul quite comfortably, I think. I don't know about finishing, but I would love to see that.


That is one of those things, though. Like Brandon was just talking about, Jake gets to pick the judges in his fights and things like that. I mean, it's an MVP promotions production. So it's like, I do question, just because of boxing being the nature of what it is, I question any fight going to the scorecards and them not reading Jake Paul's name to get their guy over. I thought for sure he was going to get screwed to win in the Tommy Paul fight. Not Tommy Paul, Tommy Fury fight. So I I don't know how well a decision goes for Mike Perry in a fight like this, but I do agree. I think for somebody like Mike Perry, if you take out the wrestling, take out the threat of the head kicks, that's a guy who could have stayed in your face for 25 minutes in a UFC octagon. I don't see why he couldn't do that against Jake Paul in a boxing ring.


I just hope that he does. I really hope that he does because I've got nothing against Jake Paul. I say that all the time. I don't, but he's a bit annoying. Mike Perry, how can you not resonate Mike Perry? Yeah, he's a wild man. He said some crazy shit, but he's hilarious. My YouTube editor did a video yesterday. It was Mike Perry dancing before a UFC fight, before he was about to fight. And he's doing, what did he call that move? What did he call it? There's a- Flossing?


Oh, the Running Man.


The Running Man. He's doing the Running Man before he fights. I'm like, this guy's hilarious. He's out of his mind. He went, go on.


How about when he asked for the halo video game theme music music, and instead they played Beyoncé's halo, and he's like, All right, and just started singing along and dancing to it? Yeah.


Brings his girlfriend in to corner him as the only cornerman. He's a wild man, and I love it. I love that about her, and I wish him nothing but the best this week. And real quick, Connor. How's he involved here? I just see Connor's name in the notes there.


Well, he's a partner with BKFC now. So he was at their press conference in Spain was a lot of words, right? First and foremost, the fact that he was in Spain, a lot of people bringing up Ilyas Teporia said that he'd beat him up. He's too big for him. Ilyas is too small, et cetera. He said that he sees himself as a player manager going forward with BKFC. He said there's two fights left on his UFC contract. Then he would love to become a two-sport champion claiming gold in BKFC. And finally, got the crowd all riled up, said, Of course, everybody here is rooting for Mike Perry against Jake Paul this weekend. I think he called Jake Paul a dweeb. And then he said, Yeah, obviously everyone here can resonate with Mike Perry, and they can see what BKFC can do for the second half of fighters career.


Yeah, and he's absolutely right on most points there. You know what I mean? I don't know if Iliya is too small for Conor McGregor, though. Mcgregor is not exactly the biggest guy. What a fight that would be, though. Could you imagine? And what a fight that would be, hypothetically, a 2016 version of Conor McGregor and the 2024 Iliya Sephora, who is- At Feathr Way?




At Feathr Way. That would be amazing. Conor, he's got two more fights left on his BK, sorry, UFC career on his UFC contract. It's hard enough getting him down one fight on the two fights, you know what I'm saying? But he could smash those out real quickly. He could smash those out quick. I'll tell you what, it'd be cool seeing Connor McGregor in Berenoukle. I'd I like to see it given the Irish Gipsy Berenoukle boxing. Not that he has that background, but it comes from that neck of the woods. Anyway, we've got a few minutes before the one and only Michael Vennen Page joins us. Tell us about Pavee Pimble, what's he been saying lately?


So Patti Pimble, again, a contract talk. This is apparently the last fight on his contract. He did say, though, he had talked about maybe influence or boxing or something like that. He made it very clear he fully intends to resign with the UFC after this fight. He said, This is where the best fighters in the world fight. Why would I want to go to any other organization? It's preposterous. And he also said that he sees this as a stepping stone with this new contract that he's signing. He has a four-fight plan to get to a title. He said it involves Hinata Cacano, Benilde Dariush, any top five lightweight, and then a title shop.


Yeah. The problem is, I mean, obviously, let's read between the lines here. One would assume the UFC made him an offer. They always do. So they made him an offer and he declined that offer and he's essentially gambling on himself. That he's going to go out there, he's going to beat Bobby Green, he's going to do it in sensational fashion and then therefore get an increased contractual offer. That's what he's planning on. And I respect him for that. And a lot of people do that. They roll the dice. Problem is when you lose, the contractual offer normally goes down because that's just the way the game works. You want to try and screw me for a bit more? Fine. Well, then we'll screw you for less. Your stock has just gone up, the offer goes up. Well, now your stock has just gone down, so then the offer goes down. It's just fair business. That's the way it works. So I respect him for doing this because Bobby Green is a really, really tough matchup. And this is going to be the sink or swim moment for Pavee Pimble. And I say that with respect, that's not me talking shit, because now, he had a slow rise in in the UFC, not the craziest schedule, a massive fan base, Barstool Sports, apparently giving him big contracts and big social media following and massive support in the crowd.


I mean, I commentated most of his fights, I think, and he whips the crowd up into a frenzy. So it's usually wildly popular. And a slow ascension. Of course, he had the Jared Gordon fight, which hurt his stock. It was a very close fight. I leaned towards Jared Gordon on the night, probably still do, but whatever, it's not his fault. But then some of his remarks afterwards turned people off him. Then he comes back and fights Tony Ferguson after a long layoff as well. He wins that fight, but that's a really tough situation because it's Tony Ferguson on a losing streak. Now he's a big priority of yours? And if so, have you spoken to the UFC about, Listen, I need more fights?No, I haven't. But I think where I was I'm such a quiet guy and I just go under the radar, I wouldn't ask. If they offered it, I'm here. I've got something, let's go. But now I'm actually established and my name's out there a bit more. I think they're pushing to get me fights more often, so that's good. Three a year would be great. We all get in this game because we love fighting, and that's it. I don't want to not be fighting all the time.Yeah, well, of course. I mean, listen, Arnold, you're tremendous in the octagon. You're very, very skilled, fun to watch, exciting style, but you've always been a quieter guy. Are you planning on making a bit more? And I don't mean selling your soul. I don't mean becoming somebody that you're not. I'm talking shit for the sake of talking shit. But maybe as you're getting older and you're mature and you feel a bit more comfortable in your skin type of thing, are you going to make the correct noise?Yeah, definitely. I think that's been the thing I wanted to do my whole career. Even start my YouTube channel and shit, do my own thing, just try and do it without becoming something I'm not. Just do my thing and just be my own character. And show I've got something Because everyone used to go, 'Oh, ' and Arnold doesn't say anything's boring. But yeah, exactly. I do it for the weird, quiet guys.Were you a shy, shy person when you were younger? What up, Mike?How are you guys doing? How are you doing Arnold? Are you? Yeah, good, Arnold, you're right?I'm going to rate you.Yeah, good man. Were you a shy guy when you were younger?No, not really, to be honest. I was always awkward, but I actually got kicked out of school for being loudmouth.Oh, really? He was a victim of his own success. He was winning fights so handily and so easily. Maybe took his foot off the gas a little bit. But I'm sure that when he was fighting for his heavyweight debut He had Cyril Garn that he was motivated to come back after three years and show the world and remind them how good he was. And look what he did to Cyril Garn. Of course, he's not the most disciplined guy. And Jon Jones, currently in the news. Did you see that he's pleaded not guilty, by the way?I did see that.Pleaded not guilty. What does that mean, Hamilton?That means the trial is coming up.It means it's going to trial. The Johnny Debt, Amber Heard, Trial of the Century. I'll be livestreaming the whole thing. It's going to be interesting, though. It's going to be very interesting. It's going to be very interesting. Thank you for the question, though. What separates the elite from the good? That's what he said, right?I don't remember, but I think that was- You said it was elite from the elite.How can you separate the elite from the elite? They're elite.Some guys are truly elite level but never become champions. You can't stay at the top of this game, at the top of the rankings, in the top five, fighting the best of the best on the planet for almost a decade and not be considered elite.Well, I'm verbate elite. A select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society. So the elite, the best, the champions.I think the elite is a group, and then champion is a singular, somebody who rises above all the other, even the best guys to become champion of the world.No, I understand what you're saying, a perennial contender. A perennial contender, you would consider them elite. But if they're a perennial contender, and never become champ or the elite, or were they just always... It was really good. You can't tell me- No, I'm not saying it. It was a question. I'm asking a question.I think for the people who watch the sport and care about the sport and discuss the sport, yes, you can 100% be elite. You can't tell me Joseph Benavides was not elite for his run at Flyway. Demetrius Johnson just happened to be there.And that's a great example. That's a perfect example because Joseph Benavidas was elite. He really was. He really was elite. And Dimitrius was there. And then who else did he lose to? I mean, David Sardipo was right at the end. But Henry Sajudo was there as well. He went on to become a double champ. That was a good one. Anyway, that's the show, everyone. Big thank you to Michael Benne page, to Arnold Allen, to Brandon Allen. And thank you all for watching. I'll see you on Monday.


a big priority of yours? And if so, have you spoken to the UFC about, Listen, I need more fights?


No, I haven't. But I think where I was I'm such a quiet guy and I just go under the radar, I wouldn't ask. If they offered it, I'm here. I've got something, let's go. But now I'm actually established and my name's out there a bit more. I think they're pushing to get me fights more often, so that's good. Three a year would be great. We all get in this game because we love fighting, and that's it. I don't want to not be fighting all the time.


Yeah, well, of course. I mean, listen, Arnold, you're tremendous in the octagon. You're very, very skilled, fun to watch, exciting style, but you've always been a quieter guy. Are you planning on making a bit more? And I don't mean selling your soul. I don't mean becoming somebody that you're not. I'm talking shit for the sake of talking shit. But maybe as you're getting older and you're mature and you feel a bit more comfortable in your skin type of thing, are you going to make the correct noise?


Yeah, definitely. I think that's been the thing I wanted to do my whole career. Even start my YouTube channel and shit, do my own thing, just try and do it without becoming something I'm not. Just do my thing and just be my own character. And show I've got something Because everyone used to go, 'Oh, ' and Arnold doesn't say anything's boring. But yeah, exactly. I do it for the weird, quiet guys.


Were you a shy, shy person when you were younger? What up, Mike?


How are you guys doing? How are you doing Arnold? Are you? Yeah, good, Arnold, you're right?


I'm going to rate you.


Yeah, good man. Were you a shy guy when you were younger?


No, not really, to be honest. I was always awkward, but I actually got kicked out of school for being loudmouth.


Oh, really? He was a victim of his own success. He was winning fights so handily and so easily. Maybe took his foot off the gas a little bit. But I'm sure that when he was fighting for his heavyweight debut He had Cyril Garn that he was motivated to come back after three years and show the world and remind them how good he was. And look what he did to Cyril Garn. Of course, he's not the most disciplined guy. And Jon Jones, currently in the news. Did you see that he's pleaded not guilty, by the way?I did see that.Pleaded not guilty. What does that mean, Hamilton?That means the trial is coming up.It means it's going to trial. The Johnny Debt, Amber Heard, Trial of the Century. I'll be livestreaming the whole thing. It's going to be interesting, though. It's going to be very interesting. It's going to be very interesting. Thank you for the question, though. What separates the elite from the good? That's what he said, right?I don't remember, but I think that was- You said it was elite from the elite.How can you separate the elite from the elite? They're elite.Some guys are truly elite level but never become champions. You can't stay at the top of this game, at the top of the rankings, in the top five, fighting the best of the best on the planet for almost a decade and not be considered elite.Well, I'm verbate elite. A select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society. So the elite, the best, the champions.I think the elite is a group, and then champion is a singular, somebody who rises above all the other, even the best guys to become champion of the world.No, I understand what you're saying, a perennial contender. A perennial contender, you would consider them elite. But if they're a perennial contender, and never become champ or the elite, or were they just always... It was really good. You can't tell me- No, I'm not saying it. It was a question. I'm asking a question.I think for the people who watch the sport and care about the sport and discuss the sport, yes, you can 100% be elite. You can't tell me Joseph Benavides was not elite for his run at Flyway. Demetrius Johnson just happened to be there.And that's a great example. That's a perfect example because Joseph Benavidas was elite. He really was. He really was elite. And Dimitrius was there. And then who else did he lose to? I mean, David Sardipo was right at the end. But Henry Sajudo was there as well. He went on to become a double champ. That was a good one. Anyway, that's the show, everyone. Big thank you to Michael Benne page, to Arnold Allen, to Brandon Allen. And thank you all for watching. I'll see you on Monday.


He was a victim of his own success. He was winning fights so handily and so easily. Maybe took his foot off the gas a little bit. But I'm sure that when he was fighting for his heavyweight debut He had Cyril Garn that he was motivated to come back after three years and show the world and remind them how good he was. And look what he did to Cyril Garn. Of course, he's not the most disciplined guy. And Jon Jones, currently in the news. Did you see that he's pleaded not guilty, by the way?


I did see that.


Pleaded not guilty. What does that mean, Hamilton?


That means the trial is coming up.


It means it's going to trial. The Johnny Debt, Amber Heard, Trial of the Century. I'll be livestreaming the whole thing. It's going to be interesting, though. It's going to be very interesting. It's going to be very interesting. Thank you for the question, though. What separates the elite from the good? That's what he said, right?


I don't remember, but I think that was- You said it was elite from the elite.


How can you separate the elite from the elite? They're elite.


Some guys are truly elite level but never become champions. You can't stay at the top of this game, at the top of the rankings, in the top five, fighting the best of the best on the planet for almost a decade and not be considered elite.


Well, I'm verbate elite. A select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society. So the elite, the best, the champions.


I think the elite is a group, and then champion is a singular, somebody who rises above all the other, even the best guys to become champion of the world.


No, I understand what you're saying, a perennial contender. A perennial contender, you would consider them elite. But if they're a perennial contender, and never become champ or the elite, or were they just always... It was really good. You can't tell me- No, I'm not saying it. It was a question. I'm asking a question.


I think for the people who watch the sport and care about the sport and discuss the sport, yes, you can 100% be elite. You can't tell me Joseph Benavides was not elite for his run at Flyway. Demetrius Johnson just happened to be there.


And that's a great example. That's a perfect example because Joseph Benavidas was elite. He really was. He really was elite. And Dimitrius was there. And then who else did he lose to? I mean, David Sardipo was right at the end. But Henry Sajudo was there as well. He went on to become a double champ. That was a good one. Anyway, that's the show, everyone. Big thank you to Michael Benne page, to Arnold Allen, to Brandon Allen. And thank you all for watching. I'll see you on Monday.