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You're listening to the Gasbill Network.


Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the f up.


You're listening to believe you me with Michael the Count Bisbing.


You know my name yet? And Anthony Lionhardt-Smith.


All right, well, let's get started with the Saudi Arabia special. Of course, I'm here. I'm on the road. I'm in Saudi Arabia. I'm jet lagged. I'm tired. I'm here. I'm in a beautiful hotel. First time in Saudi Arabia. Haven't seen any of Saudi Arabia. I've seen the very nice hotel that they've got to staying in, and that's been it. And now this free time that I've got making the podcast, looking into the eyes of the one and only Mike Harrington. Harrington, what's going on, buddy?


I mean, Not too much, man. I certainly haven't been on a plane for 21 of the last 30 or so hours, so I'm doing pretty good.


Yeah. Well, you know what? Wi-fi on a plane is great because I was just sitting on Twitter, just tweeting up a storm, just responding to everyone. I followed a bunch of random people as well, which is fine because the algorithm never really shows me stuff of people that I follow these days. It's always crazy, crazy stuff on Twitter. What did I watch? I didn't really watch anything. The food was amazing. I'll shout out Turkish Airlines. But I did a little video because on my next plane... Because listen, it's Saudi Arabia. There's no alcohol here at all. I land, I haven't got much time, and I'm like, I need a final drink, not because I'm a bloody alky or anything. I'm like, Listen, I've got a four and a half hour flight to get through. That last one was boring as hell. I'm like, Right, I'll find a bar, scoot it down. My wife's like, You're going to miss your flight. I'm like, I got to get a cheeky double vodka and tonic in me. So anyway, I'm rushing around the airport, I'm rushing to the gates, and who's there? Dc. I'm like, Let's go. This just got a lot better because DC is hilarious, man.


He just brings a warm energy to him, and he is. Dc is the man. He's And the plane was pretty empty flying to Saudi. So me and DC sat next to each other, had a good laugh there until DC decided to just start playing video games and ignore me. Oh, there we are. In that video there, The plane from LA to Turkey, I don't know if they had no air conditioning. I don't think it was broken. I just think they like it hot. It was boiling. It was like a goddamn sauna. I was sweating my head off the entire way. Fortunately, the next plane was nice and cool. Like you, Harrington. So I guess we'll get into some of that stuff. Saudi Arabia. Should we talk about this?


Yeah, there's quite a few story lines for this card. I mean, as you know, you're obviously working the event, and I'm sure your inbox has been going crazy with all the last minute changes and things like that. But I mean, obviously, none bigger than the main event getting switched up on us. I think it was right around this time last week, no?


Yeah, we talked about it a bit on Monday, but I do want to go a little bit deeper. Obviously, we spoke to Robert Whittaker and Iqram Alaskarov today at the fight of meetings. Robert Whittaker, I could be more impressed with a human being than what I am with Robert Whittaker every time I speak to him. He came into the fight of meetings today, obviously looking very focused and dialed in and all the rest of it in a serious tone. But he wasn't being braggadocious. He wasn't acting tough. He wasn't acting hard, but he was very self-assured that he's going to win this fight, that he would win any fight in the division. He said, All I'm focused on is being the best fighter in the world, being the martial artist, being the best martial artist that I can be. In fact, I wrote down what he said. Let me just find it here because it was quite really good. Hold on, I'm trying to find it. The title is just a result because we said to him, I said, What was the idea? How obsessed are you with getting that belt? And he said, No, not really.


He said, The title is just a result of perfecting my craft. I'm not obsessing of it. I just want to be the best version of myself. And if I know I'm the best version of myself, I'm then, therefore, the best fighter on planet Earth. And whether or not I have a belt to prove that, it doesn't matter. I know deep inside myself. And I was like, it was great words in the way that he spoke it and the way that he delivered it, he just can't help but have respect for this guy. Obviously, taking on Hamza, I said to him, I said, Well, did you see that as a path to get in a title fight? And that's what prompted him to start talking like this. He's like, I don't care. I don't care about a title. I've had all that stuff. I've been a champion before. I've made money. I'm still young. I'm still improving. I'm just still enjoying the ride. His body still feels amazing, and he wants to take on the toughest challenges ever. He said, If I was looking for easy fights, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. If I was ducking opponents, I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror.


And you've just got to respect that from this man. When you've got dickheads out there like Jake Paul professing to be some of the baddest men on the planet, but then you've got Robert Whittaker, who's fought nothing but monsters forever and still being very humble because maybe I'm delivering it in a slightly cocky tone because it's just the way I talk. But Robert was like, the tone of voice that he used, he wasn't being cocky or braggadocious or anything like that. That said, he does recognize that Ikram Alaskarow is a bad man and potentially a bad matchup. He was training for Hamza at Chimev. He was going to stand his ground. He was going to take the fight to Hamza early because I thought to him, his game plan would have been to avoid Hamza early, obviously, it's still a fight. You still got to stand your ground. But I would have thought, avoid that take down, lower your base, use a lot of jabs, use a lot of circular movement early because Hamza is a monster in round one. And he was like, No, actually, it was the opposite. I was going to take the fight right to him so that in the first round, he's going to use even more energy than what he would usually.


So therefore, rounds two, three, four, five, he's getting more tired and more tired. But then he said something as well. I said, You know what? People say you get tired. He said, And yeah, he does get tired, but he still beat Usman. He still beat Gilbert Burns. And I've fought fighters, and fighters have even said it about me. They get tired, but there's still a pain in the ass to deal with. Yeah, they might be tired, but they're still one of the best fighters on planet Earth. So yeah, they're tired, but they can still fuck you up. They still knock you out. They still take you down and all the rest of it. I'll take a breath. What are your thoughts on this matchup, Harrington?


I think there is something to be said, though. Or for somebody like a Hamza who can come out, get a fast start, and then it's like, Okay, now I'm just coasting. All I have to do is not get knocked out or not get submitted. I can do enough to make it look like I'm at least splitting these next two rounds, and that'll carry me to a decision. If you never let him get that momentum, if you make him fight like he absolutely needs to finish you coming into every round, that's a pretty good way to gas someone out when they're that hyper-focused on it, when there is no cruise control. But this fight, man, this is like, how do you do that? I hate to turn it right back around on you, but how do you do that as somebody who's been preparing for an insane wrestling attack? Yeah, sure. The The idea is to bring it to him in the first round and I'm sure trade on the feet with Hamza a bunch. But at the end of the day, you're preparing for a guy who wants to wrestle you, who wants to suplex you, pick you up and slam you.


Now you got to get in there with a guy who's looking to take your head off with one punch for the entire 25 minutes of that fight.


Yeah, but a lot of the strengths that Hamza has, Ikram has them as well. Ikram has only got one loss in his record, two Hamza. We went over that on Monday. But he started off as a kid training with Team Habib, Abdulman Abdelmahab, training with his father and all the old school guys that he used to train with. He's been raised in Daghistan, in Mahachkala, the same town, the exact same gym as Islem Makhachev, as Khabib Gamaga Madoff. So, yeah, he's got two knockouts or two knockouts and one submission under the UFC banner. But if you think that guy can't swing a high crutch, single leg, double leg you all over the place, suplex you for fun, you're out of your mind. Of course, he can. They all do. Anyone with the name Ikram Alaskarov, residing in Daghistan, will be a better wrestler than any one of us here on this podcast. Simple as that. Do you know what I mean? I spent a long time wrestling. I'm in pain right now with my neck because of wrestling injuries. Even though he's not known as a wrestler, he will out wrestle the fight of me, even though he's not a very big guy.


Even though he's not a very big guy. I'm taking this back because I'm a proud man. I'd have a go. But I was shocked when he walked in the fight meetings, I stood up to shake his hand, obviously, to be respectful. I was taking it back because I was like, whoa, he's not the biggest middleweight, far from it. Not the biggest man at all. Granted, Whittaker spent a long time at well to wait as well. Sean Strickland fought at well to wait. So can't really read too much into that. But yeah, this man, when you look at Hamza and you look at him, maybe not too much difference. I mean, yeah, Hamza is undefeated. Hamza Hamza has got a victory over him. Hamza knocked him out. But he's knocked out plenty of people. He's only got one loss on his record. Who else has only got one loss on his record? Who might be the pound for pound number one fire on the planet, whose name is Islam Mahachev, okay? One loss on his record.


I thought you were going to say the other guy who might be pound for pound number one on the planet who's only got one loss on his record, Jon Jones.


You got to be careful, bro. You got to be careful. If you say that, then you're just agreeing with everything Dana White says, okay? You're being a bootlicker, Harrington. What the fuck are you doing? Come on, man. You're not better than that. Well, yeah, that did sound like I was describing Jon Jones, to be fair. No, Islam Makhachev, if you look at Islam, what he's done, he's got the one loss. He got caught, he got clipped off Adriana Martins. Most people don't know that name. We all know the name Hamza Chimev. So you could say that he just got clipped, he just got caught, but he was off a great fighter, and it was a bad knockout as we saw on Monday. But that happens. It happens. And he's doing great. And John Jones, as you said, one loss. A little bit different, though. A little bit different. Islams was knocked out by Adriana Martins. Ikram was knocked out by Hamza Chimev. The one loss on John Jones's record is because he beat the crap out of Matt Hamill and 12 to 6 outboard him.


From a gambler's perspective, it's all the same thing. You bet TKO, KO, or DQ. Typically, that's the way they group those bets together. That cash is one way or another.


Hey, let's not start this whole conversation again. I said, Is that Maka Jeff? It's probably one of the two. It's one of them. Anyway, so anyway, look, listen, Robert Whittaker and Ikram Alaskarow. It's going to be a great fight. It really is. I think Whittaker's going to have a tough fight. I think it's a really, really tough fight, and it wouldn't shock me. I have a hard time betting against Whittaker in most fights, but I do think that Ikram Alaskarow, given the location, granted, that doesn't mean anything. Whittaker is so used to going into enemy territory, if you will, and fighting people in the backyard. And this is It's in his backyard. It's not Daghistan, but for some reason it's a Muslim country, and they're Muslim fighters, so they'll have a tremendous amount of their support and whatnot. So, yeah, listen, looking forward to it. Looking forward to getting out and seeing a bit of Saudi Arabia as well. And who knows? Maybe I'll come back a new Mikee B. Maybe I come back and I'm like, You know what? This is what Rebecca said. I said, You know what? We're having a little drink tonight.


And she said, Maybe you come back. You're like, This is it. This is the way. This is the path. This is the way forward. It's opened my eyes. My God, I'm so productive. I'm doing so much. I'm like, I don't think so, babe. I don't think so. You just made sure we got some beers in the fridge when I get home. Where should we go to? There's a lot of big But the story is Calvin Gastelum essentially missing weight again. Now, let's do that. Set the scene, please.


Yeah. I mean, speaking of Walter weights, bouncing up and down between middle weight, I think Calvin Gastelum is probably the biggest example. So he was renewed. He was reborn. He was revitalized, moving down to 170. Well, apparently, coming into this week, he is so overweight. Daniel Rodriguez talked about this at the Media It was a good day yesterday. Well, yeah, Brian, why don't you just play it?


He was just in here and he said that trading camp is not going well. He's struggling with a weight cut. It might be a rough one. And him and his manager might consider reaching out about a catchweight. Have you heard anything about that? And are you How did you feel about the surprise that he was so honest? Actually, the matchmaker's reached out and I tried to get it to a catch weight, but he must be having such a bad fight camp that he can't even make 180. I'm currently 179 29 pounds, so I have to put weight back on. It's been 13 weeks since I found out about this fight. I'm sure he has, too. So the fact that he's saying that he's having a bad fight camp-That'll do, Brian. Since. I spoke to both guys. I'll say it in a faster cadence, so we don't have to spend the entire lifetime on the show. You're hearing him coughing now because he's drying out and You're sucking out. It's Thursday today. You're preparing for the wake up. Thirteen weeks, of course, Daniel Rodriguez is a great striker, good fighter. Lost his last two. Just real quick on Daniel Rodriguez.


I remember when he made his UFC debut against Tim Means, got the win in Albuquerque. When I was flying home at the airport, leaving Albuquerque, I was talking to Joe Schilling. Joe Schilling was in his corner. I think he won. I think he got fired the night or performance of the night or something. And he was telling me a He said, Listen, you don't understand. This guy, he's really struggling financially. We went to the movies last night and I had to buy him his ticket. And when he got in there, he had $4 in his bank account or something. He couldn't even buy himself some popcorn or whatever the case may be. He said, So money is not tight. It's pretty much nonexistent. The guy's on his ass. He said, You don't know what this means. He's just signed with the UFC. He just got his win. He got his show on his win money. He got a $50,000 bonus. Do you know what I mean? He's on cloud nine right now, but he loses two in a row. So you start doing crazy camps. You start training for 13 weeks, which is overkill. But that's what it does to you.


It gets into your mentally because you're like, Shit, I remember how hard it was. I don't want to go back to those times. So I'm going to do whatever I fucking can to make sure I win this fight. And then because of that, you obsess and you go too hard, and then maybe you overtrain. And then on the flip side, you hear that your opponent, Kelvin Gastilum, who's got a big name that I had tremendous fights with Israel Adesanya, was the last fight of my career, is swanning in way over way. Now, I spoke to Kelvin and I spoke to D-Rod. I didn't really understand what Kelvin was saying, he was saying he didn't have the resources to make way. And there was talk about some travel problem on the way here in DC. He said, well, if he had travel issues, then you get it. No, that was his coach that had travel issues. Calvin Gastelum has been in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the last two weeks, almost. Do you know what I mean? So it's hot. It's 54 degrees celsius. Do you know what I mean? It's ridiculously hot. Put a sauna suit on, go outside, work out, run.


They have lettuce, they have chicken. I just had some for dinner. Do you know what I mean? In fact, I had a tremendous amount of salad. It was delicious. Do you know what I mean? There's no excuse Now, if you were a pessimist, if you were like Dominic Cruise, because Dominic Cruise is a big believer in this, and I don't always agree with him on everything, but Dom's got a great mind for the sport. He always says, When fighters miss weight, That that is strategic, that they've done that on purpose to give them an advantage to be heavier and to be able to fight at a higher pace to take shots better. So if you were a Brian McCain, you had your tinfoil hat on right And now you'd say that this is a conspiracy because D-Rod has been working his goddamn ass off to make that weight, and Kelvin is going to swan in, and he couldn't even make a catch rate of 180. I don't know if that is the case. I'm just saying there will be some people with that opinion. The reality is, and I'm not trying to shit on Kelvin Gastilin.


He's a very nice guy, although I don't know him that much. But whenever I've spoken to him, he's always been... I always enjoy my interactions with him. And he's had some amazing fights. He clipped me. He had that war with Adesanya. He's put on some great fights, and he was talking about reinventing his career, and he's got to change some shit and change his team and all the rest of it. What the man? Get it together. I ain't saying that being a two-face bastard because we weren't going there today in the fight of meetings, but we're doing a podcast now. Are you okay there, Hamilton? I see you looking to the side with a very concerned look on your face.


No, I'm golden. I've been a big Calvin Gasolam fan ever since he was on the Ultimate fighter, obviously the Jones and Sun in season. It's a huge season, huge spotlight. Uriah Hall was supposed to be the big gem coming out of that season, goes out and upsets him in the ultimate fighter finale. It just feels like one big unfulfilled promise since then. You know what I mean? For him to come in, and I get what you're saying. You don't want to shit on these guys. You're commentating on their fights. You want to be respectful. The amount of crap we gave to Paulo Costa when he came in at 205 for a 185 pound fight against Marvin Vittori, this is the same thing. You're making Daniel Rodriguez a welterweight fight a middleweight because you didn't have a jump rope, you didn't have the equipment to lose weight. That's an insane statement to make. It is.


Yeah. It's like anything in life. It's about commitment. Are you willing to make the commitment? And if you sign on the dotted line to fight at 170, then you got to be a man of your word. You got to be true to yourself, to your opponent, to the UFC, to the fans, to the sport, but more importantly, to your family and self, and the life that you're trying to build and that you're trying to create. Whatever it is that anyone's doing in life right now, you got to give yourself the best chance. Succeeding in this life is hard. And we know now all the time it's getting harder and harder and harder. And most of the time, if you find it up, you just got to look at yourself a lot of the time. Because my thing is when he walked out the room and it's not being two-face, we're not going to be insulting to them. But I did say, so does that reflect on the rest of fight camp? Because if you're coming in 15 pounds overweight, you don't have to be the smartest guy in the room, which I never am, to figure out that maybe some of the other elements of the fight camp weren't correct.


Maybe he wasn't following a strict diet. Maybe he wasn't doing the work, doing the morning runs, pushing himself in sparring, doing everything you can to get the win. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe he is just... It's a thyroid problem. Could be? It's a thyroid problem.


There's another excuse that I'm not going to bring up that only about half the fighters on the roster are able to use. Period. Yeah, that doesn't apply to them. That's why I'm not expecting Kelvin Guesler.


Angela Hill and Jessica They do a podcast down there. I don't know if you've seen it. I've never seen it. I've seen the little clips on Instagram, and this one popped up today, and they were talking about Alex Pereira. They were saying, Oh, look at this. Alex Pereira is going to lose £22 in two weeks. Yeah, like everybody else. By the way, this is their words. And then the clip finishes, and we all have to cut away. They were like, Oh, why is he getting special recognition for it? And by the way, he's a man. It's harder for women. I am sick of that shit. And women fighters will tell you it is tougher for women. It's like, Well, what can I tell you? You're used to it. It happens every month. It's not a surprise. Sadly, you're going to work around. Anyway, going off topic. I hope it's a great fight, though. D-rod brings it. Gaslam has brought it many, many times. He's got a sneaky quick right-hand. I can tell you that it got me with it. So, yeah, All right, this episode is sponsored by Choc. That is C-H-O-Q. Com. That specialize in all natural supplements, and more importantly, an all natural testosterone booster.


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Okay, I got a fun one here. They've reached across the aisle, at least in the state of Michigan. The Democrats and Republicans are working together. They've all agreed on just one thing. The The insane markup for scalpers has gotten out of control. So I believe they're naming this bill the Taylor Bill, in response to the insane markup on tickets to Taylor Swift's Ares Tour in Michigan. They've put it together for a special counsel. They are going to stop these resellers, these scalpers, from going in with bots, buying up a tremendous amount of tickets, and then reselling them on the secondary market. If you If you get caught doing that, you can face, under this new bill, up to a $5,000 fine per ticket. And the goal here is to make it so that if you would like to buy a ticket to a show, you should be able to get in it whatever the sticker price should be. Yeah.


I mean, well, good. This should have happened a long time ago. Yes, Brian?


This for sure happened because some old congressmen had to spend 10 times the amount on a Taylor Swift ticket for his niece. And then he was just like, Fuck this. We We got to do something about it.


What the hell, man? What the fuck? This is Taylor Swift tickets, $50,000? Yeah. They should have done this a long time ago because it's bullshit. And it's never mind Taylor Swift, who gives a shit about Taylor Swift. I am sick of hearing about Taylor Swift, okay? The world just needs to fucking move on, please, for the love of God.


She's not even that hot, dude. She's pretty mid.


Definitely mid, but whatever she's successful, she's got some catchy tunes, I guess, and all of it. That's great. She's a very famous and acclaimed and popular. But why is she on the news all the time? Do you know what I mean? Why is she on the news? Anyway, forget about that. This should have happened a long time ago because in sports, entertainment, concerts, it's just ridiculous because it's average people that are supporting these people, the stars, the fighters, the artist, the singers that are getting ripped off to the absolute maximum. Just tickets to the UFC. Listen, the sport is booming in popularity, and the scalpers, they're making so much money. I said we went to a Pearl Jam concert a couple of years ago or so, and when we got in there, they were the worst seats you've ever seen in your life. You couldn't even see the band, and you couldn't even hear it. But I paid... It was like $1,500 a ticket. It's Rebecca's favorite band. I thought I'd surprise her. And when I got the... I had to meet this dude in a car park, you know what I mean? And give me the tickets and what.


I'm like, What the fuck is this? I thought I was buying them off a legit website. I got scammed, I got ripped off, whatever. And then when we got in there, we couldn't see the band. And we had this big piece of roofing come over us. We were right up at the top. You couldn't see anything. And the sound was all echoing and shit. And it was even Rebecca said, Come on, let's just go. I'd rather watch them on TV or listen to them on the radio. I was like, Thank God. Anyway, but that was for a shitty ticket. People are trying to go and see, support their favorite fighter. Maybe it comes to their town. It's a once in a lifetime experience. Oh, my God. And then they go online and the tickets are just marked up so much. And they could have fixed this a long time ago. A long time ago. So I'm glad this happened. And Brian, you're probably right. It's only when it starts to affect them that they finally make a change because it's not that hard to enforce.


No. And It's like it is messed up to... There's comedians who I'm friends with now who have a big enough draw that they're able to buy out arenas or whatever. They'll see they're putting their tickets on sale for between $30 and $70 and they'll see them on the resale market for like, 3, 50, 400. It's like, you're not a fan of mine. If you're charging other fans of mine that much money to come see me, I set my prices so that it can be a reasonable night out for some people. Factoring in that a lot of people are going to need to get childcare and whatever arrange these people are going to have to make. It's already expensive enough to take a night out. Now adding in, you making four times as much money as the artist was planning on making as a scalper feels extremely not right.


Yeah, Brian, chime in on this if you don't mind, because you always have a couple of good points, and that one before about the congressman, definitely. Trying to get all the Taylor Swift tickets was a good one. But yeah, it's pretty easy to enforce, isn't it? I guess the problem is, what How do you know? Let's say somebody buys 20 tickets, how do you know they're going to sell that? And then how do you know that they're not just buying them in bulk, using a bunch of different email addresses? It's pretty easy to do.


Well, so a lot of this reselling happens on major marketplaces like Ticketmaster and whatever. Name any Promoter of any, whatever. So what you could do is you could just set what the retail price of the ticket is and only allow it to be marked up X amount, right? So it's like, hey, this event is selling for 120 bucks. So if you are reselling, you can only make 40 bucks off of it, you know? Yeah.


Yeah, listen, I mean, resale, sometimes it's necessary. You buy a ticket, you can't make it. I think it's a great thing that someone doesn't have to waste all that money. But it's like, come on, Jesus Christ. Give us another non-MMA real quick, Harrington, while we're on that MMA, non-MMA vibe.


Okay, I think this is fun. A TikTokeer is getting a ton of flak online. She decided to take 15 minutes to do a get ready with me type skincare routine in the mirror of a bathroom on a plane while people stood outside the door banging on it, being like, Yo, there's only so many bathrooms on this plane. I need to pee.


I mean, look, listen, I've just done a long time on an airplane there. Sometimes you got to go in there for a little bit. I always try not to. Listen, you got to go and have a pee. Sometimes you got to go in there for a little bit longer. I generally don't. I have my habit It's down. I fly a lot. I try to make sure I always have a full evacuation. Here's my rules for long flights. All right. Never get on a plane hungry. Never get on a plane hungry. Okay? Because the food is always going It's going to suck. It's going to be shit. It's going to be terrible. It's not going to taste good.


You also don't know if you're going to be stuck in your plane for hours before and or after your flight.


Yeah, exactly. You could be sitting there for bloody hours before you even move.


I found this dumb broad's TikTok, and she should probably be thrown out of the plane for this.


Oh, go on then. Let's have a look.


I told the girl two minutes is what that says. I told the girl online, I'd be two minutes.


I hate her. I don't hate her. I don't. Yeah, I killed that music. Oh, God. I mean, look, she's probably a sweet young girl. I shouldn't say that. I'm just saying that whole thing. But on a plane, on a plane, when someone's outside, do you know what I mean? They took a little laxative. They're going to shit the pants. They need to get in there, okay? And you've got bloody her in there, TikToking it up. Jesus Christ. Of all the places to do it, brushing the teeth as well and all that stuff. I mean, yeah, sure. Oral hygiene is important, but you have to do it on camera. Nobody wants to see that. Yeah. Always make sure you take a good dump before you get on a plane. That's what I was going to say.


Okay, I like that one. To always take a dump. Oh, never get on a plane hungry. I like these.


All right. Do you have any golden rules?


No, You know what I mean, just always have snacks for the baby. That's a new one. Dude, if you are the one person on a plane who cannot control their baby, the looks you're going to get after, it makes you want to commit supuku.


Yeah. No, You can't do that, though. Anyone that talks shit about a screaming baby or whatever is just a dickhead. They're just a dickhead because the reality is we've all been there. My children are grown now, but I've been there, and I've been on a plane and they've been crying. I was a child once. Granted, I didn't jet set around the world on bloody airplanes, but I was a child. We were all children once. Children scream, children cry, and especially if they're a baby, the parents can't control that. So just put your headphones on, get over it, whatever. Looking at a parent because the kid is screaming or the baby is screaming, given the evils and the daggers and bad looks. You're a shitty person if you do that.


I always just make sure I have an aisle seat for a short flight, window seat for a long flight?


I'll seat for sure. I need the aisle because I've got a very weak bladder. I'm up and down every 2 seconds. Plus, I need to stretch my legs out. If I'm with the UFC, we're good. It'll be a nice business class, life a lot better, all the rest of it. So that doesn't kick in there. But if I'm backstage with the peasants, oh, God. Yeah. I need the aisle for sure to stretch the legs out.


One other one. Make sure before you get on the plane, you download that plane's app because a lot of them now, the media, you have to go through the American Airlines app or whatever, and you can't download that once you're on the plane. The downloads just doesn't work.


Yeah, to watch the TV. That annoys me as well these days. How on planes, they don't all have a TV. No. They don't have a TV now. You've got to use that app and then watch it. You stand there with your phone staring at a shitty little screen. Just put a TV in the back of the seat and stop cutting corners, you cheap bastard. Airline Profits are through the roof. They've never made so much money. Stop cutting corners. Stop making the leg room a little bit smaller every year thinking we won't I've noticed. Stop cutting back.


You heard that one airline wants to add to this standing room.


Oh, no, I know. That's mental. I got to say, our Turkish Airlines were phenomenal. They were phenomenal. You know it's going to be good when The chefs actually have proper chefs hats on. You know what I was talking to, Rebecca? They're back there chopping up onions. You know what I mean? I need some making fondu and a roux for the sauce and stuff like that. They're doing all of that shit. You know what I mean? But still, just for looks, they had the chef hat on.


You think they're putting on a chef hat to microwave a meal?


They're not cooking it from scratch.


You know what I mean? It's the same regulation, so you got to wear a hat.


I I'm telling you, though, it was good. It was even better once I saw DC. Anyway, was that the other MMA story we were talking about that?


Yeah, the TikTokeer who took up 15 minutes in the bathroom doing her face routine.


Well, just have a bit of respect for other people. Simple as that. It's not hard, is it? You're on a plane, there's hundreds of people in a confined metal tin flying through the air being shouted at. You've just done a ton of shit of TSA. People need to piss. People need to shit. People are in bad moods. People are stressed out. People are farting all over the place. Don't go in there. And who wants to hang out in an airplane toilet for longer than what you need to be? This is another thing on the planes. A lot of them, you can't stand up straight because they're wrangled. And then you can't get close enough to the toilet to pee properly. And then when you wash your hands, the water from washing your hands goes all over the floor, and it looks like you've pissed all over the floor when you walk out. So I found myself having to get napkins, and I'm essentially mopping the floor with napkins. But I'm like, No, but I don't want someone outside thinking, This guy is just pissed all over the floor.


Who cares?


Well, I'm a nice guy. You know what I mean?


You know in your heart of hearts, you didn't piss on the floor. Who cares what that guy thinks about you?


Just so you know, mate, that's water. Not piss. Okay. Anyway, I'd say someone that wouldn't piss all over the floor, Serge Pavlovitch and Alexander Volkow, because those two guys, those two big, gigantic Russians, came into the fight of meetings today. They're lovely. They're so nice. I mean, yeah, the monster's inside the octagon. As we know, Pavlovitch, he looks like a monster. He's a bit of a man. But Volkow is gigantic as well. The energy from them is so sweet. And Volkow is super intelligent. Super intelligent, spoke English, didn't use a translator, which we didn't know he could do. And he was dressed like a librarians. He was dressed very proper, and he spoke nicely. And the interesting thing about this fight, they used to be sparring partners. Serge Pavlovitch and Alexander Volkow used to be sparring partners. Serge says, only for about one year. Volkow says, it was about three years. Pavlovitch says that he had reservations on taking this fight because they were 'friends'. But then he heard that Volkow had signed the contract. So then he was like, 'Fuck it, it's on then. Let's go. ' So it's always a bit interesting, isn't it?


When there's a bit of backstory like that, like Richard Evans and Jon Jones, Who's some other ones?


Gilbert and Kamaru.


Gilbert Burns. Oh, yeah.


They were boys.


Yeah, good one.


Colby and Jorge.


Colby and Jorge. Look at you. I'm just rhyming them off.


One or two things every now and then.


Yeah. So I'm saying, listen, you guys sparred with each other a year, 18 months, three years, regardless. I said to Volkow, I said, Now, obviously, you're not trying to knock each other out in sparring, but anyway, no, bro, we try to knock each other out. That's what we do. Yes, big gloves, big gloves and big gloves and headgear, but we try to knock out. Yes, And maybe knock out not in spotting, but in fact, maybe you get knocked out. So they were trying to knock each other out, so they know each other very well. So it's going to be an interesting fight. Serge Pavlovitch, he was not making excuses for losing to Tom Aspenal, but he did say... Oh, God, hold on. He wasn't making excuses, but he did have... He had not reasoning Hold on, hold on, hold on. Let me find it. Short notice for the fight.


Is this the reason that Tom Aspenal hits real hard and he was faster than him?


Well, exactly. He said, On the loss, in fine has it. Is I got an expert said tomorrow. No, so I've mistyped because I'm typing way too quick there because I can't even decipher what nonsense I said. He said that he thought he was fighting. He didn't know he was fighting Tom the whole time, basically, which I didn't I really get. He still got clipped. He still got knocked out. He said, I accepted it. No excuses. But this fight, I'm fully prepped.


Have you ever been a backup fighter?


No, never. Yeah.


So I really would like to get that because it's like, I can't imagine you're actively training the same way you would be for a title fight. So it's like he was ready, technically, but...


Yeah, it's very hard. I've never done it. And even though people have said, I know Volkanovski has done it a few times. Kolby did it, did Niffy Kamaru and Leon, and there's been a bunch of others. They all claim that they've trained hard, but it's not the same. It is not the same when you think, yeah, more than likely I'm not going to fight. Yeah, I'll train. I trained this morning. I flew in yesterday. I woke up at the crack of dawn. I went and trained, but not the same way I would have done if I knew I was fighting for a World Championship, 100 % guarantee in my belt, my entire lifetimes work, my legacy, millions of dollars. It's a little bit different. Anyway, that's a great fight. Speaking of Tom Aspinal, you put him in the notes about something, didn't you?


Yeah, I did. So Dana White went on Club Sheshe. He talked to Shannon Sharp about a couple of things. One of them, Shannon actually posited the question, with a win at UFC 303, do you think that Alex Pereira would be the next man up for Jon Jones following the Steep A fight. Dana responded, No, obviously the Steep A fight is next. But after that, he would like to see Jon Jones versus Tom Aspinal. He says that is the fight that they have to make.


Yeah, that's not exactly news. The man's the interim champion. We've been over this ground a million times. Could you imagine, though, if Alex Pereira got the shot? I tell you, you got to respect Alex Pereira. You know what I mean? Because he's doing so many big things and he's done incredible. But you just don't know. You just don't know. Let's just say Tom gets injured. Let's just say Tom loses to Curtis Blades. There's no guarantees. There's no guarantees. Then Alex Pereira steps up and fights John Jones.


You can't have that happen. You have to- I know.


By the way, I'm being silly. I'm being hyper technical. No, I know. I'm well aware of that. All come at me, you little pricks.


I'm not yelling. I'm just saying the heavyweight Championship needs to be defended against the heavyweight. You know?


Yeah. Did he say on that podcast, what, summer or... It's Madison Square Garden, New York.


That's the prevailing wisdom. But Dana did say that there is a chance we get Jones versus Steepay sometime in the summer.


Not good. But when would that be, though? Because we've got 303, which is just around the corner. 304, where is that taking place?




Of course. What am I saying? Manchester. 305. Perth. Perth. 306.


I believe is Noche, UFC?


I don't know.


I think it is.


I think 307 is the sphere.


I'm not going to keep going. 306 is the sphere.


Oh, it is. They're making it a pay-per-view. Right. Nice. So where would Jones and Steepay fit into that? It's got to be Madison Square. It's got to be... No, they're not going to do that.


307 is Salt Lake City, which makes absolutely no sense. It's like, if you're going to fight a shit lot of pay-per-views I'm not going to get the tickets. Yeah, no, but I'm saying if you're already going to do it in October, why not save it for a month? Jones has been dying to fight at MSG.


John Jones, Madison Square Garden, Jones versus Steepay. It's like deja vu. All all over again, except one year later. Where is the time going? I cannot believe that we're in the end of June. I know we sound like old people, and everyone has these conversations all the time, but fuck me. Life's passing by, man. Life is passing by. You got to enjoy it, everyone. All right, this episode is sponsored by Shopify, which is the e-commerce platform revolutionizing millions of businesses worldwide. So whatever it is that you're selling, whatever it is that you're thinking about selling, the idea that you have, now it's time to put it all into action. Now it's time to up your game. Now it's time to get online, sell to the worldwide web, and do it in the most cheapest, least complicated, and cost-effective manner possible. And that is what you're going to get with Shopify. Shopify covers every single sales channel, from an in-person POS system to an all-in-one e-commerce platform. It even lets you sell across social media marketplaces like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. It's packed with industry-leading tools ready to ignite your growth. Shopify gives you complete control over your business and your brand without having to learn any new skills in design or code.


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It turns out the rumors are true. Mike Perry is going to be fighting Jake Paul. It's officially taking place on July 20th in Tampa Bay, Florida. It's a cruiserway fight. It's going to take place over the course of eight rounds. The biggest shocker, the pay-per-view price It's $65.


Yeah, and wait until it gets on the resale market as well. Yeah, that's a lot. They got to stack that on the card for that, $65. I mean, people complain that the UFC being 79 299, but you get stacked cards. I mean, look at UFC 299, look at 300, and so on and so forth. Just Mike Paul, Mike Perry, and Jake Paul at the top of the bill. There's got to be a bloody good undercard on that. Or it'll just get parroted to the absolute max. Now, I said multiple times, Jake Paul has made a mistake here in picking Mike Perry. I think that. Will Jake Paul be competitive against Mike Perry? I'm sure he will. You know what I mean? I'm not so blinded by the annoyance of Jake Paul that I can't see that he is a decent-sized human being with power. Brian?


Mike Perry doesn't I don't think that Jake Paul stands a chance.


It's our mate show. Let's have a look. I won't get out of your face. There's nothing you can do about it. I'm in there all night long. You're going to get married. I like that. Get all up in there, bro.


I do.


Yes, I do, bro. I want to be married. I want to be entangled with you forever.


I'll even hit you a little reach around, brother, if you want that.


Yeah, I like that. I appreciate.


Because I'm ready to go all the way.


You say your hands are bisexual.


My hands are all types of sexual, trosexual, bisexual, asexual, asexual, pansexual.


You can get it any way you want.


Any way you want.


Let's get married, bro. Get up all in my face. And I would like it if you put your notes in my mouth, and I am going to lie. Well, this is influer boxing in 2024. You know what I mean? Back out weird, real quick. Listen to their pronouns before they start. I mean, this is coming from the guy sitting there with an umbrella of his shoulder. You know what I mean? Jesus Christ. I was just saying a second ago, Mike Perry is probably going to get in his face and do his thing and all the rest of it. Mike Perry isn't the best boxer on the planet, far from it, but he's a real guy. He's a real fighter. I saw a clip where he said he loves to get hit and all the rest of it. And he's got that animalistic tendency. J Paul does have power, although I don't think he's a great boxer either, but he's dedicated and he's working on his craft. So I think it'll be I say he's made a massive mistake. What I think is he's made a mistake in terms of thinking that Mike Perry is going to be an easy match up because he was a guy that's in the UFC that couldn't cut it, and now he's no longer in the UFC.


I think that's probably the reason reasoning for taking this match up. But when we see Mike Perry, what he's done in bare-knuckle, we know that he's still very, very much got it. He's just not the most technical grappler, and maybe MMA at the highest level with all the technical brilliance that is involved and required is Isn't necessarily the best sport for a brawler like Mike Perry. He's found his niche. J Paul swings wild hoops. He leaves a lot of openings to be counted and all the rest of it. But this isn't bare-knuckle. It's with big gloves on. So I think it will be relatively competitive. I think Jake Paul will do okay. Hopefully, Mike Perry beats him. I don't mind saying that at all. I'm rooting for Mike Perry. I'm a fan of the guy. I like the way he carries himself. I like the realness to him. You know what I mean? I enjoy what you get with Mike Perry. It is what it says on the tin. Mike Perry is authentic, and I really, really appreciate that. And I enjoy the violence aspect that he brings to the table. You want to see a real fight, and that's what he does.


Jake Paul, I think, he's looking for these orchestrating matchups where it looks like he's fighting a badass on paper, but he's realistically looking for an easy match. And I think that's what he's probably tried to do here, but he might come back and bite him in the ass. I hope so, but I guess he can always prove me wrong.


Something that I think will translate, Perry loves to work the body, right? You notice that in all of his bare-knuckle fights, he softens everybody up, gets their hands low against somebody like Jake Paul, who already has suspect defense, who drops his hand when he's swinging. I mean, very basic amateur boxing stuff that I notice is a problem, and I have no analyst bones in my body. If I can see those holes, I think Mike Perry, once he starts working the body and really gets Jake's his coverage level down, I think that's going to open some big spots for Perry, and he's going to be able to do some damage where guys like Tyran and the rest were not really able to get it done.


Yeah, and if he loses this battle with Mike Tyson, he'll be in jeopardy. I'm not saying it's not going to happen because Mike Tyson is probably still to draw. Netflix would still promote it and put it on because it would still do big numbers, although it's still a risk. When the guy that goes out there with a YouTube following and all the rest of it has just been beaten. If he wants to get knocked out of Mike Perry, that's a risk. It's a risk when it comes to marketing. So he's definitely rolling the dice to a certain degree. I don't even know if Mike Tyson is even going to end up fighting eventually. I really don't. What do you think?


Well, I don't think you can put your whole career on pause. Whatever you want to call what Jake's doing. He is managing this this foray into boxing. You can't put that on hold because Mike Tyson might fight you in November. This was locked in for January. You had AT&T Stadium all locked up, and now that's in the wind. You can't risk the same thing happening five, six months down the line, and you don't take any decent fights between this now and that time. So, yeah, I don't know.


If only you were managing Michael Chandler. Shit, that's all I was thinking about there because Michael Chandler, just to go back to that whole situation with McGregor, he has been very patient. He came out and just put a video out, actually, which I respected him for it. Brian, can we play that clip of Michael Chandler talking about UFC 303, saying how he's still going to be there. He's going to be in attendance. He's going to attend the event. So technically, he showed up to UFC 303, which I get, which Which I understand, but he needs to talk a bit of shit.


Ufc fan experience. It's UFC 303, Alex Baheda versus Yuri Prohasca. And just six days ago, it was McGregor versus Chandler. It's my card. It was my card whenever I signed the bout agreement, signed my name to a piece of paper that said I would be at UFC 303. I made a promise. I made a commitment, and that commitment still stands because your word is your bond, and without your word, you are no good. If you cannot be relied upon, if people don't believe that you're going to follow through with what you say you're going to do, the definition of integrity is doing what you say you're going to do without fail. So yes, I will be at UFC 303. No, I will not be fighting at UFC 303, but I'm going to see through to my commitment. Yeah. Life and success and growth and attainment and getting the life that you want has everything to do with following through on the things that you said that you were going to do. Yeah, I understand the circumstances have changed, and I would not be faulted one bit if I did not show up to the UFC 303.


Maybe I'm going to the UFC 303 because I want to go to UFC 303, but I will be at UFC 303 nonetheless, mainly because I made a commitment to be there.


All right. I love Michael Chandler. I'm not going to talk shit yet. Being there and fighting on it are two different things, though. I understand the point that he's making, and I'm just messing around as always. And And I think you can see there that he's frustrated, which I'm not surprised. It's been what, two years since his last fight? It's been a long time. There's a lot of speculation out there about McGregor now. Who knows what the bloody situation is. You see Chael's on and just came out, and now he says that McGregor is in rehab. Chael just comes out with wild shit. I don't know if there's any truth to that. You were saying earlier that he's now taking that back?


Yeah. So he made the statement on his show with DC. He said, Conor McGregor is in rehab. He just flat out came and said that. So his PR, McGregor's PR team said, We want to make it very clear. The reason that the fight did not happen is because there was an injury. Mcgregor is at home with his family, and any reports that say otherwise are blatantly false, which is like, you're sending up the signal, Flare. Lawsuits will be coming if changes are not happened to the narrative. Chael then went and made a video where he says, Point number one, I do not know if Conor McGregor is in rehab. Point number two, there would be no shame if Conor McGregor was in rehab. Just keeping it rolling, dude.


Fucking Chael, man.




It was better. Yeah. I mean, what? Just making it random shit for the sake of clicks? Do you know what I mean? Hey, he's entertaining. What are you talking about?


The guy's He's unde. He's never gotten a story wrong. Yeah, exactly.


And he just beat Anderson Silver.


Even though they went three rounds to two. Three rounds to two.


Should have been three rounds to two.


He did say he was very proud of Anderson for taking a round off of him. It was the first time it ever happened in this- Did he?


Is that what he said? He's been doing great. He's awesome. He's very proud of Anderson for taking a round off him. Oh, shit. Listen, Chandler, who knows? Who knows what's going on? Do you know what I mean? He's being very He's patient, though, man. So you feel for him. Listen, he's all about being a good human being and setting an example for his children and stuff like that. He hasn't shit talked McGregor once. Now, he's mature enough to understand that injuries happen, rehab happens, whatever the case may be. And he's going to be there. He's going to be a man of his word, but he won't be putting gloves on. Just to further accentuate that point, Chandler should weigh in. Do you know what I mean? That would be just to look at this on my man of my word and then attempt to walk in on the main event. No, fair play. Remember when Tony did that and then got knocked out three weeks later? What did he do?


He made wait for the... When Khabib and Tony got canceled, he made wait on that date and made a big point of it. Then he fought Justin Gechi a month later or something and had to make wait again, and that was the beginning of the end.


Yeah. Who's he fighting again now? Michael Quiesa?


Quiesa, yeah.


And nick Dias is fighting Luke.


Oh, my God. What?


Luke? Is it Luke? Nick Dias is fighting Vincent and Luke.


That sounds right. Yeah, that sounds right.


Is it? No, it's not. It's not. It's wrong. It's not? Anyway, whatever the card is, we're going off on the tangent here. Bless Chandler and bless bloody Chael. He's out of his goddamn mind. Are you looking that up, Harrington, just to make sure we get it right?


It is Luke.


You knew it. It is Luke. Yeah. Nick Dias versus Luke. I knew he said that. Ferguson versus Michael Chiesa. Do you think Tony hangs it up if he loses this?


No. Honestly, I think he goes to maybe, brave FC and fights Diego Sánchez. He will keep fighting regardless of whether or not he has a UFC contract. I believe that. I just don't think Tony is ever going to let himself retire on a loss.


It's a really hard fight as well. Michael Chiesa is gigantic. Is he at 155 or 170?


I believe it's 170.


Yeah, we're going to say, why is Ferguson going up to 170, probably because the weight cuts take the toll, probably because he has this idea that if he doesn't do the weight cut, he'll be able to absorb more damage, which definitely there is some logic to that. But Michael Chiesa is a very big He's a gigantic welterweight. All right, he's got some mixed results. He's not exactly Habib, but he hasn't been losing the way Tony Ferguson has. How many losses in a row is it now for Tony? I hate to make it sound like we're shitting on Tony. We're not shitting on him.


He is on a seven-fight losing streak.


Seven-fight losing streak. Last one to Paddy. Obviously, there was a knockout to Chandler. Who else is on there?


You've got his record. Submitted by Bobby Green, submitted by Nate Dias, front kick KO to Chandler, and then the KO to Gece, and then in between that, decision losses to Darius and Oliver.


I mean, there's no shame in any of those, but it's just when you put seven together in a row. And what is it? Thirty-six? 37? He's 40.


Yeah. Quies is 36. Ferguson just turned 40.


It's hard, man. It's hard. This is El Kiqui we're talking about. Tony Ferguson, a little a bit off the deep end, but that's what people love about the guy. Do you know what I mean? He's never shy to talk shit, with for a bit of podium. Hey, I'm talking here, brother. He's great. I've enjoyed him over the years, and his madness. Who did he get into an argument with on Fox Sports and started swearing? He was working as an analyst. He was working as an analyst on Fox Sports. Then someone came on, I forget who it was, and he was saying, F this, F that, and all the rest of it. Funnily enough, he never worked as an analyst again, I don't think. No. You know who that was?


They never had him in a sports suit rolling a baseball again. No. I believe- No. Kevin Lee, maybe?


Kevin Lee. There you go. It was Kevin Lee, as you Google it there. The thing is, the sport's giving him everything. It's giving him his life, his fortune, his wealth, his family, his notoriety, identity. That's who he is. That's what he's done. That's all he knows. And then you've got to walk away from it. And then also you got to walk away from it feeling like, even though I hesitate to say these words, I'm saying feeling like, not is. Feeling like a failure. Feeling like that final run you went on, you were a bum, you lost. And that's not the reality. The reality is for the longest time, he was one of the best lightweights on the planet in the toughest division of all the So he should be really, really proud of himself. The sport just moves on. Time moves on. You can't fight against it. You have your time in the sun. That time has gone now, and you don't get multiple peaks. You don't go on a seven fight losing streak at 40 years old and then refine the form that made you one of the best lightweights on the planet again.


I understand him not wanting to leave on a loss, but I honestly don't know if If he was to win one, he would retire. If he would win one, that then confirms in his mind, probably that he still got it and that he can still do it. It's the hard thing about the sport, man, because it's scary. It's scary retiring as well. You got to walk away from this. That's how you made your money. That's what you've done. You put your blood, sweat, and tears, sacrifice your body, pretty much your entire life. And then at 40 years old, I was lucky. I was cognizant of it because of my eye injury. About doing other shit outside the octagon because I always felt my career was going to be done. And I had the Fox stuff, and we had the podcast, and all the bits and bats, and all the rest of it, and it all worked out. But the reality is it would work out for Tony. Yeah, he's not working in a similar avenues that I was. But it's weird. You think you're never going to find it. You're never going to figure out what you're going to do next.


But he's a smart enough man. He's got enough shit going on. You figure it out. You figure it out because I never thought I could imagine a world without being a professional fighter. And now it feels like a lifetime ago. And most fighters say the same thing. I just saw Ken Shamrock saying, I saw a little post from him saying, He'll always be a fighter. He'll always be a fighter. It's just in his DNA. And to the day he dies, he'll be a fighter. And yeah, I get that. Of course, same with me. It doesn't mean you have to literally step into a cage, though, and fight. You can still be a fighter by nature in terms of your definition. I'd like to see Tony hang it up. We could see him lose eight in a row, which would be a terrible thing, a terrible way to end the run in his UFC, because I wonder at what point also did the UFC just terminate the agreement and say, You're not winning. You've lost eight. Maybe it's time we went our separate ways.


Yeah, I feel like... I can't think of any other person who's ever made to five losses in a row, six losses in a row, and kept their contract. So for the UFC, they must have resigned him at some point. I don't know. I certainly don't know the ins and outs of it, but I don't think they're doing 8, 9, 10 fight long contracts with these guys. So there had to have been a resigning period where they said, Okay, Tony, we still believe in you. Here's another four fights. If you get to the end of this four fights and still no wins, I don't see how you could in good... I don't see how Dana gives him another fight after this one. Win, lose, or draw.


I've never heard of longer than an eight fight deal. When I won the ultimate fighter, I was on an eight fight contract. And then when I resigned, it was an eight fight contract. Oh, wow. And I was really happy about that because my manager already was like, You got to get shorter. You got to get shorter. I'm like, No, this is great. I've got eight more fights. And he's like, Yeah, but you get a shorter when you can renegotiate again. But the old guy that was coming from the factory meant mentality was still in there. I'm like, No, I've got eight fights. Eight fights. He's like, Yeah, no, no. You want a two fight deal? I'm like, No, I want eight. Eight fights. He's like, Michael, you want to get through those two and get more I'm like, No, no. Eight. Eight's a good number. I'm the insecure as fuck. I'm like, No, we'll keep it at this. Brian, just Google real quick because I am curious about this. What is the longest losing streak in UFC history? Because that's probably got to be one of them. Who are some of the people that have the longest losing streaks?


I'll probably give you a list, maybe, Brian. Longest losing streaks in the UFC. Some little hater would have done a video on it or something.


So I got number 10, Steve Cantwell with five fights. Number 9, Josh Berkman with five fights. Takanori Gomi with five fights. Rashaad Evans with five fights. Forgot about that. Josh Kostchick, also five.


Chuck Liddell.


B. J. Penn, five.


B. J.


Andre Aralowski, five. Elvis Cynesik has six fights, and Phil Barone has six fights, and Hector Lombard has six fights. As of right now, though, I'm pretty certain, is Tony Ferguson at seven?


Tony's at seven now.


Yeah. So he has the longest losing streak in the history of the UFC.


Which is a very dubious record to be the holder of.


Sure. But I was just thinking that. I was there for every one of those Rashaad fights. I didn't remember Rashaad lost five in a row.


You know what I mean? Yeah, you're right. You're right. Like, real fans, regardless, when you hang up the gloves, that's not what they remember. And most people with an ounce of common sense, they recognize the facts. You're You're older, you're 40, you're past your prime. They remember the good times. They remember some of the amazing performances. They remember against Anthony Petties, taking an absolute beating, being covered in blood, and then turning it around and getting the finish, which is the way That Tony always used to do it. You know what I mean? He'd get the shit kicked out of him early and then just find a way, find a way to get it done and then chop them to pieces with elbows, choke them out with a doss. That's what made Tony so awesome. Well, long Longest losing streak in the history of the UFC. So what else we got real quick? We've been going for a little while here. We'll do another subject or two. If there is one, then we'll buy some questions out and we'll all go about our business.


I want to know because I'm dubious to this one. Bo Nickel, Clean Cut, All-American Kid, right? Penn State wrestler, doesn't seem like the kind to be telling tales out of school, but this one seems a little shocking to me. He says, He got the call to replace Hamza against Robert Whitaker, but he was too deep in the mountains of Montana to get cell service. He said, I'm not going to disclose numbers, but they were up there, but it was just too late. I couldn't even really consider it because they had already figured everything out the way they were going to do it because I was gone.


Why are you dubious about that?


I mean, yes, I get that Ikram Al-Skarab is unranked and Bo Nikola is unranked. I think Ikrum is a different level of an unranked fighter. He's been tested more, certainly on the regional scene. I don't think Bo Nikola in his... What would this be? His eighth professional fight, seventh professional fight?


Bo Nikola has been on what? Two or three pay-per-views?




One of the hottest rising prospects in all the mixed martial arts.


Yeah, he's been on those pay-per-views his paper views fighting Jacob Malkoon. He has not been on his paper views fighting guys of Robert Whitaker's caliber, especially on two weeks notice.


Yeah, no, I understand what you're saying. Iqra Malisgaf makes sense as well, given the location and all the rest of But you got to put the feelers out there. And if you're trying to save this card, which is what they're trying to do, which is what they did, then maybe What's his name? Icrums on the other side of the world with time zones and stuff like that. You want to start lining up potentials. So I don't think Bo Nickel is lame. I don't think Bo Nickel would make that up. The conversations that I've had with him, he doesn't strike me as the type of guy to just come out and make up a story like Chael Sonnenwood. He's not that guy. He's not that guy.


All right, then in that case, my mind is officially blown at the level, the amount of respect or hype or whatever the UFC has for Bo Nickel, for them to make the Robert Whitaker call and say, Hey, 10 days from now, do you want to fly across the world and fight arguably one of the best middleweights of all time?


That's one of those sink or swim moments for possibly one of their new rising stars, right? So it's like it just happened a little earlier than they wanted it to, but something like that was going to happen soon anyway.


Yeah, but also, as I said a moment ago with time zones and all the rest of it, with this truly being a global sport now, you got to find a replacement. So you probably, I don't know, I haven't had this conversation, but you probably figure out a shortlist of potential replacements. And then from there, you got to figure out who is actually available, who's not her, who's not on vacation, who isn't about to get married or whatever. You know what I'm saying? So you might whittle it down to who are some very likely candidates? And then let's see who's actually willing to take it. And then whoever is willing to take it, I don't know if he would do that, but then they can make a final decision. It's like, let's see who our options are. Just Just a thought process.


Well, then that's nuts that he was in the mountains of Montana then because I don't know. I mean, I'm super excited of the Zicro-Malascaroff fight, but I would like to know how that would have played out if they were both available.


Also on this card as well, let's just go through it. Johnny Walker returns against Volcanous Demir. Volcanous Demir, man, he's fought nothing but the best ever since he joined the UFC. You can't forget about Volcanous Demir. He's a And then Johnny Walker, of course, he just lost to Magamed Ancalaia, but he's had some big wins. He's a freak of nature, super explosive. Sharubhdin Magamedov taking on Antonio Tricoli now. There's been a bit of a shuffle over there. There's been multiple replacements, but they pulled it off. Tricoli, I think, was supposed to fight last week when I was commentating. Then he got replaced. So now he's replacing. He was supposed to be a new signy, Lutterbach, somebody from Germany, a Brazilian He's based in Germany. Now he's off. He's been crazy. But Mager Madoff, what did he call him? Shara Bullet.


Shara Bullet, yeah.


I want to meet him.


He's stealing your gimmick.


He's stealing my gimmick.


You haven't met him yet?


I haven't met him. No, I haven't seen anyone, bro. I got to Saudi Arabia, and I've been in my hotel room the whole time. I went down for fighter meetings, came back to here.


Was he not at the fighter meetings?


We don't speak to everybody now. Okay. Yeah, Yeah. It takes you long. The fighter meetings, dude, it's like four hours. Some fighters, they go on long. They do. You'll say, How are you, mate? And you get an hour long response. I was like, We're not even talking about the fight here. Do you know what I mean? You don't want to be rude. It's like, Bro, we've got 16 of you to get through. Shut the fuck up. You can't say that. But anyway, Johnny Walker, Volcanous Demere, Shara Bullet, taking on Antonio Chacal. Kelvin Gaslum, Daniel Rodriguez, Serge Pavlovitch, Alexander Volkow, and of course, Alice Garrow, taking on Robert Whittaker. Jared Gordon, he's back in action against Nazrat Hakparast. We spoke to him. I asked him, I'm interested to know what you think about this. Bobby Green, Paddy Pimblet. You shared the octagon with both of them. He's got Paddy Pimbley winning that fight.




Yeah, he's picked Paddy. He thinks Paddy allows the ability to take him down and probably catch him in a submission, which I thought was interesting. I thought he might have picked Bobby Green just for a multitude of reasons. Who else is on the undercard? Nicolas Dolby takes on Rinyet Fakhroudinav, Mohamed Dimaev. I'm super excited for that. Yeah, so solid main card, though. Solid, solid main card. All right, this episode is sponsored by 8 Sleep, which is the high tech solution to your age-old sleeping issues. 8 Sleep's part of cover just goes right over the top of your mattress, bringing heating or cooling tech to you to make sure you're comfortable and you sleep deeper for a better, more restful all night. We love 8 Sleep in the Bisping household. Pop it off the mattress, plug it in, download the app, and away you go. It will improve your sleep. It will give you all stats. You can see how much deep sleep, how much rem sleep, What your resting heart rate was when you were asleep. It gives you a sleep score that is based on a number of different metrics. There's a ton of information.


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All right. How about this? Two climate activists were arrested for spraying an orange powder all over Scotland's biggest attraction, Stonehenge.


Scotland's. Yeah. Stonehenge. Famous monument in Scotland. It's in England.


Is it really?


Yes. Haven't you been to Stonehenge?


Bro, I have been to Stonehenge, and I thought for sure, because you can drive to Scotland from England, right? I I thought I was in Scotland.


Have you been to Scotland?


Apparently not. I thought I had been until today.


You need to know what country you're in, Brian. Just show me that video again. I was too bedazzled at Harrington's stupidity there to even Look at it. Look at these little dickheads. I don't know how old off the top of my head is Stonehenge is. It's thousands of years old. It's old as hell. It's protected. You're not even supposed to get that close to it. There's like a barrier stopping you get so close. Look at these little dickheads. Look at them. I know they're trying to bring attention to the cause, which it is doing. We're talking about it. It's getting covered all over the place. But come on, for fair sake, you're achieving absolutely nothing.


Hate them and their cause.


Yeah. I mean, I don't ever necessarily hate their cause. Listen, they're all entitled to their opinions or whatever, but they ain't stopping shit. They're just going to stop sales of powder orange paint. Anytime someone tries to buy that now, you're going to be like, Right, okay, let's have a look at you. Let's have a look. Do you look like the type? Do you look like... I was going to say something there. I'm not going to do it.


But it's like, also, those cans, I'm pretty sure, are using aerosol, which can't be good for the environment.


Oh, God. Terrible, terrible, terrible. Absolute idiot. They did it just recently as well. They covered a bunch of private jets. Did you see that?




They did it to Taylor Swift's private jet and a bunch of other private jets.


You're in time out for bringing up Taylor Swift.


I know. I know I did. I'm one demerit. But I'll tell you what, if I own the private jet, And then granted, I'm sure that just... Is that paint? Does that dry on as paint, or is it just powder?


It's the powder chalk paint they use for instruction sites, so it goes away. It'll wear away pretty quickly.


Yeah, but to do that to Stonehenge, I mean, that's just disgusting. To do it to someone's... I don't know how much a private jet costs, a lot. They can be a lot. I mean, Brian, just Google, how much does a G5 cost? Probably $70 million, maybe more. On a G6, that's what I know about private jets.


The G5 Oh, MSRP was $45.5 million? Right. Pre-owned models are available between $4 and $10 million.


Oh, I'm going to barge it. Easy day. Easy. No, but if someone I vandalize that, some little jumped up, far left extremist, woke dickhead, ran over to my $5 million dollar toy or $50 million dollar jet and was spraying it with paint, there'd be some shit go down.


Yeah. If you can afford the plane, you can afford the lawsuit for beating the crap out of that guy.


Or you just pay somebody else to do it and just be like, I don't know what happened. There is a website where you can track a bunch of celebrities' private jets. And I guess people do that to be like, Oh, look, they don't care about the climate because they... Whatever.




So I love this. I just shared in the chat. So you know the big climate protest is the sit-ins in the I found the best way to deal with that.


Go on then. Oh, yeah. Back up with the exhaust. The little dickheads. The little dickheads. Listen, they think in their warped brains that they're doing and standing up for a good cause. They're just disrupting people's daily lives that have busy schedules, work to get to, sick children in the car trying to get to a hospital, or just going about the business, trying to buy some groceries, whatever the case may be. Leave them alone. You're not disrupting anything. Big oil are not impacted by this one little bit. Just the average guy in the street is. So take your cause and fuck off. Go and do something more productive with your time. Go and actually, I don't know, start a petition or something. Stop being an annoyance.


Could you imagine if you were like, you drive 2 hours in England, which is like driving 11 in America, right? To take your family to go see Stonehenge. You get there and the whole thing is blocked off because a couple of assholes decided to get crazy with some orange paint. It's like you're ruining stuff for kids, for families to do what exactly? Get talked about on a podcast?


When did you go to Stonehenge?


When I was 17. It was a class trip my junior year of high school.


Still drinking, Harrington.


Oh, yeah. Say again. That's where I became an alcohol drinker.


That was Harrington when you were still drinking, yeah. Right. Were you underwhelmed by Stonehenge, to be honest?


Again, I was drinking, so I was already a little buzz when I got there, and I thought it was pretty damn cool.


This is awesome. Look at this. Rocks in a formation. Wow. Great. Were there big rocks.


How the hell did they get here?


From hundreds and hundreds of miles away. They came from Wales. Anyway, that's about the extent.


I didn't know Wales had stones.


Well, they They have cliffs. What do you mean? What do you mean? Is that a joke?


I was making a joke about the animal heaven.


I don't get it. I still don't get it. What do you mean? What animal?


The whale in the sea.


God. I think we're going to go out of country. Jesus Christ. Okay, I think at that point, we're going to go to God's questions. We're going to wrap this one up, boys. Bympod@gmail. Com. If you've got a good question, please send it in.


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Yeah, that's it. Today, our first question is from Joey from Monde Talk, and people need to People need to pay attention to this one.


I'm going to be in my talk for the fights next weekend. Boys love the podcast. I got a bone to pick though, real quick. Believers, what are with these dog shit questions? Asking about food and monkey man this. What the man? Pick some better questions. Don't you guys ever run the question through your buddy and ask them if they're good or anything? Anyway, Mike, Anthony, question for you guys. You guys are professional fighters, right? You get into a fight with the guy in the street. Is there ever a worry? What if this guy catches me? I I boxed once or twice. If I had to fight, I would. But I worry, what if this guy hits me with the right-hand and I end up eating some rocks on the concrete? You guys don't ever have that worry? You really just see people and you're like, I'll kill him. Love the podcast.


Yeah. Well, it's an interesting question because the risk of sounding like a tough guy, you get to a certain level of tough guy I noticed, and those thoughts diminish. You don't necessarily worry about what the average man is going to do to you. That doesn't mean you walk around with a false sense of delusion that you can literally walk through any person, any human being on the planet, no man alive, and all that type of stuff. Certainly now with the boom of mixed martial arts and jiu-jitsu, and you got all these little nerds out there with the cauliflower ears, you got to keep an eye out for that one. But generally, it's not a concern. It's not a concern of mine. Of course, in America, when a lot of people have guns, that changes things, of course. But that's why for Lucas, Lucas trades in mixed martial arts. He loves it, and But I'm like, you're going to be a blabber of jiu-jitsu. You're going to continue training whilst you live under this roof. Number one, he loves it anyway. But I'm like, and I'm not talking about you necessarily becoming a fighter or becoming a jiu-jitsu practitioner that competes in competitions or anything like that.


But you've got to be active and you've got to do a sport of some sort. And this is a sport that will stick with you forever, that never goes away. And it's not because you can go out there and so you can bully other people. It's so that you have the confidence, because if you're a black belt, a Brazilian jiu-jitsu, if you're used to a combat sports environment, it gives you confidence. And that's really key, and it's really helpful, because a lot of the time, men, certainly that are more accustomed to fighting than women are, it's prevalent, certainly as you're a younger guy as well. When you're out and you're drinking, things are getting rowdy and there's test also flying around your body, there's a higher likelihood then at that period of your life to get in a fight. If you're trained, if you know what to do, then all of that anxiety that is associated with it, all of that apprehension and nervousness goes It goes out the window because you're fine, you're set. You're like, Listen, if shit kicks off, I've got the confidence knowing that I can handle this situation, that I'll make it out alive, that I'll be okay.


And I said, And that is a beautiful feeling to have, Luke. It's a great feeling. It's a very comforting feeling to know that regardless of what happens in here, for the most part, as long as it's not for me, 10 on one, and they're not all juiced out of their minds, and they're not a Brazilian called Veto Belfort, you're going to be fine. For It's not some of my little jumped-up journalists with a bunch of nerdy, funny virgins jumping online. But for the most part, no, but in all seriousness, it's the confidence. And to go through life with that confidence, knowing that, all right, barring some unexpected circumstances, barring some gang violence or people armed with dangerous weapons, you're fine. Some guy wants to try and be a dick with you in front of your girlfriend because he likes your or because some guys are just drunk and they look at you and they think that, Let's bully this guy. You're fine. You can handle it. You're never going to be made a fool of. You're never going to be forced to do some situation. And it will give you the strength of character also, you're less likely to succumb to peer pressure and stuff like that.


You can go through your life with a stronger morality, a stronger sense of who you are. You know what I mean? Because you're not going to be bullied in one sense or the other. There's many, many different ways of bullying that you can encounter. But if you can handle yourself in those situations, it gives you confidence. And it is a beautiful thing to have. That's why I'm at Lucas. That's why you're doing this. Number one, you got to be productive. You got to get the exercise. You got to learn the skills. I saw Joe Robin just talking about it recently. That doesn't go away. He was making a point like, you play baseball or whatever at a high level, you stop playing for a bit, you get rusty and all the rest The rest of it fine, it sticks with you. I don't do jiu-jitsu regularly. I rolled last time with a black belt. It was really good. That's well known, but I don't want to throw his name under a bus. I tapped him out several times, and I had him rolled in forever. Because you get a little bit rusty and you might forget one or two things, but ultimately the art, the feel for it and everything stays with you.


So it stays with you for an absolute lifetime. It's one of the most valuable things you can have. So go inside and put It's your local gym, guys. Go get training. And for children, sign your family and kids up. Next question, please.


All right, next question we got is from Abby from the fight space.


Abby's back for a free plug. What's up, BYM pod? It's your girl Abby here once again, and I'm in my home boxing gym. It's one of those classic old super hot boxing gyms, outdoor, no AC, no fans going. My question to you guys today is, what do you guys prefer as a dating for? For something like this, something like nitty-gritty down the earth? Or would you prefer the fancy, dancy training centers with the air conditioning and the pretty white walls? I guys over the gyms and just want to know? Yeah, it's an interesting question because generally, it's nice to train somewhere nice. Of course it is. Who doesn't want to go into somewhere with all mod cons, air conditioning, and all the rest of it? In fact, actually, I take that back. You don't want air conditioning in the gym. I love going into a gym and sweating my head off. It's awesome. It's a great feeling. You go in there, the sweat's pouring off you. You're working away, it's swinging away everywhere. You're punching, it's flying everywhere. It's a bit gross, but It was a good feeling. You're talking about white walls. I trained at Ruka, it was a beautiful gym.


There was no air conditioning there. And there's something about those spit and sawdust gyms, those old-school, gritty, griny gyms. It's just cool. You know what I mean? It's just like an authentic feeling. But the reality is when it comes to training, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter the facilities. All you need is a room and some mats on the ground for the most part, and training partners. If you got good training partners, if you got a good coach, you can go and train out in the bloody in a car park. You can train anywhere you want. Just because you don't have world-class facilities does not reflect on the ability or the level of the work that can be achieved. When Speaking of Ruka, Ruka shut down recently. It didn't shut down, but I think the company got sold and whatever, and they didn't have... In their vision, they didn't see a massive portion of their warehouse being used as a mixed martial arts gym as part of it. You know what I mean? And that's their ride. They bought the company. So that facility went away, and there was a transition period. Jason Perillo was training world-class fighters at a park in a car park, going on runs, going down the trails, and all the rest of it.


And before you all point out that Sean O'Malley beats him pretty easily, that's not why. You know what I mean? But yeah, I like those old school gips, with all the posters everywhere. That's great. There's character, there's history shower and all the rest of it. And these new gyms that look nice. And yeah, sure, you can get a nice warm shower or a cold shower. And you got changing rooms and all the rest of it. Great. Whatever you're into, whatever. If you need a nice ponzy place, so fancy and lardy da, you can go to a place like that, but who cares? It doesn't matter. It's all down to your preference. What about you, Harrington?


I'll take wherever will let me in. You know what I mean? But there is something to be said. I have done a little bit of work in gyms that are air-conditioning, nice and everything. Something about a gym that just has one giant fan that's covered in dust. It hasn't been turned on in six months, and you're just looking at that thing while you're sweating bullets. Please, I need just a little a bit of cool air. That is nice. You do feel like you end of that workout, you're like, Oh, I actually did something with that hour.


I can't wait to open a gym. I have a UFC gym with Cub Swanson. If you're around the Costa Mesa area, join in. We have UFC gyms in the UK, which I'm a partner in as well, and we'll be opening a UFC gym near you. And if you fancy being a franchisee, ufcgym. Co. Uk. But I'm talking about opening up Mikey B's martial arts mezzanine or Michael Bisman's School of Excellence, whatever. I can't wait for those days. I can't wait to train a generation of fighters. But right now I'm too busy running around licking Dana's boots. So what do you want me to do? I got time right now. We got one more.


Yeah, we sure do. This one is from Jay Allen, and I don't quite appreciate his tone.


Guys, it's Jay from Florida. Sorry about the background noise and the work, but a question popped in my head, and I think it's a very good one.


Paperview points. The champ gets paper view points, and people like Hunter McGregor.


Hunter sold this paper view. Alex Pinera did not.


I'm sure he would have, but not like I heard it was.


So all the presales, all the ones that were sold, do you really think a vast majority of them got their money back? So does Alex Piniera benefit from that?


Does he get the same Does he get a boost in pay-per-views for it because Connor sold that pay-per-view?


I'm genuinely curious about that. So I hope, Brian, that you put this question on there.


Inheritian? Inheritian.


Man, there's just one thing I want to say to you, bro, and it is... It looks like he's working at some furnace or a coal mine or something.


Yeah, that looked like a warehouse. He was driving a forklift operator.


Yeah, I can see flames flying in the background and stuff. Yeah. Thanks for the question, bud. Interesting question, a little different. The reality is I don't know. I can speak to a few facts, though. So yeah, of course, Conor McGregor is going to be getting pay-per-view points. Of course, Alex Pereira will be getting pay-per-view points, and as we know, they've switched. Pre-sales. How many people pre-buy a pay-per-view? I don't know. I don't know. It's got to be low. I don't know. I literally don't know. But I don't know how many people... I mean, the fight is still two weeks away. It got switched up last week. How many people four weeks out are going, I'm going to buy that now. You don't know how you're going to feel on that day. You don't know where you're going to be. Shit happens. You know what I mean? You might be out and about. You might get arrested. You know what I mean? There could be a million reasons why you're not going to be at home that night. More than likely, you buy it on the Any pre-bought, though, because, of course, there is an incentive, I think.


You buy it early, you save a few bucks, and maybe some people are incentivized by that. Again, probably not too many, but I'm sure there is some. I'm sure there's a reason why they do it. But I would say that those people that would pay to see McGregor versus Chandler more than likely would pay to see Pereira versus Yuri Pahasku too. So they will parlay over. Again, Again, I don't know the ins and outs. I'm not privy to those conversations. I don't ask those questions. It's none of my business. I know my place. But yeah, I think any presales, as long as they don't ask for the money back, then yeah, that's how it would work. Yeah. Well, that's great input, Harrington.


I mean, dude, you're talking to a guy who's never seen a UFC contract. I have no clue what goes on here.


You did. That's great. No, we need you. Next contract I'm in negotiation. I'm bringing Harrington in.


Yeah, please. Please let me be your agent, dude. We got one more, Brian.


Oh, man. I was hoping you didn't ask.


If it's a no, just say no.


Yeah, let's go with no. I have another dumb one. That's really dumb. I don't know.


Let's go with no. Now we need to see it. We don't necessarily have to answer it, but we just need to see the level of what What's coming in?


All right. Well, it's this guy again.


No, it's not the filter, is it? Oh, God. Yeah. No, fuck off.


I'm sorry. Eighty-six, dude. No way.


You're not going to get on with the filters anymore. You did it once. It's done. We're not 12, even though we have the immaturity level of a 12-year-old sometimes.


If you would have nailed it, if you would have crushed it with a good question, but he was just like, What fish and chips do you eat?


Fish and chips. It's pretty simple. All right. Next Saturday, 3:00 or 3:00, should we do a little live watch along or something?


Oh, I'm all for it.


I'm going to be on Long Island, so I don't know what my WiFi is going to be like, but I will I'll make sure I find myself in a place by the time of Anthony.


Priorities, Harrington.


Oh, God, look at this. Shirking them already.


My wife literally said you would be very, I'm not going to say the word on here, but I think you can guess it, if you chose chilling with your boys over a vacation with your family.


No. I don't know what the word is. You would be very what?


Just three letters. You're not really supposed to...


Whatever. She's going to kick the balls off.


Got to be careful. All right, guys. Thanks for watching. See you on Monday.