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You're listening to the Gas Digital Network.


Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the fk up.


You're listening to believe you me with Michael the Count Bisbing.


You know my name yet?


And Anthony Lionhardt-Smith.


Welcome to the Believe You Me Travel Show with your host, Michael Bisbing and Anthony Lionhardt-Smith. What's up, Anthony? How are you, buddy?


Oh, man, I'm good. I'm hanging out. I got Got this bullshit going on in the back where you can... There we go. Got people working on my house. Just got back from the eye doctor. We talked about that a little bit. My kiddo was doing okay, but she got a little flamed-up eyeball.


A little bit of pink eye going on. I got limited sympathy for pink eye.


I bet so. I've been telling her all morning since then. I was like, I'm sorry, that's for me farting on your pillow.


So you got bullshit going on in the background. I'm in Costa Rica still, so apologies for the sound quality not being quite perfect. I've got Rebecca in the background getting ready and stuff. But we're here. We got lots to talk about. Of course, we had a great night of fights at the weekend. We had Oosik versus Fury. I got an unbelievable performance from Alexander Oosik. I know you were working the fights, so you only got to see the highlights and stuff like that. I was in Costa Rica. They were playing the boxing, but not the UFC. So you had to pick your battles. So I watched the boxing. Unreal. Alexander Usyk beat Tyson Fury. Split decision, but it was a close fight. It was a close fight. Ousik started. I thought he'd won the first three rounds. Tyson took over for the next three. His right uppercut was money. It was Absolutely beautiful. But the pace of the fight was really, really fast right from the get-go. And with Tyson Fury being way heavier, way bigger, taller, longer, all the rest of it, just being a giant of a man, I thought, Can he sustain this pace for 12 rounds?


And the answer was, whilst he could sustain the pace, he couldn't match the output from Alexander Ousik. Round nine, he almost finished him. He fell against the ropes. The referee called it a count. We called it an eight count, but it could have been a stoppage. But a great fight. And Alexander Ussik now is the first from this period, heavyweight champion in 25 years, immediately after Tyson Fuhre blamed it on the war in Ukraine. That's why they gave it to him. What did you think of that?


I thought that was a bit of a low blow, a little bit. But the highlights looked incredible. Tyson Führer, he's always such a master on the microphone. I thought it was cool seeing how much respect they had for each other. It's hard to not have respect after you go through a 12-round fight like that. But I thought that the Ukraine comment was a little bit of a low blow, and he made it clear that he has a rematch clause. So it sounds like we're going to see it again.


I watched the post-fight press conferences. In the ring, they were like, Yeah, we got the rematch clause. Frank Warren, the promoter, was straight away saying, Look, listen, rematch. We'll do it again in October. Neither man was talking about the rematch at the post-fight press conference. Tyson Fuhre was like, Let me go home, have a beer, spend some time with my family, go down the tip. Do you know what the tip is? It's the junkyard. It's a gypsy. He wants to go down and drop off some more mattresses and take out an old push chair or a prime or whatever. Go down the tip. Oosie was like, I've missed families, I've missed birthdays, I've missed Christmas, I missed New Year, I missed my daughter's birth. So he wasn't thinking about a rematch either. And an interesting thing that my dad told me, and I googled it because my dad's information isn't always correct. God bless him. Shout out Jan Bisping. Is that obviously it was the undisputed Belts, right? All four belts on the line. The IBF is insisting that USSEC fights their mandatory number one contender.


In two weeks, right?


He's got to accept it within two weeks. And if he doesn't accept it, they're going to strip him. So in the rematch, if it does happen, which I assume it will, to be honest, it wouldn't be an undisputed title.


That's boxing for you. That's boxing for you. That makes absolutely zero sense. And that's why boxing is in the state that it's in right now. What sucks means he only gets to be undisputed for two weeks because I imagine he's not going to accept it.


Yeah. No, you're right. I mean, Philippe Ergovic, I think his name is. I'm not overly familiar with him. I'm sure the payday would be anything near a Tyson Fury rematch. He's made tons of money. He's a worldwide Phenomenon in boxing, probably got hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank. He doesn't need to fight. But I think, as we've said many times, the ego, because let's be honest, right now, we will never hear, No man alive, born from a woman, can beat my son. Technically, we should never hear that ever again.


We're going to.


We're absolutely going to. Give me a no man alive. No Man Alive. No Man Alive. There you go. There you go. We're bringing it back.


That's not a terrible one. Do you worry about Tyson Fury and the damage he's taken? Because I've seen this clip come on online earlier today, and it was all screenshots of Tyson Theory down in the Wilder fight a couple of times. And then it was Tyson Theory down in the Francis Agana fight, and then it was slumped on the ropes in the Oosik fight. Although he only just now took his first loss, he's taking a lot of damage, a lot of big shots from heavyweights.


The answer to that question is no, I don't really. You're right in what you say, because boxing is a vicious sport, but not really. And I hate to bring myself into it, but I think I have the record for getting knocked down in the most fights. Really? I'm going to win. Yeah.


At the time- I don't know if that's good or bad.


Well, it shows a certain resilience. But also You can form the opinion that I suck. And if I'm okay, which is a big if, if I'm okay, then Tyson view is going to be just fine. The problem, the thing that I worry about for Tyson Fury, to be honest, and this was another point that my dad made when we were having a catch up on the phone yesterday, is that Tyson Fury battled with depression before he spiraled into drink and substance abuse issues, bad people around him, you lose a fight. You know how hard that is. I know how hard that is. That's his whole identity. My dad was like, That's going to be the real struggle for Tyson Fury to not spiral into some decline.


Yeah, because he did all that being the champion of the world, which doesn't necessarily mean that you... I mean, it doesn't mean you can't have depression if you're winning and doing well and successful in life. But he was doing pretty good professionally and was struggling personally. Now he's going to be struggling professionally. Hopefully, he doesn't fall back into those same traps again. But he does seem like he's in a better place and a little bit more self Reflective and understands himself. But even watching his show on Netflix, you can see the struggle he has when he doesn't have boxing or he doesn't have something to look forward to. And I get it. We don't know what else to do with ourself. If that's all you've known your whole life, I understand it for sure. So I hope that he can manage that as easy as possible.


Yeah, more than likely he will. We're not suggesting that he would at all.


It's a talking point, though.


Yeah, no, it is a talking point because that's the thing, isn't it? As a man or a woman, let's be honest, you need a reason to get out of bed in the morning. And for Tyson Furie or anybody like him, Conor McGregor is another great example. And again, there's no I'm not going to say criticism here. It's like when you've made all the money in the world, when you've reached the top of the mountain, and then that's taken away overnight, he doesn't have to stay regimented. You don't have to get out of bed and follow a strict regime throughout the day because you've literally got the luxury of sitting on your ass and doing whatever the hell you want all day. And that sounds to a lot of people like, luxury. That sounds like, oh, my God, that's it. But it's not. You know what I There's an emptyness within your soul. It's like, I work my ass off still to this day. I did very well throughout my career. I don't have anywhere near like, Conor McGregor money or anything like that, but I did very well. But I'm busy as hell. I'm on holiday here and I'm still doing the podcast.


It's because, yeah, okay, we want to earn a living, but also you've got to do something with your life. You've got to occupy your mind and you got to do something. Right now for Tyson Fuhre, and again, or anybody in that situation, that's going to be one of the What the challenge is, I think.


You need a purpose. You need a purpose. And this is another way of saying you need something to look forward to when you get out of bed in the morning. But I can understand, though, how quickly you can start to spiral when you... Because it almost seems like having everything probably feels like having nothing. I don't know. You don't value money the same way as anybody else, so it doesn't make a big difference. If Tyson Ferry gets a $5 million check, it probably doesn't make a difference to his day. No. $5 million to him is probably $5,000 to us or $500 to someone else. There's no concept of it anymore. It doesn't feel real because you have so much of it. And then you win another World Championship. You're like, Yeah, well, I got like 10 of those. So it's got to feel like you aren't fulfilled anymore. You've almost overreached your adrenaline spike, and you'll never reach that again because you'll never get the first championship. You'll never make your first million dollars. You'll never... All that's done. It probably feels weird.


That's how I'm trying to feel. Yeah, exactly. We all want to have that. We all want to look at a bank account and go, They're just numbers on the screen. We couldn't care. I remember when Rebecca and I first got together, I was allowed to be £1,000 overdrawn at the bank. And any time we were £700 overdrawn, we were like, We've got £300 in the bank. You know what I mean? Then after a while, I'm like, We're not even set. We're going out this weekend. We're going big. And then the check started to come in, paying events and all the rest of it. But I was just going to say that reminds me Of a clip I saw on Instagram of Dana White talk in one of the interviews he's done recently. And it was absolutely true. And people might say it's easy for somebody like Dana to say this, but what he was saying in it, and I'm going to mess this up, was like, it's not about the money. He said the definition of success is when you get out of bed in the morning, are you happy? Are you happy? Because as you just mentioned there, there's so many different variables and ratios, what's a lot of person to somebody is nothing to somebody else or a massive amount.


You know what I mean? It's all about perspective. It was like, are you happy in the morning when you wake up? That's the real definition of success. And I thought, You know what? He's absolutely right. And you can call me company, man, all you want. But they were good words.


Yeah, that's true. And I think that when I look back on, not that I'm trying to run it back to myself, but just to think about what Dana says, I remember laying in bed when my oldest daughter was, I don't know, maybe she was a year old, laying in bed, stressing about the next thing, whether it's rent or the utilities or my phone bill. I used to never sleep because I would just lay in bed, my head would just roll, and I would be so stressed out that I couldn't sleep. I spent every night afraid, every single night for years, just so terrified because I didn't know how I was going to get to the next week. And now I wake up and I'm pretty good right now. I don't really have a lot to worry about. Of course, you're like, I got to do this, and I got to go here, and I'm a little short on time here. But in terms of happiness, I think I'm pretty good and happy. That's all I can really ask for. It's all I really want in life. I don't care about being a bazillionaire or all these other things and metrics that people measure happiness and success on.


I feel all right when I wake up and I'm good with that.


Yeah, no, absolutely. And so you should. Just to bring it back to the fight stuff, I don't think Tyson is going to have any issues. I think he'll be fine. When you I've been through stuff like that depression and massive weight gain, et cetera, it does form strong character. So I don't think you'll be fine, but well done to Alexander Usi. All right, this episode is sponsored by Shopify, which is revolutionizing e-commerce for millions of businesses worldwide. So whatever it is that you're selling, Shopify simplifies selling online and in person so you can focus on actually growing the business and making it a success. Shopify allows It allows you instantly to be online. It provides you with a website. It allows you to accept every single major payment method. It is very, very cost-effective. It's not complicated. You don't have to learn any new skills in code or anything like that. And it covers sales across every channel, from an in-person POS system to an all-in-one e-commerce platform. It even lets you sell across social media marketplaces like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram. It is packed It's packed with industry leading tools so you can ignite your growth.


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Oh, it's too bad.


Bro, I'm telling you, Niara Springs. Anybody, you want unbelievable experience, location, surroundings in the jungle. We had natural hot springs. I'm telling you. I am telling you, Naira Spring. Go check it out. I cannot recommend it highly enough. It was heaven on Earth. It really was. But because of that, I didn't get to see my countryman, Laron Murphy, at the weekend. Of course, I looked at the highlights and stuff like that. But talk to me about Edson Barbault versus Laron Murphy.


Man, what a fight. The whole night of fights was a little bit weird. There was a DQ earlier in the night due to a headbut, which I didn't think was that It was an incidental. She was already hurt pretty bad before, so that was weird. There was a TKL finish due to a punch right in the titty meat. So it was a breast punch. A breast punch. It was a breast punch. To For her credit, my wife said that if you take a shot in the boob that's perfectly placed and it's hard enough, that it will cause you to retract in pain. And that's what she did. She almost called for... She was trying to call for a time out, and the referee was like, You can't call for a time out from a breast punch. Chris, I need to get a good job. It's a leading lose. It is 100 %. I'm right in the titties. Well, and then when she turned away, and I was like, No, I need a break. Then she came, Gato came and punched her in the boob again. And then in her post-fight press conference said she had seen...


It was an intentional strike to the breast because she had seen her get hit in that same spot in previous fights. And for whatever reason, that girl is real sensitive there. And so she'd done the same thing before, turned away. A little bit of a, oh, here we go. Turned away, boom, right on the blue again.


There's some very...


I mean, not- It's sensitive. I don't want to make a joke about it, but it's sensitive.


Yeah. My gator, the tit hunter. I'm not doing it out of respect for the ladies. But it's interesting, isn't it? Because the human anatomy, we can get punched in the chest. I mean, it hurts, whatever. But it's obviously sensitive for a woman. Laura Sanko says, and apparently most of the fighters say, that when they get kicked in the groin, it's nothing like what a man experiences. And I thought it would be.


I always just assumed that a groin shot to a woman It would be pretty painful.




I just always assumed.


Rebecca, if I was to kick you in the groin, other than the obvious pain of the kick and me having ridiculous kicking power, it's insane ability, Mirko Krokow-esque. Is it a sensitive area to receive a blow? She says no.


No? She says no.


She's like, That's why I don't feel anything at night with us.


Oh, dear. So that was odd. Co-made event was Chaos Williams versus Carlson- Harris.


You got to win in ways. See?


I've done my homework. Chaos had a real nasty knockout. So that was fun. But the Lerone Murphy versus Edson Barboza fight, I was so impressed with Lerone Murphy. He really seemed to have... He grew a lot just in terms of maturity, fight approach, patience, He was fighting five rounds at a high level at a high pace with a guy like Edson Barboza, and had a little bit of adversity in the first round. He was faster than Barboza, which I don't think a lot of people expected. The power difference was evident right away. Every shot that he hit Barboza with was really affecting him, was moving his body. He was just reacting to it heavily. And Barboza went right to the lay kicks right away. And Leroy Murphy didn't do a great job of checking him and just seemed to ignore it. But you could tell it was affecting his movement a little bit. At the end of the first round, Leroy gets a takedown, which I thought was really impressive. He mixed in the takedowns and the clinch and the wall wrestling really well. He blended the entire MMA game together very, very well. But he gets a takedown, and he's standing above Barboza.


Right before the bell rings, Barbosa lands an up kick and completely slumped Laron Murphy. Round ends, and Laron is laying on top of Barboza out. He's out. He's out.


Right at the end of the round.


Right at the end of the round. So then his coaches running- Reminds me, Anderson Silva, Michael Bishman, to bring myself into it again. Yeah, but he was hurt bad. I was like, they might stop this. But his coaches came and they picked him up and shaking him and set him down. And you could tell he was glossed over the whole break. I as soon as the round started, that goddamn guy went right back to doing what he was doing before. The only real time he looked like he was hurt, Barboza went to the body a couple of times with some real nasty kicks and some spinning attacks. But then you could tell if it affected him, he went in, started wrestling a little bit. I mean, he 50, 45, that's in Barboza. Pretty clearly, Barboza looked awful afterwards. Was still competitive and dangerous the whole time. I thought it could have been stopped in the third, maybe once in the fourth. He had him barbed and never went down. He just had him real hard against the fence. But then we had Laron on the desk afterwards. He was on crutches, whole leg wrapped from his ankle to his groin, just from taking all the leg kicks.


His face looked like shit. He had marks all over his body. His ribs were swollen in red. His face was messed up. His nose was broken for that up kick. And just randomly, he would be talking, and he He would be listening to us, and it would just start squirting blood out of his nose. It was the first time in a while I felt genuinely bad for a fighter who won afterwards because it's just like, you won, but you went through a goddamn meat grinder to get it.


Yeah, I'm Well done to that guy. I was talking about it with Harrington last week, and you probably know, I mean, this man's been through a lot in his life. He was shot in the face because he was involved in some gang activity when he was younger. Then he was knocked off his bike and he was in a coma, knocked off his bike by a car. So that's why he hasn't been as active as what he wants to be. But I'm telling you, Leroy Murphy is definitely a name to keep an eye on part of me. So well done to him and everyone competing Saturday night. The opposite of well done is I have an absolute shame on him. He's been doing the rounds recently. There's been in the news. There's been a lot of coverage of a certain person. Do you know where I'm going here?


No. Who are we talking about?


Well, I want to see if I can a name out of you because it's not who you're thinking.


I was thinking you were going to say P Diddy.


No, I'm talking about P Diddy.


I've been telling everybody. I asked my wife last night. I'm like, Did you see the P Diddy video? She was like, No, I didn't see the P Diddy video. I'm like, You've got to get on this pop culture shit. And then she watched it last night, and I knew exactly what she was watching. I'm watching this new... I started this new show last night. It's called Halo. It's a video game that I used to play. It's on Paramount. It's a video game that I used to... I still play it every once in a while. But then I found out yesterday that they made a TV show out of it. It's like they got two seasons. And I was like, well, I don't know, it sounds nerdy because it's like a Spartan versus Alien video game. It's a really good show. Even if you don't understand any of the game or anything about that, it's a pretty good show. So I was watching that and I look over and she goes, oh, my God. I knew exactly what she was watching. I didn't even have to ask her. I knew she had just seen the P-Dude video.


I was walking through the jungles of Costa Rica. We were going to go visit a beautiful waterfall, and Jessie on Fire sent me a link to the video.


She sent me the same thing.


Oh, did you And we're walking through it, and I had a little bit of reception in the jungle, and I'm watching it, and I'm like, Oh, my God. I'm like, Rebecca, you got to see this. And she's like, No. I'm absorbed absorbing nature in beautiful Costa Rica. I do not want to watch a video of P Diddy beating up his girlfriend. I went, Look at this. And then she's like, Oh, my God. What an absolute piece of shit of the highest order. There's never an excuse. Of course, he's been in the news a lot recently for a lot of other alleged things. He was on the run, he raided his house and all the The best of it. And we don't know about any of that stuff. I don't know. I haven't been following it. I don't know anything about it, but it looks like he's a piece of shit, and it looks like he's into some, shall we say, very freaky stuff. This, the way... Let me She's running for her life, he runs through the hotel room with a towel wrap around him to drag her to the floor to kick her in the face the way that he did.


Do you know what I mean?


I think he's throwing vases and shit at her later on in the video. He's done. He's definitely done. But I get so frustrated. You would never do that to a man. That's why I get frustrated. These guys that just bully women. I don't know. You deserve to just get stuck in a room with a real man and just be as terrified as that lady was, because that's what I think about. How afraid was she?


You just touched on it there. Imagine this. Imagine what a piece of shit as a guy we'd have to be. Me and you, professional fire, has trained our whole lives, okay, I guess. And every dude that can't fight, that is scared, that doesn't want to be a part of the altercation. And we're chasing them, and we throw them down on the floor, we kick them in the face, we're abusing them, throwing bars, beating them. I mean, you would be a bully and a despicable person of the highest degree. Now be a man doing that to a defenseless woman, I mean, Jesus Christ. He just takes it to the entire next level.


And then his apology video.


You're sorry you got caught. You're sorry it came out.


You're sorry your career- You didn't apologize when you did it. You didn't come out and out your sofa it. You're sorry that now we've seen it. That's why you're sorry.


Men that act like that, they're always the same way. They're always absolute pussies. The men that I've encountered throughout my life that I find out beat up their wives, they're always little shits. They're always little pussies. They always wouldn't say a boo to a goose. They've always got some little insecurities within themselves because they can't handle themselves like a man in real life, so they take it out on women. They are absolute cowards.


And they're the same personality of person, every single one of them. If you put a group of them together that you know or that you found out about later, they're always about the same personality of person. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.




Drives me crazy.


Unbloody believable. Okay, so I'll put this in the notes, Harrington. Just recently, Ilya Topordia was talking about Islam Mahachev. I'm paraphrasing, basically, words to the effect of, Islam isn't a big enough star for Ilyat Aporia to fight right now. We love Iliata Portia. We're not talking shit. It's a conversation point. He's not a big enough star. Maybe if he continues to win a few more times, then he would consider fighting him. But right now, he's not a big enough star, but he likes Sean O'Malley. Sean O'Malley is doing big things in America. What are your thoughts on that statement?


I heard I heard Max Holloway talking about Ilya Teporea on, I think, Joe's podcast. And I agreed with him. I understand Teporea in his mindset and where he's at mentally. He thinks he's a big thinker. He's doing big things. But I feel like, I don't know, you got to keep winning. You got to keep winning. To say that Islam isn't a big enough star is crazy. It's absolutely insane for him to speak something like that. I don't think that Sean O'Malley is a larger star than Islam. Maybe he's more popular in America, but across the world, across the globe. If I was a champion and I had a belt that had paper B points attached to it, and my decision was Islam makajab or Sean O'Malley, financially, I'm going to pick Islam every single time. I think that's just facts. I don't think that's really disputed widely. No, it's not.


Is that Mahachev is... Well, it sounds stupid to say, he's the next coming of Habib. He is a man that represents himself so well in the sport. He really does. I love his... Much like Habib, cuts to the core. No bullshit. He has his little bit of sense of humor and his own unique style. You know what I mean?


The way- He's funnier than Habib, for sure.


He's funny. Habib used to have some funny lines as well, man. He did back in the day.


He's so condescending.


Yeah, it's great.


But it's funny. He's doing it to be funny. I love Justin Poore, but listen to him talk about the guillotine. He was like, he's got a pretty good guillotine.


He's really good guillotine. He's just funny like that. You're lying.


You're being an asshole. But yeah, I mean, I get it. Tepore is in his mind. He's building something big. And listen, he's super popular and a big enough draw on his own, he's got to win over Volkanovski. That's a big deal. But if someone needs to win more fights to become a bigger star, I think it's him versus Islam.


So we're now in May. Getting towards the end of May now, mid-May, whatever day it is. Yeah, getting towards the end of May. Almost due. Teporeo won the belt in February. Holloway just won. I mean, we've talked about this before. I think Holloway now jumps the line in terms of the matchup that people want to see with respect to bulk. My question is, what is the holdup in this fight or Teporeo's next fight being announced?


Sounds like it's Teporeo. At least that's I've never known Max Hollowway to be a bullshitter, but it sounds like Teporea is the one that hasn't been accepting fights. Yeah.


I don't think Tepore is the type of guy. Hold that thought, Hamilton. No, jump back on. I don't think Tepore is the type of guy that's going to be ducking people. I really believe in his skills and his ability as a champion. And I do believe we have a potential generational great on our hands with Tepore. So I don't think he's ducking necessarily.


No, I don't think he's afraid of anybody. I think he's being a smart businessman.


And even saying these disparaging things about Islam, again, it's smart. He's building his case in his stardom. Herringbone, welcome to the show.


Thank you for having me. So he did tweet out that he has a date for the UFC's debut in Spain. He's already been given that date. So it could just be a thing where they're waiting to finalize all the contracts on that before they can announce it. But seemingly, his next fight is set, at least on his side.


Yeah, I did see that. I did see that, but I hope I'm going to work on one. I hope I'm working. I will be working that one. Yeah.


Well, I'm making sure.


Europe, Middle East, North African, MENA. I do those shows.


Well, hopefully I'm working the desk.


Bym in Spain. Hell, yeah. Harrington and Brian, get your passports. Harrington and Brian, do you guys possess passports?


I have a full passport. Yep. There we go.


Good to go. Drop him a hat.


Let me know. What's up, Brian? How are you, Hey, brother.


Good, man. How are you guys?


I'm good, man. I'm good. What's going on in the world of Brian and Harrington? Anything to contribute to the show?


I went to the Met yesterday. That was pretty sweet. Got to see some fancy old paintings.


Oh, you What do you mean the museum?


Metropolitan Museum of Art.


I've been there. The Mallman.


No, that's the Museum of Modern Art.


Jesus Christ.


We have too many museums, dude.


There's too many museums. There's so many museums in my head that I visited to. I'm just getting them all mixed up. I'm a real culture vulture. All right, this episode is sponsored by Fit Bod, which is the workout fitness app that will create a custom workout for you, whether you're at home, at the gym, on the go in a hotel room, and it will give you no reason to not work out. A lot of the time when you're working out, you hit a plateau, you get bored, you're sick of the routine. Well, Fit Bod will take care of all of that. So whether or not you're a seasoned gymgoer or just starting your fitness journey, Fit Bod will push you to make progress. It's like having your own personal trainer, but it's better, it's cheaper, and you can work out anywhere with or without any equipment, and it is easy to build a custom workout I've planned for you. So the app makes it very, very easy to work out. Whatever your goals are, it will structure a workout based upon that. You can see all of your achievements and your workout streaks right there in the app.


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Go. Okay, so I thought this was super cool. I've seen a ton of people posting videos about this over the weekend. Speaking of Spain, and Portugal, there was a meteor that broke off of a comet that was passing a few thousand miles from Earth. You can see in the videos that I sent into the notes there, this little tiny piece that might have been only that big or so, flying through the air at, I think it was 1,700 miles per hour, you can see the amount of speed that it picks up. And look at what the sky looks like.


Wow. Wow.


That is awesome.


Look at that. Oh, that's crazy.


Do you know what I would love to hear?




Bryce, look at that. That's wild. You would for sure think that. Oh, that's nuts. Oh, my God.


I would think there's aliens coming.


A hundred %. And canDo you believe in aliens? Do I believe in aliens? Yeah. I believe there's life out there. I don't know if they're little green men, find mountains, find sources, but I do believe in life on other planets. It's funny you mentioned that, Anthony, because I was going to say, I I would love to hear Bryce Mitchell's reaction to this. Oh, God. Well, that right there, that is the space lasers from God.


It's one of the lights falling off. It's one of the lights falling off.


Yeah, it's a flat Earth. So, I mean- Bryce sent me a message the other day.


I don't remember what he said. And I said, Now, that might be the craziest thing you'd ever said. And he just said, Good one, brother. I need to know what that was. Oh, man, I don't remember.


Hold on, let me By the way, we love Bryce. I love Bryce.


I look forward to having him on again.


Yeah, no, I enjoy Bryce a lot. Listen, we say he's out of his mind. He's a great guy, and he's got a great ability. Obviously, we differ with his point of views, and we have a bit of fun, but he's also got a sense of humor with it as well. He doesn't get all offended and all the rest.


Yeah, he gets it. He understands. Did you know that Rashaad is a flat earther, too?


There's a lot of people that are flat earthers.


I found that out over the weekend.


What did he say? What was his justification?


No, it was someone. It was Mark Smith, the referee. We passed each other just talking and chit-chat for a second. I said, All right, man, well, I guess we'll see you next time. He was like, Yeah. Hopefully, you're with Rashaad, and we can convince him that the Earth isn't flat. And I was like, Rashaad is a flat earther, too. And Mark Smith was a pilot. And he said, I've showed him actual proof that I've seen my own eyes that the Earth is round because he's been up high enough to see it. He said, Rashaad's not buying it.


No, they won't buy it. And I wonder why. I wonder why they want to believe that.


I mean, for millions of years- I don't know.


For millions of years- It doesn't matter? It doesn't matter. That's why I don't get worked up either way. You want to believe that? Go ahead. I couldn't care less.


Yeah, I'm not sure that it matters. Also, I was listening to this interesting podcast where Joe Rogan had an actor on. I don't remember his name now off the top of my head. He was in Iron Man, I think.


Robert Downer Jr?


No, it wasn't Robert Downer.


Terrence Howard.


Terrence Howard. And he was talking about how gravity isn't real. Terrence Howard lost his mind years ago He's been talking about how he's unraveled the esoteric mathematical secrets of the universe for about seven years now, and he's just lost his mind. Do you agree with this whole grav... I don't want to get too deep into it, but- No, but remember, Brian Mitchell said that gravity is a real. That gravity is a real.


And I said to him, I said, Well, hold on a minute. If I let go of this bottle of water, it's going to fall on the floor. That's density, brother. That's density.


Yeah, they argue that it's like magnetism or It's like it's- It's so like it's- It's so like it's- It's called- Right, that it's an electrical... And it's an electrical force that shows the effects of whatever we call gravity. Anyways, that's a lot of bullshit. But I was listening to it, and it was fascinating to listen to, I don't know, some crazy shit that doesn't make any sense. And then have it be explained in a way that you're like, maybe.


I will say this. That's what makes the world an amazing place because there's lots of colorful characters that believe in absolute nonsense. There's also a lot of people that believe in stuff that maybe people think what I believe in is nonsense, so on and so forth. So God bless him. Good luck to them all. Okay. I'll tell you what, though, there was some science involved or gravitational forces or meeting of electrons and protons and molecules in New York City over the weekend because Marabda Balishvili was involved in what appears to be a nine car pileup. Hamilton, shed some light on said story, please.


I wish I had any more details for you other than he was in a crash where the airbags deployed. I know it was part of a five-city tour he was doing, just doing media in different places. And this was an Uber. Yeah, between point A and point B, you can see the driver's cell phone fell into the back seat. Like I said, airbags deployed. Kind of a mess.


Oh, wow. That's not great.


He was probably recording a skit to mock Sean O'Malley. Of course, he was. I've got to ask about, and I know you rock this, Anthony, the man pouch across the chest.


Yes, sir.


This is a go-to of yours. It is. I feel like... I never embraced it. Is that a little... Are we not past that phase in humanity right now?


Is that where you keep your squirt gun? That is where I keep the squirt gun, typically. That's where I carry the squirt gun around to or in. I actually started doing it when I had that allergic reaction. I never carried a cross-body bag or a man bag or anything. But when I had that allergic reaction, it almost died. Then I had to start carrying EpiPens with me everywhere. Well, they're a chunky thing. They're big. You can't just put them in your pocket. So my wife was like, Why don't you just get one of these cross-body bags? I'm like, No, that's lame. I'm not doing that. And she was like, Well, we go to Louis Vuitton and we'll get you a cool one. So I did that. And then I realized, I I don't have to carry all this shit in my pockets. So my wallet and my gum and my chapstick and my squirt gun and my EpiPens. And then I don't have all that stuff in my pants. So I just kept rolling with it. I'm doing I'm doing it. I'm getting one. It's so nice not to have all that shit in your pocket.


It really is. No, it is. Except for when your friends make fun of you.


But- Especially a man that wears a European style of tight-fitting jeans. Putting all that shit in the pocket is a nightmare.


It doesn't look cool.


It does not look cool. Okay, you got it. That's it. I'm getting a man bag. It's going across the chest. Gucci all day.


Gucci. I got these in two different colors. I got these Fanny packs. They're called bum bags, but I call them a Fanny pack. Those are pretty nice, too, especially when you're in the airport. You got your boarding pass, your phone, your wallet, and you constantly you're like, you want to get a water, you want to check in, or then you're not reaching your pockets or your backpack. It's just real nice. It's just right there.


I have one of those. It's called a backpack. Anyway, some big news here today. I know I will not be rockering.


I got bad shoulders, too. Don't you have a pain in the ass to take your backpack on and off all day in the airport?


Especially when you got massive belts. I can't even put my own suit jacket on. I can't.


So the makeup ladies are always putting it on for me because I can't do it. No, I can't get my hands. I'm so unflexible in my shoulders, in my neck. I can't turn and do it.


Can you put the shirt collar down when you're putting the tie up?


No chance. I can't reach it. So they're always fixing my collar and I can't even... So you know Zack, the audio guy at the Apex? No matter where we are, he always has to tie my ties. Because one, I don't tie a very nice knot. I don't know. I didn't have a dad growing up, so I never learned a nice, classy, nice, chunky knot. I just have the bullshit one that all the kids know. So it always looks bad. So he always ties it. But I can't get it correct like this. So he He just has to help me. He ties it on himself, then I put it on, and then he fixes my collar. That's me and his thing. He always helps me out with that.


That's how you guys bond. I went to a school in England, so we all wear uniforms every day. We have to wear a tie and blazer. If you didn't have your blazer on, you got detention and stuff like that. But I used to wear a tie every day, so I knew how to tie a tie, but it was a terrible knot. There's a thing out there, Anthony. It's called YouTube.


I've tried. I can't figure it out on YouTube.


When I started working for the UFC, I was like... Because when we were at Fox Sports, they got a whole wardrobe Department, and they make you look all pretty and everything. But then when we're at the UFC, we're on ESPN, and we're at the apex or on the road, there's no wardrobe Department there. There's not seven ladies taking care of you. So yeah, a little bit of time on YouTube, Anthony. You'll be flying. It's amazing what we can learn on that.


It's incredible. I've tried. I don't know why I can't figure it out.


All right, so let's get back into some fire stuff here. I just saw an announcement yesterday which was a curious booking. I'm talking about a boxing match, not Mike Tyson, Jake Paul. It is Chael Sonnen, Chael P. Sonnen, Uncle Chael, the Bad guy, versus Anderson, the Spider Silver in what is built as Anderson Silver's final fight going down in São Paulo, Brazil, five two-minute rounds of boxing. What are your thoughts on that, Anthony?


I was shocked, to be fair, because Chael and I work together a lot, and I always... I do the same thing I'm like, Come on, man, just one more. I need to stop doing that. I don't know why I do that. I'm always trying to get everybody to fight. And he's always like, No, I'm done. I'm done. But he looks good, and he looks like he's been in shape. He looks a little bit leaner and I don't know if he's known something was coming down the pipe for a while, but he looked different the last couple of times we worked together.


Well, the UFC 300, I said to him, No. Yeah, he looked good. He looked lean, Chael.


Yeah, it looks like he's been working out and training, at least doing some conditioning or whatever. He looks lean. And so, of course, I'm like, Hey, Chael, you need to get one more, right? But he's always said, I'm not a boxer. He doesn't want to train MMA. He doesn't want to go back to the wrestling and the jiu-jitsu and all that stuff. And he said, I don't box. So I just always thought it wasn't going to happen. Then I seen the announcement and I text him right away yesterday, five o'clock. And he didn't respond. Apparently, he was on a plane, coming back from Paris or something. And he texted me this morning. Yeah, it's happening. So that's not that surprise for Anderson. I thought we would see Anderson at least one more time. Really shocked that Chael's lacing them up. But it's intriguing for sure. I'm excited.


It's intriguing. There's a massive storyline. It's in Brazil. Of course, the two of them shared the octagon twice. The first fight is getting inducted into the Hall of Fame at International Fight Week. It was unbelievable what Chael did in that first match. Of course, the threat of the wrestling, as always, opened up the hands for Chael. Remember, he dropped him, he mauled him, he dominated him for five rounds, and Anderson Silver pulled it out of the bag in the final minute. The rematch, not so much. Chael did okay in the opening round. Then he thought he was on dancing with the stars. He was trying to throw spinning backfist and stuff like that. He essentially fell over and Anderson mauled him. Fair play. Well done. They're going out there five, two-minute rounds. They're similar ages. They've fought before. They're the same size. Five, two-minute rounds, don't get me wrong, you can do a lot of damage in one two-minute round, especially when you got the prowess of an Anderson Silver. But he slowed down a touch. Chael is going to come back. It'll be entertaining for the fans. I hope they make a tidy sum of money, the pair of them, and I wish them both the best of luck.


I'll be honest, at UFC 300, when I flew back, I had a couple of little drinky poos at the airport, and when I got on the plane, I saw my manager order your car when I landed with the I was still waiting for the bags. And I said to him, Audia, I'm going to do a boxing fight. Give me a boxing fight. I said, Give me one. Give me one. He's like, Are you sure? I'm like, Yeah. The chale is coming back. Fuck it. I'm coming back.


Yeah, let's go.


That was weeks ago.


I've sobered up now. You're not going to fight Luke Rockhold in Karate Combat.


I am not fighting Luke Rockhold in Karate Combat. I am certainly not taking part in a four-man tournament of Loyauto, Rockhold, Anderson, and me because Rockhold makes me- Why not?


That would be so fun.


It would. If you had to do it. When I fought in twice with one eye, I did have two knees. Now I've got no knees. I've got one eye. I've got half a neck. I'm essentially one-handed because of this. But I still fucking got it, Keith.


You still got it.


Yeah. No, I know.


See, I got to stop doing that. I got to stop hyping people up all the time. You could do it.


I would do a boxing match. I would do a boxing match, I think. But something like that, five, two-minute rounds or eight, two-minute rounds or something. But kickboxing, then You start getting.


Then you're going to start checking kicks.


I haven't taken a leg kick in a long time. I'm sure these thighs would need some conditioning. Do you know what I'm saying? I'm like, Who's thinking take it? You kick me in the leg, I'm going to pull a gun out.


Right out of your man bag.


Right. So well done to Chael and Anderson. All the best to both of you. Khalil Roundtree Jr. Obviously somebody that you know, Anthony, has had to withdraw from his fight with Jamal Hill because of a tainted supplement, apparently. Harrington, give some more details for the believers because I'm leaving out quite a lot there. But I'm very intrigued to know your take on this, Anthony.


He said that he was working with a company to make custom supplements for him.


I didn't even know that was a thing, by the way. I've never even heard of that before.


Apparently, it was a tainted supplement, Anthony, containing this DHEA product. Yeah, what are your thoughts?


Well, I'm not going to pretend that I know anything about supplements. I've never... I'm just not a supplement guy. I never have been. And it's more work than it's worth. It's seemingly a lot of times. The only supplement I actually take is B12. And so I don't know anything about that. I thought the third-party supplement company was weird. I also thought it was weird that he didn't fail a drug test, but he admitted to taking a banned supplement, but that wasn't supposed to be in there. So I don't know how he I don't know what was in there.


Harrington just added something in the chat there. Hamilton, do you want to clarify what you just put in the chat, please?


Yeah. As Anthony was saying, he was told after he consumed the supplement that it had been DHEA had been mixed in. So he went to Jeff Nowitzky and said, Hey, man, just so you know, I just got told that I took a supplement, this band supplement. I had no intention of taking it.


Got it. Okay, that makes more sense.


Then real quick, while Anthony talks, while we discuss, can you just look up the effects of DHEA, Brian O'Hammerton in the background, please continue, sir.


Yeah, so the whole thing was weird. To his credit, though, he notified them right away as soon as he was made aware of it. It seems like he's doing... As of right now, I can't criticize him too much because if he says it's an accident, we don't have any information that says that it isn't. It just sucks. It sucks because now he's always going to be questioned, and that's just going to be hard.


I forget what they call now. There is some... What do you call them? We call them chemists. What do you call them?


A biologist? No. Pharmacist?


Pharmacist. Pharmacist. Thank you. There's a type of pharmacist that you go to and they make your prescription there for you. I forget what they call them. There's an actual term for them. So I'm assuming it's one of those where they make it on spec for you. I'm talking regular type of whatever medications the doctor prescribes, they make it there for you as opposed to going in and you have generic brand versions. So maybe he's talking about one of them. I forget what the term is. If it was in his body before and it's something that you would test positive for, then I guess he would have tested positive for it in the past. So I guess you got to... You got to...


He's never failed, so you got to give him a little bit of leeway, or at least believe what he's saying right now. But you can bet your ass that the testing people are going to go back and retest his samples before, and they're going to dig deeper into those, and they're going to test him more now. So if there's something to be found, it'll come out soon.


Yeah. It's just a shame for him and Jamal Hill, to be honest, because currently they're off the card. So Jamal Hill needs a fire at UFC 303. I'm assuming they're looking for a replacement. Let me just say this. If the UFC were to call you up and say, Hey, UFC 303, Lionheart, number one contender match, Jamal Hill, Call Me An Event, T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, we'll offer you this.


Would you say- It would make it uncomfortable right now and a little bit weird because I haven't talked about this at all until now, I guess. My boxing coach is headed to Vegas as we speak to help Jamal.


And then Jamal is coming here for two weeks leading into that fight. We're there.


Yeah. So right now, no.


No, I was only messing around. I wasn't genuinely- At some point in time, Jamal and I potentially will have to figure that out at some point in time.


There's There's no reason to force it right now because there's plenty of people for us to fight outside of each other. At some point, if both of us reach our goals and do the things that we're headed to do, at some point, those paths are going to cross. We're not going to have a choice. But then I know you're just around with us. Yeah, of course. But yeah, so my boxing coach is headed to Vegas to help him right now, and then he's coming here for two weeks.


So who do you think is going to be a replacement? Do you reckon they might pull somebody like a Yuri Proashko? Because that would Tick the boxes in terms of a worthy co-main event. It'll be an intriguing match with a lot to gain for both people. Yuri, of course, former champion, Jamal, former champ.


Sounds like Yuri is pretty much campaigning for a title fight only. I've heard some... I've seen some rumblings online that people are talking about potentially Carlos Oldberg.




So that's just what I've seen online. I Jamal doesn't know. So I chit-chatted with him the other day or yesterday, and he has no idea. He doesn't know. They're trying to keep him on the card, but he doesn't know.


Yeah. No, it makes sense. I mean, that was one of the big fights that people were looking forward to. It's amazing Jamal, quick turnaround from 300 to 303. Fair play to him. Absolute respect. That would be quite the ascendancy for Carlos Ulberg, though, to step up. I mean, who did he just beat? It was Metafield.


Alonso Metafield.


In about seven or twelve seconds or something crazy.


When I read that this morning, and who knows? Some of those dot-coms, they just spread rumors and whatever. So I don't put too much weight into that. Then I went and looked at the rankings. I was like, Some bitch, that guy's ranked right behind me. How did that happen? That happened quick. Good for him, though.


You knock out Metafield like that. And he's been on a chair, Carlos Holberg. He really has. And stylistically, He's got to be afraid.


Vitor Patrino moved into the rankings off a loss.


Son of a bitch. You lose to Anthony Smith. How the hell does that happen? It's only a good thing.


He was ranked when they took the fight. Then he was unranked when Bogdan won. So then they moved Bogdan in and bumped Patrino out. Well, then Oldberg moved up. They bumped Dustin Jacobi out and put Vitor Petrino in. I was like, I don't know who does this shit.


The rankings can be a mysterious thing sometimes.


And I didn't move at all.


All right, this episode is sponsored by Mando, which is a deodorant which will keep you smelling nice and fresh for up to 72 hours. Unlike regular deodorant that wears off after a few hours, Mando, which comes from the makers of Lumideodorant, is clinically proven to be able to control order for 72 hours wherever you stink. So make the switch to Mando, a whole body deodorant, and smell like a zero every single day. By a zero, I mean zero out 10, 0, smelling great. 10, smelling like a Harrington. You will smell like a zero because it was created by a doctor who was seeing firsthand how normal BEO body order was being misdiagnosed and mistreated. It is Clinically proven to block the order and control order for up to 72 hours. It's baking soda free, it's paraben-free, PH balance and safety used below the belt. And as I said, clinically proven to control order better than a shower and soap alone. So if you're one of those people that has this affliction, some people sweat more than others, some people smell more than others, take charge of it. I do it with Mando. I do it with the Mando Startup pad, which is perfect for the new customers.


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He can triple down. He can do whatever the fuck he wants.


Are you going to take that back?


I already did. I like five times.


Harrington, give the statement from.


But he keeps changing the fucking rule.


Give the statement.


I have the statement. Someone tell this guy that the bet is real. I'm not talking about fighting in an event because I don't need to promote myself. I'm talking about booking in a gym and the bet would be there because If you wait to fight me at an event, it would probably be difficult to happen. I was out of action for a month because I broke both of my toes, so I only need a month for me recover some of my cardio. He said he would use this money to buy the stupidest thing. I would do it differently. I would buy food for people in need to lessen their pain.


I did say I'd buy a big ass dildo.


What a guy. Sorry, Anthony. You're being frivolous. Here's a guy from the Amazonian jungle that's been through real adversity. He wants to generate $50,000 and feed starving children. And you want to buy, what was it?


Like an 18-foot dildo.


He was 15. Don't get crazy.


Was it 15? Okay, a 15-foot dildo. A three-foot dildo.


Oh, shit.


I doubled down on that. I'm still buying the big-foot dildo.


Get the dildo. Let's go. All right, all right. Give your official response.


I've said yes. I've said yes. Here's what I don't understand. He's changed the rules a couple of times, where at first it was I couldn't choke him in five minutes, and then it was if he gets to his feet, then he wins. Well, I could still be on your back choking you. There's some details we got to iron out there, but I don't understand why he dislikes me so much. Because I've literally spent his entire UFC career promoting him. That's the only business him and I have ever done together is me building him up. So what I pick against you sometimes in fights, pull the current back a little bit. It doesn't matter what I say. Go out and win. I don't know. I guess maybe sometimes he gets upset because I am critical of some parts of his game. That's my job. I'm a fan of your game. I think I've said it a hundred times. I'm a fan of his striking. I love his ascension in the sport. I love how he's adapted his striking game to MMA. I've been a bit critical in saying he has a hole in his game that up to this point, he's done a good job of hiding it and working his other game around it and staying out of those positions.


I just don't understand why he dislikes me so much.


So he's always- So he likes to go on the down.


He's always poking at me all the time. He's always like... And I said this before, I've never challenged Alex Pereira to anything at all. I will accept whatever he wants to do for sure, because I'm not like all these other dudes. I'm not afraid of him. He doesn't make me nervous. I'm not intimidated. I don't give a fuck what he wants to do. I'll do it. But I'm not the one that keeps poking him. Of course, I'm trying to make it to him. But you're the one who won the title and put the target on your own back. Don't be mad because everyone else is pining for you.


So hold on, hold on, hold on. I'm well said, but let's throw down the gaunt, Anthony. And I'm putting you in a situation where now it's the 20th of May, International Fight Week is the 29th of June. That is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 weeks from now. He says that he needs a month. Are we saying that we're going to book a venue in Las Vegas, International Fight Week, Pultan versus Lionheart, the 50K challenge?




I'm I'm promoting this exclusively.


I'm in.


I'm in as well.


I'm in.


We're selling tickets. We're selling tickets. No, seriously. That would be a good time to do this. It'll be something to train for for both of you. For sure. It'll be something the fans could really get behind and come and watch.


And honestly, all bullshit aside, I know I'm joking about this 15-foot dildo or whatever. If he wanted to do it and we donated the whole thing to the charity of whoever the winner's choice is, I'm fine with that. Whatever. It's beautiful. I'm not trying to take any money from Alex Pereira. I'll give it all to charity. I don't give a shit. I would do that if that's what he wanted to do. I just don't... I keep going back to, I don't know why he's so mad at me. If you want to grapple, that would be fun. I would have a whole lot more fun grappling you than fighting you, for sure. That would be something that would be a lot of fun. And I would be down to do that. I just don't know what he's so mad about.


International Fire Week. I'm sitting quite the stage there, and it's certainly he's going to be in town, you're going to be on town. It's five weeks from now. It's a bit of fun. It's a grappling match.


We could do it to charity.


By the way, if you give it to charity, the 50,000 is a tax deduction, so it won't cost you a penny.


That's perfect.


It's perfect. That's perfect.


It's almost like making money.


Well, you make money, but you also get the credibility of giving it to charity. That's what you got to be careful of. People argue with the charity. It's a tax write-off. It's a tax write-off.


Funny story. I just started a nonprofit, Anthony. I'll take that. Oh, did you? Okay. No, I didn't, but I'll definitely take the 50 Gs.


Yeah, no, no, no. All jokes aside, that would be incredible. It really would.


Yeah, I would have a lot of fun with that.


And for you, we spoke about this before. If you did that, it's going to set quite the narrative for a title fight down the line. It just is. It just is. Okay, look, listen, guys, how long we've been going there? Just over an hour. It's going to be a shorter show today because I am in Costa Rica. Rebecca is sitting there on the balcony, and she's like, Are you serious?


She's ready to go.


We're in Costa Rica for our bloody 25-year anniversary, and you're sitting there Humming it up with the boys, talking nonsense. You haven't even got a microphone. The sounds all echo here. No one's watching, and she just wants to go to the goddamn beach. So please send in your video questions to bympod@gmail. Ca. Be winepod@gmail. Com. When we do the next show, we're going to go through a few. When we're on next week with Anthony, we're going to do a bunch. And if you have it, send it in bympod@gmail. Com.


And if you're listening on Spotify, iTunes, or wherever you find podcasts, make sure you subscribe. Leave us a five-star rating. A positive review really helps out on those platforms. If you're watching on YouTube, make sure you subscribe to the channel and you hit that notification bell to find out whenever a new video drops. And if you want to catch over 500 episodes, you can't find anywhere else completely ad-free and totally uncensored. Head to gasdigital. Com. Use the promo code I am 14. Get a two-week free trial. Checked over 20 great shows on the network.


Once again, just want to wrap this up by saying congratulations to Alexander Usik. What an unbelievable achievement. Laurent Murphy, I think that man is going to be a huge star. He's the total package. He really is. And thank you guys for watching, supporting the show. We appreciate you. Next time we do a show, I'll be back from my travels. I'll be in the studio. I'll have all my own egotistical bullshit behind me. When are the Bits & Bobs going to show up, Anthony?


They're building my office right now, so they're working on it. I got the stuff being built. It's going to be super cool, though, when it's done.


I'm really excited. If anybody wants to donate Bits & Bobs, Anthony is willing to accept.


I am. I am.


Thanks for watching. We'll be back in a few days. Bye-bye.