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You're listening to believe you me with Michael the Count Bisbing and Anthony Lionheart Smith.


A little sippy dip to get the show started. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the believe you me podcast. We have got a lot to discuss today. We've got Anthony Smith later on. We have Brendan Loughnan going into, once again, the PFL final. We also have drew joining us, training partner of Anthony Smith, who was a part of the fight of the night at the weekend. And we've also got a lot of breaking stories happening. And also, and this is not really our area of expertise, but a president or former president attempted assassination at the weekend, which was wild, man. It was wild. Where were you, Anthony? Were you working?


I was working. Yeah. Yeah, I was working. It was. It was crazy.


I saw everyone on Twitter going, if Dana and Trump walked into the building right now, the place would go crazy. I'm like, well, you obviously didn't see Dana's post because I was, I was. Where was I? We went antiquing for the afternoon, and then we went down sitting at some barbecue restaurant. And I just sat down. Rebecca goes, oh, my God, look at this. And it was a post from Dana. He was on a plane to Italy, and then he was just talking about what happened. I'm like, what? No way. And then you look at social media and all it is, is all the videos and everything of Trump just, just missing that bullet. Unbelievable stuff. And then all the other videos that came out afterwards. There's a lot of talking points here, Anthony.


What a shot. I mean, I know people. Not really. It's a pretty shot. It's a pretty far shot.


It was like 130 yards.


That's a decent shot to only miss by a couple inches. That's not bad.


To be honest, I heard a guy on the news this morning saying that apparently anybody that goes through boot camp at the military will be capable of taking that shot. Granted, the guy was 20 years old, no military training.


That's what I mean. Like, for just a regular Joe, 130 or 140 yard shot and you only miss by a couple inches is not bad. I mean. Cause if he's aiming for the head and he just clips in here, that's only a couple inches. That's a hell of a shot, to be energy was ridiculous. The production was phenomenal. I never saw the tv product. Masvidal, of course, Masvidal, of course, has a cult following. You know that.The day being moved, to your point, is a fantastic one. A Masvidal stressed frustration with that to me when I spoke to him. But to sell that many pay per views, it's not easy.It's a lot of pay per views.It's ridiculous. It is. It is. Like.Anyone that's not named Connor in the UFC, if you sell 400,000 pay per views, it's probably a pretty good night.Well, the break even. I'm going to use that terminology in the contracts with UFC fighters generally is $200,000 over $200,000. That's where you become a partner, you know? And it's. It's, you know, back in the early days, they were killing it, and now, of course, with the big events, they kill it as well, you know? But it was always, like, 4567, 800,000 of you buyers, because that's the power of the UFC brand. And the problem is, when fighters leave that and they go away, they think that fighters are all sorry, fighters, the buying public is automatically going to follow them, and it's just not what happens. Like, I was a part of an event with. When I grappled Chelsea, and they had. Who was it? Who was it? They had. What's his name? Roy Jones junior in the main event. Big name in boxing. They had Rey mysterio from the wrestling world, and they had a bunch of, like, big, big names from different elements of combat sports. They sold next to nothing. Next to nothing, right? Lost a fortune. And they. Their reasoning was, well, everyone's got all these social media, and they've all got Twitter and Instagram.If they all posted on there and all this, and they do some interviews, we're gonna get all these people from all these other avenues. It's all nothing. It's all next to nothing. You know, it's amazing that we got paid, but we did get paid, and I think that.And that's the. That's the shitty part. Like, if you make a deal, that's the deal. You owe Nate Diaz $10 million, and. And, honestly, I I don't understand why people always. I always want everything to be a home run right away. If you put on this great event, maybe you're gonna lose some money in the process. But for any. Anybody like me, I'm sitting here telling everybody, I would buy. I would. If that same promoter puts on another event, it almost wouldn't matter who's on it. I'll probably get it, because it was. It was done so well. The, you know, boxing moves a little slow, so the. The pacing of the fights was a little slow. It was a little late, but other than that, it was fun to watch. There was good interviews in between. There was a lot of celebrities there. It was. The production value was cool. I would probably buy another event, and I would tell people, like, oh, yeah, you should watch those fights. It's actually a pretty good show. Like, maybe you make money later on, and you. You throw an event that is a lot cheaper. You don't have any diaz versus Masvidal on there, and then you make money down the road.But, you know, to be honest, if you bankrupt yourself, that's a problem.Well, they messed up by paying Diaz. Well, offering Diaz $10 million. If he's got that in writing on contract, which I'm assuming he has, and that's why he's suing them, then, of course, he's well within his rights to sue them 100%. Kind of feel for the guy. Obviously, he got a little carried away in the hype and the momentum, and obviously, he's a major Ds fan, and he feels the fan base that he has, but it doesn't translate. Certainly modern day and age, when people are all bloody illegally streaming that stuff as well. You know, it's. It's.It was. And it was hard to. To buy it. Like, it wasn't an easy. Like, I'm a push button person. Like, I'll almost buy anything if I think it can be a little bit interesting. I almost buy anything if it's just really quick. If I gotta, like, figure something out and create an account and, like, log into something, I gotta flash it over here. Like, if I wasn't such a big Nate D as a masked off and really wanted to see it so. So we could talk about it on here and have educated conversations about it, I might have said, ah, forget it. I'm out of here.Yeah.Because it was a pain in the ass.Let me ask you this.Yes, sir.Do you launch a business, you do a one off event, and you, afterwards, you say, shit, babe, I hope Nate, he has $9 million. He's suing me. We're gonna get bankrupt. I mean, how's that conversation going down in your house? You'd be like, I told you. I told you so many times, do not do that. Because that's what my wife would do.She.Like, I told you. I told you a million times, you dickhead.Yeah, that's what. That's how mine would go. I told you. Shouldn't have offered him $10 million. He'd have done it for seven.Yeah. No, he would have done it for seven, I reckon.Five.He's gonna have to go bankrupt. It's a shame, but that's what he's.Gonna have to do, which is kind of crappy for Diaz too, because if he goes bankrupt, he gets nothing.If he goes bankrupt, he probably gets nothing. Although they could go after him personally, maybe, but, no, I don't think so. If you go bankrupt, that's it legally.Might be better off just trying to settle with him, instead of being hard, trying to get the full nine that he owes you, maybe settle and say, all right, give me. Give me four or five more, and we'll just call this good, and I'll just bury you emotionally.I I really hate that, how you can just go bankrupt. If somebody owes you money, they can declare themselves bankrupt, and then that's it. They're absolved of all responsibilities. It's absolutely insane.What would you do? I mean, yeah, you could sue him, but if you windehouse, he's gonna owe.You nine, which you're never gonna get.Never gonna get.Never.You try to settle for something lower to get something.Winning a lawsuit is one thing. Collecting from a lawsuit is very, very different. The amount of people that actually get paid, when they even get a judgment or an award is very, very low, I believe. And certainly in a position like this, a boxing promoter, they can just absolve the business. Just Clare, bankrupt. That's it. You're done. Not to mention the fact that it's gonna cost a fortune to sue the guy. You know, these things aren't cheap. It seems like it would be a pretty much slam dunk up a case, you know, but still, there's gonna be legal expenses, which, of course, give me.What you can give me, which, of.Course, fan me outside. They would have to pay that. They would have to pay the legal expenses. But again, you're not gonna get your award. You're certainly not gonna get your legal expenses. So it's a really shitty situation for Nate Diaz. He upheld his end of the bargain, did the training, sold the fight, went out there, competed, put on an absolute classic, and then doesn't get paid.Oh, that's got to be frustrating, too, because, you know, he leaves the UFC, wants to get paid big money. He could have made that in the UFC.Mm hmm.He could have made the million in the UFC.Jake Paul is probably chuckling. Which me off.Yeah. Because Jake is now not. Not for nothing. Jake Paul is always paid, sounds like. And he's seemingly paid all of them.Well, yeah, yeah, no, him a couple of times. He said he'll come on. He said, yeah, sweet lads. And then ghost, silence. He's a dickhead.Is that what he.Saw? Did I. I cried myself to sleep last night.Wow.He's big time now. He's a big influencer in the boxing world. You know this next one.Tasty matchup, yo. When this one comes out, you're gonna be like. Like, okay, let's see where we're going with this.All right, we'll tell him. I'm going to reach out. Brendan, you're the absolute man. Love talking to you, mate. See you next week.Nice one, lads. Take care, boys. See you later.Oh, he's a lot of fun.He's hilarious. Oh, man. You want to. You want to. You want to have a drink with him? He's out of his mind because he's just a cheeky little rascal. He's funny.Is he?Oh, he's funny. He's so funny. He really is. Oh, dear. Right, Harrington. I've even looked at the notes. I'm way off because he just had me laughing, my ass. Yeah. What are we talking about?The random guy is great.Well. Well, because I've done that. I've spent time with people that I don't know because, you know, you want to be that person. You want to be giving. You want to be appreciative of your support, so you do that. And then there's been times where. Okay, right. All right, I'm gonna get going. Says that he is in negotiations with the UFC for a title fight against Alex Pereira. And the ball is in his court.It's in Pereira's court, apparently. So do we expect him not to take the fight?I don't expect him to not take the fight because I saw Pereira saying he did a thing on his YouTube channel and he said he doesn't want to fight arse Bernard because he's not. He's only the interim champ. If he wants to go to heavyweight, he would only want Jones, which makes sense. You know, you're not going to choose the interim champ, but he did say, but he has work to do in his own division. And I really actually respect that because so many people instantly want to jump ship as champion and try and become the double champ we've been through before. There's no risk. You lose the fight, then you're still the champion of your division. The fight would be a super fight, so probably sell a lot of of agree with you on both sides of it. And as a fan, I would love to see it. Did you see the latest victim of Sean Strickland is David Goggins? What is going on there?Strickland kind of took a shot at a bunch of Navy Seals, and David Goggins is an easy target. You know, if that's because he's not going to really let you just kind of run your mouth about Navy Seals and not going to say anything. I. I think that those two guys would actually get along really well if they just hung out like I. They have really wacky personalities and they're both super brash and, and speak very loudly and surely. I think that they would probably get along if they would just hang out for a little bit.Well, that was another one, wasn't it? That was another victim of Strickland. The Navy SeAl showed up at the gym. They talked a bit of crap online.And for 25 minutes.Oh, did he really?He apparently, yeah, Strickland said he lasted the full 25 out of him, but.I only saw little bits of clips, certainly not 25 minutes worth, but he was putting it on him for sure. So fair play to that guy.Hey, I wish I could do that I wish someone would show up in my gym and want to fight.I was gonna say, what? Golf. 25 minutes at a full pace. I get.God damn it.I know. I'm sorry. You just. I wish I could do that. I'm not. What?No, I want a youtuber to show up at the gym and want to fight me.That's what I make it happen.Now there's. That's not gonna happen.Should I show up at the gym? I'm in youtuber, bro.You are a youtuber, though. Like, youtuber knocks out UFC fighter. It's like you standing over me, like, that's not fair. That's not fair.We could get Harrington down. Fancies himself as a tough guy. He trains.He is undefeated, right?I believe so.No, that's not even true. What? I'm above 500.Oh, okay. Well, that's a winning record in your.Okay, if. Yeah, if you want. If you want me to be your victim, sure. Like, I'll take a flight wherever you guys want to send me.I'll pay for it if you fly here.Right, right. We will do. Let's pick a date.Okay.Where we always say we're going to get together. I want to go to somewhere new. Right. So we'll come to your neck of the woods.Perfect.I've never been to Nebraska, and we talk about this all the time, having to jump on, boys. Jump on. Let's have a look at the dates.Let's look at the calendar. How long? How much time do you need?Well, it's going to be a few days, doesn't it? We should come do a Thursday episode in person.Yeah.And then a Friday, Saturday, or something like that. Good old fashioned get down on the Friday or Saturday night. And then Sunday morning, we all go back bleary eyed to our loved ones. That would be my kind of, you know, idea. Problem is, I've got. And this is always my problem, but next week, I go to Manchester. I get back. I go on vacation with the family to Maui. I get back in the. I'm immediately commentating at the apex. Then I'm commentating at the apex again. Then I go to Columbia for stem cells. Now we're in September.What about September 19 through the 21st?19Th. September 19. Well, you know what? It is 19th to the 21st. I'm flying to Paris on the 21st, but I could delay it. Oh, what about. We'll do this off air, because this is not podcasting at its fun.It's not great tv.Yeah. I was like, we can figure date really quick. But now it's the entire site.Alright, so the first question we have here today, be a toughie for Anthony, but this one is from Nathan Golo.Hey, BYM podcast. It's Nathan from Oxford, England. Huge fan of the podcast. Listen to you guys. For years I'm out of the garden because there's sun in England, which is a rare occurrence of spending all my day out here. I'm as well as martial artist and actor, and I wanted to know for all of you, what is your favorite martial arts film and why?Why?Cheers, guys. Big fan of podcast Q Harrington. Well, thank you very much. The reason I did that is because the other day I was like, I'm gonna do a YouTube video of my favorite martial art films. And I'm like, this, beat me to it. And I shouldn't swear as much. Anthony, you must be. You must have some martial art films that you've seen.Yeah, my favorite. My favorite. That's a good one. It's a very good one. I'm a big van dam guy. I think hard target was better. It's not necessarily a martial arts movie, but there's a lot of martial arts happening in it. But probably bloodsport, like 80% of the people.Blood sport for sure. Kickboxer for sure. Enter the Dragon, 100%. Have you seen enter the Dragon?I don't think so.You gotta watch it. It's gonna blow your mind. I think it was filmed in 1977. This movie starts. Bruce Lee is wearing the old school valley tudor shorts, mma gloves. Here's the guy with a combination. Does a scissor take down and arm bars him in the seventies, martial arts in the 1970s. I'm telling you, I am telling you, it's great. You gotta check that.Your favorite one.I don't think it's my favorite. I would probably say blood sport, I think because as a kid, you know, it has a special place in my heart.Yeah. And there's so many different martial arts.There's so many. And there's so many good films as well. That was my favorite thing. American ninja warriors were good, Brian.A little more contemporary. You got movies that are wild. You have like it, man. And the raid, I think are favorite martial arts movies.I was gonna say, say the raid. The raid. I mean it, man's fantastic. The whole sequences. Sorry, the franchise, the raid. If you haven't seen the raid, Anthony, watch the raid. Now it's in subtitles, so I might throw you off. But it's not.I can. I mean, I can. I can read. What do you mean might throw me off? I know how to read.No, no, what I mean is that a lot of the time people go, well, have you seen, um. Like, I had this guy. I had this guy that shall remain nameless, a very, very famous person.Person.I was at dinner, he's hitting on my wife in front of me, right? The whole time. And I wanted to strangle him. And he's like, Michael, do you read much german literature? And I'm like, do I read much German? I don't read much english literature, let alone German, you prick. So when you say subtitled films, you think it's an artsy fartsy movie, you know? Oh, yeah, I've seen such and such is great subtitles, but, you know, the camera shots and the cinematography is amazing. You know, it's not one of those films. It's a crazy action film. Indonesian. You gotta check it out, bro. I watch you go check it out. The rain.Hey, do you think that, like, the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie would count as a martial arts movie?Yes. Bought lame. Haven't seen it.It's not a bad movie. It's not a bad movie.Martial art video game.Mortal Kombat for sure, bro.That's it. Lucas. I went for a p a second ago. As you know, Lucas is playing the new Mortal Kombat. We downloaded it yesterday. Yeah. Do you play video games, Anthony?Yeah. Yeah.So, like, Lucas, all his friends, all they do when they get together is play bloody dungeons and dragons. But that's the only time to get together. And it's middle of summer and summers running out. And I'm like, dude, hang out with your friends more. And, like, they never want to hang out other than the playing dungeons and dragons. And I feel, like, obliged as his father to make sure he's enjoying his time off. Let's play a video game together. Let's do a two player. Are you aware of Baldur's gate three?Huh?Oh, God, $70.I played the shit out of that game.It's awful.It's awful.It's a rpg, so it's. It's very, like, cutscene based. There's a lot of. And the combat is not action based, it's turn based.It's so like when we googled it, two play games, right? It took an hour to, like, set up your character.Yeah.I'm like, can we just get on with this? Then when we do it, when we start, you take it in turns. You can just, like, move a cursor for your little person, and you can't go too far. You can only go, like, 10 meters, and then, like, there'll be a guy and you press x if you want to attack. And it just scuttles over, hits it with a sword, and then it's. Lucas is gone, and then there's his goal. And I'm sitting there trying to be an enthusiastic father for about an hour, and I'm like, son, this is crap. And he's like, yeah. I didn't want to say anything. I said, how about we download muscle combat? Boom.Oh, yeah. Yeah. Me and my kids play that a lot.Yeah, it's great anymore, Brian, but boulders, gate three, apparently people love it.Yeah. Game of the year last year or the year before, I think.What do I know?I mean, different strokes for different folks. I play from soft games which make you want to pull your hair out.So Lucas loves all that. What's that one that you play? What's it he plays? Hell divers.Hell divers is fun. I haven't played it in a while, but it was fun when it came out, for sure.Yeah.We have another question here from Tristan Walls. This one's a little more mma flavored.What's going on? Bym, it's your boy Tristan from Georgia. Got a quick question. So I legitimately had a dream last night that I was chatting with Tom aspinall, and he asked me what I thought was going to happen in his upcoming fight with Curtis Blades. And I told him that I thought that he was going to knock Curtis blades out in the first round. So I was curious to know if you guys have ever had dreams leading up to fights and has your dream actually played out in the fight? Thanks for taking the question. Take care. Yeah, I'm gonna. I'm trying. I don't want to. No, sell this question, but I don't really dream a lot, so.Oh, bro, you want to dream more? I'm telling you right now, this, this is gonna make you dream more, and you're gonna have some wild dreams. Start taking magnesium.Magnesium, really?Before you go to bed. So I take magnesium before I go to bed because the healing benefits and all the benefits in general for health is very, very good. It makes you sleep like a monster, but the dreams are insane. I wake up, I'm like, whoa, I'm gonna go back to that. I had a dream last night. I was like, back in this house in Clitheroe, where I'm from, and, like, there, like, shit going on with all these gangsters. I was stealing money and stuff. It was fucking insane. I woke up for a piss, I'm like, I hope I can go back to that. The dreams are so vivid. Yeah.All right, well, I'm gonna have to try that out. Yeah, I'm gonna do that for sure. And I sleep like shit.Magnesium. I'm telling you, dude, magnesium, it will really help. I've had premonitions. I've had thoughts. I've seen images of how the fights will go.Mm hmm.They've rarely been correct.You're always imagining it going way better than it's going to.I remember saying to one of my coaches at the time, I've had a vision. I've seen it when I fought my Hamill. I know what's going to happen. I've seen it in my mind. He's like, well, what happens? I said, well, he comes running at me. I stepped to the side. It's a clean one two bone. Funny's out. Have you had one of those?Yeah. Yeah. I always think the fights are going to go way better than they then. They absolutely do. Yeah. Absolutely. Never. Great.Well, Anthony, that was fun.Yeah, yeah, it was a good time.Thank you for watching. Please subscribe and ring the bell if you haven't done so. Take care. By the way, nobody rings the bell. You ever. Have you ever rung a bell in your life on YouTube?Oh, no. Never.Yeah. Yeah, never. No, exactly. So don't worry about ringing the bell, but bloody subscribe. Take it easy.


energy was ridiculous. The production was phenomenal. I never saw the tv product. Masvidal, of course, Masvidal, of course, has a cult following. You know that.


The day being moved, to your point, is a fantastic one. A Masvidal stressed frustration with that to me when I spoke to him. But to sell that many pay per views, it's not easy.


It's a lot of pay per views.


It's ridiculous. It is. It is. Like.


Anyone that's not named Connor in the UFC, if you sell 400,000 pay per views, it's probably a pretty good night.


Well, the break even. I'm going to use that terminology in the contracts with UFC fighters generally is $200,000 over $200,000. That's where you become a partner, you know? And it's. It's, you know, back in the early days, they were killing it, and now, of course, with the big events, they kill it as well, you know? But it was always, like, 4567, 800,000 of you buyers, because that's the power of the UFC brand. And the problem is, when fighters leave that and they go away, they think that fighters are all sorry, fighters, the buying public is automatically going to follow them, and it's just not what happens. Like, I was a part of an event with. When I grappled Chelsea, and they had. Who was it? Who was it? They had. What's his name? Roy Jones junior in the main event. Big name in boxing. They had Rey mysterio from the wrestling world, and they had a bunch of, like, big, big names from different elements of combat sports. They sold next to nothing. Next to nothing, right? Lost a fortune. And they. Their reasoning was, well, everyone's got all these social media, and they've all got Twitter and Instagram.


If they all posted on there and all this, and they do some interviews, we're gonna get all these people from all these other avenues. It's all nothing. It's all next to nothing. You know, it's amazing that we got paid, but we did get paid, and I think that.


And that's the. That's the shitty part. Like, if you make a deal, that's the deal. You owe Nate Diaz $10 million, and. And, honestly, I I don't understand why people always. I always want everything to be a home run right away. If you put on this great event, maybe you're gonna lose some money in the process. But for any. Anybody like me, I'm sitting here telling everybody, I would buy. I would. If that same promoter puts on another event, it almost wouldn't matter who's on it. I'll probably get it, because it was. It was done so well. The, you know, boxing moves a little slow, so the. The pacing of the fights was a little slow. It was a little late, but other than that, it was fun to watch. There was good interviews in between. There was a lot of celebrities there. It was. The production value was cool. I would probably buy another event, and I would tell people, like, oh, yeah, you should watch those fights. It's actually a pretty good show. Like, maybe you make money later on, and you. You throw an event that is a lot cheaper. You don't have any diaz versus Masvidal on there, and then you make money down the road.


But, you know, to be honest, if you bankrupt yourself, that's a problem.


Well, they messed up by paying Diaz. Well, offering Diaz $10 million. If he's got that in writing on contract, which I'm assuming he has, and that's why he's suing them, then, of course, he's well within his rights to sue them 100%. Kind of feel for the guy. Obviously, he got a little carried away in the hype and the momentum, and obviously, he's a major Ds fan, and he feels the fan base that he has, but it doesn't translate. Certainly modern day and age, when people are all bloody illegally streaming that stuff as well. You know, it's. It's.


It was. And it was hard to. To buy it. Like, it wasn't an easy. Like, I'm a push button person. Like, I'll almost buy anything if I think it can be a little bit interesting. I almost buy anything if it's just really quick. If I gotta, like, figure something out and create an account and, like, log into something, I gotta flash it over here. Like, if I wasn't such a big Nate D as a masked off and really wanted to see it so. So we could talk about it on here and have educated conversations about it, I might have said, ah, forget it. I'm out of here.




Because it was a pain in the ass.


Let me ask you this.


Yes, sir.


Do you launch a business, you do a one off event, and you, afterwards, you say, shit, babe, I hope Nate, he has $9 million. He's suing me. We're gonna get bankrupt. I mean, how's that conversation going down in your house? You'd be like, I told you. I told you so many times, do not do that. Because that's what my wife would do.




Like, I told you. I told you a million times, you dickhead.


Yeah, that's what. That's how mine would go. I told you. Shouldn't have offered him $10 million. He'd have done it for seven.


Yeah. No, he would have done it for seven, I reckon.




He's gonna have to go bankrupt. It's a shame, but that's what he's.


Gonna have to do, which is kind of crappy for Diaz too, because if he goes bankrupt, he gets nothing.


If he goes bankrupt, he probably gets nothing. Although they could go after him personally, maybe, but, no, I don't think so. If you go bankrupt, that's it legally.


Might be better off just trying to settle with him, instead of being hard, trying to get the full nine that he owes you, maybe settle and say, all right, give me. Give me four or five more, and we'll just call this good, and I'll just bury you emotionally.


I I really hate that, how you can just go bankrupt. If somebody owes you money, they can declare themselves bankrupt, and then that's it. They're absolved of all responsibilities. It's absolutely insane.


What would you do? I mean, yeah, you could sue him, but if you windehouse, he's gonna owe.


You nine, which you're never gonna get.


Never gonna get.




You try to settle for something lower to get something.


Winning a lawsuit is one thing. Collecting from a lawsuit is very, very different. The amount of people that actually get paid, when they even get a judgment or an award is very, very low, I believe. And certainly in a position like this, a boxing promoter, they can just absolve the business. Just Clare, bankrupt. That's it. You're done. Not to mention the fact that it's gonna cost a fortune to sue the guy. You know, these things aren't cheap. It seems like it would be a pretty much slam dunk up a case, you know, but still, there's gonna be legal expenses, which, of course, give me.


What you can give me, which, of.


Course, fan me outside. They would have to pay that. They would have to pay the legal expenses. But again, you're not gonna get your award. You're certainly not gonna get your legal expenses. So it's a really shitty situation for Nate Diaz. He upheld his end of the bargain, did the training, sold the fight, went out there, competed, put on an absolute classic, and then doesn't get paid.


Oh, that's got to be frustrating, too, because, you know, he leaves the UFC, wants to get paid big money. He could have made that in the UFC.


Mm hmm.


He could have made the million in the UFC.


Jake Paul is probably chuckling. Which me off.


Yeah. Because Jake is now not. Not for nothing. Jake Paul is always paid, sounds like. And he's seemingly paid all of them.


Well, yeah, yeah, no, him a couple of times. He said he'll come on. He said, yeah, sweet lads. And then ghost, silence. He's a dickhead.Is that what he.Saw? Did I. I cried myself to sleep last night.Wow.He's big time now. He's a big influencer in the boxing world. You know this next one.Tasty matchup, yo. When this one comes out, you're gonna be like. Like, okay, let's see where we're going with this.All right, we'll tell him. I'm going to reach out. Brendan, you're the absolute man. Love talking to you, mate. See you next week.Nice one, lads. Take care, boys. See you later.Oh, he's a lot of fun.He's hilarious. Oh, man. You want to. You want to. You want to have a drink with him? He's out of his mind because he's just a cheeky little rascal. He's funny.Is he?Oh, he's funny. He's so funny. He really is. Oh, dear. Right, Harrington. I've even looked at the notes. I'm way off because he just had me laughing, my ass. Yeah. What are we talking about?The random guy is great.Well. Well, because I've done that. I've spent time with people that I don't know because, you know, you want to be that person. You want to be giving. You want to be appreciative of your support, so you do that. And then there's been times where. Okay, right. All right, I'm gonna get going. Says that he is in negotiations with the UFC for a title fight against Alex Pereira. And the ball is in his court.It's in Pereira's court, apparently. So do we expect him not to take the fight?I don't expect him to not take the fight because I saw Pereira saying he did a thing on his YouTube channel and he said he doesn't want to fight arse Bernard because he's not. He's only the interim champ. If he wants to go to heavyweight, he would only want Jones, which makes sense. You know, you're not going to choose the interim champ, but he did say, but he has work to do in his own division. And I really actually respect that because so many people instantly want to jump ship as champion and try and become the double champ we've been through before. There's no risk. You lose the fight, then you're still the champion of your division. The fight would be a super fight, so probably sell a lot of of agree with you on both sides of it. And as a fan, I would love to see it. Did you see the latest victim of Sean Strickland is David Goggins? What is going on there?Strickland kind of took a shot at a bunch of Navy Seals, and David Goggins is an easy target. You know, if that's because he's not going to really let you just kind of run your mouth about Navy Seals and not going to say anything. I. I think that those two guys would actually get along really well if they just hung out like I. They have really wacky personalities and they're both super brash and, and speak very loudly and surely. I think that they would probably get along if they would just hang out for a little bit.Well, that was another one, wasn't it? That was another victim of Strickland. The Navy SeAl showed up at the gym. They talked a bit of crap online.And for 25 minutes.Oh, did he really?He apparently, yeah, Strickland said he lasted the full 25 out of him, but.I only saw little bits of clips, certainly not 25 minutes worth, but he was putting it on him for sure. So fair play to that guy.Hey, I wish I could do that I wish someone would show up in my gym and want to fight.I was gonna say, what? Golf. 25 minutes at a full pace. I get.God damn it.I know. I'm sorry. You just. I wish I could do that. I'm not. What?No, I want a youtuber to show up at the gym and want to fight me.That's what I make it happen.Now there's. That's not gonna happen.Should I show up at the gym? I'm in youtuber, bro.You are a youtuber, though. Like, youtuber knocks out UFC fighter. It's like you standing over me, like, that's not fair. That's not fair.We could get Harrington down. Fancies himself as a tough guy. He trains.He is undefeated, right?I believe so.No, that's not even true. What? I'm above 500.Oh, okay. Well, that's a winning record in your.Okay, if. Yeah, if you want. If you want me to be your victim, sure. Like, I'll take a flight wherever you guys want to send me.I'll pay for it if you fly here.Right, right. We will do. Let's pick a date.Okay.Where we always say we're going to get together. I want to go to somewhere new. Right. So we'll come to your neck of the woods.Perfect.I've never been to Nebraska, and we talk about this all the time, having to jump on, boys. Jump on. Let's have a look at the dates.Let's look at the calendar. How long? How much time do you need?Well, it's going to be a few days, doesn't it? We should come do a Thursday episode in person.Yeah.And then a Friday, Saturday, or something like that. Good old fashioned get down on the Friday or Saturday night. And then Sunday morning, we all go back bleary eyed to our loved ones. That would be my kind of, you know, idea. Problem is, I've got. And this is always my problem, but next week, I go to Manchester. I get back. I go on vacation with the family to Maui. I get back in the. I'm immediately commentating at the apex. Then I'm commentating at the apex again. Then I go to Columbia for stem cells. Now we're in September.What about September 19 through the 21st?19Th. September 19. Well, you know what? It is 19th to the 21st. I'm flying to Paris on the 21st, but I could delay it. Oh, what about. We'll do this off air, because this is not podcasting at its fun.It's not great tv.Yeah. I was like, we can figure date really quick. But now it's the entire site.Alright, so the first question we have here today, be a toughie for Anthony, but this one is from Nathan Golo.Hey, BYM podcast. It's Nathan from Oxford, England. Huge fan of the podcast. Listen to you guys. For years I'm out of the garden because there's sun in England, which is a rare occurrence of spending all my day out here. I'm as well as martial artist and actor, and I wanted to know for all of you, what is your favorite martial arts film and why?Why?Cheers, guys. Big fan of podcast Q Harrington. Well, thank you very much. The reason I did that is because the other day I was like, I'm gonna do a YouTube video of my favorite martial art films. And I'm like, this, beat me to it. And I shouldn't swear as much. Anthony, you must be. You must have some martial art films that you've seen.Yeah, my favorite. My favorite. That's a good one. It's a very good one. I'm a big van dam guy. I think hard target was better. It's not necessarily a martial arts movie, but there's a lot of martial arts happening in it. But probably bloodsport, like 80% of the people.Blood sport for sure. Kickboxer for sure. Enter the Dragon, 100%. Have you seen enter the Dragon?I don't think so.You gotta watch it. It's gonna blow your mind. I think it was filmed in 1977. This movie starts. Bruce Lee is wearing the old school valley tudor shorts, mma gloves. Here's the guy with a combination. Does a scissor take down and arm bars him in the seventies, martial arts in the 1970s. I'm telling you, I am telling you, it's great. You gotta check that.Your favorite one.I don't think it's my favorite. I would probably say blood sport, I think because as a kid, you know, it has a special place in my heart.Yeah. And there's so many different martial arts.There's so many. And there's so many good films as well. That was my favorite thing. American ninja warriors were good, Brian.A little more contemporary. You got movies that are wild. You have like it, man. And the raid, I think are favorite martial arts movies.I was gonna say, say the raid. The raid. I mean it, man's fantastic. The whole sequences. Sorry, the franchise, the raid. If you haven't seen the raid, Anthony, watch the raid. Now it's in subtitles, so I might throw you off. But it's not.I can. I mean, I can. I can read. What do you mean might throw me off? I know how to read.No, no, what I mean is that a lot of the time people go, well, have you seen, um. Like, I had this guy. I had this guy that shall remain nameless, a very, very famous person.Person.I was at dinner, he's hitting on my wife in front of me, right? The whole time. And I wanted to strangle him. And he's like, Michael, do you read much german literature? And I'm like, do I read much German? I don't read much english literature, let alone German, you prick. So when you say subtitled films, you think it's an artsy fartsy movie, you know? Oh, yeah, I've seen such and such is great subtitles, but, you know, the camera shots and the cinematography is amazing. You know, it's not one of those films. It's a crazy action film. Indonesian. You gotta check it out, bro. I watch you go check it out. The rain.Hey, do you think that, like, the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie would count as a martial arts movie?Yes. Bought lame. Haven't seen it.It's not a bad movie. It's not a bad movie.Martial art video game.Mortal Kombat for sure, bro.That's it. Lucas. I went for a p a second ago. As you know, Lucas is playing the new Mortal Kombat. We downloaded it yesterday. Yeah. Do you play video games, Anthony?Yeah. Yeah.So, like, Lucas, all his friends, all they do when they get together is play bloody dungeons and dragons. But that's the only time to get together. And it's middle of summer and summers running out. And I'm like, dude, hang out with your friends more. And, like, they never want to hang out other than the playing dungeons and dragons. And I feel, like, obliged as his father to make sure he's enjoying his time off. Let's play a video game together. Let's do a two player. Are you aware of Baldur's gate three?Huh?Oh, God, $70.I played the shit out of that game.It's awful.It's awful.It's a rpg, so it's. It's very, like, cutscene based. There's a lot of. And the combat is not action based, it's turn based.It's so like when we googled it, two play games, right? It took an hour to, like, set up your character.Yeah.I'm like, can we just get on with this? Then when we do it, when we start, you take it in turns. You can just, like, move a cursor for your little person, and you can't go too far. You can only go, like, 10 meters, and then, like, there'll be a guy and you press x if you want to attack. And it just scuttles over, hits it with a sword, and then it's. Lucas is gone, and then there's his goal. And I'm sitting there trying to be an enthusiastic father for about an hour, and I'm like, son, this is crap. And he's like, yeah. I didn't want to say anything. I said, how about we download muscle combat? Boom.Oh, yeah. Yeah. Me and my kids play that a lot.Yeah, it's great anymore, Brian, but boulders, gate three, apparently people love it.Yeah. Game of the year last year or the year before, I think.What do I know?I mean, different strokes for different folks. I play from soft games which make you want to pull your hair out.So Lucas loves all that. What's that one that you play? What's it he plays? Hell divers.Hell divers is fun. I haven't played it in a while, but it was fun when it came out, for sure.Yeah.We have another question here from Tristan Walls. This one's a little more mma flavored.What's going on? Bym, it's your boy Tristan from Georgia. Got a quick question. So I legitimately had a dream last night that I was chatting with Tom aspinall, and he asked me what I thought was going to happen in his upcoming fight with Curtis Blades. And I told him that I thought that he was going to knock Curtis blades out in the first round. So I was curious to know if you guys have ever had dreams leading up to fights and has your dream actually played out in the fight? Thanks for taking the question. Take care. Yeah, I'm gonna. I'm trying. I don't want to. No, sell this question, but I don't really dream a lot, so.Oh, bro, you want to dream more? I'm telling you right now, this, this is gonna make you dream more, and you're gonna have some wild dreams. Start taking magnesium.Magnesium, really?Before you go to bed. So I take magnesium before I go to bed because the healing benefits and all the benefits in general for health is very, very good. It makes you sleep like a monster, but the dreams are insane. I wake up, I'm like, whoa, I'm gonna go back to that. I had a dream last night. I was like, back in this house in Clitheroe, where I'm from, and, like, there, like, shit going on with all these gangsters. I was stealing money and stuff. It was fucking insane. I woke up for a piss, I'm like, I hope I can go back to that. The dreams are so vivid. Yeah.All right, well, I'm gonna have to try that out. Yeah, I'm gonna do that for sure. And I sleep like shit.Magnesium. I'm telling you, dude, magnesium, it will really help. I've had premonitions. I've had thoughts. I've seen images of how the fights will go.Mm hmm.They've rarely been correct.You're always imagining it going way better than it's going to.I remember saying to one of my coaches at the time, I've had a vision. I've seen it when I fought my Hamill. I know what's going to happen. I've seen it in my mind. He's like, well, what happens? I said, well, he comes running at me. I stepped to the side. It's a clean one two bone. Funny's out. Have you had one of those?Yeah. Yeah. I always think the fights are going to go way better than they then. They absolutely do. Yeah. Absolutely. Never. Great.Well, Anthony, that was fun.Yeah, yeah, it was a good time.Thank you for watching. Please subscribe and ring the bell if you haven't done so. Take care. By the way, nobody rings the bell. You ever. Have you ever rung a bell in your life on YouTube?Oh, no. Never.Yeah. Yeah, never. No, exactly. So don't worry about ringing the bell, but bloody subscribe. Take it easy.


him a couple of times. He said he'll come on. He said, yeah, sweet lads. And then ghost, silence. He's a dickhead.


Is that what he.


Saw? Did I. I cried myself to sleep last night.




He's big time now. He's a big influencer in the boxing world. You know this next one.


Tasty matchup, yo. When this one comes out, you're gonna be like. Like, okay, let's see where we're going with this.


All right, we'll tell him. I'm going to reach out. Brendan, you're the absolute man. Love talking to you, mate. See you next week.


Nice one, lads. Take care, boys. See you later.


Oh, he's a lot of fun.


He's hilarious. Oh, man. You want to. You want to. You want to have a drink with him? He's out of his mind because he's just a cheeky little rascal. He's funny.


Is he?


Oh, he's funny. He's so funny. He really is. Oh, dear. Right, Harrington. I've even looked at the notes. I'm way off because he just had me laughing, my ass. Yeah. What are we talking about?


The random guy is great.


Well. Well, because I've done that. I've spent time with people that I don't know because, you know, you want to be that person. You want to be giving. You want to be appreciative of your support, so you do that. And then there's been times where. Okay, right. All right, I'm gonna get going. Says that he is in negotiations with the UFC for a title fight against Alex Pereira. And the ball is in his court.


It's in Pereira's court, apparently. So do we expect him not to take the fight?


I don't expect him to not take the fight because I saw Pereira saying he did a thing on his YouTube channel and he said he doesn't want to fight arse Bernard because he's not. He's only the interim champ. If he wants to go to heavyweight, he would only want Jones, which makes sense. You know, you're not going to choose the interim champ, but he did say, but he has work to do in his own division. And I really actually respect that because so many people instantly want to jump ship as champion and try and become the double champ we've been through before. There's no risk. You lose the fight, then you're still the champion of your division. The fight would be a super fight, so probably sell a lot of of agree with you on both sides of it. And as a fan, I would love to see it. Did you see the latest victim of Sean Strickland is David Goggins? What is going on there?Strickland kind of took a shot at a bunch of Navy Seals, and David Goggins is an easy target. You know, if that's because he's not going to really let you just kind of run your mouth about Navy Seals and not going to say anything. I. I think that those two guys would actually get along really well if they just hung out like I. They have really wacky personalities and they're both super brash and, and speak very loudly and surely. I think that they would probably get along if they would just hang out for a little bit.Well, that was another one, wasn't it? That was another victim of Strickland. The Navy SeAl showed up at the gym. They talked a bit of crap online.And for 25 minutes.Oh, did he really?He apparently, yeah, Strickland said he lasted the full 25 out of him, but.I only saw little bits of clips, certainly not 25 minutes worth, but he was putting it on him for sure. So fair play to that guy.Hey, I wish I could do that I wish someone would show up in my gym and want to fight.I was gonna say, what? Golf. 25 minutes at a full pace. I get.God damn it.I know. I'm sorry. You just. I wish I could do that. I'm not. What?No, I want a youtuber to show up at the gym and want to fight me.That's what I make it happen.Now there's. That's not gonna happen.Should I show up at the gym? I'm in youtuber, bro.You are a youtuber, though. Like, youtuber knocks out UFC fighter. It's like you standing over me, like, that's not fair. That's not fair.We could get Harrington down. Fancies himself as a tough guy. He trains.He is undefeated, right?I believe so.No, that's not even true. What? I'm above 500.Oh, okay. Well, that's a winning record in your.Okay, if. Yeah, if you want. If you want me to be your victim, sure. Like, I'll take a flight wherever you guys want to send me.I'll pay for it if you fly here.Right, right. We will do. Let's pick a date.Okay.Where we always say we're going to get together. I want to go to somewhere new. Right. So we'll come to your neck of the woods.Perfect.I've never been to Nebraska, and we talk about this all the time, having to jump on, boys. Jump on. Let's have a look at the dates.Let's look at the calendar. How long? How much time do you need?Well, it's going to be a few days, doesn't it? We should come do a Thursday episode in person.Yeah.And then a Friday, Saturday, or something like that. Good old fashioned get down on the Friday or Saturday night. And then Sunday morning, we all go back bleary eyed to our loved ones. That would be my kind of, you know, idea. Problem is, I've got. And this is always my problem, but next week, I go to Manchester. I get back. I go on vacation with the family to Maui. I get back in the. I'm immediately commentating at the apex. Then I'm commentating at the apex again. Then I go to Columbia for stem cells. Now we're in September.What about September 19 through the 21st?19Th. September 19. Well, you know what? It is 19th to the 21st. I'm flying to Paris on the 21st, but I could delay it. Oh, what about. We'll do this off air, because this is not podcasting at its fun.It's not great tv.Yeah. I was like, we can figure date really quick. But now it's the entire site.Alright, so the first question we have here today, be a toughie for Anthony, but this one is from Nathan Golo.Hey, BYM podcast. It's Nathan from Oxford, England. Huge fan of the podcast. Listen to you guys. For years I'm out of the garden because there's sun in England, which is a rare occurrence of spending all my day out here. I'm as well as martial artist and actor, and I wanted to know for all of you, what is your favorite martial arts film and why?Why?Cheers, guys. Big fan of podcast Q Harrington. Well, thank you very much. The reason I did that is because the other day I was like, I'm gonna do a YouTube video of my favorite martial art films. And I'm like, this, beat me to it. And I shouldn't swear as much. Anthony, you must be. You must have some martial art films that you've seen.Yeah, my favorite. My favorite. That's a good one. It's a very good one. I'm a big van dam guy. I think hard target was better. It's not necessarily a martial arts movie, but there's a lot of martial arts happening in it. But probably bloodsport, like 80% of the people.Blood sport for sure. Kickboxer for sure. Enter the Dragon, 100%. Have you seen enter the Dragon?I don't think so.You gotta watch it. It's gonna blow your mind. I think it was filmed in 1977. This movie starts. Bruce Lee is wearing the old school valley tudor shorts, mma gloves. Here's the guy with a combination. Does a scissor take down and arm bars him in the seventies, martial arts in the 1970s. I'm telling you, I am telling you, it's great. You gotta check that.Your favorite one.I don't think it's my favorite. I would probably say blood sport, I think because as a kid, you know, it has a special place in my heart.Yeah. And there's so many different martial arts.There's so many. And there's so many good films as well. That was my favorite thing. American ninja warriors were good, Brian.A little more contemporary. You got movies that are wild. You have like it, man. And the raid, I think are favorite martial arts movies.I was gonna say, say the raid. The raid. I mean it, man's fantastic. The whole sequences. Sorry, the franchise, the raid. If you haven't seen the raid, Anthony, watch the raid. Now it's in subtitles, so I might throw you off. But it's not.I can. I mean, I can. I can read. What do you mean might throw me off? I know how to read.No, no, what I mean is that a lot of the time people go, well, have you seen, um. Like, I had this guy. I had this guy that shall remain nameless, a very, very famous person.Person.I was at dinner, he's hitting on my wife in front of me, right? The whole time. And I wanted to strangle him. And he's like, Michael, do you read much german literature? And I'm like, do I read much German? I don't read much english literature, let alone German, you prick. So when you say subtitled films, you think it's an artsy fartsy movie, you know? Oh, yeah, I've seen such and such is great subtitles, but, you know, the camera shots and the cinematography is amazing. You know, it's not one of those films. It's a crazy action film. Indonesian. You gotta check it out, bro. I watch you go check it out. The rain.Hey, do you think that, like, the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie would count as a martial arts movie?Yes. Bought lame. Haven't seen it.It's not a bad movie. It's not a bad movie.Martial art video game.Mortal Kombat for sure, bro.That's it. Lucas. I went for a p a second ago. As you know, Lucas is playing the new Mortal Kombat. We downloaded it yesterday. Yeah. Do you play video games, Anthony?Yeah. Yeah.So, like, Lucas, all his friends, all they do when they get together is play bloody dungeons and dragons. But that's the only time to get together. And it's middle of summer and summers running out. And I'm like, dude, hang out with your friends more. And, like, they never want to hang out other than the playing dungeons and dragons. And I feel, like, obliged as his father to make sure he's enjoying his time off. Let's play a video game together. Let's do a two player. Are you aware of Baldur's gate three?Huh?Oh, God, $70.I played the shit out of that game.It's awful.It's awful.It's a rpg, so it's. It's very, like, cutscene based. There's a lot of. And the combat is not action based, it's turn based.It's so like when we googled it, two play games, right? It took an hour to, like, set up your character.Yeah.I'm like, can we just get on with this? Then when we do it, when we start, you take it in turns. You can just, like, move a cursor for your little person, and you can't go too far. You can only go, like, 10 meters, and then, like, there'll be a guy and you press x if you want to attack. And it just scuttles over, hits it with a sword, and then it's. Lucas is gone, and then there's his goal. And I'm sitting there trying to be an enthusiastic father for about an hour, and I'm like, son, this is crap. And he's like, yeah. I didn't want to say anything. I said, how about we download muscle combat? Boom.Oh, yeah. Yeah. Me and my kids play that a lot.Yeah, it's great anymore, Brian, but boulders, gate three, apparently people love it.Yeah. Game of the year last year or the year before, I think.What do I know?I mean, different strokes for different folks. I play from soft games which make you want to pull your hair out.So Lucas loves all that. What's that one that you play? What's it he plays? Hell divers.Hell divers is fun. I haven't played it in a while, but it was fun when it came out, for sure.Yeah.We have another question here from Tristan Walls. This one's a little more mma flavored.What's going on? Bym, it's your boy Tristan from Georgia. Got a quick question. So I legitimately had a dream last night that I was chatting with Tom aspinall, and he asked me what I thought was going to happen in his upcoming fight with Curtis Blades. And I told him that I thought that he was going to knock Curtis blades out in the first round. So I was curious to know if you guys have ever had dreams leading up to fights and has your dream actually played out in the fight? Thanks for taking the question. Take care. Yeah, I'm gonna. I'm trying. I don't want to. No, sell this question, but I don't really dream a lot, so.Oh, bro, you want to dream more? I'm telling you right now, this, this is gonna make you dream more, and you're gonna have some wild dreams. Start taking magnesium.Magnesium, really?Before you go to bed. So I take magnesium before I go to bed because the healing benefits and all the benefits in general for health is very, very good. It makes you sleep like a monster, but the dreams are insane. I wake up, I'm like, whoa, I'm gonna go back to that. I had a dream last night. I was like, back in this house in Clitheroe, where I'm from, and, like, there, like, shit going on with all these gangsters. I was stealing money and stuff. It was fucking insane. I woke up for a piss, I'm like, I hope I can go back to that. The dreams are so vivid. Yeah.All right, well, I'm gonna have to try that out. Yeah, I'm gonna do that for sure. And I sleep like shit.Magnesium. I'm telling you, dude, magnesium, it will really help. I've had premonitions. I've had thoughts. I've seen images of how the fights will go.Mm hmm.They've rarely been correct.You're always imagining it going way better than it's going to.I remember saying to one of my coaches at the time, I've had a vision. I've seen it when I fought my Hamill. I know what's going to happen. I've seen it in my mind. He's like, well, what happens? I said, well, he comes running at me. I stepped to the side. It's a clean one two bone. Funny's out. Have you had one of those?Yeah. Yeah. I always think the fights are going to go way better than they then. They absolutely do. Yeah. Absolutely. Never. Great.Well, Anthony, that was fun.Yeah, yeah, it was a good time.Thank you for watching. Please subscribe and ring the bell if you haven't done so. Take care. By the way, nobody rings the bell. You ever. Have you ever rung a bell in your life on YouTube?Oh, no. Never.Yeah. Yeah, never. No, exactly. So don't worry about ringing the bell, but bloody subscribe. Take it easy.


of agree with you on both sides of it. And as a fan, I would love to see it. Did you see the latest victim of Sean Strickland is David Goggins? What is going on there?


Strickland kind of took a shot at a bunch of Navy Seals, and David Goggins is an easy target. You know, if that's because he's not going to really let you just kind of run your mouth about Navy Seals and not going to say anything. I. I think that those two guys would actually get along really well if they just hung out like I. They have really wacky personalities and they're both super brash and, and speak very loudly and surely. I think that they would probably get along if they would just hang out for a little bit.


Well, that was another one, wasn't it? That was another victim of Strickland. The Navy SeAl showed up at the gym. They talked a bit of crap online.


And for 25 minutes.


Oh, did he really?


He apparently, yeah, Strickland said he lasted the full 25 out of him, but.


I only saw little bits of clips, certainly not 25 minutes worth, but he was putting it on him for sure. So fair play to that guy.


Hey, I wish I could do that I wish someone would show up in my gym and want to fight.


I was gonna say, what? Golf. 25 minutes at a full pace. I get.


God damn it.


I know. I'm sorry. You just. I wish I could do that. I'm not. What?


No, I want a youtuber to show up at the gym and want to fight me.


That's what I make it happen.


Now there's. That's not gonna happen.


Should I show up at the gym? I'm in youtuber, bro.


You are a youtuber, though. Like, youtuber knocks out UFC fighter. It's like you standing over me, like, that's not fair. That's not fair.


We could get Harrington down. Fancies himself as a tough guy. He trains.


He is undefeated, right?


I believe so.


No, that's not even true. What? I'm above 500.


Oh, okay. Well, that's a winning record in your.


Okay, if. Yeah, if you want. If you want me to be your victim, sure. Like, I'll take a flight wherever you guys want to send me.


I'll pay for it if you fly here.


Right, right. We will do. Let's pick a date.




Where we always say we're going to get together. I want to go to somewhere new. Right. So we'll come to your neck of the woods.




I've never been to Nebraska, and we talk about this all the time, having to jump on, boys. Jump on. Let's have a look at the dates.


Let's look at the calendar. How long? How much time do you need?


Well, it's going to be a few days, doesn't it? We should come do a Thursday episode in person.




And then a Friday, Saturday, or something like that. Good old fashioned get down on the Friday or Saturday night. And then Sunday morning, we all go back bleary eyed to our loved ones. That would be my kind of, you know, idea. Problem is, I've got. And this is always my problem, but next week, I go to Manchester. I get back. I go on vacation with the family to Maui. I get back in the. I'm immediately commentating at the apex. Then I'm commentating at the apex again. Then I go to Columbia for stem cells. Now we're in September.


What about September 19 through the 21st?


19Th. September 19. Well, you know what? It is 19th to the 21st. I'm flying to Paris on the 21st, but I could delay it. Oh, what about. We'll do this off air, because this is not podcasting at its fun.


It's not great tv.


Yeah. I was like, we can figure date really quick. But now it's the entire site.Alright, so the first question we have here today, be a toughie for Anthony, but this one is from Nathan Golo.Hey, BYM podcast. It's Nathan from Oxford, England. Huge fan of the podcast. Listen to you guys. For years I'm out of the garden because there's sun in England, which is a rare occurrence of spending all my day out here. I'm as well as martial artist and actor, and I wanted to know for all of you, what is your favorite martial arts film and why?Why?Cheers, guys. Big fan of podcast Q Harrington. Well, thank you very much. The reason I did that is because the other day I was like, I'm gonna do a YouTube video of my favorite martial art films. And I'm like, this, beat me to it. And I shouldn't swear as much. Anthony, you must be. You must have some martial art films that you've seen.Yeah, my favorite. My favorite. That's a good one. It's a very good one. I'm a big van dam guy. I think hard target was better. It's not necessarily a martial arts movie, but there's a lot of martial arts happening in it. But probably bloodsport, like 80% of the people.Blood sport for sure. Kickboxer for sure. Enter the Dragon, 100%. Have you seen enter the Dragon?I don't think so.You gotta watch it. It's gonna blow your mind. I think it was filmed in 1977. This movie starts. Bruce Lee is wearing the old school valley tudor shorts, mma gloves. Here's the guy with a combination. Does a scissor take down and arm bars him in the seventies, martial arts in the 1970s. I'm telling you, I am telling you, it's great. You gotta check that.Your favorite one.I don't think it's my favorite. I would probably say blood sport, I think because as a kid, you know, it has a special place in my heart.Yeah. And there's so many different martial arts.There's so many. And there's so many good films as well. That was my favorite thing. American ninja warriors were good, Brian.A little more contemporary. You got movies that are wild. You have like it, man. And the raid, I think are favorite martial arts movies.I was gonna say, say the raid. The raid. I mean it, man's fantastic. The whole sequences. Sorry, the franchise, the raid. If you haven't seen the raid, Anthony, watch the raid. Now it's in subtitles, so I might throw you off. But it's not.I can. I mean, I can. I can read. What do you mean might throw me off? I know how to read.No, no, what I mean is that a lot of the time people go, well, have you seen, um. Like, I had this guy. I had this guy that shall remain nameless, a very, very famous person.Person.I was at dinner, he's hitting on my wife in front of me, right? The whole time. And I wanted to strangle him. And he's like, Michael, do you read much german literature? And I'm like, do I read much German? I don't read much english literature, let alone German, you prick. So when you say subtitled films, you think it's an artsy fartsy movie, you know? Oh, yeah, I've seen such and such is great subtitles, but, you know, the camera shots and the cinematography is amazing. You know, it's not one of those films. It's a crazy action film. Indonesian. You gotta check it out, bro. I watch you go check it out. The rain.Hey, do you think that, like, the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie would count as a martial arts movie?Yes. Bought lame. Haven't seen it.It's not a bad movie. It's not a bad movie.Martial art video game.Mortal Kombat for sure, bro.That's it. Lucas. I went for a p a second ago. As you know, Lucas is playing the new Mortal Kombat. We downloaded it yesterday. Yeah. Do you play video games, Anthony?Yeah. Yeah.So, like, Lucas, all his friends, all they do when they get together is play bloody dungeons and dragons. But that's the only time to get together. And it's middle of summer and summers running out. And I'm like, dude, hang out with your friends more. And, like, they never want to hang out other than the playing dungeons and dragons. And I feel, like, obliged as his father to make sure he's enjoying his time off. Let's play a video game together. Let's do a two player. Are you aware of Baldur's gate three?Huh?Oh, God, $70.I played the shit out of that game.It's awful.It's awful.It's a rpg, so it's. It's very, like, cutscene based. There's a lot of. And the combat is not action based, it's turn based.It's so like when we googled it, two play games, right? It took an hour to, like, set up your character.Yeah.I'm like, can we just get on with this? Then when we do it, when we start, you take it in turns. You can just, like, move a cursor for your little person, and you can't go too far. You can only go, like, 10 meters, and then, like, there'll be a guy and you press x if you want to attack. And it just scuttles over, hits it with a sword, and then it's. Lucas is gone, and then there's his goal. And I'm sitting there trying to be an enthusiastic father for about an hour, and I'm like, son, this is crap. And he's like, yeah. I didn't want to say anything. I said, how about we download muscle combat? Boom.Oh, yeah. Yeah. Me and my kids play that a lot.Yeah, it's great anymore, Brian, but boulders, gate three, apparently people love it.Yeah. Game of the year last year or the year before, I think.What do I know?I mean, different strokes for different folks. I play from soft games which make you want to pull your hair out.So Lucas loves all that. What's that one that you play? What's it he plays? Hell divers.Hell divers is fun. I haven't played it in a while, but it was fun when it came out, for sure.Yeah.We have another question here from Tristan Walls. This one's a little more mma flavored.What's going on? Bym, it's your boy Tristan from Georgia. Got a quick question. So I legitimately had a dream last night that I was chatting with Tom aspinall, and he asked me what I thought was going to happen in his upcoming fight with Curtis Blades. And I told him that I thought that he was going to knock Curtis blades out in the first round. So I was curious to know if you guys have ever had dreams leading up to fights and has your dream actually played out in the fight? Thanks for taking the question. Take care. Yeah, I'm gonna. I'm trying. I don't want to. No, sell this question, but I don't really dream a lot, so.Oh, bro, you want to dream more? I'm telling you right now, this, this is gonna make you dream more, and you're gonna have some wild dreams. Start taking magnesium.Magnesium, really?Before you go to bed. So I take magnesium before I go to bed because the healing benefits and all the benefits in general for health is very, very good. It makes you sleep like a monster, but the dreams are insane. I wake up, I'm like, whoa, I'm gonna go back to that. I had a dream last night. I was like, back in this house in Clitheroe, where I'm from, and, like, there, like, shit going on with all these gangsters. I was stealing money and stuff. It was fucking insane. I woke up for a piss, I'm like, I hope I can go back to that. The dreams are so vivid. Yeah.All right, well, I'm gonna have to try that out. Yeah, I'm gonna do that for sure. And I sleep like shit.Magnesium. I'm telling you, dude, magnesium, it will really help. I've had premonitions. I've had thoughts. I've seen images of how the fights will go.Mm hmm.They've rarely been correct.You're always imagining it going way better than it's going to.I remember saying to one of my coaches at the time, I've had a vision. I've seen it when I fought my Hamill. I know what's going to happen. I've seen it in my mind. He's like, well, what happens? I said, well, he comes running at me. I stepped to the side. It's a clean one two bone. Funny's out. Have you had one of those?Yeah. Yeah. I always think the fights are going to go way better than they then. They absolutely do. Yeah. Absolutely. Never. Great.Well, Anthony, that was fun.Yeah, yeah, it was a good time.Thank you for watching. Please subscribe and ring the bell if you haven't done so. Take care. By the way, nobody rings the bell. You ever. Have you ever rung a bell in your life on YouTube?Oh, no. Never.Yeah. Yeah, never. No, exactly. So don't worry about ringing the bell, but bloody subscribe. Take it easy.


the entire site.


Alright, so the first question we have here today, be a toughie for Anthony, but this one is from Nathan Golo.


Hey, BYM podcast. It's Nathan from Oxford, England. Huge fan of the podcast. Listen to you guys. For years I'm out of the garden because there's sun in England, which is a rare occurrence of spending all my day out here. I'm as well as martial artist and actor, and I wanted to know for all of you, what is your favorite martial arts film and why?




Cheers, guys. Big fan of podcast Q Harrington. Well, thank you very much. The reason I did that is because the other day I was like, I'm gonna do a YouTube video of my favorite martial art films. And I'm like, this, beat me to it. And I shouldn't swear as much. Anthony, you must be. You must have some martial art films that you've seen.


Yeah, my favorite. My favorite. That's a good one. It's a very good one. I'm a big van dam guy. I think hard target was better. It's not necessarily a martial arts movie, but there's a lot of martial arts happening in it. But probably bloodsport, like 80% of the people.


Blood sport for sure. Kickboxer for sure. Enter the Dragon, 100%. Have you seen enter the Dragon?


I don't think so.


You gotta watch it. It's gonna blow your mind. I think it was filmed in 1977. This movie starts. Bruce Lee is wearing the old school valley tudor shorts, mma gloves. Here's the guy with a combination. Does a scissor take down and arm bars him in the seventies, martial arts in the 1970s. I'm telling you, I am telling you, it's great. You gotta check that.


Your favorite one.


I don't think it's my favorite. I would probably say blood sport, I think because as a kid, you know, it has a special place in my heart.


Yeah. And there's so many different martial arts.


There's so many. And there's so many good films as well. That was my favorite thing. American ninja warriors were good, Brian.


A little more contemporary. You got movies that are wild. You have like it, man. And the raid, I think are favorite martial arts movies.


I was gonna say, say the raid. The raid. I mean it, man's fantastic. The whole sequences. Sorry, the franchise, the raid. If you haven't seen the raid, Anthony, watch the raid. Now it's in subtitles, so I might throw you off. But it's not.


I can. I mean, I can. I can read. What do you mean might throw me off? I know how to read.


No, no, what I mean is that a lot of the time people go, well, have you seen, um. Like, I had this guy. I had this guy that shall remain nameless, a very, very famous person.




I was at dinner, he's hitting on my wife in front of me, right? The whole time. And I wanted to strangle him. And he's like, Michael, do you read much german literature? And I'm like, do I read much German? I don't read much english literature, let alone German, you prick. So when you say subtitled films, you think it's an artsy fartsy movie, you know? Oh, yeah, I've seen such and such is great subtitles, but, you know, the camera shots and the cinematography is amazing. You know, it's not one of those films. It's a crazy action film. Indonesian. You gotta check it out, bro. I watch you go check it out. The rain.


Hey, do you think that, like, the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie would count as a martial arts movie?


Yes. Bought lame. Haven't seen it.


It's not a bad movie. It's not a bad movie.


Martial art video game.


Mortal Kombat for sure, bro.


That's it. Lucas. I went for a p a second ago. As you know, Lucas is playing the new Mortal Kombat. We downloaded it yesterday. Yeah. Do you play video games, Anthony?


Yeah. Yeah.


So, like, Lucas, all his friends, all they do when they get together is play bloody dungeons and dragons. But that's the only time to get together. And it's middle of summer and summers running out. And I'm like, dude, hang out with your friends more. And, like, they never want to hang out other than the playing dungeons and dragons. And I feel, like, obliged as his father to make sure he's enjoying his time off. Let's play a video game together. Let's do a two player. Are you aware of Baldur's gate three?




Oh, God, $70.


I played the shit out of that game.


It's awful.


It's awful.


It's a rpg, so it's. It's very, like, cutscene based. There's a lot of. And the combat is not action based, it's turn based.


It's so like when we googled it, two play games, right? It took an hour to, like, set up your character.




I'm like, can we just get on with this? Then when we do it, when we start, you take it in turns. You can just, like, move a cursor for your little person, and you can't go too far. You can only go, like, 10 meters, and then, like, there'll be a guy and you press x if you want to attack. And it just scuttles over, hits it with a sword, and then it's. Lucas is gone, and then there's his goal. And I'm sitting there trying to be an enthusiastic father for about an hour, and I'm like, son, this is crap. And he's like, yeah. I didn't want to say anything. I said, how about we download muscle combat? Boom.


Oh, yeah. Yeah. Me and my kids play that a lot.


Yeah, it's great anymore, Brian, but boulders, gate three, apparently people love it.


Yeah. Game of the year last year or the year before, I think.


What do I know?


I mean, different strokes for different folks. I play from soft games which make you want to pull your hair out.


So Lucas loves all that. What's that one that you play? What's it he plays? Hell divers.


Hell divers is fun. I haven't played it in a while, but it was fun when it came out, for sure.




We have another question here from Tristan Walls. This one's a little more mma flavored.


What's going on? Bym, it's your boy Tristan from Georgia. Got a quick question. So I legitimately had a dream last night that I was chatting with Tom aspinall, and he asked me what I thought was going to happen in his upcoming fight with Curtis Blades. And I told him that I thought that he was going to knock Curtis blades out in the first round. So I was curious to know if you guys have ever had dreams leading up to fights and has your dream actually played out in the fight? Thanks for taking the question. Take care. Yeah, I'm gonna. I'm trying. I don't want to. No, sell this question, but I don't really dream a lot, so.


Oh, bro, you want to dream more? I'm telling you right now, this, this is gonna make you dream more, and you're gonna have some wild dreams. Start taking magnesium.


Magnesium, really?


Before you go to bed. So I take magnesium before I go to bed because the healing benefits and all the benefits in general for health is very, very good. It makes you sleep like a monster, but the dreams are insane. I wake up, I'm like, whoa, I'm gonna go back to that. I had a dream last night. I was like, back in this house in Clitheroe, where I'm from, and, like, there, like, shit going on with all these gangsters. I was stealing money and stuff. It was fucking insane. I woke up for a piss, I'm like, I hope I can go back to that. The dreams are so vivid. Yeah.


All right, well, I'm gonna have to try that out. Yeah, I'm gonna do that for sure. And I sleep like shit.


Magnesium. I'm telling you, dude, magnesium, it will really help. I've had premonitions. I've had thoughts. I've seen images of how the fights will go.


Mm hmm.


They've rarely been correct.


You're always imagining it going way better than it's going to.


I remember saying to one of my coaches at the time, I've had a vision. I've seen it when I fought my Hamill. I know what's going to happen. I've seen it in my mind. He's like, well, what happens? I said, well, he comes running at me. I stepped to the side. It's a clean one two bone. Funny's out. Have you had one of those?


Yeah. Yeah. I always think the fights are going to go way better than they then. They absolutely do. Yeah. Absolutely. Never. Great.


Well, Anthony, that was fun.


Yeah, yeah, it was a good time.


Thank you for watching. Please subscribe and ring the bell if you haven't done so. Take care. By the way, nobody rings the bell. You ever. Have you ever rung a bell in your life on YouTube?


Oh, no. Never.


Yeah. Yeah, never. No, exactly. So don't worry about ringing the bell, but bloody subscribe. Take it easy.