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Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the f up.


You're listening to believe you me with Michael the Count Bisbing and Anthony Lionheart Smith.


Ladies and gentlemen, we are back, the boys are back, all four of us, to start the show.




Slowly taking over, lads. No man alive should be headbutted people fight week. Why is John Fury doing? He is out of his God damn mind.


What do you do? He headbutt somebody.


You didn't see this?


I got no, just give me 1 second.


He's in the hotel lobby. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia right, hold on, here we go. He's the one covered in blood. I knew.


Oh man.


Yeah, yeah.


That was a shit headbutt though.


It is. And I don't know if he connected, it looked like he connected with the nose number one. Because I spent a lot of time watching this this morning over my morning coffee. There's a bunch of different angles and stuff like that. It's a young kid, right? I say a kid, he's an adult, but he's a young man half his size. Did nothing wrong. They're all chanting Usyk, they're chanting Fury. You're allowed to do that. It's sport. He took that as disrespect. He's walking along, the guy wasn't even looking at him. He turns around, he looks at him, he makes eye contact. Boom. Cheeky little headbutt. And then he's the one covered in blood.


That is a child.


You can't do that. Yeah, that's young, that's a young dude.


What is he?


Yeah, you can't do that. You got to get like. I think sometimes what happens is these guys get a little bit, I don't know, John Fury's kind of been a, a character, you know, and I think he, he plays up to that a little bit. But you can't get yourself out of control like that. I don't, I don't, I don't know, I don't give the furies too much shit for the things that they do or the things they say because that's just who they are. But you can't go around head button children.


I like John Fury as a character, you know, granted he's a lot, you know, he is. And maybe I like him as a character for the wrong reasons, maybe, you know what I'm saying? He's a maniac, he's ripping his shirt off, whatever, but it's entertaining as a fan just to see the madness, right? You know, but at what point does this start to get embarrassing for Tyson Fury? Now, first.


Right now?


Yeah, probably right now, he's apologized, so he says, sincere apologies to everybody involved. It's just the way we are. Emotions and tensions are running high. He was down. He was a very disrespectful fella. Said, john, if you come in close to a fighting man's space, you're gonna cop for something. What matters to me is respect for my son. And he wasn't showing any of it. I mentioned my son and that was it. Sorry. He mentioned my son and that was it, so we had to have it. It doesn't bother me. Bleeding. It's what we live for. We're fighting people. That's a regular occurrence to me. Disrespecting. Jesus Christ, what are we, twelve?


What is this we shit? When's the last time John Fury fought?


Well, he was squaring up against Francis and Garner.


I know, but that's what I mean. Like, we're fighting. We're fighting men. No.


Well, the gypsies. The gypsies. I think that's what he's referring.


Okay, that makes more sense. There's no excuse. Can't just be like. They just be like that sometimes. Like, that doesn't work.


And people just be getting locked up for that shit these days.


Yeah, what do mean? What have mean? You said that we just headbutted someone in the middle of Vegas for being a prick. You know, that's just what we do. That's what we are.


You know, talk shit, chat shit, get.


Banged too much money to be headbutting people.


Well, there's that. He's very lucky. And Harrington, next comments. Yours. I can see you just dying to get it.


He's no man alive.


Should be left. Kept waiting this long on a podcast. What was I saying? Oh, yeah. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Brian looked this up. I don't know what the penalties are, but that. I don't know a lot about Saudi Arabia, but I'm pretty sure they got strict laws. There's old wives tales that you get your hand chopped off for thieving. I don't know if that's true or not, but generally, if that was any random dude headbutting people in hotel lobbies, he would not be seeing the light of day for quite some time, I think. Because obviously he's Tyson Fury's father, he's going to get a complete pass. And I'm not saying that anybody should be pressing charges, because they are all fighting men. They're all there. They're all part of the entourages of the boxing world and all the rest of it. So he's obviously ukrainian. He's not a soft punk bitch or anything like that. He'll take it on the chain quite literally, and he had no damage. But if I was a regular dude, it'd be deep water right now.


So I'm wondering, sorry, dude.


How does this affect John Fury's legacy?




Because it's like, this is a. As you said, much larger man hits him with a headbutt. Guy was not expecting it. Guy is completely unfazed, and John Fury walks away bleeding from his head, ranting like a madman. Like, does this take away from the mystique of the fighting man?


No, it doesn't. It doesn't, you know, makes him look like an asshole. Yeah, yeah, you're right, Anthony. It makes him look like an asshole. I was talking about it recently. I got sucker punched a while ago by some guy didn't see coming at all. I was talking to his friend and his buddy, sucker punches me, and he fell on the floor. Do you know what I mean? He was such a bitch. Do you know what I mean? And I just looked at him, though. You're pathetic. I'm not lowering myself to it. It's kind of a similar thing, really, isn't it? You know?




Did you see the penalties?


The crime for assault is a beating. I mean, the penalty for assault is a beating.


I love those laws.


An eye for an eye.


I love that. I love. I think if we. If we instilled some of those. Some of the different countries laws into our country, I think you'd have a whole, like, if you steal some shit, like. And you get your hand chopped off, like, I don't see a problem with that at all. I've always said, okay, okay, where are we going with this?


A hungry man steals a banana, we're gonna chop his hand off.


Well, darwinism there.


I mean, there's gonna be some. There's going to be some people that are going to. There's going to be some collateral damage.


Listen, I'm not saying allow people to steal things, but I'm just saying if a hungry man steals a banana, the punishment's got to fit the crime. Slap him in the face with the banana skin.


Okay. I like that.


Banana skin. You beat someone up? Yeah. Lock him in a room with two or three of his buddies and let them kick the shit out of you.




I guarantee that would slow things down.


Yeah. Like we're gonna do to you. What you did to other people.


You want to know crazy?




It says the third punishment is called tezzerat. Discretionary punishments. And it depends on the severity of the crime. And you don't need the king's approval, apparently, in the other two, like, if you're gonna get somebody for murder or beat them, you need the king's approval. But, uh, so if a person commits any sin which violates islamic law, they can be punished with things such as lashing, imprisonment, banishment, or a specific written apology. That seems like a, one of these things is not like the other.


Seems like a very Joe Biden kind of punishment.


Dear person, I'm so sorry.


Listen, we're fighting, man. And I do apologize sincerely when you run it. What a total dickhead.


Yeah, he's just an asshole.


Yeah. It's a huge fire, man. It's the first time the heavyweight title, the undisputed, the true heavyweight champion has been fought for in 25 years, since I think it was Lennox Lewis and Evander Hollifield. It's a big deal, man. This fight sells itself, and that doesn't sell the fight. Sure, it generates interest in it. We're talking about it. And I'm no less excited for the fight. It's just. It's just kind of a stain on John Fury, if we're honest, who wins? We're gonna save that discussion for the next episode because we're gonna need shit to talk about. Okay, listen, listen. We're gonna get a lot of no man alive today. Who do you think wins?


I think Usyk.




Unfortunately, I like Tyson Fury. I like the story. I like his, like everything about it, but I just think Usyk's better. He's just good. He's a really good boxer.


He's a phenomenally technical boxer, as well as big and powerful, strong, athletic. But technically, he has it all.


He has it all because he can fight. Fight too, when he has to.


Oh, yeah. Yeah. Get down on that mouthpiece. Mma math doesn't stack up. Boxing math doesn't stack up, but I'm going to give you some.




Tyson Fury, Francis Ngano. We saw what that was. And granted, maybe Tyson took him lightly, even though he said he didn't. Anthony Joshua, Francis Zanganu. What did we see there?


Ngannou got smoked.


Usyk beat Joshua twice. Yeah, that boxing math would say Usyk should win. Yeah, but it doesn't work like that. We know. It's. It's an interesting analytical view.


That's a good point.


Your kind of intellect, Anthony. I'm sure you can go off on a tangent on that.


Well, I definitely could, but it's, it just doesn't. It, because styles and body types and, you know, the types of guys matter. But generally, I would say that, like, mma math almost never works, really. Like, you. You really can't use it for anything but boxing, it seems to hold a little. It holds a little more true than, than MMA, for sure, because it's, there's only these two things. Like, if you don't do this better than him, you're kind of like there's. There's no, there's no other wrinkles to the game. You can't just, oh, yeah, I'm gonna switch over to jujitsu or start wrestling. I'm gonna kick more. Like, if you're not better at this, you're just not. And there's nothing you can do about it.


Yeah. For example, as you say, styles may fights mixed martial arts. One guy might have really good take down defense, so therefore the other guy couldn't take it down. And the other guy that he fight, that fights him, he's really good, but he hasn't got quite a good takedown defense, so therefore he loses because he's taken down and control. Just one example for you people there piggybacking on the madness of what we just said about eye for an eye. What is it? Tooth for a tooth?


What does that say tooth for?


Is it eye for an eye? Is that it?


Is that the user's eye for an eye?


Are you sure, Brian? Surely you know the biblical references. Is it eye for an eye?


It is, but that's it.


But though, it's also an eye for an eye. Leaves the whole world blind.


Well, generally it was badass. You can go on to become champion of the world.


Yeah, fuck.


You gotta get it in. No, no, we weren't gonna talk about this at all. It's not in the notes, but we were talking about punishments fitting the crime, right? Did you see what happened in New York last week? The guy walking down the street, there's a woman walking home by herself, and he has a belt, and he lasso's. He puts the belt through the belt buckle. So it makes Brian, in fact, don't play the video because it's shocking. The woman's just walking along, minding her own business. Lasso's the belt hoop that he's made over her neck, carries on walking, drags it down to the floor, drags her off walking along the street, she goes unconscious, because imagine how tight that choke was.




Drags her between two cars, and it's caught on, like, a CCTV camera. And then I'm not sure what he did. I think he might have raped her. That was one of them. And it was like, the coldness of the way he did it. I don't know why that came in my head there, but it's absolutely.


See, that's exactly what should happen to that guy.


I'm more.


Yeah, and more, you know, I seen this video. I think it was in New York, actually, too. Was, like, an off duty police officer. Like a. Like a real kind of petite looking black lady. And she was walking down the street, and there was, like, a look, like, kind of like a homeless looking sort of guy. And as soon as she passes, he, like, jumps on her and, like, grabs her. You can hear on the security footage, she was like, I'm going to kill you if you don't let me go. And then she ends up pulling a gun and shooting that guy. And he's laying there crying like. Like he's been victimized. He's screaming for help from other people. Like, that's what you get. Totally what you get.




Oh, speaking of New York, you see there's, like, random acts of crime happen in New York. I guess Brian and Harrington probably know more about it than we do, but, like, Steve Buscemi got.




Sucker punched or something and, like, knocked out walking in Manhattan or something. What's going on in New York, Brian?


A lot is going on. Steve Buscem is an absolute legend. Yeah, I saw that this morning, man.


Is that just, like, a thing that's happened at all? Like, people just randomly punching people walking down the street?


Yeah, I mean, more and more, you're hearing reports of people just getting attacked by crazies on the subway or wild shit going down and people just getting attacked out on the street. And to be honest, it's because people are just let out of prison immediately here. Punishment for it. So people.




Don't get.


Anyway, they're not cutting you off, Brad. We don't want to get down to too much. That vibe. We talk about that stuff a lot. But I was saying this because I came back, I sent it to Rebecca, and I said, because Ellie goes to acting class a few times a week in Los Angeles, she doesn't come out of class till late. Then she has to walk down the street in a shitty part of LA to get to a car and stuff like that. And I was like, we got to teach her some moves or some self defense. And the reality is, for that thing to happen now. It doesn't matter how good you are. The way the guy executed that, you're done for, for the most part, unless you. You know, you're a Mackenzie Dern or something, or, like, a real badass of a woman. The main thing is, and it goes for men as well, awareness. You've just got to be aware as you're walking along. And if you by yourself and there's a guy that's walking, he had a big mask on. He looks suspicious as hell. Be aware. Just if you see someone like that cross the street, be aware of your surroundings, you know?


And even when you go past him, just make sure he's not, you know? And it's a sad state of affairs, but that would be my advice. In the martial arts world, Anthony, they call that Zan Shin in japanese jiu jitsu.


There's awareness. See, I feel like I'm paranoid. It's like I'm.


That's the next level.


Yeah. I'm like. Like, not even in, like, a weird, scared way. I'm just always, like. I'm just hyper aware. Like, I won't. Even if I'm in a restaurant, I won't even sit with my back to the door ever.


Yeah. No, but that's okay, because I kind of get like that sometimes as well. You know? You want it. You want to know. You don't want to have your back to the world. I want to get a superpunch.


Yeah. I want to see it coming.


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And done, man, that guy is such a, he's such a character. Like, we're going to really miss Derrick Lewis when he's gone. And just the, his, it's not even just his knockout power. I used to just be so impressed with the power that he has, but at this point in his career, and as long as he's been around, as much tape is out there, he still finds the ability to land it like it's his. It's just the ability to find those shots and get them to land. And it's. He carries it late, too. In a fight, even when he's tired, he's been wrestling, he's been grappling. He still has the ability to land that power shot. It's really impressive. It's not even just the God given power that the man has. Obviously he's got that, but that'll get you through three or four good ones. But once people figure out that you got that kind of game changing power, they're going to start adjusting. And now that everyone see, they've seen him knock people out with his left hand and his right hand, and they've seen the flying, thrown, goofy kicks, and they see the overhand, like they know exactly what's coming and he still finds it.


It's crazy.


Yeah. You know, but I understand your point exactly, but every fight starts on the feet, so you're always, you know, you're up against Derrick Lewis. I've said this many times, but when we've worked at Fox Sports back in the day. Derek came in and we had one of those punch bag machines, and when he hit it, he hit it so hard that when the bag thing went like that, the, the metal base lifted off the ground ever so slightly. It was wild, man.




I swear to God, just that way. Couldn't like that a little bit. That's how hard he hid that thing.


That's insane.




And his jujitsu is so fascinating to me. It. It's a very. I don't want to be disrespectful. It's not, it's not like super technical jiu jitsu, but the Charles Oliver. He's not Charles Oliver, but even, even with.


He's not like a Damien Meyer.


No, almost. Almost. Who's the heavyweight jujitsu guy? Ameda. That his last name? No.


Well, that was Jota, and I made it. He's more of a wrestler than a jujitsu guy.


That's true. But, like, there's a, like, he was in there. I remember Roy Nelson, who's a really good black belt for the people that don't know that, Brian. Roy Nelson's like a legitimate black belt. And, like, crew Bob would be like, derek, get up. And he just stands up. It's the craziest shit. Like, he just completely side controlled. It was a sit straight up, stiff arm his way up and stand up.


Yeah, that's what I was gonna mention, because he does. So Eric Paulson used to teach something similar to like, that, and they call it the heat. He calls it the y escape. And you kind of do that with your hand, and you kind of get it under an armpit, your stiff arm, and it just kind of knocks them off balance, and the next thing you know, you fall it over, and then when you got the kind of trunk and you just barrel esque physique over Derek Lewis, it'd be hard to tight.


Waist him to get to keep it from coming up. It's aggressive, the way he could just find his way to his feet. He's fairly defensively sound once he's down there. Like, I think some of it's his body type. He's just easy to. He kind of balls up and his really, his neck isn't there, his arms not. He's too goddamn strong to do anything with his arms. It's just, he's kind of just built for being safe on the ground.


I will say this. I was, when he got the job done, the crowd in St. Louis was phenomenal. I'm telling you, it was like a pay per view in there. The crowd in St. Louis was phenomenal. Oh, I've got to say this as well. Shout out to these guys when I've got my contact lens in. It's not the right prescription, so I can't see too well. And there were some guys holding up a big, gigantic sign going, bass pain. Bass pain. And I looked around, but I couldn't read what it said on it. And I said to Sanko, I said, what does that sign say? And he said, it says Harrington. So the fans of the show, do you know what I mean?


I love that.


Yeah. And then when I went to the bathroom a few times, there was a bunch of people all shouting, folk, Harrington. I sent Harrington a video as well. Harrington, how does it feel? You're crossing over into the mainstream, brother. People are going to UFC events with F. Harrington signs.


I mean, as a pro wrestling fan, it is a lifelong dream come true.


As a fan, that's not coming through the laptop or the microphone. Is that also a dream come true, Biscuit?


I will also say the getting shouted out at the press conference, I prefer.


It when he's muted.


Okay, I'll leave.


I'll leave.


Jump off. Comeback when you're done.


That's so funny. I get that a lot, too. I get it a lot. Like, yeah, I think that's one of the funnest things to me. Like, I don't have nearly as many people anymore come up to me, hey, I love watching fights. We're a big supporter. Like, people still do that. I get, hey, man, I love the podcast with you and bisping. I love. I, you know, Carrington or Brian's crazy with this conspiracy shit. Or people come up, you're like, hey, you need to ask Brian about this. You know, and they'll give me something. I'll text Brian and say, hey, some crazy guy told me to ask you about whatever. I think that. I don't know why. I really enjoy that.


No, me too. We've said it. I say it all the time. It's fantastic. So Derek Lewis gets the stoppage, gets the knockout, lands that shot. And that was a earth shattering shot. I mean, he kind of wobbled like that on his feet. It was like the octagon almost wobbled as well. There was that kind of power. But I was excited to go in there and do the interview because Derrick Lewis, first of all, the shorts come off, then the cup comes off, and then he pulls his pants down. We call that a mooney in the UK. What do you call it in America?


Mooning? Oh, yeah. Mooney. Mooned them.


Yeah, we call it Mooney. All right, maybe you. Maybe we took it from you guys. Yeah. Yeah. So I was like, oh, this is going to be a good one. You know, Derek, he's just. He's so entertaining without trying to be. You know, we always talk about people just being themselves. Don't force it on a microphone. Just be yourself. Because Derek's a quiet guy. When you speak to him on a day to day, he's so, like, chill and, you know, minimal, for want of a better word.


God damn, the cab driver thing had me cracking.


Yeah. I don't want to lose to some cab driver from Brazil. And then he's like, we're going out drinking Bispin.


Yeah. Drinks on you.


Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I was great. It was great.


Did you guys end up hanging out?


No, we didn't. Thank God. Thank God.


Why? Why? Thank God?


I'm joking. If I would have seen him, of course, I would have bought him some drinks and celebrated with him.


But I don't know if, you know, that. Probably be pretty expensive, trying to get Derek Lewis drunk.


Well, that's what I'm saying. I don't know if I could hang with Derrick Lewis. You know what I'm saying?


He got a bigger fuel tank, that's for sure.


So that there was a meme. Andre the giant set the record for, I think, in one sitting, he drank, like, 146 pints of lager. You know, I'm sure devoted Lewis could put a few away as well. Totally sober. I've got a way, Joe. I gotta go. So from one awesome guy on the microphone to another guy on the microphone that maybe was doing really well, then kind of went too far. Talking about the co, main event, Joaquin Buckley, Norisultan, the Ruzaboev. I thought he did phenomenal in that fight. I thought that was a really bad stylistic matchup. Ruseboyev stopped two people in the first round. Tremendous record. Twelve knockouts, 20 submissions. Six foot five. Buckley looked his usual self. Gets to stop it. Any. Any notes on the fight before we get to what he said?


Yeah, I was in. I was impressed with the performance. I thought he had a really hit a dig deep, and really do some thinking in there, because it's not a guy he could just run through physically and keep himself out of trouble. So I thought he fought really, really smart. He was really patient. You know, typically, he kind of relies on the. On the power. In the first two rounds, he didn't really wasn't able to land the big shot. He had the. He had to fight very, very smart, and. And that was. That showed a big evolution for me, where he. He really had to. He really had to think hard and keep safe the entire time and be super dialed in the whole time and not lose focus. And I thought he did a great job.


Yeah, phenomenal job.


Again, like you said, tough matchup, the size difference, the power, the distance that he had to start, like I thought, all the way around. It was a really great performance.


Yeah, exactly. And we say it all the time, but he was all the way out until he was all the way in. You know, it takes a lot of discipline to do that. You stand in the pocket at striking range, he's going to get picked apart all day long. So he was disciplined, got the takedowns. That's, you know, he's been doing that lately. Just beat Vincente Luque before that gets on the microphone. He was a star all week, obviously, from St. Louis. He kind of made this happen, you know, confronted Dana at UFC 300. Press conference gets the fight, a tough fight gets the win. You know, electrified crowds all week. You know, he was kind of stealing the show to a certain degree. What were your thoughts on the post fight interview? I thought it was going great.


Oh, it was going great.


McGregor's mom a hoe and the grandma hoe and stuff like that. I'm like. I'm like, this is great, you know? Yeah, you great. You're great, you're great, you're great.


I just kept staring your face the whole time because you were just kind of like, God, I don't know what to do. And, like, you wanted to, like, pull the microphone away, and he kept pulling it back. I was like, well, yeah, you can't.


Just rip the microphone halfway through a conversation. But no, bro, no, you don't get to say that. Number one, that's not my call. That's his moment. So I was looking for a good time to break, but because I was laughing at first because he's an entertaining dude, and I find his energy really funny, and then because the acoustics in there make it hard, you know what I mean, to actually understand what the guy right in front of you saying, because, you know, as I said, the arena. And then it took me a second to figure out I didn't know what he was doing. I'm like, oh, shit, he's calling McGregor's mama ho, grandma ho and all that, and I didn't want to be laughing at that. Like, I think that was funny. So I was, like, purposely trying to not smile.


Yeah, you can tell to your. I just don't smile.


This is like, I'm condoning him. Yeah, that's right. She is. You know.


Yeah, I. I thought it started off really good. I thought that the speaking about his grandma and being in St. Louis and. And, you know, her having als, and I thought that was really, really sweet. And then he spoke to her through the camera. I thought that that was engineering. Yeah, very. Made you feel for him. We all. We've all had moms or grandmas or, you know, aging family members that we just want to speak to in that moment. Thought that was really cool. And then when he called out, when he called out McGregor, I was like, ah, like, what a waste. Like, you wasted a great opportunity to put yourself in a really good spot for your next fight. And then it was like, oh, no, he's talking about the McGregor name and his grandma or his grandpa and his great grandpa. And I was like, oh, no. And then afterwards, he kind of saved it a little bit.




I felt like when he got in that area of it, I was like, oh, no, this ain't great. And then he, at the very end, then he was saying, you know, you gotta. If you want to be the king, you gotta do this, and you. I think he saved it towards the end. It was. It was actually well put together at the end of it.


Yeah. I mean, look, listen, he's not gonna get a fight with Conor McGregor.


I know, and that's what sucks. Like, you're not gonna get it, so. No, why waste it? It's a great. That's what you should shoot for. I get that.


Like, I told nobody should for that because it's unrealistic.


No, but I mean, like, in your.


In your burns afterwards, he should have done that.


He should have done that. That. See, that's a great call out. If he would have said that. I've been like, oh, shit, that's a good fight. I would love to see that fight. But instead I was like, oh, Connor, of course.


Yeah, no, exactly. Connor has one, two, three, maybe one. Maybe non fights left. Maybe Chandler's his final one. I know Chandler saying he's going to make it his final, so that the. And he's probably going to be a diaz. It's probably going to be, you know what I mean? It's going to be these kind of people. Ain't going to be no disrespect.


Here's another point for all the fighters listening and all the fans who think that you want your favorite fighter to call out Connor. Maybe he can get it. The call outs don't matter. You get a Conor McGregor fight when he chooses you. It's not the other way around. You're not going to go hit. He's too smart. He's too much of a business.


Listen, I'm just telling Rebecca to put the AC up. No, people got. Bismuth's not even listening.


Well, he's listening, but, yeah, you don't get. You don't waste your moment because you can't convince Connor to fight you. You can't offend him into fighting. You can't. He's too much of a businessman. He's too smart. He's too. He's been in this game too long. Like, he is the. He's one of the best at navigating and using the media and using his position to get in positions he wants to be in. You're not going to convince him. He'll fight you when he chooses to. Like, that's the position he's in. He decides who he fights and he decides when you're not going to hurt his feelings and he's going to go off on some emotional tangent and want to fight you. He'll make fun of you on Twitter and then go on about his business.


Yeah, yeah. And that's what he was trying to do. And there's a bit of sounding going on in the background. If you hear any noise. It stopped now. Yeah. He was just trying to insult him, you know? Enough. That's why he went to that low blow. Look, listen, it's the fight game. People say a lot of nasty shit. It's not like he headbutted his dad in a lobby, is it? What he should have done was talk about Gilbert Burns. Your pussy ass brazilian jiu jitsu ain't gonna do shit or whatever. Do you know what I mean? Like, go down that path and Gilbert Burns might be like, oh, oh, really? Okay, I'm gonna save my name, get a fight, defend the savior, or the reputation of brazilian jiu jitsu. And it's actually a perfect, logical next step. The Buckley's a star, man.


Sometimes I think people use this Connor thing for their own clout and their own clout and love. Like, yeah, it's one thing to call them out because you, like, deep down, you got to know you're not going to get that. Like, you're very, very unlikely to get it. So, yeah, offend him and talk shit about his family and piss him off, and maybe you'll get some followers for. And I'm not speaking about specifically Buckley, but if you're a welterweight and then you call out Connor, like, oh, yeah, I'll get. Maybe I'll get a thousand followers from the shit talk. Maybe he'll talk about me on Twitter. But if you're also a welterweight in the position, you really want to piss off Gilbert Burns and talk about his. Talk about his mom and that come choke you unconscious, because that's more than likely gonna happen if you do.


Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Gilbert Burns.


Are you saying this, too, for a tooth thing? Because Glover knocked my teeth out. So what you're saying tooth.


Correct. You crack the cold.


I knew it.


For an eye, tooth for a tooth. I'm sure that's a. I don't think there's.


No. I don't think there's.


Google that, Brian. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.


Why am I googling? Brian can google it.


No. Somebody bloody google it.


I looked it up in the Bible. It says, and a man who injures his countryman, as he has done, so shall be done to him, fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Just another person receive injury from him, so will it be given to him.


So, religious person, I am a true scholar of historic parchments and documents. That's why that was in there. You know what I mean?


Yeah. You knew. You knew it. You knew it all.


I knew it was in there. Right. Anthony.




Your division? Carlos Ulberg. This man's doing some big shit, man. That was super impressive against Alonzo Menafield. I mean, I knew that he was good when I saw him on contender. Then he got knocked out, was it? And Zetshiku, I think.




And then since then, I think that's five or six now. A lot of them stoppages. And to do that to Menafield, I mean, Menafield made a mistake. But give me your thoughts on that fight with it being your division.


I thought it was real. I thought he looked great in the short time that he was in there. And that's how it goes sometimes. Like Alonzo Minnifield, if you do that ten times, like you, you're probably 50 50, it's going to work out, and 50% of times not. I don't know that with the body types the way that they were, that's how I would have started. If you're closer to the same height, but you got to start from so much further away, like, he's going to kind of see it coming. He did get clipped on the way in, but was able to take it. And then, you know, then they're in the fire. He's got, he's got power in his hands. He's a big, strong, athletic guy and he's got a killer instinct. So I hats off to him. That wasn't 12 seconds or whatever it was at work is not bad.


That was fantastic.


50 grand. That's not, that's not a bad day at work.


Not bad day at work at all. Sean Wilson defeated Alex Caceres. I don't think Sean woods have made the statement that he was looking to, but he's still a phenomenal prospect. And I think now he's got the longest win streak in that division, if I'm not mistaken. Saw something to that.


Anyway, he's got to be impossible to fight at that weight class.


He's so skillful as well. And I said it really good. He's Dall Sim.


He's what?


Dall Sim. Was that from Street Fighter two? Do you know what I mean? He looks like it. Brian, bring up that he's so, he's.


Just built to fight too. Like he's got the perfect, got the perfect body type. Just long arms, short torso, crazy long legs. Good boxer.


Yeah, they're not the best, but in the game, in like the eight bit version or the 16 bit version, he looks like him. I dropped in a couple of yoga flame references as well, but nobody got it. I think someone or two street fighter nerds might have done. I said no, he's getting with the yoga, yoga flame. Were you a street fighter fan?


No, not really.


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Which fight was that?


The shittiest fight of the night.


No, no.


Which one novellas the Spain versus wilderness coaster? Talk about a hype train being halted in the most ridiculous fashion.


Yeah, and you, honestly, I got a tough time given Waldo too much shit about it. Cuz he's not much of a. He's not much of a grappler really anyways. But you get in there with a guy that's seven foot twelve, 260 whatever pounds, crazy hard kicker like you gotta go, just got to do what you got. You got two strikers in there and, and one of them is not as good as the other one. But despite terrible if I'm just being very critical, no take down defense. I had no idea where he was going on the ground. He wasn't even turning his hip to the right side. He didn't dig one underhook. No, no frame from the bottom, no nothing. Nothing. And because Waldo is a striker, I have a hard time giving him too much crap. Positionally sound. He didn't take too many risks on top because he, God forbid, back on his feet after the first round. Despite was pretty much a dead body out there. His conditioning was shit. His boxing's not great. Like big, strong, powerful guy. He's got a good, a good starting base. Very amateur level.


If you look at the Spain, because I did the research on him, obviously. Former taekwondo guy, gigantic six foot seven, been knocking everyone out in record time. So there's a lot of hype and a lot of excitement around him. A medalist, the. At the Olympics, you know, so you think you got something special? His UFC debut lasted 18 seconds. The fight before that lasted 4 seconds. Five before that, 3 seconds. The one before that, 12 seconds, and the first five that he had was in the first round as well. So there's a lot of noise here. So you can't blame Cortez Acosta for taking him down. But I'll say this, and if he sees this, he's not going to like it. But when I watch some of those other fights, even his UFC debut, even though he got the finishes ridiculously quick, it wasn't, like, technical stuff.


No. In the Josh Friesen knockout was.


Just swinging like a maniac, and clearly a physical specimen clearly hit incredibly hard. But I was like, I don't know. I mean, he has got so much work to do.


How old is he?


Wrestling jujitsu? I'm looking at his Wikipedia right now. I'll tell you. Yeah, I thought maybe he's 35, so he's got ten.


He got ten years of work left. Yeah, maybe not ten, but even five. If he had a high level athlete five years before, he's proficient at a lot of that. Where I seen his jujitsu and grappling, like, I'm not looking at what he's really doing down there. Like, I'm looking at the. Like, the instincts aren't there. Like, gets taken down. Like, he didn't. He should be immediately going to a hip, looking for an underhook. Like, coming to a side. Like, laying flat on your back tells me that you got your couple months. Like, I got white belts that are a couple months in my gym that are better than that. So I don't want to just shit on him. So just. I'm just being critical. I'm sure he's a great guy. Hey, I'm just saying where his skill set level is. Just not. He's. He's just not there. He's not there.


You got to call it like it is, though. You know what I'm saying?


Knock me out. But who knows?


Sure, he has the ability to knock anybody out, but we're rating a mixed martial arts performance, and it wasn't great.




And it was substandard, you know? Anyway, moving on, St. Louis, great night. Enjoyed my time there. Met some lovely, lovely people. And all those people that were shouting, folk, Harrington, shout out to you as well. So not mma. Bunch of stuff to talk about. But, Harrington, have you seen this story about Habib Namago, Madoff apparently he's been investigated and he's in a bit of hot water or something like three or $4 million in back taxis.


Is that real, Harry?


Rumors are that it's real. It hasn't been confirmed by the. By the last.


Last point, the microphone generally pointed at your face.


No, no, no.


Put your head back to work. There you go.


Good job.


There it is.


So while it has not been confirmed by the Russian, I believe it's called, like, it's FTS there. Federal tax services. The. A number of different outlets have reported on it. They've also reported that Khabib's bank accounts have been frozen for those businesses. So, specifically in line with Eagle FC and one of his charitable organizations. And the thing I was reading said that the big problem was he's taking business out of Russia into Dubai and Turkey, which is making the Kremlin pretty mad at him.


Yeah, yeah. Just. Just for the people that don't know. Harrington, come back on. For the people that don't know, because I don't have the story in front of me. You have it in the notes, etcetera. Just give a brief overview, because obviously you were piggybacking of what Anthony said. If nobody knows anything about this story. So he doesn't owe. So apparently there's an investigation. He owes how much in taxes and etcetera.


So he allegedly owes the russian government 3.3 million in taxes due to business he invested in after his MMA career, including Eagle Fc. I do know that his bank accounts have. They've allegedly been frozen. And he could be looking at steep penalties, including three years of forced labor, labor, six years in jail, or up to a $500,000 fine.


I don't know. I mean, Khabib has represented Russia on the world stage for a long time. And Russia, I mean, just like every bloody government's crooked as hell and Russia's right up there with the best. But I would think that with Habib beans, one of their, you know, he's.


Pretty tight with Putin.


He's pretty tight with Putin. That's pretty tight. I'm not with him. Russia to the highest. He's gonna. He's like, right, pull him to one side, you little dick. And what you doing? You're gonna pay. You. You have to pay your taxes. This bullshit. Come on. Bit tax.


That's. That's what I thought when I read it. Like, I don't know, maybe there is something going on, but maybe they don't like him taking some of his business to Turkey and Dubai. But maybe he's getting some penalties on something like that, but he's pretty tight with Putin. I have a hard time believing Putin is going to do anything to habib.


How much did his bank accounts, which were frozen, were they bank accounts in these states or Russia?


They were Russia. It's the. It's the accounts for Eagle FC and his. His charitable organization. Both of those.


So just his businesses, not like his personal.




Oh, business. Businesses, bro.


Who gives a shit?


Yes. Good taxes.


Didn't Putin. I think I read somewhere that Putin gave him, like, a large.




Piece of property and massive in, like, money when he retired.


Yeah, he did. He did. Yeah. I think I even saw Dana talking about that. So, like, it's kind of conflicting.


A little bit. A little bit.


All right. Anyway, so Colby Covington. I'm just looking at why he put in the notes here. Harrington put in that. Colby's moving on from trying to call out Ian Gary or Bilal Mohammed. He's calling out Bilal Mohammed. But there's a new update which Harrington didn't put in the notes. I wonder what you think about this. Colby's now asking for Charles Oliveira. Ooh. At 70, at 170. I have the video of the post. Oh, that's old from Brian. Yeah, I kind of like.


I kind of like that, though. Especially this timing. They're both coming off of losses. Charles, it's going to take him a few to even get back to a contender fight. Like, because no matter who wins this fight, Arman is probably next. And then depending on what Max Holloway wants to do, like, he can kind of bounce around back and forth and figure that out. Like, it's going to take Charles a couple fights to get himself back in a position to win. That's a big money fight. It's a big draw. Charles has always historically struggled at making weight, so he probably wouldn't mind going up to 170. Colby Zonda, like, big power puncher. So, you know, I think Charles is the better striker anyways. But, like, grappling wise, that could be fun. I think that'd be a big fight. That would be fun.


That's actually. No, you've sold me on it. Because at first, I was kind of scratching my head. From a Colby Covington perspective, I'm like, the guy's not even in the division, but it does nothing in terms of respective rankings, but it is a big win for both men. If Colby can beat a Charles Oliveira, one of the most exciting guys, we all know his resume, and if Olivera can be, you know, one of the perennial contenders in Colby, again, that does nothing but boost the reputation of the career.


I like it, actually, when really, both guys are kind of in a position where their next fight doesn't really matter. And I don't mean that as, I don't mean that in disrespect where, like, all, we don't care, you know, what happens. But no matter what happens, win or lose, the next fight after that's not a title fight for either guy. So does really matter. Like, go in there, fight, and see what happens. Plus, Colby. Yeah, Colby needs a fresh coat of paint because, like, he didn't really leave his last fight with the, a whole lot of, because of the way that he fought and kind of the, some of the stuff he said, like, no one's ever really cared what Colby said. Like, of course he pisses people off, but he's been a little bit popular because of it, but it's because he's always been in really good fights. You can get away with shit like that if you fight your ass off. He didn't really have the performance to back up the things that he says, so he kind of needs a, he needs a, he needs someone like Oliver that's going to, no matter what, drag him into an exciting fight.




Cools go in there and, and just.


I don't know, Olivera him.


Olivera him. Yeah.




You see how that goes?


Because Colby was saying that, um, you know, is that he's by far the better mixed martial artist then Oliver, then Olivera. That's what he said in the quote. I haven't got the exact quote, but, yeah, worsted, he says Charles Oliveira would walk right at him. We know that. That's all he does, you know? So it's a dangerous fight for Colby, believe it or not. Sure, Colby could take him down and control him and stifle him because he's not Superman. But to your point, you're right. The next fights don't matter at this point. People like Colby, people like Oliveira, big names, draws, perennial contenders coming off losses. So right now, you're just kind of treading water in the division. You want to stay relevant. You want to stay on the tip of people's tongues in the division.




But it doesn't matter who you fight next.


And it'd be like a real cool aha. Moment, too, like when it gets announced. Colby Covington. Charles Oliveira, UFC. I don't know, 308 or something, like co main event or something. That'd be sweet. It'd be like a real cool, like, Dana announcement too.


It would. It would. It would. I'm looking at the. The non MMA stuff that Harrington's put in here.


I'm sure it's great.


No, it's not. It's not. It's just a lot of, like, basic stuff and repeats of stuff. It's kind of conversation we've had before. Granted, my fault. I should have put some stuff in there myself, but I just got back.


From saying.


And I leave for Costa Rica on Bloody Wednesday.


That's too bad. You have to go to Costa Rica. Kind of feel bad for you.


Nine days.


Oh, my gosh. How are you going to do it?


Led by a pool.


If you do Monday shoot show next to a pool, I'm going to be pissed.


I'm doing some shows. 25 years together.


Good for you guys.




Congratulations. That's amazing. Just you two.


Just those two. No kids.


Hell, yeah.


No distractions. 25 bloody years where we're going. Oh, it's amazing. So we got bloody.


Don't give too much out.


No, I'm not, I'm not. But it's near a volcano, so there's natural hot springs and we have our own private hot spring in our back garden of our, like, hotel room and stuff.


Yeah. 25 years.




What's the secret?


I'm just very lucky that she's got the patience of a saint. The secrets on her side. It ain't on my side.


You're like. I just. I just kept showing up.


Yeah, exactly.


Every day I wake up and she's still here.


Yeah. Yeah. But there was one in here. Harrington. You did put one in. That was in last week and we never mentioned it. And I did get a kick out of this. Do you like the masked singer, Anthony?


I actually do, yeah.


Are you a fan of the show?


I. If it's on, I'll watch it.


Can you sing?


No. God, no.


Would you go on the Masked Singer?


Yeah. I mean, yeah. Yeah, probably.


Do you know where this is going?




Oh, you have no idea. This is great. No, Drake is. Duplessi was on the masked singer, South Africa. No way. Yeah. Is he good? Before you press play, Harrington, you want to hear this. He's brilliant. The man got some bloody voice on him. Yeah, the press play. And when he's doing the course, you can kind of tell. It's tricky to plessy. He's really good. That's the only clip that I've seen. Harriet and O'Brien, see if you can find a clip. I want to see the bit where he takes the head.


Yeah. Me, too. That's awesome. Good for his. That what? A superstar, too. That's a big deal.


It is a big deal. I think it shows. I mean, you start to see more and more what some other examples of that. I mean, when Anthony Pettis was the first MMA guy on a Wheaties box, maybe the last guy, I don't know.


Yeah. Roger Huerta was like the first guy on. Was it SportsCenter or ESPN magazine? Oh, first magazine cover.


Sports Illustrated.


Sports Illustrated. There we go.


What else you got, Harrington? You've got a long list of them. I'm sure.


Jon Jones was the first. Was the first, like, big Nike sponsorship.


Correct. That's a good one.


Paige van Zant on Dancing with the Stars.


That's a good one.


Yeah, that is a good one. See? And you totally redeemed yourself, Harrington.


That was a good one. Here we go.


Yeah, I want to see this.


Two blessings. Oh, that's awesome.


Because that's kind of why I wanted to see it, because I wanted to see, I mean, obviously in those kind of studio audiences, you know, there's a laugh track. They get told. Applause, choir laugh. Cheer, whatever, you know, so they would have cheered anyway. But I wanted to see the kind of level of mainstream recognition.




In South Africa for him, you know, good for him.


That's a mean. That's a bit. Oh, shoe face was on that big brother show in Brazil. I just thought about, was it? And apparently it was like, I think he got kicked off, like, grabbing someone's ass or something like that. But apparently, like, the big brother show is a huge deal in Brazil.


Oh, dude. Big brother in the UK is massive. Is it massive? Yeah. If they do a celebrity big brother, a regular big brother. The people that win Big Brother in England, there's some of them stick like, there's some of the. Some that wouldn't. Like the first few seasons. They're still, like mainstays of daytime television today. They've 20 year careers. Yeah.


Apparently shoe faces, crazy popular because of it.


Okay. Okay. All right. Well, well done to shoe face. And well done to drink as duplessly.




Who's he fighting next? Israel? Adesanya. Did they make that official? Do we know?


I don't think it's official yet. I think that's the way it's leaning, though. It's what it sounds like.




The middleweight division is going to be pretty interesting here pretty soon. We got Hamzat and Whitaker coming up. That's probably going to be a. That's probably going to be a number one contender, or at least especially duplex, he beats Adesanya. That's probably best case scenario for Whitaker if he can get through Hamza, which is a tall task anyways, so.


And obviously we got Strickland versus Costa.


That's a big one. That's a big one, too.


Strickland. Costa. But you're right. I'd no disrespect to Strickland or Costa. Costa's coming off a loss. Strickland just lost the belt, so he's coming off a loss, but it's not quite the same. So either of them win. Strickland could be in line for a shot, but I don't think, I think Whittaker. Look, listen, let's be honest. Hamza, if Hamza wins that fight, he's fighting for the belt.


He's in. Yeah, absolutely. If Whitaker wins and duplex, he wins. Probably Whitaker.


I don't know.


Do you think that you just. If it's out of Sonia and Hamza wins, that's easy. If it's Adesanya and Costa wins, probably not going to be Apollo because the first. Yeah, his dog shitty look real bad. If it's on you and Strickland, probably Strickland.


Yes. Because there's a good storyline there.


Right. And Izzy wants that.


And if it's an easy. Wants that. And if Whittaker wins, probably not. Because no disrespect to Bobby knuckles, we've seen that twice.


Seen it twice already.






So, yeah, storylines.


Yeah. It's getting fun and interesting when we kind of were unsure when we had Adesanya and Strickland. Strickland only really got the shot because he was the one that was available. Like, there wasn't no one. It wasn't like a clear contender for the title.


Right, then I should know this because I'm commentating inside. Is Whittaker hams at the main event?


Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


As I say, I should know that. I've just traveling a lot. Who do you think wins that if you had to put your money on it? Whittaker versus Strickland versus Hamza. Whittaker is dynamic. Whittaker can stop takedowns. He can wrestle. He's got jiu jitsu, he's got a gas tank, he's got a chin. Even though Drake has dropped him, he's generally shown a really, really good chin.


Yeah, he's, it's, it's. I don't want to. I'm a real big believer in Hamza. I really am. I think the guy's incredible. But if we're just being critical, first round, first round, I think Hamza can beat anybody across any weight class. I don't give a shit who it is, anybody in the world he can beat in the first round, we start getting into 2nd, 3rd, 4th, fifth. I mean, the Gilbert Burns fights, kind of a perfect example. If that fight goes another two rounds.


A better example is the Kamara Usman fight.


Yeah. First round monster. Absolutely.


You don't see people doing to Kamara Usman what Hamza did. No, Usman built his career on being a ridiculous wrestler.




He got tossed around like a rag doll in that fight. But he had the, the toughness, the durability and all the experience to get out of it. And to rounds two, and he kind of closed the gap again a little bit. But in round three, he was winning the fight.


Right. And that was on very short notice.


Very short notice. Hamza was exhausted.


Yeah. So. And Whitaker won't get tired.


So Whitaker won't get tired.


I think that's the, that's my sticking point. If he can do lots of big damage early in the first round, second round, and kind of compromise Whitaker early, then, you know, I think he can cruise. But, and we talked about this a couple weeks ago, if he paces himself early now, he's not the hams out that we're used to. He's not as effective. So I don't know, my, I hate to say I'm leaning Eileen Whitaker.


Yeah. Yeah. And here's the point as well, because, yeah, it's five rounds. And people will say, oh, well, you just train differently for five rounds. Yeah, you're right. You do. When you've got, when you got advanced notice of five rounds, of course you structure your training camp differently. But I'll say this, when I was in extreme, when I was in really, really good shape for three rounds, I could dig if you want. If they said to me, right, how do you feel about doing another two rounds? I'd say, yeah, sure. Do three rounds, do five rounds, I'll do six rounds. If you're in shape properly, you can do it. Right. And anyone that's going to sit here and go, oh, you don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, I do. And I know from experience, and it looks like you're going to agree.


Yeah. Yeah. I got seven or eight or nine main events in the USA, five rounds. Like, my training camp looked exactly the same. So like, you hear fans say, oh, well, he didn't prepare for five rounds. Yeah, nobody does. That's not how this works. Like, maybe they stretch out your conditioning session here and there a little bit, or when you're sparring, they add a couple more rounds, but, like, you're in the same condition. You really pay attention to your favorite fighters that have fought regular fights in the main events. The biggest difference is going to be their pace. That's just, that's just how you got to pace yourself a little bit. Like, when maybe you would go longer combinations and really push the wrestling. Like, you got to back off of it a little bit. Do you see guys giving up takedowns? Little more. Like, they don't fight for a, you know, they get in on the fence and they're on the double leg and they're fighting those real tight scramble, and they're burning your arms. You'll see guys back out of that a little bit and say, all right, let's reset. I don't want to burn my, I don't want to burn my arms out on this takedown.


You'll see the scrambles. You see two guys disengage more often because they, neither one of them want to gas themselves on a scramble if there's still two additional rounds. Like, that's the difference. You just paid yourself in the small areas that people at home don't even notice.


No, exactly. And then I just, like a total narcissist, just had to google myself because I actually don't know how many main events. 1515. That's a lot. And here's the thing. When you do three rounds, when you do three rounds and you're in shape and you're training, when you're done, you go, now, coach, let's go. Let's do another couple of rounds of feeling good. You know what I mean? So you're right. It is. It's a really good excuse for people when they go, well, it was five rounds on short notice. It shouldn't be five rounds on short notice. And then said, well, there's a difference between three rounds of five rounds. Yeah, there is. But if you're in shape, like a mixed martial artist of the highest level should be. And I'm sure some little nerd that went to science that has a bloody clipboard and a notebook and a white coat on and some pens in a.


Pocket protector, definitely watch, right?


One of those dudes with PhD of medical science or fucking sports science from Harvard or wherever is gonna disagree. Well, I'm gonna tell you, I will take that Pepsi challenge bullshit if you do it old school. Because you know what? A lot of, like, this new, and don't get me wrong, sports science is fantastic. Of course it is. And there's a place. And that's why human beings, as a race, we get, we're breaking records all the time. We're learning about the human body. We're getting bigger, stronger, more athletic in general. And then, of course, there is. But there's also real value to old school values and old school training methods. You know what I'm saying? Like, Jason Perillo is as old school as they get, right? And all that new fandangled bullshit. You know what I mean? He's like, he's like, no, this is what you do. You know what I'm saying? And I've said this before, but I'll say it again, it was great. I was working with the strength and conditioning coach, and he said, for this camp, michael, I don't want you to do much running. You know, Jason's background is from the boxing world.


Lots of running. And I said, yes, or my coach doesn't want me doing much running for this one. And he goes, yeah, you know why? Because running is free.


Running's free, like, oh, yeah, they can't.


Charge you dollar 250 an hour to come into their little facility, you know what I mean? To get him ready for a fight and go time.


Uh, Mark Montoya always says this. Do you know how? Because, you know, you get these younger guys say, I just, I gotta add this, I gotta do this, and I gotta add all this other new fancy ass shit. He'll say, you know how you get better at fighting longer? And they'll say, how? He'll say, when you're in the gym, we just fight for longer. That's how we do it. So we just try harder? Yeah, try harder.


Try harder. When you're on the bag, punch it harder with a little more frequency. People always say, oh, what was your secret? Because I was known for cardio. Work my ass off.


Yeah, I just tried really hard.


Tried hard, you know, like, it mattered to me. Yeah, it matters to you. Anything in life, you gotta, if it truly matters to you, you know, you're gonna give it your best. Does it matter? Does it matter? Yeah, it does.


And if it doesn't, you're not going to try that hard.


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I love that shirt.


Yeah. I mean, I think you can tell an octagon on Saturday. I'm looking a little more, uh, filled in, finally. So, uh, yeah. Feeling good, bro.


Bro, that. That was the first time I've, like, got that close to you when I came in to interview you and when I walked up, because, like, you know, you're. You're tall, you're lean. You know, I was kind of shocked. I thought, look at him. He's got some shoulders on him. You definitely filled out in that weight class, for sure.


Yeah. I mean, it's. It's been maximizing the weight cut. Like, I feel like, uh, been lifting some weights, you know, and then cutting just as much water as I was at 45, and, yeah, I think it's been working out so far.


So, obviously, you got in the UFC at 20, and, you know, which is so young to be competing at such a high level, especially with so much, I don't know, so many eyes on you, you know, so many people are paying attention. I think a lot of, like, yeah, you had a couple little struggles here up and down. You were struggle with the weight cuts, right? So I think a lot of times, that's where you see some people kind of go away and maybe they don't figure it out as well as you obviously have. What kind of struggle was that? Like, did you, like, did you just always know you were going to. You were going to fix this, we'll fix that, and then we'll just keep on going? Or was there any kind of doubts?


I mean, I've always just taken it fight by fight, really. But I think a lot of times in my career, like, necessity is where I've really shown the brightest. You know, like, all the way from my contender series fight. Like, I had $32 in my bank account. I was like, I need. I need this money. Five grand. I was like, I at least got five grand in the bank now. That was my show money. But winning, getting ten and getting signed like that, that changed my life in that moment. And, you know, it's the same thing even in UFC. Like, when you lose a fight and then you're like, okay, if I lose this one, I'm probably gonna get cut. Like, if you lose two in a row on your first contract, you're probably done. And I feel like that. That really has pushed me, you know, in the times, you know, to fight a little harder, maybe, or, you know, just recognize, like, hey, if this is my last fight, I just want to be able to tell myself that I fought as hard as I could. And, you know, I feel like I go out there every fight like that, but I'm kind of settling in now.


I feel like I'm getting more used to the UFC. Like, that was my 9th fight here on Saturday night, and it's just. Feels normal now. But in the beginning, it wasn't normal. I was, like, struggling with the, like, am I one of these guys? You know, am I as good as these other people that I've been sharing the cars with? Like, you know, the Colby Covington Usman fight was on my debut. Peter Yan fought Uriah Faber, you know, Max Holloway Volkanowski. That first fight was my debut. So I'm fighting on the cards with some of these legends and it's hard to stand next to them and recognize that you're on a similar level to them. But I think I'm there now.


Well, me and Anthony have both spoke about this. You kind of as humans or as fighters, when we first get there, you do still have that imposter syndrome. A lot of people have that. But for you, signing at 20 years old now, nine fights on a three fight win streak, and getting better and better, and we'll get to Saturday's performance in just a second. It's so impressive, Chase. Honestly. It really is, man, because at 20 years old, I was an absolute maniac. I know Anthony was as well. We've talked at length about it, how immature and stupid we were and stuff like that. For you to be so switched on and disciplined at 20 years old is a credit to yourself, credit to your upbringing, and you should all be very, very proud. But who the is Chase Hooper? Because this is the first time we've spoke. Tell us a little bit about yourself and how do you end up signing with the UFC at 20 years old?


Honestly, like, I would say this is probably the one thing I'll give my parents credit for, is they got me in jiu jitsu at eight years old. My coach moved up to California.


You're like, that's the only thing.


California? Yeah, he was a half Gracie guy. Just happened to open a gym in small town Washington. Good old enum claw, literally right down the road. And, yeah, you know, like, the gym was really my. That's the place I went to get away from everything. Lived in a trailer type of thing, you know, white trash.


Life is tough growing up, chase.


Yeah, I mean, my mom's an alcoholic and bipolar, that type of thing. My dad's kind of like a. It's kind of the reverse of the typical, like, abusive relationship for, like, a thing where my dad was more the submissive one. It was kind of a weird situation, but I would say, like, the gym is where I learned, like, what it is to be a man, in my opinion. That toughened me up. And, you know, the gym was my escape, so I really committed to it. I was there every single day. Like, the weekends, I would always, like, walk to the gym from the house and walk back, you know? And then in high school, same thing. I would walk from school to the gym and just be there as much as I could. Started competing in jiu jitsu when I was a little kid. You know, had some success. Went to pans in 2016 and won pans. And that was. I got second in open weight, too, which I didn't even want to do it, but I was like, I'm here. I'll give it a shot. And, you know, that really gave me the confidence to be like, okay, maybe I'm good at this, you know?


So then transition to mma, bang out six amateur fights in about a year, turned 18, went pro. That's right around. It was such a weird thing, like growing up in, like, kind of a shitty situation. It was like, usually the kids are the ones that leave the nest. It was kind of the opposite. Like, my parents both kind of moved out, and they're like, if you want to keep paying for this thing, like, you can. It's kind of like a hoarder house type trailer situation is kind of, kind of up. But, you know, went pro, and I was fighting was my only source of income. So I was fighting every month for, you know, $1,000. And then my girl, my wife, who's about to give birth to our kid, she's helping me out, helped pick the place up. We sold it. And then, you know, we've got our own house now and, yeah, six months. Six months of being a pro. And I took this fight on 2 hours notice because they offered me 2500 bucks flat.




Yeah, 2 hours. And I'd fought the weekend before and, you know, not a scratch. And I trained the morning before, and then I was like, okay, maybe we could go to ikea after and buy some furniture or whatever. But the dude I fought was the main event that night, and he was like 14 and five or something. For my second or third pro fight, my coach was like, hey, I know on paper, like, a lot of people are going to count you out, but I think you can do this. And we took that fight, and probably, I went five, five minute rounds on 2 hours notice. Wow, that was a hell of a fight. A lot of groundhog day. Between the rounds, I really, I kept being, like, at the stool. I was like, all right, we're back here again. And then kept going and going and going and going.


I just, I just want to jump in real quick. And because I think a lot of people will find what you just said, they're really inspiring because a lot of people have tough situations. So it sounds like in one way or another, you've been figuratively a fighter your entire life. You know, you found a way of taking all that adversity, for want of a better word, and really turning it into a positive. And as I say, like, I know a few people right now that are young, and they're kind of lost and that they struggled, and life hasn't been, you know, a picnic for them, you know, and like, to hear someone like yourself, you know, have that, the kind of success that you are having now at such a young age and going through that again, as I say, it's. You should be proud of yourself, man. It's incredible.


Yeah, I appreciate that. It's a lot of necessity. Like I was saying, like, I took that short notice fight because I need to pay the bills and, you know, things just keep working out, you know, just by the skin of my teeth a lot of times, you know, two weeks after that fight, got an email from Sean Shelby. He was like, hey, do you want a shot on contender series? And I was like, yes, 100%. And they tried to book me for June, but I'd already had another fight scheduled by that time. So I was like, hey, I can pull out of this fight or I can go through with it. He's like, not go for it, and we'll push you back to July. So I fought that fight 40, went on to contender series, fought caning, Kane and Kawhi high, hawaiian, super tough. I honestly don't remember that fight. He hit me so hard.


I got a couple of those.


Yeah, I mean, we had a contract after, you know, Sky's the limit from there. That really helped to, like, getting some. Some time on fight pass, kind of a step up from the local shows, maybe a step down from Contender series. Just let me develop a little more. And then made my debut in UFC 245 and. Yeah.


What? Okay, I don't know how to say this without being sound like an asshole.




But for. Why don't you tell. Why don't you tell that part of your story more often? Because I think. Because it all makes sense, though. Like, when you were telling it, I would kept thinking, like, well, no wonder now it makes a lot of sense, like, why you fight the way that you fight and, like, the. The confidence and, like, just the. That fighter mentality in you. It makes a whole lot of sense now. But, like, there has been times, and I think a lot of people have this, like, you're a good looking kid. You're young. You. You don't. Like, if you look at me, you look at that guy and say that guys had a rough life. Like, it's easy to see, but, like, you just look like a good young kid. You know what I mean? It's got a lot of good things going for him, but really, you've been kind of fighting your ass off your whole life and kind of like, that come from behind story and that, that, like, I feel like I'm gravitating to you now. Like, I care more now. Like, not that I didn't care before, but, like, I feel like I'm attached to you a little bit because I've had my own struggles, and Mike has had his struggles, and, you know, like, it hasn't been easy for either one of us.


So I feel like I'm connected to you more now. I think if you told that a little more often, especially leading into, you know, you talked about your, your girl early on, and now it's your wife, and now you're about to have your own child. Like, that's a huge story. And again, because Mike and I, our kids kind of saved our lives, and that's what we fight for, and that's the most important things in our lives. I don't know. Do you purposely not tell that part of the story, or is it just not been highlighted yet?


I don't know. I just. I turned well on the past too much. Like, you know, it is what it is at the end of the day. Like, my girls family is great. We spent a ton of time with them, and, yeah, I don't know. I mean, my. I've made my own decisions as far as, like, finding all the good people to be around, you know, my team, my coach since day one. You know, I don't know. I try not to dwell on it and really just focus on the now, you know, like, I'm genuinely happy. Like, I went from, you know, being in pretty rough spots and not super content with everything. Like, that's. That's usually what I think of. Like, when I first started fighting, like, I I just had a lot of, you know, angst, I guess. Like, I wanted to get that out and, you know, hurting other people, I guess, was the move for that. But, you know, now it's transition. Like, now I'm here, I'm a competitor. Like, I'm more grounded in reality, and, like, I'm happier. I don't know. I just try not to dwell on all the bullshit in the past and, yeah, living the now, like, I'm happy.


I have a great life, and, yeah, I don't know. Maybe I should talk about a little more.


But wise beyond your years, chase, I'll say that because you're right. You know, it doesn't define you. You know? I mean, now you've. You've used it to your advantage, and you're doing big things. That was the best performance of your career Saturday night, man. I mean, you looked so good. Vasya slev borscht, for those people that don't know, is a monster on the feet. Over 200 professional kickboxing fights, good, solid grappling defense. And you and I like Vaslev, so I've got to pick my words carefully because he's such a likable dude. You mauled him from start to finish. And not only mauled him, you drop him. I think it was a massive left hand. You sit him down straight away and fair play to him because he had really good defense on the ground, and he was fighting that whole time until you got the finish. But talk me through it. How good did it feel when you landed that shot and all that good stuff?


Yeah, I mean, honestly, one of my main training partners is a heavyweight, so I like, it's. Honestly, it's great for the wrestling because I have to set those shots up. So I end up him with overhands a lot. And, like, I think in the video, if you watch it back, like, I double throw it, because a lot of times he would move out of the way, and then I hit him with the second one and then use that to transition to the shot. Just cause, like, a big ass dude like that, I can't. Can't be a slouch on the shot, or, you know, I'm gonna get sprawled on and my back's gonna hurt the next day or, you know, that night, whatever. But no, that felt amazing. Like, really, like, in the morning shakeout, we were getting a lot of that type of stuff, too. A lot of that left hand landing. I really felt like the beginning of the fight. I felt like Slava was doing a really good job of staying just outside of my range, but I kind of allowed him to walk me into the cage a little bit. I felt like I ended up doing that a little, this camp, because that's kind of what I wanted.


I wanted him to kind of come in a little more, feel a little more comfortable.


And then.


Yeah. So he just kind of edged right inside of the pocket, and I was able to fake that shot. I felt like he was really waiting for the shot. I felt like he was waiting for me to shoot, like, start wrestling, which I'm sure, you know, it makes sense, but that was really also my goal. You know, on the flip side of it is, like, do not shoot immediately. That's exactly what he wants you to do. So I kind of had to, you know, let him come in a little more. And then threw that overhand and, I mean, yeah, it was the one of those little light bulb flash moments where I was like, oh, shit, I guess that landed. Let's get on it. And then you see the little flash in your head, like, okay, maybe this could be over. Like, maybe I could finish it right quick. Um, and then, uh, yeah, no, like you said, um, and to his credit, I knew this. I think I said it in the. The, uh, you know, meetings with you guys before the fight is I knew he was going to be tough. Um, mentally, like, I knew it was going to be a tough guy.


Like, he's not going to just, you know, crumple under the pressure or, you know, if I hit a good shot or if I get in a good position and I'm beating him up. Like, he's constantly in the fight. And that's what I respect about him. Um, but, yeah, I just kind of had to pour on the shots. I think subs were really kind of the plan b on that, just because I thought TKo, tko him was gonna be a little easier. But, you know, neither Keith nor Slava were going to give it to me easy to fucking.


Keith wasn't Keith Peterson. Let him take one hell of a beating.


That's why I like having Keith Peterson is one of my reps, because I know by the time he stops it, I'll be ready to be done. If I'm in a bad spot, I'll be happy to be out of there. There's no early stop, or your opponent's.


Going to get tired hitting you in the face.


Yeah. Were you. Were. You felt pretty confident then going in and striking with him, and you feel like you're really growing there. I thought you were great. But, like, you feel comfortable, though?


Yeah, I mean, I did a lot of. I found a lot of, like, boxing kind of more sparring partners, more strikers that were going to try and walk me down and just beat me up in the pocket. I mean, obviously, I knew, um, Slava was kind of on a different level as far as, like, just, you know, the pedigree of his striking, being a k one level guy. Um, I. I knew he was going to be tougher, and he did get off a little quick combo. I was like, damn, he's fast. But, uh, faster than I was expecting a little bit. But, um. No, I felt like the nice thing is, he is a boxer, so he had to be in the boxing range, which is, you know, just another little half step in for me to start grappling and then so I was really just trying to work on the shots. Work, work my wrestling a ton this camp, and, you know, thankfully, I didn't need to use it a ton. But, yeah, I was ready for a rough night. I was expecting to get a lot more beat up.


Well, if you just keep knocking them down, you don't have to worry about the takedown.


Yeah, I mean, that's what Jens Pulver told me that one time. He was like, I used to have to wrestle everybody, and then when I figured I could start knocking people out, I stopped wrestling. Wrestling.


And that's when everybody stops wrestling. It takes a hell of a lot less energy to drop someone with one of them and say, wrestling. I get to the canvas. You know what I'm saying? It's a lot, lot easier to just bing. Little left hook. Down you go. So what do we want next? Chase, you're on a three fight win streak. You're 23. You're looking phenomenal. Performance of your lifetime, the submissions, sure. Anthony agrees. As a jujitsu guy, this. The transitions part of me Saturday night were sublime. They really were. So who do you want next? This is not the UFC. There's not 20,000 people watching live. But it will get about 100,000 views on YouTube alone. So call your fucking shot. Shoot your shot. Don't make it Conor McGregor. And don't call his mama home.


No, no. I mean, I mentioned a certain brave fella. I know he's probably a little unattainable right now. I know they're trying to get him probably top 15 guy. I don't know. There's a. There's a lot of vets out there. I would have loved the Claudio Puez fight as well.




He's the one. He beat Jordan Levitt as well. And he also knee barred clay. Rita. I, on the other hand, finish Jordan. Also cast slicer Clay in a grappling match. Oh, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah.


There's parallels.


He's a grappler. He's a leg lock guy. I think that'd be a fun fight. And who do you just fight? Farazyam, I think.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I don't. My pronunciation might be a little off, but before with hooker, I would have loved that fight as well. That'd be a fun one for sure. Get a leg lock exchange.


So you got a baby on the way? When?


And she's boy or girl?


Oh, yeah, it's a girl. She's due June 17. So, like, talking to matchmakers before, we were just like, hey, I cannot fight in June. It's got to be before. And that's what they gave us, so, I mean, it works out perfectly.


Honestly, Anthony, are you scared?


Anthony's got four girls.


I do.


Like a four daughter does. Anyone that can give advice on being the father of a daughter is the great Lionheart Smith. Anthony, what would you say?


Uh, honestly, I think girls, I don't. I don't know any different because I don't have any boys, but, um, I think I've heard. And from what I know, my sister has. Has boys. I think girls are easier. Um, but be ready to get bossed around. I'm a. I'm like an abused spouse in this household, man. It's all. All girls. I'm just told what to do and picked on. So get used to that shit.


Fair enough.


Oh, yeah. I was gonna ask that.


Yeah. We're naming her Ellie.




My daughter's called out. It's a solid choice. All right, well, listen, Chase, thank you for joining us today. Really appreciate it. Honestly, Saturday night, that was a phenomenal performance. It really was. So congratulations. Looking forward to your next one. Congratulations on everything that you've achieved and you know where you are today, given what you shared with us before. And thank you for that, by the way. So, yeah. Got to do this again, brother.


Yeah. Thank you. Appreciate your guys's time and great talking to you.


Hey, Chase, if you. I don't typically give a whole shit ton of advice, but if you get the chance to keep sharing your story, I think you should. I think it's. I think it's motivating to. Makes you seem more like a regular person than someone that just everyone sees on tv that's doing something spectacular so you get the chance. I'm sure that that would help out a lot of people.


Fair enough. I appreciate it.


Thanks for coming on.


And just on that is it. Obviously, you care for your parents, so you don't want to shame them. Is that a part of it?


Um. I don't know. It's just. Yeah, it is what it is. Like, I don't really talk to either of them anymore, and I don't know. I guess it's just me, like, trying to move on a little, I guess. But, yeah, no, I mean, it's probably good to let people know like that. That's my thing is, training was always my. My solace. At the end of the day, that was the thing that kept me going, so, you know, somebody else might need that, too.


Correct. And you touched on it that because it will inspire other people for sure. Anyway, Chase, you're the man. Big fan. Take care, brother. Have a good day.


Appreciate it.


All the best. All the best. You're absolutely right, because I didn't know that about chase at all. He just seems, you know, he's like a goofy kid. He comes on the scene. He's very, very talented and all the rest of it.


And then when you, you know, that's always the joke. Oh, that's been doing.


They were doing that for a while, the whole Ben asker thing. Yeah, you buy. Because it does. It helps people, and I get it. He doesn't want to shit on his parents. I don't know. He said, maybe it's not that he doesn't want to let it define him, but it does help people resonate and connect.


Yeah. I was, like, connected to him immediately. Like, well, holy shit, of course. Of course. Like, yeah, it makes a lot of sense now that you kind of look at his career. Like, man, this. He's had some struggles. He's been in some tough spots, but, like, the kid fights his ass off, and he's never, like, given up or quitting. Like, you know, there was. I don't remember who he fought, but he had a real tough out one time, and as bad as it was. Yeah, Steve Garcia hit a tough one, but he kept getting up and he kept coming forward, and it's like, what's wrong with this kid? Now I see it. Like, now it makes sense.


Peterson, maybe it was that one. Who cares?


It doesn't matter either way. Was in just a tough spot. It was like, what is. Why is this kid to sit the fuck down? Like, stop taking it? Like, now I get it. Like, he didn't know any better. He doesn't know any different. Like, he just fights even when he's maybe his brains telling him not to. His body doesn't know any different. I don't. I just found myself super connected to him there while he was talking.


Yeah, yeah. No, no, no. Absolutely.


I got you, kid. I get you, kid.


I get you as well. So, Harrington, before we get to questions, is there anything that we need to get to? We've talked about John Fury headbutting people in the lobby. What is the craziest kind of similar. Similar situation to that, you think? What's the wildest one? I mean, McGregor with the dolly, you know? Right. We kind of crazy bullshit stuff. McGregor with the doll is a big one. Harrington and Brian, feel free to jump on.


There have been some boxing kos during, like, weigh ins or face offs that are wild.


Yeah. Well, Mike Tyson, I mean, he had some doozies.


Well, there was that press conference. There's that press conference that got canceled from Hanzat. Kevin Holland, Diaz. When Tony and Diaz ended up main eventing.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


They were all fighting. Jeremy Stevens with the push at the weigh ins that knocked his opponent out.


No, I heard his neck hurt.


His neck? Yeah.


Close. Who was that? I don't know.


It was close.


Maybe it was Jakarta.


Jakarta. Close. Yeah, yeah.


Jeremy rested, like weigh in day one time.


Jeremy Stevens. No, I know, I remember that. I was working the show for Fox Sports. I was like, this is wild. This gives us a lot to talk about here. What else? What else?


I mean, Diaz throwing the. Throwing the monsters at each other during, bro.


We're talking about John Fury headbutting people. We're not talking about two people throwing a couple of water bottles and pushing somebody at the Waynes. Hamilton. Terrible examples so far. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We need violence. Okay, what about police? Say again?


What about when Tyson drop kicked that guy?


Mike Tyson?




Dropkick somebody.


I feel like he. I'm gonna. I'm gonna have to look, you just.


Made that shit up.


Yeah, I'll give you.


What about that time Mike Tyson drop.


Kicked a guy one time, stabbed someone, but they tried it? Yeah, yeah. You might want to lay low. What film. You don't know what film that is because you haven't seen it. It's called Anchorman. You need to go to see that really escalated by. This episode is sponsored by Shopify, which is going to take your business, whatever it is, online. It's going to allow you access to the worldwide global market. And Shopify simplifies everything selling online or in person, so you can focus on growing your business successfully. Shopify covers every sales channel from an in person PoS system to an all in one e commerce platform. It even lets you sell across social media marketplaces like TikTok, Facebook. Instagram is packed with industry leading tools so you can ignite your growth. Shopify gives you complete control over your business and your brand without having to learn any new skills in design or code. And there is 24/7 help and an extensive business library course if you want to do that. Shopify is there to support your success every single step of the way. And what's incredible to me about Shopify is how no matter how big you want to grow, Shopify is there to empower you with the confidence and control to revolutionize your business and take that business to the next level.


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I'll say this. Harrington, jump back on. I'll say this. That is the only time you haven't done that flawlessly. No, you know what I mean? Typically, you would nail that. I remember when we did it with Adam and Nick from BT Sport, when you did that bit in the room. They were like, whoa, this guy's professional.


He started drinking over the weekend. So that explains it.


Harrison, I tried to call you earlier, man. You don't call nobody back or what? No, you.


You know what the deal is.


My phone is my phone. Come on.


Safely watched over by the people at the DC airport, lost and found.


I don't know what happened. What happened?


Oh, I just. I had to deal with a baby and a very sick wife on a. On a layover. Never do a layover on the flight home.




That's amateur rookie 101 stuff. And in the course of that, my phone disappeared.


Well, typically I would laugh, but last week when I flew to St. Louis, Missouri, I left my laptop on the plane. So I'm in no position to be talking shit.


Did you get it back?


I did. Thank God. I was nervous. I went down the airport, Lori Sanko, because I put in a report, and they were like, we'll respond to you within 30 days. I was like, what the hell? And then at the fight of meeting Psycho, said that when she did that, she just went straight down to the airport and showed up. And because it's still there, it hasn't gone into the system to fly off to head office or whatever, you know what I'm saying? So I went down there and I said, yeah, I left my laptop. They looked, they went off. They came back. First of all, they said, can you come back in an hour? I said, I can't. Well, I'll give you a nice tip, and you deal with me. Now. She goes, all right, just give me five minutes. She comes back, she says, no. Oh, no. She says, we did have one laptop. I'm like, it's gotta be. It pulls it out. Boom. I'm like, oh, you son of a bitch. Wasn't that then she says, hold on. What time did you get in? I said, like, 11:00 p.m. Hold on. Comes back.


But I was like, yes.


How much?




Oh, you didn't tip her?


I tried to. She wouldn't take it.


Oh, so God bless that woman.


It was nice of her. It was, it was, it was. Um. All right, Brian, first question we have.


Here is from Joey.


Lou is Joey from Evansville, Indiana, USA. My question is about the UFC video games. How included are you guys in the process of making those? Do you get to choose your moves? Do you get the approval, or do they kind of choose that for you based on your. Your previous fights? Also, how surreal is it to be in a video game? It's got to be cool for Colomb and Lucas and Anthony's daughters to be able to pick up a controller and be their dad. That's awesome. So, yeah, how surreal is it? How included are you guys in the process? And please bring back Brian's conspiracy corner, at least sometimes, even if you don't agree, Michael, it's fun to see the dynamic and the conversation between you guys. And don't worry about a co host whenever Anthony's not there, because Harrington's an awesome choice and we love them. So, yeah, Anthony back in the winter circle, my man. Thank you guys for every show.


Well, well, my friend, thank you for the question. I appreciate it. We need to get you another pin. Let's go with the many pins on your jacket that says, I'm Team Harrington and Brian. Conspiracy corner. We'll be back on the next episode. Brian. Get you thinking? Are your conspiracy hats on, please. How cool was it for your children to see you in a video game?


Yeah, the video games. Cool. Like, them being, like. Being able to even just see myself in a video game is unreal. It's crazy in terms of how much input we have.




Zero. None.


The input we have is where we fight.


If I did, it would be so goddamn slow, I'll tell you that.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's your rating on the game? I don't know what mine is either.


I don't.


Can you do me a favor?


He's got unreal. He's got unreal. My character's got unreal power. Pretty good durability. Slow as a tortoise.


Is he really? Oh, God. I think I'm 89. Something like that, which is probably.


I'm probably, like, 47. I don't know. No, I don't know what it is.


My kids have not let on that their father is in a video game. Never give me any credit what, so bloody ever.


Mine fight me with Jon Jones all the time.


Oh, do they?


Yeah, I think it's. Yeah, they think it's hilarious.


Yeah. Yeah. Callum Lucas, to be fair, has done, like, a career mode as me for a while, and he was like, you're not very good dad. You know, you're not the best character to play with, if I'm honest, you know? So I'm sorry. In terms of input, I remember when we first started doing it, we did some stills and stuff like that, but they don't need to. They don't need to. Brian, what else have we got, buddy?


So I was just looking up rankings. Every list I find is just the top five fighters in every division. So. Sorry, I'm. It's going to take a little bit more digging. I don't find it for next time.


Jamie would have found it.


I'm sorry.


In a second.


Hundred percent.


And I'm not getting ripping on you, but let me ask you this. Anthony and Brad, stay on. Yeah. And in fact, Harrington as well. So, like, this morning was a perfect example of this. If I need to know something and I google it on my phone, my Google search is pretty spot on to what I need. You know, I'll pick the keywords, I'll type it super quick, and all the rest of it. And this morning, I was doing something else and I needed to know something to go on the page that I was on. So I'm like, babe, just Google something. And it was the most simple. Google. Whenever a woman Google something, it's a slow process. How is this taking so goddamn long? Wait, I'm like, forget it. I'll do it myself and I'll still get it quicker.


I've ever heard in my whole life. I don't know. Google this phone number real quick and you type it in. Wow. Why? I'll say it. Yeah. That is so true.


Oh, God.


Yeah, but my God, that's so funny. They're great.


25 years.


What about you, Bright Harrington? How's the Googling abilities?


I mean, my wife is. My wife's a fellow producer, so that she's used to it. That being said, that being said, though, it's. It does get kind of testy at times. And a lot of just. Here, you do it. You want. You want to know that bet here.




Throw a phone to me.


I'm trying to. Anyway, whatever. Brian, give us a question.


We got red from the UK here.




What's going on, guys? Is red here from the UK? My question is, do you guys believe in fate? Because I think the stars are aligned for Dustin Poirot to get it done against Islam. I've got a funny feeling he is one of the best lightweights we have ever seen. He just hasn't ticked one box. We've seen the Strickland moments. We've seen the Leon Edwards moments. Are we going to see DP get his moment come June time? Jake, thank you for the question. Brian, real quick, can you just Google on Instagram and this is not a joke to the last bit. Remember that? That guy's voice? Casuals corner. I think that's what it is. MMA or something. Is a guy that. It sounds like the same guy.


Is it the same guy?


Well, I don't think it is, but it sounds just like him. I'm giving the guys.


I'm not doing your goddamn article for you then, dude. Write your own story.


What is it? Casual corner. Mma. Play one of the videos. Give me some sound. Not that one.


I am currently in a market which is about an hour away from Bangkok. And this is called Little India. And this place is incredible because anything that you need in regards to fabric, clothes.


I thought it was him. For a second it sounded like him. Anyway, what was the question?


I was, do we believe in fate? And as a DP's time, I don't know. Do you believe in fate, Mike?


Destiny would be another word.


Believe, achieve, conceive.


It's a tricky one. I think to a certain degree I do. I. And. And what? And that doesn't mean that I think Dustin Poirier is going to become the champ. Because what Dustin Poirier has accomplished already is what he might have been destined to do. Dustin Poirier was always destined to be a great fighter.




Are you saying, so, like, maybe his fate is the end of exactly where he is right now?


Yeah. Dustin Poirier was always destined to be a fan favorite, to make money with his fists. He was always destined. His life, it was always going to look like that of a fighter, of someone that was good, that was going to be one of the best. Does that mean that he becomes the champion? I don't know. Because you could say he's already made millions of dollars. He's already been an interim champion of the world. He's already set financially. When he's done, he's already.


Goddamn. How much do you want, Dustin?


Is that how much more do you want? You're taking everything I work for, save.


Some for the rest of us. So.


So I think I do, to a certain degree, believe in that type of stuff. But does that mean that he beats Islam Maha chef? I don't know.


I don't know. I'm. I echo exactly what you said. I don't know. I don't know. I don't. I'm sure we'll dig into it when he gets a little closer.


But, bro, do you believe in destiny? That is the question.


Yeah. Yeah, maybe. No, not really.


Thank you. Bloody answer.


Well, I'm just, like, thinking about it. No, you don't. You get wherever you get. Like, that's just. And you can that up pretty easily.


And good old get down.


Yeah, well, I mean, is there is people's destiny to end up in prison? Like, probably not. That's where a lot of people end up when they get up. So, like, I think you got to control your own destiny.


You're a master of your own destiny. And not trying to be cheesy with you, but you.


Yeah, I'm not trying to be like some. Some guru, but like. No, yeah. I don't think anybody's destinies end up in ship situations and homeless and hungry and. Or in prison. I think you got to make your own destiny and make your own smart decisions to get yourself where you want to be. Which is exactly what Dustin Poirier has to do, has to do and has done up to this point. He's got one more.


You can have destiny, you can have fortune or whatever kind of circumstantial situations on your side. But like we said before, it's about giving a shit. It's about trying. It's about being disciplined, making the most of opportunities that present themselves, or it's about creating opportunities if no opportunities present themselves.


Sometimes you get. Sometimes you get lucky, but that only works if you put yourself in the right positions leading up to that point. Like, I don't remember who said it, the harder you work, the luckier you get. Like, maybe. Maybe Dustin gets lucky and has a couple bad first rounds and slips a punch and bangs the left hand and puts him down. Like, a little bit of luck involved with a lot of hard work leading up to that point. Like, maybe that's what you can call fate or luck or destiny or whatever, but I'm a firm believer you. You. You end up exactly where you put yourself.


I completely agree. You know, it's like I always said this about my own career, and I'm not trying to talk about myself, but it's my life that I've lived.




I always say, because, you know, when I talk to somebody that knows nothing about MMA, and I would say, yeah, you know, and I had a bit of luck along the way as well. And people often are quick to shoot that down. Oh, well, no, I'm sure. And Rebecca does as well. No, no, you worked hard. You worked hard. I'm like, yeah, I did, no question. But there was a bit of luck along the way as well.




I got chosen for the ultimate fire. I came, I was ten. Oh. In the UK, right. When they were looking for somebody from the UK to open that market, stuff like that. Now, granted, I was given those opportunities and I had to win the fights, because if I lost a few fights, then they would have got someone else in there real quick. But there was a little bit of luck along the way as well.


Yeah. Sometimes the cards fall your way and sometimes, no matter how hard you work and you can do everything right. And sometimes they fall the other way.




Is how it goes. And I think everything in life, there's just a little bit of luck. Being in the right place at the right time and flows and taken advantage of the opportunities. Sometimes the opportunities. Tad, bit lucky sometimes.


Ebbs and flows, peaks and valleys, ups and downs. Give me some more highs and lows.


Highs and lows. That was a good one. Peaks and valleys.


Said that one already. Brian or Harrington, we're finishing the show on this. Anything to add? Peaks and lows? Highs, ebbs and flows.


Where this comes and goes.


Where we're going, we don't need roads. See you on Monday, everyone. Sorry, not Monday, Thursday. Take care. Bye.