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You're listening to believe you, me with.


Michael the Count Bisbing and Anthony Lionheart Smith.


How you feeling, Anthony?


I'm tired, Mikeall well and good to say. As long as Dana's cool with it, I'm good. He talks to everybody. Everything you do in the back, every interaction you have with the doctors, with any of the blue shirts, with any of the pr people, with the security guys, anybody who works for the UFC, if you treat them badly, Dana will know about it. And I. And I wish more fighters understood that. Like, treat the people that help you, that you think don't matter the best, because they'll help you the most when you really need it, but they're also going to be the ones that stick up for you if someone else says something negative about you.Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's a real shame. He's 23, so he'll learn from this. He'll mature, because, you know, as I said, there's no defending him, but I'm not here to rip on him. But what you just said is absolutely right. You know, and I don't know about these instances, but when I was at the airport, I was speaking to just want to see it.Yeah.Not because I question it, because I don't. I. I just want to. I kind of think we just want. I think we all want more Tom Aspinall, you're like, because we're so excited when he gets in there and it's.Like, yeah, I want to see him go through adversity. I want to see him get dropped by an Anderson silver flying near the end of round three and see what he can do in four. I want to see him sweating and his lungs burning. I want to see him have to earn all that money that he's making. Tom, he's having it far, far too easy right now, but that's because he is that good. I've always said this since day one. Curtis, stylistically, on paper, tough matchup. I was confident quietly in my mind. I did favor Tom in a pretty big fashion, but it dropped him with a goddamn jab side down the jab the ride had missed. What did you think of the stoppage?I was good with it. I thought it was a tad bit early, but only because Curtis wasn't doing the things and making the movements like he was gonna get up. Could he have let. Because I believe it was Goddard. Right? It was. Mark was the referee. I understand why McGaughter stepped in a little bit early. He probably could have gotten away with letting him take four or five more. But I don't see any reason why Curtis wasn't. He wasn't intelligently defending himself. He wasn't going through the actions and making the motions like he was going to get back to his knees and start turtle. And he worked his way back up or whatever he was. Ia good chance of that anyway. And I don't think the outcome of the fight was going to change.So, no, when you're, you know, your belly down and your elbows are like this, and he wasn't even really covering, like, you got to make the motion to get your elbows back so that you can start working your way to your knees so that you can turtle. Now, while that's happening, you're taking absolute bombs the whole time, but that's the trade off. You can lay there and cover and hold your head, but that's not an intelligent defense. That's just defending and waiting for it to be over. You have to remove your hands from your head so that you can use your elbows to walk yourself back. He wasn't doing any of that. He was belly down, flat pressure on his hips. He wasn't even lifting his. He wasn't even raising his hips like he was trying to bring a knee up. Goddard knows exactly what he's looking at. Curtis didn't make, and I like Curtis and I don't want to seem like I'm kind of piling on after a loss, but he didn't make one single move that was going to get him out of that position. So I think Goddard stepped in and saved him from a couple shots he didn't need to take.He landed a couple of good shots, though, at the start. Landed a nice one. Two. Tom. Sure he's got a chin, he's taken some shots before, but to your point, I do want to see Tom getting pushed. The problem is, I honestly don't believe there's anyone that can do that. And if you just look at the competition, look at the rankings. Let's forget about Stipe and Jon Jones. Okay. If you take them out of it right now, because neither of them have fought in years. I mean, he's had one fight in four years against Cyril Garne. If you look at everyone else who is there that's going to do that, there's nobody. I mean, Cyril Garne on the feet. If he could stop a takedown, but Tom, Tom Aspinall for a bit. He was over at the gym and he said, the speed of him, though, dad, it was unreal in like, the grappling transitions and stuff. He said that's what really blew his mind. He's strong. He's got the knockout power. He's got the chin because Curtis cracked him with a couple of shots, didn't even blink, you know? But the good news is he's going to be the backup fighter.Madison Square Garden. And then he gets the winner, which, I mean, it's not a surprise, is it? But it's nice to know that that is finally on the cards. I kind of feel for Tom in one regard because he's not getting the frequency of fights. I mean, that'll be two. Well, it won't even be two. It might be a backup fighter for a fight that's probably not going to happen.Mm hmm.And so that'll be one fight this year.Yeah. So that's actually was just chit chatting with Tom's dad. And that's his biggest issue is he just wants him more active because you only get better and only you only really figure out what you need to fix when you're doing it real time. So he, he's not getting the frequency of fights. And I said, well, I mean, that's kind of the, you know, that's the issue you run into when you're at the top of your game. Even you get into the top ten. You don't get to fight as often as you want because only a handful of guys you can fight and some of them are booked and you got to wait on them and you're waiting on a guy or you're waiting on a fight to happen because you're going to get the winner, but then the winner gets hurt. So that, like, it's kind of a, it does tend to turn into a mess sometimes. You don't get to fight as often as you want.Yeah, that's why, you know, Israel Adesanya, his schedule as a champion was really, really unheard of before. I mean, he was fighting every four months or so, you know, I don't know what it was, but it was very, very regular. And as champion, you just don't get that. You don't see that, you know, so, but anyway, back to Tom. Yeah, John's Esteepe, I was with him. I spoke to him afterwards and I'm kind of annoyed because I went straight to the airport and he was having a big party on Sunday at his house. He invited all the guys from TNT sports, Adam and Nick.Yeah.And he's having a chef on, they're having food on and everything. I'm like, you bastards, now you tell me to, I'm about to bloody go home. I would love to go back and party with the goddamn champ. I called Tom this morning, he never picked up. I'm assuming, I'm assuming he's catching up on some sleep. I spoke to him about the fight time because I said to him on Friday, I said, what you need to do, tom. I said, here's what I'm going to do tonight because I'm commentating obviously nowhere near as stressful, but mentally taxing when you're commentating for 7 hours straight and I've got to have my wits about me. I said, I'm just going to go to bed normal time, get up relatively early, have a workout, do my thing, because I don't have to be at the arena till 930. And then I'll probably take a nap around 06:00. If I was you, I'd do a similar thing. He said, yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to do. He tried to do that said, he couldn't sleep on the day because he was just running through every single scenario in his mind.He said, whatever Curtis did, I was ready, because the anxiety before the fire, I had literally run through every single. In my mind, he said, I've been there mentally, regardless of whatever he did. Well done. Tom Aspinall, man. Unreal. Absolutely unbelievable.Yeah, I thought it was. It was impressive. It was impressive. So it's good on Tom.It always is. It always is. All right. This episode is sponsored by Hexclad Cookware, where innovation meets culinary excellence. Hex clad cookware is designed to simplify your time in the kitchen while adding a touch of elegance to every single meal. Hexclad has changed the cookware industry with an all in one hybrid pan that gives you the convenience and cleanup of nonstick, the versatility of grandma's cast iron, and the durability to last a lifetime. Yes, a lifetime warranty. 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Today, Thursday, Arnold. Let me see. Main event. Bilal Mohammed. He said he was going to be faster. He was going to be better on the feet. He was going to be the better wrestler. Of course he was going to beat him. Everyone kind of scoffed. Leon definitely scoffed. He laughed at him. And I spoke to Bilal and I was like, it seems like you really hate Leon. Why is that? And then when I heard his answer, I kind of got it. I kind of understood. He said, well, because I've been. Now I'm ten fights undefeated. I Yeah.But what was that about sheep? I caught sheep.I said, yeah, yeah. I was just saying, in Wales, they call them sheep shaggers.That's right, yeah.Why?There's sheep everywhere, and it's like a. It's known as, like, off quite. I don't know, like a numbers going on. So they just. If you're not shagging your cousin, you shagging a sheep. That's what people say, you know, we're.Not shagging any sheep on this show. Good to everybody. I was just saying, congrats on Saturday night. We'll get to that in just a minute. I was telling Anthony, you've got a big personality. So the moment I first met you at UFC 298 fire week, I was like, we're going to get this guy on the podcast sometime, because you are a fun guy to talk to, mate. Congratulations, buddy. I will sign the night for you.I'm landed. Like we spoke about, Mike. I'm landed. I treated it like it was nothing. You know what I mean?Just.Just used to. It. Went in well, and Bruce Red, my name, that. And it was. Everything was perfect. And, you know, I was just thinking, he's all, spoiler nest. No chance. Yeah, no way.I found myself. I mean, I started to cut you off. I found myself a little bit jealous, like, watching it when he would get. Because there's. I'll just be honest. I'm a jujitsu guy, so, yeah, someone gets deep. I'm fighting the takedown. Like, there's a lot of times, like, it. We'll just go, like, I'll just go with it. But, like, watching that, I don't know that. I think Max effort is the way. Is the best way to explain it. Like, when he was deep, I thought, oh, I'd just let him have it. At that point. We just start grappling. I'll work my way up if that's what I need to do. And you were like, no way. I'm not like that kind of shit. What, to me, is inspiring. I like, it was. It's inspiring to see.Yeah. Now, thank you. Thank you very much for that. Me, um. I don't know what it is. Uh, I've got a. For so hard to get here now. I'm just thinking, like, my last fight, I got dropped in the first 30 seconds. And at that time, I was thinking, nah, this. You know, you're not pinching this off me now, may, I've come so far now. So that's the cut. That's how I'm. That's how we see these fights now. I'm. I'm just defending this position I'm in with everything of everything I've got. You know what I mean? So, yeah, that's. I guess. I guess I didn't even know as much technique or skill to it. I was just refusing to give a inch in that fight. You know what I mean?Yeah, yeah, no, I know exactly what you're saying. Oh, man. When we first spoke, you came into the fighter meetings and you shared a bit of your. Your background. You know, you talked to me about your father. You know, sadly, he's no longer with us. And, you know, that's such a driving force in what you do. Would you mind sharing a bit of your story with people? Because obviously, you've had two fights in the UFC now, but there might be some people watching this podcast that maybe aren't familiar with you. So do you want to just, you know, just give us a bit of your backstory and your path to coming here and being here today.Forgive me if I get a quivering lit now like I did at that.No, that's what I want for the views. Bells for the views.Yeah. I hope I don't.Right.I'll be self kick myself, you know. I want to keep a stiff like my grandfather. My grandfather tells me to keep a stiff upper lip, but yeah, basically. So my father, like, he loved, he loved fighting. Loved the fighting sports. But like I told you back when I told you at that fighter meeting, it's not like he pursued it as a professional career. It was more like a. It was a bit of like a gangster really, in like the eighties, you know. You know, it's like maybe the Adam and Clitheroe, you got them boys you don't fuck with on the street. They got their connections and all that, so. And when I was obviously, um, growing up as such a young boy, that's all my father would do is. Is instill this. I had to be trained and I had to be training the martial arts, boxing, judo, taekwondo, whatever that may be. And then, um, to cut a long story short, basically we moved house and he took his own life. And growing up, going to these training sessions, I used to hate it because all my, all my friends would be playing rugby, they'd be playing football.But I was going to these sports, you know, I was like crying, getting punched. And I didn't, I didn't enjoy it one bit. But after he died, it was kind of the tribute that, you know, my mother would always say, this is exactly what your father would want, is for you to keep going, keep doing it. So just to kind of deal with the trauma, to be honest, for as long as I can remember, I would just keep turning up to these. To these sessions. And it was kind of a way of just keeping my conscience clean, to know that I was doing what he'd wanted. But then somewhere along the line, I fell in love with it and I never did. So this maybe feels still here. Maybe I wouldn't even be in this position now, but somewhere along the line I fell in love with it. And I've just my main goal. And I struggled a lot when I was a kid. Boys. Right, I'll open up here if, you know, for whoever doesn't. For whoever doesn't know. But I struggled a lot as a kid. I was struggling to deal with it, my mental.How old were you when he passed, if you don't mind me?I was only. I was seven years old, but that's all I had in my mind every day, was reliving that night. He went, you know what I mean? Um, I can't, you know, gory details are owning. I won't go into that. But, yeah, that's cool. I was. It was just a. It was just a. It would just haunt me. I just couldn't deal with it. And then when I was in the fighting gym, I felt myself like, you know, my day to day life was improving the more I trained. So I kept training. It was like a coping way. And then I started fighting, started competing, and I kind of sat there one day and said to myself, I fell in love with the UFC. And I thought, you know, if I can get there and I can. I can keep this going and I can get there and make money and put my. Put my dad's name up in lights and put my family name up in lights and make all that grief worth something. If I can at least get there and do it, then at least something has come out of this.That's kind of what I always told myself. And lo and behold, I get a contender series call up, and it was like, when it, you know, it's like a fit fight for a contract kind of thing. And I literally said on my thing, you'll have to take me out in a box before he takes his chance off me. Then I get to my UFC debut, and I'm thinking, mate, you're not, you know, I mean, did you kind of get the perspective?Yeah.Are you kind of seeing it from my point of view now? So now I'm here. It's like, that's the worst thing anyone could have done, if you ask me, because now I'm here. You're gonna have to. You're gonna have to do something drastic to get rid of me because I'm just way too stubborn to give this position up. You know what I mean? I hope I paint the picture.No, no. It does all ban, and I think it's incredible that you, at that age, had to go through that, and now you're here because.Thank you.I'm not too dissimilar, and Anthony's the same. And I think a lot of the fighters on the roster, obviously, we didn't lose a parent at that young age, but talking about, you know, finding ourselves and finding a path and finding a purpose, and I think the UFC, just that promotion, and there's lots of other promotions, but the UFC is the main one is responsible for, in a way, saving so many lives. I know it saved my life and. I know.Yeah. I mean, it absolutely saved mine. It.Yeah. Well, boys, we all share them.Yeah.Share it. We all share it.What. What did it feel like? Like, so I remember. I remember this moment very clearly for me, but what it. You talked about putting your family name up in lights and, like, the first thing that popped in my head is, I wonder what it felt like when you're walking. Walking out in Manchester and, you know those things that go all the way around the arena, it's got your name on it and, like, your face is up on the screen and, like, what does that feel like? Well, after thinking about it so many times, you know what I mean?Yeah. After thinking about and seeing it, where it got me was in Anaheim on my debut, because I was actually there. I looked up, I was like, oh, my God. It was like a. It was that. I don't know how I even kept it together in our fight and, you know, emotionally, because it all just kind of hit me. It was like. It was like 20 years passed me by and in the blink of an eye when I was actually there, you know, and, um, it was like. It's like a surreal out of body experience. It's like I'm watching myself in a dream. I still feel like that now. Manchester, when I was doing that, it was just like, take all of this in because I might wake up in a minute. Take all of this in because before. But knowing my luck, I'm gonna wake up and I'll be like, you know, I'll be in hospital, some drunken accident or some. But when I was there and it happened, I don't know, man. It was just so I finally. And knows me now. I'm finally at peace. And that's because I'm finally doing my thing in the UFC.And I guess that's quite a risky way to put your happiness, even your day to day happiness, to put that. Put. Put it in the hands of, you know, how successful my fighting career is. But for me.It'S natural, mate, because you cut from that cloth, you're that type of person. And so many of us, it's the same thing. We put so much of our identity into what we can do with our hands when we're younger on the streets. I know you're from Murford, Tinville. I've never been there, but I hear number one, Bruce Buffer kind of butchered the name. Saturday night.It was at Murther Eadville.Tell me about Murphy Tidville, because I've heard, like, stories that's a tough little place, isn't it?Yeah. And then, and not, and if you ask anybody for the last, for the last 40 years, you know, all the older boys now say they'd be sitting their sixties, fifties, sixties. And a lot of them made the trip to my fight or my dad's friends. My dad was in a tough place. He was known as the tougher. And not that that's like anything to know in my, you know, mature state of mind that I'm in now, you know, being known as a tough guy, I guess, you know, there's other means and ways of going about life. Don't has been known as a tough guy, but in his era that's what it was all about, you know. I mean that's what you, that's what you did to get respect, to survive in some ways. You know what I mean? Not to sound corny, but that's just how it was. And , it would have been a scene in Manchester. So you got on one side of the town, you've got Bilal Mohammed and his crew going absolutely insane. You've got the welsh lads on the other side of the town in the toilet.Probably when all that kicked off in the fucking queueing up. They all had bad stomachs.Oh, they shit the pants.Yeah, one of them, you know. You know, that kind of bad stomach. All them. Not 24 hours on it.Oh, no.Yeah.Manchester would have been a. If all those groups of people came together that have been an absolute shit show.Yeah, it was. It's my last, but I was the toot in the game, you know?Yeah, I just. I really wouldn't know. I really wouldn't know. And to be honest, the way. The way I am, right. I'm like, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna say no to anyone. I never have said no to anyone. Like, I guess it depends what they want to do. Me, they're gonna build me up and feed me and feed me some, you know, favorable matchups. Preston passes wasn't exactly favorable. He was. He was on his. He's on his second contract with the UFC, so whoever's next, I'll be more than ready.Well, you're marketable. I don't get a great sense of humor.I don't see any personality.You're a good looking kid.Good looking.You know? Come on, give me a flex. Give me that bicep. Let's go.I don't think the camera's big enough to fit it in the.Is that your teddy bear by the side there? Oba?Yeah, that's my teddy bear. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.What's your teddy bear called?Oh, this one? Yeah, this is in my brother's room. So I don't actually know.It's okay.It's fun. I got. I got a teddy bear right over here, too. I'm in my daughter's room.My house called rollover Rollo. Mmm. But this one I don't actually know. I don't actually know that Teddy's name.That's okay. Don't worry. We'll let it slide. Oh, bad. I had to talk to you, man. I'm proud of what you did at the weekend. I'm proud you're making your family proud all bad, as well. Keep doing what you're doing. Keep your head down, work hard, follow a good diet. Enjoy yourself here and there, of course, because you got to. But you're on the verge of doing big, big things, right? And you're in charge. You're in charge of your destiny right now. You're young and you got the world at your fingertips, man. So don't waste this opportunity. Work your fucking ass off. Keep your head down, and all the best.Thank you so much. I heard every word you said then. Thank you. Thank you so much.Yeah. It was a pleasure getting to know you, man. It really was. I look forward to watching your journey.Good to chat to you properly as well. And, Mike, as always, thank you for everything. Thank you for everything.Get out of here. Piss off. Right. There he is. Oh, but I told you, he's got a good personality.What a cool dude. What a crazy story, too.Great guy. Great guy. All right, listen, we're gonna wrap this one up soon. Yeah, we're gonna wrap it up now. Thanks for watching, everyone. If you want to subscribe and ring the bell, please do so. What? What to. To what to. To what?I'll just. Peace out. You got doctors appointments.Get out of here. Bye. Send a question and send it into B. Rampart but I gotta go to the doctors, and I'm currently late. I got to get surgery on my pain. I'm in pain. Harriet, finish the show because I gotta go, bro. That's all you need to know. You and Anthony, you can do it. You can do it.Okay?I believe in you.All right.If you're listening on Spotify, iTunes, wherever you find podcast, make sure to subscribe. Leave us a five star rating, positive review. It really helps out on those platforms. If you're watching on YouTube, make sure to subscribe to the channel and you hit that notification bell to find out whenever a new video drops. And if you want to catch over 500 episodes, you can't find anywhere else. Completely ad free and totally uncensored. Head to use the promo code bym. Get a 20% off your membership.


all well and good to say. As long as Dana's cool with it, I'm good. He talks to everybody. Everything you do in the back, every interaction you have with the doctors, with any of the blue shirts, with any of the pr people, with the security guys, anybody who works for the UFC, if you treat them badly, Dana will know about it. And I. And I wish more fighters understood that. Like, treat the people that help you, that you think don't matter the best, because they'll help you the most when you really need it, but they're also going to be the ones that stick up for you if someone else says something negative about you.


Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's a real shame. He's 23, so he'll learn from this. He'll mature, because, you know, as I said, there's no defending him, but I'm not here to rip on him. But what you just said is absolutely right. You know, and I don't know about these instances, but when I was at the airport, I was speaking to just want to see it.Yeah.Not because I question it, because I don't. I. I just want to. I kind of think we just want. I think we all want more Tom Aspinall, you're like, because we're so excited when he gets in there and it's.Like, yeah, I want to see him go through adversity. I want to see him get dropped by an Anderson silver flying near the end of round three and see what he can do in four. I want to see him sweating and his lungs burning. I want to see him have to earn all that money that he's making. Tom, he's having it far, far too easy right now, but that's because he is that good. I've always said this since day one. Curtis, stylistically, on paper, tough matchup. I was confident quietly in my mind. I did favor Tom in a pretty big fashion, but it dropped him with a goddamn jab side down the jab the ride had missed. What did you think of the stoppage?I was good with it. I thought it was a tad bit early, but only because Curtis wasn't doing the things and making the movements like he was gonna get up. Could he have let. Because I believe it was Goddard. Right? It was. Mark was the referee. I understand why McGaughter stepped in a little bit early. He probably could have gotten away with letting him take four or five more. But I don't see any reason why Curtis wasn't. He wasn't intelligently defending himself. He wasn't going through the actions and making the motions like he was going to get back to his knees and start turtle. And he worked his way back up or whatever he was. Ia good chance of that anyway. And I don't think the outcome of the fight was going to change.So, no, when you're, you know, your belly down and your elbows are like this, and he wasn't even really covering, like, you got to make the motion to get your elbows back so that you can start working your way to your knees so that you can turtle. Now, while that's happening, you're taking absolute bombs the whole time, but that's the trade off. You can lay there and cover and hold your head, but that's not an intelligent defense. That's just defending and waiting for it to be over. You have to remove your hands from your head so that you can use your elbows to walk yourself back. He wasn't doing any of that. He was belly down, flat pressure on his hips. He wasn't even lifting his. He wasn't even raising his hips like he was trying to bring a knee up. Goddard knows exactly what he's looking at. Curtis didn't make, and I like Curtis and I don't want to seem like I'm kind of piling on after a loss, but he didn't make one single move that was going to get him out of that position. So I think Goddard stepped in and saved him from a couple shots he didn't need to take.He landed a couple of good shots, though, at the start. Landed a nice one. Two. Tom. Sure he's got a chin, he's taken some shots before, but to your point, I do want to see Tom getting pushed. The problem is, I honestly don't believe there's anyone that can do that. And if you just look at the competition, look at the rankings. Let's forget about Stipe and Jon Jones. Okay. If you take them out of it right now, because neither of them have fought in years. I mean, he's had one fight in four years against Cyril Garne. If you look at everyone else who is there that's going to do that, there's nobody. I mean, Cyril Garne on the feet. If he could stop a takedown, but Tom, Tom Aspinall for a bit. He was over at the gym and he said, the speed of him, though, dad, it was unreal in like, the grappling transitions and stuff. He said that's what really blew his mind. He's strong. He's got the knockout power. He's got the chin because Curtis cracked him with a couple of shots, didn't even blink, you know? But the good news is he's going to be the backup fighter.Madison Square Garden. And then he gets the winner, which, I mean, it's not a surprise, is it? But it's nice to know that that is finally on the cards. I kind of feel for Tom in one regard because he's not getting the frequency of fights. I mean, that'll be two. Well, it won't even be two. It might be a backup fighter for a fight that's probably not going to happen.Mm hmm.And so that'll be one fight this year.Yeah. So that's actually was just chit chatting with Tom's dad. And that's his biggest issue is he just wants him more active because you only get better and only you only really figure out what you need to fix when you're doing it real time. So he, he's not getting the frequency of fights. And I said, well, I mean, that's kind of the, you know, that's the issue you run into when you're at the top of your game. Even you get into the top ten. You don't get to fight as often as you want because only a handful of guys you can fight and some of them are booked and you got to wait on them and you're waiting on a guy or you're waiting on a fight to happen because you're going to get the winner, but then the winner gets hurt. So that, like, it's kind of a, it does tend to turn into a mess sometimes. You don't get to fight as often as you want.Yeah, that's why, you know, Israel Adesanya, his schedule as a champion was really, really unheard of before. I mean, he was fighting every four months or so, you know, I don't know what it was, but it was very, very regular. And as champion, you just don't get that. You don't see that, you know, so, but anyway, back to Tom. Yeah, John's Esteepe, I was with him. I spoke to him afterwards and I'm kind of annoyed because I went straight to the airport and he was having a big party on Sunday at his house. He invited all the guys from TNT sports, Adam and Nick.Yeah.And he's having a chef on, they're having food on and everything. I'm like, you bastards, now you tell me to, I'm about to bloody go home. I would love to go back and party with the goddamn champ. I called Tom this morning, he never picked up. I'm assuming, I'm assuming he's catching up on some sleep. I spoke to him about the fight time because I said to him on Friday, I said, what you need to do, tom. I said, here's what I'm going to do tonight because I'm commentating obviously nowhere near as stressful, but mentally taxing when you're commentating for 7 hours straight and I've got to have my wits about me. I said, I'm just going to go to bed normal time, get up relatively early, have a workout, do my thing, because I don't have to be at the arena till 930. And then I'll probably take a nap around 06:00. If I was you, I'd do a similar thing. He said, yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to do. He tried to do that said, he couldn't sleep on the day because he was just running through every single scenario in his mind.He said, whatever Curtis did, I was ready, because the anxiety before the fire, I had literally run through every single. In my mind, he said, I've been there mentally, regardless of whatever he did. Well done. Tom Aspinall, man. Unreal. Absolutely unbelievable.Yeah, I thought it was. It was impressive. It was impressive. So it's good on Tom.It always is. It always is. All right. This episode is sponsored by Hexclad Cookware, where innovation meets culinary excellence. Hex clad cookware is designed to simplify your time in the kitchen while adding a touch of elegance to every single meal. Hexclad has changed the cookware industry with an all in one hybrid pan that gives you the convenience and cleanup of nonstick, the versatility of grandma's cast iron, and the durability to last a lifetime. Yes, a lifetime warranty. So whatever it is that you're cooking up, cooking up a storm in the backyard, or maybe you're throwing a fancy dinner party, Hexclad has got you covered with unbeatable performance and style. And even the great Gordon Ramsay stands by these products. So, hexclad, you want to cook with nonstick because, well, things don't stick. But the non stick chemicals are very, very bad for you. So what we do in our house, I say this every time, Ellie, she's all about it. You can't use non stick pans. They're going to give you cancer. So she bought a cast iron skillet, which is great, except the thing gets super hot. You burn your hand. It's heavy as hell.It's just general. A pain in the ass. These pans, they are beautiful. They're very, very cool and stylish. They are lightweight. They heat up super quick. The handle doesn't get hot, things don't stick to the pan, and there's no chemicals involved. So these are going to be the last pans that you ever have to buy. And right now, if you want to buy them, we're going to give you 10% off your order. Go to believe to get 10% off. As I said, Rebecca says, I don't understand this. She said things taste better when they're cooked in these pans. As I say, she does the cooking in this house, not me. She cooked, cooked up a beautiful bolognese pasta last night, and it was delicious. And she said, I'm telling you, it's the pans. Everything tastes better in those pans, as I said, that's just her experience. I don't know the science or if there even is any science, but she says things taste better. There's no non stick chemicals. They are lightweight, they are stylish, and they come with a lifetime warranty. believe to get 10% off your order. Right. Main event. There is a few other facts we're going to get to as well.Arnold Alan, giga Jakadze, of course. Welcome to Arnold Allen. Unbelievable. Oh, crap. I was gonna wear my. He gave me a t shirt. Almighty merge. I was gonna. I was gonna rock that. Today, Thursday, Arnold. Let me see. Main event. Bilal Mohammed. He said he was going to be faster. He was going to be better on the feet. He was going to be the better wrestler. Of course he was going to beat him. Everyone kind of scoffed. Leon definitely scoffed. He laughed at him. And I spoke to Bilal and I was like, it seems like you really hate Leon. Why is that? And then when I heard his answer, I kind of got it. I kind of understood. He said, well, because I've been. Now I'm ten fights undefeated. I Yeah.But what was that about sheep? I caught sheep.I said, yeah, yeah. I was just saying, in Wales, they call them sheep shaggers.That's right, yeah.Why?There's sheep everywhere, and it's like a. It's known as, like, off quite. I don't know, like a numbers going on. So they just. If you're not shagging your cousin, you shagging a sheep. That's what people say, you know, we're.Not shagging any sheep on this show. Good to everybody. I was just saying, congrats on Saturday night. We'll get to that in just a minute. I was telling Anthony, you've got a big personality. So the moment I first met you at UFC 298 fire week, I was like, we're going to get this guy on the podcast sometime, because you are a fun guy to talk to, mate. Congratulations, buddy. I will sign the night for you.I'm landed. Like we spoke about, Mike. I'm landed. I treated it like it was nothing. You know what I mean?Just.Just used to. It. Went in well, and Bruce Red, my name, that. And it was. Everything was perfect. And, you know, I was just thinking, he's all, spoiler nest. No chance. Yeah, no way.I found myself. I mean, I started to cut you off. I found myself a little bit jealous, like, watching it when he would get. Because there's. I'll just be honest. I'm a jujitsu guy, so, yeah, someone gets deep. I'm fighting the takedown. Like, there's a lot of times, like, it. We'll just go, like, I'll just go with it. But, like, watching that, I don't know that. I think Max effort is the way. Is the best way to explain it. Like, when he was deep, I thought, oh, I'd just let him have it. At that point. We just start grappling. I'll work my way up if that's what I need to do. And you were like, no way. I'm not like that kind of shit. What, to me, is inspiring. I like, it was. It's inspiring to see.Yeah. Now, thank you. Thank you very much for that. Me, um. I don't know what it is. Uh, I've got a. For so hard to get here now. I'm just thinking, like, my last fight, I got dropped in the first 30 seconds. And at that time, I was thinking, nah, this. You know, you're not pinching this off me now, may, I've come so far now. So that's the cut. That's how I'm. That's how we see these fights now. I'm. I'm just defending this position I'm in with everything of everything I've got. You know what I mean? So, yeah, that's. I guess. I guess I didn't even know as much technique or skill to it. I was just refusing to give a inch in that fight. You know what I mean?Yeah, yeah, no, I know exactly what you're saying. Oh, man. When we first spoke, you came into the fighter meetings and you shared a bit of your. Your background. You know, you talked to me about your father. You know, sadly, he's no longer with us. And, you know, that's such a driving force in what you do. Would you mind sharing a bit of your story with people? Because obviously, you've had two fights in the UFC now, but there might be some people watching this podcast that maybe aren't familiar with you. So do you want to just, you know, just give us a bit of your backstory and your path to coming here and being here today.Forgive me if I get a quivering lit now like I did at that.No, that's what I want for the views. Bells for the views.Yeah. I hope I don't.Right.I'll be self kick myself, you know. I want to keep a stiff like my grandfather. My grandfather tells me to keep a stiff upper lip, but yeah, basically. So my father, like, he loved, he loved fighting. Loved the fighting sports. But like I told you back when I told you at that fighter meeting, it's not like he pursued it as a professional career. It was more like a. It was a bit of like a gangster really, in like the eighties, you know. You know, it's like maybe the Adam and Clitheroe, you got them boys you don't fuck with on the street. They got their connections and all that, so. And when I was obviously, um, growing up as such a young boy, that's all my father would do is. Is instill this. I had to be trained and I had to be training the martial arts, boxing, judo, taekwondo, whatever that may be. And then, um, to cut a long story short, basically we moved house and he took his own life. And growing up, going to these training sessions, I used to hate it because all my, all my friends would be playing rugby, they'd be playing football.But I was going to these sports, you know, I was like crying, getting punched. And I didn't, I didn't enjoy it one bit. But after he died, it was kind of the tribute that, you know, my mother would always say, this is exactly what your father would want, is for you to keep going, keep doing it. So just to kind of deal with the trauma, to be honest, for as long as I can remember, I would just keep turning up to these. To these sessions. And it was kind of a way of just keeping my conscience clean, to know that I was doing what he'd wanted. But then somewhere along the line, I fell in love with it and I never did. So this maybe feels still here. Maybe I wouldn't even be in this position now, but somewhere along the line I fell in love with it. And I've just my main goal. And I struggled a lot when I was a kid. Boys. Right, I'll open up here if, you know, for whoever doesn't. For whoever doesn't know. But I struggled a lot as a kid. I was struggling to deal with it, my mental.How old were you when he passed, if you don't mind me?I was only. I was seven years old, but that's all I had in my mind every day, was reliving that night. He went, you know what I mean? Um, I can't, you know, gory details are owning. I won't go into that. But, yeah, that's cool. I was. It was just a. It was just a. It would just haunt me. I just couldn't deal with it. And then when I was in the fighting gym, I felt myself like, you know, my day to day life was improving the more I trained. So I kept training. It was like a coping way. And then I started fighting, started competing, and I kind of sat there one day and said to myself, I fell in love with the UFC. And I thought, you know, if I can get there and I can. I can keep this going and I can get there and make money and put my. Put my dad's name up in lights and put my family name up in lights and make all that grief worth something. If I can at least get there and do it, then at least something has come out of this.That's kind of what I always told myself. And lo and behold, I get a contender series call up, and it was like, when it, you know, it's like a fit fight for a contract kind of thing. And I literally said on my thing, you'll have to take me out in a box before he takes his chance off me. Then I get to my UFC debut, and I'm thinking, mate, you're not, you know, I mean, did you kind of get the perspective?Yeah.Are you kind of seeing it from my point of view now? So now I'm here. It's like, that's the worst thing anyone could have done, if you ask me, because now I'm here. You're gonna have to. You're gonna have to do something drastic to get rid of me because I'm just way too stubborn to give this position up. You know what I mean? I hope I paint the picture.No, no. It does all ban, and I think it's incredible that you, at that age, had to go through that, and now you're here because.Thank you.I'm not too dissimilar, and Anthony's the same. And I think a lot of the fighters on the roster, obviously, we didn't lose a parent at that young age, but talking about, you know, finding ourselves and finding a path and finding a purpose, and I think the UFC, just that promotion, and there's lots of other promotions, but the UFC is the main one is responsible for, in a way, saving so many lives. I know it saved my life and. I know.Yeah. I mean, it absolutely saved mine. It.Yeah. Well, boys, we all share them.Yeah.Share it. We all share it.What. What did it feel like? Like, so I remember. I remember this moment very clearly for me, but what it. You talked about putting your family name up in lights and, like, the first thing that popped in my head is, I wonder what it felt like when you're walking. Walking out in Manchester and, you know those things that go all the way around the arena, it's got your name on it and, like, your face is up on the screen and, like, what does that feel like? Well, after thinking about it so many times, you know what I mean?Yeah. After thinking about and seeing it, where it got me was in Anaheim on my debut, because I was actually there. I looked up, I was like, oh, my God. It was like a. It was that. I don't know how I even kept it together in our fight and, you know, emotionally, because it all just kind of hit me. It was like. It was like 20 years passed me by and in the blink of an eye when I was actually there, you know, and, um, it was like. It's like a surreal out of body experience. It's like I'm watching myself in a dream. I still feel like that now. Manchester, when I was doing that, it was just like, take all of this in because I might wake up in a minute. Take all of this in because before. But knowing my luck, I'm gonna wake up and I'll be like, you know, I'll be in hospital, some drunken accident or some. But when I was there and it happened, I don't know, man. It was just so I finally. And knows me now. I'm finally at peace. And that's because I'm finally doing my thing in the UFC.And I guess that's quite a risky way to put your happiness, even your day to day happiness, to put that. Put. Put it in the hands of, you know, how successful my fighting career is. But for me.It'S natural, mate, because you cut from that cloth, you're that type of person. And so many of us, it's the same thing. We put so much of our identity into what we can do with our hands when we're younger on the streets. I know you're from Murford, Tinville. I've never been there, but I hear number one, Bruce Buffer kind of butchered the name. Saturday night.It was at Murther Eadville.Tell me about Murphy Tidville, because I've heard, like, stories that's a tough little place, isn't it?Yeah. And then, and not, and if you ask anybody for the last, for the last 40 years, you know, all the older boys now say they'd be sitting their sixties, fifties, sixties. And a lot of them made the trip to my fight or my dad's friends. My dad was in a tough place. He was known as the tougher. And not that that's like anything to know in my, you know, mature state of mind that I'm in now, you know, being known as a tough guy, I guess, you know, there's other means and ways of going about life. Don't has been known as a tough guy, but in his era that's what it was all about, you know. I mean that's what you, that's what you did to get respect, to survive in some ways. You know what I mean? Not to sound corny, but that's just how it was. And , it would have been a scene in Manchester. So you got on one side of the town, you've got Bilal Mohammed and his crew going absolutely insane. You've got the welsh lads on the other side of the town in the toilet.Probably when all that kicked off in the fucking queueing up. They all had bad stomachs.Oh, they shit the pants.Yeah, one of them, you know. You know, that kind of bad stomach. All them. Not 24 hours on it.Oh, no.Yeah.Manchester would have been a. If all those groups of people came together that have been an absolute shit show.Yeah, it was. It's my last, but I was the toot in the game, you know?Yeah, I just. I really wouldn't know. I really wouldn't know. And to be honest, the way. The way I am, right. I'm like, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna say no to anyone. I never have said no to anyone. Like, I guess it depends what they want to do. Me, they're gonna build me up and feed me and feed me some, you know, favorable matchups. Preston passes wasn't exactly favorable. He was. He was on his. He's on his second contract with the UFC, so whoever's next, I'll be more than ready.Well, you're marketable. I don't get a great sense of humor.I don't see any personality.You're a good looking kid.Good looking.You know? Come on, give me a flex. Give me that bicep. Let's go.I don't think the camera's big enough to fit it in the.Is that your teddy bear by the side there? Oba?Yeah, that's my teddy bear. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.What's your teddy bear called?Oh, this one? Yeah, this is in my brother's room. So I don't actually know.It's okay.It's fun. I got. I got a teddy bear right over here, too. I'm in my daughter's room.My house called rollover Rollo. Mmm. But this one I don't actually know. I don't actually know that Teddy's name.That's okay. Don't worry. We'll let it slide. Oh, bad. I had to talk to you, man. I'm proud of what you did at the weekend. I'm proud you're making your family proud all bad, as well. Keep doing what you're doing. Keep your head down, work hard, follow a good diet. Enjoy yourself here and there, of course, because you got to. But you're on the verge of doing big, big things, right? And you're in charge. You're in charge of your destiny right now. You're young and you got the world at your fingertips, man. So don't waste this opportunity. Work your fucking ass off. Keep your head down, and all the best.Thank you so much. I heard every word you said then. Thank you. Thank you so much.Yeah. It was a pleasure getting to know you, man. It really was. I look forward to watching your journey.Good to chat to you properly as well. And, Mike, as always, thank you for everything. Thank you for everything.Get out of here. Piss off. Right. There he is. Oh, but I told you, he's got a good personality.What a cool dude. What a crazy story, too.Great guy. Great guy. All right, listen, we're gonna wrap this one up soon. Yeah, we're gonna wrap it up now. Thanks for watching, everyone. If you want to subscribe and ring the bell, please do so. What? What to. To what to. To what?I'll just. Peace out. You got doctors appointments.Get out of here. Bye. Send a question and send it into B. Rampart but I gotta go to the doctors, and I'm currently late. I got to get surgery on my pain. I'm in pain. Harriet, finish the show because I gotta go, bro. That's all you need to know. You and Anthony, you can do it. You can do it.Okay?I believe in you.All right.If you're listening on Spotify, iTunes, wherever you find podcast, make sure to subscribe. Leave us a five star rating, positive review. It really helps out on those platforms. If you're watching on YouTube, make sure to subscribe to the channel and you hit that notification bell to find out whenever a new video drops. And if you want to catch over 500 episodes, you can't find anywhere else. Completely ad free and totally uncensored. Head to use the promo code bym. Get a 20% off your membership.


just want to see it.




Not because I question it, because I don't. I. I just want to. I kind of think we just want. I think we all want more Tom Aspinall, you're like, because we're so excited when he gets in there and it's.


Like, yeah, I want to see him go through adversity. I want to see him get dropped by an Anderson silver flying near the end of round three and see what he can do in four. I want to see him sweating and his lungs burning. I want to see him have to earn all that money that he's making. Tom, he's having it far, far too easy right now, but that's because he is that good. I've always said this since day one. Curtis, stylistically, on paper, tough matchup. I was confident quietly in my mind. I did favor Tom in a pretty big fashion, but it dropped him with a goddamn jab side down the jab the ride had missed. What did you think of the stoppage?


I was good with it. I thought it was a tad bit early, but only because Curtis wasn't doing the things and making the movements like he was gonna get up. Could he have let. Because I believe it was Goddard. Right? It was. Mark was the referee. I understand why McGaughter stepped in a little bit early. He probably could have gotten away with letting him take four or five more. But I don't see any reason why Curtis wasn't. He wasn't intelligently defending himself. He wasn't going through the actions and making the motions like he was going to get back to his knees and start turtle. And he worked his way back up or whatever he was. Ia good chance of that anyway. And I don't think the outcome of the fight was going to change.So, no, when you're, you know, your belly down and your elbows are like this, and he wasn't even really covering, like, you got to make the motion to get your elbows back so that you can start working your way to your knees so that you can turtle. Now, while that's happening, you're taking absolute bombs the whole time, but that's the trade off. You can lay there and cover and hold your head, but that's not an intelligent defense. That's just defending and waiting for it to be over. You have to remove your hands from your head so that you can use your elbows to walk yourself back. He wasn't doing any of that. He was belly down, flat pressure on his hips. He wasn't even lifting his. He wasn't even raising his hips like he was trying to bring a knee up. Goddard knows exactly what he's looking at. Curtis didn't make, and I like Curtis and I don't want to seem like I'm kind of piling on after a loss, but he didn't make one single move that was going to get him out of that position. So I think Goddard stepped in and saved him from a couple shots he didn't need to take.He landed a couple of good shots, though, at the start. Landed a nice one. Two. Tom. Sure he's got a chin, he's taken some shots before, but to your point, I do want to see Tom getting pushed. The problem is, I honestly don't believe there's anyone that can do that. And if you just look at the competition, look at the rankings. Let's forget about Stipe and Jon Jones. Okay. If you take them out of it right now, because neither of them have fought in years. I mean, he's had one fight in four years against Cyril Garne. If you look at everyone else who is there that's going to do that, there's nobody. I mean, Cyril Garne on the feet. If he could stop a takedown, but Tom, Tom Aspinall for a bit. He was over at the gym and he said, the speed of him, though, dad, it was unreal in like, the grappling transitions and stuff. He said that's what really blew his mind. He's strong. He's got the knockout power. He's got the chin because Curtis cracked him with a couple of shots, didn't even blink, you know? But the good news is he's going to be the backup fighter.Madison Square Garden. And then he gets the winner, which, I mean, it's not a surprise, is it? But it's nice to know that that is finally on the cards. I kind of feel for Tom in one regard because he's not getting the frequency of fights. I mean, that'll be two. Well, it won't even be two. It might be a backup fighter for a fight that's probably not going to happen.Mm hmm.And so that'll be one fight this year.Yeah. So that's actually was just chit chatting with Tom's dad. And that's his biggest issue is he just wants him more active because you only get better and only you only really figure out what you need to fix when you're doing it real time. So he, he's not getting the frequency of fights. And I said, well, I mean, that's kind of the, you know, that's the issue you run into when you're at the top of your game. Even you get into the top ten. You don't get to fight as often as you want because only a handful of guys you can fight and some of them are booked and you got to wait on them and you're waiting on a guy or you're waiting on a fight to happen because you're going


a good chance of that anyway. And I don't think the outcome of the fight was going to change.


So, no, when you're, you know, your belly down and your elbows are like this, and he wasn't even really covering, like, you got to make the motion to get your elbows back so that you can start working your way to your knees so that you can turtle. Now, while that's happening, you're taking absolute bombs the whole time, but that's the trade off. You can lay there and cover and hold your head, but that's not an intelligent defense. That's just defending and waiting for it to be over. You have to remove your hands from your head so that you can use your elbows to walk yourself back. He wasn't doing any of that. He was belly down, flat pressure on his hips. He wasn't even lifting his. He wasn't even raising his hips like he was trying to bring a knee up. Goddard knows exactly what he's looking at. Curtis didn't make, and I like Curtis and I don't want to seem like I'm kind of piling on after a loss, but he didn't make one single move that was going to get him out of that position. So I think Goddard stepped in and saved him from a couple shots he didn't need to take.


He landed a couple of good shots, though, at the start. Landed a nice one. Two. Tom. Sure he's got a chin, he's taken some shots before, but to your point, I do want to see Tom getting pushed. The problem is, I honestly don't believe there's anyone that can do that. And if you just look at the competition, look at the rankings. Let's forget about Stipe and Jon Jones. Okay. If you take them out of it right now, because neither of them have fought in years. I mean, he's had one fight in four years against Cyril Garne. If you look at everyone else who is there that's going to do that, there's nobody. I mean, Cyril Garne on the feet. If he could stop a takedown, but Tom, Tom Aspinall for a bit. He was over at the gym and he said, the speed of him, though, dad, it was unreal in like, the grappling transitions and stuff. He said that's what really blew his mind. He's strong. He's got the knockout power. He's got the chin because Curtis cracked him with a couple of shots, didn't even blink, you know? But the good news is he's going to be the backup fighter.Madison Square Garden. And then he gets the winner, which, I mean, it's not a surprise, is it? But it's nice to know that that is finally on the cards. I kind of feel for Tom in one regard because he's not getting the frequency of fights. I mean, that'll be two. Well, it won't even be two. It might be a backup fighter for a fight that's probably not going to happen.Mm hmm.And so that'll be one fight this year.Yeah. So that's actually was just chit chatting with Tom's dad. And that's his biggest issue is he just wants him more active because you only get better and only you only really figure out what you need to fix when you're doing it real time. So he, he's not getting the frequency of fights. And I said, well, I mean, that's kind of the, you know, that's the issue you run into when you're at the top of your game. Even you get into the top ten. You don't get to fight as often as you want because only a handful of guys you can fight and some of them are booked and you got to wait on them and you're waiting on a guy or you're waiting on a fight to happen because you're going to get the winner, but then the winner gets hurt. So that, like, it's kind of a, it does tend to turn into a mess sometimes. You don't get to fight as often as you want.Yeah, that's why, you know, Israel Adesanya, his schedule as a champion was really, really unheard of before. I mean, he was fighting every four months or so, you know, I don't know what it was, but it was very, very regular. And as champion, you just don't get that. You don't see that, you know, so, but anyway, back to Tom. Yeah, John's Esteepe, I was with him. I spoke to him afterwards and I'm kind of annoyed because I went straight to the airport and he was having a big party on Sunday at his house. He invited all the guys from TNT sports, Adam and Nick.Yeah.And he's having a chef on, they're having food on and everything. I'm like, you bastards, now you tell me to, I'm about to bloody go home. I would love to go back and party with the goddamn champ. I called Tom this morning, he never picked up. I'm assuming, I'm assuming he's catching up on some sleep. I spoke to him about the fight time because I said to him on Friday, I said, what you need to do, tom. I said, here's what I'm going to do tonight because I'm commentating obviously nowhere near as stressful, but mentally taxing when you're commentating for 7 hours straight and I've got to have my wits about me. I said, I'm just going to go to bed normal time, get up relatively early, have a workout, do my thing, because I don't have to be at the arena till 930. And then I'll probably take a nap around 06:00. If I was you, I'd do a similar thing. He said, yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to do. He tried to do that said, he couldn't sleep on the day because he was just running through every single scenario in his mind.He said, whatever Curtis did, I was ready, because the anxiety before the fire, I had literally run through every single. In my mind, he said, I've been there mentally, regardless of whatever he did. Well done. Tom Aspinall, man. Unreal. Absolutely unbelievable.Yeah, I thought it was. It was impressive. It was impressive. So it's good on Tom.It always is. It always is. All right. This episode is sponsored by Hexclad Cookware, where innovation meets culinary excellence. Hex clad cookware is designed to simplify your time in the kitchen while adding a touch of elegance to every single meal. Hexclad has changed the cookware industry with an all in one hybrid pan that gives you the convenience and cleanup of nonstick, the versatility of grandma's cast iron, and the durability to last a lifetime. Yes, a lifetime warranty. So whatever it is that you're cooking up, cooking up a storm in the backyard, or maybe you're throwing a fancy dinner party, Hexclad has got you covered with unbeatable performance and style. And even the great Gordon Ramsay stands by these products. So, hexclad, you want to cook with nonstick because, well, things don't stick. But the non stick chemicals are very, very bad for you. So what we do in our house, I say this every time, Ellie, she's all about it. You can't use non stick pans. They're going to give you cancer. So she bought a cast iron skillet, which is great, except the thing gets super hot. You burn your hand. It's heavy as hell.It's just general. A pain in the ass. These pans, they are beautiful. They're very, very cool and stylish. They are lightweight. They heat up super quick. The handle doesn't get hot, things don't stick to the pan, and there's no chemicals involved. So these are going to be the last pans that you ever have to buy. And right now, if you want to buy them, we're going to give you 10% off your order. Go to believe to get 10% off. As I said, Rebecca says, I don't understand this. She said things taste better when they're cooked in these pans. As I say, she does the cooking in this house, not me. She cooked, cooked up a beautiful bolognese pasta last night, and it was delicious. And she said, I'm telling you, it's the pans. Everything tastes better in those pans, as I said, that's just her experience. I don't know the science or if there even is any science, but she says things taste better. There's no non stick chemicals. They are lightweight, they are stylish, and they come with a lifetime warranty. believe to get 10% off your order. Right. Main event. There is a few other facts we're going to get to as well.Arnold Alan, giga Jakadze, of course. Welcome to Arnold Allen. Unbelievable. Oh, crap. I was gonna wear my. He gave me a t shirt. Almighty merge. I was gonna. I was gonna rock that. Today, Thursday, Arnold. Let me see. Main event. Bilal Mohammed. He said he was going to be faster. He was going to be better on the feet. He was going to be the better wrestler. Of course he was going to beat him. Everyone kind of scoffed. Leon definitely scoffed. He laughed at him. And I spoke to Bilal and I was like, it seems like you really hate Leon. Why is that? And then when I heard his answer, I kind of got it. I kind of understood. He said, well, because I've been. Now I'm ten fights undefeated. I Yeah.But what was that about sheep? I caught sheep.I said, yeah, yeah. I was just saying, in Wales, they call them sheep shaggers.That's right, yeah.Why?There's sheep everywhere, and it's like a. It's known as, like, off quite. I don't know, like a numbers going on. So they just. If you're not shagging your cousin, you shagging a sheep. That's what people say, you know, we're.Not shagging any sheep on this show. Good to everybody. I was just saying, congrats on Saturday night. We'll get to that in just a minute. I was telling Anthony, you've got a big personality. So the moment I first met you at UFC 298 fire week, I was like, we're going to get this guy on the podcast sometime, because you are a fun guy to talk to, mate. Congratulations, buddy. I will sign the night for you.I'm landed. Like we spoke about, Mike. I'm landed. I treated it like it was nothing. You know what I mean?Just.Just used to. It. Went in well, and Bruce Red, my name, that. And it was. Everything was perfect. And, you know, I was just thinking, he's all, spoiler nest. No chance. Yeah, no way.I found myself. I mean, I started to cut you off. I found myself a little bit jealous, like, watching it when he would get. Because there's. I'll just be honest. I'm a jujitsu guy, so, yeah, someone gets deep. I'm fighting the takedown. Like, there's a lot of times, like, it. We'll just go, like, I'll just go with it. But, like, watching that, I don't know that. I think Max effort is the way. Is the best way to explain it. Like, when he was deep, I thought, oh, I'd just let him have it. At that point. We just start grappling. I'll work my way up if that's what I need to do. And you were like, no way. I'm not like that kind of shit. What, to me, is inspiring. I like, it was. It's inspiring to see.Yeah. Now, thank you. Thank you very much for that. Me, um. I don't know what it is. Uh, I've got a. For so hard to get here now. I'm just thinking, like, my last fight, I got dropped in the first 30 seconds. And at that time, I was thinking, nah, this. You know, you're not pinching this off me now, may, I've come so far now. So that's the cut. That's how I'm. That's how we see these fights now. I'm. I'm just defending this position I'm in with everything of everything I've got. You know what I mean? So, yeah, that's. I guess. I guess I didn't even know as much technique or skill to it. I was just refusing to give a inch in that fight. You know what I mean?Yeah, yeah, no, I know exactly what you're saying. Oh, man. When we first spoke, you came into the fighter meetings and you shared a bit of your. Your background. You know, you talked to me about your father. You know, sadly, he's no longer with us. And, you know, that's such a driving force in what you do. Would you mind sharing a bit of your story with people? Because obviously, you've had two fights in the UFC now, but there might be some people watching this podcast that maybe aren't familiar with you. So do you want to just, you know, just give us a bit of your backstory and your path to coming here and being here today.Forgive me if I get a quivering lit now like I did at that.No, that's what I want for the views. Bells for the views.Yeah. I hope I don't.Right.I'll be self kick myself, you know. I want to keep a stiff like my grandfather. My grandfather tells me to keep a stiff upper lip, but yeah, basically. So my father, like, he loved, he loved fighting. Loved the fighting sports. But like I told you back when I told you at that fighter meeting, it's not like he pursued it as a professional career. It was more like a. It was a bit of like a gangster really, in like the eighties, you know. You know, it's like maybe the Adam and Clitheroe, you got them boys you don't fuck with on the street. They got their connections and all that, so. And when I was obviously, um, growing up as such a young boy, that's all my father would do is. Is instill this. I had to be trained and I had to be training the martial arts, boxing, judo, taekwondo, whatever that may be. And then, um, to cut a long story short, basically we moved house and he took his own life. And growing up, going to these training sessions, I used to hate it because all my, all my friends would be playing rugby, they'd be playing football.But I was going to these sports, you know, I was like crying, getting punched. And I didn't, I didn't enjoy it one bit. But after he died, it was kind of the tribute that, you know, my mother would always say, this is exactly what your father would want, is for you to keep going, keep doing it. So just to kind of deal with the trauma, to be honest, for as long as I can remember, I would just keep turning up to these. To these sessions. And it was kind of a way of just keeping my conscience clean, to know that I was doing what he'd wanted. But then somewhere along the line, I fell in love with it and I never did. So this maybe feels still here. Maybe I wouldn't even be in this position now, but somewhere along the line I fell in love with it. And I've just my main goal. And I struggled a lot when I was a kid. Boys. Right, I'll open up here if, you know, for whoever doesn't. For whoever doesn't know. But I struggled a lot as a kid. I was struggling to deal with it, my mental.How old were you when he passed, if you don't mind me?I was only. I was seven years old, but that's all I had in my mind every day, was reliving that night. He went, you know what I mean? Um, I can't, you know, gory details are owning. I won't go into that. But, yeah, that's cool. I was. It was just a. It was just a. It would just haunt me. I just couldn't deal with it. And then when I was in the fighting gym, I felt myself like, you know, my day to day life was improving the more I trained. So I kept training. It was like a coping way. And then I started fighting, started competing, and I kind of sat there one day and said to myself, I fell in love with the UFC. And I thought, you know, if I can get there and I can. I can keep this going and I can get there and make money and put my. Put my dad's name up in lights and put my family name up in lights and make all that grief worth something. If I can at least get there and do it, then at least something has come out of this.That's kind of what I always told myself. And lo and behold, I get a contender series call up, and it was like, when it, you know, it's like a fit fight for a contract kind of thing. And I literally said on my thing, you'll have to take me out in a box before he takes his chance off me. Then I get to my UFC debut, and I'm thinking, mate, you're not, you know, I mean, did you kind of get the perspective?Yeah.Are you kind of seeing it from my point of view now? So now I'm here. It's like, that's the worst thing anyone could have done, if you ask me, because now I'm here. You're gonna have to. You're gonna have to do something drastic to get rid of me because I'm just way too stubborn to give this position up. You know what I mean? I hope I paint the picture.No, no. It does all ban, and I think it's incredible that you, at that age, had to go through that, and now you're here because.Thank you.I'm not too dissimilar, and Anthony's the same. And I think a lot of the fighters on the roster, obviously, we didn't lose a parent at that young age, but talking about, you know, finding ourselves and finding a path and finding a purpose, and I think the UFC, just that promotion, and there's lots of other promotions, but the UFC is the main one is responsible for, in a way, saving so many lives. I know it saved my life and. I know.Yeah. I mean, it absolutely saved mine. It.Yeah. Well, boys, we all share them.Yeah.Share it. We all share it.What. What did it feel like? Like, so I remember. I remember this moment very clearly for me, but what it. You talked about putting your family name up in lights and, like, the first thing that popped in my head is, I wonder what it felt like when you're walking. Walking out in Manchester and, you know those things that go all the way around the arena, it's got your name on it and, like, your face is up on the screen and, like, what does that feel like? Well, after thinking about it so many times, you know what I mean?Yeah. After thinking about and seeing it, where it got me was in Anaheim on my debut, because I was actually there. I looked up, I was like, oh, my God. It was like a. It was that. I don't know how I even kept it together in our fight and, you know, emotionally, because it all just kind of hit me. It was like. It was like 20 years passed me by and in the blink of an eye when I was actually there, you know, and, um, it was like. It's like a surreal out of body experience. It's like I'm watching myself in a dream. I still feel like that now. Manchester, when I was doing that, it was just like, take all of this in because I might wake up in a minute. Take all of this in because before. But knowing my luck, I'm gonna wake up and I'll be like, you know, I'll be in hospital, some drunken accident or some. But when I was there and it happened, I don't know, man. It was just so I finally. And knows me now. I'm finally at peace. And that's because I'm finally doing my thing in the UFC.And I guess that's quite a risky way to put your happiness, even your day to day happiness, to put that. Put. Put it in the hands of, you know, how successful my fighting career is. But for me.It'S natural, mate, because you cut from that cloth, you're that type of person. And so many of us, it's the same thing. We put so much of our identity into what we can do with our hands when we're younger on the streets. I know you're from Murford, Tinville. I've never been there, but I hear number one, Bruce Buffer kind of butchered the name. Saturday night.It was at Murther Eadville.Tell me about Murphy Tidville, because I've heard, like, stories that's a tough little place, isn't it?Yeah. And then, and not, and if you ask anybody for the last, for the last 40 years, you know, all the older boys now say they'd be sitting their sixties, fifties, sixties. And a lot of them made the trip to my fight or my dad's friends. My dad was in a tough place. He was known as the tougher. And not that that's like anything to know in my, you know, mature state of mind that I'm in now, you know, being known as a tough guy, I guess, you know, there's other means and ways of going about life. Don't has been known as a tough guy, but in his era that's what it was all about, you know. I mean that's what you, that's what you did to get respect, to survive in some ways. You know what I mean? Not to sound corny, but that's just how it was. And , it would have been a scene in Manchester. So you got on one side of the town, you've got Bilal Mohammed and his crew going absolutely insane. You've got the welsh lads on the other side of the town in the toilet.Probably when all that kicked off in the fucking queueing up. They all had bad stomachs.Oh, they shit the pants.Yeah, one of them, you know. You know, that kind of bad stomach. All them. Not 24 hours on it.Oh, no.Yeah.Manchester would have been a. If all those groups of people came together that have been an absolute shit show.Yeah, it was. It's my last, but I was the toot in the game, you know?Yeah, I just. I really wouldn't know. I really wouldn't know. And to be honest, the way. The way I am, right. I'm like, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna say no to anyone. I never have said no to anyone. Like, I guess it depends what they want to do. Me, they're gonna build me up and feed me and feed me some, you know, favorable matchups. Preston passes wasn't exactly favorable. He was. He was on his. He's on his second contract with the UFC, so whoever's next, I'll be more than ready.Well, you're marketable. I don't get a great sense of humor.I don't see any personality.You're a good looking kid.Good looking.You know? Come on, give me a flex. Give me that bicep. Let's go.I don't think the camera's big enough to fit it in the.Is that your teddy bear by the side there? Oba?Yeah, that's my teddy bear. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.What's your teddy bear called?Oh, this one? Yeah, this is in my brother's room. So I don't actually know.It's okay.It's fun. I got. I got a teddy bear right over here, too. I'm in my daughter's room.My house called rollover Rollo. Mmm. But this one I don't actually know. I don't actually know that Teddy's name.That's okay. Don't worry. We'll let it slide. Oh, bad. I had to talk to you, man. I'm proud of what you did at the weekend. I'm proud you're making your family proud all bad, as well. Keep doing what you're doing. Keep your head down, work hard, follow a good diet. Enjoy yourself here and there, of course, because you got to. But you're on the verge of doing big, big things, right? And you're in charge. You're in charge of your destiny right now. You're young and you got the world at your fingertips, man. So don't waste this opportunity. Work your fucking ass off. Keep your head down, and all the best.Thank you so much. I heard every word you said then. Thank you. Thank you so much.Yeah. It was a pleasure getting to know you, man. It really was. I look forward to watching your journey.Good to chat to you properly as well. And, Mike, as always, thank you for everything. Thank you for everything.Get out of here. Piss off. Right. There he is. Oh, but I told you, he's got a good personality.What a cool dude. What a crazy story, too.Great guy. Great guy. All right, listen, we're gonna wrap this one up soon. Yeah, we're gonna wrap it up now. Thanks for watching, everyone. If you want to subscribe and ring the bell, please do so. What? What to. To what to. To what?I'll just. Peace out. You got doctors appointments.Get out of here. Bye. Send a question and send it into B. Rampart but I gotta go to the doctors, and I'm currently late. I got to get surgery on my pain. I'm in pain. Harriet, finish the show because I gotta go, bro. That's all you need to know. You and Anthony, you can do it. You can do it.Okay?I believe in you.All right.If you're listening on Spotify, iTunes, wherever you find podcast, make sure to subscribe. Leave us a five star rating, positive review. It really helps out on those platforms. If you're watching on YouTube, make sure to subscribe to the channel and you hit that notification bell to find out whenever a new video drops. And if you want to catch over 500 episodes, you can't find anywhere else. Completely ad free and totally uncensored. Head to use the promo code bym. Get a 20% off your membership.


Tom Aspinall for a bit. He was over at the gym and he said, the speed of him, though, dad, it was unreal in like, the grappling transitions and stuff. He said that's what really blew his mind. He's strong. He's got the knockout power. He's got the chin because Curtis cracked him with a couple of shots, didn't even blink, you know? But the good news is he's going to be the backup fighter.


Madison Square Garden. And then he gets the winner, which, I mean, it's not a surprise, is it? But it's nice to know that that is finally on the cards. I kind of feel for Tom in one regard because he's not getting the frequency of fights. I mean, that'll be two. Well, it won't even be two. It might be a backup fighter for a fight that's probably not going to happen.


Mm hmm.


And so that'll be one fight this year.


Yeah. So that's actually was just chit chatting with Tom's dad. And that's his biggest issue is he just wants him more active because you only get better and only you only really figure out what you need to fix when you're doing it real time. So he, he's not getting the frequency of fights. And I said, well, I mean, that's kind of the, you know, that's the issue you run into when you're at the top of your game. Even you get into the top ten. You don't get to fight as often as you want because only a handful of guys you can fight and some of them are booked and you got to wait on them and you're waiting on a guy or you're waiting on a fight to happen because you're going to get the winner, but then the winner gets hurt. So that, like, it's kind of a, it does tend to turn into a mess sometimes. You don't get to fight as often as you want.


Yeah, that's why, you know, Israel Adesanya, his schedule as a champion was really, really unheard of before. I mean, he was fighting every four months or so, you know, I don't know what it was, but it was very, very regular. And as champion, you just don't get that. You don't see that, you know, so, but anyway, back to Tom. Yeah, John's Esteepe, I was with him. I spoke to him afterwards and I'm kind of annoyed because I went straight to the airport and he was having a big party on Sunday at his house. He invited all the guys from TNT sports, Adam and Nick.




And he's having a chef on, they're having food on and everything. I'm like, you bastards, now you tell me to, I'm about to bloody go home. I would love to go back and party with the goddamn champ. I called Tom this morning, he never picked up. I'm assuming, I'm assuming he's catching up on some sleep. I spoke to him about the fight time because I said to him on Friday, I said, what you need to do, tom. I said, here's what I'm going to do tonight because I'm commentating obviously nowhere near as stressful, but mentally taxing when you're commentating for 7 hours straight and I've got to have my wits about me. I said, I'm just going to go to bed normal time, get up relatively early, have a workout, do my thing, because I don't have to be at the arena till 930. And then I'll probably take a nap around 06:00. If I was you, I'd do a similar thing. He said, yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to do. He tried to do that said, he couldn't sleep on the day because he was just running through every single scenario in his mind.


He said, whatever Curtis did, I was ready, because the anxiety before the fire, I had literally run through every single. In my mind, he said, I've been there mentally, regardless of whatever he did. Well done. Tom Aspinall, man. Unreal. Absolutely unbelievable.


Yeah, I thought it was. It was impressive. It was impressive. So it's good on Tom.


It always is. It always is. All right. This episode is sponsored by Hexclad Cookware, where innovation meets culinary excellence. Hex clad cookware is designed to simplify your time in the kitchen while adding a touch of elegance to every single meal. Hexclad has changed the cookware industry with an all in one hybrid pan that gives you the convenience and cleanup of nonstick, the versatility of grandma's cast iron, and the durability to last a lifetime. Yes, a lifetime warranty. So whatever it is that you're cooking up, cooking up a storm in the backyard, or maybe you're throwing a fancy dinner party, Hexclad has got you covered with unbeatable performance and style. And even the great Gordon Ramsay stands by these products. So, hexclad, you want to cook with nonstick because, well, things don't stick. But the non stick chemicals are very, very bad for you. So what we do in our house, I say this every time, Ellie, she's all about it. You can't use non stick pans. They're going to give you cancer. So she bought a cast iron skillet, which is great, except the thing gets super hot. You burn your hand. It's heavy as hell.


It's just general. A pain in the ass. These pans, they are beautiful. They're very, very cool and stylish. They are lightweight. They heat up super quick. The handle doesn't get hot, things don't stick to the pan, and there's no chemicals involved. So these are going to be the last pans that you ever have to buy. And right now, if you want to buy them, we're going to give you 10% off your order. Go to believe to get 10% off. As I said, Rebecca says, I don't understand this. She said things taste better when they're cooked in these pans. As I say, she does the cooking in this house, not me. She cooked, cooked up a beautiful bolognese pasta last night, and it was delicious. And she said, I'm telling you, it's the pans. Everything tastes better in those pans, as I said, that's just her experience. I don't know the science or if there even is any science, but she says things taste better. There's no non stick chemicals. They are lightweight, they are stylish, and they come with a lifetime warranty. believe to get 10% off your order. Right. Main event. There is a few other facts we're going to get to as well.


Arnold Alan, giga Jakadze, of course. Welcome to Arnold Allen. Unbelievable. Oh, crap. I was gonna wear my. He gave me a t shirt. Almighty merge. I was gonna. I was gonna rock that. Today, Thursday, Arnold. Let me see. Main event. Bilal Mohammed. He said he was going to be faster. He was going to be better on the feet. He was going to be the better wrestler. Of course he was going to beat him. Everyone kind of scoffed. Leon definitely scoffed. He laughed at him. And I spoke to Bilal and I was like, it seems like you really hate Leon. Why is that? And then when I heard his answer, I kind of got it. I kind of understood. He said, well, because I've been. Now I'm ten fights undefeated. I Yeah.But what was that about sheep? I caught sheep.I said, yeah, yeah. I was just saying, in Wales, they call them sheep shaggers.That's right, yeah.Why?There's sheep everywhere, and it's like a. It's known as, like, off quite. I don't know, like a numbers going on. So they just. If you're not shagging your cousin, you shagging a sheep. That's what people say, you know, we're.Not shagging any sheep on this show. Good to everybody. I was just saying, congrats on Saturday night. We'll get to that in just a minute. I was telling Anthony, you've got a big personality. So the moment I first met you at UFC 298 fire week, I was like, we're going to get this guy on the podcast sometime, because you are a fun guy to talk to, mate. Congratulations, buddy. I will sign the night for you.I'm landed. Like we spoke about, Mike. I'm landed. I treated it like it was nothing. You know what I mean?Just.Just used to. It. Went in well, and Bruce Red, my name, that. And it was. Everything was perfect. And, you know, I was just thinking, he's all, spoiler nest. No chance. Yeah, no way.I found myself. I mean, I started to cut you off. I found myself a little bit jealous, like, watching it when he would get. Because there's. I'll just be honest. I'm a jujitsu guy, so, yeah, someone gets deep. I'm fighting the takedown. Like, there's a lot of times, like, it. We'll just go, like, I'll just go with it. But, like, watching that, I don't know that. I think Max effort is the way. Is the best way to explain it. Like, when he was deep, I thought, oh, I'd just let him have it. At that point. We just start grappling. I'll work my way up if that's what I need to do. And you were like, no way. I'm not like that kind of shit. What, to me, is inspiring. I like, it was. It's inspiring to see.Yeah. Now, thank you. Thank you very much for that. Me, um. I don't know what it is. Uh, I've got a. For so hard to get here now. I'm just thinking, like, my last fight, I got dropped in the first 30 seconds. And at that time, I was thinking, nah, this. You know, you're not pinching this off me now, may, I've come so far now. So that's the cut. That's how I'm. That's how we see these fights now. I'm. I'm just defending this position I'm in with everything of everything I've got. You know what I mean? So, yeah, that's. I guess. I guess I didn't even know as much technique or skill to it. I was just refusing to give a inch in that fight. You know what I mean?Yeah, yeah, no, I know exactly what you're saying. Oh, man. When we first spoke, you came into the fighter meetings and you shared a bit of your. Your background. You know, you talked to me about your father. You know, sadly, he's no longer with us. And, you know, that's such a driving force in what you do. Would you mind sharing a bit of your story with people? Because obviously, you've had two fights in the UFC now, but there might be some people watching this podcast that maybe aren't familiar with you. So do you want to just, you know, just give us a bit of your backstory and your path to coming here and being here today.Forgive me if I get a quivering lit now like I did at that.No, that's what I want for the views. Bells for the views.Yeah. I hope I don't.Right.I'll be self kick myself, you know. I want to keep a stiff like my grandfather. My grandfather tells me to keep a stiff upper lip, but yeah, basically. So my father, like, he loved, he loved fighting. Loved the fighting sports. But like I told you back when I told you at that fighter meeting, it's not like he pursued it as a professional career. It was more like a. It was a bit of like a gangster really, in like the eighties, you know. You know, it's like maybe the Adam and Clitheroe, you got them boys you don't fuck with on the street. They got their connections and all that, so. And when I was obviously, um, growing up as such a young boy, that's all my father would do is. Is instill this. I had to be trained and I had to be training the martial arts, boxing, judo, taekwondo, whatever that may be. And then, um, to cut a long story short, basically we moved house and he took his own life. And growing up, going to these training sessions, I used to hate it because all my, all my friends would be playing rugby, they'd be playing football.But I was going to these sports, you know, I was like crying, getting punched. And I didn't, I didn't enjoy it one bit. But after he died, it was kind of the tribute that, you know, my mother would always say, this is exactly what your father would want, is for you to keep going, keep doing it. So just to kind of deal with the trauma, to be honest, for as long as I can remember, I would just keep turning up to these. To these sessions. And it was kind of a way of just keeping my conscience clean, to know that I was doing what he'd wanted. But then somewhere along the line, I fell in love with it and I never did. So this maybe feels still here. Maybe I wouldn't even be in this position now, but somewhere along the line I fell in love with it. And I've just my main goal. And I struggled a lot when I was a kid. Boys. Right, I'll open up here if, you know, for whoever doesn't. For whoever doesn't know. But I struggled a lot as a kid. I was struggling to deal with it, my mental.How old were you when he passed, if you don't mind me?I was only. I was seven years old, but that's all I had in my mind every day, was reliving that night. He went, you know what I mean? Um, I can't, you know, gory details are owning. I won't go into that. But, yeah, that's cool. I was. It was just a. It was just a. It would just haunt me. I just couldn't deal with it. And then when I was in the fighting gym, I felt myself like, you know, my day to day life was improving the more I trained. So I kept training. It was like a coping way. And then I started fighting, started competing, and I kind of sat there one day and said to myself, I fell in love with the UFC. And I thought, you know, if I can get there and I can. I can keep this going and I can get there and make money and put my. Put my dad's name up in lights and put my family name up in lights and make all that grief worth something. If I can at least get there and do it, then at least something has come out of this.That's kind of what I always told myself. And lo and behold, I get a contender series call up, and it was like, when it, you know, it's like a fit fight for a contract kind of thing. And I literally said on my thing, you'll have to take me out in a box before he takes his chance off me. Then I get to my UFC debut, and I'm thinking, mate, you're not, you know, I mean, did you kind of get the perspective?Yeah.Are you kind of seeing it from my point of view now? So now I'm here. It's like, that's the worst thing anyone could have done, if you ask me, because now I'm here. You're gonna have to. You're gonna have to do something drastic to get rid of me because I'm just way too stubborn to give this position up. You know what I mean? I hope I paint the picture.No, no. It does all ban, and I think it's incredible that you, at that age, had to go through that, and now you're here because.Thank you.I'm not too dissimilar, and Anthony's the same. And I think a lot of the fighters on the roster, obviously, we didn't lose a parent at that young age, but talking about, you know, finding ourselves and finding a path and finding a purpose, and I think the UFC, just that promotion, and there's lots of other promotions, but the UFC is the main one is responsible for, in a way, saving so many lives. I know it saved my life and. I know.Yeah. I mean, it absolutely saved mine. It.Yeah. Well, boys, we all share them.Yeah.Share it. We all share it.What. What did it feel like? Like, so I remember. I remember this moment very clearly for me, but what it. You talked about putting your family name up in lights and, like, the first thing that popped in my head is, I wonder what it felt like when you're walking. Walking out in Manchester and, you know those things that go all the way around the arena, it's got your name on it and, like, your face is up on the screen and, like, what does that feel like? Well, after thinking about it so many times, you know what I mean?Yeah. After thinking about and seeing it, where it got me was in Anaheim on my debut, because I was actually there. I looked up, I was like, oh, my God. It was like a. It was that. I don't know how I even kept it together in our fight and, you know, emotionally, because it all just kind of hit me. It was like. It was like 20 years passed me by and in the blink of an eye when I was actually there, you know, and, um, it was like. It's like a surreal out of body experience. It's like I'm watching myself in a dream. I still feel like that now. Manchester, when I was doing that, it was just like, take all of this in because I might wake up in a minute. Take all of this in because before. But knowing my luck, I'm gonna wake up and I'll be like, you know, I'll be in hospital, some drunken accident or some. But when I was there and it happened, I don't know, man. It was just so I finally. And knows me now. I'm finally at peace. And that's because I'm finally doing my thing in the UFC.And I guess that's quite a risky way to put your happiness, even your day to day happiness, to put that. Put. Put it in the hands of, you know, how successful my fighting career is. But for me.It'S natural, mate, because you cut from that cloth, you're that type of person. And so many of us, it's the same thing. We put so much of our identity into what we can do with our hands when we're younger on the streets. I know you're from Murford, Tinville. I've never been there, but I hear number one, Bruce Buffer kind of butchered the name. Saturday night.It was at Murther Eadville.Tell me about Murphy Tidville, because I've heard, like, stories that's a tough little place, isn't it?Yeah. And then, and not, and if you ask anybody for the last, for the last 40 years, you know, all the older boys now say they'd be sitting their sixties, fifties, sixties. And a lot of them made the trip to my fight or my dad's friends. My dad was in a tough place. He was known as the tougher. And not that that's like anything to know in my, you know, mature state of mind that I'm in now, you know, being known as a tough guy, I guess, you know, there's other means and ways of going about life. Don't has been known as a tough guy, but in his era that's what it was all about, you know. I mean that's what you, that's what you did to get respect, to survive in some ways. You know what I mean? Not to sound corny, but that's just how it was. And , it would have been a scene in Manchester. So you got on one side of the town, you've got Bilal Mohammed and his crew going absolutely insane. You've got the welsh lads on the other side of the town in the toilet.Probably when all that kicked off in the fucking queueing up. They all had bad stomachs.Oh, they shit the pants.Yeah, one of them, you know. You know, that kind of bad stomach. All them. Not 24 hours on it.Oh, no.Yeah.Manchester would have been a. If all those groups of people came together that have been an absolute shit show.Yeah, it was. It's my last, but I was the toot in the game, you know?Yeah, I just. I really wouldn't know. I really wouldn't know. And to be honest, the way. The way I am, right. I'm like, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna say no to anyone. I never have said no to anyone. Like, I guess it depends what they want to do. Me, they're gonna build me up and feed me and feed me some, you know, favorable matchups. Preston passes wasn't exactly favorable. He was. He was on his. He's on his second contract with the UFC, so whoever's next, I'll be more than ready.Well, you're marketable. I don't get a great sense of humor.I don't see any personality.You're a good looking kid.Good looking.You know? Come on, give me a flex. Give me that bicep. Let's go.I don't think the camera's big enough to fit it in the.Is that your teddy bear by the side there? Oba?Yeah, that's my teddy bear. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.What's your teddy bear called?Oh, this one? Yeah, this is in my brother's room. So I don't actually know.It's okay.It's fun. I got. I got a teddy bear right over here, too. I'm in my daughter's room.My house called rollover Rollo. Mmm. But this one I don't actually know. I don't actually know that Teddy's name.That's okay. Don't worry. We'll let it slide. Oh, bad. I had to talk to you, man. I'm proud of what you did at the weekend. I'm proud you're making your family proud all bad, as well. Keep doing what you're doing. Keep your head down, work hard, follow a good diet. Enjoy yourself here and there, of course, because you got to. But you're on the verge of doing big, big things, right? And you're in charge. You're in charge of your destiny right now. You're young and you got the world at your fingertips, man. So don't waste this opportunity. Work your fucking ass off. Keep your head down, and all the best.Thank you so much. I heard every word you said then. Thank you. Thank you so much.Yeah. It was a pleasure getting to know you, man. It really was. I look forward to watching your journey.Good to chat to you properly as well. And, Mike, as always, thank you for everything. Thank you for everything.Get out of here. Piss off. Right. There he is. Oh, but I told you, he's got a good personality.What a cool dude. What a crazy story, too.Great guy. Great guy. All right, listen, we're gonna wrap this one up soon. Yeah, we're gonna wrap it up now. Thanks for watching, everyone. If you want to subscribe and ring the bell, please do so. What? What to. To what to. To what?I'll just. Peace out. You got doctors appointments.Get out of here. Bye. Send a question and send it into B. Rampart but I gotta go to the doctors, and I'm currently late. I got to get surgery on my pain. I'm in pain. Harriet, finish the show because I gotta go, bro. That's all you need to know. You and Anthony, you can do it. You can do it.Okay?I believe in you.All right.If you're listening on Spotify, iTunes, wherever you find podcast, make sure to subscribe. Leave us a five star rating, positive review. It really helps out on those platforms. If you're watching on YouTube, make sure to subscribe to the channel and you hit that notification bell to find out whenever a new video drops. And if you want to catch over 500 episodes, you can't find anywhere else. Completely ad free and totally uncensored. Head to use the promo code bym. Get a 20% off your membership.




But what was that about sheep? I caught sheep.


I said, yeah, yeah. I was just saying, in Wales, they call them sheep shaggers.


That's right, yeah.




There's sheep everywhere, and it's like a. It's known as, like, off quite. I don't know, like a numbers going on. So they just. If you're not shagging your cousin, you shagging a sheep. That's what people say, you know, we're.


Not shagging any sheep on this show. Good to everybody. I was just saying, congrats on Saturday night. We'll get to that in just a minute. I was telling Anthony, you've got a big personality. So the moment I first met you at UFC 298 fire week, I was like, we're going to get this guy on the podcast sometime, because you are a fun guy to talk to, mate. Congratulations, buddy. I will sign the night for you.


I'm landed. Like we spoke about, Mike. I'm landed. I treated it like it was nothing. You know what I mean?




Just used to. It. Went in well, and Bruce Red, my name, that. And it was. Everything was perfect. And, you know, I was just thinking, he's all, spoiler nest. No chance. Yeah, no way.I found myself. I mean, I started to cut you off. I found myself a little bit jealous, like, watching it when he would get. Because there's. I'll just be honest. I'm a jujitsu guy, so, yeah, someone gets deep. I'm fighting the takedown. Like, there's a lot of times, like, it. We'll just go, like, I'll just go with it. But, like, watching that, I don't know that. I think Max effort is the way. Is the best way to explain it. Like, when he was deep, I thought, oh, I'd just let him have it. At that point. We just start grappling. I'll work my way up if that's what I need to do. And you were like, no way. I'm not like that kind of shit. What, to me, is inspiring. I like, it was. It's inspiring to see.Yeah. Now, thank you. Thank you very much for that. Me, um. I don't know what it is. Uh, I've got a. For so hard to get here now. I'm just thinking, like, my last fight, I got dropped in the first 30 seconds. And at that time, I was thinking, nah, this. You know, you're not pinching this off me now, may, I've come so far now. So that's the cut. That's how I'm. That's how we see these fights now. I'm. I'm just defending this position I'm in with everything of everything I've got. You know what I mean? So, yeah, that's. I guess. I guess I didn't even know as much technique or skill to it. I was just refusing to give a inch in that fight. You know what I mean?Yeah, yeah, no, I know exactly what you're saying. Oh, man. When we first spoke, you came into the fighter meetings and you shared a bit of your. Your background. You know, you talked to me about your father. You know, sadly, he's no longer with us. And, you know, that's such a driving force in what you do. Would you mind sharing a bit of your story with people? Because obviously, you've had two fights in the UFC now, but there might be some people watching this podcast that maybe aren't familiar with you. So do you want to just, you know, just give us a bit of your backstory and your path to coming here and being here today.Forgive me if I get a quivering lit now like I did at that.No, that's what I want for the views. Bells for the views.Yeah. I hope I don't.Right.I'll be self kick myself, you know. I want to keep a stiff like my grandfather. My grandfather tells me to keep a stiff upper lip, but yeah, basically. So my father, like, he loved, he loved fighting. Loved the fighting sports. But like I told you back when I told you at that fighter meeting, it's not like he pursued it as a professional career. It was more like a. It was a bit of like a gangster really, in like the eighties, you know. You know, it's like maybe the Adam and Clitheroe, you got them boys you don't fuck with on the street. They got their connections and all that, so. And when I was obviously, um, growing up as such a young boy, that's all my father would do is. Is instill this. I had to be trained and I had to be training the martial arts, boxing, judo, taekwondo, whatever that may be. And then, um, to cut a long story short, basically we moved house and he took his own life. And growing up, going to these training sessions, I used to hate it because all my, all my friends would be playing rugby, they'd be playing football.But I was going to these sports, you know, I was like crying, getting punched. And I didn't, I didn't enjoy it one bit. But after he died, it was kind of the tribute that, you know, my mother would always say, this is exactly what your father would want, is for you to keep going, keep doing it. So just to kind of deal with the trauma, to be honest, for as long as I can remember, I would just keep turning up to these. To these sessions. And it was kind of a way of just keeping my conscience clean, to know that I was doing what he'd wanted. But then somewhere along the line, I fell in love with it and I never did. So this maybe feels still here. Maybe I wouldn't even be in this position now, but somewhere along the line I fell in love with it. And I've just my main goal. And I struggled a lot when I was a kid. Boys. Right, I'll open up here if, you know, for whoever doesn't. For whoever doesn't know. But I struggled a lot as a kid. I was struggling to deal with it, my mental.How old were you when he passed, if you don't mind me?I was only. I was seven years old, but that's all I had in my mind every day, was reliving that night. He went, you know what I mean? Um, I can't, you know, gory details are owning. I won't go into that. But, yeah, that's cool. I was. It was just a. It was just a. It would just haunt me. I just couldn't deal with it. And then when I was in the fighting gym, I felt myself like, you know, my day to day life was improving the more I trained. So I kept training. It was like a coping way. And then I started fighting, started competing, and I kind of sat there one day and said to myself, I fell in love with the UFC. And I thought, you know, if I can get there and I can. I can keep this going and I can get there and make money and put my. Put my dad's name up in lights and put my family name up in lights and make all that grief worth something. If I can at least get there and do it, then at least something has come out of this.That's kind of what I always told myself. And lo and behold, I get a contender series call up, and it was like, when it, you know, it's like a fit fight for a contract kind of thing. And I literally said on my thing, you'll have to take me out in a box before he takes his chance off me. Then I get to my UFC debut, and I'm thinking, mate, you're not, you know, I mean, did you kind of get the perspective?Yeah.Are you kind of seeing it from my point of view now? So now I'm here. It's like, that's the worst thing anyone could have done, if you ask me, because now I'm here. You're gonna have to. You're gonna have to do something drastic to get rid of me because I'm just way too stubborn to give this position up. You know what I mean? I hope I paint the picture.No, no. It does all ban, and I think it's incredible that you, at that age, had to go through that, and now you're here because.Thank you.I'm not too dissimilar, and Anthony's the same. And I think a lot of the fighters on the roster, obviously, we didn't lose a parent at that young age, but talking about, you know, finding ourselves and finding a path and finding a purpose, and I think the UFC, just that promotion, and there's lots of other promotions, but the UFC is the main one is responsible for, in a way, saving so many lives. I know it saved my life and. I know.Yeah. I mean, it absolutely saved mine. It.Yeah. Well, boys, we all share them.Yeah.Share it. We all share it.What. What did it feel like? Like, so I remember. I remember this moment very clearly for me, but what it. You talked about putting your family name up in lights and, like, the first thing that popped in my head is, I wonder what it felt like when you're walking. Walking out in Manchester and, you know those things that go all the way around the arena, it's got your name on it and, like, your face is up on the screen and, like, what does that feel like? Well, after thinking about it so many times, you know what I mean?Yeah. After thinking about and seeing it, where it got me was in Anaheim on my debut, because I was actually there. I looked up, I was like, oh, my God. It was like a. It was that. I don't know how I even kept it together in our fight and, you know, emotionally, because it all just kind of hit me. It was like. It was like 20 years passed me by and in the blink of an eye when I was actually there, you know, and, um, it was like. It's like a surreal out of body experience. It's like I'm watching myself in a dream. I still feel like that now. Manchester, when I was doing that, it was just like, take all of this in because I might wake up in a minute. Take all of this in because before. But knowing my luck, I'm gonna wake up and I'll be like, you know, I'll be in hospital, some drunken accident or some. But when I was there and it happened, I don't know, man. It was just so I finally. And knows me now. I'm finally at peace. And that's because I'm finally doing my thing in the UFC.And I guess that's quite a risky way to put your happiness, even your day to day happiness, to put that. Put. Put it in the hands of, you know, how successful my fighting career is. But for me.It'S natural, mate, because you cut from that cloth, you're that type of person. And so many of us, it's the same thing. We put so much of our identity into what we can do with our hands when we're younger on the streets. I know you're from Murford, Tinville. I've never been there, but I hear number one, Bruce Buffer kind of butchered the name. Saturday night.It was at Murther Eadville.Tell me about Murphy Tidville, because I've heard, like, stories that's a tough little place, isn't it?Yeah. And then, and not, and if you ask anybody for the last, for the last 40 years, you know, all the older boys now say they'd be sitting their sixties, fifties, sixties. And a lot of them made the trip to my fight or my dad's friends. My dad was in a tough place. He was known as the tougher. And not that that's like anything to know in my, you know, mature state of mind that I'm in now, you know, being known as a tough guy, I guess, you know, there's other means and ways of going about life. Don't has been known as a tough guy, but in his era that's what it was all about, you know. I mean that's what you, that's what you did to get respect, to survive in some ways. You know what I mean? Not to sound corny, but that's just how it was. And , it would have been a scene in Manchester. So you got on one side of the town, you've got Bilal Mohammed and his crew going absolutely insane. You've got the welsh lads on the other side of the town in the toilet.Probably when all that kicked off in the fucking queueing up. They all had bad stomachs.Oh, they shit the pants.Yeah, one of them, you know. You know, that kind of bad stomach. All them. Not 24 hours on it.Oh, no.Yeah.Manchester would have been a. If all those groups of people came together that have been an absolute shit show.Yeah, it was. It's my last, but I was the toot in the game, you know?Yeah, I just. I really wouldn't know. I really wouldn't know. And to be honest, the way. The way I am, right. I'm like, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna say no to anyone. I never have said no to anyone. Like, I guess it depends what they want to do. Me, they're gonna build me up and feed me and feed me some, you know, favorable matchups. Preston passes wasn't exactly favorable. He was. He was on his. He's on his second contract with the UFC, so whoever's next, I'll be more than ready.Well, you're marketable. I don't get a great sense of humor.I don't see any personality.You're a good looking kid.Good looking.You know? Come on, give me a flex. Give me that bicep. Let's go.I don't think the camera's big enough to fit it in the.Is that your teddy bear by the side there? Oba?Yeah, that's my teddy bear. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.What's your teddy bear called?Oh, this one? Yeah, this is in my brother's room. So I don't actually know.It's okay.It's fun. I got. I got a teddy bear right over here, too. I'm in my daughter's room.My house called rollover Rollo. Mmm. But this one I don't actually know. I don't actually know that Teddy's name.That's okay. Don't worry. We'll let it slide. Oh, bad. I had to talk to you, man. I'm proud of what you did at the weekend. I'm proud you're making your family proud all bad, as well. Keep doing what you're doing. Keep your head down, work hard, follow a good diet. Enjoy yourself here and there, of course, because you got to. But you're on the verge of doing big, big things, right? And you're in charge. You're in charge of your destiny right now. You're young and you got the world at your fingertips, man. So don't waste this opportunity. Work your fucking ass off. Keep your head down, and all the best.Thank you so much. I heard every word you said then. Thank you. Thank you so much.Yeah. It was a pleasure getting to know you, man. It really was. I look forward to watching your journey.Good to chat to you properly as well. And, Mike, as always, thank you for everything. Thank you for everything.Get out of here. Piss off. Right. There he is. Oh, but I told you, he's got a good personality.What a cool dude. What a crazy story, too.Great guy. Great guy. All right, listen, we're gonna wrap this one up soon. Yeah, we're gonna wrap it up now. Thanks for watching, everyone. If you want to subscribe and ring the bell, please do so. What? What to. To what to. To what?I'll just. Peace out. You got doctors appointments.Get out of here. Bye. Send a question and send it into B. Rampart but I gotta go to the doctors, and I'm currently late. I got to get surgery on my pain. I'm in pain. Harriet, finish the show because I gotta go, bro. That's all you need to know. You and Anthony, you can do it. You can do it.Okay?I believe in you.All right.If you're listening on Spotify, iTunes, wherever you find podcast, make sure to subscribe. Leave us a five star rating, positive review. It really helps out on those platforms. If you're watching on YouTube, make sure to subscribe to the channel and you hit that notification bell to find out whenever a new video drops. And if you want to catch over 500 episodes, you can't find anywhere else. Completely ad free and totally uncensored. Head to use the promo code bym. Get a 20% off your membership.


well, and Bruce Red, my name, that. And it was. Everything was perfect. And, you know, I was just thinking, he's all, spoiler nest. No chance. Yeah, no way.


I found myself. I mean, I started to cut you off. I found myself a little bit jealous, like, watching it when he would get. Because there's. I'll just be honest. I'm a jujitsu guy, so, yeah, someone gets deep. I'm fighting the takedown. Like, there's a lot of times, like, it. We'll just go, like, I'll just go with it. But, like, watching that, I don't know that. I think Max effort is the way. Is the best way to explain it. Like, when he was deep, I thought, oh, I'd just let him have it. At that point. We just start grappling. I'll work my way up if that's what I need to do. And you were like, no way. I'm not like that kind of shit. What, to me, is inspiring. I like, it was. It's inspiring to see.


Yeah. Now, thank you. Thank you very much for that. Me, um. I don't know what it is. Uh, I've got a. For so hard to get here now. I'm just thinking, like, my last fight, I got dropped in the first 30 seconds. And at that time, I was thinking, nah, this. You know, you're not pinching this off me now, may, I've come so far now. So that's the cut. That's how I'm. That's how we see these fights now. I'm. I'm just defending this position I'm in with everything of everything I've got. You know what I mean? So, yeah, that's. I guess. I guess I didn't even know as much technique or skill to it. I was just refusing to give a inch in that fight. You know what I mean?


Yeah, yeah, no, I know exactly what you're saying. Oh, man. When we first spoke, you came into the fighter meetings and you shared a bit of your. Your background. You know, you talked to me about your father. You know, sadly, he's no longer with us. And, you know, that's such a driving force in what you do. Would you mind sharing a bit of your story with people? Because obviously, you've had two fights in the UFC now, but there might be some people watching this podcast that maybe aren't familiar with you. So do you want to just, you know, just give us a bit of your backstory and your path to coming here and being here today.


Forgive me if I get a quivering lit now like I did at that.


No, that's what I want for the views. Bells for the views.


Yeah. I hope I don't.




I'll be self kick myself, you know. I want to keep a stiff like my grandfather. My grandfather tells me to keep a stiff upper lip, but yeah, basically. So my father, like, he loved, he loved fighting. Loved the fighting sports. But like I told you back when I told you at that fighter meeting, it's not like he pursued it as a professional career. It was more like a. It was a bit of like a gangster really, in like the eighties, you know. You know, it's like maybe the Adam and Clitheroe, you got them boys you don't fuck with on the street. They got their connections and all that, so. And when I was obviously, um, growing up as such a young boy, that's all my father would do is. Is instill this. I had to be trained and I had to be training the martial arts, boxing, judo, taekwondo, whatever that may be. And then, um, to cut a long story short, basically we moved house and he took his own life. And growing up, going to these training sessions, I used to hate it because all my, all my friends would be playing rugby, they'd be playing football.


But I was going to these sports, you know, I was like crying, getting punched. And I didn't, I didn't enjoy it one bit. But after he died, it was kind of the tribute that, you know, my mother would always say, this is exactly what your father would want, is for you to keep going, keep doing it. So just to kind of deal with the trauma, to be honest, for as long as I can remember, I would just keep turning up to these. To these sessions. And it was kind of a way of just keeping my conscience clean, to know that I was doing what he'd wanted. But then somewhere along the line, I fell in love with it and I never did. So this maybe feels still here. Maybe I wouldn't even be in this position now, but somewhere along the line I fell in love with it. And I've just my main goal. And I struggled a lot when I was a kid. Boys. Right, I'll open up here if, you know, for whoever doesn't. For whoever doesn't know. But I struggled a lot as a kid. I was struggling to deal with it, my mental.


How old were you when he passed, if you don't mind me?


I was only. I was seven years old, but that's all I had in my mind every day, was reliving that night. He went, you know what I mean? Um, I can't, you know, gory details are owning. I won't go into that. But, yeah, that's cool. I was. It was just a. It was just a. It would just haunt me. I just couldn't deal with it. And then when I was in the fighting gym, I felt myself like, you know, my day to day life was improving the more I trained. So I kept training. It was like a coping way. And then I started fighting, started competing, and I kind of sat there one day and said to myself, I fell in love with the UFC. And I thought, you know, if I can get there and I can. I can keep this going and I can get there and make money and put my. Put my dad's name up in lights and put my family name up in lights and make all that grief worth something. If I can at least get there and do it, then at least something has come out of this.


That's kind of what I always told myself. And lo and behold, I get a contender series call up, and it was like, when it, you know, it's like a fit fight for a contract kind of thing. And I literally said on my thing, you'll have to take me out in a box before he takes his chance off me. Then I get to my UFC debut, and I'm thinking, mate, you're not, you know, I mean, did you kind of get the perspective?




Are you kind of seeing it from my point of view now? So now I'm here. It's like, that's the worst thing anyone could have done, if you ask me, because now I'm here. You're gonna have to. You're gonna have to do something drastic to get rid of me because I'm just way too stubborn to give this position up. You know what I mean? I hope I paint the picture.


No, no. It does all ban, and I think it's incredible that you, at that age, had to go through that, and now you're here because.


Thank you.


I'm not too dissimilar, and Anthony's the same. And I think a lot of the fighters on the roster, obviously, we didn't lose a parent at that young age, but talking about, you know, finding ourselves and finding a path and finding a purpose, and I think the UFC, just that promotion, and there's lots of other promotions, but the UFC is the main one is responsible for, in a way, saving so many lives. I know it saved my life and. I know.


Yeah. I mean, it absolutely saved mine. It.


Yeah. Well, boys, we all share them.




Share it. We all share it.


What. What did it feel like? Like, so I remember. I remember this moment very clearly for me, but what it. You talked about putting your family name up in lights and, like, the first thing that popped in my head is, I wonder what it felt like when you're walking. Walking out in Manchester and, you know those things that go all the way around the arena, it's got your name on it and, like, your face is up on the screen and, like, what does that feel like? Well, after thinking about it so many times, you know what I mean?


Yeah. After thinking about and seeing it, where it got me was in Anaheim on my debut, because I was actually there. I looked up, I was like, oh, my God. It was like a. It was that. I don't know how I even kept it together in our fight and, you know, emotionally, because it all just kind of hit me. It was like. It was like 20 years passed me by and in the blink of an eye when I was actually there, you know, and, um, it was like. It's like a surreal out of body experience. It's like I'm watching myself in a dream. I still feel like that now. Manchester, when I was doing that, it was just like, take all of this in because I might wake up in a minute. Take all of this in because before. But knowing my luck, I'm gonna wake up and I'll be like, you know, I'll be in hospital, some drunken accident or some. But when I was there and it happened, I don't know, man. It was just so I finally. And knows me now. I'm finally at peace. And that's because I'm finally doing my thing in the UFC.


And I guess that's quite a risky way to put your happiness, even your day to day happiness, to put that. Put. Put it in the hands of, you know, how successful my fighting career is. But for me.


It'S natural, mate, because you cut from that cloth, you're that type of person. And so many of us, it's the same thing. We put so much of our identity into what we can do with our hands when we're younger on the streets. I know you're from Murford, Tinville. I've never been there, but I hear number one, Bruce Buffer kind of butchered the name. Saturday night.


It was at Murther Eadville.


Tell me about Murphy Tidville, because I've heard, like, stories that's a tough little place, isn't it?


Yeah. And then, and not, and if you ask anybody for the last, for the last 40 years, you know, all the older boys now say they'd be sitting their sixties, fifties, sixties. And a lot of them made the trip to my fight or my dad's friends. My dad was in a tough place. He was known as the tougher. And not that that's like anything to know in my, you know, mature state of mind that I'm in now, you know, being known as a tough guy, I guess, you know, there's other means and ways of going about life. Don't has been known as a tough guy, but in his era that's what it was all about, you know. I mean that's what you, that's what you did to get respect, to survive in some ways. You know what I mean? Not to sound corny, but that's just how it was. And , it would have been a scene in Manchester. So you got on one side of the town, you've got Bilal Mohammed and his crew going absolutely insane. You've got the welsh lads on the other side of the town in the toilet.Probably when all that kicked off in the fucking queueing up. They all had bad stomachs.Oh, they shit the pants.Yeah, one of them, you know. You know, that kind of bad stomach. All them. Not 24 hours on it.Oh, no.Yeah.Manchester would have been a. If all those groups of people came together that have been an absolute shit show.Yeah, it was. It's my last, but I was the toot in the game, you know?Yeah, I just. I really wouldn't know. I really wouldn't know. And to be honest, the way. The way I am, right. I'm like, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna say no to anyone. I never have said no to anyone. Like, I guess it depends what they want to do. Me, they're gonna build me up and feed me and feed me some, you know, favorable matchups. Preston passes wasn't exactly favorable. He was. He was on his. He's on his second contract with the UFC, so whoever's next, I'll be more than ready.Well, you're marketable. I don't get a great sense of humor.I don't see any personality.You're a good looking kid.Good looking.You know? Come on, give me a flex. Give me that bicep. Let's go.I don't think the camera's big enough to fit it in the.Is that your teddy bear by the side there? Oba?Yeah, that's my teddy bear. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.What's your teddy bear called?Oh, this one? Yeah, this is in my brother's room. So I don't actually know.It's okay.It's fun. I got. I got a teddy bear right over here, too. I'm in my daughter's room.My house called rollover Rollo. Mmm. But this one I don't actually know. I don't actually know that Teddy's name.That's okay. Don't worry. We'll let it slide. Oh, bad. I had to talk to you, man. I'm proud of what you did at the weekend. I'm proud you're making your family proud all bad, as well. Keep doing what you're doing. Keep your head down, work hard, follow a good diet. Enjoy yourself here and there, of course, because you got to. But you're on the verge of doing big, big things, right? And you're in charge. You're in charge of your destiny right now. You're young and you got the world at your fingertips, man. So don't waste this opportunity. Work your fucking ass off. Keep your head down, and all the best.Thank you so much. I heard every word you said then. Thank you. Thank you so much.Yeah. It was a pleasure getting to know you, man. It really was. I look forward to watching your journey.Good to chat to you properly as well. And, Mike, as always, thank you for everything. Thank you for everything.Get out of here. Piss off. Right. There he is. Oh, but I told you, he's got a good personality.What a cool dude. What a crazy story, too.Great guy. Great guy. All right, listen, we're gonna wrap this one up soon. Yeah, we're gonna wrap it up now. Thanks for watching, everyone. If you want to subscribe and ring the bell, please do so. What? What to. To what to. To what?I'll just. Peace out. You got doctors appointments.Get out of here. Bye. Send a question and send it into B. Rampart but I gotta go to the doctors, and I'm currently late. I got to get surgery on my pain. I'm in pain. Harriet, finish the show because I gotta go, bro. That's all you need to know. You and Anthony, you can do it. You can do it.Okay?I believe in you.All right.If you're listening on Spotify, iTunes, wherever you find podcast, make sure to subscribe. Leave us a five star rating, positive review. It really helps out on those platforms. If you're watching on YouTube, make sure to subscribe to the channel and you hit that notification bell to find out whenever a new video drops. And if you want to catch over 500 episodes, you can't find anywhere else. Completely ad free and totally uncensored. Head to use the promo code bym. Get a 20% off your membership.


, it would have been a scene in Manchester. So you got on one side of the town, you've got Bilal Mohammed and his crew going absolutely insane. You've got the welsh lads on the other side of the town in the toilet.


Probably when all that kicked off in the fucking queueing up. They all had bad stomachs.


Oh, they shit the pants.


Yeah, one of them, you know. You know, that kind of bad stomach. All them. Not 24 hours on it.


Oh, no.




Manchester would have been a. If all those groups of people came together that have been an absolute shit show.


Yeah, it was. It's my last, but I was the toot in the game, you know?Yeah, I just. I really wouldn't know. I really wouldn't know. And to be honest, the way. The way I am, right. I'm like, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna say no to anyone. I never have said no to anyone. Like, I guess it depends what they want to do. Me, they're gonna build me up and feed me and feed me some, you know, favorable matchups. Preston passes wasn't exactly favorable. He was. He was on his. He's on his second contract with the UFC, so whoever's next, I'll be more than ready.Well, you're marketable. I don't get a great sense of humor.I don't see any personality.You're a good looking kid.Good looking.You know? Come on, give me a flex. Give me that bicep. Let's go.I don't think the camera's big enough to fit it in the.Is that your teddy bear by the side there? Oba?Yeah, that's my teddy bear. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.What's your teddy bear called?Oh, this one? Yeah, this is in my brother's room. So I don't actually know.It's okay.It's fun. I got. I got a teddy bear right over here, too. I'm in my daughter's room.My house called rollover Rollo. Mmm. But this one I don't actually know. I don't actually know that Teddy's name.That's okay. Don't worry. We'll let it slide. Oh, bad. I had to talk to you, man. I'm proud of what you did at the weekend. I'm proud you're making your family proud all bad, as well. Keep doing what you're doing. Keep your head down, work hard, follow a good diet. Enjoy yourself here and there, of course, because you got to. But you're on the verge of doing big, big things, right? And you're in charge. You're in charge of your destiny right now. You're young and you got the world at your fingertips, man. So don't waste this opportunity. Work your fucking ass off. Keep your head down, and all the best.Thank you so much. I heard every word you said then. Thank you. Thank you so much.Yeah. It was a pleasure getting to know you, man. It really was. I look forward to watching your journey.Good to chat to you properly as well. And, Mike, as always, thank you for everything. Thank you for everything.Get out of here. Piss off. Right. There he is. Oh, but I told you, he's got a good personality.What a cool dude. What a crazy story, too.Great guy. Great guy. All right, listen, we're gonna wrap this one up soon. Yeah, we're gonna wrap it up now. Thanks for watching, everyone. If you want to subscribe and ring the bell, please do so. What? What to. To what to. To what?I'll just. Peace out. You got doctors appointments.Get out of here. Bye. Send a question and send it into B. Rampart but I gotta go to the doctors, and I'm currently late. I got to get surgery on my pain. I'm in pain. Harriet, finish the show because I gotta go, bro. That's all you need to know. You and Anthony, you can do it. You can do it.Okay?I believe in you.All right.If you're listening on Spotify, iTunes, wherever you find podcast, make sure to subscribe. Leave us a five star rating, positive review. It really helps out on those platforms. If you're watching on YouTube, make sure to subscribe to the channel and you hit that notification bell to find out whenever a new video drops. And if you want to catch over 500 episodes, you can't find anywhere else. Completely ad free and totally uncensored. Head to use the promo code bym. Get a 20% off your membership.


the toot in the game, you know?


Yeah, I just. I really wouldn't know. I really wouldn't know. And to be honest, the way. The way I am, right. I'm like, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna say no to anyone. I never have said no to anyone. Like, I guess it depends what they want to do. Me, they're gonna build me up and feed me and feed me some, you know, favorable matchups. Preston passes wasn't exactly favorable. He was. He was on his. He's on his second contract with the UFC, so whoever's next, I'll be more than ready.


Well, you're marketable. I don't get a great sense of humor.


I don't see any personality.


You're a good looking kid.


Good looking.


You know? Come on, give me a flex. Give me that bicep. Let's go.


I don't think the camera's big enough to fit it in the.


Is that your teddy bear by the side there? Oba?


Yeah, that's my teddy bear. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


What's your teddy bear called?


Oh, this one? Yeah, this is in my brother's room. So I don't actually know.


It's okay.


It's fun. I got. I got a teddy bear right over here, too. I'm in my daughter's room.


My house called rollover Rollo. Mmm. But this one I don't actually know. I don't actually know that Teddy's name.


That's okay. Don't worry. We'll let it slide. Oh, bad. I had to talk to you, man. I'm proud of what you did at the weekend. I'm proud you're making your family proud all bad, as well. Keep doing what you're doing. Keep your head down, work hard, follow a good diet. Enjoy yourself here and there, of course, because you got to. But you're on the verge of doing big, big things, right? And you're in charge. You're in charge of your destiny right now. You're young and you got the world at your fingertips, man. So don't waste this opportunity. Work your fucking ass off. Keep your head down, and all the best.


Thank you so much. I heard every word you said then. Thank you. Thank you so much.


Yeah. It was a pleasure getting to know you, man. It really was. I look forward to watching your journey.


Good to chat to you properly as well. And, Mike, as always, thank you for everything. Thank you for everything.


Get out of here. Piss off. Right. There he is. Oh, but I told you, he's got a good personality.


What a cool dude. What a crazy story, too.


Great guy. Great guy. All right, listen, we're gonna wrap this one up soon. Yeah, we're gonna wrap it up now. Thanks for watching, everyone. If you want to subscribe and ring the bell, please do so. What? What to. To what to. To what?


I'll just. Peace out. You got doctors appointments.


Get out of here. Bye. Send a question and send it into B. Rampart but I gotta go to the doctors, and I'm currently late. I got to get surgery on my pain. I'm in pain. Harriet, finish the show because I gotta go, bro. That's all you need to know. You and Anthony, you can do it. You can do it.




I believe in you.


All right.


If you're listening on Spotify, iTunes, wherever you find podcast, make sure to subscribe. Leave us a five star rating, positive review. It really helps out on those platforms. If you're watching on YouTube, make sure to subscribe to the channel and you hit that notification bell to find out whenever a new video drops. And if you want to catch over 500 episodes, you can't find anywhere else. Completely ad free and totally uncensored. Head to use the promo code bym. Get a 20% off your membership.