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Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the fk up.


You're listening to believe you me with Michael the Count Bisbing- You know my name yet? And Anthony Lionhardt-Smith.


Well, look who it is. Look at this guy. Look at this guy. The one and only, Anthony Smith. How the hell are you, Anthony?


I'm great, man. How have you been? I feel like it's been a while.


Jeez, how are the kids? How's your mom? Oh, my God. How you been, Anthony?


I've been good, man. I've been good. Kids are good. Kids are good. Yeah, they're all here. They're alive.


Jet setting all over the world, sparing it up, I see. Too big for the believe you me podcast these days. No way.


No way. No way. It's been crazy busy. Crazy busy. Good. Have you ever... You ever get into a spot? Listen, I don't even care. I'm going to bitch you complain real quick. Go ahead. You just feel overwhelmed. You can't You just feel like, I just want to take a break and just breathe. But the Sphere event was insane. The prep for it was crazy. You get it's calls and emails and text messages and all this bullshit leading up to it. Then you're just working all week long. It's Tuesday to Sunday, just nonstop. And then Monday happens, and then everyone wants to start talking about like...


The next thing.


Well, no, it's not even that yet. Monday morning, then it's everybody wants to talk about like, All right, well, we did this. We should have done this. We could have been better here. We did this really well. I don't want to talk about it anymore. And then right into the afternoon, it's like, All right, we're on to Salt Lake City. Holy shit.


Well, well, well. Go for the top, Anthony. My God, there's people out there working properly for a living, grinding away, graffing away, hating life, punching in a crack of corn. Shit, me too. No, I'm with you, buddy. I've got a crazy couple of months coming up, but I'm blessed.


I'm lucky. I'm lucky. Yeah, it's good.


Now, enough of that. Enough bitching. It hasn't been on for weeks. It starts the show with a good little what is me story. Jesus, Anthony, come on, bro. You're a lucky man. The Sphere. Speaking of lucky men, lucky people. I watched it at home. It was fantastic. Ufc 306, of course, is what I'm talking about. The Sphere was the star of the show, but you were in the building. It looked great at home. How good did it look actually in person?


I've never been in a situation where I was truly speechless because I always got something. When we first walked in on Friday, they were doing some of the rehearsals. You can't have your phones out. You got to sign all this weird stuff because they're doing this big reveal on Saturday, and they don't want to ruin it, which totally understand. When I walked in, I couldn't believe what I was looking at. I couldn't believe it. It was hard to understand that human beings can create stuff like this. It didn't seem real. And this was before there was any fans. This is just some of the packages that they were playing during it. And I'd never been in the sphere before. A lot of people have seen the YouTube concerts and some other things there. I'd never seen anything there. So that was my- No, me neither. That was my first look at what it was going to look And it was breathtaking. I can't even explain it, what it looked like.


Yeah, it's unbelievable because Dana said this at the post fight press conference, and he's absolutely right. Before you all start, They put fights on every week all over the world, and they sell out, and they do crazy numbers. So they don't have to do that. They don't have to go out there and try and do things differently because people love the product the way it is. They're trying to innovate, trying to do something new, trying to have creativity and be original and push boundaries. That's what the UFC has always done. I mean, even when they were first, when it started as an organization, it was something new. It was too much for TV. It was banned pretty much everywhere. Then they changed the rules and they polished up the format. They brought in the weight classes and it became a huge success. But then just doing this is just like, I love it. I love the fact that they do that, that they want to push the boundaries and continue to give us new experiences. And that's not me as a company, man, you pricks. That's me as a fan sitting at home. Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that.


I mean, that was phenomenal to see. I mean, the movies, all the rest of it, just the graphics, the sheer spectacle of it. I mean, that was watching... That was like watching real-life fighters compete in the mortal combat game. It was phenomenal.


Well, I think as broadcasters, we're always being talked to by the bosses and the people that run this stuff, that we're telling a story. They want us to tell these stories and explain to the fans what's happening. There's no clear representation of what a real storytelling experience is. It all made sense to me while we were going through this and then the night of the fight while we're leading into it. I don't know. I feel like a lot of things in my own broadcasting career made more sense. Of course, we're not going to be able to tell that story every single fight card. It's just not possible. But I think I got the idea. I think I understood what Zack and Glenn and those guys are talking to us about. We need to lean more into, and again, we're not going to be able to do that all the time, but we need to lean more into trying to take the viewers on a journey and maybe be better storytellers. And so I feel like I became better at my job over the week.


Well, that's what I do all the time. You're going to tell story of the fighters.


I'm trying to be like you.


Jesus, Louisa, my God.


It took a sphere of it for me to understand that I need to be more like you.


Well, there it is. Okay, it's fine. Be like Mike. And then head of ESPN MMA, by the way, for those that don't know, Zack, of course, head of production over at the UFC. Now, that was fantastic. All the bells and whistles were tremendous. But ultimately, that's what they are. They're bells and whistles. It's what goes on in the locked on that we're truly tuning in for, Sean O'Malley, Marab De Vallesvili. I was torn. I went with Sean O'Malley prior to the fight. I thought he'd pull it off, but I didn't think it was going to be easy. But I did see a relatively straightforward path for both men. We all know what happened. Marab was phenomenal. He really was. The way that he was constantly in perpetual motion, moving the whole time, more so than any other of Sean O'Malley's opponents. The problem with him moving so much is that how can Marab... Sorry, how can Sean corral him up against the fence? How can he use the striking? How can he use the reach, the speed, the better technical prowess that he has? If Marab is just moving the whole time, and the only time he's not moving is when he's throwing unorthodox head kicks or launching you through the air with singles or blast doubles.


And to keep up that pace, that momentum for five rounds, it shows once again the cardio brilliance of Marab, the Valesh Wili.


I thought he was going to... I thought he was going to go on with the regular game plan that he does every single time. And I think it's unfair to say that he did end up doing that. He changed a few little things. He was better timed on his takedowns. He wasn't spamming them as often as he did before. He shot a lot, and he was putting the pressure on a lot. But there'd be times he's shooting 10, 12 times in a round. Maybe he gets one, maybe he doesn't. But I thought his takedowns were really well-timed. I thought his motion was well-timed, just in terms of constantly moving his head and the hand movement up and down and the unorthodox stuff. But honestly, O'Malley laid an egg, too. If we're just being honest, I need to be a bit critical, and I don't mean this with any I respect to Sean. I love his game. He's super exciting, but he didn't put his best foot forward. I think that's partially, partially, some of it is him. Did he underestimate Marab? Did he think he was going to be easier to hit? Did he Is he believing his own hype a little bit?


Maybe. And some of it is just Marab made some adjustments and changed his game just a little bit in terms of his output and his approach. So I don't want to take that away from Marab, but O'Malley looked flat from the very beginning. He wasn't as light on his feet as he typically was. He always does a lot of stance switches, but he's usually dynamic with it and floats across the center line as he's doing it. He's a little more tricky. His output was very, very low, which I think a lot of it had to do with Marab because he doesn't want to overextend a bunch and give up those takedowns as easily as he did. But it didn't matter anyway. So it seemed like in the third round, he started to get a little bit of his juice back. He seemed to have a little bit of fire in him, and I thought, I started to see some of that brilliance in the third round, and then it went away after that. So he looked off. And I think some of that's Marab, and some of that is, I don't know, he He didn't show up.


The reason he looked off or potentially the narrative that he didn't show up is because of Marab, because think about it. Look at the other opponents. Yes, granted, Aljamain Sterling, great wrestler. Pyori Yann does have great wrestling ability, but predominantly likes to fight on the feet and we're mixing a take down if he needs to. But Marab was taking him down. Marab was moving a lot. And then when you start getting taken down and you start getting controlled and you start having a guy who's dominating you, starts kissing you on the shoulders, And then let's go of a takedown and says, screw it. It's okay. It's all good. I can take you down whenever I want. I talk about it all the time, and it's a cliché to say that slows down the striker's output because you're like, Crap, he He's taking me down. I didn't think he'd be able to. I thought I'd be able to pick him apart. And you start going into panic mode in your brain, and you start thinking, Shit, I'm going- He didn't deal with the adversity well at all. He's like, Shit, shit, shit. Okay, I'm going to move around.


I'm going to do this. I'm going to do No, I'm not. I'm not doing anything because I'm now on my back again, and I'm getting ground and pounded, and I'm getting my neck squeezed. And that is why you have to really admire and respect all of these guys that went on these long runs as a champion, Jones, St. Pierre, Anderson Silva, Mighty Mouse, because they went through all of these styles, and they were able to do it every single time, even if they're having a supposed bad night and look flat.


Yeah. He He didn't deal with the adversity very well. You could see right away in the first round like, Oh, he's not enjoying this. He wasn't expecting this, which, again, I think a lot of that's Marab. He did do some things differently. I think what Marab managed to do is he took a predictable style that he brings every single fight and found little nuances and little ways to change it enough to make it unpredictable because the constant spamming takedowns over and over and over becomes predictable, and then you're just a sitting duck out there. I think this is why they put this fight together. It almost had an impossibility of being a boring fight because Marab refuses to take a backward step. He's constantly forcing the action and the pressure and constantly attacking the takedown. And then you get a guy like O'Malley who feeds on that, and he needs you to come to him. We can go back to the Pedro Muñoz fight for the one guy that refused to come to Sean O'Malley and bring the fight to him. And he was losing that fight until it ended up being a no contest and was struggling with having to chase down Pedro Muñoz.


And I think as time went on, he fixed that problem. But at the time, he really struggled with a guy that wouldn't bring the fight to him. Marab wasn't going to be that guy. It almost seemed like the UFC put this together because who knows who's going to win, but it's going to be impossible for this not to be exciting because Marab is going to force the pressure. O'malley is going to be on the outside, going to pick him apart, going to hit these big shots, and it's going to be a barn burner. And And Marab just changed his game, said, No, I'm going to be active on the outside. I'm going to be moving my hands. I'm going to be moving my head. I'm going to be throwing him a bunch of shit. And then when he comes forward, the takedowns... It's been a while since I've seen Marab take people down that clean in the center of the octagon. It was clean. It looked great.


The reality is that when you're the champion and then there's somebody in the division on a 10-fight win streak, you're going to face them. And he was the next clean- You got to fight him. He beat Josie Aldo, he beat Henry Sahudo, he beat Pyaraya, and he beat three former champions. And on a 10-fight win streak. The man could not be denied. It is what it is. He went out there, he beat him. He beat him, sadly. There was absolutely no argument. The only argument I had, and let's talk about some of the shenanigans of Marab, because not only did he win, we all like Sean. I think Sean's great for the sport. I love talking to him. I love his personality, and I still think he's an amazing fighter. He's a great striker. He definitely has some work to do in the take-down defense area. However, Marab Not only was dominating the fight, he was dominating it psychologically. Right from the start. I mean, that was a bit crazy with Tim Welsh when he was like, excessive coaching. Have you ever seen Herb Dean, by the way, was getting involved way too much for my money?


I am talking shit about Herb.


I am. I will.Do it.I'm going to. I'm going to.Okay. Again, I know Herb is going to see this because he's so involved in the sport. He sees everything. It's not a personal attack. Anytime I see Herb, we shake hands. It's, Hey, how are you? Hope things are I need to preface that. This is not personal.


Just on that note, though, real quick. I know because I know the same thing. I walk into the Apex every week or wherever it is, and they do watch this shit, and they do take it personal as human beings. They do. And they do pull you to one side and say, Hey, come Can we just talk about that?


Which I appreciate. We're going live in five minutes. I'll stop.


I am going live in five minutes.


I'm like, Bro, I can't. I got 32 fighters that I'm going to know.


I'm going to look at my notes.


I got more time than you got. I got more time than you got. I welcome those conversations because this isn't a personal thing. This is me speaking from a person who spent my entire adult life inside of that octagon on the other side of what you're doing. So it affects me very seriously, and it has for almost 20 years. So I do have a strong opinion about it, and it's not personal. I think Herb's a great guy. I've actually spent a little bit of time around him in some social situations. Lovely man, lovely man, enjoyed every moment. But he found himself in a weird, funky position because I'm sure behind the scenes, you got guys complaining about Tim Welsh coaching the other person, and there's a lot of beef there and a lot of problems. So if Marab wants to spend his time in the octane, when he should be fighting Sean O'Malley, talking to the other coaches, that should be on him. That's his business. That's on him, yeah. And although Tim Welsh talking to Marab is maybe a dirtbag move. I don't believe that it should be illegal. Because if I can kick you in the face, why can't he talk to you?


Be a man and ignore it.


Just playing devil's avocado. It could be maybe some weird code like some of the coaches use. It might sound like I'm talking to Marab, but I'm really talking to Sean. That's the game. This is the game.


That's how football is. That's how football is. They're on the sidelines doing all this weird shit all the time because they're hiding their signs. Hide your signs.


I'm a cornerman. Words are going to come out of my mouth. They're both going to hear them. That's a great point. It's a great point telling him to work. When he's in a dominant position and he's clearly working, it was a bit much.


It was fast. The whole fight, I'm hearing Herb talk back to Tim Welsh. Ignore him. What are you doing? Pay attention to the fight, bro. Ignore Tim Welsh. He's like, You're coaching me. No, let me now. Let me worry Stop, stop. Have those conversations in between rounds. But during it, now you're taken away from the broadcast because now I can hear you talking to the other coach, and I'm not paying attention here. Tim Welsh does last very well, though.


He does.


He does.


He does rob people the wrong way.


I like him, but he runs for the talk. I don't mind him either.


He robs people the wrong way. I think it's hilarious. It added to the broadcast. Speaking to Herb Dean real quick, he's in social settings. I hung out with him after I fought. I think it was Jorge Rivera or Wanderlay Silver in Australia, Sydney. An old buddy of mine, Damian, me, my dad, after my fight, and Herb Dean, absolutely hammered. Hammered. And in the end, Herb Dean had to bail. He's like, This is a bit much. I'm just going on. But he's like, Mike, great hanging out with you, getting to know your father, but I'm out of it. So listen, we can't all get it perfect every single time.


And he was in a tough spot. It's a weird... It was a weird It was a weird start to a weird fight. So I don't want to give him... I don't want to be too tough on him. But the biggest thing, I was disappointed with the constant forcing of the action. Rob just fought this guy hard for 25 minutes. He's trying to hold on to a world title. If he wants to circle for five minutes, that's on Sean O'Malley. I'm not saying if you go through an entire fight, if we're in the third round and you got one guy that won't engage, then we can start to force the action. But instead, it's just saying it while it's happening. If you got a really big problem with it, then stop it. Talk to him real quick. Say, Hey, we got to fight here. There's nothing happening. Because there's a rule, it's timidity. You got to engage. He just spent 20 minutes doing nothing but engaging.


And he was engaging in the fifth round as well. He was being a little bit more cautious. There was a little bit more movement. Yeah, wouldn't you?


He was the only winner of the title. That's an easy win.


Yeah, but O'Malley just landed the best shot of the night. Just hurt him in the stomach. It hurt him a little bit, but he was still pushing the action. Solid win from Marab DeValishvili. And just like Sean O'Malley, when you become the champion, you've got a murderous row of people. Now it's the same thing for DeValishvili. Umar and Omega made off. Probably deserves the shot next, 18 and 0. That's the problem.


What a prize. To go on these runs, yeah.


You get the defeated Umar, who can wrestle with you, who's got beautiful striking, beautiful kickboxing, trains with Habib, got that whole Daghestani aura around him, but he doesn't want to think about that. He just wants Enjoy. Brian, play that video. Marab, Valentina Shevchenko, backstage.


Oh, yeah. Loving them all. This is great.


I loved it of Marab, by the way, when he jumped on the cage. The arena was emptying me out. And he's still on top of the cage.


He doesn't care.


I mean, look at these two. I'm having a little dance off.


I love this.


Yeah, me too. Why not? Fair play.


Look how happy he is.


Before you ask, I've got So get your title back. For Valentina, just avenged her nemesis. Marab just beat Sean. Everyone's standing around. The little exhibition is the pair of them.


This is great. I love this. It's awesome.


It makes me miss it. It makes me miss it, the rush of victory. When I win the belt, there's a picture of me, I'm backstage with Dana and Lorenzo, having a little whiskey and stuff. It It's the best feeling on planet Earth, and that's why we do it as a career as well. Moments like that, the joy that you feel. Highest highs, lowest lows, we know that, but that's the game.


Yeah, I remember when I won the Tied on.


Yeah. Bro, bro.


I'm just kidding. What is coming up?


Madison Square Garden. This could be the- No, it's not. They put it out there.


I know. It's not Madison Square. I'm not fighting Madison Square Garden.


I thought it was T-Mobile Arena.


It is. In December.


Jesus Christ.




So first of all, they're putting that up. Then they're calling Terrence Crawford, Kendrick Lamar. They nailed the sphere. But whoever does the graphics is getting a stern talking to me.


Yeah, so someone's getting their ass to them. They're just attacking Omaha all night on the graphics.


Jeez, Louise. Because I was like, Man, Anthony's fighting November. Holy shit. I've got him back today, but this is probably the last one. He's going to go, Mi, mother effing A.


No. I was on air when that popped up and Gilbert Melendez was like, Oh, November, huh? And I was like, No, it's not.


Harrington, welcome to the show, brother. Is he there?


No, of course I'm here. What's going on, boys?


What's up? Not much. Any other points in the notes that you very, very well put together? Anything on the main event before we move on that we need to digress into that we need to go down a tangent on that we need to discuss?


I think in the same vein as the dancing, I thought you guys would get a kick out of this. 10,000 Georgians hung out in the city center with TVs on all cheering along for Marab as it happened. I don't know. I just think that thing is pretty dang cool.


Yeah, I haven't seen this. Roll the tape, please, Brian. But in these countries, look at that.


Oh, my God.


Look at that. That's wild, man.


Oh, man.


I just got the chills.


Look at that. Look at the emotion on their faces. They're so genuinely so happy and so proud. I mean, Georgia is only a small country, so they really get behind their own when they represent them on the world stage. And that part of the world as well. What was it? There was a few fights on the contender from Tajikistan, I think it was. They were selling out soccer stadiums filled with fans tuning in for the contender Do you know what I mean? It's unbelievable. It's crazy.


It is. Good for him. That's got to feel so good.


Oh, yeah. And we know Marab. I don't know if it's a personal situation. I don't know if he's a married man or has a girlfriend. I think he's young for single and ready to mingle. If I'm him, I'm on the next ride back to Georgia.


I'm going to Georgia.


Let's go. Walking around. Yes, yes, I'm entitled. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Excuse me.


Speaking of titles, he might have somebody else accompanying with him to Georgia to show off that belt because it looked damn good on a nightclub. Brian, if you want to bring that up for a second. But yeah, they did a little bit of partying after Aljamain Sterling, Marab and a special guest.


Yeah, no, it's Jon Jones. I've seen it, but roll the tape for the viewers, and this is funny. Oh, no. It brings us a nice little segue because Jon Jones was there at the Sphere, of course, hanging out with Alex Pereira for a little bit as well, which was interesting because when you see those two guys together, they're pretty much the same size. Dana spoke in the post fight press conference. He's like, Yeah, Jones is here. He's in town. He's promised me he's going to be on his best behavior. He ain't going to get into any shit. I think we got a video of Dana talking, Brian, if you could just roll that in, please. But then there was a video that Harrington queued up when he doesn't have the right to be queuing videos, Harrington. Brian's having a goddamn I'm heart attack backstage.


Brian's hair is falling out of his ponytail right now.


I don't think he put this in the notes, so I'm looking for the phone link right now.


He's a knob. He's a knob. He shouldn't do that. Now he's put it in the chat. I see what's going on. Harrington is trying to sabotage Brian.


He is. I was just thinking that.


I would never. I would never.


You do it every time. You queue up videos like you're trying to surprise me with them.


Harrington, what's your response?


I Yeah. I'm taking this out.


No, it's fine. No, no, no. Leave this in. This is good podcasting. What is your response, Harrington?


Yeah, I don't know. I thought I titled it pretty well, but I didn't have it in the rest of the marab section, so that is on me. I'll take the blame for that.


I didn't mean that response. I meant the response to Bryant personally with the attacks, but never mind. Shut up. Oh, you're also mean to Harrington.


Here it is. Uh-oh. Let's go, guys.


Yeah, now play Bryant. Now play, Brian. Now play, number nine, Brian Garcia, because I tell you what, Bryant Garcia looks three sheets to the wind. He looks a little baby.


I'm sure he was.


Oh, 100 %. I saw him at the Nate Dias-Masvidal fight. He was on a good one then. Here we go. Look at his face. He looks I'm sorry. Who was it? John Jones.


Oh, John Jones?


Well, John Jones is running loose and wild here tonight in Las Vegas.


Let's hope we... Hunter, you're babysitting him tonight? No?


Ryan Garcia.


Who is?


Dora. Dora. Dora. I hope that's not true.


Listen, John promised me tonight that he's going to be good while he's in Las Vegas. He's so scared.


I know. Every time he goes to Vegas, he has some issue. They've just dropped it, the announcement, main event, Madison Square Garden. Anthony Smith will not be on that fight card, and he links up with Ryan Garci. It was crazy.


Ryan García. Yeah, this isn't a regular... This isn't a year ago, Ryan García. This is six months ago, Ryan. Oh, my gosh. Did you see this video that Jake Paul dressed up in Did you get to the disguise and snuck into the sphere?


I did. We'll talk about that in a second, maybe a little bit, but you're right. Of all people, because we are, as human beings, the people that we surround ourselves, has a massive effect on who you are as a person, the decisions that you make. If you're with a bad set of friends, you're going to end up doing maybe some bad shit, maybe not bad, but unadvised stuff. When I was hanging around with a bunch of friends, I was partying way too much back in the early days in Clithero because that's all we did. You know what I mean? He's already got a problem with Vegas. He's already got a demon on his shoulder. And who does he link up? Ryan Garcia. And as you said, crazy Ryan Garcia, faded, drunk, wasted Ryan Garcia. I guarantee there were some little people following along the night with the phones. Let's just see.


Just wait. God's sake. Well, nothing's come out yet. Usually, John does things pretty big, so I feel like we've been known already.


You got to think- You got to think-grateful. You got to think he has learned from his mistakes, and you got to think he's going to fight with Steve P.


Miatchitch coming in. You don't stop it. You don't believe that. Stop. Another of that shit.


He is.


It's a dice roll at best that he made it out. We did it this time. Eight out of 10 times, he's probably okay. There's always that 20% shit. I don't know.


What are we in now? It's September, middle of September, couple of weeks left. October, November. So we got two months. We got two months to the fight. He's probably looking at this as the last hurrah, the last showdown before camp really starts.


Yeah, which is dangerous. That's the most dangerous one. But that's the most dangerous. You know how this goes? Usually, It ends up the worst on the last two ride.


Yeah, especially when you're John Jones and you've got the money and you've got the fame and you've got the wealth and you got the ability to be ushered about and given the VIP access and walking through the back door and all the rest.


Pressureable decision-making skills.


All the And he scans along the way and money to do whatever you want. Ryan Garcia going, Hey.


Ryan Garcia going in his pockets and coming out with shit all the time.


On top of all the other people that are in In a circle.


Eight weeks is fine.


Eight weeks is fine.


Oh, yeah. I'm not worried about that.


I'm not worried about that. No, he's fine. Passion, drive, and patience. The formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive. Ebay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to peak performance: supercharges, roof racks, exhaust kits, LED, headlights, and more. Whether you're into speed, power, or style, eBay Motors has you covered. With over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die, you'll always find exactly what you're looking for. And with eBay guaranteed fit, your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time all your money back. Because with eBay Motors, you're burning rubber, not cash. With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it's easy to make your car the MVP and bring home huge wins. Keep your ride or die alive at ebaymotors. Com. Eligible items only, exclusions apply. But speaking on November, Michael Chandler versus Charles Oliveira.


Let's go. Yeah, let's go.


Nobody saw that one coming. We'll get to the rest of the sphere fight in a minute. But when I saw that... Because Chandler came out and he said that they offered him January 25th, I think I want to say. And he said, No, that's too far. Forget that. So after waiting two years, he's finally called in the day.


He said, I can't wait two more months.


Can't do it.


It's already been four years. There's contender series guys that are about to fight for the title in the time since he fought.


Yeah, you're right. From November to January, it's two months. It's two months. You know what I mean? I think he's just lost all faith and confidence. Mcgregor is having a field day. We talk about it all the time. He's out there dancing, he's pouring shots, he's in shots.


He's like, They didn't know. I never had any plan to fight him.


Yeah, well, fair play. Chandler, hey, look up against Oliveira because it's a very, very tough fight. Okay, co-main event. Co-main It was a main event. Let's be honest. Valentina Shefchenko did what she needed to do. She had a great game plan. She executed it perfectly. It was a dominant display of wrestling, but I don't want to see that again. I'll just be honest. I think it sucked the life out of the arena. It was a boring fight, but I can't criticize her. She did what she needed to do to shut down Alexi Grasso. She got dropped in the first fight. She got finished. Sorry, dropped in the second fight, finished in the first fight. You take the path of least resistance and fair play to her. I respect that. She got the title back. She did what she needed to do to establish herself as the champion of the division. It doesn't mean we as fans have to go, whoa.


I don't have to say that I loved every second of it, though. At times, I'd rather watch grass grow. But I don't know. I was thrown off by Alexa Grosso, too. Where was that pop in her hands and in her boxing that she had in the first two fights? She wasn't anywhere close to as snappy and seemingly as powerful or as active or as quick with her hands as she's been in the past. I don't know. She just looked bad. She looked I don't know how else to put it. She looked bad.


It's easy to say that, though. I do think pressure is a big thing. Mexican Independence Day, the Sphere, this massive show. It's like, whoa. I'm the main representative. Isn't that can cause you to have a low output and shit the bed for want of a better expression?


I think there's something to be said for having two teammates fight right before you, too, in pretty big fights. She had a Rana Aldana in a really nasty, pretty tough emotional fight if you're friends with her, and then Diego Lopez fights right before you. I think there's something to that emotional drive that you're feeling while your really close friends and teammates are fighting, and then you have to make that walk right away. It could be draining.


Well, there is definitely an emotionally draining aspect, as you say. I think the main thing that drained her was Valentina Shefchenko, though. She was a better fighter. She looked sharp on the feet. Shefchenko has given us some really great performances, some great knockouts, some really exciting. So I'm not judging her as a fighter. She did what she had to do, but what she had to do, it wasn't the best display. Who was it? I was trying to think of the name. Who was that? Who was the female fighter that fought Valentina? She got knocked out of the head. Here we go. She was doing that chant. Oh, Jessica, hi. Here we go. Evil. That's all I can think of, right? Yeah. I mean, remember that? The head kick and the chant.


Which one was worse? The head kick for sure, because that sounds like someone hit a watermelon with a baseball bat. There we go. Evil.


Fair play. Hey, Valentina is back. She is back with a bang. She's the champion of the world. Hard enough to become a champ once, hard enough to get that many rubies, hard enough to do that dance with Marab, and even harder to become a two-time champion. Hey, fair play, man.


I think Thug Rose would have beat both those girls on Saturday.


Do you think so?


I think so. I think so. I don't know about that.


I don't know about that. She fights at 115 most of the time.


No, not anymore.


And she got controlled by a collar response.


A long time ago. It wasn't that long ago.


Carlos Vespars rags Alder held her down. Wasn't too much of a fight. It was probably one of the worst fights we've seen.


It was one of the most exciting fights we've ever seen, first of all.


Yeah. No, I'm sorry. Bad take. I'm with you, but that's your opinion. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I'm sure.


That's what I thought during the whole fight. I was like, I wish Doug Rose was here because I'm still watching this shit.


Amanda Nunez is sitting at home going, Well done to Valentina. Could you get any cooler?


She's so cool. All the languages she spoke?


Yeah. English, Spanish, Russian, Thai.


Thai. That's crazy. That's crazy.


.. Tingtong means crazy. I got to go tingtong a lot when I was there. Tingtong? Tingtong. Oh, tingtong. That's hilarious. Any time I get down to the hotel reception, oh, ding-tong, ding-tong. Crazy white guy's here with his skin head. I was crazy back then.


Yeah, she's too cool.


Yeah, well Well done. Well done to her. It's amazing. She's a great person as well. What was before that? It was, oh, Fire of the Night, maybe. Esteban Riebevitz, Daniel Zalhuba. We'll spend too much time on these. Unreal combination from Rebevicks. He just unloaded.


He just 415 punch combo. That was crazy. The arena was going absolutely desert, too. I thought, generally, we don't have to get into every single one, but generally, up until the co-main, I thought all the fights were absolutely spectacular. They were all really good. There wasn't a shit ton of finishes, but from the Ode Osborne fight where he dropped that kid and then had him in a triangle for two minutes and then got out. And then Brian Ortega The fight started pretty crazy. The Zellhieber fight was nuts. I thought, generally, the Mexican fighting spirit was running deep through that entire card.


No, no, no.


I totally agree. But most of those situations at any other time end in a finish. Odeya Osborne gets a finish. Diego Lopez gets a finish. That Zellhuber fight probably ends in a finish at some point. But these guys just weren't going away on Saturday.


Oh, yeah. We're going to talk about Diego Lopez as well. We'll do that in a second. But you're right. The The fight, other than the Kome, which was a bit of a snoozer, but she did what she had to do. I thought the fights were very good, very entertaining. There wasn't many finishes. You can't guarantee that, but the finishes are what you really need to blow the roof off the place. To like, wow, caused those viral moments. I have Joe, Rob, and John, I can DC going, You know what I mean? But you can't guarantee that. But as you said, Ode Osborne almost had it in the first round. Diego Lopez almost had it in the first round against Brian Ortega. He was just so hell-bent on beating him at his own game. I was sitting there at home going, What are you doing? Why are you not calling him back?


Bring him to his feet. To his feet.


What are you doing?


It was crazy. It's crazy. You know what he's doing? It kept bothering me. He kept grabbing it. Touching his throat. What are you doing? Quit doing that. It's distracting.


I don't want to just have neck surgery. Stop it.


What are you It was behind me.


Maybe he got punched in the throat by accident.


That's what I was thinking. I wonder if he got hit in the throat and it was just itchy? When you get punched in the base of your neck sometimes and you're tasting a battery or something all the time.


It's weird. Or maybe mid-fight, swallowed some of his own saliva. Have you ever do that? It's so annoying.


Yeah, or maybe he had a hair because he got long hair. At first, I thought he was trying to get his hair off his neck, but he might have swallowed one of his own hair. I fought a guy I had long hair one time, and I took a deep breath and breathed in a big chunk of his hair the whole time. Scraping at my tongue. It was gross.


An old training partner of mine used to sweat the worst. He'd be on top of me in guard and sweat into my mouth. You're a sweaty bastard. Get a towel, change your shirt. If you have this much sweat coming out of you, you've got to come prepared. But Diego Lopes, no. Yes, Harrington, what What are you going to do? You're going to throw Brian for a curse?


You're going to throw Brian under the bus again? Is that where we were? You got a little bit.


I can do any of that. I just watched a video from the PostFi Presser where he explained the tick. He got into an accident when he was a kid. He fell onto some steel and it cut Adam's apple, that part of his throat open. There's a big scar there. He says, whenever I start fighting and my heart rate gets high, that scar starts itching. It's just natural. He does that in, I guess all these things.


That was actually interesting. That was That's actually very interesting, Harrington. Thank you. I answered a question that bothered me all night. You made that up.


Yeah. No, you made it up.


If he made that up, I'd be pissed.


Childhood injuries, little segue now. You probably can't see it on the camera. This is called the claw. You see the end of that finger, the middle one? Yeah. Because I got the end of it ripped off in a corridor. But now it's so short, I can open packages. You don't let me get something delivered. It's like covered in tight plastic. I just take this and slice it. Because it's got flesh all the way up to the end of it, so I can't cut the nail. Oh, no. I can use a finger nail to just use my teeth, I mean, just to pull a little bit off, but I can't chop them. But it's a good little weapon. I'm telling you.


Yeah, you can start. Yeah, there we go.


Scratched the hell out of people.


If you went to prison, you got a built-in shink.


Don't put the claw. Okay. What about you? Anything stupid like that?


Yeah, I got to always have dumb shit. No claw, though. But my grandpa was a woodworker, a decorative carpenter. And so he used to have these... You know what a wood burner is? They can burn the designs into the wood. So he used to draw them on the wood. And when I was a middle schooler, I would be the one that would burn in the big designs. One time I was pushing it and it jumped off the wood and it stuck all the way into my hand because I was holding the board in front of me like this. When I was pushing, boom, it stuck it in my hand. Then panicked and just held my hand up going, and just left it in there. It was nasty.


So did you have like... What did you call it when they...


Like a brand?


Yeah. When they brand you, yeah.


Yeah. So I got this nasty little scar on the inside of my hand. You can see right through there. But that's where the actual wood burner went in. Do I?


You need to get a tattoo on it.


I should. Yeah. It was weird though. It bled a lot for two seconds. It was squirting, and then everything burnt closed, and there was just a hole in my hand. It was wild. You could see deep into it. I was probably 12.




Nothing cool like Diego Lopez, but- No.


You don't see tattoos on the palm of hands very much.


I don't think they last very long. I think a lot of times they wear off because the skin on the palms of your hands are so rough and tough.


So all in all, the sphere, I thought, and there it is in Harrington's background, was an unbelievable success. I'd be very interested to know what the pay-per-view numbers were. I'm sure it did fantastic business. The fights were great. Yeah. Would we have more stoppages? Yeah. But the fights were still fantastic. Valentina's fight, she did what she needed to do. All in all, I thought it was phenomenal.


Yeah, totally. I'm not even that mad about the finishes. Would the Zil Huber fight been any better if there had been a finish? I don't know that it would have. Maybe the Diego Lopez fight. That would have been... A finish would have been more of a stamp. It would have been much better for whoever won that fight moving into whatever they have coming up next because there's a lot of title implications. But I was good with it. I thought the whole card was good. The only thing that sucks is it was so late Then it runs super late, and then the post-show runs late, and then I got to fly out in the morning. That's the only thing I could plan on.


Gary is complaining again.


I'm on three hours of sleep even now.


Ufc 306, break, new gate record. The only thing is for me, if they do it again, and I hope they do. I know they did mention a pretty cool theme idea, which was fourth of July. Yeah. Stabby with Sean Strickland and Americans and all the rest of it and have some Brits on there. You know what I mean? That'd be awesome. But I'd like to see them do away with it.


Do you think the Brits would want to fight on that? Yeah.


We do it again. We'll have Tom Aspenal versus the winner of Steepay. Arnold, we're running out. Patty Pimbleau can be on there.


Is there any 205ers?


We could put America on the line.


I'll come out of retirement. I'll fire you, Anthony. If they do it at the Sphere and it's It's fourth of July. I'll do it just for the shits and gigs.


No, we can't do that.


Bro, come on.


You're not beating me up in front of all these people. I'm not going to sit here with you on Monday. I'll give it a go. No, I'm I'm not going to... You're not going to beat me up, and then I'm supposed to show up here on Monday?


Yeah, and he didn't even show up. He didn't even show up. No, what I would like to see them is just every fight, a different country, like the setting, Japan, Brazil, England, Stonehenge, America.


It'd be amazing.


What would you show in America? What is the classic America? The Grand Canyon?


The classic, maybe the Statue of Liberty.


Statue of Liberty.




Got to throw it in the face all the time, man. This whole 1066 bullshit.


Mount Rushmore is a good one.


Mount Rushmore, that is a good one, to be fair. Let's not get into that discussion. Anything else on UFC 3 or 6? I don't think so. Before we move on.


I don't think so either.


Just real quick.


I'm just going to have something really annoying, really boring.


Go on.


I think it's pretty good.


Go on. Okay.


So Diego Lopez, after the fight, he ran at Dana White, said, I'm next. I want my title and everything. Alexander Volkanovski saw that and said, Look, I want to make it clear I'm fighting for the title next, even if that means an interim title against Diego Yeah.


Well, to Portia versus Max is next. Volkanovski has been told, apparently, he told me that he's getting a title fight if he waits. So that makes sense. Don't think the UFC are going I don't do any interim title fights anytime soon.


Why are we talking about interim title fights?


That's crazy. Look at this shit show. That's happened the heavyweight. You know what I mean? They're not going to be too quick to do that again, in my humble opinion. Maybe I'm wrong, but why... Max Holloway is fighting Ilea in October.


Yeah. Why are we even talking about interviews? It's weird.


I don't like it. No, I don't like interim titles anyway. Full-sum period. All right, this episode is sponsored by Shopify, which basically you need in your life, if you are a businessman, if you're an entrepreneur, if you're selling anything or you even have an idea, nobody does selling better than Shopify. They are the home of the number one checkout on the planet. You want to get online, typically you're going to find a website design, and then you're going to speak to the bank. It's very complicated. It's a very complicated process. But with Shopify, it simplifies it so easy You will be up and running, accepting all major payment methods very, very quickly, and you will be maximizing your sales. And then not so secret, secret with short pay, that boosts conversions up to 50 %, by the way, meaning way less costs go on abandon and way more sales going on. So if you're integral in your business, your commerce platform better be ready to sell wherever your customers are scrolling or strolling on the web, in your store, on their feed, and everywhere in between. Businesses that sell more, sell with Shopify. Basically, this is going to get you online.


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I think it's pretty clear, probably it's Umar. I mean, they've been pushing him anyways. He just beat Cory Sandhagen, and it seemed like that was a number one contender fight. It makes me feel bad for Marab. I'm not even saying he will or won't win. That's not even what I'm saying. What a tough fight no matter what. You go in there, you fight O'Malley, you slay the dragon that everyone thought you were going to get beat up off of. And then your prize is Umar Nemagamentow, a guy who can- Chama. Yeah, who can wrestle, who can kick box, who can spin. He's a great striker. He's got good conditioning. I mean, it happened right away. That's what I felt bad about.


They asked about him- And as you said, they showed him on camera.


Yeah, it's right away. Congrats. Next. You're like, God, give the guy a break.


If the UFC production shows the person on camera nine times out of 10, 99 out of 100, that is the fight or the angle that they're going to go down. Simple as that. I'd say it's Umar next. Sean O'Malley. Looking at the rankings here, I mean, Sean is still, they haven't been updated. It's Moraba is the champ. Sean will be one. Umar is two. Rematch with P It's not Jan?


It's not Cory Sandhagen. Or is it Sandhagen? It's got to be Sandhagen because that's the one that everyone wants. That's the one I hear about all the time. That's the one I hear the executives talk about. If Cory Sandhagen beats Umar, that gets him right into a O'Malley fight, this dynamic striker versus dynamic striker. They're both really, really creative when they're in there. What a fun fight. Definitely Different approaches, but what a fun fight that would be.


But what a pain in the ass again as well, of course, for Sean O'Malley, because Umar and Maga Madoff just beat Sandhagen in a number one contender matchup. He could have been fighting him for the belt, defending the belt. And now he's going to fight him just as a contender to get in the title conversation again. Because the reality is once you lose the belt, unless you're going to get an immediate rematch, which nobody's talking about, that is not going to happen. Now, he's the biggest star in the division. But I was It's just one of the guys in the top five.


This is why I've been saying that I think 135 pounds is as deep and competitive. Everyone always says 155 is the shark tank. It's the toughest division in the UFC. I've been saying for a long time that I think that you can make an argument that it's 135 Five, you could go one through eight, and any one of those guys on any given day could be the champion. I think there's a couple that stand out. What about this?


What about this in terms of a stylistically friendly matchup for O'Malley? Rob Font, Sean O'Malley versus Rob Font. He's number six. No, he's not. He's number nine. That's far too much of a drop. But it's a fun fight.


He's like six, seven, and eight.


Six is Sahudo. Did you see O'Malley on Sahudo's podcast?


Yeah. Yeah, I did.


That was hilarious. He went on just to say, Ousman, you're a legend.


How did you let Marab take you down or something like that?


How did you let Marab take you down? Those words came back to bite him in the ass.


I was biting him right in the ass.


But that's the game, though.


But if you're Sean O'Malley and you've won the title, you've beaten Pyodian already, you've knocked out Aljamain Sterling, you beat Chido, and then you lose, I don't know that we give him stylistic friendly matchups. You're back in the shark tank with everybody else.


Well, that leads me to what I wanted to talk about as well, actually, because, yeah, you're not supposed to get stylistically friendly matchups. You're supposed to fight people that are there at a similar level that are all chomping at the bit.


I don't mean to cut you off. I think he spent his whole career getting stylistic friendly matchups until now.


Other than Alja Man Sterling?


Yeah, but Alja Chido was more willing to strike, typically. Generally, he was more willing to strike than Marab. So he presented more opportunities as a more traditional style striker when he was striking. But the Chido, not known for being a dominant offensive wrestler. It's a good grappler, but not a dominant wrestler. Pyotr Yahn will wrestle at times when he has to, but primarily a striker. And then you continue to go back. It's mostly strikers.


Chris Matinho, who was the other guy, the older dude.


Pedro Munoz. Pedro Munoz. Who's a grappler, but not really known to be a dominant You're the guy that he knocked out with a funky mustache. Eddie Wyland. Eddie Wineland.


Eddie Wineland, the Ghost of Eddie Wineland. And this leads me to what I wanted to talk about. It was the Ghost of Eddie. A lot of people online are criticizing Saturday night because of the main and the core main event. We saw a lot of wrestling. People are saying, Oh, look at this. The UFC is being overtaken now by wrest. It's getting boring and all the rest of it. And it's an interesting conversation because yeah, Marab went out there and I saw some memes and some posts on Twitter, people saying Balal just went out there and dominated Leon. Marab did it to Sean. The pair of them, Harrington, you have the stats, the pair of them combined have only got four finishes in the UFC. So they're criticizing the sport. But it's not their fault. It's up to the strikers or the fighters, the mixed martial artist, to have a well-rounded enough game to be able to stop those attacks. It's the way the sport has always been.


Yeah. I don't think that's a fair criticism. I think it's our sport goes in... It goes in these trends, and we get into different seasons, and we're in and out. And you'll have a time where it's dominant. If you just generally look at our sport and you look at our game, you'll start to see trends that happen. We get into the leg kicking thing, and then they move to calf kicks, and then all you see is nothing but calf kicks, and then it goes away because people figure it out. And we get into those trends a lot. And then we get into these wrestling trends where wrestlers are dominating, generally, and then strikers Restlers are then now they have to start figuring, all right, we got to deal with these wrestling exchanges. We got to deal with these wrest. Everyone's getting really wrestling heavy. And then you find yourself with a bunch of strikers with great takedown defense. Izzy was into that trend where a lot of the strikers were starting to be very good at defending takedowns. And then the wrest start to become better strikers. And then now we're back into this wrestling.


It's just how the game is. Yes.


It started off with jiu-jitsu, hoist-gracing back in the day, exposed the world to Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Schools were popping up all over the place, and they still are to this day. Then it went into the wrestling phase. Mark Coleman, the godfather of ground and pound, lay and pray, became a term that the wrest had their moment in the sun. Then we saw people, we saw well-rounded athletes. That's when we started to have this term cross training back in the day. Remember that? Then we had people like Chuck Liddell that was knocking everybody out, the sprawl and brawl. Then, of course, we had other wrest Welcome to the forefront. Habib Namaga made of, of course. What other big powerhouse wrestlers have we got? Obviously, there's Islam Makhachev, we've had Habib, there's Marab, there is... Who else we got? We got Hamza.


Yeah, Hamza. Usman, Kolby Covington.


Randy Couture, back in the day. But he was a threat on the feet as well.


I think going through these trends is fun.


No, I'm going to hear how much his point. He just went, and left.


No, I was starting to say, Onkaleiv.


Oh, yeah. Onkaleiv.


Also threat on his feet.


But again, like John Anick said something Saturday night, he was like, I hope in 20 years time, if I'd start on the ground, Because the strikers already have an advantage. And I will never, never go up against John. He's a great friend, and he's amazing at what he does. But he was a bit off with that one. If I start on the feet in wrestling, the whole sport point The point of the sport is to take them down. It's just up to the strikers to have good enough takedown defense. And if you don't have that, then you don't deserve to win a mixed martial arts fight. In my career, I fought plenty of wrest, and they piss I have to take you off. I fought Matt Hamel, Richard Evans, Chael Sonnen, Tim Kennedy, and a bunch of others. That's just the ones off the top of my head. You've got to be able to deal with that. And if you can't deal with that, you lose or you grow and you progress and evolve as a fighter. Simple as that.


Can I get it? I've seen some people saying, We may end up in a situation where you have champion. It might be John Jones is a wrestler. Maga met Uncle Ive, could end up being the champion at some point in time and then work your way down. And it could maybe Hamza ends up winning a title. And then at 170, you got Balal. And at 55, you have Islam. And at 45, there's a chance there's a bunch of wrest. They're going to hold the title, and that's just how the game goes.


It's a big part of the game.


People will figure it out, and they'll start taking them.


Jon Jones is a great example. I didn't even mention him. College wrestler before he switched over to mixed martial arts. Heavyweight chap. Magamed could be light heavyweight chap. Middleweight. You've got a middle. Hamza could be there. I think you just did this, but I'm doing it again. 170.


I got stuck at 45.


55, we got Islam. Marab, He's 35. What's 45? Tuporia. He's got a very, very- Valjo is a dominant wrestler? No, no, no. But Tuporia started with Greco-Roman wrestling. 35, we got Marab, 25 Alejandro Pantosia. He's bringing it back for the old school jiu-jitsu guys. Let's go. So, yeah, listen. Keep the fight on the feet or don't. It's up to you. That's your responsibility. We can't change the rules.


Right. No, we can't do that. I mean, I It would be better for me, but we can't do that.


Same here. If you start on the ground, that's called a jiu-jitsu match.


Yeah, I don't mind those.


Yeah. Speaking of champions, speaking of stylistic matchups and all the rest of it, and speaking of Jon Jones, Pereira was with Jon Jones at the weekend, and we've heard all of these threatenings of going up to heavyweight and becoming a three-way champion. They did an interview and actually talking about training with one another, which could you imagine, they are the perfect training partners for one another. Jones, whilst being very well-rounded and having great fight IQ, and obviously all the success that he's had, isn't the most devastatingly powerful striker, whereas Pereira is. So we can definitely offer him some insight into generating a bit more power and show him some tips and some tricks and things like that. And Pereira, who struggles Bulls with takedowns, training with Jon Jones, I mean, that is a match made in heaven.


Yeah, they could definitely... I don't know how much they're going to help each other for their upcoming matches, but generally for their skillset across the board, they would definitely make each other better. I don't know how much it's going to benefit moving into their next fight.


I think they're going to train together for their next fight.


I mean, it's not going to be negative. I mean, there's definitely going to be some gains, and they're He's going to grow and learn. But I don't know that Pereira mimics Steepay too much. He's not much of a sprawl and brawler, and he's got a different type of striking. Steepay doesn't kick too much. And Jon Jones is nothing like Khalil Rountree.


No, but in terms of progressing and being able to win-Yeah, just getting to be in a better style. It helps them big time. Speaking of Pereira, he's calling out Drikus DuPlece. Drikus DuPlece came back. I think Drikus called him a coward or something like that. The word coward got thrown around. What do you think as a guy trying to get that title fight, trying to become the champion still, what do you think about Drikus wanting to go down to 185? Sorry, pardon me, Pereira going down to 185.


I think I've always done a good job of giving people a lot of latitude when they do things to deserve it. I I think that part of Alex Pereira is he's a media darling, and he knows what people want to hear, and he leans into that pretty heavy. I just got a tough time seeing that man at 185 pounds again. It seems unreal and doesn't seem like it's even possible. So I don't take it very seriously because I don't know that he can make it.


Well, Dana took it seriously. Dana was all about it and said that he loved it, but I'm with you. I mean, not taken away from Israel, is he? Not taken away. But that's why he knocked him out, because he has to kill himself. The man's gigantic, so he has to kill himself to make 185. What is he going to go back down to 185 to fight Drickis? If he can knock him out, has the power to, then Drickis has as well. But does he not annoy you that the champion is not defending?


Yeah, for sure. But he is defending. I mean, he's about to. He's pretty active. I mean, he fought. He fought Yuri, he fought Jamal, and he's fighting again. It's like his third fight this year. Oh, no, no, no. No, I know. It's hard to let him say whatever he wants. I don't think he's going to 185 pounds, and he's about to have his third title defense in a year. So he's doing his thing. Stacking the pain. And then he's going to fight DDP, and he's going to go to heavyweight and try to fight John. He's all over the place.


Do you think... I don't think you would fight John or Tom or Steve. I don't know. Certainly when they train together, the water gets a little muddy. All right, that's the time of the show. Okay. Harrington's choice for a non-MMA subject.


Okay. All right.


I think- Front runners. Go on.


I think this one's- I can see them.


Let's ask Anthony. The front runners, amongst all the nonsense that he put in there, Anthony, in my opinion, there's five, but it's one or five. Five, the UK has banned fast food companies from advertising before 9:00 PM at night to try and dissuade children, to targeting children in their ads to try and combat the obesity problem that they have in the country. Or Donald Trump getting a second assassination attempt on his life at the weekend. Anthony Linehouse Smith. It's been a while. The choice is yours, brother.


Tell me about them trying to... Tell me they're trying to dig out your man. Hold on a second. Go ahead, tell me about Harrington.


So, yeah, the Secret Service spotted this guy at a Trump golf course. Apparently, he had a weapon and was getting his sights ready. As far as I understand it, the shots that were heard fired at the golf course was Secret Service engaging with the person making the attempt. The person is in custody and he's being held in federal custody right now.


Did they completely miss?


I don't know. They must have done. They didn't miss the first assassinator. What is happening? That's for damn sure.


Oh, God. That's the guy.


Has he got boobs? He does not skip peg day. That's for damn sure. What is happening in our world, Michael? What is going on? Well, so they went on ahead at the golf course. Apparently, this is what the news said. And the Secret Service are always to the next hole, double checking it. And they saw him in the bushes in the undergrowth. If you're Donald Trump, it's getting pretty scary. It's You know what I mean?


You can't even golf around a golf.


At your own golf course.


Yeah, it's your own golf course, right? Imagine that.


I did see that. Two months, two assassination attempt. One of them almost blew your bloody ear off. Are I'm going to be surprised, though.


Uh-oh. No, no, no, no, no. Don't you dare step out. You got the good one. Let's go.


You want to hear some of the craziness surrounding this?


Yeah. Oh, I did.


So that guy and the first guy who took shots, Both were in BlackRock Commercials. Blackrock, the investment firm that runs the whole world. They were both in BlackRock Commercials. So what are the odds there? And also, the Internet really has it out for this guy. They think that he was a CIA agent. His social media is super fucking weird. He's always out in Ukraine talking about, I just signed up 300 civilians to go... He's doing CIA shit, whether or not he's in it. He's doing wacky, like spook shit. And then he's also just a strange... It all looks like coded messages, bot shit. It's weird.


So let me ask you on that, Brian, because if that is factual, and I'm sure that it is, that they both work for BlackRock. What is the deeper point there?




Well, these are the guys- No, I'm genuinely curious.


So it gets a little muddy and super dark here, but these are the guys who are trying to make the new world order, change the order of society. It's the people with all the money at the top that are deciding what you like and what you get to see and what your guys are eating and all that shit. It's the actual rulers of the world.


I have a question.




Because the question always is, even the first one, is this a lone wolf scenario or is this some conspiracy, some larger conspiracy, right? That's always the question. I don't think we'll ever... We won't ever know. But do you think that Donald Trump knows?




That's a good question.


I think he knows.


Does he Does he know? If it is a conspiracy, you believe... Like if they're saying this is an inside job, this is the Black Rock people, this is whoever, he knows. Not to mention, isn't it? Israel? Not Israel. The whole country after him.


Yeah. There's a couple of world leaders that would rather him not take power again. And once again, the Internet has a consensus on this, which is because this whole globalist, new world order agenda is counter to the America First movement. So if Donald Trump gets in and he does all this America First shit, that's going to take us out of the world order and all of our money and all that other, everything else that we provide. It stops the plan.


How does he sleep at night?


Hold on, Brian. Just stay on, Stian. See, that's really interesting because if they did both work for Black Rock, that's a crazy coincidence. That is That is a crazy...


But they were in commercials for them. They were involved in some way, shape, or form.


Yeah, but think about the probability of that. Two guys that are going to try and assassinate Donald Trump, they both get caught, and they were both in Black Rock commercials. I'm not making a statement of any type or in any way, shape, or form. Sure, but what are the chances? But that's a crazy coincidence. What are the chances? It really is. Because my take was going to be this, and again, I'm not criticizing your guns. I'm not doing that. But in a country that has more guns than people, and with Donald Trump being one of the most polarizing people on the planet, half of the people love him and worship him, right? And the other half think he's the devil. And then everyone's got guns, right? Don't be surprised that someone's going to go out there and use one of those. That was before I heard what you just had to say, Brian.


Yeah, there's a lot of muddy waters around it right now, but it really does smell weird. It smells like a three-letter agency for sure.


Well, the good news is that he was unsuccessful, first and foremost. That's the main thing because it's absolutely insane.


It doesn't matter what side you're on. We don't need assassination attempts on political figures. It doesn't matter what... You can be on either side of the aisle and agree with that. We probably We shouldn't be assassinating candidates.


And it's crazy because generally, the democratic side is supposed to be the peaceful side. You know what I mean? But they get triggered. I've seen a lot of videos where they don't like what they're seeing and what they're hearing. You've seen that meme. It's a woman with a bee.


She's screaming.


We've seen her with the crazy eyes. Oh, shit.


Oh, my That's right.


Well, he's okay. Big D, he's still popping.


And I keep pissing everyone off. I keep going because I just think it's so funny how triggering Donald Trump.


Oh, there it is.


I can't tell. Even after the first one, I was like, Oh, my God, they shot my dad. And then yesterday, I was like, I think they tried to shoot my dad again. People get so pissed when I called Donald Trump my dad. I don't know why.


Brian, put that woman on again because that woman there She's at some rally somewhere, and she's getting all worked up and screaming and being an activist or whatever, probably all the bullshit. And she's forever, forever talked about it. She probably sees her own face when she just opens up her phone. She's pulling that face every day of the week.


Is there a video to that, Brian?


Oh, there is.


I'll find you.


I love hearing it. I've never heard it. I've just seen her In a face with words.


Oh, it's good.


What is she screaming about?


I have no... It's just noise.


I think it's Trump being sworn in as President.


Let me just get. Oh, God. I had no idea. That's hilarious. Guys, for the most part, just live your life. Don't get too worked up about it because you got a short time on this planet. You're not going to be able to change anything. These people in power- You have no say anyways. You got no We'll be in and say, Don't worry about it. Let's have a listen.


To be able to introduce for the first time ever anywhere. The 45th President. She's mad about four or five.


She is mad. She is mad. Well, we'll do this other one real quick before we get back into the MMA stuff. Speaking of One World Order and people being told what to do, the UK has banned fast food companies from advertising on TV before 9:00 PM. What do you think about that?


Mike, I don't know how to address this. I'm nervous because I don't want to piss off any of our UK people. I'm generally liked in the UK.


Bro, they are not going to care because- You guys got a lot more problems than fast food commercials right now.


And I'm sick for the UK and the shit that's going on over there. I'm sad for the people. Why the fuck are we worried about fast food right now?


Do you know what I saw? Do you know what I saw this month? And you're absolutely right. There's way bigger issues in the UK right now.


It's bigger issues.


I mean, it's not what I was going to say, but last night I saw a video in London, two guys having an argument, and a guy pulls out a goddamn massive Samurai sword and butchers some dude, and that's not a rare occurrence.


But all That's what I'm talking about.


The crazy rules that are coming in lately and the new laws and the punishments for people. And I got to be careful when I say this because I don't want to get arrested next time I go back to the UK. But a BBC reporter was found and pleaded guilty to owning pedophilia, having-Material. Material relating... Well, no. Images of children being abused. He was introduced. Disgusting stuff. Fucking terrible. So he was fired. He's pleaded guilty. And he got six months suspended sentence.


No jail time.


So no jail time. The same week, and I haven't fact I'm not going to take this, but a 67-year-old pensioner, a 67-year-old pensioner, screamed at the police, You aren't British, or, You don't represent the British anymore. They threw him in prison for 20 months. But a pedophile out there gets a six months suspended sentence.


Yeah, that's insane.


And as I say, the insanity is that I have to be really careful what I say here because you know what I mean?


You go back and forth.


I'm not inciting anything. I'm just showing the hypocrisy and the lunacy of these sentences that are being handed out. So crack on, bro. You give your verdict about the Burger King commercials getting yanked off the TV.


I think the commercials, it's hard to even talk about the commercials because it just it seems silly. It seems silly. Yeah, okay. Do we need to address the obesity epidemic? Yeah, probably. But you're not removing the restaurants before 9:00 PM. Maybe commercials, but do kids watch TV? I don't even know if kids watch TV. My kids don't watch TV. They got phones and shit. We got phones and shit.


My son or my children do not watch TV. No. At the very, very most, my older two will stream some shows, but they're not watching TV.


There's no burger King commercials on Netflix. Nobody has cable. I can't even tell you, the last time I had cable TV.


I don't even know. By the way, I'm And by the way, it won't work.




Do you think cheeseburgers are no longer going to be popular?


Yeah, that's what I'm seeing.


Because they're not on TV. Every restaurant you walk, you still drive McDonald's. You still drive McDonald's.


You see a Wendy, you see a Burger King, you see a Five Guys, whatever the case may be, it triggers that thing in your mind.


And you go, You know what I could go for right now? A bloody Big Mac and a chocolate milkshake. And I'm starving right now as I say that because my mouth is watering.


You haven't seen one commercial.


And yeah, you're going to get fat. And yeah, fast food is terrible, but it bloody tastes good at the same time. So everyone, get off your high horse. Stop lecturing and let us live our life. Now, if you're massively obese, yeah, lay off.


Right. And the commercial is not hurting you. You're fat already anyways. I lost 40 pounds since they changed this commercial. They stopped advertising. I can't believe this.


Why didn't they do this sooner? I'm so slim and skinny.


I think it's silly, and I just think that the great people in the UK have more important things that the government should be worried about than the commercials. Correct.


I fact-checked that story for you, Mike. Yeah, a guy at the protest over the summer was accused of yelling at a police dog and saying racist slurs, and he got 20 months in jail. I don't know what those racist slurs were.


I'm English. English. He said, I'm English, and he got charged with violent disorder, which is a two-year sentence.


For saying, I'm English. Now, I want to hear more about the racist slurs to a dog. Listen, and this is serious, if that was a German shepherd and he called him a border collie, I fully, fully endorse this sentence.


He should have got more time.


That's racism. Chihuahua's are not. They are not labradors. How do you call racist comments to a dog?


I don't know. This is crazy. We got dumb shit over here, too. So let's not pretend like there's not a bunch of dumb shit here, too. But it's right now, the UK is just getting it.


This is just my opinion on it, but I bet you the cop was a migrant or a immigrant..


I'm just saying on, getting kicked off YouTube and getting arrested.


I'm not saying any bad words.


I know.


I felt like...


I'm just saying maybe that's why they charged him with violence because they said, Oh, you're being racist because he said, I'm British and you're not.


And how are you a cop? No. It's getting to the point- I'm just making it up, though.


It's getting to the point where you can't even discuss racism. Do you know what I mean? Don't even talk about that. Don't even give an opinion because your opinion is racist. The fact that you didn't agree.


The fact that you have an opinion is racist.


Yeah, just bury your head in the sand, okay? Pretend it's not happening. I'm hot. Jesus, it's bullshit, man. I'm hot as well. It was hot. We all went for the hoodies today.


I know.


It's cool down in my house. It's not as boiling as it was last week. That's for damn sure. This episode is sponsored by My Bookie, and winning season is back, and it's your time to shine with My Bookie's weekly risk-free boost, classic super and survivor contest. Cashing in has never been easier. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time better, there is something for everybody to win big this season. Just click the link, mybookie. Com. Use the promo called Believe to sign up for free and you're ready to start earning. As I said, winning season is back, football is back, and My Bookie is here to make sure that you're ready to cash in on the action. This season, my Bookie is pulling out all the stops with incredible promotions like weekly risk-free boosts on Thursdays where you can bet without a sweat. If your bet hits, you win big. If it doesn't, forget it. My Bookie will refund your wager. You get your money back, you get your bet back. But that's just the beginning. My Bookie has given away hundreds of thousands in prizes with their Super Survivor and Square Contest. Get your entry in now for your shot at huge cash rewards.


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I think this is interesting. We talked about Michael Chandler moving on, but Conor McGregor says now this leaves him in a weird position and he wants to be active. He actually called for a joint venture between the UFC, possibly, BKFC to get him active.


I'll let McGregor talk about. Bkfc contract. My opponent that I was scheduled to fight has rescheduled another belt. I would love maybe an exemption or maybe a joint partnership, Bear Knuckle UFC, similar to McGregor Sports and Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions, some agreement where we can get busy. I need to be busy, and right now I'm working to get there. So let's see what happens. Well, they're never going to do a joint promotion. No. That's just first and foremost. They've never, ever done that. They've never even considered it. And I don't think they're going to start doing it with McGregor, with an upstart promotion like Bear Knuckle FC, which isn't even the same sport.


No, no, probably not. That's weird. He's talking about he needs to be busy. He's like, everyone's trying.


I don't know what the reason is. I don't know.


I have no I guess that's true. That's fair. We don't actually know. But it's seemingly, Michael Chandler has been doing everything to get a fight, seemingly.


Yeah. Oh, yeah. No, we know that for sure. Mcgregor says he wants to fight, but then the fights aren't happening. I mean, yeah, he busted his toe. Fair enough. They didn't want to come back. They didn't want to show up injured, so they wanted to delay it. But when was that fight supposed to happen? Was that April?


3:00 or 3:00? 300? 300. No, international fact.


International fact. Yeah, 303. That was June or July. June. We're now in September, almost October. I have no idea what's going on, but they are not going to do a joint in motion.


No, I'll tell you what's not happening. It's probably that.


Yeah. He looks in shape, though.


Now, who does he fight?


Who does he fight? Well, well.


It could be a great moment for Charles Oliveira. What if he beats Chandler and then it's Charles?


Well, we never spoke about this, though. Justin Gagey said that he's ready to come back because he got knocked out against Max Holloway, said that he wanted to take six months, which, by the way, is really smart. I never did that. A lot of fighters didn't do that. Bokunovski didn't do that after getting knocked out of Islam, and we saw what happened against Depardia. Justin Gagey has taken five months. When did he fight? April, May, June, July, August, September. He's going to start spying next month, he said, and he listed Wokunowski, he listed Poeya, he listed Oliveara, and there was a fourth all as potential opponents. And I thought, well, they're going to do the rubber match between Justin and Dustin. Poeya said he's in, Justin said he's in as well as on Twitter. But if he doesn't fight, talking about McGregor, if he doesn't fight Michael Chandler, I mean, of course, the possibilities are endless. But what would you rather see if we're being brutally honest? Would Would you rather see a fourth fight with Justin Poey? Would you rather see a trilogy match with Nate Diaz, who also wants to come back? Or would you want to see Michael Chandler?


I personally, out of all of those, I'd love to see Justin Poey versus Conor McGregor. One Fourth and final time.


Yeah, I'd love to see that. I would love to see that. But now I'm like, I think I'd rather see Conor versus Gege.


That's the thing. Any of them?


Yeah, I'll take it. I'll take any of them. I'll take any of them. But a Dustin-Conner fight, that sounds like a lot of fun, too.


What was your quickest turnaround from having a bad defeat?


Probably this last one, the Khalil to- Vitor Patrino. Vitor Patrino was pretty cool.


I know, because fair play, I had so much respect for Justin Gagey when I heard him talking. Yeah. To actually take- It's hard.


It's hard. Because you want to get it back.


100 %. But he actually did it.


He's taken almost six months. Now you're sitting on a loss for six months.


That hurts. Yeah. And certainly in the height of his earning potential. But to have the discipline, ultimately is the word, to say, no, I'm not going to fight because as fighters, we're all our worst enemies. And for him to say, no, I'm sitting out. I am waiting so that my brain can fully recover before I start taking any more shots because we joke around them, we're all tough guys and all the rest of it. But it comes with a price. It does. It does. Incidentally, though, Demetrius Johnson said that he had his brain tested recently, and it's looking better than ever. Did you see that? Lucky bastard.


I know. I would not- With all your skillset and your defensive responsibility, asshole.


Yeah, prick. There's no way they're looking at my brain. They were like, Bro, We got to talk about this one. But yeah, McGregor said he wants a joint venture. That's not going to happen. You'd pick Gagey. I'd pick Poeya. No Dias? No Dias out there? Brian O'Havington, what's your view, guys?


I think you guys hate Con McGregor. I would much rather see him fight the winnable fight, which is Nate Dias out of those picks, because Jesus Christ, those dudes are going to beat the shit out of him.


Maybe. Yeah, quite possibly. But I think we got through most of the news Is there anything else that we got to get to? I think there is. I mean, Robert Whittaker confirmed his fight against Hamza will be five rounds. We knew that, but that's good to see. Dan Hucker says he sparred with Raul Ross as junior when he was 17 years old, and the UFC title is in the young man's future for sure.


Okay, that just means Dan Hooker got out grappled by Raul Ross as junior.


It does, right? What else does that mean? Not the new Dan Hooker, though. Not the midlife crisis, Dan Hooker. Definitely not. Tell you what, Dan Hooker. Dan Hooker could fight Justin Gagey. Yeah, I'll watch that.


Patty Pimble called out Dan Hooker as well, I believe. You don't think so?


Yeah. I mean, if you're a Dan Hooker fan, for sure.


You definitely want that. Shots fired, pop.


No, I'm not shit knowing Patty. I'm just Dan Hooker's on fire right now. He is.


All right, Harrington, give us a non-MMA story, please. All right. Well, I hate to bring down the tone of the show, guys, but there was a passing of a legendary member of a famous Motown family, Tito Jackson, a younger brother of Michael. I'm sorry, brother of Michael and Janet Jackson, passed away yesterday at 70 years old.


Tito? Yes. When I saw Tito, I thought you're talking about Tito Ortiz, but Jesus Christ, Tito Jackson passed away. Look, it's sad. But But it's not- I didn't know there was a Tito Jackson.


It's not a sad day. Listen, anytime someone dies, it's really sad, Harry.


It is. But we're not going to be lighting a candle tonight for Tito Jackson. That's no offense to all the Motown guys out there. It's funny that you bring up Tito Jackson, though. I did think of Tito Artes. We'll get to that in a minute. But Michael Jackson, we were discussing Michael Jackson in the Thai restaurant I went to last night because they were singing. There was some Michael Jackson playing on the radio. Heal the world, make it a better place. Rebecca's like, Oh, I like this song. My wife loves Michael Jackson.


I know.


And you know what we got talking about, don't you?


Him touching kids? Well, yeah.


Because I was like, Well... Because Callum and his girlfriend started talking about it and all the rest of it. And I was like, I don't know if we should necessarily be celebrating Michael Jackson. Great artist.


No. There's a deep dark rabbit hole about all this that maybe Michael Jackson isn't as guilty as the media would have him seem. But I don't think that this is good for air because there's no-well, no.


I think two things could be true at the same time because I love some Michael Jackson music. Man in the Mirror, Billy Jean. Billy Jean. I love some Michael Jackson. I also will get down with some R. Kelly. Oh, country press show. The Music, I love. Listen, they're both pieces of shit, but they also put out some bangers. Not according to Rebecca. Rebecca is a big Michael Jackson fan. Wacko Jacko, whatever you want.


I'm waiting for my wife to walk in here right now screaming at me for talking about Michael Jackson. She's like, Hold on a minute. None of that was ever proved. I'm like, Rebecca, he had children sleeping in his bed. And she said, Well, Macaulay Corkin said that he used to sleep in his bed, and he never did anything.


So the one, he didn't like that one. All Macaulay Calkin is saying is he wasn't attractive enough for Michael Jackson.


They were pressing charges, and he went to court, and she goes, Yeah, and he paid them off. And I went, Well, exactly. And she goes, Yeah, but think about it, if you got the money that Michael Jackson has, and I know this is old news, but he just mentioned Tito Jackson.


I've got nothing to say on Teto Jackson. Me neither.


Anthony, can you defend this, though? Do you have a It's not great.


Do you have your passport? What's he doing there?


Just trying to drag random girls out the audience.


Yeah. He was married to a... Listen, I watched Surviving R. Kelly. I haven't seen it.


Oh, he's He's a piece of shit. He's a huge... He's an awful person. They should put him under the jail.


But he still put out some bangers. I can't. His music was okay. Favorite R.


Kelly song?


That's a good one. I can't think of any. Have you guys ever seen the masterpiece that is trapped in the closets, part 1 through 97?


Yeah, there's a shit ton of them.


I have not seen that, Brian. I don't even know what it is.


It's on your own time, but definitely take a watch. It's fun. Okay.


All right. When he said Tito, I thought he was talking about Tito Ortiz.


Tito Ortiz, legend of the game.


Great wrestling. We never mentioned him. What? He is. What was he? He's a legend of the game. Five, time, UFC champion, defended about five times, something like that. One of the biggest superstars back in the day. But the memes, they still pop up.


They pop up all the time.


This is a classic Teto plus Mike. Tito plus Mike. Have you ever seen Oh, here it is. Hold on, let's have a look. Tito. Tito. Plus Mike. Plus Mike.


Equals. Equals. Tito. Plus Mike.


Equals. I want to tell me what you see. Let's go ahead and see by the fight what you saw in the ring. You know, you're fired.


So Barnabas have his game after eight games to get this match for a win.


We all want to see him, 131 years old. He's going right to the end, Brian.


There's like a Warner Brothers sign off. He came out the 8K game to get this match for a win. That's all, folks. One of my favorite pastimes was when Tito was on that Huntington Beach Commission or whatever for the city, and they used to livestream them. Every week, I never missed one.


I knew all the business going on in Huntington Beach for whatever reason because I could not get enough of listening to Tito talk.


He was a council member. There was a couple of young kids that used to troll it as well. Hey, dude, I forget. A couple of young kids, they were skateboarders. You know what I'm talking about? I heard all of it. They trolled the shit out of it. It was hilarious. Oh, man. Oh, God.


Legend of the game, but it provided some comedy insight. Speaking of insights, we've given you enough for one day. But If you have a question, you can send it in to bympod@gmail. Com. Brian, what have we got? All right. So first question we got here today is from Frank from Long Island. Hello, Mr. Bisman, Anthony, Brian, Harrington. How are you guys doing? This is Frank from Long Island. I have one quick question. As the UFC is preparing to get rid of the 12 to 6 elbow rule, what other rules do you think they should get rid of?


I, for one, think maybe head budding. I feel like there could be a viable argument for allowing of headbutting in the UFC.


Just want to hear you guys' thought on that. Bisman, you're the man. Anthony, hope you get the belt before you retire. Harrington, go enjoy your day. And Brian, keep searching for the truth. All right. Well, thank you very much. We've talked about this a lot. That was the only reason. Thank you for the question. We appreciate it. The 12 to 6 elbow rule is great. The knees to the head, the grounded upon thing, that's been rectified. Headbutts, I'm sorry. They should not be legalized. No, no. God, no. You don't agree? No. No. They should not be legalized.


I think I've talked about this a lot, but I think we should reintroduce knees and kicks to grounded opponents. I've always thought that. Go back to a little bit more pride rules in terms of that. I like that. I think that it would speed up the wrestling exchanges. People can't hang out and you can't grab on into a leg and just stall out.


It would slow that down a little bit. I don't think it's going to be as devastating as some people think, but how many times you see one guy laying on his back, the other guy kicking at the legs, and it's going to get rid of all that stuff. It would speed up some of the transitional stuff. Well, it also highlights, speaking of wresters and people saying, Oh, it's getting boring with all the wrest. If a wrestler gets you down and they get side control, if you go back and watch some highlights from pride. There was a lot of stoppages from side control because they could generate their hips up in the air, drive down with really powerful knees. So that would really make it dangerous for the person underneath or even for the person on top.


I I got split open. I wasn't going to come or somebody once. I was in side control about to come or them, and with their legs free, he just went boom. And need me right in the face. And if you can knee on your feet, why can't you knee on the ground? I lied that. I like that a lot. Yeah, that's the one I got. That's the only one I've always had that one. The soccer kicks might be a tough pill to swallow in terms of- Yeah, but think about all the soccer kick highlights you've seen. Oh, they're great. But it's the same four kicks over the entire span of pride for the most part.


Maybe we keep the stomps out.


Stomps are esthetically really hard to handle for the general public.


But even the kicks, you go back to Vanderland Rampage, a couple of Crow-cop ones, and I can't really think of too many off the top of my head there. But speaking of esthetically pleasing, seeing Vandele Silver or Shogun Whoa jump up in the air and come down and throw that big stomp, that's esthetically pleasing. You know what I mean? Yeah. You could get a guy with his head up against the fence, and the other dude's got a hold of the fence and he's stuck.


Oh, yeah. They just give it one. The jumping ones are good. The jumping ones are good. But those ones are like, if you drop someone and they're not quite out.


They're bad. They're good, though. They are.


If you're sick. That's the ones I would add in.


Do you know what rule I'd want to see abolished? Excessive coaching. Get rid of the excessive coaching. Yeah, we got to get rid of that one for sure.


Agreed. Ryan, what do we got, bud? All right, so we got another question here.


This one is from Joe from Jersey.


Hey, BizBing. This is Joe from Jersey. Long-time caller, first-time listener. I'm listening to your podcast with Bilal Muhammad, and During the interview, you said you used to order room service and have Jocko eat it, and you would instruct them on how to eat it.


That's hilarious.


Funiest shit I've heard all week.


Do you have any other stories like that?


Any other weird superstitions you have or any other?


Just weird rituals you would have before fights? Because that's hilarious. Yeah, let me know.


Well, thanks for the question.


I was saying to Balal when I was cutting weight, my buddy Jacko, I just get him to order room service, what I wanted, and get a bit of the steak and get a bit of that on it, or dip it in the sauce, and tell him what dessert to get, and just live vicariously through it.


So other things like that. When it comes to cutting weight, this used to always annoy him, and I don't know about you.


You're cutting weight, it's a miserable time, right? I'm dying, pretty much. The medical term is like, I'm dying. Slowly. Yeah. Slow, but surely, but definitely on my way to death. And everyone in the room would be dead serious and quiet. They're all walking on eggshells. After a funeral. Yeah. And I'll be like, Guys, just be normal. Just be normal. Stop it. And they were like, Well, hold on a minute. If we're making too much noise, you're like, Guys, have a bit of respect. And when we're too quiet, you're like, Be normal. Make noise. But I'm like, Guys, please. I can't have this tension in the room. Can you please, for the love of God, just break the silence.


Just bust balls, talk shit.


Tell me to shut up. Do you know what I mean? Fortunately, Jason Perillo was not one to do that. I'm speaking pre-Perillo. Some of the old teammates, I'd hear them whispering. I'm like, Guys, I can hear. Just be yourself. What about you? Nothing too crazy. I'm very similar to you, though. It's got to be fun. I can't do the... I don't need to be having fun, but I want to watch you have fun. Let me be shitty, but you guys have fun. So I actually like it. My last weight cut, Dustin Jacobi was in town, and I could tell on the phone when he called, he was hammered.


And I was like, Oh, you got to come in my room. So I'm in this big bathtub, cutting weight. I'm miserable. This really sucks. And then there's dust and stumbling and mumbling all over my hotel. I just need some entertainment. So I'm just trying to have... I just want to watch everyone else have fun. Don't talk to me. Leave me alone. Tell me how much time I got left in here, and then give me towels and shit when I get up. Don't with me. But you guys all have fun, and I want to watch it. Yeah, of course. My easiest wake up, Bradley Fink. It was when I fought Rock off of the Belt, took it on very short notice. Easiest wake up ever.


And he did something that we implemented going forward, and my wife hates it. He was giving me a foot massage. He was giving me a foot massage, right? He's a foot master, okay? There was nothing in it, but he was giving me a little bit of massage on my calves muscles because I've been running a lot. And I was like, Oh, well, why are you doing that? Just go down on the feet. Why not? And it just takes your mind off it. When you leg down, you're like, A nice little foot massage, and it just made the time go by so quick. That's what my wife's doing. Yeah, well, it wasn't my wife.


It was my jiu-jitsu.


I'm going to make my wife.


I'm going to make you jiu-jitsu coach. No way. That big ass gorilla. No way. He ain't touching my feet.


We'll be back next week with more stories about foot massuses and stuff like that. In fact, no, we won't. We'll be back on Thursday. Thanks for watching. Make sure you subscribe to the channel. See you soon.