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Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the f up.


You're listening to believe you me with Michael the Count Bisbing. You know my name yet? And Anthony Lionhardt-Smith.


All right, so take two with the Believe You Me podcast. Anthony, you had a WiFi issue, and I had an earthquake while you were gone.


Are you serious?


I swear to God, the house just started shaking. Only a little for a second. It was very cool, actually. I do like it. That's crazy. I was like, Hold on. Was the epicenter of the earthquake in Nebraska?


It messed up my interview.


Yeah. It's good to go. But is Anthony still alive? That's why I'm like, Is everything okay? Are you with us, Anthony?


Yeah, I'm with us. We're back.


We are back indeed. And guess who else is back?


Who's back?


The last stylebender, Iswell Adesanya, UFC three or five, segue master of the year, Perth, Australia, going up against Drickus DuPlece, challenging for the belt. I'm very excited for this fight. What about you?


Yeah, I'm really excited. This is one of those... I don't know. It feels like it's been a little bit since we've had one of these fights where you're really excited and it could go either way. I'm excited. And I like a little bit of heat, too. I like that they got a little bit of beef. They don't like each other. Israel has been saying all week, it's not personal. I don't know how much I believe that.


Well, I don't know. Listen, I do You like it when it's personal because you get more invested. And that's why whenever I was promoting a fight, I always used to try to do that because you like seeing... Listen, we all love the martial arts code, where there are gentlemen and they bow and they're so respectful. But when you No, they hate each other. The fight, nine times out of 10, is going to deliver unless it's Mohamed Mekhaiv versus Minel Kopp, right? Most of the time- Poor guy. No, I'm not talking about Muhammad makaib. I love that guy. So this should be good. He says it's not personal. Bro, have you seen some of the interviews Izzy has been doing this week?


Yeah, some of the stuff they're saying about each other. It's nasty.


Brian or Harrington, do we have that? I think I sent it to you, Harrington, a little sound clip of Izzy. Of course, he was talking about Abdul Razak Al-Hassan because he had a goal at Drikus because he says he's the first African champion. Listen, Kamari was from Africa, the Nigerian nightmare. Izzy is from Nigeria. Abdul Razak wasn't a champion. And Garnu was from Cameroon, I believe. So he was clearly an African champion. You can't blame them for trying to improve their life. However, I'm not taking sides in this one. It just makes for a fun buildup.


Yeah. And I love it when I care more, when I know that they care a lot. So there's a lot of stake. There's a lot of bragging rights. There's a lot of someone's going to leave there with an egg on their face and feeling stupid. And And I like that. It's exciting.


Yeah. No, it is exciting. It's going to be a tremendous fight. You know that Drikus Duplece is leaving no stone unturned for this one? He's training like a madman. Have you seen this?




Bro, bro. Check I'm not going to take out these training methods. Brian, roll the tape. His coach is pushing him to the limit. Why are you going to get taser?


All of you. Think about it.


It's a taser. This is my assistant coach, this one.


I helped him fix the problem.


Get up.


This is fixing the problem, not on his toes, not picking up his hands, not kicking when he needs to. So I'll fix him, yeah. Yeah. Get out.


Get out. Get It's a very cool mental. It works a lot better than a stick in her. That'll do, Brian. What are you going to...


Okay. He's taking the piss. Imagine this. You're dropping your left hand and you just won't figure it out. And Perillo comes up and just jabs you with a taser in the ribs.


I'm slapping him.


We're fighting.


Yeah, what are you doing? Clearly, they're just having a bit of fun there for the countdown show, for the cameras, whatever. I don't think anybody's tasing anybody, but you got to have a bit of fun in training camp. But it did make me think of what are some legitimate, crazy training methods that we've seen. And my mind just goes to See if you can think of any Joshua Farbia.


That's the first one I went to. That's the first one I went to.


Hanging upside down, getting slapped in the head.


Punched in the head. Yeah.


Yeah. Touchbot in the park, Ina Portal.


Yeah. Connor had some weird ones with his movement coach and all that. That's different.


You know what, though, to be honest, because I was thinking about doing a little video on these for my YouTube channel. So I was looking at some of the stuff. The movement stuff was very good work, though, to be fair.


Yeah. It's hard to do. I mean, the way that he... Some of the ways that Connor moves is very... It's very unique and unnatural seeming, but it's very smooth. He's good at it.


Yeah. So that was just Nate Diaz labeling get touched in the park, which was great. Yuri Prohaska, he has some crazy training methods.


Yeah, Yuri's got some weird ones.


Oh, did you see this? Alexander Volkow. Do you see this video? Brian, go to Alexander Volkow's Instagram, please. Volkow, right? I don't know what's going on with this guy. All of a sudden, he's turning into a media darling. He's got his cornerman brushing his hair.


He's combing his hair between rounds.


That had to be a bit. That had to be a bit. And now he's put out this video, and it's like blood sport training. Brian, bring this up. It is so funny. I mean, fair play. I didn't know the guy had a personality. He was a bit soundbri.




Okay. Oh, What has he got?


Bier? Bier.


Oh, shit. Anyway, let's get it back on track. Volkow, I think he's a funny guy, man.


Yeah, I'm glad that he's letting that side of him out for sure.


Yeah, me too. Because the Russians, they seem so stoic. Do you know what I mean? They're like, Brother, they don't talk much, and they're all mean, but they've got a sense of humor. Drikus Duplece, Israel out of Sonia. What do you think of this fight, Anthony?


Man, you know what? I don't think that there's any question that is he's the cleaner, more technical striker. Drikus is pretty efficient, though, and he's pretty effective. And I think a lot of us were a little bit critical of his conditioning and his cardio. He went five hard with Sean Strickland, and that's hard to do. It's really hard to do. And from experience, I know how hard that is. So I think that he's got those issues after he had the nose surgery. I I think everyone blew it off like, Oh, yeah, whatever. He's just making excuses for getting tired, but he didn't seem to push it pretty hard. He's more physical than Izzy is, and I think that that's going to create some problems if Izzy can't keep him on the outside. But if the best version of Izzy shows up, it's going to be a tough night for Dreyas.


Yeah. I mean, listen, Izzy lost the belt by being, I'm going to say, complacent to get Sean Strickland. He wasn't himself. He was flat footed. He was lackluster. There wasn't much output. I mean, Sean Strickland beat the piss out of him fair and square. But I think Izzy will come back now with a fire and looking to prove a point.


Especially because he doesn't like him.


Well, he doesn't like him. Yeah, there's all of that stuff. So there's bragging rights and there's pride and there's a whole African angle as well, but mainly for Izzy, he wants to be the champion again. His ego has been damaged. You're defending the belt. You're talking about becoming the greatest middleweight of all time. That's still Anderson Silva. He defended the belt five times. It feels like a lot longer than that, but defended it many times. And now the division is moving on without it. So that's going to piss him off. So he's going to push himself. Of course, he fought a lot. The schedule was insane. It really was. And maybe got a little flat. But I guess Drikus Duplece, I just think on paper, it's a really tough matchup because Drikus always goes forward. He's hyper aggressive the whole time. That's what you want to do against someone like, is it? You want to crowd the kicker. I guess Anderson Silva, that was my game plan. That should It's always be the game plan. And that is how Drickies fights anyway. He always goes forward. He's always aggressive. He swings unconventional shots.


And he'll rest.


And he can blend in the takedowns perfectly. So I do think this is a very, very tough match for Israel Adesanya.


I 100 % agree. I think this is going to be one of his tougher stylistic matchups because Drikas can do it all. And he does blend between wrestling and striking, striking to wrestling. And he's seemingly really strong. The way that people react when he starts grabbing them. And that's one thing Strickland said, that he was unnaturally strong. He wasn't quite prepared for the strength initially. I think that's what Sean got that slow start at the beginning. Sometimes someone shoots a takedown and you ease into the defense. You stop the first attempt and you can fight hands as you're back in the fence, turn off and break. And I think that's Sean expected to do. And then as the five were on, he knew he realized right away, I got to separate and get this guy off me because he's too strong to let him hold on to me.


Yeah. I want to know your prediction, though, Anthony, because you don't do Thursday show. So I want to know that in just a second. I think with the bad blood, I think Izzy is going to go forward. And I think that's his best bet. Laying back, being the counter striker, I don't think is the best approach against Drikis. I think Drikis is being smart because he's not taking match Ups whenever the UFC have said, We want you to go now. Because he's like, Listen, he did that going up as a contender. When you become the champion, you've earned the right then to be a little bit more business-like with your decisions. But I think he's going to come in in phenomenal shape. The nose being fixed definitely has improved his cardio. But the strength, the takedowns, the unconventional shots, everyone's saying that Drickies is bad. I just don't get that narrative. I don't understand that one little bit.


No, I don't think he's bad. The one thing that I've always said is it doesn't look right. It looks very different than a conventional MMA fighter, but it's effective. And I think that some of us have picked against him. I think we've said, okay, well, in our brains and our minds, we watch this one plus one equals two, and that's how this is supposed to work. But I just think that it looks different the way that he does it. And so I think some of us as complete analysts and been doing and watching fights a certain way, I think it throws us off. So when we see it doesn't look right, I think sometimes in our brains it goes, well, he's doing that wrong. Maybe it's not necessarily wrong. We need to adjust how we look at the way that he fights.


Yeah. Well, listen, it's certainly effective and it's working for him. I would like in his style, very similar to one Dan Henderson. Dan Henderson, when you look at Dan Henderson, he's garbage. He's not a pretty striker, but he's goddamn effective, and that is a fact. And I know that firsthand. Ridiculous knockout power, had a legendary career. So I do think there's definite similarities there with the striking style. Anyway, all of that aside, who's winning the fight, Anthony? Who's the champion, according to you, Saturday night when the dust settles. I'm trying not to sit on the fence because I am working on events.


I have to give a prediction And anyways, I like Izzy a lot. So as much as my bias leans towards Israel, I think it's Dreykis. I do. I just think with his physicality, I don't think he's going to give Izzy enough room to work. Not if he's smart. And he seems to have a pretty good chin. And I just cannot get past what he did to Whittaker because I'm such a Whittaker Mark. I'm just a dick riding fan boy for Whittaker. I can't help it. I'm just such a fan of that guy. And what he did to Whittaker was one of the most impressive things I've ever seen.


Yeah. Well, guys, you're going to have to wait till Thursday for my prediction. I'm going to wait until the press conference and all the rest of it. You have to wait till Thursday. The people are on the edge of the seats. The subscriber count is going to go up because they're going to come back for the prediction on Thursday. They're like, we're waiting in the engine for a seat. Oh, we needed to know. Passion driving patience. The formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive. Ebay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to peak performance. Supercharges, roof racks, exhaust kits, LED headlights, and more. Whether you're into speed, power, or style, eBay Motors has you covered. With over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die, you'll always find exactly what you're looking for. And with eBay guaranteed fit, your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back. Because with eBay Motors, you're burning rubber, not cash. With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it's easy to make your car the MVP and bring home huge wins.


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You have a little dance?




Do you feel self-conscious when you dance? If you were to dance?


Yes. Gangsters don't dance.


No. Tough guys don't dance. No. Main reason I don't dance is because I know I can't dance.


And I look like an idiot.


Back in the day when I used to go in my raving days in the UK, I used to have a little stomp. You know what I mean? Oh, God. Yeah. Back in the day because you had to in those places and the raves in the '90s and whatnot, you couldn't stand there and be all cool. You know what I mean? You had to get involved. But it was a very, very basic move.


I'm too afraid to stand up in a club. I'm afraid if I have to walk around the dance floor to go to the bathroom, I get nervous because I'm afraid someone's going to drag me in and want to dance or something. I don't like it. My wife gets a couple of drinks in her. She'll get out there on the dance floor and she'll be like, Come on. And I'll pretend like I don't hear her and I'll just look away. I will not make eye contact with her because I don't want to dance.


Yeah, it is. Because I've been asked on a couple of scenarios throughout my life to dance on camera, and I'm like, No way. No way. But that self-doubt or that lack of confidence did not apply to the Australian woman at the Olympics at the weekend. Did you see this?


I read about it. I didn't see it. I read about it.


Check this out. So here she is. She's representing She's sent in Australia. Zero points she got. Hold on. She cannot break dance. What is that?


Oh, my gosh. Look, look, look, look.


No offense. Fair play for confidence. The kangoo hop.


How did she make it to the Olympics?


Well, that's a whole another story with some politics involved. Brian, play the other version with Peter Griffin and the music, please. You know what the internet is like? It didn't take long before the memes and all the rest of it I'm going to check this out.


Yeah, they're killing her. Oh, my So bad. I would have made so much money to sit and watch that live. Do you ever get embarrassed for other people?


All the time.


That's how I feel right now watching.


Yeah, second-hand cringe. It's bad. The poor woman, we're all laughing at her. But I say she's got confidence. Do you know how much confidence that takes at the Olympics? Apparently, she's a ballroom dancer, but they weren't allowing ballroom dancing in the Olympics. So she's like, screw it. They were involved of who went and who got to represent, and she got a free flight to Paris and all these type of things. It's all bullshit. Someone else that could have actually broke down, could have went, but she went out there and did not give one single shit.


Do you think she knows that she's really bad? Or do you think she's dancing like, Oh, I'm killing it?


No, she got to know she's bad. Harrington, I'd love to see you dance. Dance on the show for me.


Give us a dance, Harrington.


Come on, Harrington. Are you a dancer?


Dude, are you going to send me to Paris? That's what we're talking about here, right? If you want to gussy up some business class seats to Paris, put me in the Olympic Village.Business class.Business class. I'll get out there.


Business class.


At least.


Rebecca and I are going to Paris in September.


Oh, yeah. Me, too.


So if you come, Harrington, you're going to dance for us if we get you a ticket?


Yes, 100 %.


Well, I'm not going to. Just shut up.


It's definitely not business class.


No, Harrington, jump on. Give us a mixed martial arts story, please. Or should I just do it myself? Well, He was number one, number one in the notes.


I think that's the biggest story. I've been seeing it all over on Twitter this weekend. I think MMA Mania was the first one to report it. But apparently, our own Anthony Smith is going to be fighting Dominic Reyes at UFC 310 in December. So big news, now.


What's going on?


Yeah, that's what I keep hearing, too. It's news to me.


You haven't heard anything?


I mean, there were some conversations, but here's This is the deal.


This is the second- So there's a little truth.


No. To what they reported, no. There was some conversations. We talked about it a little bit, but I was in class. I was in class all weekend. I don't know if you know this, Michael Bisping, but I'm picking up some hobbies, some extracurricular activities.


What are the hobbies?


I got scuba diving. I've been scuba diving, so I got certified. I was always in class all the weekend learning how scuba dive or doing my certification stuff. So I leave Friday night at 10:00 PM, and my phone has just exploded. And it's everyone reporting and texting me like, Oh, you're fighting Reyes. It was a 10-minute conversation. And talking about it a little bit, this is the second time I've had any negotiations with Reyes. Someone in his team, squills like a pig the second there's any conversation about a fight. I don't know what it is. Both times it's happened. A It's like as soon as they get off the phone, we talked about having a fight. Better tell everybody. So I don't know. I don't know. I mean, it was talked about, but there is no fight.


Well, there's some intrepid reporters around in the mixed martial arts world, and they will find out these facts. So bottom line, Anthony, more than likely is Dominant Ray is going to be your next opponent regardless of the timeline. Is that a possibility?


Yeah. I will fight I accepted the invitation to fight Dominic Reyes.


You just like pulling teeth.


No, it's not. I didn't... There's no...


You made it sound like the whole thing was bullshit.


It is bullshit. There was no pot agreement. There was No. The question was, would you ever fight Dominic Reyes? Yeah, I would fight Dominic Reyes. Okay, cool. I'll call you back. That was on Friday. Here we are on Monday. I haven't heard a goddamn word since. There's no contract, there's no date, there's no location. It was just, would you do that? And I said, yes, I will do that.


That was it. I'm just going to throw it out to you. Ufc 310, December. I think that's your date, buddy. It's like, Will I call? Listen, I'm just going to If the UFC call, you know this by now, and ask you if you want to fight, and you say yes.


Well, no, because there's dates. That fight's on, buddy. There's dates and locations. So two weeks ago, they said, they were like, Do you want to fight November? And I said, No, I don't want to fight November. There was no name. There was no date or location. It was the month. Do you want to fight in the month of November? I said, No, I don't.


So now they moved it to December. It's perfect.


They never set a date. It would be like you right now if you said, Would you fight? And just give me a name. And then I said, Yeah, I'd probably fight that person. And then now the media just starts making up their own date, their own location. It's weird.


Speaking of fights, and all the best with Training Cap. All the best with Training Cap.


We were regular people, and someone that you work with called and said, Hey, could you work? Would you work? And you're just like, Yeah, I would work. There's no date or location or time or what are you doing? And you're just expected to show up. It's crazy.


I got offered a fight over the weekend.


With who?


There's some crazy promotion in Europe. I haven't looked into it too much. You should do it. The financial offer was a significant one, but It was nowhere near enough. And I'm retired anyway. But they double or triple.


Do you need a cornerman?




If you ever fight again, can I corner you?


I would have a fun one. I wouldn't have a serious fight. You know what I mean? But I'd have something for a bit of fun, move around a few rounds, this and that. Not something that has- You didn't answer my question. Well, maybe. Are you going to put me in the corner in December?


Am I fighting in December?


I don't even know if I'm fighting in December. Don't put me on the spot. I'll put you right back. All right. I'll have you in mind if you have me in yours.


If I fight in December.


And if I fight in Europe. This is the stupidest conversation in the worst episode of a podcast ever. Harrington, for crying out loud.


Way to bring up some fake news, Harrington.


Yeah, other than the main event, I mean, other than I see three or five, there's not a lot going in the world of mixed martial arts right now. Serge Pavlovitch had a stunning arm bar Saturday night. Did you watch that by any chance?


I'm going to be honest. No, I missed the main event. I watched Training partners fight, Youssef Zalal and Chris Gutierrez.


Youssef was incredible.


When that kid shows up, he's good. He's very, very good.


Youssef Zalal is on an absolute tear right now. He got cut from the UFC, won three fights outside of it, comes back, beats Billy Quarantillo, looked phenomenal, finishes him, and then Saturday night does the exact same thing. I mean, he seems like he's dialed in now, and this second run is going to be special for him. This episode is sponsored by Betterhelp, which is online therapy designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. And Betterhelp really is the most convenient way on getting on the path to being the best version of yourself. That sounds cliched and cheesy, but really, that's what you want to be. And when you're honest with yourself, we're all going through something. A lot of people have some serious issues like depression, anxiety, alcohol abuse, substance abuse. Maybe they've got anger problems, whatever it is, speaking to somebody or speaking to a licensed professional therapist that is going to help you just deal with all the issues, speak to somebody. A problem shared is a problem half. And certainly when you're speaking to a professional that are going to give you all the direct advice that you need. As I say, it's all done entirely online, so it's very, very flexible, very convenient.


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He's not going to do that.


Next minute locks in the deepest tightest arm bar you've ever seen. Tapped him out straight away. Hey, Brian, just go to my Instagram if you can. The last thing that got posted was from TNT Sports. It's our Incage interview with Serge Pavlovitch because he has a big personality. Yes, Serge is a bit of a... Sorry. You did get the victory. You're going to be ranked number eight come Monday morning. You're one of the best heavyweights in the world. Who do you want to face next?. I always thought that you don't really like me that much. Come on, I got nothing but love for the Polo bear. Do you have a name? All right, that'll do.


Dude, I hate when that happens because they put you on the spot.


I'm like, Dude, I'm always cool as hell with Serge. Do you know what Every time I see him in the fight meetings, I'm like, Serge, brother, and I do a Russian accent. He maybe thinks I'm making fun of him. I'm just having to laugh. We've had people where you interview them on the desk or something, and You know that it's a possibility it's going to come up if on the pre-show you pick against them, and then they win, and then they come on the post-show and you're interviewing them.


And then you can tell where they're looking at you and you ask a question that's really setting them up to have a great answer and really build themselves up. And they're like, well, was it good? Because you said that I was going to get the shit beat out of me.


You're like,. It makes for good TV, though.


It does. But you have to sit there and take it. You You can't be like, you can't really push back too much. So it all sucks.


You can't be combative. The only time I was was a Kolby-Ovington. You've probably seen that clip. It just beat that Sanchez, and he was talking all kinds of shit. So I was like, I went back at him. We had some back and forth, but Kobe is great. Ufc 305, this fight for me is very, very intriguing. Mataj Gamra, Dan Hooker. Because it's essentially a Well, first of all, the last time we saw Dan Hooker was against Jalen Turner. Jalen Turner was on track to smoke him in the first round. Dan Hooker shows a lot of grit, breaks his arm, ends up winning a decision. On paper, against Gamrott, Gamrott Gamrott's an incredible wrestler. Hooker, good striker, tall, lanky. We've seen Gamrott go against Jalen Turner, and he did struggle, but he got the job done. I think it was a split decision. What's your thoughts on this fight?


I think it's a real tough match match up for Dan Hooker. And it's just because Gamrott, at times, will absolutely refuse to strike. He just won't. He'll avoid, avoid, avoid and spam takedowns. Most really good wrest will go first attempt, second attempt, third attempt. If they don't really get on that third effort, usually there's not a fourth. They break, reset, and then they just try to hit it again. But Gamrath, he's like a dog on a bone. If he can get a hold of something, he's going to He just keep pulling it in. It's like a snake. If he can get a hold of something, he's just going to keep wrapping you up. And Dan Hooker is not the type of guy. I suspect that Gamrath is going to be willing to stand on the outside with and trade back and forth. So I think he's going to be shooting from second one, which would be smart. It would be a great game plan.


Which is what it does anyway. Gamrath, it's always head outside single leg, which I used to find a very effective takedown. I would always get told off. That's not how you do a single leg. The head needs to be on the inside And on the outside, you're in danger of getting guillotined. Yeah, true. But it works. I took you down, didn't I? Don't you hate that in training when you do something and you submit someone or you take them down, and then they're the ones to start critiquing you? That you're doing it wrong.


There's a guy that I was training with since I was a kid. I can't say his name because everyone knows who he is. But he was notorious for you would get a takedown on him or something. You'd be grappling. Right as you were moving into mount, he'd be like, Oh, wait, hold on. Let me show you something. You're like, What are you going to show me? I'm about to mount you and bury you. Or you're like, You're about to choke him. He'd be like, Hold on, hold on. If you do this and you go here, and then when you restart, you're in a seat belt position. You're like, No, wait a second. I was about to choke the shit out of you.


Or when you're just about to submit them, or as you say, get mount position, all of a sudden, they've got a phantom injury. Oh, hold on a minute. My ribs start off.


There's a guy around here that's notorious for that.


You were fine a second ago when you were almost ripping my head off the shoulders when you had a rear neck choke something. But now you got an injury. Yeah, no, Mataj Gamroth is always doing the single leg. So Dan Hucker But yeah, it's going to be tough to stay on the feet. If it stays on the feet, he's by far better, in my humble opinion. He's more stylistic as a kickboxer. He's tall, he's long. If he uses the right game plan, he could keep him on the outside. But Gamroth just all go nonstop. He's like an energize a bunny, a Tasmanian devil, a cracked out Polish meth head with grappling capabilities. Do you know what I mean?


He'll take the punches to get on the inside, too. Sometimes if you're a long range striker, if you can get someone that doesn't, that tries to avoid being hit and mitigate the damage, but also wants to wrestle, you can play that game. You can keep on the outside just with something in their face all the time. Gamrath is willing to take the shot to get on the inside. That's a hard person to deal with.


Brian, just bring up Dan Hooker's Instagram because there's one thing we're not taking into consideration here, Anthony.


Is he training or is he getting tattooed? Because it seems-That's what I was going to say. Oh, was it really?


This is midlife crisis, Dan Hooker. This is blonde hair. This is covered in every bad tattoo under the sun.


If he doesn't have a convertible, I'll be surprised. There's no way to- This is a different beast. That's a different man.


Do we have some tattoo Two posts, maybe not recently, but he has been getting a lot of... Look at that one. Look at that one on the chest.


That's a big tattoo. Yeah, midlife crisis did occur.


That's what he said on the TNT Sports. I stole that line.


Yeah, he definitely has a convertible. What else happens there? Have you ever had a midlife crisis or felt like you were leading into one?


No, I don't think so. My life has been one constant crisis. I I don't need a midlife crisis.


I go in and out of them a little bit, but then I'll get something or I'll do something, and I feel like that mitigates it a little bit. I think the scuba diving thing was a midlife crisis. I need to do something that's different. So I just decided to do that. It's just something outside of my wheelhouse that makes me uncomfortable.


Yeah, we're looking for hobbies. We're looking for hobbies. I'm trying to figure something out, but scuba diving is not one of them. I told this story a while ago. I took Lucas scuba diving in Mexico. It was the most terrifying time of my life because we had the little instructional at the hotel. Then we go out in Mexico and these guys don't care. We're in Mexico. Do you know what I mean? And Lucas is 12 at the time. He's only worn a bloody scuba thing once. And then we're all chatting away on the boat, just like with the other people that we just met, Where are you from? And all this type of stuff. Next minute, everyone off the boat, Lucas is at the front of the line and just jumps in. And I'm like, I'm panicking because I'm like, I want to go through it all. Listen, if you're struggling, you push this button and you shoot to the top, yeah, it might blow your ears out or whatever, but you're not going to die. Do not spit your bloody thing out under no circumstances. Just wanted to give him the safety protocols. But he's jumped in.


He's gone. I'm like, the panicked parent, I dive in. He's like, going down the line in the ocean. So I'm like, go back up, go back up. So he comes back up at the top, and There's other people waiting to get on this rope and they pull themselves down. And the guy's like, You got to go. You got to go. I'm like, Dude, I just want to talk to my son. We've never done this before. He's never done this. He's like, Well, you either go now or you get out one or the other. I'm like, Sir, can I just speak to my son for 10 seconds, please? And he's like, Go now or get out. And Lucas is looking at me. He's so excited. I'm like, Go? Let's go to the depths of the ocean. So we down and we're scuba diving about, and everyone else is just like... It's just like little bubbles. Mine is just... Bubbles going everywhere because I'm terrified. And every time I look around, it's like hundreds of yards away. I'm like, What are you? I'm like, Are you good? Because you got to do these hand signs and stuff.


And he was like, Dad, give me a break. Leave me alone. It was the most stressful time of my goddamn life. Yeah.


Yeah. I don't think I could do it with my kids. No way. There's no way. It takes all the fun out of it. Yeah, it takes all the fun out of it. I just want you to worry about my own life.


What are the hobbies have you got?


That's it. Well, I ride ATVs and UTVs in the summertime. And so I go on a trip next month. I'll go ride. So that's always fun. Other than that, nothing. Be a taxi driver for my kids.


Yeah. It's about it. We're going to start renovating some old houses.


Oh, yeah. That's our thing. Like, flipping houses?


No, not flipping them so much. But Rebecca is obsessed with, like, Victorian or Queen Anne style properties. So we've been looking at loads of them online. You can pick them up dirt cheap and just renovate them.


In the States?


Yeah, in the States. Yeah. On the East Coast, nothing on the West Coast. So she wants to start doing that, but that sounds expensive and time consuming. And I'm like, babe, we don't live on the East Coast. There's a little thing you're forgetting there. Co-main event, Kycara, France, Steve Urseg. That's a good one. Do you know what? Fair play to Steve Urseg. He just came out of nowhere. Yeah, granted, he won three fights, knocked out. Who was it? Was it Matt Schnell?


Schnell. Yeah, it was Schnell.


Knocked out, Matt Schnell. Get to title fight.


I think they're all at the apex, too. No one really seen him come in at all.


Next minute is headlining a pay-per-view, a title. And now he's call me and inventing a pay-per-view in his home country.


Yeah. What a roller coaster ride for that kid.


Fast track Ursaag over here.


I think he probably beats Kykar France. He's good. He's real good. Yeah, he's really good. Obviously, he was right there with Pantosia the whole time. But I was sitting next to Dean Thomas when he knocked out Matt Schnell. And I remember saying to Dean, that kid might beat them all. He might beat every single one of those guys at 125 pounds. And then he goes on and has a fair showing, a respectable showing versus Pantosia. But he wasn't far off from the top. That's for sure.


Yeah. Well, I mean, his stock definitely didn't drop against Pantosia. It was one of those fights where he did well. He gave a good account. He lost the fight, but it was very, very soon in his career or his UFC run, shall we say, a fourth fight. So, yeah, he'll only get I'm better from that. I do think stylistically because he does have good wrestling and he times it very well. I think he could probably score a lot of takedowns on the feet. Kekar Avrance is dangerous, really dangerous. But I do believe it's a more dynamic and complete threat from Ursa. So I think you'll have a hard time taking him out, though. I don't think you'll finish him.


No, no. Kykar fan says a good job of staying safe. He does struggle with people that are good wrestlers, and at least he struggles specifically with people that time their takedowns well. In Ursaic, that's the That's one thing that does do really well. I don't know how good his wrestling really is because he doesn't really have to have a great, strong wrestling game because of the speed and the timing on his shots. He doesn't really... By the time he shoots, it's already finished.


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Yeah, he did So he did a sit down ahead of the Craig Jones Invitational, which is taking place, I believe, at the Thomas & Max Center this weekend in Las Vegas. They had all stipulations set up, but I think the biggest talking point that came away from it, if Gabby Gabby Garcia is to beat Craig Jones in this matchup, Gabby Garcia walks away with a million dollars. If Craig Jones, I believe, gets a heel hook, she has to collab with him doing something on his premium adult content site.


Now, hold on. First of all, I'm Brian. I think you have a little video, which we can play in a second. If you're not familiar with Gabby Garcia, ladies and gentlemen, she's a huge lady. She's a very, very big girl, fights mixed martial arts, does jiu-jitsu, but she's definitely bigger than the average man.


She's She's 220. Yeah. Yeah, she's 220. She's one of the most decorated jiu-jitsu athletes of all time, man or woman. She's one multiple.


I never knew that. She's that good?


She's very, very good. She's very good. She uses the size. Yeah. She admits to back in the day that she used performance-enhancing drugs. Oh, shit. She admitted it, so that's cool. But yeah, she's very good. I mean, Craig should I'm sorry.


Yeah, Craig beat her by. Brian, did you say you had a clip for us? Because I haven't seen this sit down. Why is your approach to a female like this here? I mean, I wouldn't want to finish her too quickly. The fans wouldn't appreciate that. They've come a long way. You want to turn the high as that one for a while? Yeah, we want some foreplay. You want to haute this to rehaus that one? I wanted to feel the positional control. Control that one. Before we penetrate the legs. They're going to go naked? How long is the hound going to be? Three, five. Three, five. Three, five mini hound. When you say you're going to beat the one in, how long? I'm going to put her in submission, get close to finishing her, and not- Then switch the position. Allow her to finish until I decide it's time. She gets finished. You're going to edge. You're going to edge her. She needs an edging. She needs it. She's very tense. She's walking. I like it. Now I I'm so excited for this interview. I'm telling you, that's not the best part of it.


There's parts where I was belly laughing because it was so funny. If you got a free 30 or 35 minutes, I'm telling you, it is worth your time to listen to it. There's a lot of drama between this whole event, too, because Craig created this event in spite of the ADCCs. So they're doing it on the same day in the same city as the ADCC. So there's a lot of beef in in the jiu-jitsu world right now. It's a lot of fun to watch from being-Going head to head.


I just think for me, if I was Craig Jones, and no offense to any ladies out there. They're very, very good. Granted, Gabby Garcia, as you can clearly see, there was a much, much larger human being. But the way she was laughing and completely dismissing Craig Jones as any potential threat, I'll be like, I am going to show you. I am going to put you in your place.


Oh, Craig is going to beat the shit out of her, probably. I know.


That's what I'm saying.


Yeah, but fair play to her, though. I don't know. They're doing a fun thing. A lot of people are going to watch. I'll pay for it. Actually, you don't have to. It's free on YouTube. I forgot about that.


It's free on YouTube. Check it out. That's a good plug, Anthony. Well done. I had a little... Not a running with Gabby Garcia. It wasn't her fault, but I was training for a fight in the UFC. I can't remember which one it was. I was at the Ruka Training Center. Gabby Garcia was in there training with her coach at the time. I'm working with two wrest and we're doing a bunch of drills against the wall, right? And we're doing our thing and we're working and all the rest of it. They show up, we're 45 minutes into our session. And then the coach just walks over, interrupts and says, Right, okay, Gabby is going to join in and rotate with you guys. And I go, No, she's not. This is no disrespect to Gabby at all. I'm training for a I'm working with these two guys. I'm rotating. I'm going person after person, getting my heart rate up. We're not allowing someone... I don't know her. I've never trained with her. It's nothing personal her way. But you can't just walk over the arrogance of you to just walk I can't just walk over and interrupt a training session.


I get on a plane to the other side of the world for a main event in the UFC in two weeks. This is serious training camp here. You can't just walk over and butt in and interrupt like that. So Gabby, I apologize. That wasn't directed at you, but I probably seem like a dickhead.


Good thing she didn't whip your ass.


Oh, God, that would have been embarrassing. Her and Cyborg teaming up on me.


I'm telling you, if I'm in a gym and I'm doing some jiu-jitsu rounds, and Gabby García was like, You. Nope, there's too many people that have eyeballs in here. You're only beating the shit out of me in front of all these people.


Yeah. Cyborg did beat me up once, but it was a bit. I had to send a video to somebody. It was her birthday, so I made it fun. And I had Cyborg, and she went to town. She takes me down, and at the end of it, I go, Happy birthday. That was a little-She's a sweetheart. Yeah, she is. It was a little birthday video for Vin Diesel. Little name dropped there. What a dickhead.


I don't have no friends like that. Oh, God.


They said, Can you send him a video win? Because they're going to play it on some screens. I thought, I'll make it fun. Anyway, speaking of fun, this weekend, it is UFC 305. That's going to be fun. Drickies DuPlecey, he was saying, Harrington, give me the low down on this. He believes that the next person, should he be victorious, will be the winner of Hamza versus Robert Whittaker, not Sean Strickland.


Yeah, I believe the quote was, The winner of Hamza versus Whittaker is going to get the next title shot. If Sean Strickland wants to wait, he's going to be waiting quite a long time.


We have spoke about this numerous times, but this is another development in it. Sean isn't going to like that. No. Who did he just beat? Who did he just beat? Oh, Costa.


Costa, yeah.


Just beat Paolo Costa. Feels now that he should get a title fight. What do you think about that? I don't think it's smart. I don't think it's smart because if Whittaker beats Hamza, I think he's got more of a case. If Hamza beats Whittaker, undefeated, all the momentum, there's a really good potential that it's Hamza next.


If Hamza wins, I I think it's definitely Hamza and Chamaia. If Whittaker wins, Sean has a little better of a case because they were in a really close fight, and Whittaker and Dreykis really wasn't that close. So if I was Sean, I wouldn't want to wait and leave my destiny in someone else's hands. But he's doing it the way that he feels is right, and I can't knock him for that. I just think that if Hamza wins, it's going to be a tough one. But if I'm Drinkus, I probably don't want to fight Sean Strickland again either. Not because he feels like he can't beat him or whatever, but he's been in there with him one time, and it probably wasn't that much fun.


I don't know if it's necessarily that. I just wants to move on and clean out the division, probably. I don't think it's necessarily that he's ducking. No, I don't think he's ducking. Because Hams out on paper is a tough fight. Whittaker is a tough fight, even though he's beaten him already. But Hamza is not walking about.


Have you ever beaten anybody? Have you ever beaten someone? And then You beat them, but it's not something you want to do twice. 100 %. There's people I've beaten. We're like, Yeah, I would fight that guy again. But there's people that I've beaten. We're like, oh, I won, but I didn't like that.


And the ones that you would do again are very simple. They're the ones where you walk in, you smoke them, you look like the man, you get the submission or the knockout. You know what I mean? You don't have a scratch on you. That was the easiest fight of your life. You're like, Let's go again. The ones that you don't necessarily want to do again is where you get get beat up a little bit like Matt Hamel. Do you know what I mean? Not much of a name, but he was whipping my ass for half the fight. I was like, That was a hard day's work. Yeah, that sucks.


Not that I don't think Dreyas would fight him. If that was the offer. But if he had to choose, the other fights are really hard, too. But I know exactly how bad that one's going to suck. So I'm not going to take my chances with the other one.


Yeah, maybe. I just don't know about Hamza, though. How reliable is he if If he was to fight and become the champion, excuse me. If he was to fight and become the champion, how regularly could he be defending the belt? Because that has been an issue.


He's dealing with some health issues at times.


Travel issue, it seems.


I think he has some travel restrictions, potentially. I'm not sure about that. It just not seems. I think Dana said something recently. It's like when he starts cutting weight is when a lot of these health problems pop up. It's when he starts getting close to fight weight or about to cut. He just ends up really sick, and that's tough.


He's not the most disciplined, though, from what I'm led to believe. People close to the situation, they have to stay on him big time. Yeah, he's always like, sneaking in candy bars. They'll open his drawing. He's got like, 20 candy bars there, and they're like, What are you doing? You make him wait in two weeks, and you're Five Candy Boys in Bed. Unconfirmed rumors.


What's he walking?


I have no idea. I have no idea.


He would be big.


Yeah. What else is going on, Hamilton? Marabda Vallishvili. Is not happy with a certain somebody, correct?


Yeah. He says, Tim Welsh is super disrespectful. He has more beef with him than O'Malley. No matter what, during the interaction, he never plans on shaking Tim Welsh's hand. Instead, he would very much like smack him.


Well, hold on, hold on, Harrington, come back. Come back.


Yes, sir.


We need more umph. We need more pop. What's going on? Has someone just died in your room?


No, not at all. I'm just trying to... I just want to- I'm happy.


Yeah, did you- Sounds happy.


Give us some fire. That was like we had a gun to your head. He was like, Yeah, well, Marab said he was going to slap him.


He was on his J-10. We're going to talk about it.


Hold on. Go off the screen and then come back again. Harrington. Harrington. What's going on with Marab?


Dude, you're never going to believe this. Tim Welch, he apparently disrespected him, right? There was a clip that came out- How? So apparently during the fight with Sean O'Malley and Aljamain Sterling, Tim Welch is the one who screamed out, Aljo, you got to go right now, right before Aljo stepped into a big cross from Sean O'Malley, which was the beginning of the end. Marab DaValj really said that's super disrespectful. He shouldn't be doing that. He crossed the line. He's not going to shake his hand during the press conference. He's pretty likely to give him a second.


So delivery, way better.


Way better.


Extra details as well. Yeah. Tim Welsh. Tim Welsh. He does seem to get under the skin of a lot of fighters.


Yeah, he's in this really unique position where he's about all of our ages.


I don't know where this is going.


And he's about all He's like our peer. Normally, you look at Perillo, you look at Mark Montoya, you look at Javier, you look at all these coaches, and they're like these mentors of all the people, and they They're leading groups of men and women into these battles, right? Tim Welsh, he just seems like... And I'm not saying he's not a great coach. I'm sure that he is. I've never worked with him before. I would love to. I would absolutely love to do a training session with him, but he just seems like he's Sean's homie. It's like him and Sean are just broing out all the time. And so it almost seems like those two are training partners. It doesn't seem like it's coach and pupil. So when he's talking about these other fighters and talking shit a little bit, people get pissed because that's not the role that you're supposed to play. You're supposed to be diplomatic. You're supposed to say the right things, be super respectful. And he's not. It He's like, Oh, that guy sucks. I get why people get upset about it. If I was fighting O'Malley and then he was talking trash to me, I'd be pissed.


That would bother me more because he's supposed to be in this coach role, and he acts... It seems like their relationship on the outside seems more like just any partners and homies.


Yeah. No, when I thought Jorge Rivera, one of his cornermen was a total dick, he was making all of these videos, and I was losing my mind. I'm like, I'm going to kill I'm going to kill this guy. But when I said he seems to get under a lot of people's skin, I was talking about Jason Perillo. When she's off for O'Malley, they were having a whole thing. I think Parillo and Tim Welsh had a little thing backstage at the apex. I like Tim Welsh. I mean, I don't really know him.


I went on the Sugar Sean O'Malley Tim Welsh podcast, whatever it's called recently.


And he's great. I mean, as I said, I don't really know the guy, but my interactions have been good. And yeah, I think them two are a great combo. And the work that he's doing with O'Malley is certainly paying off.


He's really a good coach. I mean, the proof is in the pudding. He's doing a great job.


But Marab says he wants to punch him in the face.


I think I've seen somewhere O'Malley said, Well, Tim Welsh will probably beat Marab, too. Which I thought was funny.


What do you think about that fight? It's headlining the Sphere. Neither man is Mexican. Is Sean O'Malley Mexican?


I don't think so. No, No, he's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not.


He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. Yeah, I like him, though. He's good, and he's an incredible fighter, and he's a massive superstar.


And I'm jealous. Imagine headlining the Sphere. Oh, that's cool. I want to. Have you seen that commercial, the beer commercial?


Happy Dad? The Happy Dad Seltzer? No. Oh, no.


I'm not into them. What happens in it? They just keep doing a bunch of cuts. He keeps messing it up. And he was like, I don't know. Bring the ladies in here. Bring girls in. And he's It's really funny.


It just comes off as a big dummy in it, but it's really funny. Yeah, I have seen that.


Well, speaking of bringing the girls in, Marab does a good job of bringing the girls in on his social media.


Is he hiring these chicks? Well, I don't know. When I've seen Marab walking around, he's like, he's not alone. That's the best way I can put it.


He seems to have a little posse around him.


I've never seen him. I've I've never seen him alone. Good-looking girls. I mean, go to the next slide. I know that's good with the faces. There they are.


Marab's got his little- He's not alone. He's not alone.


He might be a married man with three kids. They are fans, okay? This is business. They play a quintessential part in his camp. It's part of a social media marketing. Correct.


One of them is a masseuse.


One of them is a nutritionist.


A nutritionist, yeah. He's a breathing coach, probably a movement coach.


Yeah, exactly. I have Touchbutt in the park. Touch but in the park. Don't say that. Right.


Let's do a non-MMA story. Harrington, what have you got, bud?


Well, if you have a potty mouth in England, it's going to start costing you. There's a town council that has set up a new resolution where officers are going to be allowed to fine people up to 100 pounds if they hear them swearing in public.


A lot of people are upset at this one. Yeah, well, I'm not surprised. To be honest, the UK is going a little bit crazy right now. There's all the unrest, which I don't really want to get into because you're going to end up pissing somebody off.


But there's people being arrested, and I've seen politicians talk about this because I shared on social media Friday night, somebody asked me my thoughts on something, and I put, Bro, they're locking people up for tweets these days. And some people were coming back saying, No, they're not. And I'm like, Yeah, they are. And someone said, No, they're really not. I have seen videos of police arresting people for sharing certain things on social media. I saw a video of a politician talking about if you share abusive stuff, if you retweet stuff, that That is a crime. And listen, you shouldn't be an asshole online, right? Just don't be a dickhead online and you'll be okay. But my problem with that is, and we'll get to the swearing thing in a second. My problem with that is when it says it's offensive. Who says it's offensive? Offensive to who? That's a very, very vague area. So as I said, don't be a dickhead online. Don't be sharing racist stuff. Just don't be a dickhead online and you'll be okay. If you're a normal person, you shouldn't be worried. However, as I said, if it's offensive, that's a very vague area.


What might be offensive to one person isn't offensive to another. Everything can be offensive. It doesn't matter what you say. Someone can be offended by it. So by putting those parameters on stuff, you're really opening up something that is going to be hard to control. And it's almost a free pass to criminalize anything that anybody says.


No, it's a very, very slippery slope. It's a very slippery slope. And Elon Musk is talking a lot of smack about it. If you follow him on Twitter, X, which I know you're not on these days, he's going a lot of the British politicians. And in fact, apparently, they're talking about putting an arrest warrant out for Elon Musk.


If he ever shows up in the UK, he's going to get arrested. And I think he's now talking about suing the British government, and there's all kinds of stuff going on. That's a lot. But a hundred pound fine for using a swear word in public. What do you think about that? That's about $140. I've been to the UK before, so it sounds to me like the UK government is... The British government is trying to make some money. They're going to clean up.They're going to clean They're going to make some serious cash because the British people have some foul mouth.


It reminds me of my grandma. She had the dirtiest mouse.


She'd say a whole sentence with just F-words, and you'd know exactly what What he was talking about.


It's just a place. They just swear a lot, and it's fine. It's just part of the culture. Yeah. And that's actually a really good point because I never thought about the ins and outs and whether it's right or wrong and all the rest of it. People, it is a part of certain communities where you're brought up.


It's part of everyday life. It's part of the makeup of their vocabulary. That's how they speak. So if you're sitting there having a conversation on a part bench and you just happen to be telling a story and you're like, Oh, my God. And this And a cop is close by, boom, there's a fine. You haven't bothered anybody. You haven't offended the person that you were talking to. Now, granted, you should know how to act in a certain place. If there's certain people around, if you're not in a pub. Does it even say in public places? So you're in a pub on a Friday night with the boys and you're all getting rowdy, you're going to get fined if you swear in a bar. That's crazy. That's insane. That's insane. For sure. I would be broke.


It's all I can do to not say the F word constantly on this podcast for the 2 hours we're on here. We're doing pretty good this episode, though. I think so. I think so, too. But even my family, here in my household, me and my wife, we just are swears. We just swear. And it's not because we're angry or mad or being mean. It's just if the F word flies out of my mouth just freely all the time. So I would have a tough time with that. Yeah, well, Same here. And the old thought process is that when you swear more, it's because of a lack of vocabulary.


Now, granted, I'm not going to sit here and pretend I'm some scholar of the English language. I'm not far from it, but I very, very easily do seven hours of live TV when I comment it and don't even come close to swearing. But when I'm talking in my day to day life, yeah, of course, I swear. And I feel like if you want to make a point, if you really want to punctuate it, there's nothing like a good old, And this fucking. It just really drives home that point. It's a little color.


This adds a little color, a little bit of emotion to how you actually feel. I'm sure Brian has an opinion on this. Brian, are you there, sir? Welcome to the show. We haven't had you today.


Yeah, I'm just back here looking for It's relevant information. That's all. Okay. But what did you find? It's Orwell shit.


What is that? It's just George Orwell, 1984. Yeah. He wrote the instruction manual on how the government It's running the- Animal farm. Today. Orwellian. Well, now I'm cussing. Who wrote 1984? It wasn't George Orwell. Yeah.


Dan Coldwell, was it? Yeah. No, it's Orwell. Is it Orwell?


Yeah. Is it Orwell? All I've read that recently, a few years ago.


Stories about how the government, if left unchecked, will abuse their powers and overcommit, let's say. Yeah, which is exactly what this seems to be right now, certainly with the Facebook stuff and the social media and whatnot. It is crazy. But as I said, first and foremost, if you're just not acting like a dickhead and you're not sharing abusive racist stuff online, which you shouldn't be doing anyway.


You We shouldn't be doing that.


Don't be a racist piece of shit, and you'll be okay. Don't be trying to incite violence, and you'll be okay. That's not me condoning what the government are doing. I don't like that at all. But if you're not being a piece of shit online, and it's all facto, if you're sharing that stuff, that means you're probably a piece of shit in real life as well. So just don't be a piece of shit. Don't be a piece of shit. And you'll probably be okay. We just said $400 worth of curse words right there. Jesus, we're going to be broke, guys. We're going to be broke. Let's go to commercial break.


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No, I don't think it'll change that much. I That's exactly what I think. I was hoping for a conflict in view so we could go back and forth and have an argument.


I don't think it's a big deal.


If you throw a 12 to 6 elbow, does it hurt a whole lot more than an 11 to Five.


No, I wish I had a conflicting view so we could argue about it, but I don't. I don't think it's that big of a deal. I think the downed opponent is a bigger change. The downed opponent is a ridiculous rule, and that should have been changed, and that is getting changed as well. So it doesn't matter.


You have to be on a knee, essentially. You have to have three parts of your body touching the ground, which means a knee has to be down, right? Is that correct? Or both feet and hands? It has to be something touching the ground other than your feet and your hands.


Yes. So you'd have to knee yourself. You'd have to down a knee. Or you put your head on the canvas.




Which no one's going to do. So basically, You got to be on your knees.


If you're on your knees, you can't knee them in the head. Other than that, it's fair game, which I think is the fact that there's been so much ambiguity. Ambiguity? Ambiguousness? Ambiguity. There we go. Ambiguity. Ambiguity. It's been ridiculous. Chris Wyman really suffered with that one, didn't he? I was talking about this on the broadcast Saturday night, but that's a stupid rule, so that's good. But the 12 to 6 elbow, I was having a conversation recently, and they were of the opinion in that, Oh, this is going to change the game. And I'm like, No, it won't. It won't at all, because think about it. To throw a 12 to 6 elbow, now, unless you were like John Jones, who had Matt Hamel in full mount, knees right under the armpits, posturing up high and coming down and doing that. If you're in that position, granted, maybe, but it's not a two off and people have mounted that high. Because the point I was making is that if you posture up like that, It's come down with an elbow. They're just going to get an underhug. They're going to get an underhug. They're going to get an underhug.


And they're going to get straight back to their feet. So you're going to give up position. In fact, people don't even do that to throw punches these days. People take less risks. When they get somebody down on the ground, they get on top and they play it safe so much. When I was fighting, I used to go to town with the ground and pound when I got on top of an opponent because they're down. Let's make this count. Let's do some damage. And I do get a little frustrated that people don't take enough So I don't think the fact that you could throw a 12 to 6 elbow as opposed to this one, where you can really rotate your body and generate some good power, I don't think it's really going to change at all.


No, there will be a couple of positions where you'll land. Maybe we'll see a couple harder elbows landed, but generally, not really. Here and there, you'll see them. But I think what we will see is more back of the head shots against the fence on a takedown. So I think you're going to see some more warnings there. Where guys are instead of... Because it almost helps you land the elbow.


When you're here, you have to turn the angle and throw it at a little bit of an angle if you're coming down. Yeah, I see what you're saying. If you can go here, I think we're going to see more back of the head shots.


That's one position I hadn't taken into consideration, standing against the fence. Instead of coming to the side and doing that, you can boom, boom, boom. Oh, yeah. That will change the game a little bit there. A little bit. Yeah.


It would be nice, though, to get a good post up against the fence and be able to throw one of those nasty elbows, like one of those old-school Muay Thai elbows. You can't throw them right now. Or you couldn't. Yeah, you can't until the rule changes. One of those Tomahawk elbows, that'd be fun.


You can do them, though.


You can stand and throw like the Thai guys do standing, but you couldn't do it that way. But you will be able to.


Speaking of John Jones, as we know, John Jones is facing Steve Meechi. Good A friend of yours, Tom Aspinal, interim champion.


Yeah, he was not very nice. He said, Get Joe Biden out of the race.


He needs to be Joe Biden. He needs to be taken out of there. He was too old. It's not very nice. What do you mean, man?


He's not very nice. Yeah, but as an interim champ, I'd be saying the same thing.


See, that's why I just left it. You know what I mean? I'm like, I get it.


I get how it feels.


You got to have your boys back, Anthony.


This is your opportunity right now. I've had it. I've said the same thing, and you agreed with me.


The deal is the deal. No, I know. I know. Great argument. It's like, get Joe Biden out of there. Are you not offended on behalf of your friend? No, because Steepay knows that he talks like he has a flip flop in his mouth.


He knows.


Sometimes he'll say something to you. You go like this. You go, Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what I just said.


I will say this. It was a good line by Tom Aspenal.


It was a good line.


And I don't think Steepay cares because Steepa is like, I got the fight. You can keep crying. Steepa is retiring after this, right? That's it. Done. Likely. Would Dana confirm that? Did you see Jon Jones Last week on Friday, he responded to someone on Instagram and said that he's going to be retired by the end of the year. 37 years old, retired, winning. We'll never have to fight again. Yeah, that's That sucks. Yeah.


What's your thoughts on that, though? If Jon Jones, let's just say no disrespect to your friend. It sucks for Tom. It doesn't matter who wins, they're going to retire, and he never gets to fight either one of them.


That's always going to be the talking point. But Jon Jones wins. Let's say he beats Steepay. Tom is waiting in the wings. He goes to Madison Square Garden in November. He weighs in as the backup fighter. He's ready to rock, but there was no need.


He waits to get his hands on Jon Jones. Jon Jones beats Steepay in the ring, gets on the microphone, and then retires.


And then he's Daniel Cormier.


It doesn't matter what DC is. Default champ, DC. Yeah, that's what they're going to say. It doesn't matter how good he is, who he beat, how he beat him. They're always going to say, you're just the undisputed champion because Jon Jones left.


I disagree. I think the majority of the talk would be that Jon Jones was ducking Tom Aspenal.


No, you don't believe it.


It certainly it would look like it.


But you wouldn't believe that, would you?


Well, it would certainly be a discussion point. It certainly would. Listen, the man's had a great career. He's made plenty of money, and he doesn't owe it to anyone to stick around. But as a man, as a fighter, as a competitor, as a world champion with an interim champion right there waiting in the wings, weighing in to back up, you got a duty to say, Do you know what? I'll make that my last fight.


Yeah, but then what if he beats Tom? And then there's always a You're a guy.


Yeah, but there's no other interim champ waiting in the wings. There's unfinished business.


And I tried to have this conversation with Tom, and we got interrupted, but he was into the conversation. I think People always think that the way to goad or convince John to fight you is to pick at him and poke him and bother him and annoy him. And that's not it at all, because he doesn't give a shit. That guy's all this whole world that we live in, John doesn't live in. He has no idea what's happening most of the time. He doesn't give a shit. What you can do to convince him that you need to fight is to continue doing what Tom is doing and keep winning and keep being impressive and whatever. But I just don't... I don't think that John sees Tom the way that we do. I don't think he does. I don't think he's that impressed.


And I understand. If that is the case, I understand why, because he's been I had it since 2007, 2008, beating people, and there's always the new kid on the block, which is what Tom represents in his mind. But to everybody else, he represents the only person defending the heavyweight strap right now. So as I said, the narrative, and it sounds like I'm being dismissive of Jones. I'm not. I'm just saying there is definitely a massive possibility that the backlash from the fans would be his legacy, would be the greatest of all time, incredible fighter. That would be He should have stuck around and fought Tom Aspenal, though. That would be unfair for him to beat all those people, do all the things that he did, all the records he broke, all the people that he beat.


And then the legacy is that he ran from Tom Aspen and all that seems very unfair.


No, and you're right. And that's why we're having the discussion because you're right, when you paint it in black and white like that, it would be unfair. It's like you're forgetting about the last 16 years, the body of work that he put in But Johnny Come Lately fans, the ESPN era, people will be like, But why isn't he fighting this guy?


I just try to put myself in John's shoes. I know how I feel at 36, and He's had a whole hell of a lot more title fights than I ever had. He got almost as many title fights as I had fights. I mean, I only have 10 more UFC fights total than he has UFC fights. That's a lot of five-round training camps. Now, granted, maybe some of those weren't super long training camps, but that's a lot of five-round fights. It's a lot of really tough guys. I'm sure he has lots of injuries. We don't know anything about John really, personally, but I just feel like I feel like if I was him, there has to be some sense of... No matter when you retire, there's always going to be the people that say, Well, he should have stuck around for... I can't even... I don't know. I can't think of anybody new, younger, that's up and going, he should have stuck around for that guy. He should have waited. Dalton Almeida or whatever the case may be. Yeah. Maybe he beats Tom and then retires. Like, well, Almeida was on his way up, and it's always going to be the next guy.


So at what point is the next guy enough? You're right. Tom is different. The point is a valid one. However, there is another champion.


So it's like you got to unify that and you've got to put that to bed once and for all. Talk about a big for you to Tom, though. If John is like, Oh, yeah?


You want to be actually in dispute?


Okay, well, I'm just going to go.


I'm going to peace out, and everyone's always going to question your undisputed title. Well, there is. And John's that petty.


Yeah, no, he is. But But also it wasn't an official statement.


It's just responded to someone. No, I know. But I'm just saying I could see him doing it just to be petty. It doesn't hold any weight. So, yeah, that's where I'm going. Do you think there is seriously, hand on heart, a potential in November for both of those men to hang up the gloves? Yeah. That'd be crazy. There'd be a part of me that'd be happy. I'd be happy for a pair of them and they both deserve it. I mean, Steepay is 43, 42. I mean, it's time to retire anyway. And if he could pull it off and beat Jon Jones, that is the dream ending for anyone.


Reclaim the belt, beat Jon Jones. If Steepay beats John.


He probably goes one more time, right? You think so? That's the way to do it, though.


That's the way to go out on top. Yeah, but think about the money. Think about that bag of money that's going to get slid across the table for an immediate rematch or even a fight with Tom. You just beat John Jones, and now they want to... They would have to pay so much money to get Steepae to Tom after he beat Jon.


That'd be insane. That's a bag of cash you can't pass up. That would be... And it's so disrespectful because that's just not a narrative that people are discussing. It's a foregone conclusion.


Yeah, it's a thing.


It's possible. Dc knocked out Steepay, but then got finished himself and then got beat in a decision. Dc, the first time he fought Jones, he fought him tooth and nail. That was an epic fight.


It really And he wasn't getting blown out of the water when he got caught with the head kick.


No, he wasn't. He got caught with the flush head kick. This is the whole peak of grand discussion. We don't need to get into that. But it made it a no contest, if I'm not mistaken.


But yeah, I mean, Steepay What have you heard from Steepay in his camp recently? Really recently, nothing, which means he's got his head down. You only really hear and see Steepay when he's not doing anything. He's really training, and he's got his head down.


He's hard to get a hold of.


He's got his head down like Joe Biden.


He hasn't been seen anywhere recently. Maybe he doesn't know where he is. He's taking the afternoon naps. He's not saving cats. What are we talking about? The one's a bloody fireman and a legend of the God. Damn sport. Should we talk about Pavee Pimbleet real quick before we get to questions? Sure. Pavee Pimbley is putting on the weight again. Where is it, Harrington? Harrington, you just give us the story anyway.


Do it with a little umph, a little Gus story. So Pavee Pimbleet, this training camp, right after the fight, he was asked, what's it going to take for him to not become Patty the Fattie again, put the weight back on? He said it's all on his wife. Well, apparently, she dropped the ball because he is up about 40 pounds since weigh-in day.


19 kilograms. Comes out to about 40 point something pounds. Is that a recent photograph? His face fills out. I mean, that's the thing with me. When I drink alcohol, you can tell my face gets all puffy as a mother.


No swearing. Paddy, I don't think he's the biggest drinker, but that face. There's about 10 pounds in that face. He does wear it in his face a lot.


How long do you think he's going to...


And I'm not judging him. I get pretty heavy sometimes, too. But how long do you think he can get away with the yo-yo thing? For a while. Yeah. Yeah, of course. And if he's happy, it's not like he doesn't fight really.


He's not super over frequent. He's not fighting four times a year. He doesn't fight frequently. He's going to have to pick up the pace, though. If he wants to build momentum, I mean, yeah, he's doing one a year pretty much now. Last one was December, so yeah, maybe two a year. But if he wants to get that big, big push, he needs a little bit more of a busier schedule. However, what he did against Bobby Green was phenomenal. But I applaud him. Fair play. So do I. Does he miss weight? No, he doesn't. It's crazy because all these... They all love a bit of click baiting and all the rest of it, but all the stories, oh, look at Paddy, he's put on so much weight. The stories will be, look at that, he puts weight on, but then he makes weight every single goddamn time. At the apex on Friday, there was three people missed weight. Chepe Madescal missed weight. Chelsea Chandler came in £5 over.


Yeah, that's crazy.


Chepet came in, I think it was £3.5. Danny Barlow, I think, was £0.25 Five pounds over? Wow. Five pounds. That's a lot. It's crazy. Especially at 135. Five pounds is insane.


It's like, I don't want to kick a girl while she's down because she lost a fight as well. But it's like, are you even trying?


When you miss weight by five pounds, are you even trying? Yeah, that's tough. There's no excuse for that, for sure. And then not have a great... If you miss weight, you better win. You better bring it. We'll talk about this real quick. Speaking of the weight, Mrs..


Jeffie Mariskale, who did he fight again?


Who did he fight Saturday Night? My God, my mind's gone. Oh, God. He beat. Oh, David Jackson. There we go. David Jackson.


David Jackson, fourth of his MMA.


Safe Saoud, great guy. Saif Saoud was losing his mind. During the fight? After the fight, he was screaming. He was, Fuck you, piece of shit. Chepe for Missing weight so much. He was a cheating scumbag. Yeah.


I mean, listen-He's passionate.


I was going to say you got to love the passion. You got to love the passion because he goes on a journey with these guys.


He rides through his guys.


Yeah. And then the guy missed his weight by three and a half pounds, and that was probably a factor in winning the fight. So he was mad. He was absolutely pissed. It does seem this new generation miss weight far more before back in the day.


It happens much more than it used to, that's for sure.


Much more frequently for goddamn sure. All right, well, let's do a couple of questions and we'll get out of here. If you have a question, send it into bympod@gmail.


Com. Keep the questions coming. If you're listening to Spotify, iTunes, wherever you find podcasts, make sure to subscribe. Leave us a five-star rating positive review. It really helps out on those platforms. If you're watching on YouTube, make sure to subscribe to the channel and you hit that notification bell to find out whenever a new video drops in.


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Get 20% off the whole network. All right, so first question we have here today is pretty short and sweet.


This one is from John Miller. Hi, this is Joe from Boston. My question is, what do you think the top three sports movies of all time are?


Not just MMA. I think mine are Hoosiers, Remember the Titans, and Rocky. Thank you. To the point. That was to the point. That was like a Harrington question delivery. You know what I mean? So the best sport movies of all time.


Oh, God, I don't know. Did he say top three?


Rocky is going to be in there for sure. What have you got, Anthony? I know you're not a big film buff. I'm not a huge film buff, but I would say, I mean, Rocky has to be in there. I agree with that. Sport films. I don't really watch sport films. I watched the Was it called? King Richard recently. Will Smith, Serena Williams. Is it called King Richard? I think it's called King Richard, where he played Serena Williams' father.


That was really good.


It was really good. Ford versus Ferrari, not exactly a sport film, but that was good. You got to check that out if you haven't seen it. Yeah, maybe I don't watch any sports movies. They aren't really sport movies. I don't know. I'm not a big sports guy other than combat sports, really. So they're great. Great question.


Yeah, good. I don't have any. Yeah, I like it. There's got to be some... Give us a sport movie, Anthony. Give me one sport movie. Haven't you? Give me a sport movie.


We can't not give a sport movie. Well, you got cool runnings.


If you want to go silly sports He's got cool runnings.


You got something like dodgeball.


You give it more than I came up with, so I got it with you guys.


Angels in the Outfield. I've seen that one. What's What's the movie about the rookie?


Angels in the Outfield is a good one. The rookie where the kid breaks his arm and it turns out he has a cannon when it heals up.


What's the football movie where they're all in prison? That's a sports?Longest Yard.Oh, yeah. Longest Yard. Longest Yard.


What about English. English. Victory. Is that from the '60s? Yeah, I think it's Michael Cain.


It's like the English prisoners versus the guards in the BMW camp.


That's pretty sweet. Yeah, I remember that one. That was good. Yeah. We were really bad at this.


So if you have a question, send it to bympard. Gmail.


Com. But just don't ask about sport movies, okay? Brian, what else have we got? All right, we got another one here from Clarkson.


How's it going, guys?


Sorry, I look like shit. Just got off a 72-hour trip on the boat. Back with my poppies, and they're super happy. But one of the things I wanted to ask was, how do fighters travel to gyms? What is their agreement to it? Do they pay to travel and train with a new gym? When you get there, what are the intricacies of it? Maybe, say, some high-level fighter comes in and decides to come over to another gym and experience training. Do they pay for it, or do they just give them their experience for the transfer? Does the gym have some contract for it? I was wondering because I knew Anthony Smith had traveled to other gyms and stuff like that. And just one of those things that popped in my head. Hopefully, you guys can figure it out. Fuck you, Harrington. Got to say it. Can't not say it. Love you, McKay. And then love you, BizPing. And as well, Anthony Smith. Thanks again. Sorry, I look like shit. I just got off- It's okay.


That'll do That'll do. My God. How does him and his dog look exactly like they're the same person?


I got one of those, too. I know.


I got said this, F. U. Harrington. I love that.


First of all, get some sleep.


Secondly, If he told me that he was Harrington's long lost brother-You'd believe it. I'd believe it for sure. Gims, if you go to another high level gym and you're a high level fighter, the agreement there is that you're bringing your skills to the table and you always want great training partners. So you're welcome in a gym. If you're going to go there and help them out in sport and you're going to be a good training partner, you're not going to hurt the other guys and all the rest of it. But if you go in there all the time, then you're probably going to find yourself getting approached to enter into a formal agreement, which would maybe be 10 %. But it is a bit of a tricky situation, Anthony. Yeah.


If you find yourself, if you're just traveling around, you're like, Hey, I'm going to go check out this spot for a week, or I'm going to go here for a couple of weeks, it usually just you get in contact with the coach or one of the main guys that trains there, and you talk about it, make sure that that timeline works for everybody, and then you go check it out and go train for a week or two weeks or whatever. If you find yourself doing a training camp somewhere, then that's a different conversation. And that's a conversation you'll probably have before you get there and say, Hey, I want to do camp here. And you'll talk about whatever the monetary exchange is going to be. If it's somewhere you're just going to do one camp or you're going to do half a camp or whatever, then you'll have those conversations.


Some places do it per training session. That's a little less common nowadays. Some places will do a percentage. Yeah, it's all on an individual basis. There's no hard or fast rule. That's one thing that always impressed me with American Top Team.


I've never been down to American Top Team.


Massive, massive facility, tremendous amount of They don't charge the fighters anything. That's crazy. Dan Lambert, apparently, is a very, very wealthy man, passionate about mixed martial arts, opened up this absolute mega gym. They get accommodations. They get all the supplementation that they need. They get access to incredible training. And he provides this all for the love of the sport. Now, of course, there is fees associated when you link up with a coach and you're spending a lot of time with that coach. They're not going to negotiate their own separate agreements. It's nothing. I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure that that is the situation now, which is just phenomenal. That's incredible. Shouts out to Dan Lambert. Unbelievable. I guess that's the show. We'll be back on Thursday. We'll go into a bit more depth on a few things. We'll have a couple of guests lined up for you then as well.


Anthony Smith, where are you going to be this weekend? Bristol, Connecticut..


Bristol. You enjoy Bristol? You guys enjoy your Monday evening wherever you are in the living world.