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You're listening to the gas digital network.


Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the f up.


You're listening to believe you, me with Michael the Count Bisbing and Anthony Lionheart Smith.


What you cooking with there, Anthony?


Just a little high noon. Wake me up.


A little high noon. What is that?


No, it's a vodka drink, my guy. I took a nap. You gotta wake up and.


Absolutely, buddy. Absolutely. I'm absolutely exhausted. And I'll say absolutely again. That'll be the last absolute. Welcome to the show, everybody. As you know by the time you're watching this, it is Tuesday evening. We were supposed to do the show on Sunday evening because I'm in Atlanta. We couldn't do Sunday because, well, I was tired. We couldn't do Monday because. Anthony Smith, you were pulled from the ESPN UFC 302 post shot for your scandalous behavior.


Evan. I was. I was pulled out. Uh, no, I was a nasty tooth. Yeah, I was eating so well. We talked. I think we talked about this a little bit. I had that, like, jaw surgery, and they had to do the implant in my jaw and rebuild my jaw and do all that stuff. Well, I got the temporary permanent implant where I don't have to have that stupid retainer that was giving me the bad lisp there for a long time. I got the temporary implant, like, put into my jaw, and there I am in Bristol. It's my first show with my new teeth in, and I'm eating a goddamn piece of pizza in the hotel. Like, 09:30 p.m. my call time is at 10:30 p.m. i gotta be at campus in an hour. Well, I'm gonna smash this pizza, get my suit on, get all looking good, take a bite of the pizza, and I'm, like, chewing it and I feel something weird in my mouth, and I'm like, grab it. And the whole implant came out of my jaw. So then I was like, I can't. I can't go on tv on the post show.


I get. I get enough shit, Mike. Can you imagine how bad it'd be with one. With one tooth missing?


So, hold on. This morning, the implant came out. So you still had. Did you have, like, a metal thing?


I had a metal post, yeah, it was still in my mouth.


You should have done it, man. That would have been hilarious.


Oh, I don't know. I mean, for a second.


Yeah, well, yeah, you're right. For a second, because people are mean. Like. Like, now I have the prosthetic eye, but when. Before I had that and it looked like shit, people would just talk mad shit all the time about my eye. And I was never bothered. From a vanity perspective, I was never like, oh, these people be mean, and it affects my confidence and stuff like that. I still wanted to fight, so I didn't want it to become a big, big thing. Granted, you know, there were certain times when you're working on camera and stuff like that and you're looking all, you know, it's not a good look unless they're trying to book a cyclops, you know what I'm saying?


And I honestly, I never. It never bothered me, like, what it looked like having the tooth missing, but it's like the looks you get from people sometimes. And also, and I'm sure there's a part of this with your eye, all the injuries and things that bother me, the scars on my face and the tooth situation, this is still like blowback from the Glover fight. I'm still those years ago. Like, we're still with worrying. Like, I'm still dealing with it. Like, when we say we give our blood, sweat and tears to this shit, like, we're leaving a part of us, and, like, maybe to some people, like, oh, it's just a tooth. Well, like, I had to have my whole goddamn jaw rebuilt and that tooth removed again after they already fixed it to now put it back. Like, we're still dealing with this stuff. You deal with it. You know better than almost anybody that I know in terms of the things you've lost. And when it comes to this game, your knees, your back, your neck, your eyeball, like. Like, we lose a lot of shit for this and then people make fun of us for it is.


I mean, I've got bloody. I've got have another metal plate and a disk replacement. I just found out because I'm always doing this from a neck. It's killing. So I got to go under the knife again. But still, we're not here to talk about that. A great night of fights, though. Well, a fantastic main event, UFC three or two at the weekend. Question this is to the panel. Where do we start the show? Do we start with UFC 302 or do we start with what was breaking news on Sunday? I'm led in bed. I'm in Atlanta right now. I'm going to be here for eleven days. I go straight to Vegas. I go straight to Saudi Arabia, and then I go back to Vegas for international fire Week. Hopefully still going back to Vegas. So I'm going to be on the road for a while. Sunday night, we're binge watching, finishing off Boardwalk empire. We wanted to finish it. Have you seen Boardwalk Empire?


No, I haven't, bro.


Watch boardwalk Empire. It's a brilliant show. HBO or Max, as it's called these days. Anyway, I'm watching that and, you know, whatever. Sometimes you glance at your phone, I got a text and I look down, I'm like, oh, McGregor, the press conference in Dublin canceled. I was, oh, shit. What is going on? So did we start with three or two, or should we talk about that?


Well, I think you already laid it out. Yeah.


Um. Do you know anything?






Anything? No. Which I was letting, which bothers me, because I feel like there's not too often, Mike, we're like, some breaking news happens and one of us hasn't, like, heard a rumbling of it or like, hey, this is what I heard. Like, just between the two of us. Haven't heard anything.


Yeah, yeah. No, because let's be honest, sometimes before we start recording, we'll be like, yes, we heard this. And we heard. You know what I mean? But, yeah, I'm in the dark. I even messaged a couple of contacts at paradigm, and they were like, Mike, we can't tell you anything because if it was your situation, we would honor that. And I'm like, yeah, no, no, look, listen, I totally get it. I've had two vodkas watching boardwalk empire. My curiosity got the better of me. What we do know is that the press conference has been canceled. Which, you know, when you think about it, what are the possibilities? And again, we don't know. First possibility is, you know, my wife was like, oh, maybe. Do you think he was, like, hammered or something? I'm a babe. That was Sunday night, right?




The press conference wasn't until the afternoon in Ireland, if he was hammered, you know, because of the videos recently, the night, enjoying himself, which, by the way, we're getting shit for defending that. Did you see that?


No. No. Listen, bro, the best thing I ever did was get off of Twitter. Like, I don't see any of it. I don't see any of.


He's got a Google or just. Just look at MMA. Are you.


Are you googling yourself?


I'm not googling myself, but when I do my MMA video, I do. I type in MMA and I click news and it comes up with all the stuff to see what's popping. I said, bisping, and Anthony Smith defend Connor. And I was like, well, listen, he's clearly not hammered, because even if he was hammered, that said, bro, that makes for a better. You need to get to bed. No, but that was Sunday night.


Yeah. Go to sleep.


Go get some sleep. You've got a big day tomorrow, you know. And by the way, I've been at press conferences, hammered.


That's what I was getting there.


Yeah, we made for a good one. Are you intoxicated? Yeah. No, not for that one. I was still. I'd been to sleep, but I was still feeling the effects. And when I got there, and I've said this before, so I'll keep it quick. They were like Dana said, if you're drunk, you are not to go out on stage. I'm like, guys, I'm hungover. I'm not drunk. I'm just hungover. And anyway, I went out, I walk out, and I'm trying to, like, make up for it by being overly flamboyant and obnoxious and annoying. And when it was done, because I thought, shit, Dana's gonna, you know, it's a big press conference with GSP and all the rest of it, and I didn't even show up on time. At the end of it, Dana's like, you're a prick. But that was awesome. So it's not that he's hammered or was drunk. I don't know why it could be. I don't think Michael Chandler's injured. Harrington. Harrington. Do you have. I know you've been scouring the Internet. What are the theories doing the rounds?


So the big theory that's got people concerned that the fight is going to go on is that UFC apparently has pulled all tv advertisements for McGregor versus Chandler. They also, I think, over the weekend, put up videos of McGregor versus Diaz, too, and McGregor versus Alvarez as they're like, you know, free fights to get people hyped up for three. Oh, three. Those have both been made private. And apparently you can no longer pre order the pay per view with, you know, McGregor versus Chandler from the ESPN plus website.


Oh, yeah.


There's a lot of factors making people question whether or not this is going to happen at the end of the month.


Right. Well, I mean, in that case, it sounds like an injury of some sort. One would have thought just. Just.


Yeah, if.


Just thinking logically, you know? And now, granted, that's. If it is McGregor that's injured, then he's going to get some shit, because how many times does he call people a pull out merchant?






I don't know. It sounds like. Sounds like Chandler's okay, because I had a couple people that say, oh, no, Mike Chandler's good. Salty.


Yeah. Whichever is out there. Probably still putting inspirational quotes on Instagram somewhere, doing a Ted talk, doing kettlebell swings whilst doing it. You know what I mean? Inspiring the next generation and just in his balls off and getting his body fat percentage down to 0.2% if he is injured. The reality is, these things happen.


It's part of the game.


It is a part of the game. So, look, listen, I was.


But you're right, you do open yourself up for criticism. He's going to. If it's him. If I was. We're just hypotheticals here, but if it is him and he's banged up and has to pull out and they push the fight back again, he is gonna catch some wicked shit.


I don't know. I mean, listen, for all the neg.


Listen, I'm the guy. I'm the guy that made fun of people for missing weight and then missed weight. Sometimes you gotta eat that shit.


Oh, yeah.


It's come.


Yeah. Yeah. You've got two things you can control. Anthony, in shape and on weight, rocks up to UFC. What was it?


329-9298 no, I was like, 2292.


No, I was almost there. Well, get. Get well soon. If it is McGregor. Listen, you know, for all the negativity of what I was going to say, there's still a tremendous amount of people that support him. I feel for all the people that have traveled to that press conference, and a couple of them, mates from Adam and Nick, they were in Ireland to do interviews and stuff, and the interviews got canceled and stuff. So if it is an injury, it must have happened last second, because I'm sure they doesn't jump on a plane over to Ireland for the sake of it. Even if he did. I know that was the plan. He said at the press conference, so. Yeah, it's a shame, though, because I was really, really looking forward to that. I mean, we're speaking like, the fight's not going ahead. If what Harrington says is correct sounds.


You know, poor Charlie is over there and was over there, too.


Is he really?


He was, yeah, he made it all the way there.


ESPN, the stage manager, top guy. Anyway, we shall see.


Yeah, we'll see.


We shall see. We're talking about if, but some maybes there, but we have some definites in the bag regarding UFC three or two at the weekend. Start with that. Main event is on Makachev, Dustin Poirier. Dustin's an incredible man. He's an incredible man. He's an inspiration. He's just unbelievable. He's got such a great attitude. I thought the sportsmanship between the two of them. Yeah, got a little test yet? The. The press conference, when he called him and his love was like, don't say this. I think maybe in Russian it might mean something else.


It was very literal. Yeah.


Literal version is like, no, bro, no. But the fight was fantastic. Islam Makachev at the start just looked. I thought, oh, my God, look at how he's landed. Those shots took him down with authority. I thought, this is going to be quick. It's going to be quick. He's going to make it look easy. It's going to be unreal. But Dustin's a warrior. He's very skilled. He's got experience. He's been in there with people like Khabib. So he knows that kind of pressure turned it around, was able to stop quite a lot of takedowns, even though Islam was still able to take him down every round. But then Islam showed that, hold on a minute. I'm not a one trick pony. I'll beat you on the feet. And he was essentially doing that even though Dustin made it really, really interesting. And then, of course, a tremendous fight punctuated with that ridiculous finish. The ankle pick to the way. Sweeps the leg around straight into the goddamn doors. Unreal.


Yeah. The whole fight was. Was. Was unreal. Like, I was with you, though. I thought during, like, at the beginning, I was like, oh, shit. Well, this is going to be quick. And Dustin kind of like I was in my. Because I'm stuck in the hotel room, so I was in the hotel room. Just clinched the whole time. I'm, like, defending my own neck as he. As it's happening. Excuse me.


Put your tooth back in.


Turn. Yeah, up. Mouth. And. But it was. It was kind of inspirational to see Dustin kind of walk back to the stool, gather himself, start to defend some takedowns. After that, I. This is going to come off funny, but Islam made Dustin fight at a very small percentage of his capability because that's not how Dustin Poirier fights on his feet. That's. That's not his striking style. That's not usually his approach. He wasn't comboing up. He wasn't able to. To really dig in and set his feet and throw the way he wanted to. Islam did such a good job of. Of using that takedown as a threat. Even in the. Even in the. The corner one time, I think it was Thiago Alves said, dustin, you know, we got. Let's get some combos going. Let's go two, three or four at a time. And Dustin, like, turned to him and said, I don't want to be in front of him too long. Like, it changed the whole approach to the fight, which is so fascinating that Dustin was still able to keep it close because I. He was. He was a kind of a shell of himself in terms of what he was able to do versus what is, what a skill set actually shows that he has.


So I thought that was really interesting. We're like, that's not the way Dustin fights. He doesn't. He doesn't really fight in one punch shots or usually combinations. He fades off. He didn't throw one really nasty right hook like he typically does. He didn't like, it wasn't there for him the whole time. He. I thought the takedown defense was also inspirational, that at that point in his career, he's always kind of struggled with. With high level wrestlers. It's always kind of just been there, stopped a lot of the takedowns in space. He adjusted really well in between rounds where he was on the fence early, and then. And then, yeah, you're good. Where he was on the fence a lot really early, early in the fight, and that's where he was getting taken down. And then as the fight goes on, his coat coaches and training and trainers are telling him, you got to stay in space. He can't take you down in the center. And Dustin makes that adjustment. So, like, even at, you know, he's talking. I'm 35 years old. What am I fighting for? Like, you just leveled up and. And showed skills that we hadn't seen before, like, against someone who's really, really good.


And I think that these guys, like Armand Surukian and Gamera and, um, probably even Gaethje, maybe even Max Holloway, probably owe a large debt to Dustin Poirier, because now find someone other than Volkanovski, someone with it, with a more realistic skill set, was able to push Islam, and maybe, I don't know, make him look a little more human. And it made me, like, Islam more. Well, he seems like a human being.


Because, listen, Islam has been incredible, and he's, for the most part, dominated everybody. Yeah, he's got the one loss. He got caught. It is what it is, right? 26 and one, an unbelievable record. And he's been pure domination. Domination. When you're that good, it becomes. It just sounds weird. It's almost easy for him because he's that talented, but we've never seen, can he dig deep? Has he got the ability to be the hammer and be the nail, to take a kick in and keep on ticking, to go back to the corner? At the end of the round thinking, hold on a minute. This isn't going to plan because it's those kind of fights. And you know what I'm talking about. When. When you go out there and you go back to your corner and you're like, this is not as easy as what I thought it was going to be. This guy's stopping my takedowns. He's landing shots. I've got a massive cut on my forehead. I'm pissing blood everywhere. Hold on a minute. This is not how we thought this was gonna be. And it's when you have those kind of fights and that kind of adversity, are you still mentally strong enough to go out there in the next round and have a reset and still fight your ass off?


And I think it was even more impressive from Islam, because that's what we saw, because we know the answer. And I assume the answer would be yes, but we just hadn't seen it.


If you look at the Volkanovski fight, the first one, although I think people would probably classify that as a dogfight, I wouldn't. I never have. It was an incredible fight. Really, really high level mixed martial arts happening in there, and I I couldn't. I couldn't give enough credit to those two guys in there. But that was a competition. Those guys were competing at the highest level. Tit for tap back and forth, a lot of grappling exchanges, a lot of wrestling on the fence. Like, it's hard to fight like that. I'm not. I don't want to take anything away from them. That's a really hard fight. Really exciting. I had a lot of fun, especially as an analyst, like, really breaking down the small parts of it.


And I'm glad you brought that up as well, because it's almost like I was dismissive of Volk, though. You're right. Did give him a test, but. But to your point, it. It was more of a competition. There was a lot of grappling. But Volk did drop him once or twice.


Yeah, towards the end. Yeah, I think in the. The end of the fifth round, he did get dropped and. And had to get in on take down and kind of hold on for dear life for a little bit. But, like, Saturday night, Islam was in a fight. And I don't know that that's been the case up to this point.


And that's why, my opinion, his stock goes up, even though, you know, people might say, well, Dustin just lost to Justin Gager. He lost to Habib. He's beat. He's been beaten before. If you look at that, and that's how you value Justin Poirier's career, you're looking at it all wrong. You know, Dustin Poirier is as good as they come. He's been in there with the best. This was a big, big moment. His third and final time of becoming the undisputed champion. That was the best version of Dustin Poirier I think we'll ever see, you know, and he still couldn't beat him. And it's because Islam Makachev is so great, so well done to him. Unbelievable. I love the show of class afterwards. Habib got in there and they had some nice words back and forth as well. Just, it's great, man, because we love rivalries and we love a bit of shit talk, you know? And I see people often say, I don't like it when you see people talk shit when the fight's done. What's all this hugging bullshit? It's like, well, you got to understand them. But granted, they didn't have some big war of words leading into it, but I'm saying, just in general, fighters, when they're talking shit and they're trying to sell the fight when it's done and when you've spent 25 minutes or you've gone to war with each other, for the most part, it's impossible not to have respect for your opponent.


Yeah. So I get frustrated when people complain about that, too. And here's always what I especially people ask me in person. Well, you and Ryan Span hated each other and you guys hugged it out afterwards because it's done.




Like, we. We didn't get along. And even if we're not just promoting the fight and you're in a situation where you genuinely don't like someone in regular day life for people to just walk around just as normal humans, you get in these arguments with people and you don't like this person. Like, you can't do anything about it. You just. You just bitch and moan and complain. That's.


We do.


We go on to the second. We go to the second leg of that. We say what we got to say, but we still have to walk in that. Like, that's why I don't get too mad about trash talk as long as it doesn't cross over to people that can't do anything about it. Like, don't talk about people's families, their kids, their wives, like, all that stuff, because those people can't do anything about it. But I'll see if they can say whatever they want about me, and I'll say whatever I want about them because I'm still going to make that walk. And he has every opportunity to do something about it. So once we fight and it's even, it doesn't really matter who wins and who's, who loses, especially if it's a good fight. It's everything that you wanted to do, you had the chance to do, and now it's over with. You wash your hands of it and you move on.


That's, that's a great point. And I just want to elaborate further on that because you're right. Most people in day to day life, if there's somebody that's getting on your tits, they're driving you crazy. It's a work colleague or whatever, for the most part, you can't do anything about it.


You hate them forever.


Go on the car park and get into it. You know, as much as you'd want to, you can't do it. And, and when you go out there and you fight and you scrap whatever, and you've seen it. You see it. You see it in the playground. You see in other situations, they have a little scrap whatever, and then an adult comes over to shake hands, shake hands. And they do shake hands. And then they forget about it because they've tested one another, they've felt each other. They've said, hey, I'm no bitch. Don't mess with me. If you keep doing this shit, this is what's going to happen. It's like with bullies when, if you're getting bullied at school or wherever, if you start up to that bully, you know, they'll stop bullying you. Because the reality is they're looking for an easy situation. If you're willing to make that person roll around on the floor and have a few fisticuffs, they're like, don't bother with him because this crazy little bastard will go for it. I don't want that. I want cool in front of the chick that I fancy that I've got the hots for.


You know what I mean? I'm not trying to actually get into a fight. It's like, it's like dogs, you know? Don't take this the wrong way. Americans. The Americans, certainly in Orange county, right? They're so weird about dogs. Unleashes, right. The dog has to be on a leash. Well, when I'm out near my trails, my dog's off the lead. We call a lead. It's off the lead. Go and have a sniff. Have a little run around cocky leg. Do all this shit. And then sometimes perhaps it might encounter another dog. And for the most part, nothing ever happens, you know, because my dog's a tiny little fluff ball. Nothing's going to happen anywhere. But they get all weird. Get your dog on a leash gate. It's like, let them interact like the ladies on our neighborhood. When I'm walking around, we'll walk the block. They cross the street and they pick their dogs up. I was like, no wonder. And then your dog off a little hairy. Yeah, because they're weird. And it's like, no wonder your dog's a social anxiety freak case, right? Because look at how you act. And then there's other people.


Like, there's this next door neighbor where I used to live in England, in Clitheroe, the next door neighborhood. We had this crazy dog, Sam, and he was a psycho, right? And he would attack everything. And the woman next door had a cat, right? And Sam ran in the house. The back door was right in the house and upstairs to get the cat. And I won't say, well, Margaret didn't give a shit. I'm like, Margaret, Margaret. I said. I said, sam's upstairs. He's trying to get your cat. And she just didn't get. She's like, yeah, it's all right. He'll get a scratch on the nose. It's okay.


That's a great concept, though.


I don't know if he will just get a scratch on the nose. I think your cat might get eaten. But like a lot of people do. Like in England, if two dogs have a little. To go back to the point that we're saying, they'll go, oh, they'll figure it out. They'll figure it out. They'll have a little test, and then they'll go the separate ways.


Yeah, I do the same shit with my kids. Like, like when they start getting at each other. I like the little one, the six year old, she's a nasty little, mean little, but she's sick of her older, two older sisters with her all the time. So I'll tell them all the time, like, listen, you guys messing with her all the time. Now she's coming back at you and you think it's funny. If I was you, I'd bust her ass real quick because she's gonna be pretty. She can be big enough here soon, you're not gonna be able to do anything about it. So I let them. They do their thing and they'll figure it out. Like, it's kind of like dogs. You got to let them figure out who's boss. And now, for the most part, it's, everything's got its pecking order. Now we're like, my oldest one will be like, get them to get her to a point, and they'll stop with her because they know she's about to bust their ass.




I'm sure my neighbors love to hear that.


Yeah. Yeah. And I'm sure my kids got kid.


Fight club going on in here.


Child protective services. No, I used to do that with my younger brother and sister when I was babysitting. I'd say, watch them fight. Watch. My younger sister, shereen, sometimes will beat the shit out of adam. Sorry, adam. She's tough, man. She's tough.


All right.


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Going to see Dustin fight one more time. So do I. I think we're going to see him at least one more time because I feel like. Well, we think we talked about this a little bit. With my own retirement. I don't want to retire off of. Not only just, of course, you. Nobody wants to retire off a loss. I'm less concerned with that whenever that time does come, because if I've thought about it a little bit, what it would look like, I want everyone to know, at least everyone at home, like, I want everyone in my family to know. I want all my friends to know, I want the people that I care about the most to know so we can make a big deal of it and kind of enjoy that last ride together and just do it one more time. And I feel like Dustin's kind of like. Like would be the same way. Plus, he's. He can have a couple really fun fights and make a shit ton of money and. And have. Really have no pressure and just have some fun and say, okay, right, we're done with title fights, probably, but we're done with.


I hate to say I'm sorry.


No. Okay.


We're done with title fights at three, bro. So let's have some fun. Let's have some fun. Find a foot. You know what? Max Holloway, Dustin Poirier, BMF. I'm down. I like it.


A match. Justin Gagey.


Yeah, or rubber match with Justin Gaethje.


You know, that's.


That probably makes a little more sense.


And do it at 170.


Yeah, why. Why cut to 55?


Yeah, they're both roughly the same size, dude. At 170, it's not really relevant in the division. I mean, of course it is, but I'm saying they're just selling a grudge. There's a fourth fight with McGregor, but he said he doesn't want that negative energy. That probably isn't going to happen. I don't think anyone's fighting McGregor anytime soon. We don't know. Remains to be seen. Don't quote me on that, people, but Islam. And we're going to get to who's the best, who's the pound for pound, but not yet. We're going to get to that because I've been getting a ton of shit online.


I want to see Armand Starukian. Watching him fight Dustin Poirier made me want to watch the Suruchian fight more before. I wasn't that sold on it just because I just not. Not that I wasn't sold, I just. I didn't have. I think it'd be a great fight no matter what. But I didn't have, like, a. I wasn't lusting to see that fight, but then watching the, watching the. The Dustin Poirier Islam fight, I was like, oh, I'd love to see Sarookian in there, because I think those grappling exchanges look a little different with Sarookian.


Yep. Without question. Without question. I mean, yeah, I mean, Islam is now, he's one of the biggest stars in the sport worldwide as well. Obviously. He's got the whole muslim community behind him. He's Russian Dagestani, so he's got that whole part of the world as well. In the United States of America, he's a big, big star. So he's a big deal now, man. I'm sure he gets paid very, very well. And I'm in Sarrukhin, without question, is on paper, the next person. But I just wonder, and this is not me shitting on Armond's potential title fight, because I think he's right there. He just beat Charles Olivera.




But I don't know. Like, is that the fight, what they do for Islam next? Or did he do something big? Do they do something special? Do they give him a Leon Edwards if he gets through? Bilal Mohammed, something like that?


You know what happens if Bilal beats Leonardo? It's kind of a mess. Right.


Then no one's gonna forget the name. Everything's gonna go out the window.


Well, yeah, but doesn't. Doesn't belong. Train with Islam and Habib a bunch.


Oh, yeah. Well, that does. Stop that.




You know, probably. But is that gonna happen? You never know.


Don't you forget that goddamn name.


I won't. Yes. Harrington. How the bloody hell do you want showing up on announced?


What are you doing?


Sorry to interrupt you guys.


So Bilal.


Bilal did actually, he commented on and he said that Islam, actually, they're so close that he would forego a shot at the 170 title and would go all the way up to 185 if Bilal was holding the title.


Islam would go to 185?




Islam Hamza. If he beats Whitaker and then fights, then they're not gonna be.


I'm going to 205 Makayev.


That's my next fight. My next fight is Islam.


Yeah. Just go for Tom Aspinall. Right. Look, listen.


Islam. Alex Pereira.


Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Do you know what? I'd give Islam a shot against Alex Pereira.


I know.


Jesus Christ. Could you imagine? Don't say it, Anthony, because that'll be the report. Anthony Smith. Disrespects Alex Pereira and says that the lightweight champion could dethrone him.


No, I didn't say that. Michael Bismig said that, though.


I did say. I did say, but what do you think if you had to put odds on that fight, if Islam Makhachev, right? They said, listen, never mind the title. Your life depends on this. This is a big situation. You got two months. You can beef up as much as you want. You've got to be Alex Pereira to save your family's life. I don't want to put that evil out there. It might happen to pick them. It's a pickup.


It's a pickup. Yeah. Those are even odds.


I tell. Jesus Christ, hey, I tell you what, I kind of want to see that. So do I. Yeah, yeah.


I don't know why I thought that. I just was like, well, then what if Hamza beats Whitaker and then Hamza ends up winning the title? Then he can't go to 185. He'd have to go to 205.


We're gonna go round and round and round, right? Listen, I'm gonna ask you this. So I did the TNT sports show and we talked about who was the greatest. Sorry, pardon me, who was the pound for pound best?




Now, Adam and Nick shout out to those guys. They had emphatically Islam Matschev being the number one pound for pound guy, right? Pardon me, being, yeah, being the pound for pound greatest, not the goat, because they are two different things. The pound for pound number one active fighter. Right? Now, I disagreed. I said I thought it was Jon Jones because Jon Jones did have a break, but he fought last year in 23. He's got a fight coming up. He got injured. It's not his fault. Injuries do happen. And he has got a fight scheduled. And I went through all the reasons I went through the competition. I went through him becoming champion of two weight classes and all the rest of it. And weirdly enough, this has been interpreted as me basically shitting on Islam. I mean, we're saying which one is the best, you know? And I delivered it very, very politely, but you would think that I've just shut in their cornflakes, do you know what I mean? And just like gone round to Islam's house and graffiti deal, you know what I mean? And they're like, they were bringing up all kinds of shit.


It's just on my Twitter timeline and I was laughing. I was going to respond last night. I thought, no, we'll just have a conversation. So Anthony Smith Lionheart, a man that has shared the octagon with Mister Jonathan Jones, who, in your opinion, is the pound for pound best fighter in the UFC right now.


Jon Jones, without a question.


What are you talking about?


I think. I think Dana said it better than anybody.


Oh, that was it. Sorry to interrupt. I'm a company man. I'm just echoing whatever Dana says, and I want Joe Rogan's job.


Oh, yeah, right. Don't we all? I want to paycheck. I'll take his paycheck. Yeah. No, because I've said this. We actually said something very similar to this. Like, two years ago, you and I, if you put Jon Jones in a room with any fighter on the roster for the most part right now, and, like, they fight to the death, Jon Jones is probably gonna leave that room. Most likely, yeah. Unless it's Tom Aspinall.


Now, we're though pound for pound doesn't necessarily mean that. It means if you take into all the skill for skill, success, I think.


He'S the most skilled, most effective fighter in the game.




It looks different. It looks different than the rest of the guys, but. And I didn't understand it either until I was in there with him because it doesn't make any sense when you're watching him. It doesn't make any sense how it's so effective. But then what? You're in there, it makes all the sense in the world, and then you're like, well, this sucks. I wasn't ready for that.


I've. Adam and Nick was that, like, but he hasn't been active. And I said, well, he took some.


Time away from three generations of fighters.


He beat three generations of fighters. And they were like, well, that was a long time ago. I'm like, granted, but he's still active. And they were like, no, he's not. And I said, well, he is. He took some time away, granted, because there was contractual negotiations, politics, stuff going on behind the scenes. Now he's got a tremendous deal. He came back, he beat Cyril Garnett. People say, well, he was a tailor made matchup. He was also the interim heavyweight champion. At the time. I think he was the number one guy. It's not his fault that he was the top guy. He beat him. He was scheduled to fight. Stipe tore his pec, and injuries happened. Look at McGregor. You know what I mean? Injuries happen all the time. And he's.


If Habib came back and won one fight, they would put Habib above Islam.




In years.


Yeah. Yeah.


Fair. I hate defending John, but, like, no, he's beaten so many generations of fighters. He's beaten every different style of fighter. He's beaten strikers, grapplers, jiu jitsu guys, young guys, old guys, middle of the road guys, the very next contender. And did it mostly dominantly over everybody, the couple guys.


The thing is, as well, and again, this is where it sounds disrespectful to Islam, and it's not. I don't, I don't even need to say I've got tremendous respect. I've never said anything disrespectful.




Other than, I think right. Right now, Jon Jones just pips him to the post. Yeah, I know the disrespect. I think when you look at the competition of Islam, and granted, there's been some great ones. Oliveira, he just beat Bolkonovsky, but he was a featherweight. He just beat Dustin Poirier, Bobby Green, Drew Dober, Tiago Moises.


Look at the longevity, too.


Longevity. A few more fights, this will probably change.


If he defends five more times, we can have that conversation. Of course that we can have that conversation, but it's hard. This is why me and RJ Clifford have this argument over all the time, over who's the greatest female fighter of all time. I always say Amanda Nunez, but the one thing that I have a hard time, and this is like, not, this is just the UFC. This is across all women's mma, his argument has always been Chris Cyborg. The only part that I have a hard time defending is the longevity that Cyborg went without being beaten and beat the very best people in her way.


So not recall that Amanda Nunes smoked her and knocked her out cold right.


At the end of her career, is his argument. But that's the one part of the argument I have a hard time defending. Amanda Nunez is a better fighter, beat the better people, has all, has more titles and did it at a higher level for longer. But across her entire career, Chris Cyborg was at the top for a very, very long time. And that's hard to argue.


Oh, no, for sure. For sure. Anyway, we're going round in the circles.


Fun conversation, though.


It's a fun conversation.


And you know what? I don't feel too bad for Islam. I'm sorry. You're the second best, pound for pound.


You're just under the best ever.


Just. Yeah, you're just under the greatest of.


All time to sleep. Oh, yeah. And also, I did say Tom Aspinall might be Jon Jones. And people are like, how can he be the pound for pound if he thinks that Tom Aspinall beats him? Well, I think that we don't know that that has not been set in stone. Tom. John Aspinal. John Jones record is set in stone. Anyway, regardless, we're going around in circles. Congratulations to Islam Mahachev. And congrats to Dustin Poirier. Should we get a little bit of a Harrington nonsense for a second?


Yeah. Yeah. Let's see what he's got for us.


Let's see what he's got. Harrington. Come on. What have you got for us today?


I mean it's not what I have. It's what the world has to offer you guys. I'm just picking the best stories I can find.


Okay. Okay. Well, out of all the stories that are there, what is the best story that you can find?


Probably this one. So a man in Michigan joined his Zoom court appearance for driving on a suspended license. But check it out, he did it while driving on said suspended license.


Have you seen this? I've seen it.


I've seen it.


Yeah, for those people that haven't. So he goes to court. He zooms into court for driving whilst on a suspended license. And the judge and his reaction are just absolute bloody golf.


Who should be present?


Mister, are you driving?


Actually I'm pulling into my doctor's office actually. So just give me 1 second. I'm parking right now. Hey.


I'm parking.


He doesn't realize it.


You stationary.


I'm pulling in right now at this second. Yes, I am. All right.


What are we doing?


Your honor, we are respectfully requesting an adjournment in this matter up possibly four.


Weeks that the court would allow. So maybe I don't understand something. This is a driving license suspended. That is correct your honor. And he was just driving.


And look at it.


He didn't have a license. Oh. Um, it's at that moment you realize you he doesn't have a license. He's suspended and he's just driving.


That is correct your honor. He doesn't know what to say.


He's speechless.




I don't even know why he would do that. So. Defendants bond is revoked in this matter. Defendant is turning himself into the Washington county deal by 06:00 p.m. today. Failure to turn himself in will result in a bench warrant with no bond. Oh dear. Anyway, I mean look at it. Look at him. He's laughing out loud. I'm just parking. I'm just parking. Bro, you should have been parks before you zoomed the judge. Jesus Christ. You can see like the realization setting in in his face. Have you ever done something like that? Anton? Is there anything that springs to mind where it was just, like, so dumb, and then it dawns, and you're like, oh, God. Busted. I know I have think of anything right now, but there's no.


I have, but I can't think of anything off the top of my head. Yeah, I can't. I've actually gotten caught with this suspended license driving before a couple times, and one time. Well, one time I didn't have a license, and it was, like christmas Eve, and it was me, michaela, two of our kids, and Michaela's mom. And we were driving from Omaha, Nebraska, to Lincoln, Nebraska, which is, like, about a 45 minutes drive. And it. But it's really like we're driving there to go to Michaela's grandma's for Christmas dinner, and. But the weather was really bad. It was crazy snow. It was really icy. The weather was really bad. So no one want. No one else wanted to drive. Not that I didn't normally drive, but, um, no one else wanted to drive in the bad weather. So I drove us to Lincoln. When I got pulled over, when I got there, because I was following too closely, like, I hit some ice and kind of slid instead of hitting the brakes, I just kind of coasted, and I kind of got a little too close to the car in front of me. I got pulled over, and I remember the cop being like, you're in a car?


No, right now I'm busy. Somebody banging on the door. Oh, relentlessly.


But the cop was like, you have two other licensed drivers in the car. Why are you driving?


Wow. Well, yeah, but it's one of those, isn't it? Like, yeah, I'll drive. I've got this.


Mm hmm. Yeah. That was kind of silly.


Yeah. Yeah, well, that poor guy.


But I do have a driver's license now, though, just to be.


You do? You do? I drove for years in America. I shouldn't say this with the license, of course, but I lost my british license, so I still had a license, but I just couldn't produce one. You know what I mean? And I was pulled over on numerous occasions, and I'm like, I've got insurance. I've got this, I've got that. And I wouldn't be able to have all of them if I didn't have a license. But I'd lost the little card, you know what I mean? But so every time I was. Oh, shit, here we go. And I was so lucky, because the amount of times I was pulled over. Jesus Christ. Hello? Hello? Hello? There's no one there. Jesus Christ.


People are going to think you're worried about someone breaking into your house.


They're banging on the door. The call in the phone. Hello? Hello? Oh, don't keep this rolling.


This is great.




Hello? They call back, dude, someone's messing with you. I bet it. What if it's harrington the whole time? He's just calling you. Oh, who is it?








It's got to be really important. Oh.


Oh, it's okay. Everything's working fine now. But I appreciate that. Thank you. All right. I appreciate you. That's very kind. Bye bye. Bye bye. To help with the Internet. The Internet sorted. Leave me alone. Stop bothering me. Bloody hell. You just took five years off my life. My wife says that all the time because I'm so jumpy. Especially because I don't see out of this eye if someone just pops up and goes, hey. I go, ah. And I'm always jumping. Why are you so jumpy? I don't know. I don't know. What were we talking about.


Driving or suspension?


Oh, yeah. No. I would get pulled and I'd be like, oh, yeah. The amount of times and the car. And I'm like, shit, I can't show my license. I have a license, but I can't produce one. And then the cops been like, what's your name? I'm a Michael Bisping. The Michael Bisping. And I'm like, yeah, baby, let's go.


I love when that happens. Like, you're trying to get into somewhere, and you're like, God, the wait here is really long. Like, you're trying to take your family to dinner, and then, like, you get that look at the front. I'm like, yeah, there's six of us. What's your name? Anthony Smith. Big fan. Yes.


Getting a table, it does come in so handy sometimes without sounding like an absolute wanker.


I don't give a shit.


So handy.


That's the only time I care.


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, you know, like, I don't go to clubs and stuff anymore, but if I ever did back in the day and there's, like, a big line or whatever, you know, I'll be like, I'll just go and loiter by the. By the entrance, right?


Pretend you're on your phone.


Yeah, just pretend I'm on my phone. Because. Because security guys, they watch UFC, and you just be like, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, British is English. Yeah, yeah. And then they go, hey, bismuth, you want to come in? Oh, okay.


Oh, yeah. Can my friends come?


Oh, sure, yeah, we'll take a table.


And if the security guys don't recognize you, you're almost guaranteed someone towards the front of the line is going to. And then they're gonna start asking for picture. You're laughing because you know this is true.




Someone in the front of the lines, like, oh, my God, Anthony, can I get a picture? Of course you can get a picture. Come over here.


Oh, God. Oh, God. I mean, listen, listen. Sometimes it can get annoying. Like, you know, I'm very always appreciative, but, like, sometimes it comes in so helpful.


That's the only time I care is when I'm trying to get in somewhere.


We're so pathetic.


Really pulled the curtain back.


Yeah, yeah, it's true, though. It's true. It's true. Herrick Bond.


So I just wanted to give you guys an update on that Michigan guy. So turns out he was 100% in the right. His license had been suspended back in 2010. He paid all the fines to get it unsuspended in 2022. The Michigan county clerk's office never sent the paperwork through, so his original driving on a suspended license charge was B's in the first place. And those three days, he had to spend in jail where it shouldn't happen.


Oh, I'm suing.


Yeah, right.


Suing lost wages.


Should sue. I mean, if you went to prison for three days for no reason whatsoever.


So you look like a fool all over the Internet now.


Oh, yeah, yeah. Well, where there was a lot of the fool because Harrington didn't give us the info beforehand. But, um. Yeah, but you go to prison, you get. You get neck. Like, people go to prison for, like, 20 years wrongfully. And when they come out, I don't hear about them getting these massive, massive settlements.


Yeah. Some states don't. Don't have the ability to sue them for shit like that. Some people do. There's a couple stories where guys have gone to prison wrongfully and then gotten out, but they get, like, I don't. $5 million. I wouldn't trade 20 years for $5 million.


Yeah, but $5 million, it's not bad because I've heard some people getting like.


Yeah, I mean, it's better than nothing. Yeah, it's better than nothing.


You know, depends. I mean, 20 years of Hamilton's life.


Trade that for five.


I guarantee. If Harrington said. If Harrington was given the proposition of, listen, aura, the whole family, they're going to be without you. You're going to go to prison. You're going to get three square meals a day. And when you come out five years later, you'll do two and a half for good behavior. You get $5 million. Harrington. What are you saying?


In a heartbeat, yes, dude, two and a half years. Yeah, dude, good behavior all day. I'll be fine.


Yeah, it flies by. It's eight years today since I won the belt. I mean, eight years that went by just like that till the day it's all over the Internet.




It's not like I could. This morning again, Adam Nick from TNT was like, happy anniversary. And I just woke up and I was like, kind of panicked. I'm like, shit, it's my anniversary. I haven't sent back flowers or anything. And then I'm like, how does he know it's my anniversary? And then I'm like, oh, he means since I won the belt. This episode is sponsored by eight sleep, which is one of my favorite products that we've had on here. I stand by eight sleep. The eight sleep mattress pod cover is the high tech solution to your age old sleeping issues. And eight sleep pod, it just goes right on, like a mattress cover. It will cool down or warm up your side of the bed. It will allow you to track all of your sleep measurements. What is that you thinking? Well, you have an app right there. It tells you when you fell asleep, it tells you your average heart rate. It tells you when you were in deep sleep, when you were in REM sleep. It tells you your quality of sleep. And on top of that, you're just going to sleep like a baby.


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Yeah, yeah. I mean, you're 100% right. He led the dance. He. Paulo Costa is just not the same as he used to be. He's not as willing to engage in the firefights anymore. He's not hyper aggressive like he used to be. And as much as it's going to sound like I'm. I'm kind of shitting on Paul Acosta, I thought he fought. He fought well. He just fought on the back foot the whole time. He never came forward. You can't beat Sean Strickland backing up. I think if you. If you can't look at the Israelisania Sean Strickland fight and take from that, that you cannot back up when you're fighting Sean Strickland, I don't. I don't know what you're doing. Like, if that's not a clear representation of how you don't fight Sean Strickland, I don't know what is. So I thought that he did a good job early attacking the legs. He. He minimized the damage for the most part. Early in the fight, he didn't take a lot of big shots, but he was just on his bike the whole time. He. He went to the leg a lot, but he. He didn't really land anything.


Strickland, to be fair, Strickland tried, you know, he was walking him down. But Strickland's not the overly hyper aggressive kind of guy. He's more of a counter guy, but he's always going to walk you down, force you to strike, make you miss and counter. He did a lot of damage to the body with the. With that tick and kind of kept Paulo's timing off. So Paulo could never really set and really set his feet and go. It was a. It was a frustrating fight for me to watch because I know. I know how good it could have been, you know, if. If Paulo had come forward and been aggressive and really thrown hard and. And tried to win. It seemed like he was kind of picking from the outside, and I didn't. It just wasn't going to work.


It was a frustrating fight for everybody to watch.




You know, I was kind of frustrated at home. Paulo Costa, I'm a fan of him, you know, I love what he brings to the table. He has been inconsistent. Sean Strickland brings a lot of excitement with him as well, you know, and, of course, the whole story and the narrative and all the rest of it. So I was hyped for that fight. The crowd was booing. I thought it was very honest of Sean straight away to say it was a boring fight. It kind of was.


Well, it takes two. It takes two.


And I don't.


I think Sean gets a pass.


I don't understand Paulo backing up the whole time because not. Not shitting on Sean, it's not like he's like this massive one shot knockout artist, you know what I'm saying? He's a very good striker. I'm not saying he's not, but he's not known for, like, Alex Pereira type power. Whoa. You gotta be careful. And then also backing up the whole time, your body, you're in a sense of a heightened sense of stress the whole time, because just walking forward, plodding forward, you're fine. You can do that all day long. And I know the commentators were talking about it, but just to elaborate, if you're Paulo Costa and you're going on the back foot and you're dancing around and you wear the fence behind you, you're having to circle and you're having to do this and you're moving back, but then you're trying to stop and land a shot and then going back to on your back, it's so taxing on your leg muscles, right? It's taxing on your cardiovascular system, but the stress levels are way higher as.


Well, which will make you more tired.


It's going to make you more tired all round. So at some point, and you know this, I was trying to explain this the other day, does the unit spoken dance? Isn't there? Right. This is, let's say this is the, the combat zone. If this guy here, I haven't got much room. If this guy here is walking here, the other guy is going to back off the whole time. I'll do it from here. They're going to back off. If one stops, this guy stops, and then, God, they do this, because otherwise, you clinch the balls. And part of the expression, the metal, to say, no, but I'm gonna stand here. Sean would have stopped advancing. Yeah, because he's not taken down, you know, and that's, like, the unwritten code. And Sean was just psychologically stronger than Paulo in the fight, and therefore, was able to just walk him around the octagon for five rounds.


Any. Any time I've been in there with Sean, I'm not even gonna sit here and tell you guys that I won all those rounds. But the only time they took me 35, 45 seconds to realize if I just. Because it does get uncomfortable, like, because he is coming forward constantly. So you're. You try to. You try to back up, circle, reset, and then you think you're going to be able to go where you're not, because he's going to keep closing that distance. Like, it. I feel for Paulo because I felt it before. Not a whole lot, but I felt it before. Sean's. It's uncomfortable, but it. It took me 45 seconds to say, all right, this not running from you this whole time just to be comfortable. It's not a fear thing. It's uncomfortable, and it makes you. You want to be comfortable. When you're in there with that back and forth, like, I come forward, you back up, then you come forward, and I back up. But we don't, like. It's not one constant person following the other one. At some point, you got to stick your back foot in the. And dig it in the dirt and say, I'm not backing up anymore.


It's Paulo's fault. He allowed Sean to dictate the pace, dictate the fight, dictate the geography of the octagon, to just own pretty much all of it. Yeah, sure. Paulo landed some shots. Yeah, Paulo went to the body a couple of times, and he threw a few good legs.


Some nasty body shots, too.


Yeah, but the visual. The visual, right? Anybody that knows anything about fighting and anyone that knows nothing about fighting, that's a better way of saying it. Anyone. You could get any Tom, Dick, and Harry off the street, that persistent prick knocking on the door. I could say, yo, yo, come here, come here, come here. Watch this fight and tell me who wins. They would say, Charles Trickland all day long. I could grab a little old granny off the street who knows nothing about anything. I could say, who won this fight? And they would tell the guy walking him down the whole time. So why the did one of the judges give it 49 46 to Paulo Costa? Because that is graceful.


It is. And one judge had a 50 45 Strickland. How do they have two completely views of what happened?


I don't have an issue with that segment, because you could argue, like, Dustin and Islam had some rounds that were close. You know what I'm saying? So that. But just. But just to say that Paulo won, what was it? Was it 49 46 out of five?


So one guy thought Sean won every single round, and the other guy thought Costa won four out of five.


Yeah, but rounds can be close. Rounds can be close, and you can be kind of split. That's not the issue. The issue is that he went the wrong side.


Yeah, for sure.


If that little old granny said the person backing up the sexy, handsome Paulo Costa, Paul junior secret juice guy. If she said that, I'd say, yeah, yeah, just edit that bit out, Brian, let's get someone else. Do you know what she's talking about?


He, you know, Brian, fix it.


The only person that I could grab, you know, with my luck as well, let's. Let's just do an experiment. Come here. And they're like, yeah, no, Paulo won that. No, it's crazy. And this is people's livelihoods, their careers. Harrington. I know you put it in the notes, but I haven't seen it. What was. Dana had some pretty strong words about it. Right?


Yeah, let me. Let me grab the quote right here. He said it wasn't weird. It was effing nuts. Insane. The guys should never ref a big fight again. They should kick him back down to the minor leagues and let him work on his judges. It's unbelievable. I mean, how could anybody who isn't an absolute effing lunatic call that fight a split decision? I don't even know what to say about that. It's insane. That guy shouldn't be judging big fights.


Yep. And I agree, because judges like that can cost people world championships. Judges like that, depending on your contract, could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Mm hmm.


Hundreds of thousands of dollars. You know, if you want to get.


Deeper in that, say that Sean gets a title fight next and wins and ends up winning the title back. Just say that that's the next progression. But then there's, say there's two of those judges and he loses, that fight could have cost him millions.


Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And it's crazy that we still have this with the judges all the time.


It's insane that aren't that close. Close fights. You got to kind of just accept that there's gonna be different views on different such situations and circumstances. That happens in fights.


Scrappy, scrambling fights. Lots of takedowns, reversal, stuff like that. People can have a varied opinion.


That's hard. But, like, clear fights, you like, you can't. You can't. That one up. That was. That's one you can't up. It just, you can't. You can't get that one wrong. There's just no reason for it. It's unacceptable.


Well, anyway, fair play to Shaun Strickland. Well done. Back to winning way. He said he's waiting out for a title fight. Obviously, we're still waiting for it to be announced. Drick is versus Izzy. I'm assuming that's going to be announced pretty soon, but yeah. Yeah, I don't blame him, you know what I mean? He's got the popularity, he's got people behind him. He just fought number seven. You know, he's got back to winning ways. It all depends, though. We'll see what happens in Saudi Arabia, which I will be going to straight from here when I leave Atlanta.


You're doing some filming?


It is, Johnny, a little bit. You blink and you miss me, I'll tell you all. Fair, actually, kind of interesting, but I can't say anything. My lips are sealed. But speaking of Atlanta, when I checked in the hotel, see this big bottle of water?




They said, take that bottle of water to your room. Under no circumstances drink the water when you shower, make sure your mouth is shut. Do not brush your teeth with the water from the sink because all the pipes have burst in the streets and it's. All the water is contaminated and it's very toxic and people are getting sick and stuff like that. And I went for a walk last night and. No shit. Sure enough, I came to a massive river, water spurting out everywhere. I had to walk through about this deep of water. My feet were soaked, very, very wet. So. Yeah, yeah. But, um, nice bowl of water, though.


No drink in the water in Atlanta. No kidding.


At the moment, right?


Yeah. Once it's mixed, I'm sure it'll be fine.


Yeah, yeah. The news on, on the news is saying that everyone has to boil their water at home or drink bottled water.


To even cook with and stuff.


To even cook with and stuff like that. You gotta boil first. Yeah.


That's crazy. Well, it's too bad.


Well, I wonder how many people are just gonna, like, not do that.


Oh, most of them.


A lot of people.


Yeah. It's fine.




Kids, definitely. Kids.


For sure. For sure. It's okay. So I kind of like it. I'm getting lots of free water. I think they've cut me off because every time I go past the lobby, because they've just got hundreds of these piled up, up and I drink a lot of water. My wife says I'm obsessed. Every time I go past the lobby, I'm like, yeah, can I get another water from my room? I've got about four of these lined up. Seriously.


That guy's cut off.


They've cut me off. When I went to get one before, they were like, no, we'll get room service. We'll send it up to your room. I'm like, well, I'm here now.


Yeah, I'm standing right here.


Yeah, they're like, now we'll send it up by a room service. This prick selling them out the back. He's got a racket going. Talk to me about Kevin Holland versus Mahal Olasha shock.


Yeah, that was weird. That was weird. I thought that was going to be a pretty good fight. Both those guys are really, really good strikers. Kind of opposite striking styles. And Ola J check landed a big shot early. And Kevin Holland goes down. I was kind of a little bit nervous for Kevin. Like, oh, shit, like, here, you know, he's Kev doing a cab and. And then, I don't know, I. He's got such good jujitsu and such good grappling and. And people just don't. I think people forget because you don't see it too often, but we've seen it in like, the Michael Kiesta fight. We've seen it a little bit with the Jacare fight. Just being comfortable with Jacare being on top of you like that. He wasn't too worried and locks up a nasty armbar. I thought he was going to go triangle, but he went armbar. And Ol J check. I'd look like maybe he thought he was out for a second because I thought he was out too. And Kevin just sunk that thing back up. And credit to old J check man, he never tapped Kevin. Just cranking and cracking and popping and.


So let's talk about this. And this is the good part. This is the point I wanted to get to. I have no problem with the stoppage. Congratulations.


I don't like it.


Well, but me neither. I don't like it. I'm not calling for, you know, a bloody to be overturned through the commission. I'm not talking about anything like that. Well done to Kevin Holland. The referee stepped in. Herb Dean's a good ref. He had the best view. He was there. He was a few feet away. He could see it very closely. However, I don't think the fight should have been stopped there. I was saying this like, armbars hurt, okay? And they can do a lot of damage. Mixed martial arts in general hurts. Getting knead in the face and, you know, being splattered, that hurts. Getting kicked in the head, right hooked, kneading the body, it all hurts. And you know what? If you can't take it, you curl up in a ball and you let the referee stop it. When you get caught in an armbar, if you can't take it, you can't tap. If you can take it, if you can endure it, you don't tap. Now, granted, fighter safety is paramount, and sometimes we have to be protected from ourselves. But I was watching that, and it seemed like, you know, because people don't know this, because I was getting a lot of shit online and said, well, it didn't.


You know, it looked like he was trying to escape, you know. You know, the one antidote, you turn your.


Can't do it here on camera, we're like, it. Yeah, it's hard to see, but with it being straight, if you can bend it a little bit and looks like.


It'S bending the wrong way.


It does. It does. Yeah, it's an escape. And then you roll, and you roll over your own head.


You roll over your own head. Technical term. I don't know what it's called. The head roll over.


Yeah. There's roll over your own head. This is gonna roll backwards and away from your own arm.


He was trying to do it, that he was trying to tough it out. He was trying to grab the arm. He was fighting.


And then fighter safety, it's arm. If he wants to let it, if he wants it to break, let him break it.


Nobody's gonna die.


He knows the rules. He knows how to get out of it. If he wants it to stop, he knows what to do.




And he didn't want it to stop.


Did you see how warning was like, why wasn't this fight stopped 5 seconds earlier?


Why? Why we. How many times have we watched someone kneed in the face and their goddamn nose split across their face, and it's looking, you seen Jack Della Madalena?


And then they smile.




They're like.


And they keep. And they keep fighting. What? Why is that a problem? How many times have we seen guys catching kicks? Like, do they get a head kick and their arms break, and they continue to fight while everybody in that whole place knows that they have a broken arm? But he wants to fight. Still let him fight. It's a broken arm. Who cares? Like, continue to fight. Let the dude. Let the man do his thing if he thinks he didn't. Rich Franklin get his arm broken one time?


Chuck Liddell.


Yeah. Got his arm broken off a kick and then ends up winning the fight. Why is. Why can't Ola J check have that opportunity? There was someone else who got their arm broken.


Tony Ferguson versus Charles Oliveira.




Ferguson was in the arm bar forever, and he didn't top. Mm hmm. And he still lost the fight. Whatever that.




There's someone already was in an arm bar forever. Didn't tap, still lost the fight. I'm looking for one where we didn't tap and came.


That's what I'm getting at. There's someone that got caught in an armbar, got their arm broken, and because it was broken, they were able to escape the arm bar and ended up winning.


Jamal Hill, Paul Craig. I still lost the fight.


I'm. I wish I could remember who. Who. Like, the Jamal one I was okay with because he was stuck also in a triangle.


So I just. Just to elaborate on that. The arm was broken. Was, like, clearly right flopping.


I wish I could remember who broke their arm. Like, got it broken in an arm bar. Because it was broken a little bit floppy, was able to slide it out and end up winning.


If only we had a couple of people behind the scenes not talking on camera, just, like, just looking.


Maybe if I said it one more time. If I could only remember.


In the background right now, Brian's disappeared down some conspiracy corner. Harrington.


Is nobody work here?


Brian. Brian. Brian. Brian. Let's talk about this real quick, because this was interesting. We were talking about this off before we started. Yeah, I think you get Hamilton on air. Let's have a four shot. Let's get the laugh on. Sorry.


I'm frantically googling. I found a couple guys who won with broken arms, but not from an arm bar.


She's past the moments past. Harrington missed it.


Hey, you like my daughter's bedroom?


Joe Rogan better be paying Jamie well, because I'm coming for it. Brian. Brian. Brian. Before we started, we were talking about, you know, things to talk about on the show, and you had some wild, not conspiracy, but thoughts that are circulating regarding the recent artwork done of Britain's King Charles.


So this has been floating around the Internet since the portrait got unveiled, and I never thought it was appropriate to bring it up, but this seems like a good time.


That's my king, bro.


I do know that's your king. I. Apparently his king is Satan, though. So if you look at this, if you mirror the portrait and flip it.


Show us the first way, show us how it's supposed to look.


Okay, so this is. This is what it's supposed to look like.






Right. So then if you mirror this and you flip it upside down, this is the image you get. And there's clearly a weird thing going on here. Like, you get the devil shoulders and like, a big fiery head, a big, like, Baldeman head with horns and all sorts of weird shit. I'm just saying it's.


What are you saying? Just state what you say.


I'm saying that the Internet thinks that this is some sort of do it in code so you don't get caught kind of satanist kind of thing going on. And. And the deepest, darkest corners of the Internet have this theory that the reason why we haven't seen Kate Middleton is because she was used to paint this painting.


Ah, the blood. The blood. Just. Just give me the shot. Because what you'd done there was mirror the shot, then you turned it upside down.




You know what I'm saying? These are great lengths to go to.


Now, that looks like Kate Middleton's blood.


He does.


It looks like. Like it's weird looking.


That's probably her skin, too.


It might be, yeah. It's a bit creepy. It is, it is. You can tell. No, listen, listen. You can tell. That's Kate Middleton's all day long. It was Harrington's. It'd be greener. Do you think, just for the sake of conversation, that King Charles is so heavily embroiled, the act of devil worshiping, that the heavily scrutinized new portrait that's going to be unveiled to the world. They just have to have an image of the. Of the devil on there. They have to, uh.


Yep. Symbolism. Symbolism will be their downfall. That's a real thing.


I don't know. I don't, I don't, off the top of my head think that, so. But I bet there are a lot of people that met Ted Bundy that were like, that guy doesn't seem like someone who kills people.


Now this is going a little deep into the subject here, but there is a philosophy in this weird, evil, satanist kind of lifestyle that is, uh. I can't remember the name of it, but it's like if you tell the people what you're doing, then you're it. You don't get, like, penalized for it in the afterlife because they do it, like, on their own volition. And that's why you see all sorts of weird symbolism everywhere is because we have weird Satanists that run the world.


Yeah, well, I don't know about the weird Satanists that run the world and come after me in the comments section, people. Right. I think when you look at that, that's kind of like kind of an abstract piece of art if you're trying to look at it a certain way. And then you flip it this way and you double it up and you get a kaleidoscope and you look at it on a Tuesday when the sun is down at 05:45 p.m. you can see Beelzebub appearing right there. I'm just saying that if you think that, then maybe just you've got too much time on your, well, we could do it live.


We could see if it works.


Let's do it live.


All right. Do I do what?




We don't live.


I could take the image and flip it in front of you and see if it lines up or if it's being made up on the Internet.


Oh, no, I think it definitely lines up like that. I just want to know who figured it out. Like, whoa, this is painted. Looks kind of cool. What if we mirrored it and then flipped it upside down? What's it look like? It was like too much time on your hands.


It took minutes for people to start putting this guy, this online.


It was like, I always wonder, like, I think about that kind of stuff. Like, the person that figured shit out for the first time, like, the first person that found we, they're just walking around. They're like picking fruits and vegetables and like, well, that one looks kind of funny. What do you think would happen if we smoked it?


Yeah, I saw a meme the other day saying neanderthal man or early man discovering mushrooms. He's like, well, this is crazy. This one makes you laugh your ass off for hours. This one might kill you. This one helps with all kinds of stuff, you know, and this one tastes really good, but let's just keep trying them.


Yeah, I got another one of those wall melting ones.


And we know it's been done. This has been said many times, but that the first guy that discovered milking cow gives you milk. What did he think was going on?


That's what was he expecting?




Yeah, but there has to be a first person that figures that out.


Yeah. Well, do you know what? Not to be fair, the milk would just be dripping out of the teat.


That's fair.


The other, it would be very swollen and be dripping out.




They'd be like, maybe we'll just assist this a little bit.


I don't have any milk cows. That makes sense.


How many cows do you got?


There's like eleven out there. Yeah. Not a lot.


That's good. How much for a cow?


Depends on when you get it. Right now, we. So the very first cow I ever bought was $250.




But it was. It was a calf. It was very young. It was bottle. It was still being bottle fed. And I ate that.


Some bitch killed it yourself?


No, no, I took it into get processed. It's a lot. It's a lot quicker and cleaner.


Yeah, of course. I can only imagine. I mean, I've seen it.


But if you want to get like, um. I think we got the two heifers and we paid. I think we paid, I want to say $900 a piece for him.


So 250 for the first. 1900 apiece for the other heifers. What. What is the processing charge to take it in, to have it slaughtered and butchered? How much do they charge for that? Because that's a lot of work.


It all. It all kind of differs and varies, so. Depends on where you go. I. We have a pretty good deal set up with, like, a. Actually the same people that have been processing my deer and stuff that I shoot. So we do this deal where it's a dollar a pound. So if the cow weighs 1000 pounds, then they charge me $1,000. Yeah, yeah, yeah.




And then when I sell, every once a while, I sell them because, like, the whole process started because me and a friend wanted to just raise our own cattle and just have grass fed, super healthy beef that we knew had no other additives and bullshit to it.




And they just taste better. And you. You can't. The way that we do it, you can't. You can't produce them fast enough to make any money because being grass fed only, they don't grow nearly as fast. So that's why these, you know, these factory farming, they have to add all this shit and all these additives and all this other stuff to supplement to make them grow faster so they can continue to turn a profit. We're not trying to turn a profit. We're just. I sell enough to break even about, and a lot of times I don't even break even, which doesn't matter. But so as we, you know, as we build them up, then. So we. We bought the first couple calves, bottle fed them, and then raised those ones to just eat those two. Well, they were like, well, once we kill these ones and eat them. Now we're going to be down. We're going to have to wait until we raise two more calves. So then we got the two heifers, and then we started breeding them. And so then they started having calves, and then we got two more heifers. And then, so we were getting four calves at a time.


So it's actually growing a little bit faster than we needed to because. Because we're not eating the beef fast enough to, to, like, bring the herd down. So now we're having to sell some every once in a while. So then whatever they, the, whoever buys the cow, they pay the processing fee and then we charge them per pound.


Yeah, I would love to do that. I really would.


But, like, if you were to buy, if you were to buy beef, I.


Wanted to ask you, is the bull yours or do you bring a bull in?


So sometimes we buy bull semen.




It's just easier to do it that way. But there's a, there's actually a property. That's right.


What did the first guy that implanted bull semen think he was doing?


Sometimes we'll buy it and then some. Their property over next to us has a bull, and sometimes we'll just flip that guy a couple bucks and put our heifers in there and they do their thing.


Nice. Nice. No, that's really cool. Anthony is. And as you say, fresh, fun.




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All right, so what have we got to talk about here? We did the three big fights on 302. We talked about McGregor. Oh, we never spoke about Mike Tyson and Jake Paul, even though it feels like old news. Now, are we interested? Should we shit on Jake Paul for a minute?


As much as I want to, I don't, I don't know what else there is. I mean, is the fight going to get rescheduled, you think? I hope not.


Well, do you see that Logan Paul is now calling to be the replacement?


Was that for real? That was serious.


I don't know, but it's just, if it is, it's like, dude, for crying out loud. I mean, both of them have got money. They're both famous. He's in the WWE. He claims that he had the Tyson five first. And he claims he had some other fight.


It's like, leave some for the rest of us.


You came from the same womb. That is your brother. There's a lot of people you can fight, right? You know what I mean? Yeah. People would watch it.


Mm hmm.


But that's your brother, for crying out loud.


That's the guy in a part of me would really like it to watch those two guys do something real detrimental to themselves in the long term.




You know, there's no, like real coming back from that. They actually fought. One's gotta win one's gonna lose. Like, their hearts are gonna be broken. They're gonna dislike each other. It's gonna be weird. Disjointed relationship for a while now. Part makes me happy.


Yeah. I mean, brothers do fight all the time. You got brothers? You don't have a brother?


I have an older brother.


Yeah, an older brother.


Yeah. He's oldest shit, though. So we never got a chance to fight because he was adult before I was born.


No, my brothers used to beat the shit out of me. Comrade and Steven bad. We're not talking like little brother, you know, like, you know, we're talking like you'd be up your sworn enemy.


No, my brother was like holding me as a baby and his own son.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


That's how far apart we are. Yeah, he's way older. Yeah. My, one of my nephews is older than I am.


The problem is for Mike Tyson. God bless you. We know he's 58. When you get older, things just go wrong. You've got arthritis, you've got high blood pressure, getting through a fight cab. I don't know about ulcer flare ups. I know nothing about ulcers or ulcer flare ups. Know nothing about them. Can't pretend to. But this, this might be a blessing in disguise, you know?


I don't know any young people with ulcers.


No, it's not something that I've ever had a discussion about. My mother, my mom suffers with an ulcer.


Yeah, that's what I mean. Every. I'm sure young people do get them, but I've never like, spoken to someone and been like, oh yeah, I'm in my thirties.


John Gotta. Old John's got his ulcer flare up again.


Yeah, we're gonna go out golf and hit the bar with the boys.


But he can't even make it on a two hour flight. Fucking John and his ulcer. Go on, go home. Get out of it.


It's usually older folks.


All right, let's have a look at these notes. Harrington, we don't want to keep you too much longer, but we're going to talk a bit. Harrington, what is there on the notes? Because I've looked at my emails and a lot of emails have come through since the last time I looked at them. Here we go, notes. What do we have? Islam. We talked about that. Jankay Odwildo. We did see that. Unfortunately for Deontay Wilder, Joaquin Buckley talking about George St. Pierre knocking him out. Is that really conversation worthy?


No. Wait, who was Buckley talking about?


George St. Pierre. That now he'd beat it.


I. I feel like. I feel like, uh, because of my. My instincts to always protect people in that generation and. And the greats that came before me, I will end up talking shit about Buckley. And then we'll start some shit. And I won't mean to, because I don't have anything real negative to say about Buckley, but by defending the greats that came before me, it will sound like I'm being addicted. Buckley.


Well, well, Cubs. Swanson and him got into a thing on Twitter. Did you see that?


I did. And, like, Cuba, I would stick up for. Yeah. Like, I would stick up for Cub and I would stick up for. For GSP and, like, there's got to. Here I go. I'm going already. You know, like, what happened to the days? And this, again, if Buckley sees this, I'm not talking shit about you personally, talking shit about your generation of fighters. What happened to the days when I was in the gym and I was the young guy and the people that carved the path out that I was trying to follow and the people that were doing the thing currently that I was trying to do? Like, what happened to having respect for them? Like, rampage is a guy that I would, you know, like, what GSP is to Buckley, where, you know, he's the guy that's in the same weight class, and that's, you know, that would be the person you'd want to look up to or whatever. Rampage was that guy for me, I couldn't even fathom telling you right now that if me and Rampage fought right now and he was in his prime, I'd beat his ass or I'd knock it.


Like I could. I can't. Even if I thought that. That I can't even imagine saying that out loud because I would feel like that's too disrespectful to someone that came before me that I wanted to be like and that I wanted to accomplish the same things as them. At one point in time. I just feel like. And I sound super old right now, saying all these young guys there just don't have any respect. But it's the truth. Like, the game has changed, and I understand that. And the way that guys come up is different than it did when I came up and when the people before me came up.




But I just don't see the same level of respect in gyms that I used to see. I don't see the same level of respect for the ones that came before us and get in and carved a path and gave us a platform to stand on once they were done with it. I just. And you see it on the other end, too. Like, I like to think that I give a lot of opportunities, any chance that I get, whether that's giving opportunities to guys in fights or whether that's giving advice, or whether that's given helpful tips and ways that people can carve a path in their own career or what not to do. Or what to do, how to deal with this person in the company, how not to deal with this person. Like, those guys seem like they're gonna climb the ladder and then pull it up so no one else can.


Yeah. No, no. I do understand what you said. I don't think it's all fighters, and to a certain degree, I think. Buckley. No, not all, but making some noise. But I do know what you're saying. And, like, for me, like, some things are off limits. When I first started getting. When I first signed with the UFC, I'd won the ultimate fighter. I'd had a couple of fights, so I was like, and this is back when the ultimate fighter was, we've. You won the ultimate fighter back in the day, it was a big deal. You know, you're the man. 1234 and five. That was a big deal back then. And I'm not saying I'm a big deal. I'm saying I could tell from the recognition of wherever I walked in Las Vegas and stuff like that. And I remember meeting Randy Couture for the first time. And there's a documentary, I think it's on fight pass. It's called Britain's ultimate Fighter. And it follows my journey after the ultimate fighter and training for the finale and stuff like that, and then up to my first fight. And anyway, and I'm at the MGM grand is before UFC 66, Tito versus Chuck.


And I'm now backstage at the MGM, and I'm doing something, and all of a sudden, and Randy couture walks over and kind of grabs hold of me and, like, kind of wrestles type thing. And I am like a child. Like, just like, do you know what I mean? And you can see it and the respect. And I was like, I couldn't believe it. I'm like, randy Couture's talking to me as an equal. He's giving me the time of day. He's shaking my hand. And then the guy filming asked him a couple of questions about me and the fact that he even knew who I was and said nice things about my fight style and all the rest of it. And then he walked off, and there's a little clip. I go, oh, yeah, run the guitar. You know, we're all mates. We're all mates, you know? But that blew my mind, and it is. And I think a lot of fighters do still do revere old folks like us, if you will. But I think also, to a certain degree, Buckley's just making noise for the sake of making noise.


I think that's the part that bothers me the most. Like, make noise, promote yourself. You do a great job at it. But, like, why is. Why is GSP got a catch astray when he. When, like, he's not in a position to defend himself? Because, a. He won't. Because that's the type of person GSP is. He won't. He's not gonna reply. He's not gonna respond. He's just gonna desert, hanging out like he doesn't give a shit. But he can't fight. Like, he's not in a position to fight and defend himself. Like, leave the man alone.


Sometimes when I do interviews and they say, okay, what about you? If you were still fighting now, what about Izzy or the champion? I always say, I'm not answering that because it's disrespectful, because I don't have to back up these words. But we got. Just going back to George St. Pierre for a second. I saw a little Instagram clip or something the other day, and he was asked in an interview if ever, when. When talking about an opponent, does shit talk ever go too far? Does it ever cross the line? And his answer really surprised me, because this is George St. Pierre, who's carried himself with so much class, and he says, no, he said, you can never go over the line. And it's interesting because, you know, with Ian, Gary, and Colby Covington and all that type of stuff. And we've always said, you know, that stuff's over the line. You leave family and stuff out of it, you know? But what George said made a lot of sense. He said, this is psychological warfare. You're going to fight this guy, and to a certain degree, you're almost fighting to the death. You know what I mean?


You're fighting to put that other man asleep, unconscious, or choked them out in front of the world. So whatever you've got to say that might give you a mental edge in that fight before the fight, it's fair game. And I thought, you know what? He's absolutely right. He's. He's a smart guy.


Yeah. I just can't get down with some of it. Like the. Bring another.


I can't like, are you with doctor get dead man? You're crazy.


I just can't get, like, the, the family, the kids, the, the people that aren't involved in the fight. I can't handle. I don't like that part.


I just, I agree. I agree. And I've always said this also, nobody.


Knows shit about George. They can't say anything about him. They don't know who his wife, girlfriend, kids. Like, he's such a, like an anomaly. Like, you don't know anything about him.


But in that same thing he went on, he actually spoke about that. He said, that is why my private life is private. I don't talk about anything because I don't want to give my opponents any ammunition. I don't want them throwing up personal stuff that will trigger me in a fight. So I keep my private life completely off limits. Nobody knows anything about it. And I thought, you sneaky, you clever genius. Genius.


Bastard genius.




Yeah. You don't really know anything about George's personal.


I know a little bit because of, you know, behind the scenes and get to know him a bit.


I've heard, like, some stories of nothing bad, nothing negative, just about people that train with him and just said, oh, this, you know, this what George likes to do for fun. But like, anything about his, like, personal life, his family or anything like that, like, I don't know anything about him.


Yeah, yeah. No, George is the man playing simple shout out, George, hope you are well, brother. All right, we've been going for a little bit there. Should we do some questions to bring wrap up?


Yeah, yeah.


All right. Well, if you have a question, and we haven't done questions for a little bit, it feels like if you have a question, please send it into the more creative the question, the better. Ask us about our private lives. Ask us about fighting. Ask us about whatever the bloody hell you want. Don't just ask us, you know, the type of shitty, boring questions that we get. Harrington.


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Today's first question, he didn't leave his name, but he sounds like Patty Pimblett.


Hello, lads. Just a quick question to thought about watching yesterday and noticed they all had the gold shiny gloves on. And I thought, would that play as an advantage, having bright, shiny gloves on? Would you see punches coming at you in your peripherals that you wouldn't see with the black gloves, especially with them being small, four ounce? And if so, is it an idea to keep up having colored ones? I thought it was esthetically pleasing instead of just the plain black ones. But let me know what you think. And they've got the future Sean O'Malley right there. Loves the pods when his mom's not there and loves the UFC. So, yeah, thanks, guys. Let me know what you think. Nice one, mate. He does sound like Paddy Pimblett. He looks like Paddy Pimblett. Definitely a scouser. So thank you, mate. You didn't leave your name, but thank you very much, lads. The gold gloves, I thought they looked cool. I thought it made it like an epic, you know, was the title fight.


Yeah, special.


I fell and I gotta be careful. Shouldn't have Islam have only been the one with gold gloves on?


Yeah, I thought that too, when I seen him, like, oh, I thought only the champion was gonna have the gold gloves. But I suppose if it's like you're in a title fight, you're fighting for gold, you get the Gold gloves.


Yep. No, you're right.


That's how I thought. That's how I counts, how I justified it.


No, no, you're right. Because at the end of this fight, regardless, because once the fight starts, the titles up for grabs, you both eligible.


That's fair. Like, no one's the champion. Once that bell rings, the first bell.


I wish they were doing that when I was fighting because I'd have a few pairs of gold gloves which would separate all the other moldy black gloves that I have somewhere in the house, you know?


Do you keep them all?


I've got all kinds of shit lying around. I don't know where they are. I don't know. And the old. There's old wraps somewhere. There's old mouthpieces. There's. I've got tons of old ultimate fire stuff. I've got all the posters. I've got. I don't. I've still got some of the. The Reebok bags.




In a cupboard with, like, moldy shorts and the cup and the gloves at the bottom. Like, the other day, I was looking for a backpack to give to Callum when he was getting on a flight. And I opened up and there's, like, a bunch of Reebok backpacks. And Rebecca was like, give him one of them. I'm like, fuck that. No, he's not having one of them once. And I looked in them like, jesus Christ, look at all the. This shit. Do you keep all yours?


I usually keep the shorts every once in a while. Like, if there's a charity event or something along those lines and they want, like, if it's important, you know, like something that's special, I'll sign the shorts and give the shorts. So I always keep the shorts. Most of the time, I keep the gloves, but I usually gift the gloves. Like, I always keep them after the fight, but then I'll usually give them as a gift to somebody for something. I always keep the posters. I got a lot of, like, I have, like, I saw gloves from Strikeforce. I have gloves from Bellator. When I found Bellator, I got, you know, kind of like, just shit from each place that I've been.


I am on the glove thing. I mean, I've sent off so many signed gloves, you know, and Pete, like, someone recently sent me a text for a charity thing. We need a couple of signed pairs of gloves. Yeah, sure. I think people think that I have a glove factory. Where do you think these gloves are coming from? I have to go to Amazon. I have to order the gloves. I have to pay for the gloves, then sign them, then ship them. People say, oh, could you send a few gloves for charity? Yeah. Okay. Wanna send them to me first?


Yeah, once you send me the gloves, I'll sign them and then I'll send them back.


Going broke, donated to charity. Thank you for the question, Scouse. What else we got, Bry?


We got a question here from Corey from Boston.


Hey, bym, Corey from Boston. Big fan. After this weekend's UFC events, I just got to know, what the hell is it that Sean Strickland does that makes him so impossible to figure out for fighters, especially the Adesanya fight, I gave him zero chance of winning that considering, because he's one of the best counters strikers in the UFC and just absolutely dominated them. So what is it about that basic style that's confusing these fighters? Thanks, guys. Fuck you, Harrington. Yeah, look, listen, I've sparred God knows how many rounds with Strickland for many years. He's good. He's awkward. It's kind of an awkward style. The rhythm of striking that he has. He's got good reflexes. He's quick, you know, he's big, he's good. He's a big size for the weight class, and he's got good, solid fundamentals and basics and footwork and understanding, and he's quick. He's got good reflexes. He's got good eyes. You know, he's one of those guys that when you look at him from the outside, and people used to say this about me as well, so I'll go, this guy ain't going to be good. But then when you get in there with them, they're better than what you thought they would be, better than what you might have given them credit for.


But he's a well rounded dude, so therefore, he has the confidence. Confidence to walk Costa down. But he's just skilled at the basics. You know, he's just a good fighter, but psychologically, very, very strong, as we said.


Yeah, I agree. I think his reaction time, his reflexes, his vision, he sees everything. He. And he reacts to it quickly. And it's. He's got a good. He's got really good instincts. He just. He's the whole package on his feet. And like you said, he has the confidence to walk the way that he walks forward in a fight because it doesn't really give a shit if you shoot a take down. And if. Because if he can't defend it, he's fairly safe.


Yeah. Thank you very much. And I was going to say this, the award for the most boring question, guys, I'm sorry, mister. Mister from Boston. Do we have one more on the fun variety to wrap this one up and end it on a high? And thank you all for watching.


Look at the look on Brian's face. What do you have?


Well, I. This is not a question, but this is a video from Roland.


Oh, yes.


Don't sound right.


This is Roland Vixer from Germany. Hello, sexy Mike, no homo. And that's all I have to say to you today, because, sexy Tony, no homo, you made me so angry that I punched 15 holes in my tv last month. You walked out, and all I could think was, no man alive should walk.


Out to any song not named return of the Mac. Roll the big. Just bring it back up. I want to see. What. Boy, is that in the background? He has a picture of someone. It looks like.


Where is he?


Yeah, I know. And this must have been sent at Christmas or something, because it looks like it's got a weird Christmas decoration style score through it. It looks like this.


Yeah. What is this?


Look at that. It looks like. Like somebody from Lord of the Rings.


No, you know what it is? It's the judge from that Chevy Chase movie.


Evil butler from scary movie.


It looks like there's two. Do you know. You know the painting?


Yeah. Why. Why do you have Christmas decorations up right now?


Because it's. It's a brides.


No, this is today. This came in.


Oh, really?




Talking about my fight. I didn't use return of the Mac.


Well, he's one of those guys. I have a neighbor, and we. Every time.


That's Warwick Davis.


Every time. Oh, Warwick Davis. Yeah. There we go. Life's too short. Every time we drive onto our state, we always play a little game. And Lucas do the deal. The doors open. He still has his Christmas decorations up, and he leaves them up. And we think he leaves them up all year round to save time putting them up again.


Yeah. What if it's rolling Roland? What if Roland lives in your neighborhood, dead?


I'm going around to say hello. All right, guys, thanks for watching. We'll be back on Thursday. You guys take care. All the best.