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Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the f up.


You're listening to believe You Me with Michael the Count Bisbing.


You know my name yet? And Anthony Lionhardt-Smith.


All right. It is the Believe You Me podcast. It is me, Michael Bisping. It is Mike Harrington. We have lots of things to talk about, lots of mixed martial arts news. Diaz versus Masvidal goes down tomorrow And of course, just want to say a big happy birthday to the United States of America. I joined in the fun. I bought a safe and sane assortment of fireworks. You might have saw a picture I put it on Instagram. It was a big old box. I was like, Oh, they look good. I did not see that it said safe and safe in the sort, man, because when everyone on Instagram pointed it out, I'm like, Crying out loud. That was $400. Do you know what I mean? But we did a barbecue, put some It was nice. It was fun. Why not? Why not?


Very cool. Look, my fourth of July is not complete until I've had a hot dog. I went to a very nice Italian catered event. There was chicken franchise, there was steak. It was incredible. But it's like, this ain't the fourth of July until I've had a hot dog. I came home, my landlords had just finished barbecuing. I got a hot dog. I was happy. The fireworks were going. It just made me feel so patriotic in my congealed artery heart.


Good. I'm glad. I'm glad you had a nice time, and I'm glad that you're fancy taste these days. You're moving up in the world, there's chicken franchise and all this type of stuff, but you want a good old-fashioned hot dog. Never change, Harrington. Speaking about somebody that never changed, and speaking of the fourth of July, yesterday, I did take time out to speak with one Jorge Masvidal, who, of course, tomorrow night, Saturday at the Honda Center in Anaheim, California, will be boxing there, Dias. I'll be there. He's sent a few tickets along, so I'll be going down there with the family and checking it out. Masvidal is locked in. He's been training in Las Vegas, been doing a lot of boxing work. He was speaking about how much easier it is, how much less wear and tear on the body. Of course, no wrestling and all the rest of it. But he seems very much dialed in. But he did reveal to me something that I wasn't aware of, maybe you were. He's still under contract with the UFC. The UFC has paused contract to have three boxing fights on the condition that he comes back to the UFC.


So he wants to fight. He's going to, hopefully in his mind, beat Masvidal. Then he wants a couple more big fights, and then he's coming back to the UFC. Were you aware of that? That's the first I'd heard.


So I knew he was under contract, and I knew the UFC was doing him a favor, letting him fight Dias. I didn't know he had two others after this one. That's pretty cool.


Yeah, that's what he said yesterday. So all the best to him. He did also talk about his frustration with Nate Dias. He said, Because they're trying to build this thing up, his words, not mine. Or you Dias nut huggers, to use an old term. I used to see that around the Shirdog forums all the time. I haven't heard that one for a while. All you nut huggers. Let me see, what did he say? Yeah, just frustrated from a business standpoint. You probably saw it in the press conferences where Dias got up and just walked off and he's like, I'm giving up-time away from my family. I've flown to this location, to this city. I'm trying to promote the fight. They want us to square up, go face to face and do the whole thing. And he's walking off and all the rest of it. And then that brawl that kicked off, they were attacking his boxing coach who's not a fighter, who's a man in his mid-fourties and stuff like that. So it's crazy. And then the other day, was he called Neon, that streamer? He was at the press conference and said something that basically alluded to Maz without winning.


I forget the exact wording. And then they chased him out of the building. Go on.


He said, Do you plan on retiring after Jorge knocks you out on Saturday?


They're giving him what he wants. They chased him out of the building. Who knows? They got their hands on him. I have no idea. But that's what he wants. That's perfect. If you're a little shitty, one of those little streamers, that is perfect content, getting chased out of the building. But it's like the Dias crew, I'm not talking shit because I'll be there Saturday with my wife. So I'm going to relax, boys, because I ain't no neon. But it's like, is that what you're going to do? Anyone that says anything, you're just going to go up and get hardcore on them. It's a little skinny, scrawny dude. You just laugh and say, Shut the fuck up and you'll see Saturday night. You know what I mean? You don't have to get physical and violent. Oh, here he is here. He is a little scrawny shitbag, though, isn't he?


Yeah. I mean, a smarmy guy like that who's making millions of dollars by essentially reporting on your business. I don't know.


I'd want to beat that guy up, too. Millions of dollars? I would not say millions of dollars. Come on.


That kid Neon? I don't know. Brian probably has a better idea than I do. But a lot of these streamers make bo, bo, bo Bank.


Oh, yeah. No, I'm sure he does.


I've heard him talk about how he doesn't really have a lot of money, but that might be not real.


Maybe I'm also loaded.


These streamers are not all making millions, but that dude chasing him there, I have no idea who that is, but he was a big, strong-looking, muscled-up, tattooed-up guy. Do you know what I mean? Is that how you're going to fill your boots? Is that how you're going to get your kicks? Let's get Neon. Let's get the tiny little scrawny guy and strangle him and beat him up for words. It's like, bro, you just laughing and say, Should it be douchebag? You've never fought a day in your life. You have no idea what it's like to do that.


Gross. According to Google, he has 34 million in the bank.


Hey, fair play, man. Fair play, Jesus Christ. And I need to start insulting more people. Talking of which. Talking of which. I wasn't going to talk about this, but it's too good not to. Oh, bollocks to it. In my inbox yesterday, I have a DM from a fighter That I commentated on recently in Saudi Arabia. A guy that is problematic with the scales.


Okay. Somebody who you might have met in Shanghai once upon a time.


Correctomundo. He's like, Oh, yeah. I see all the jabs you're taking at me. See you around, Mike. And I went, Okay, buddy, because he's sponsored by Jimmy Bars. So it was on there. I said, Okay, well, you just lay off the Jimmy Bars in the meantime. It's like, Mate, don't be mad at me because you've already missed weight multiple times and all the rest of it. I wasn't going to mention that, but it just seemed like too good of a segue not to. But anyway, Masvidal versus Dias. What's What's your impression? What's your prediction?


If you're Nate Dias, showing up to these things, you're half-invested in the promotion of the fight. It seems like you are way more interested in just rolling the places 40 deep and threatening people with the size of your entourage versus impressing anyone in the media with talk or promotion of this fight. I would imagine the same is to be said for his training going into this fight. We saw him in the Jake Paul fight. It looked like for somebody who Joe Rogan told us for years would give Andre Ward problems in the boxing ring, it seemed like the guy had never laced up gloves before. Just simple stuff. His footwork didn't look good in the Jake Paul fight. I feel like Masvidal is taking this seriously. He's got a three-fight sabbatical from the UFC to make as much money as possible in the boxing world to make an impression. I think he's the one who's going to be taking this seriously, whereas Dias looks at this as like, I'm just playing out the string cash as many checks as I can before I go and sell Stockton weed or whatever.


Yeah, Yeah, and that's not a bad analysis, to be fair, and I can understand why you have that impression. The only thing, because I agree with everything that you said in the J Paul fight, he looked terrible. Call him what you will. I mean, it's an embarrassment to lose to that guy, especially when you're Nate Dias, who has the reputation and the level of stardom that he has in the fight world, to go out there, not to lose to J Paul, but to lose in the fashion that he did, to look as sloppy as what he did, to get dropped, whatever. J Paul is a big dude. You know what I mean? He can clearly knock people out. But to just not take it seriously is an embarrassment to yourself and your name and all the hard work that he's done in the past. To get that, the level of fame that Dias has got, he's had a great career. Do you know what I'm saying? The saving grace for him versus Masvidal, because you're right, Masvidal was talking, and we'll upload the video on this channel as well, so you can take a little look.


But Masvidal was saying he's been running every single day, trading with some great boxers. So he's coming into this one fully He dialed in. The thing that I think may help Nate Dias in this is that his brother nick, of course, is coming back from his retirement. He's finding Sente Luca, isn't he, in October? Granted, October is still a long way away. Nick Dias won't even properly be in camp yet. But I would assume that he's doing a pre-camp that he's around, that he's helping Nate and all the rest of it. And when you go through a camp like that with literally your brother, and it's nick and Nate Dias, and you want to come back and you want to get that respect back, and maybe older nick is like, Bro, just leaning on him with a little bit of brotherly love, a little bit of pressure, telling him to maybe do the road work, to get his ass in the gym, to do the sparring and all the rest of it. And certainly when you're fighting Jorge Masvidal, he's already beating you. So I fully expect Nate Dias to come in as the best version of himself, given that.


Because if he doesn't, the ship's sailed. If he gets beaten badly, all right, look, listen, if they go out there, they have a tremendous fight. It's an absolute war. The crowd loses their minds and he loses a decision or even gets finished in the later rounds, whatever. That's all well and good. But if he shows up overweight, sloppy, not motivated, then I think a lot of people are going to jump off the bandwagon.


Yeah, I know. But I'm not going to lie, Mike, you have a future as a promoter because I didn't think anything was going to get me excited to see this fight. But the idea of nick motivating Nate again, of big brothering him to get him put that fire back in Nate Dias. I don't know, dude. That's got me excited for this fight on Saturday night now.


Yeah, listen, as I said, I'm not trying to be critical of Nate Dias. He was just a little bit disappointing from a mixed martial arts fan. From that standpoint, the J Paul fight. It was disappointing. We all know it was. And he'd be a fool to take Masvidal lightly. Let's remember, as a man, all these fighters, they pride themselves on winning winning fights. That's why they started doing it. And they wear it as their badge of honor, rightly or wrongly, that's their thing. That's their gift. That's what they're good at. That's what's turned their lives around. That's what made it possible to have money in the bank, a nice car, jobs Life security, financial security in the future for your family and your children and all the rest of it. That's great. But we still have our pride. And when one man beats you and you get a chance to ride the ship to correct the wrongs, do you know what I mean? Masvidal is a real problem for a lot of people. So Nate Dias, if he's not motivated for this, he'll never get motivated for anything. Simple as that. So I think Dias is going to show up.


I still have Masvidal winning. I think the first fight is Eventually was a striking affair. There was a few kicks, there was a few takedowns, there was a bit of ground and pound. But for the most part, Masvidal fights on the feet, and he does it with his hands. He ain't no Steven Wundervoy Thompson. He ain't throwing spinning wheel tornado kicks. Do you know what I mean? No, it's the hands. So I think Masvidal is going to have a great night, but you never know. You never know. All right, today's episode is sponsored by Shopify, which is the commerce platform revolutionizing millions of businesses worldwide. So whatever it is that you're selling or thinking about selling, Shopify slimpifies selling online and in person so you can focus on successfully growing your business. So if you want to get online, you probably think, I've got to get a website, I've got to hire a web designer. You Then you're going to buy a domain name. It's going to be very, very expensive. It's going to take a long time. Well, that's all I think of the past. Shopify makes it so easy, okay? And Shopify is there to support you every step of the way, is there to help you maximize your potential and sell to everyone on the planet with the help of the Internet.


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Well, if you guys have been wondering what Bob Sapp is up to these days, turns out he's rolling people around in wheelchair boxing.


Good old Bob Sap.


For the music.


Yeah. Is that a man versus a woman? Or it's just a man rocking the pigtails? I think it's a dude. Fair play to Bob Sap.


It's Thailand, dude. Ladyboy is everywhere.


Hey, fair play to Bob Saab, the man. Hey, listen, you got to do what you got to do. Masvidal is going to box Nate Dias. Bob Saab is pushing people around in a wheelchair, having a bit of fun, having a bit of a laugh. Tell me about Greece, Harrington. I see Greece is in the notes here. The Country of Greece, not the musical remake of the '60s film.


Oh, man, I was so excited to get into John Travolta. No, so The country of Greece has done this thing where the rest of Europe is looking into the idea of a four-day work week. We talked about this on the show a number of times, go Monday through Thursday or just up two hours a week for other things to give people some more time off, especially in the summers. Greece has gone the other way. They said because since 2009, when the financial collapse really hurt Greece, they've had about 500,000 young, educated people emigrate out of the country, and it's really hurting their workforce. So their answer, six-day work week.


Yeah, that's ridiculous. So conditions are bad. People are leaving. Let's make it even worse. Let's mandate six-day work weeks. I don't know what that is in a percentage, but it's a high percentage up to you get one day a week where you can live your life, where you can enjoy the riches of your spoils, where you can chill with your family, when you can walk the dog, go to the gym, go out for dinner, have Have a few beers, you know what I mean? And have a nice lion. One day a week. It's fucking insane, man. That is not the answer. That is not the answer at all. I see a lot of these memes at the minute where you work until you're 65 and then you get to enjoy 15 years of your life and all the rest of it. Working six days a week, I mean, I get it when you're a young man and you're trying to get some overtime and all the rest of it. I've done plenty of six day work weeks. I used to always do a Saturday morning there was a bit of overtime available. But telling everybody that from now on, we're going to do six days a week.


And that's Saturday, a Saturday morning. You work until 5:00 PM in Greece, where it's hot. That.


Yeah. And mind you, also, I was trying to look into how that would affect over time because in America, and I think a lot of other places, if you go over 40 hours a week, now you're eligible for time and a half. In Greece, because the work week is now six In six days, you wouldn't qualify for overtime until 48 hours in the bank, right?


Yeah, I don't know about that. That all depends on their individual laws, but it's just that's no way to live your life. It's just no way to live your life. I mean, I see, as I said, those memes and stuff like that because it's a big... Maybe it's just the stuff that gets my attention, so I stay on it, so the algorithm is pumping more at me. But it's absolutely true. We work to live, but you should, hold on, live to work, work to live. Yes, people are like living to work. You got to work to live. Now, granted, not everyone's in that situation. When you're younger, you're supposed to have it a little bit harder and you work your ass off. When you get older, you'll be in a position where you can have a bit more free time and then enjoy the hardware that you put in. But working till 65, six days a week, what's the point? What is the point in that? Unless you truly love your job, unless you love it to where you're interacting with people, I don't You're running a market stall in Greece. You're selling olive oil and this and that.


There's a few fit birds going down every day. They got the bikinis on. The Brits are broader in town. They got the tits out. They're going down. They're hitting on you. That sounds all right, but most people aren't doing that in Greece. I don't know what the average job in Greece is. What's the biggest industry? Brian, just look that up. I would say the country of Greece, what do you think if you were to guess?


I would say Oracle, Soussang, Maybe olive oil maker?


No, I don't think it's that.


It's tourism and shopping.


Tourism and shopping.


Oh, shipping. Sorry. Tourism and shipping.


Okay. So one thing I found interesting about this, the tourism jobs are not affected by this. They get to keep working a kush five-day work week because Greece knows they're not affected. They're not going after where the money is. So if you work in like, hospitality or you work at a hotel or whatever, you still have a five-day work week. It's for the people who work in banks and and businesses and working in tech, trying to change, find a new GDP for the country. Those are the people who you're taxing extra hard and are for sure going to get out of the country.


Yeah, for sure going to get out of the country. Speaking of which, yesterday we had an election in the UK. So the Tories, the Tories Party, the Conservatives, they are now voted out for the first time in 14 years. I'm not a political commentator. You know what I mean? Far from it. But I will say this, the country of the UK has gone downhill majorly over recent years. People struggle just like everywhere. So I think change is a good thing. I know a lot of people are worried about the Labor Party and they're going to let in a tremendous amount of immigrants and stuff like that, which is going to make it even harder for the people there. But I think it's time for a goddamn change. So anyway, we're not here to hear my thoughts on politics because they're pretty bad. We are here to talk about mixed martial arts, and we had the press conference, the first one for UFC 305, Drikus Duplecey versus Israel Adesanya. What have we got, Hamilton?


I got a lot of hot fire coming out of Drikus Duplecey for this one. What he said was, They were talking back and forth in the press conference. He said that he thinks Izzy has lost his fire, et cetera, et cetera. Then when they stood up face to face and they did the stare down, Drikus got super close to him. So as he said, Don't kiss me, to which Drickus apparently said, I'm no dog, so I won't. Then he followed up and said, In terms of the demeanor, his whole demeanor around this whole fight, I can feel this man is trying to convince himself that he still wants to be in there. In saying that, he's done much in the sport, and he says that it's not about titles anymore. He will never, ever be. He will never get what he had again. He said, I love that stare down. The longer we stood there, the smaller he became in my eyes and his own.


Yeah, well, smaller. Just jumping on that. I think Izzy posted a picture, and he highlighted, he put a circle around the shoes that Drikus had on, and they were big platform shoes. To eliminate the high. I don't know if that was on purpose, but that's what Izzy was saying. So the real talking point there is what Drikus said. He doesn't feel like Izzy is ever going to reclaim the throne again. He's never going to be the champion. The fire has gone out. He's not the same person. And that's really He's really interesting talking point. That's the main talking point because I can see why he thinks that. Israel Adesanya was a tremendous champion. He really was. And whenever I sing the praises of Izzy, I seem to get a You're defending Izzy again. It's like, dude, the guy's workload, his schedule was absolutely ridiculous. Tried to go up to light heavyweight to become a two-way division champion. Did incredible things. Beat Alex Pereira, let's not forget. Knocked him Yes, he lost the first time, but he got revenge in the second one. A phenomenal knockout. Beat Paulo Costa, Romero, Whittaker, Gastelen, Anderson Silva, Derrick Brunson, Brad Tavares.


Defended the belt. Let's have a look. One It, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 times. Defend in the Belt five times, near Whittaker and Marvin Vittori on there as well. I don't know how much money he's made, but he's made a lot. He's made millions and millions of dollars, probably He was probably getting somewhere, a complete guess, three to four million dollars when he was the champion, something like that. So he's doing very well. And we all know about the analogy with the silk Sheet, so we're not going to get into that. But you can't stay on the top. I say it all the time, you can't stay on the top forever. You go up and then you come down. Against Sean Strickland, he was terrible. He was absolutely dog shit. Granted, Sean Strickland was on fire. Sean Strickland has a habit of making people look like that. You know what I mean? Look at Paulo Costa. Paulo Costa looked terrible. What's the common denominator? Sean Strickland. So maybe it was just Sean Strickland, but I don't think it was. I think maybe he was burned out, and I'm not defending him. I'm just saying it's just a reality. He was fighting very frequently.


It's a lot of time, it's a lot of pressure, it's a lot of traveling, it's a lot of training camps, it's a lot of combat in general, and a lot of stress up here. And then when you get all of that money, it's hard to still be motivated. So right now, he sees Sean Strickland him as the champ. Drikus Duplecey becoming the champion, other people having his belt. He's taking some time away. He hasn't for since last September, so almost a year, 11 months. I think we'll see a very motivated Israel Adesanya, but I just think early thoughts on the fight is that Drikus has got the perfect style. He's got the perfect style to close him down, to walk him down, to get in his face, to be aggressive. He can blend takedowns in nicely as well. So I think stylistically, I just think on paper, stylistically, Drikus, plus he's probably one of the toughest matchups he's ever had. And then given the lack of momentum lately, I think it could be a really bad night for Israel Adesanya.


Do you think you would have been saying this? Remember, Strickland stepped in when Drickis was supposed to be the guy penciled into that fight spot. So if you think going into that fight, you would have thought Drickus had the right game plan before Strickland beat Izzy and before Drickus beats Strickland?


Probably, yeah. I mean, the way that he was bulldozing everyone. See, the thing is everyone likes to look at Drickus and say that he's... I don't get it. I honestly don't get it. People say that He's not good. They say that he's sloppy. They say that his combination is a crap, and they come from awkward angles and all the rest of it, and he's unorthodox. He's a fucking slugger, man. He puts together good combinations. He hits hard as hell. He's got good takedowns. He's got good cardio. I I know he used to always get tired, but he would still push through and get the finish. There's a reason why you're getting tired. It's because you're loading up on every shot. When you're swinging hard as hell, you get more tired. You get tired quicker. Simple as that. And then, of course, we know about the nose. He had the nose fixed, and that's the secret sauce. Anyway, it's an interesting one, and the rest of the fight card here as well. It is Kykar of France versus Steve Ursegg. That'll be a fun fight. Tied to Varser versus Joczina Rosenström. That'll be a fun fight because for Rosenstreich and Tito Avarza, they've both got an opponent that's just going to swing at each other, which is exactly what they want.


Junior taff in there with Johnny Walker's little brother, Volta Walker. Volta Walker is very different to Johnny Walker. He's a hustler for the most part. So yeah, they're the main fights on there so far. No doubt, others to be announced. Go on.


One name I don't hear on there, the Hangman. Where's Dan Hooker at, dude? Who's Dan Hooker? I want Dan Hooker on this card. Big card in Australia, and I want it to be a big fight, dude.


Well, remember, he said that he was fighting Charles Oliveira. Yeah, right. Okay. And then he said, I just made it up. I mean, I think he was probably just trying to will it into action, but you never know. Maybe he gets on that card. Ilia Toporia. What is going on with Iliott Aporia, Max Holloway, Alexander Volkanovski, they're the three top featherweights, the three of the biggest stars in the sport. Ilia Toporia just smoked Volkanovski after a crazy run towards the title. He's a massive star in Spain. He thought in February, we're now in July. What is going on, Harrington? I'm asking you, you've got the inside scoop. I'm looking at the notes.


Well, I guess it depends who you ask. According to Ilya Tepoja, he says you should ask Holloway. First, he said he needed time to make weight. Then he had family stuff to attend to. There are many names that say they want to fight me in public, so I hope someone backs up their words, This is what I do. I'm a fighter. He said that in reference to the Abu Dhabi card. He's very locked in on fighting in October, mainly because he wants to fight on a card that is going to be on in prime time in Spain. That's his big motivator for getting on the Abu Dhabi card. You ask Max Holloway, he says that's 100% bullshit. He said, Here's how you know it's bullshit, because any time a fighter says, It's all on that guy's side. I've signed my paperwork, I'm just waiting for him, you know it's always on that guy's side. There's something he's doing to hold up negotiations, and that's true in 100% of fighter interviews.


I see people online because I did see some of those tweets, and so I looked at the responses in the comment section on Twitter, which is always a good time. People are like, Oh, it's a porta. You're scared. He doesn't want to fight Max Holloway. There's nothing about the performances of Elia Toporia that's going to make me think that he's scared of anybody. He's the champion of the world. He knocked out Balkanoffski, a man that beats Holloway three times, let's remember. And of course, styles make fights. I'm very, very much aware of that. And Max Hollowey, of course, is on top of the world now. The way he beat Justin Gagey, just reminding to the world not only how good he is, how good he can be, because that was the best performance for Max Holloway with The best finish. I mean, the wind street that he went on, some of the people that he beat, the way he would beat down Joe Zialdo when he beat Arnold Allen, he was just a class, a step above everybody.


Calvin Cater talking to the broadcaster.


Yeah, I'm the best boxer in the UFC, bro. But to faceplant KO, Justin Gagey, one of the most scariest guys in the lightweight division, to beat him at his own game the entire time, to almost finish him multiple times, the spinning back kicks that he landed on him, and then at the end to point to do the classic Max Hollowway and to knock him out fucking cold. His stock has never been higher. So that is the fight to make. It's so bad I feel so bad for Volkanovski because all the talk was our immediate rematch. But this is a massive blessing in disguise because Volkanovski, you got to remember, he was the man, pound for pound number one, the champion and all the rest of it. Loses to Islam, beats Jair, I think it was, gets knocked out against Islam, gets knocked out against Ilyata Portia. So he's lost three out of his last four. That's quite the four from Grace. And we know all about the old man stuff being 35 years old. They played up to it at the press conference, the way he walked out with a flat cap on the cane.


Brilliant, brilliant. But that is a curse and a stat for a reason. And when you get knocked out your last two, rushing back in was not the best thing. So him versus Max Holloway, I said they should do it at the bloody sphere.


That's first time hearing of this. I like that a lot. I mean, Max Holloway is... Talk about a guy who embodies the Mexican fighter. I get that he's- He's not Mexican. I get it, but tell me his style does not scream Mexican boxer like the good old days.


What country... Sorry, what language do they speak in Mexico?




Where was Zillia Teporia from?




There's a little bit of a tie in.


That's why I picked Jair Rodriguez versus Brian Ortega, because I'm telling you right now, if you could put Jair Rodriguez versus Zillia Teporia at the top of this Noche UFC card. I mean, you might actually have a second Mexican revolution at the Sphere in Las Vegas. It would be absolute pandemonium. But no, I think that for sure, a Spanish-speaking person at at the top of the card versus somebody like Max Holloway, who is without a doubt one of the biggest stars in the UFC right now. If you want to blow the roof off that place, that might be it. But I could also see it working in Abu Dhabi. And then you also have, think about this, You got Islam Makhachev at the top of the card in Abu Dhabi. You've got Ilyad Sephora, who's been openly talking about moving up to another weight class. Put those two on the same card.


Stop it. It's too soon. All this talk of jumping ship, of becoming a two-weight division champion, it would be his first defense. It has to be three defenses minimum before people start talking about that. Of course, that's only my threshold and my... But you got to defend it multiple times. You can't win one fight, defend it once and go, Right, now I want the next one. No way. It doesn't work like that. It's not fair on all the other contenders. But speaking of Volkanovski, because he's the odd man out in all of that, I'm seeing rumors online. I was just googling there. I can't seem to find it. When I go on All, not news, breaking. Who is this? This is like one of these crap. Mma Daily, take it with a pinch of salt, Justin Gagey versus Alexander Volkanovski. That is according to MMA Daily on YouTube. Because Volkanovski has been calling out everybody. He's been dying to fight, itching to fight. We know that he said at that press conference why he fought Islam because he just needs to keep his mind going. It's good for him to be going through a process, going through a training camp, staying busy, staying active, making money.


I totally get all of those things. And it's been a little bit now. What has it been? Six months, six months or so, five months since his last fight. And at 35, Volkanovski hasn't really got any time to waste. I don't know about him in Justin Gagey, but why not? Gagey just got a beat of Max Holloway. The point I'm making is, they're in the same ballpark.


We've seen Volkanovsky go toe to toe with the very top of the the lightweight division in Islam Makhachev. So I have absolutely no fear in him. He did make a statement that said he will not take another fight at Featherweight, except for the rematch against Ilya Teporia. So he has been calling for a fight at 155. I think some of the names he called out were Olivera and Dustin Poirier. But man, Justin Gachee is... I mean, he's right there next to those two names. Those three have all fought each other a number of times. So it's like, yeah, any one of those top-tier guys at 155 versus Volkanovski is an extreme It was an extremely fun fight. Who doesn't want to see that?


Yeah, of course. Just speaking of Justin Gachee, I was with him in Atlanta recently on a little filming thing, weren't I? I posted a little video of me, a little picture of me, Kamaru, John Anick, and Justin Gagey. Gagey, he might be one of my favorite people. Because there was a bit of back and forth. He was talking shit about me because I was apparently biased for Leon. I wasn't. I was just calling it as I saw it, but I respect him. Looking out for his teammate Kamaru and all the rest of it. And then I said that he might lose the title fight. It might be Dustin Poey that fights Islam. And he came out on Twitter, was like, business talking, bollocks, and all the rest of it. And I stayed out of it. I was like, I'll be the bigger And I'll just ignore it. And then I spent some time with him in Atlanta. The man's an animal. Let's just put it like that. He was out of camp. He was out of camp. He was enjoying himself, but he was still doing his job. Was doing what he was there to do at a very, very high level and enjoying himself at a very high level as well.


I'll be honest, that gets my respect. You're burning the candle at both ends, and he's burning the fire out of both of them. So fair play to him. What's going on with the pound-for-pound rankings, Harrington?


We had a shakeup this week. Alex Pereira got the clean, clean, clean KO at the weekend. So he jumped up a couple of spots. He leapfrogged over Leon Edwards and Jon Jones into that number two spot just below Islama Khashchev.


Yeah. People are not- This is crazy. This is crazy. Why? This is crazy. Well, I don't think it's crazy. That's maybe too bold of a statement. But number one, Tom Aspenal isn't even in the top 10, right? That, to me, is crazy. Jon Jones is below Alex Pereira. And again, it's nothing against Alex Pereira, or should I say Alex? Alex, right? It's nothing against Alex, okay? Are we really just... And again, I know everyone's going to call me a fucking bootlicker, you know what I mean? You're just saying and agreeing with what Dana said. I'm like, I do. We've had this conversation many times. Anthony Smith agrees as well. Poulsane, I'm in this sport, it's about what have you done for me lately? And lately, Alex Pereira, Alex, has been He's the absolute man. He is the man. He's stepping up, he's knocking people out, he's defending belts, he's beating champions. And it's beautiful to see. It's amazing. And it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. But are we really looking past the entire body of work that Jon Jones has had? And I think, again, this sport is about what have you done for me lately?


And again, he hasn't been particularly active. And I'm not getting into this It's all debate again, but it's great. It's great for Alex Pereira. My biggest shock on there is to not see Tom Aspenal in the top 10. That's my biggest shock.


Yeah. I mean, having no hate on Pantosia, right? But I mean, this is a guy who had an absolute war with Moreno last time, needed to win the fifth round against Steve Ursa, his last time out. Tom Aspenal, I don't think he's been out of the first round in four fights. You know what I mean? What are we talking about here? This That guy is absolutely demolishing his opponents.


I think my understanding of pound for pound, it's if you were to take... It's if both men were the same size and it was just based on their skills, who would win? When you put it like that, I don't know. You put Alex Pereira the same size as Tom Aspinal. I think Tom's got some problems. Could you imagine Alex Pereira, the size of Tom Aspinal? Holy That's a terrifying prospect.


Look at that. What about if you blew Demetrius Johnson up to the size of a heavyweight?


Exactly. My God. We don't want to get into that whole thing again. Well done, well done to Alex on all his success because it's beautiful. Hold on, segue coming up. Speaking of the pound for pound number one, who is, of course, Islam Mahachev, according to the list, Michael Chandler, Islam Mahachev. You've put it in the notes. I'm seeing it reported on Twitter, Harrington. What is going on? Because I haven't looked into this. I haven't delved deep, and I don't even know if I believe this. But give me some background.


So Michael Chandler took a picture, like a mirror shot, looking out his window at the Sphere, I guess when he was in Vegas for 303 and posted on, it was Instagram or Twitter, and said, I've been offered a title fight against Islam in October. But If Conor McGregor can make it back for September, I will pass up my title shot to fight him in the sphere, as you can see here. Yeah, it was Twitter. Islam makachev said, You cannot fight for the Championship because as soon as your master makes the call, you'll run. Champ needs real opponent.


You're an unreliable dude. One tweet from your master and you'll run away. Yeah, listen, I'm with Islam on this one. No offense, because Listen, we all love Michael Chandler. There's no way. There's no way on Earth that they're going to surprise the world by offering Michael Chandler a title fight against Islam. I would love to see it. The man deserves it. I mean, he's been messed around in a gigantic way, but they're just going to allow Michael Chandler to break it on Twitter like that. No press conference. They're not going to do it before a big pay-per-view on the Friday, the way-ins and stuff like that. No, they're going to let Chandler break it via a little tweet, a really bad picture of him. Just bring that picture up again, Brian. Of the sphere and a really low-res image of his face going, Yeah, I'm coming to the sphere, baby. There's just no way. They would be on it, and that's still up currently, right? Yeah. So my experience, they would be like, take that down and hope nobody saw it, because if that's what they were planning, they're not releasing it like that. So no wonder Islam said, You're full of shit, bro.


So can I just devil's avocado real quick?


Oh, devil's avocado me all day long.


Who else is there at 155 if Arman Sarukian is out for the next nine months.


But why would... What you mean because he's out because of the ban?


Yeah, he got suspended, which I think most commissions will uphold, right? If he's suspended by Nevada State Athletic Commission, Most athletic commissions will uphold that suspension and won't let him fight until the- But that was six months, wasn't it? Oh, yeah. It was nine months, six if he does the PR thing.


Yeah, which he's going to do.


I guess that would put him right in He's on the line for the October spot.


April, May, June, July, August, September, October. Well, May, June, July, August, September, October. It puts him right there. It puts him right there.


Okay. I mean, all right.


We'll play devil's avocado, though. Other than that, though. I'm sorry, he didn't want. Oliveira. It was matched up, but do we want to see... He's coming off a loss as well. Forget it. Gagey, coming off a loss. Dustin was just beaten. Mataj Gamrott, love Mataj Gamrott. He's not the guy right now. Then it's Chandler. Then it's Dariush.


Fazeev. Also coming off a loss. Coming off a loss.


Max Holloway at number nine.


He's fighting Ilya. Bro, stop.


Max Holloway, Islam Mahachev, are you out of your goddamn... You don't want to see that?


Of course I want to see that.


He just beat the guy. To be the guy, you got to beat the guy. To be the man, you got to beat the man. He's done all of it. Max Holloway. Who deserves it more, Max Holloway or Michael Chandler?


I mean, who deserves it? Max Holloway, obviously. But Max has options that Chandler doesn't, right? Max can go and fight for the 145 title. Chandler, he's got Connor or he's got maybe a title shot, apparently.


Yeah, I don't know. Do you think he's going to abandon Connor just like that? Do you think after all this... Because Dana did say recently, someone said, what do you think, August, September, October for Connor coming back? Maybe even we'll sprinkle November in as well, just to make it sound better. And Dana said, none of the above, which would sound like he's not fighting this year. And Connor's out there in Switzerland walking across bridges and stuff. It looks pretty cool, to be fair. The one point is, he's not in a training camp. Granted, he's icing the toes up in the mountains of Switzerland. It doesn't look like McGregor is thinking about fights anytime soon. Oh, shit.


I mean, dude, Michael Chandler would be insane to not... I mean, if you have a chance where you could fight Islam Mahachev, possibly win that title, and then fight Conor McGregor when you get pay-per-view points, what? How do you not take that?




How do you not do anything you can to get a belt if McGregor is just going to sit on the sidelines this long.


Did you see Chael said he would take a fight against Conor McGregor and smash his own pinkie toe with a hammer? Yeah.


No, I did. Just to prove how much your bitch is. I did. Chael's out of his goddamn mind. Love the guy, though. Listen, we're pontificating. We're hypothesizing. Give me a non-MMA, Harrington. Tell me about this woman stepping into an elevator shaft.


I wish I could give you more details other than the elevator wasn't there when she stepped into the shaft. No report as to why. But yeah, she steps. She calls the elevator, right? Doors open. She steps through the doors, expecting to step into an elevator, nothing but fresh air underneath for four stories until she hits the top of the elevator that she called up. Obviously, a tragic passing.


She died.


I don't mean to shit on the dead here, but I would probably put some money on it that she was staring at her phone screen instead of watching where she was stepping.


God, Brian, you're right. You're absolutely right. And this is the thing, modern society, you just take these things for granted. You go to a hotel, you push a button, you look at your phone, bing, makes a noise, you just walk in. You're watching a thrilling episode of the Believe You Me podcast, or you've pressed Search on Instagram, and there's all kinds of very watchable stuff pops up. The search function on Instagram, you're going to see whatever you're into, you're going to see.


Is that what it is? Oh, man, I don't know what I'm into.


I don't know. I'm pressing search here. There's a lot of fourth of July bikinis.


The algorithm doesn't lie.


The algorithm is showing me currently. The algorithm currently showing me Liam Galliger is showing me some Conor McGregor stuff. It's showing some Ryan Garcia stuff. There's Habib talking, but all these are nestled around lots of women in bikinis. Do you know what I mean? So it's like this guy, the demographic, 45 years old, clearly still virile, handsome, good-looking, still one hell of a guy. He's into MMA. We'll throw him a few bits of that, but there's clearly a lot of testosterone running through his blood. We'll throw a few tits and ass in there as well. Going back to the story, fuck, man. It is because you just take it for granted. You do. Modern life. I mean, yeah, why else would you not see that, Brian? That's a great point. She must have been looking on her phone.


It's the only thing that makes any sense.


What hotel was it? A nice hotel or just- It did not say.


It's got to be a dump. Yeah, I mean, likely. Either that or it could just be a very old hotel that has elevators. I've been in really nice buildings that have really old elevators because the building has been around since 1930, and they built up a lot of other stuff around it, but they never got around to changing the elevator system.


I'm trying to think if I've ever been trapped in a lift. I don't think so. I think for five minutes at the most, but not long. What's some things in modern society that we just take for granted, that we just expect are going to be there. I'm not talking about the convenience of phones. I just mean elevators and stuff like that, or things that potentially could kill you. All right, getting on an airplane. You expect for the most part, you're not going to fall to your death, but it does happen.


I would say I trust stoplights a lot. You know what I mean? I'll see a light changing, and I'll start like Alex has stopped me before from walking into the street with the baby because I don't know if that car is actually going to stop. I'm just trusting that they see a red light above them and they're not texting and driving or eating a sandwich or whatever.


No, that's a really good one, to be honest, because you do. You do. I mean, all the time, because sometimes I'll stop and Rebecca is like, What are you doing? You're on green. I'm like, Yeah, I don't I don't know about these people over there. I know I'm on green. I know I can go. I'm looking for the other people. And that happens in LA all the time. I don't know what it's like in New York, but the amount of hits and runs. The system is crazy because it says I can walk on the crosswalk, but the car is turning into my... They're on green. We're both on green. They're on green as long as I'm not there. If I can walk, I get right away. It's a dumb system. No wonder people die so often. Hey, Happy birthday, America. But in all these years, get a better fucking road system.


Are you trying to advocate for roundabouts in America?


100 %. Oh, my goodness. Bro, let me tell you, you guys need roundabouts. Every time, leaving my house to get to the freeway, it's not far. I could run it quicker than when I drive because of the amount of traffic lights, and there's nothing coming. There's nothing coming. But if I drive through, I'm running a red light, do you know what you do? You put a roundabout, and then you govern yourself, and you give way to the right. It is so easy. I know you guys seem, it seems to baffle you. You seem to really struggle with the concept of a roundabout. It is so easy, and you can just go. If there's no traffic, straight through, baby, let's go. A little bit of traffic, you might have to wait for one person squeezing behind them, off you pop. Roundabouts. Get some.


I have a pretty good feeling we're going to have self-driving cars before we get roundabouts in America, and that'll fix all these problems.


What is the reason for not having roundabouts? Our house in America? I want to know. Old Town Orange is by my house. We went there for lunch one day. You probably don't remember. They have a circle. You guys call it a circle. You remember that? We went there for lunch?


Yeah. I remember a guy came up to you, stopped. He was like, Oh, are you Michael Bisbein?


I'm sure you didn't say it like that.


I don't think you said it like that.


Yeah. All right. Maybe I'm just remembering. But I do remember we got stopped by some guy, you had a pancake. It was sweet. It was a really good lunch.


The pancakes are good at the filling East Station, Old Town, Orange. Brian, just look at why don't they have roundabouts? Is it just as simply as you guys think it's a dumb way to govern traffic?


I'll find it.


What I would assume roundabouts were made in the time of the horse and carriage days. No? No. Those are holdovers from that? No?


No. No, stop it. Don't be silly.


I don't know. You guys drive on the left. You have the driver's side on the left because of horse rules. I would assume most things are based on horse and buggy times.


Yeah, I don't think we drive on the left because of horse rules. I think you might- You do. Well, we might have done because more people are right-handed, and if you hold your sword in your right-hand, then you're on the left. If you're on the other side, you'd be having a sword fight and you chop your own arm off. So we stay on the left so he can joust with your right arm. But I don't know if that's necessarily true.


Parliament is designed three sword lengths away, so they can't sword fight over the edge, like in the aisle. That's real, yeah.


But that seems smart.


So roundabouts were first introduced. American Opposite communities opposed them because they were too complicated and caused more accidents than intersections. And that was before the improved European designs of roundabouts reached the US in 1990. A lot of Sometimes the land is built on unflat land, so it's hard to get around about going, and then too much traffic. These are the reasons that Google is.


Basically, though, and listen, I'm just I'm just taking the words that you said. They're too complicated. They're too hard to figure out.


Mike, we're Americans. How many eagles per bullet does it go?


My God. The government do not have a lot of faith in their own people We'll do they? Stop, stop. They can't use a roundabout. There's no way. We got to put traffic lights every 20 yards. These people are idiots.


Give them a gun. Don't get me started It's a bit different on that metric system.


Yeah, exactly. I was talking about this yesterday because obviously, I've lived there 13 years now, and I love it. I do. But we've got some family from Australia. So we rented a boat the other day. We went out on a boat. We had a nice day in the ocean. That's why my skin is all red because I got sunburned like a mother effer, like an idiot, like someone that wouldn't know how to use a roundabout. And we were talking and we were talking in Fahrenheit. I said, Oh, it's going to be like 92 today or whatever, but it was so overcast down at the ocean. Anyway, our Australian family was like, What does that even mean? So then we got into this whole discussion. What is it? 32 is freezing, right? Yeah. And we're explaining that. And they were like, That's crazy. And I'm like, I know. Zero, if things freeze. A hundred, things boil. Tell me that's not a good system.


How often do you need to freeze or boil as a human?


No, but just from that. So then you know where you're at. Zero, shit's ice. A hundred, it's boiling. Boom. There you go. Fifteen, you're in the middle. Fifteen, you're okay.


Fifteen is going to be scorching hot, no?


Yeah, no, it is, but it's in the middle. You're halfway to boil it. You know where you're at. You just don't... Zero to 100. Okay, that is the system. That is the system. Anyway, whatever. We're talking out of our absolute goddamn ass. All right, today's episode is sponsored by My Mando Whole Body Deodorant, which comes from the makers of Lumideeodorant. Listen, Mando is clinically proven to control order for up to 72 hours. Wherever you stick, down below in your armpits, General sweatiness. If you have B. O, because you're one of the people that sweats a little bit more than the average person, you're aware of this, so you're going to take some steps, okay? Often, washing with soap alone isn't going to do that. Well, Mando It controls the actual sweating. It controls the order production for up to 72 hours, which is 24, 48. That's three days. I'm not saying don't shower for three days. That's going to make you smell. But it will control the odor for up to 72 hours because it was created by a doctor who saw firsthand how normal B. O. Was being misdiagnosed and mistreated. It's clinically proven, as I say, to block odor all day, control odor for up to 72 Baking soda-free, paraben-free, pH balance for safe use below the belt.


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There's a pretty big fight at UFC 304 coming up. Muhammad Mecaia versus Manel Cape. According to Jean Silva in a video that he put out at the PI recently, that fight is actually going to be a rematch.


Mute the sound, Brian. I'll read it because it's all in bloody Portuguese. He elbowed Mekai in the head on the street, bro. Dude, did this already appear on the internet? This will be the second time I'm going to hit you, Mekai, but calm down, bro. He caught Mekai at the entrance here to the PI. He headbutted him and elbowed him in the street. He opened Mekai's head a week before He was in a fight. He's a psychopath, and I was going to spar with him that day. When I arrived, he just came in, butting, but he was right at the PI. It's going fast. The Russians here, bro. They didn't even help. They just watched Macaive like a dick. Then Macaive said, I'm going to catch you. Macaive said he was going to sleep, cop in the face. Then Karp saw Macaive and Macaive wanted to apologize, and he said, Apologies won't be accepted. Now you'll have to do it. Then Macaive took a step back. All right. Okay, we're done. We're done with the video. All right, so basically, Macaive and Karp got into it at the PI. He headbutted him, he elbowed him, and he opened up a cut.


Yeah, a week beyond fight week. I'm I'm really sure. I went back and I watched a bunch of videos. I don't know this for certain, but Macaib does not typically wear headgear for any of his face offs, any of his weigh-ins, anything like that. For the Charles Johnson fight, he had a big headband around his head for any press appearance he made that week.


Interesting. Well, here's the thing, Minal Kopp is that guy. He is. I mean, remember him with Israel Adesanya when Strickland fought Izzy? What is he fighting? He was trying to fight Izzy. That's Manel Kopp, man. You know what I mean? It ain't the size of the dog in the fight. This is the size of the fight in the dog. And he's got a lot of dog in him, a lot of fight. I tell you that he's an aggressive, nasty, technical little bastard, but so is Mekai. And I'm fair play to Mekai for not making a big deal out of that. You know what I'm saying? Because a lot of people... Granted, that's assault. Just because you're in the same weight class doesn't mean someone can come up, headbut you, elbow you in the face a few days before you fight. You know what I mean? That is definitely a reason to maybe run to someone in the UFC and say, Yo, bro, tell them, cop, to get a grip. Look at this shit. Do you know what I mean? But he kept it quiet. For me, a lot of respect for Mohamed Mekai for not saying anything, for not being a snitch, for not trying to...


For taking it like a man, basically, and just saying, You know what? We'll deal with this in the octagon one day. And clearly, he's well aware of this. It's going to be a good fight. Mekhaiv, undefeated in his career in the UFC. I would say, like Ian Gary. Well, he's undefeated in his career and undefeated He's related in the UFC. That's it for the similarities. That's a good fight, though, man, because Manel Kopp has got probably... He's probably slicker on the feet. He's probably got more knockout power on the feet, but But of course, Mekai has got that Daggy Stani wrestling man.


Yeah, and I mean, he also has a never say die attitude. Remember when he was caught in that knee bar and it looked like there's no way any of his tendons could have possibly survived? The guy doesn't tap. He just spins it around and gets the rear naked choke three minutes later and keeps that undefeated streak alive. You talk about dogs in a fight. This is going to be a war between two tiny pitfalls.


No, it is. That's going to be a good fight. One would think it's got to be a number one contender matchup as well. Let me just look at that, UFC 304 wiki, because that is a good fight card. It's really, really good. And all the people bitching about the time, listen, it is what it is. I I think everyone's over that now. Leon versus Balal. It's an interesting fight. Tom Aspinal, Curtis Blades. Again, interesting. That's not a given for Tom Aspenal. It's not a given. Listen, Tom's the man. He's the interim champ. He's flying. He's well-rounded. He's got knockout power. Curtis Blades is a big, strong dude. Learned from his losses. He was pressuring Tom at the start of that fight as well. He's probably got a You have a good chance of stopping Tom's takedowns, which again, isn't an easy feat to then fight him on the feet. Bobby Green, Paddy Pimbler, unreal fight. It's interesting. I'm so excited for that fight. It's interesting. Jared Gordon thinks that Paddy beats Bobby Green, which I was really interested in. I asked him, I said, not to bring up former opponents, but you know them both.


Who do you think wins that fight? Jared Gordon thinks that Paddy wins that, thinks eventually he'll get it down to the ground. Arnold, Alan Giga-Chikade, talk about a fantastic fight. Undercard, Nathaniel Wood, Daniel Panade, and Modestus Pukauskis, Martin Prashnil, Mohamed Mekhaiv, Manal Karp, that's going to be on the main card. Wikipedia has just got it wrong. Molly McCann's back. Mick Parkin. Some good old classic English names there. It's a good one. It's a good fight card, man. It really, really is. Yeah, excited for it.


Yeah, I'm pretty excited I'm excited for it, too. You know why I'm excited for it, Mike.


What, a live podcast?


I've been doing my homework. Mike, I'm going to come to you with a dossier so good, you're going to be like, I guess we have to do it. I guess We have to do it. Well, I would.


What day?


We're running out of time.


What day? Friday?


I've gotten some green lights for some Fridays. I've gotten some green lights for some Thursdays. So you tell me.


Okay, but the problem is with a Thursday. This is the problem with a Thursday, is that people want me in town for the fight yet. I mean, there's a lot of people live in Manchester, and there's surrounding towns and villages. But the hype will begin on Friday at the Wades. So anyway, send me the dossier. If it's a dossier so good, the dossier will be looked at with a very serious eye, taken into consideration in a very serious manner. And of course, we've got the small fees of flying everyone out there to Manchester. That's fine. Travel is cheap these days. Hotels are almost free. You know what I mean? Food and drinks, that's nothing. You know what I mean? Send me the dossier, and I will seriously take a good look at it. And if we can make it happen, we will do it. Okay, we've been going for about an hour there. It's Friday afternoon. We apologize. Yesterday was the fourth We were going to do a show. Obviously, it's a big one for Hamilton and for Brian. So I was like, You know what? You guys enjoy yourself. Have the day. We'll do it on Friday.


All good. My excuse as well, because I wanted to enjoy my fourth of July as well. It's a big deal for me these days. So that is the show. A little fifth of July special. Thanks for watching. Subscribe and ring the bell. If you have a question, please send it in to bympod@gmail. Com. The questions have not been coming in with the same frequency, with the same quality as what they were doing once upon a time. So step your game up. Get on the show. Ask us a question. Get your five minutes of fame. Send it into bympod@gmail. Com.


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All right, and that is the show.