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Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the fk up. You're listening to believe you me with Michael the Count Bisbing.


You know my name yet? And Anthony Lionhardt-Smith.


All right, we're back, guys. Believe You Me podcast. I'm joined by President Orson. Thank you, brother. As always for your time, he's going to join us today. We got lots of stuff to talk about. We got Jorge Masvidal coming back. We got Israel Adesan, you're getting into street beefs and road rage incidents. Conor McGregor, speaking of presidents, he's going to be running for President of Ireland. So I'm very interested to get your takes because you are deeply embedded in combat sports, of course. And speaking of combat, you have a bit of combat going on of your own right now. You got some things you want to get off your chest.


Definitely. This is day one. It's the official day I'm announcing it on the BizBing podcast. It is war on one. We are starting it today. There's a huge background story that we'll get into right now. But yeah, a lot has happened. I think it's time that someone speaks out and ends this dictatorship that's over there.


War on One FC. Of course, One FC, big organization based out of Singapore for anybody that doesn't know. Mix martial arts. They do a hybrid, some kickboxing fights, and stuff like that. A while ago, they were making some big claims that they were going to take over the world of combat sports and they were going to be the next UFC and things like that, which is great. Listen, you got to have big ideas and massive ambitions and stuff like that. But what have they been doing to annoy you, Asim?


Let's start from the start. So from the beginning, we threw an event in April in Dubai. It was a massive event. Luke Rockhold, Joe Schilling was the main event. Really, really big event. In our co-main event, we decided to do an ancient type of fight where it was Karate versus Muay Thai and have them clash to see which is the ultimate style. Representing Muay Thai, the captain of Muay Thai was Y2K Fertex. Really amazing fighter, a lot of accolades there. Great representative of Muay Thai, and he was taking on one of our Karate combat fighters. Now, what happened is about seven days before the fight, about fight week, we get news from Fertex Jim. Fertex tells us that Chatri himself called them.


For anyone that doesn't know, that is the What is the CEO, the President of One FC?


Yes, he's the President over there. And Fairtex goes and tells us that Chattery threatened them and said, Hey, if you allow your fighter to fight for karate combat, we're going to pull all opportunities from your gym. So essentially, based on my feelings, I felt like they blackballed us in one of the biggest gyms in Thailand, which is Fairtex Gym. And that really put a lot of pressure on us. What you have to understand is when we throw these events, our sponsors fall in love with these fight cards, our investors, all these people that are financially invested into these events are excited about this fight card. So if you pull my co-main event, fight week, it really hurts us. So a lot of the people behind CroateCombat were very, very upset, but I did I did a good job. I weaved through the traffic, essentially, and we were able to make the car still great. It definitely hurt us that that one Championship did this with Fairtex Jim, and Fairtex apologized so much for having to do this. And we still threw an event. I didn't have it in my heart. I'm not vindictive enough to want to go through litigation and chase after them.


Karate combat is just growing exponentially, and there's no reason for me to chase after someone with some anger. So I said, look, let me stay in my lane. I'm going to focus on karate combat. No reason to attack them. Now what changed here, because now we led into the war on one, which is pretty serious, right? What changed for me was as time passed, over and over, their champions, their current champions, would reach out to me and say, man, I'd rather retire in my prime than ever fight for one championship again. I had four or five of their current champions that say, I want to fight for karate combat. And unfortunately, I can't help in That process. Because once you're signed to a league, unless you're a free agent, I can't help you there. That's not allowed. What one championship allegedly did with us, right? What FairTech claims that they did with us is completely illegal. I can't do the same thing back. So unfortunately, I told these champions, Look, I support you. I'm a fan of your career. You guys are phenomenal fighters. But until you're a free agent, I can't step in and do anything.


Now, as time passed, more and more fighters started coming to me and started saying their careers are being ruined. They're fighting once every two years, once every three years. Some managers came up to me, Oh, my God, listen to this. This is huge. You're about to be shocked right now because I know you really love the fighters. You're very much like me in that.


Well, a moment ago, that's what initially where my mind went, because not only is it hurting you. It's hurting the fighters as well.


Exactly. But that's what it changed for me. See, what people don't understand, they see me as a president right now. I was and still am a coach. I coach many UFC fighters. I'm courting in the UFC every other month. And And I know what these guys go through because there's coaches, but then there's really coaches that live with their fighters. And when you look me in the eyes, when we've talked, you can connect with me that I truly love fighters. I truly love fighters, and I sacrifice for them a lot. So I understand them. I try to protect them and do the best I can for them. When I start hearing these stories, it starts getting me upset. I'll tell you another story. This is very, very important. This has never been told about. One, a big time manager reached out to me, called me up and said, I am pulling all my fighters from one championship. So okay, what happened? And he goes to me, Look, what they'll do, and this is the manager telling me this, this is outside information, right? So what the manager is telling me is happening is they would sign his fighters for a certain amount of money.


Let's say, sign a crazy contract. He's going to fight for 50,000, 50,000 for his first fight in one championship. Great contract. Most fighters will be very happy with that. Okay, six figures. What will happen is they'll keep that fighter so inactive that that fighter starts getting desperate. And then according to that manager, what will happen is they'll often fight and look, Man, we don't have it in the budget for that show, but we can put you to fight for 10, 10.


So they're locking them up so that they can't sign with another promotion, but they have no intention. Allegedly, they have no intention of using them is what you're saying.


Exactly. And that's what the manager is telling me. The manager is saying, That fight for 50,000, 50,000 never comes. They fight for 10-10, then they're shoved again. So they never get that contract, that fight that they thought they were going to get when they were initially excited about one. So manager tells me this, fighters are complaining. I'm getting nonstop messages about this stuff. And I said, You know what? That's it. They messed with me. I let it go. Now you're messing with fighters. Oh, and on top of that, you can research this articles about this, Qatar, one of their biggest investors, released a public statement saying they're embarrassed to have ever invested in one. Something to that effect. If you look up the article, you guys can go down the rabbit hole and I see crazy things about one championship. So I said, You know what? It's enough. You can screw over your investors. Not my problem. You screwed over me. It's okay. No problem. I'll move on. But now you're screwing with fighters careers in their prime. And you know there's a short amount of time. Fighters have to be successful. So I said, that's it.


We're going to Singapore. We are going to go to your hometown in Singapore and chop off one championship's head. So I'm throwing an event, September 18th in Singapore to throw the greatest event I possibly can and provide opportunities to former one Championship fighters, to Asian fighters, and to really show them like, Guys, you had this, in my opinion, dictatorship keeping you guys down. Well, I'm here, and I'm here coming with a clean heart to provide opportunities for you guys so you guys don't have to be locked down by what I feel is a dictatorship.


Jeez, Louise, you just said a lot there. I don't know too much about One FC. I'm so embedded in the UFC, of course, and I'm so not narrow-minded, but I commentate, and there's a lot of fights on, so I don't really get to consume their product. I have watched it a couple of times, but they are one of the biggest throughout Asia, correct? Or are they the biggest?


Look, I'll say this to you, and this is very important. I'm the same as you. I am UFC. All I do is watch. When it comes down to me, I'm not going to watch anything else. I watch UFC, UFC.


It's not that I won't watch anything else. I mean, I watch big fights, good fights. I'll consume whatever. I'm a fan of the sport, first and foremost, but the bigger fights are in the UFC. That's where my attention goes. And of course, I work for the UFC. I comment it. So I got to stay up to date with all of the fighters and what's going on there. And there's only so many hours in the day. You can't consume everything. My son Callum, I used to walk in his bedroom in the middle of the night. He'd leave the light on. And then he's watching Pride DVDs from 1997. I know, but I'm not, bro. You're a nerd. Get alive. But anyway, sorry.


No, I was just going to say I'm really like you where I didn't know anything about one besides their social media. Their social media is really phenomenal. I'll say that. I love that they have really I have some cool videos. But I was paying attention to UFC. It only until they started messing with me and then fighters started coming to me is when I started diving deep and looking into it, and I just couldn't believe what I was finding. It's shocking. When you dive deep into it, there's articles talking about alleged fraud, fake numbers, all these things really dive. Anybody Google one Championship articles right now, and you're going to find this. It's not new. Anybody that's in the know really knows about this stuff. And I just didn't. And Now I've discovered it, and now I said, okay, here's a good opportunity to save that side of the world from what I feel, again, like I said, a dictatorship.


Yeah. I mean, they're strong words, if I'm honest to see them. And You said you're not petty enough to go down a litigation route. Are you not concerned about that response from them?


I'm very concerned, which that's why I'm trying my best to be very careful with my words. I'm trying to direct people to articles, try to talk about these stories that are being told to me. I'm really sticking to the facts here. I'm not trying to change anything. So everything I'm saying right now, these are things you can look up based on public info. And then obviously, fighters messaging me, teams messaging me this information. By the way, here's another fun fact. I posted a picture hinting. Well, it wasn't really a hint. I hashtagged war on one. That's the hashtag, by the way.


Hashtag war on one.


Whoever wants to provide opportunities for Asian fighters, whoever wants to speak out and help fighters, #waronone is what we're going with. I posted that. The next day, I got a call from someone in our team that said, Chatri and Mahum. Mahum?




Oh, yeah, this guy. They both want to set up a meeting to see how they can help us in Singapore. Yeah, exactly.


Maybe they're extending an olive branch or whatever in the China.


But they're extending an olive branch because now we're retaliating. They weren't doing that before. Because look, this is very important, Mike. I want you to know this. If Chatri called me when I was in Dubai and said, Look, listen to me, it's going to hurt my brand if you use a FairTech spider. Please, can you please use a different fighter and I'll help you with the replacement? I would say, Bro, Chatri, no problem. I don't want to step on your toes. I don't know you from anything, so I'm not going to hurt you. If it's going to mess up your brand, I'll change it. I would have done that for him. But instead of doing that, you go there and you I'm all Fairtex gym, and now Fairtex is telling me all this stuff. That's just a mess for me. You know what I mean? I'm an easy guy to work with. Even when I sign certain fighters, many times I've even messaged like, Mick Maynard, Sean Chelen. Hey, were you guys negotiating with this guy? I'm not trying to step on it. I'm new. Here. I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes. You know what I mean?


So it's just that they tried to extend this olive branch. It's a little late, and we do not negotiate with terrace.


What cheese, Louise. Yeah, Well, I love it. I love it. And fair play to you. I mean, you poked the bear for long enough, that bear is going to respond to a little guy in the lead coming up. The thing is, though, your product is so vastly different. It really is that. I don't understand why they would, from what you're saying, maybe feel threatened or whatever, locking up fighters to exclusive contracts, not paying them and stuff like that. So the event, September 18th, Singapore. Beautiful place, by the way. I enjoyed my time there. What's the main event for that? Have you got that locked in yet?


Yes. Oh, my God. So what a great story. The main event is a very important fight for us. So a co-main event is huge as well. It's a Muay Thai world champion named Oskarov. If you've ever seen him, his nose is bent in sideways like this. He's been fighting world-class fights since I was in high school. It's crazy. And still in his late 30s, he's going to split decisions with Bouhgau. That's how high level this guy is. You know what I mean? So phenomenal fighter. He's our co-main event. He's a former One Championship fighter, and as well as the opponent he's facing is a former One Championship poster boy. But Our main event are two homegrown karate combat guys. Now, why I say this is so cool. One of the fighters has been champion this whole time of the league. This guy is just the reigning champion, one of the greatest karate guys ever in history. Now, he's taking on a fighter named Shaze Brin. This fighter is from the mountains of Pakistan. And to understand what happened here, he would learn off of YouTube. He never had a coach. Learn off of YouTube, he built his own punching bag in his village.


He's in a village where to get water, you have to walk three miles away to a well. Nine people sleeping on the floor, no beds. That's what he came from, no electricity for days at a time. He came from that and in one year, reached absolute superstard. I'm talking about millions and millions and millions of views, Social media superstar in the UAE, Middle East, and Asia. This guy's a hero. He's across the news stations all over Asia and the Middle East. Now, he's becoming mainstream and we're getting him known in the States, right? So this is the first world title ever for Pakistan in combat sports. If he can pull this off, it'll be absolute history for him and his country. Wow.


I love those stories when you said that had to make his own punch bag or whatever. That reminds me of Jalen Turner. You know Jalen Turner. Incredible fire in the lightwear division. His kickboxing is unbelievable. And when I first met Jalen, he would tell me because he was a training partner. He helped me get ready for Anderson Silver, helped me get ready for Luke Rockhold when the second one when I won. And he grew up in very, very humble background. And he would watch Anderson Silver and practice in his garage, and he couldn't afford a punch bag. So he'd get an old couch, stand it on its end in the garage, and That was his punch bag. And now you see him, he's in the UFC and his striking is just phenomenal. So I love those stories. Asim, best of luck with the event, man. And best of luck with the war on one. I don't know these guys. Well, Well, hey, best of look, brother. Best of luck. Passion, drive, and patience. The formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive. Ebay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and Level it up to peak performance.


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No, you know what's something? This is pretty crazy. I still don't know how old Bas is. I would assume he isn't as in the '50s.


I saw him the other day, though, with his top off in the kitchen, cooking on social media. I'm like, This dude is jacked.


Insane. His neck just... It's just crazy. I don't understand it. The best part is, he's just such a stand-up human. So he's our chairman at Karate Combatt.


59 years old, according to the internet.


Wow. Unbelievable, man. And he's just like, I would truly say, just a perfect role model. He's married to the same wonderful woman since the beginning of his career. They stuck together. She really guided him. He has beautiful children. I mean, the guy's extremely successful, world champion, shredded. What else do you want? Educated, speaks well. He's just a great martial artist. So him as a chairman is the perfect guidance I need because I'm a little younger and a little bit of a psychopath, and I have a nice chairman role model to say, Hey, awesome. How about we calm down a little bit?


He's not choking people out at the events?


Yeah, he's not choking people out.


Jeez, Louise. Well, good. The reason I brought that up is because you are fresh and you're doing something different. There's a lot of iterations of MMA about these days. You see it like in Russia, there's all kinds of crazy stuff going on, like two on one and stuff like that. We had Eddie Hall recently beat up those two fighters, and he did beat them up. And by the way, Eddie Hall, supposedly, I think he's going to jump on the show next week. He's going to have a big fight coming up. There's some rumors going round of Tyrone Woodley versus Eddie Hall. But still, another iteration that's doing the rounds is Medina evil MMA. Have you seen this? How would you know, Brian? This is crazy. Well, do we have a video clip, guys? Because I'll tell you what, it looks fun. You know what I mean? They're all in the night, sorry, the suit and armor, and they got the swords up the swords up the swords up the swords and stuff. Let's take a look here.


He fought last. He fought with me. And then I can always. Oh, he busted his lip. There we go.


Oh, my God. That was Dragon Kong.


Okay. Oh, yeah. Drogen from some of the guys. Yes. Yes. He did some crazy grapples.


He's got that.


Oh, oh.


He's in a place.


There we go. Oh. He Coming in.


That'll do, Brian. We get it. There's some pretty good skill there. Some nice takedowns, knees to the head.


The guy hit a tile toss sheet, beautiful judo toss. There was a knee to the head while the guy's down a headbut, and then obviously the ax and swords. I mean, it's like the best sport I've ever seen.


This is crazy. Yeah, it's wild. It's wild and fair play to them. It looks like a bit of fun, but it looks very dangerous as well. You're going to stick around and go through some of the news stories with us. Harrington, jump on, show yourself. Please don't be muted.


No, not muted. I'm good. I got sound.


You do. Well, good to see you, mate. Hope you've been well. What's the big story right now in MMA? What is the leading story? I mean, there's a lot of things. I see the notes there. Let's see what Harrington is going to extrapolate as the thing to start the show with.


Okay, well, I put it number one for a reason, so I'm hoping this is where we're going here. But Alex Pereira reiterated his desire to return to 185 and fight Dreyx Dupleci, win or lose against Khalil. He said, Regardless of the result, I want to go down one more time to the middle weight and go for the belt. Hey, Dreyx, bring your will to fight me so you can prove that you are better than me. With your public statement, it is easy to make this happen. Chama. Dreyx heard this and said, Hey, Strickland, looks like you and your boyfriend are going to have a domestic dispute over who gets slept That's a good response from Dreykis, to be honest.


Look, listen, Pereira is unbelievable. But I mean, listen, I'm all for him going down to middle away again. The man can do whatever he wants, right? At 185, though, he did get slept by Izzy, and that's got to be because of the weight cuts. And if Izzy can do that, then probably Dreykis can do that. I'm not saying it's a bad idea. I'm not saying he wouldn't win the fight, but he's already been a 185 champ. He's a 205 champ. I say, and it's not an easy fight against Khalil, but if he beats Khalil and then beats Magomed and Kalelyev, maybe one or two more, and then go up to heavyweight and try and become a three-weight champion.


I knew you were going to say it, and I agree with you 100%. I feel like that's the move. I think a big mistake fighters make is they say, If I can make the weight, why not do it? But that's not the case. Can you perform at that weight? And the chin may have not held up at 185. So I agree with you. Let's go to two or five, solidify your title, go up to heavyweight, three-way class champion.


Yeah, and the problem is as well, and again, Alex Pereira can do whatever he wants, and other fighters and other people, they aren't his concern. His only concern is living his life and maximizing the potential that you have in a very short career Where, as you said earlier. He's doing well. He's doing incredible things. He's one of the biggest stars. But when you become the champion, you've also got other contenders. And if he becomes a two-weight division champion, then you're slowing down the other divisions. And a lot of people might I say, Oh, that's rich coming from you, Bisping, because allegedly, I ducked people all over the place, which is bullshit. I didn't duck anyone in my life. They said, I ducked Robert Whittaker, and then I went and fought George St. Pierre, who was a welterweight. Well, he resulted in a lot of money in the Bisping household, so kiss my ass on that one. But what do you think about that? They do have an obligation, though, to defend the belt in their division, and it would slow it down, I think.


You're right. A lot of people don't consider that. And I think that's because a lot of people are respectfully casual fans, and they don't understand the business aspect and how important it is for fighters to be active. So when you hold up a division, it really hurts fighters. It definitely does. Camps are expensive, training properly, all these things cost a lot of money, therapy, all these things. To keep a fighter in camp all year long and they're not fighting, that does hurt the rest of the roster. So I don't agree with that.


And if you went down to 185 and he beat Drickus. And listen, the man's a knockout machine, right? So that's a very high potential that that happens. And what's he going to do? Is he going to stay there? Or is he going to vacate the belt? Because if he just vacates the belt and goes on to greener pasture, so to speak, then you've gone down, you've knocked out Drickus, you've devalued him as a champion and just caused a lot of bullshit and then just left and gone back just to prove that you can do it. But as a fan, amazing fight. Brilliant fan. I would love to see it. Drikus is so violent and he's reckless and he has his own unique style, but he is as effective as they come. As a fan, yeah, great. Love it. Just looking at the final details and the analytics, if you will, what goes on behind the scenes with the divisions could cause a bit of opera, but ultimately, who can't?


I'm with you. Look, both options are great. I'm still leaning towards what you said, which go ahead and solidify that 205 division clean house a little bit and then move up, possibly be the first three-way class champion. That's definitely what I lean towards. But man, this guy can do anything, right? He can do whatever he'd like.


Yeah, I mean, the double champ thing. I mean, it's great. Everybody wants to do it. But you got to defend all the belts or defend against the contenders. You got to clean it out first. Everybody wants to do that straight away, but I've had this conversation a million times. What else should we go to, Harrington? Oh, Nate Dias. Did you see what Nate Dias was getting into?


No, I have no idea.


Listen, Nate Dias, as we know, legendary guy. I'm I'm not going to sit here and talk shit because I'll have the Stockton massive coming for me. He's had a few incidents recently. I think he was getting sued off this one guy, the Jake Paul, or the Logan Paul impersonator or something. Well, he got into another almost scrap a couple of days ago in a nightclub. Let's have a look here. Here he is, the dormant pushing him away. He has pushed his face. The guy comes at him swinging. I mean, trouble does follow Nade Diaz around.


You're very right with that. Now, are you saying is there a lawsuit happening here or no?


No, there was a lawsuit before. I'm saying he just got out of that one, and now he's back to this. But we don't know the full story. Maybe that guy was the biggest dickhead on planet Earth. Exactly.


And then he didn't hurt him. He just a little So I'm going to mushed him in the face a little bit and created distance, and that's about it. I'm for it. And then he peacefully gave the guy a huge opportunity here. The guy can now maybe create a social media presence for himself. So maybe Nate Dias gave him a job.


Yeah. The thing is, though, when you're somebody like Nate Dias, you got to know that everywhere you go, people are looking, people are getting their phones out and all the rest of it, and it's going to get caught on camera. So you just try and be aware of that. And as martial artist and certainly fighters, you have a heightened awareness of the threat level of certain situations. So you should just be like... Nadees doesn't have to prove himself to anybody, but it's just who he is. You can't tame that beast. And I think, to be honest, that's why so many people resonate with him, because if there's one thing that he is, it is authentic.


I'm going to show Adesanya's video now because there's an opposite reaction. He grabbed that tricep and escalated it, whereas Adesanya just like, back into his car, said a couple of words, and that was about it.


But let's take a look then. Yeah, because Israel Adesanya has been getting into some street shenanigans as well. Again, Israel Adesanya is one of the biggest stars on planet Earth, so he was down in New Zealand. I saw it all over Twitter X this morning, and who knows what went on? Road rage is crazy. I don't know what it is. People just got to a 10 instantly. I had it recently. I was in my car and some guy pulled out and he nearly hit me and then he flipped me off. So I was like, You're what? Dickhead. My wife's like, What are you doing? What are you doing? I'm like, Baby, you almost hit me. She's like, No, he didn't. No, he didn't. And then we're arguing in the car. Do we have that video of Izzy, Brian?


There we go.


Do you remember the sound? Yeah, there we go.


No, that's He's really cool. He has some martial arts that he's talking about. He has a couple of words, gets in his car, work, you guys.


So the guy is just talking shit.


Did I miss it or did he flex on him? At some point, he flexed on him, which was- Yeah, he flexed on him, but the video ended there where the car door went down and then he goes at him.


But The thing is this as well. I mean, that Israel Adesanya is a massive star. New Zealand isn't a big country. That guy looked to be the age bracket, of course, where he's going to be aware of the UFC. He probably knew full well who Israel Adesanya was. So maybe doing it because someone was filming it or maybe doing it because if Izzy wants to lose his temper and punch him, then there's a lawsuit and he's going to sue him and all the rest of it.


That's really unfortunate because I mean, hey, you're a massive star, too. And all you guys are massive stars. And to have somebody like that, that's just a different type of creature out there. It's terrible.


I had the exact thing happened to me. I was in the gym years ago when I was champ. I was training for George St. Pierre, and I was in the gym and I was lifting weights. And I was doing weights and kettlebell swings. I was doing supersets. And when I went back to the bar, and obviously, I don't see it at this eye, so I couldn't see that the weight wasn't on the bar. Some guy had taken the weight off, right? So when I lifted it up, the bar was upended, off balanced. The other weight fell off and hit the floor. And I said to this kid, there was a group of kids. I said, Hey, did you take the weight off that? He said, Yeah, I did. So I tried giving him some advice, but I was annoying. I was like, Dude, what I said, You don't do that. And he goes, No, F you. I'm like, F me. And he got right up in my face and it escalated, and he got right in my face. I'll never forget it. He tilted his head to one side. I know where you live. And at that point, I grabbed him I grabbed him by the throat.


I grabbed him by the throat. And then as soon as I touched him, he's like, Oh, he's trying to choke me out. He's trying to choke me out. And he turned into a little bitch. Anyway, I left the gym. I went back to apologize to the manager. I said, I've been coming here for years. You know there's never, never any incidents or whatever. She said, Yeah, no, it's fine. She said, But he's called the police. The police investigated it, took no further action, said no, it was provoked. All the witnesses said he got in your face and stuff like that. And then he sued me. He He sued me. He was successful. I won't go into it any further. I've probably said too much already, but it cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars, I'll say that. And then, just to make it even more annoying, when I was picking the kids up from school one day, some guy came up. He said, You're Bisping, right? I said, Yeah. He said, That guy that did that, he works with my brother. And they actually all said, Come on, let's go mess with Bisping. They did it on purpose.


That's heartbreaking, man. I'm I'm not sure you have to go through that, dude.


That's terrible. It is what it is. One of many lawsuits I've been through, sadly.


That's terrible, man, because you're obviously a hero, a role model to a lot of people in the combat sports world. So that stinks. Like I said, they're creatures. Those creatures, I'll never understand them.


I see people don't want you on here being too kind to me. We need abuse from you. We need different opinions. We need basically, Shut up, you're talking out of your absolute ass. That's what people want to see because a lot of the time I do. Harrington, where are you, brother? Is he there? Let's see if he's watching the show and he's ready to jump on at a moment's notice. There he is. What's going on, Harrington? What else we got, buddy?


I think this might be the biggest headline grabber. Jorge Gamebred-Masvidal says that he's super frustrated with boxing after the one outing that he had against Nate Diaz. He's over it. He says he's an MMA fighter through and through. That's what he lives for. So he is ready to come back. He's been talking to Mick Maynard and Hunter and those guys looking for a fight. He said he would be willing to return as soon as UFC 310 in December for a bout at Welterweight against Michael Chandler.


I mean, hold on, Chandler. He doesn't train at ATT, does he? Or does he?


He's very close by. He doesn't change. He's not killed yet.


What do you think about that, Masvidal coming back? I mean, number one, that fight with Nate DS was a brilliant fight. I was there alive. I mean, it was It was a brilliant fight. It really was. And I don't know. It was close. It was close. It was one of them. It was a very close fight. I mean, Masvidal is a big star. He still got lots to give. He's a natural fighter. I wouldn't mind seeing him come back.


I mean, definitely. One thing is, this is controversial, but I think boxing is dead. Sheik turkey, he's trying to save it, and he's the only person on the planet that could possibly save boxing right now. But for instance, I know that Masvidal and Nadia didn't do the numbers that were hoped for. I bet you if it was a karate combat fight, it would have exploded. There's something about boxing with the big gloves that slows down the action that I think people aren't really into. I think if Masdar goes back to the UFC, he'll be back to this massive star and bringing those numbers that he normally does because Mazlal is just a violent, really exciting striker. So going back to the UFC for him, I can see him doing it.


Yeah, you mentioned there, Turkey El Sheik in saving Boxing. I saw just recently, and it's the money that these guys must have because I think what they're doing is buying out all the boxing promotions. And they said recently that they're going to lower universally the pay-per-view rate of boxing fights to $20 so that therefore to eliminate and eradicate the illegal streaming.


I love it. I think it's a phenomenal plan. I never thought of that ever. And I think it's a genius plan. He's definitely banking on the kindness of humanity, right? That, okay, if we go down and we're fair with you guys, you guys won't illegally stream this thing. But I'm with him. I think it's true. I think $20 for a pay-per-view for a master- It's nothing. It's nothing. And if you start contributing and saying like, Hey, this is helping the investors, helping grow the sport. I think people will feel that as well. It's just a small contribution. I think it's going to work. He's the only one that can say boxing. I really believe that.


Yeah, he's probably one of the only guys that's willing to do that as well. I don't know the financial situation, but we're all very aware that in the Middle East, these guys, they are very, very well financed. We'll just leave it at that. I don't know what amount of money it is, but he can afford to pay all these boxers massive purses, which is incredible for them. Francis and Garner did really well out of it. Tyson Fury, USIC, all those guys buying up organizations. It's great. It's amazing. It's fantastic for the fighters. And $20. If you're a fan of a sport, you can part ways with $20. It's like every night me and my wife, we sit down and we're looking for a show to watch or a film. We're doing a lot of films lately. We've done all the shows, and a lot of the new shows are shit, let's be honest. I can't deal with it. So I'm googling old films. We like old films that also haven't gone overly woke. And so we see it and we google it, and then we got to buy it on Amazon. It's like 399 or something.


And my wife's We're going to buy it. It's been out for 25 years. It's three dollars. It's less than a coffee, okay?


Definitely. That's a great way to put it. That's very, very true.


Yeah, exactly. We're going to sit here for 2 hours and be entertained. It's less than a coffee. Are you watching any good shows or seen? What are you and the miss is like?


So behind Karate Competition, the owners and all of these guys, they're all finance guys, right? And they speak at a level of education that maybe I don't have. I'm a colleague.


Above my head, for sure. Yeah.


So what I decided to do is watch a bunch of finance movies. So Arbitrage, Wall Street, Bernie Madoff. What else? Wolf on Wall Street. I learned a lot about finance through Wolf on Wall Street, about the lifestyle and stuff. And then, yeah. So then I can better understand my work colleagues now.


The Big Short?


The Big Short, dude. Crazy. Awesome movie. I'm in the finance movie realm right now.


Okay. Okay, dumb money. Have you seen that one?


Oh, yeah. Wow, you know all of them? That's great.


Yeah, we're watching a lot of films these days. I was told by somebody that the Karate Combatt founders, the team, if you will, and as you alluded to there, were a bunch of guys, the Wall Street guys that made a ton of money that are enthusiastic about martial arts and martial artists themselves. They smashed it on Wall Street, and then they're taking some of that money and they're having fun with Karate Combatt. Is that close to the truth?


That's That's exactly it. And that's why I love working for this company. That's why I love being president because they don't knock any of my ideas as crazy as I want to be. But one of the founders, he says this all the time to me. He says, If you're not scared of being fired, you're not doing enough. He's like, I want you to be crazy. I want you to be over the top, fun, exciting to the new generation. So they're open to any creative ideas, which I love. And sometimes they're providing these insane, crazy ideas to me, even though they're just sitting back and enjoying. They're just as creative. It's really, really cool. But you just got to imagine the Wolf on Wall Street is two of those guys that just killed it. And now they love combat sports and they want to grow it, and they're having a blast.


And that's amazing. And how is it doing in general, karate combat? I mean, are you seeing an increase every time in numbers and numbers and slowly getting a stable forehold.


I'll tell you this. I won't say slowly. It's gone vertical, just like straight up. The numbers are growing exponentially. The level of fighters we have, The roster has changed drastically with the level of striking you're going to see. Now you're truly going to see the greatest strikers in the world compete under this rule set. We've also evolved the rule set, made it simpler to open up for all strikers to come in and really compete on a fair playing field. And there's nothing like it. We really change a lot of things. You have to understand this. Most striking sports have the big gloves, and they have a 10-second count. If you get dropped, you got 10 seconds to recover. These are two things that make the fight and the striking fight really unrealistic. Because although it's fun to give you 10 seconds and you might recover and have that rocky moment and win the fight still, it's not reality. You get knocked down, you're on the floor, I can finish you most probably, right? Karate combat, all strikes are legal now. You got elbows, punches, kicks, You have these and you have ground and pound. The only thing illegal are submissions and holding.


So it creates such an action-packed fight. And more than anything, look at the look. That pit is phenomenal. It's joyous.


I love it. It's beautiful. I was so annoyed I couldn't come to that show that you did in Mexico City because I had obligations. I was like, God damn, I wanted to be there. But also because I'm on the road with UFC all the time, that was one show I wasn't doing. I was like, But I'm going to fly down there anyway and not work the I know, but come as a fan. But I am going to come to one one day. I did watch the show in Dubai. Of course, Luke Rockhold was on there. I was my mate, Rockhold, to deal with.


Wow. So you know Rockhold a little bit. But hey, man, He was a UFC champion. He's a star. He deserves it, man. He's a playboy star. He's out in Colombia with Craig Jones doing crazy things we can only imagine, posting crazy pictures. Good for him. He's living life. I'm happy for him.


He's young, free, single. He's good-looking, he's well-known, he's famous. Exactly. God bless him. Have a blast.


For sure. Yeah, exactly. I'm jealous. What I'm loving right now is it's gaining so much traction that all these mainstream celebrities are coming to watch it live because the in-person experience is crazy. So last event, you're going to be shocked. This is hilarious. We had the Hot Tour girl sitting next to RFK. Who in the world would put a presidential candidate next to the Huk to a Girl? And those are the ridiculous things I try to do to break the internet and then to get that attention. So that picture of both of them sitting next to each other was just absolutely hilarious. It went everywhere. And Those are the things we try to do. And I'm glad that they're excited to come watch our show.


Yeah. No, and that is fun. It's incredible. And what's even more incredible, come on, Harrington, join in. Join in. Is the sensation that this hop to a girl is, the fact that we're still talking about it, not years, months later. Let's have a look. What's this? It's just a picture of the two of them together. There he is. How was RFK?


He went on the commentating booth. It was He's wonderful. He went on the commentating booth.


Maybe not the best voice for commentary.


Okay, I don't want to say that, but that's a tough voice he has over there. A lot of effort, but good for whatever. He's going out there and speaking. That seems a little tough. You're right, that voice.


What happened to his voice? Does anybody know? What was the situation? Did he get a disease or something? Did he have an operation? I mean, I just had an operation. Brian knows.


I believe it's a degenerative disorder that he has.


We're not laughing at him. We're not making fun.


No, of course not. He's a great dude, and I'm so happy he's endorsing Trump. Not to offend anybody. I'm a big Trump supporter and fan.


So awesome. Yeah, but the fact that you even have to say that, support whoever you want a bloody support. It doesn't matter. It's nobody's business. You know what I mean? It really, really isn't. Brian says, It's a neurological voice disorder and a focal laryngeal dystonia. Okay, okay. Harrington, what the hell do you want? Jumping on?


A couple of things. One, the Hawktoa Girl now has her own podcast called Talk to a. So I figured that was worth mentioning.


I like that. Talk to her.


I saw my boy Shane Gillis and Joe Rogan at one of the Karate Combate events. That looked pretty cool. Seemed like those guys were having a good time. But the reason I was jumping on, just before we got too far away from the Leon Edwards thing, I'm sorry, from the Jorge Masvidal thing, I wanted to ask you, could you think of a better fight for Leon Edwards with the three-piece in the soda, Jorge Masvidal left the organization at one point? Is there a better fight coming off of a title fight loss for Leon Edwards than Jorge Masvidal's return?


I'll tell you what, I like it, Harrington. That is very, very good. I mean, they do have history. They do have beef. The only problem is maybe from a Leon Edwards perspective, being the champion, he probably wants to get right back into that hunt again while he's still young enough. And the win over Masvidal- Thank you.


Former champion.


Who's the former champion?


Balal Mohamed.


Yeah. No, but Leon lost to Balal. Yes.




And then with Masvidal, he probably want a fight that's relevant with one of the top five. And that's not me talking crap about Masvidal. I'm a big fan. I'm a big fan of his fighting. I'm a big fan of how he carries himself. My interactions with him these days are great, especially when you consider that we almost came to blows multiple times. But that's why I respect the guy. You know what I mean?


No, I love that. I mean, for me, I have a different matchup. I think it was a tough fight. I think him and Ben Askin should go at it again, and we see what happens.


Mazmin Al and Ben Askin.


Oh, my God. No, terrible. Bad idea. Not good.


No, it's good. It's good for Ben Askin. It's good for Ben Askin. He'll get another big payday, just come out of the woodwork again and just comb his hair and off he pops. All right, this episode is sponsored by mybookie. Com. Listen, it's It's time to turn your football season into your best winning season yet with My Bookie. Whether you're rooting for the alma mater or betting on a hunch, there is no better way to experience the thrills of the season than a little skin in the game. When you bet with My Bookie, it's not just watching the game. You're investing in every moment of action. I'll say from experience, a few books on the line can turn a regular game into the highlight of your season. Here's a fun fact. Did you know that the average college football game runs about 100 180 plays? Every catch, sack, and shutdown is another way to hit paid out using My Bookie. Get in now and use the promo code BELIEVE to claim a bonus of up to $1,000 on your deposit. That is promo code BELIEVE to start the football season off playing with house money.


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Goatshed. Who you got on the roster there, I've seen.


So right now, we have Gillian Robertson. She has the most submissions in female UFC history, most finishes in female UFC history. We have Aileen Perez. She's the girl, if you know, the one that twerks after she fights. I shake my butt. She wins, too. You should know, I guess. And then we got Francisco Prado. He's the second youngest athlete in UFC currently. He's 21 years old in the UFC. We have Bernardo Sopai. He had his debut on short notice. And Dennis, who is from Albania. He trains with us, cross-trains with us, as well as up in New Jersey with- Is that bazookia? Yeah. Great fighter. He's coming off a tough loss. He took a short notice fight on a weight class above, but went to war, showed heart. Those are some of the guys on our roster. We also have some up and coming guys like Roy Echevaria, who's nine and one right now, or nine and two right now, fighting for the APFC, Anthony P His title in his organization.


Nice. So a lot of guys like that. Very good. This weekend, of course, I'll be there at the apex. Gilbert Burns coming back, taking on Sean braided. Harrington. I can't make a prediction, so maybe you and Harrington can give predictions. Obviously, I'll be calling it, but it's an intriguing matchup. Sean braided only lost one time to Bilal Mohamed. And by the way, he came out this week. He was doing media and saying that everyone said that he got fraud checked when he fought Bilal Mohamed. And he came out and he said, Listen, people on Twitter, it's just a toxic sess pool of people. In fact, Brian, I think we have a little video of that, and I agree. I agree. There's no shame in losing to Balal Mohamed. Of course, now he's the champion. But I'm really, really intrigued about this fight with Gilbert Burns this weekend. Here we go.




You got fraud. I don't understand the fraud check thing.


First of all, Twitter sucks. It's a cesspool full of miserable, miserable people. It's insane. I'm not like a netbook.


These people on there are nuts.


You never say anything that these guys say to your face. If there's some dork in their mom's basement just eating Cheetos. But it's how I got fraud checked, Joey got fraud checked, a bunch of other guys got... What's getting fraud checked by a fighter who's in the Top 10, Top 15. I just don't understand it. So that's frustrating to see because it's never other fighters who are saying it. And if it is, then it's far... Many guys don't do that. But I don't understand the fraud check thing. But I guess I I'm not fraud checked by the UFC champion. Not a bad guy to get fraud checked by. That reminds me of, you must have seen it. It's been doing the rounds. There's a meme, and it's like, a boxer will never make fun of a fighter for trying. An entrepreneur will never make fun of you for whatever. It's always the people that do nothing that talk shit. I forget the exact quote.


I wish you knew because I know exactly what you're saying. I forgot it, too. It's a quick quote, and you You're very right. Anybody that's on the top is not looking down on everybody else. They respect the grinds up there. It's definitely the ones on the bottom that are hate it.


It's always people doing nothing that talk shit. It really is. And that's why I guess so. And that's why you just got to ignore them. Gilbert Burns, Sean braided, of course, two very high level jiu-jitsu guys, and both of them want to test it down there on the ground. I asked Gilbert Burns. I'm not sharing anything personally. He was like, Yeah, listen, I welcome it. He said, I want to test it. I I want to go to the ground with Sean braided and see what he's got. And Sean braided, he said, Listen, that's how I fight. I ain't scared of Gilbert Burns on the ground. So I think we're going to see a great ground battle. And then on the feet, we all know that Gilbert Burns can crack with the best of them. How do you see this one going?


Oh, man, it's a tough one. And this whole Twitter thing about saying fraud check, this is a big test for him without a doubt. So I think it's going to be a big test. I think Sean braided is going to come out on top. He's the young dog coming up. But it's definitely like you have a guy in front of you that was a number one contender that's saying that maybe he hasn't been going on that streak recently, but it's a good test for him to find out how legit he is. Hopefully, the Twitter guys are wrong for him. Twitter and Reddit, the most toxic environments on the planet.


Yeah, but it's fun, though. Let's be honest. I am getting sucked into the Twitter stuff, 4, 5, 4, 2, only when I'm sitting on the toilet, maybe when I'm at the airport, when I I wake up in the morning, I do my emails, I have my coffee, and I do the rounds, I do a little bit of Instagram, I do a little bit of Twitter, I have a little bit of a laugh at the nonsense. When you go to the For You segment, jeez Louise, the stuff that's on there. Harrington, What's your pick for this weekend? Who have you got being victorious in the main event?


I'll be honest. I was leaning towards Gilbert until he played that clip and I heard that hardcore Philly accent coming from Sean braided. Guys who sound like that don't get knocked out, typically. But no, I mean, in all seriousness, the seven-year age gap is the biggest factor for me. Anytime we see that, that shows up a lot on the tail of the tape now. When a guy is seven years younger, I think he has a 70% chance of winning or something like that. Gilbert Burns, having lost two in a row for the first time in his career, seems to be at a different place, a different stage. Last time he was on here, he was saying it's his last run, and he understands that. But anytime guys are are looking towards the end, looking towards the end of their career, I tend to favor the young guy who's seemingly closer to his prime. Unfortunately, friend of the show, Gilbert Burns, but I'm going to be picking Sean braided.


Yeah, no, I understand that. Stay on, Harrington. He's 39 years old, and age is relevant when you start getting older. However, when you look at the two losses, what are they? Bilal Mohamed, and who was the one before? Oh, Jack Dela Madalena. He was doing really well in that five before he got caught with that knee, though. Not that I'm saying it was lucky, but it was just one of those things, it's MMA. 39 years old, what do you think, Asim, who you got winning this one?


No, that's what I was saying. I'm going with the young dog, Sean braided. I feel like especially a fighter at that age, 39 and already admitting it's the last run, coming off two losses. When a young fighter is coming off a couple of losses, sometimes they get hungrier. When a older fighter comes off a couple of losses, sometimes it's more detrimental. I don't want to say he's going to give up. He's a very tough guy, but it hurts them more, and they may not have that same drive during training camp.


That's where I'm at. He's just one of the nicest warmest guys, though. When we did the fight of meetings yesterday, he comes and he sits down, he's got the biggest smile on his face. He's a very, very likable guy, Gilbert. So Sean I just don't know him as wealth right now. Killer back tattoos, though. My God, that guy is covered. Are you a tattoo guy, Asim?


No, look, I've always wanted tattoos. I wanted a neck tattoo right here.


Don't do it.


I didn't do it. I have no tattoos, unfortunately, but it's a dream of mine. Maybe I'll commit to it, but right now I'm just clean.


You and the Wall Street guys, you got to go out there. You got to go tattooed all over you. Co-main event, Harrington. Jessica and Gerardj taking on Natalia Silver. Asim, do you know Natalia Silver? Are you familiar with her?


So I'm not going to bullshit you. I don't know too much about both of those fighters.


No, not at all. I think she's on a A six-fight win streak. Natalia Silver is super quick. She had an amazing spinning back kick to the midsection, floored her opponent. I think it's a six-fight win streak off the top of my head. She's fighting Jessica Andradege. We all know Andradege. She's been around forever. She's a stable mate. She's a former champion. She's a staple, sorry, I was going to say, of that division. There was some news this week, though, with Jessica Andrade. Did you see that scene by any chance?


No, I didn't. I missed How does that?


Homington, go ahead.


Well, there's a couple of things. One, Andradege is suing her former manager/coach, somebody she was working with from the age of 21 back in 2012, up until about last year. There is transfers that she's seeing from her accounts and the documents that were given that were never authorized by her that did not go to her. About $2 million worth of money diverted from her accounts. Like I said, she is suing. A number of other fighters from that gym also left with her, and they're all training in a new place because they had similar experiences with that manager/coach, who, by the way, has now retired from the profession. No shit.


That's admitted guilt, right?


Well, not only that, but he's ran down back to Brazil. So she's suing him right now. And this is why I brought this up, not to talk about her personal business, but she's been very open about it this week. And There's a lot of cowboys. Certainly not in the United States now as the sports got bigger, but in countries like Brazil, in the UK, because I went through a similar thing as well. And I'm sure you've heard some horror stories, and you started off the show by talking about what's going on with your own experiences with one FC, allegedly. So this guy took control of her finances and basically embezzled $2 million off her, and she's essentially got to start all over again at this stage of her career. And it's so sad to see.


I've experienced... On the coaching side, I've experienced, I've dealt with a lot of managers, I've seen the worst, and I've seen some great guys. I've never heard of this extreme, though. This is crazy.


No, dude.




I've got worst stories myself. I went through a 10-year lawsuit, a 10-year lawsuit with a former manager. I don't want to get into it all. We had three trials. The whole thing was totally fabricated. But of course, you've got to pay to defend yourself. And over 10 years, three trials, it cost me an absolute fortune. In the end, I managed to get it thrown out, but it was after 10 or 11 years, the legal fees were just astronomical. I'm telling you, a lot of money, a lot of money. So Jessica and George, I feel for her. I've got all the stories of fires that have been swindled for millions and millions of millions of dollars. So I love it in America because it is such a It's a big sport now. We've got real professionals involved, real agents. In England, it's cowboys. I mean, it's probably progressed now, but back in the day when I started in 2004 and '05, these guys, they're not fit to run I'm going to find you to piss up at a brewery, never mind someone's professional MMA career. But that was also the charm of the sport because it was the Wild West, and it was new, and it was fresh, and you had all these characters involved.


But that's a shame for Jessica and Gerard.


No, Duffy, it's heartbreaking, especially considering the type of sport she's making money in, where you're putting your life on the line and sacrificing your body every single day. You're getting punched in the head. So that's a tough one.


Yeah. No, it is. Harrington, give me a pick. Jessica Andrade, Natalia Silva. What do we think on this one? Because Andrade is looking really good. She's got that added motivation because she's got to rebuild herself again. She's on a two-fight win street. She beat Marina Rodriguez. Before that, she knocked out Mackenzie Durn. She still got it. She's still only 32 years old as well, even though she's been around the sport for so long, was a champion in 2019, I think. She's been around a long time, but still only 32 years old. But Natalia Silva, young, fresh, 6'5, Wind Street, beautiful Taekwondo, very, very fast on the feet, recently had some time away because her sister passed away, which was just awful, awful news. We'll We won't get into that. But how do you see this fight going, Harrington? What's your pick? And what's yours, President Orson?


Well, I mean, MMA math being what it is, Natalia Silva's last loss, actually, was to Marina Rodriguez on the regional scene back in 2017. That's Jessica Andrade's last victory, her last time out. So that makes you lean towards Andrade. Not only that, she's talking about the potential for a female BMF, right? And if there's one lady fighter who would qualify, I think Jessica Andrade might be that person. Get the big win here. It's now a three-fight win streak. You can actually make that call, and you might get Yohani and J. Chick out of retirement to fight for that belt. It's a lot on the line here. I think she gets it done.


It's tough. Look, it's tough because I don't have that much knowledge of either fight or unfortunately, what stinks is I have a fight- It's fine. That's pretty bad. But I'll say this, what is the mental state of the athlete that is going through this litigation with her former coach and manager manager, switching to a new gym now, training with new people. It must be a mess to reorganize camp. Is that going to play a part? Yes, it will. How about apart? I mean, I guess we'll find out, but that's where my mind's at when I try to analyze the situation right now.


I'll tell you where the mindset will be. Anger, pissed off, frustration. Harrington, stay on. We got a few more bits to go through, and you can throw another story at us, but it's going to motivate you. You got to get that money back. You got to get back on the horse. You got to start knocking people out, calling people out, being the BMF, doing wild shit and just getting sensational knockouts. I'm telling you, Jessica and George, there's going to be a lot to deal with this weekend. What else we got in the news, Harrington?


President, also, I think this is a great subject for you. What would you do if you had a fighter for a massive, massive card you had planned? Probably the most money you ever spent on production for a card, and that guy was getting tested by doctors in your organization for staff infection in the middle of an interview. How would you react to that?


Oh, no. I saw something about that. That stinks, man. That would be absolutely devastating. Just to have to possibly lose a fight for something so dumb would be absolutely terrible.


Yeah, but you're talking about Marab, and I don't know if that was a good idea to bring that up, but still, Marab's fine. He got checked because this is the thing. I mean, he's bloody... He got caught. He put it on social media. Then there was something else. He used the shears to take the stitches out. Then he It's pulled for a staff infection. To be honest, they're doing the right thing to keep an eye on it. Number one, staff's really dangerous, and they want to make sure, Hey, get on the correct antibiotics right now. And I think he posted a picture recently, and it seems like it's all cleared up. So that's good. I thought you were going to ask President Orson about what he thinks about Conor McGregor trying to become the President of Ireland. I mean, what the hell?


Oh, man, I can't believe that. I don't know how much his knowledge is of politics over here. I know he's a national hero, a very successful man in many ways. Like most fighters, a bit of a lunatic I take it. I mean that as a comment. We all have that a little bit. But yeah, president is a big step. I'm a big fan, but that's a lot. That's a lot.


Yeah. I Listen, fair play to him. It's a free country. Do whatever you want. Harness and use your popularity. It would be mental. Could you imagine Conor McGregor as the main guy over there in Ireland? I don't know how politics works out there. I'm sure Brian does. If it It's basically like out here, a popularity contest. Is that what it is? Is that the way it works out there, Brian? Harrington? Either of you guys know?


I'm not sure. I'm looking it up right now.


Yeah, I'm not sure. I mean, he is extremely popular. He's also had a lot of high Profile controversies. But what he's doing is because a lot of people are pissed off with all the decisions that are being made in Ireland right now. I've seen some of the tweets. I don't need to read them out, but he's basically appealing to what's best for the people. That is a popular notion these days. Anyway, what do you think? 2025, Conor McGregor, President of Ireland?


I'm going to be roaster for this, man. If I was an island, I'd vote for Conor McGregor.


I don't know. Would you really?


I don't know why. I don't know why. It's my instinct. I don't know anything about what he's pitching, but my instinct is, I'm going to vote for Conor McGregor. We're going to see where this goes, baby.


Listen, there's probably going to be a proper movie about him one day because what he did and take it over the sport. But if he becomes the President of Ireland, forget about it. Do you know what I mean? He's the Irish Arnold Schwarzenegger. That would be insane. Harrington, would you vote for President McGregor?


Well, I'll I'll tell you this, in 2020, the Irish government couldn't figure out how to get PPE equipment to nurses and doctors in hospitals. Conor McGregor showed up in his Rolls-Royce with a giant box full of PPE equipment. He did more for the nurses and first responders in Ireland during the pandemic than the Irish government did. This is a populist candidate, somebody who cares about the will of the people, who's going to do good for the people. This isn't someone who's coming from relative obscurity, who's being pulled into politics and leaving politics with a much larger bank count they came in with. The guy's already a billionaire. Who's Who's going to buy him? Who's going to bribe him? Who's going to get him to enact policies that aren't good for the will of the masses to increase his own personal bank count? Now, that might happen, but that same risk applies to any politician. I trust the guy who's already got the money in the bank, who's worried about legacy way more than he has personal ambition. Why not? Can't get any worse.


I tell you what, listen, my God. It's like you've had that speech lined up forever. That's it. I mean, that was... Honna McGregor should hire you as his campaign manager because that was the best bit of podcasting you've ever done in your life, Harry.


My God. I would passionately vote now. Before, I would have voted for no reason. Now you have given me a reason. I'm willing to argue it. Anybody that walks up to me won't vote for him.


I'll argue it with all the facts that you throw. The problem is, and listen, there's a lot of people in the world that need help, okay? But a lot of people are frustrated with immigrants coming to countries and getting looked after when they're really struggling. So that's what's causing a lot of the unrest in the UK, in Ireland, out here in America as well. We should help people, but we also got to help our own as well. And that's what McGregor's tapping into and harnessing that. Brian, what are we going to say? Did you look anything up? Is it basically a popularity contest? Yeah.


You vote for your candidate in order of popularity. So you can vote for everybody, but you order them like one, two, and three. And apparently, they have a Yeah, it's a preferential vote ballot. But you can just vote for one person as well. It seems a little convoluted, but it's just how it works. All right.


But you never know. You never bloody know, do you? Could you imagine? Could you imagine? Anyway, Harbisson, what else we got, buddy?


Will the President fight Michael Chandler? Would that still happen? He would have taken me off the table.


That would be insane. A sitting President still competing in the UFC.


Irish Secret Service would fight for him. That's awesome.


And speaking of McGregor, he said that him versus the who the fuck is that guy in Berenucle would be a pretty good matchup.


Definitely. I think that's a good backstory. I don't know if it'll ever happen. No. But I love what you said with Bear Uncle, by the way. Bear Uncle is doing really, really well. I think he provided a lot of value there. I'm more intrigued every time he talks about it, so I think it's cool.


You know, Jeremy Stevens got very, very excited when he saw that tweet. Jeremy is a tremendous fighter. His best days are behind him, obviously, as we all get older. And he was sitting there at home, looked at Instagram and was like, Big Today is the day, day, day, coming my way. Let's go. Or maybe McGregor is just talking, having fun, having a laugh. All right, this episode is sponsored by Prizepicks, which is America's number one daily fantasy sports app with over 5 million active users. Prizepicks is the the easiest and the most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports. Unlike other apps, on Prizepicks, it's just you against the numbers. All you do is pick more or less on a two to six player stat projections and watch the winnings roll in. What you've got to do, you've got to get four out of six to win some money. And this week, check this out, they're going to give you one win essentially for free because one, Caleb Williams' passing yards will get you one win on prizepicks every week in September. So only one yard gets you an automatic win every football weekend in September.


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A couple of other guys seemingly past their prime, but still having just enough juice in the tank for at least one more fight. Andre Orlovski and Fedora Miliananko are reportedly going to run it back. You remember their MMA fight? I believe it was in Affliction back in the day. I ended with the flying knee in the corner and Fedora getting the KO. Now, they want to run it back in a boxing ring some 15 years later or something like that.


Boxing sucks.


You really don't like You don't like boxing, do you?


I think it's boring. I think it's not real. The big gloves. If it was small glove boxing, maybe, I think it's just black. Look, honestly, you guys can be, please be honest. Would you rather see Arlovski versus Fedor in boxing or in Karate combat?


Honestly, I'd rather see it in Karate combat. Of course I would, because there's more tools available. I'd probably like to see it in mixed martial arts. I wouldn't mind seeing it in boxing. I enjoy boxing. I think it's a great sport. There's a lot of problems with the political side of it and everything that goes on in the background. A lot of problems for sure. But I do enjoy boxing as a sport. Of course, it is a limited rule set. But yeah, Arlovski versus Fedo. I just don't really want to see them fight. I mean, how old are these guys right now? I mean, Arlovski had the longest run known to man in the UFC. He was ridiculous. 2000 to 2024, 24 years fighting the best people. He went out of the organization for a bit and then came back. Like, Fedor Emelianenko is not the Fedor of old. I like to see these guys. I mean, if they want to compete and make some money, God bless him.


Oh, yeah, for sure. For sure. But yeah.


Arlovski is 45.


He's definitely not in their prime fighting in boxing, right?


Yeah. Harrington.


Arlovski, 45. Fedor, 47.




Won't even be the oldest boxer you see this year.


Asim, how old are you? How old are you Asim?


I am 33 now. Yeah.


God damn, you son of a bitch.




This gets me older. I don't know what to do about it, man. You're lucky. You're blessed.


Yeah, well, you should get yourself down to Turkey and get the hair implant.


I have the plan. I'm doing it. I'm going to turn it in. I'm going to have a man button. I'm going to have a man button everywhere just to piss people off.


Are you seriously going to get it done now?


Yeah, I want to do it. My wife thinks it's not going to work. She thinks there's no hope for me, but I think I can do it, I don't know.


Yeah, no, no, no. All jokes aside, I see a lot of people, high-profile people that I know. And I was talking to somebody, a lot of guys in the UFC have been doing it as well. Paul Craig went down there and got a full head of hair. And apparently the technology these days has come on so far that it legitimately works. And I even said, my son Callum, he's not as follically blessed as what I am. And his hairline is receding to the max. I'm like, Dude, get yourself out to Turkey. Why not? If there's medical sciences and technology has progressed so that you can fix that, if you want to be bold, go for it. If you want to have a head of hair, go for it. There shouldn't be any shame in doing that because people just instantly go to making fun and taking the piss. But it's like, Hey, bro, if you can do that, there's no shame in that.


Do you know what a bald man has to go through?


People look at me, my head shows.


My man knows. Now look, I'm free. You'll vouch for it. When you see another bald man on the street, you nod. You know what they're going through. Whenever you're- Are you serious? Yeah, you give a little nod. You just do one of these. When I'm at a restaurant, I have to wait an extra five minutes on my reservation. I know it's on purpose. I know what it is. Blm, bald lives matter. It's not just I'm telling you this, too. My mom the other day, she's like, Look, Austin, there's no hope for you because they have to pull hair and plug it in. You have no hair to pull. She said, Oh, maybe you could use your I don't like touching my beard. Look, I have a lot of hair on my ass.


Pull it off. I was going to say, What's your ethnicity? Because you've probably got a hairy back. So you can punch them out of your back and stick it on your head. I got a hairy ass.


I don't got a hairy back. That's too much, man. Listen, somebody pulled this miracle off, so I'm sure you'll be fine. Oh, wow. You look at the age. You go 10 years below now. It's crazy. Yeah.


Harrington, we're going to get you out to We're going to do this. We're going to be on a BYM tour to Turkey and just film the whole thing. All right, what else are we talking about? What's going on, Harrington?


Well, I mean, we're going to be in Turkey anyway. We might as well pop over to Japan and get a house pretty cheap. Because right now in Japan, they are saying that 14% of all residential properties in the country are left vacant amid a massive population crisis. Last Japan lost about 800,000 people from their country with the death rate outpacing the birth rate significantly. So yeah, big housing crisis with houses just being empty.


What were the causes of death?


No, it was just people dying naturally and then people just not having children.


To replace them.


Every year, a certain amount of people die and a certain amount of people are born. And so the population is shrinking by how many %?


Well, I know it was 800,000 were lost last year. So I can look up what their total population is and give a full.


700,000 people have left California since 2020, so that's shrinking as well. Now, I was going to ask, that probably means you can buy some property in Japan, nice and cheap, because if there's empty houses everywhere, but that certainly isn't the case in California. House prices are going up like crazy, but the population is dwindling. You ever been to Japan, Asim?


I've It's my dream to take Karate Combatt to Japan. I think it's a very obvious move. We're starting off in Singapore with this Asian tour, and eventually it's a big mission of mine. I have to take Karate Combatt to Japan.


I just want to go and visit. I've always been obsessed with Japan. It's a country that I've just, I don't know. I started doing Japanese jiu-jitsu, maybe that's why, and there's so much about the culture that I enjoy. Martial arts, of course. It's supposed to be an incredible place to visit. A buddy of mine went so clean, no crime. The people are so polite. Incredible food. Japanese food is some of the best.


Oh, phenomenal, man. Everything about the culture I'm in. Oh, wow, look at that. Look at that. Those are crazy places.


You can get that house for. Are you kidding me?


Hold on. Are you serious? Yeah. $80,000. Let's have a look. You can live just 10 minutes drive from Tamaya Bay in the spacious two-story house in Imezu. 25 minutes drive from the city. It's a seaside city for scenic coastal beauty. It has for thriving fishing industry, also known for its rice farming and agricultural activities. How much was that, Brian?




That's crazy.


It pisses me off. No, it pisses me off because it shows that the system is just so rigged and bullshit and houses are so expensive and people can't afford them. My son's 23 trying to find his way in life. And he was like, we were talking And about the value of the house we live in. He's like, How the hell? The other day we went on a walk and we walked through this little apartment block, just like a shortcut. And one was for sale. And we got talking and we looked it up. It was a two bedroom apartment. It was like $740,000, almost a million, three quarters of a million dollars for a small, non-glamorous apartment. But yet you can buy a house in Japan for $80,000 because that's what the true value Yes, Mike?


The investment firms and shit like that, banks and investment firms are buying up single family and all these residential properties so they can be used as rental or Airbnbs or shit like that. So that's a huge problem that we have in this country, is that big corporate money is buying up residential housing and never letting it go, so the prices don't ever go down. So you guys, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, Miami's, well, definitely I don't think there's an argument that it's one of the most expensive cities on the planet. I believe it's the most expensive rent in the United States right now. Now, for a million dollars, I've looked this up just for fun to show some of my fighters, for a million dollar home in Miami, you have bars on your windows. You know how bad the neighborhood has to be to have bars on your windows for a million dollars. So it's horrible here in Miami as far as property value goes. And because of that, my mother and myself, all of us, we're planning to buy... We're not going to live there. I love living in the United States, but we'll buy Property in the UAE.


I feel like that's the future. I feel like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, all these places, they have the finances and they have the want to be the best. And because of that drive to want their city to be the greatest city on the planet, I feel like property value is going to skyrocket. So I'm planning to buy over there and rent here.


Yeah. I mean, that's my long term plan as well. I'm looking at a couple of places that I want to buy and I want to keep this one here because as a fighter, I've done very well in my career, but Still, I don't have a pension as such to the day I die. So this house here, rent that out, hopefully to the day I die. I'm talking like when I'm 75 years old, I still have that rental income coming in. Plus I've got some businesses and I've got some money put away and I've got my nest egg and all the rest of it. So I'm fine, but I'll keep this, rent this one out to the day I die. And then when I do pop my clogs, the kids can have it. That's the idea. Or I'm going to sell it and just blow the lot. Right before I die, I'm like, I can't take it with me.


You got kids to see. Don't do it. Don't do it. Your poor son. Think of your son.


I got three kids, so they can fight amongst it. The remnants that remain. Harrington, what else we got, buddy? We'll wrap this one up shortly. You're muted. See, this is why I said it. You are still muted.


Sorry, I had a baby at the door screaming to get into this room to come hang out. Figured I would do you guys a favor and kill the mic. Yeah, I just had one more thing. The So annual income needed to buy a house has risen from 56K to 106K just since 2020 here in America. So that does back up every single thing that you were just saying.


56k to 126 in four In the last 10 years, people's salaries have not gone up that at all. And of course, everything else has gotten expensive. Inflation through the bloody roof. It's insane. That's insane. Do you speak to your financial guys on topics like this, Asim?


You know what? What's funny is I should. My father advised me that the other day. He's like, Look, you're trying to buy property right now. Talk to these guys. See what they have to say. So that's funny that you mentioned that.


Yeah. Well, we're three, well, we're three. Well, two idiots. You're not an idiot, but we're three idiots. This is not the podcast that people come to for financial advice. Harrington, give me one last story. What have we got, bud?


This is literally the last thing I have in my notes. So I hope it meets your standards. But Dan Hooker came out and he said, Look, I was training in my garage because of COVID restrictions at the time. I was training in my garage and on very short notice for both the Dustin Poirier and the Michael Chandler fights. And he just reminded those guys, Hey, if you want to use my name to get yourself over, it better be calling me out for a fight now because it'll be a much different Dan Hooker that you get in the cage.


Well, it is a different Dan Hooker. The one that we saw just beat Mataj Gamra was a different Dan Hooker. I I mean, taking fights on short notice, yeah, okay, it comes at a price. If you win, you get a solid victory, you get the purse, you didn't have to go through a grueling two-month training camp, but you roll the dice and you got to take a responsibility for that as well. Yes, you know internally and your coaches know that, Hey, that wasn't the best version of yourself. But you also got to swallow that and just accept it. There's nothing wrong with wanting to rematch people, but he took those fights. He thought he could win. It didn't work out. What do you think, Asim?


Same. I mean, that's why I stayed quiet. Same opinion as yourself. You know what I mean? So definitely, I'm with you on that one.


Okay, so the Karate combat, Singapore, September 18th. We've got to come out and do a live show from an event. No, please. No, I would love that.


I've offered you a couple of times. Please take me up on it. It would be an absolute honor to have it. And the in-person experience is one of a kind, especially because I know you're used to the cage. When you see the pit live and you can just see the action in front of you, perfect view. And also your hands are touching the platform and you're just leaning over watching. There's nothing like it. And then the faces of the crowd around you. We have the most insane people around you that you'll absolutely love.


Yeah. Honestly, I know I always say, but I can't wait to come because the atmosphere just looks incredible. It looks electric. You can see everyone there just having a crazy time. The fights are amazing. The pitch just looks phenomenal. So congratulations on everything you've done. And I can't wait to be there. Best of luck with the war on one. Best of luck with the event in September in Singapore. And thank you for joining me today. I appreciate your time, brother.


Thank you very much.


My man, take it easy.