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Do you worry about Tyson Ferry and the damage he's taken? I've seen this clip come on online earlier today, and it was all screenshots of Tyson Ferry down in the Wilder fight a couple of times. And then it was Tyson Ferry down in the Francis Zagana fight. And then it was slumped on the ropes in the Oosik fight. Although he only just now took his first loss, he's taking a lot of damage, a lot of big shots from heavyweights.


The answer to that question is no, I don't really. You're right in what you say, because boxing is a vicious sport, but not really. And I hate to bring myself into it, but I think I have the record for getting knocked down in the most fights. Really? To win. Yeah.


I don't know if that's good or bad.


Well, it shows a certain resilience. But also, you can form the opinion that I suck. And if I'm okay, which is a big if, if I'm okay, then Tyson view is going to be just fine.