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Khalil Rountry Jr. Has never attempted a takedown inside the UFC. Yeah, not one. And this ain't the fight where it's going to start.


No, I have no intentions on shooting any takedowns or trying to take what people would consider the easy route.


So I really respect what you're saying there. But what would you say? Because if I was coaching you, I would say, Khalil, that's all well and good. But this is about becoming champion of the world. This is about legacy. This is about you reaching the ability and reaching the pinnacle of the sport and doing something that other people don't get to do. So let's take the path of least resistance. What would you say to somebody that would say that to you?


If it were my coach, I'd say, Maybe I need to look for another coach, man. Wow.




If my coach were telling me, Hey, this is the way, I'd be like, Man, then who are you coaching? Because this has never been the game.