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Between summer vacations and going to the beach and having the hot girl or guy summer of your dreams, this season can be a little hard on our wallets. A Chime checking account helps you reach your financial goals while still enjoying the summer. You can take back your finances with features like fee-free overdraft up to $200 with SpotMe or getting paid up to two days early with direct deposit. Learn more at chime. Com/mnn. And you know I hate overdrafted fees. One time, I overdrafted buying a latte, which was so embarrassing at the time, but hey, it happens to the best of us.


And I got charged 35 bucks for a $7 latte.


But Chime allows you to overdraft up to $200 with no fees, and you can get temporarily increased overdraft limits with boosts from friends.


Live it up this summer and make progress toward your financial goals, with Chime. Open your account in minutes at chime. Com/mn. That's chime. Com/mnn. Chime. Feels like progress. Banking services and debit card provided by the Bancorp Bank NA or Stride Bank NA. Members FDIC. Spot SpotMe eligibility requirements and overdraft limits apply. Boots are available to eligible Chime members enrolled in SpotMe and are subject to monthly limits. Terms and conditions apply. Go to chime. Com/disclosures for details.


Money rehabbers, you have money hidden in your house. Yeah, just hiding there in plain sight. Okay, so I don't mean you have gold bars hidden somewhere in walls, treasure map style, but you do have a money-making opportunity that you're just leaving on the table if you're not hosting on Airbnb. It's one of my all-time favorite side hustles. By hosting your space, you are monetizing what you already own. It doesn't get easier than that. For me, hosting on Airbnb has always been a no-brainer. When I first signed up, I remember thinking to myself, self, you pay a lot of money for your house. It is time that house return the favor. And to get real with you for a sec, I felt so much guilt before treating myself on vacation because traveling can be so expensive. But since hosting on Airbnb, I feel zero stress for treating myself to a much-needed vacation because having Airbnb guests stay at my house when I'm traveling helps offset the cost my travel. So it's such a win-win. I mean, if I could do it, you could do it. And your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at airbnb.


Com/host. I'm Nicole Lappin, the only financial expert you don't need a dictionary to understand. It's time for some money rehab. Personal loans can be a lifeline in times of need.


They give us financial support for a multitude of reasons: consolidating debt, covering unexpected expenses, starting a business, or paying off medical bills. However, not all personal loans are created equal. Last week, I broke down peer-to-peer lending, which is a way to take out a personal loan from a person and not a bank. That's not the only way to get a personal loan, of course. I wanted to also give you six other common types of personal loans and break down their unique characteristics to help you understand which might be the best fit for your financial situation. Number one, unsecured personal loans. Unsecured personal loans are not not backed by collateral. This means you don't have to put up any of your assets, like a house or a car, as security for the loan. The lender bases their decision on whether to give you money based on your creditworthiness, which includes your credit score, your income, and your debt-to-income ratio. Unsecured personal loans are best for people with a good to excellent credit score who need a lump sum for expenses like home improvements, medical bills, or debt consolidation. Interest rates on unsecured loans typically range from 6% to 36%, obviously, that's a big range.


What interest rate you secure is going to depend mostly on your credit score and your financial history. For these types of loans, the terms are usually between two and seven years. So net net, for unsecured personal loans, the benefits are no collateral required, fixed interest interest rates and predictable monthly payments. Of course, there are risks, too. For unsecured personal loans, the risks are higher interest rates for those with lower credit scores and potential fees for late payments. Number two, signature loans. Signature loans are a type of unsecured loan that requires only your signature and the promise to repay. Like other unsecured loans, they don't require collateral. Signature loans are suitable for those with strong credit profiles who need quick access to cash without the hassle of pledging collateral. Interest rates on signature loans generally fall in the same range as unsecured loans, so you'll see this range between 6 and 36%, but the terms tend to be shorter than unsecured loans, typically 1-5 years. The perks of signature loans are a fast approval process, no need collateral, and they can be used for a wide range of purposes. The risks here are similar to unsecured personal loans.


High interest rates for those with lower credit scores and potential penalties for missed payments. Number 3, secured personal loans. Secured personal loans, in contrast to unsecured personal loans, require collateral like a car, a savings account, or other assets. The collateral reduces the lender's risk because if the borrower defaults, the lender is not going to lose everything because they have this asset that they reclaim. This means that lenders typically offer lower interest rates for secured personal loans. Interest rates typically look like 3% to 25%, depending on what collateral it is and what credit profile the borrower has. The payment terms for those can vary widely. It could be as short as a year and as long as seven. These loans are ideal for folks who might not have a strong credit profile but have valuable assets that they could use as collateral. While the low interest rates are a perk, the risks are major. You could lose your house your car, whatever you put up as collateral if you default on that loan. Number four, debt consolidation loans. Debt consolidation loans are specifically designed to combine multiple kinds of debt into one single jugundo monthly payment, often at a lower interest rate.


These loans are best for people with multiple high interest rate debts who want to simplify their payments and potentially lower their overall interest rates. The interest rates, of course, will vary based on your creditworthiness, but you'll probably see it range from 6 to 20%, and then you'll be asked to pay back the loan from between two and five years. Typically, the draw for debt consolidation loans is that you'll be able to basically smush a couple of different forms into one loan with better terms, either lower interest rates or a longer term. Another perk that really cannot be understated is the fact that debt consolidation loans makes payments feel simpler and more manageable. The risks when it comes to a debt consolidation loan is that if you have poor spending habits, you might accumulate new debt on top of the debt consolidation loan. Number 5, cosigned loans. A cosigned loan involves a second person, the cosigner, who guarantees the loan. If the primary borrower defaults, the cosigner is then responsible for repayment. Cosigned loans are ideal for people with limited or poor credit history who need the backing of someone with stronger credit history to qualify for better conditions, terms, and rates.


The interest rates on cosign loans are similar to unsecured loans, but often lower due to the added security of that cosigner, typically ranging between 5 and 35%, and you'll have between one and five years to pay it off. The great thing about cosign loans is that you can get access to better interest rates and loan terms depending on your cosigner's financial picture. But the big risk is that if you default, you could seriously mess up your cosigner's credit. Number 6, Payday Loans. This is by far my least favorite. Payday loans are short term high interest rate loans designed to tide you over until your next paycheck. They are typically for small amounts and are meant to be paid within a few weeks. Payday loans are generally aimed at people who need emergency cash but don't have a lot of access to other forms of credit because of poor credit scores or other financial challenges. The interest rates on these are crazy, crazy high. So far, the highest interest rate I've mentioned in this episode is 36 %. For payday loans, the interest rates often exceed four A hundred % APR. And as for terms, the shortest I've discussed so far is one year.


Payday loans are typically due your next payday, so that's going to be two to four weeks from when you took out the loan. The benefits of payday loans are quick access to cash and minimal requirements for approval, but the risks far outweigh the benefits. The rates alone are cuckoo bananas and predatory, and there's also a risk of falling into a debt cycle. And to make matters worse, there are significant penalties for for late repayment. For today's tip, you can take straight to the bank. Your credit card isn't the only way to borrow money. If you need it, there are ways to take out personal loans, six of which I talked about today. But loans can quickly spiral into out-of-control debt if you aren't careful and don't have a bulletproof plan for repayment. I'd recommend using a debt repayment calculator like the one I've linked in the show notes, so you can see how your interest could count against you if you don't think you'll be able to repay your loans swiftly.


Money Rehab is a production of Money News Network. I'm your host, Nicole Lappin. Money Rehab's executive producer is Morgan Lavoy. Our researcher is Emily Holmes. Do you need some money rehab? And let's be honest, we all do. So email us your moneyquestions, moneyrehab@moneynewsnetwork. Com, to potentially have your questions answered on the show or even have a one-on-one intervention with me. And follow us on Instagram at Money News and TikTok at Money News Network for exclusive video content. And lastly, thank you. No, seriously, thank you. Thank you for listening and for investing in yourself, which is the most important investment you can make.


Money Rehabbers, you have money hidden in your house. Yeah, just hiding there in plain sight. Okay, so I don't mean you have gold bars hidden somewhere in walls, treasure map style. But you do have a money-making opportunity that you're just leaving on the table if you're not hosting on Airbnb. It's one of my all-time favorite side hustles. By hosting your space, you are monetizing what you already own. It doesn't get easier than that. For me, hosting on Airbnb has always been a no-brainer. When I first signed up, I remember thinking to myself, self, you pay a lot of money for your house. It is time that house return the favor. And to get real with you for a sec, I felt so much guilt before treating myself on vacation because traveling can be so expensive. But since hosting on Airbnb, I feel zero stress for treating myself to a much-needed vacation because having Airbnb guests stay at my house when I'm traveling helps offset the cost of my travel. So it's such a win-win. I mean, if I could do it, you could do it. And your home might be worth more than you think.


Find out how much at airbnb. Com/host.