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Okay, I get it. When it comes to pursuing your money goals, the financial system can feel complicated. With so many options out there, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. That's why I'd like to thank intuit credit Karma for, well, first sponsoring this ad. Thanks guys.


But more importantly for giving you everything you need to outsmart the system. So understanding and navigating those choices around your money feels less like walking on broken glass and more like a walk in the park. Credit karma's tips, tools and recommendations are meant for you. Yes, you as impersonalized for your financial situation. You know I love me some personalized attention and credit karma is so much more than a credit score app.


With credit builder, you could raise a score of 619 or lower in less time than you think, all while saving money at the same time. Simple credit karma can also help you find the right credit card offer for you, giving you more confidence when applying. And the best part? You can do all of this while walking your dog in the park or your cat. If that's warrior style, I won't judge.


So take a walk down the sunny side of your finances. Check out all these great features and more on the free. To download credit Karma app, visit moneyrehab to learn more and for full terms. Credit Builder plan is serviced by credit Karma Credit builder and requires a line of credit and savings account provided by Cross river bank member FDIC. Between summer vacations and going to the beach and having the hot girl or guys summer of your dreams this season can be a little hard on our wallets.


A chime checking account helps you reach your financial goals while still enjoying the summer. You can take back your finances with features like fee free, overdraft up to dollar 200 with spot me or getting paid up to two days early with direct deposit. Learn mnn and you know I hate overdraft fees. One time I overdrafted buying a latte, which was so embarrassing at the time. But hey, it happens to the best of us and I got charged $35 for a seven dollar latte.


But chime allows you to overdraft up to dollar 200 with no fees, and you can get temporarily increased overdraft limits with boosts from friends. Live it up this summer and make progress toward your financial goals with Chime. Open your account in m and ndez that's mnn. Chime feels like progress banking services and debit card provided by the bank corp.


Bank Na or stride bank NA members FDIC spotme eligibility requirements and overdraft limits apply. Booths are available to eligible chime members enrolled in Spotme and are subject to monthly limits. Terms and conditions apply. Go to disclosures for details. I'm Nicole Lapin, the only financial expert.


You don't need a dictionary to understand it's time for some money rehabilitive Kylie Jenner, a woman who needs no introduction, has set her five year old daughter Stormi up to have $14 million tax free by the time little stormi is ready to retire. True, Kylie has buckets of money. Forbes called Kylie Jenner, the youngest self made billionaire. Whether or not Kylie is self made is a little debatable. But it doesn't matter whether you are or aren't a billionaire because anyone can use the same money moves as Kylie and make their kids millionaires.


This is one of the best kept secrets in the financial world. You do not have to make a million dollars to make your kids millionaires. Pick your jaw up off the floor and let me tell you how to make this happen for your fam. This is how Kylie did it when Kylie's daughter Stormy was two, she appeared in a commercial for Kylie's brand, Kylie baby. Because Stormi was in the commercial, she could get paid for that appearance as an actor and Kylie could open what is called a custodial Rothdeh IRA account for stormy, a custodial Roth IRA account is exactly what it sounds like, a Roth IRA that a guardian can open for their kid.


The only real requirements is that the Roth IRA has to be funded by some income that the kid earned. So in Kylie's case, any income that Stormi earns as a model or actor in promotional materials or videos for Kylie's brand can totally go to her custodial Roth Ira. If Stormy via Kylie continues to max out the Roth IRA contributions, then she will have over $14 million when she retires. And because it's a Roth IRA, not a traditional IRA, when Stormy goes to use that money in retirement, it will be totally tax free. Okay, I'll cop to something.


I don't actually know if Kylie set this up for Stormy because the Kardashian jenners aren't going around giving interviews about their tax advantaged retirement strategies. So silly, right? What else would they be talking about or posting at my house when I'm traveling helps offset the cost of my travel.So it's such a win win. I mean, if I could do it, you could do it, and your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how host.


at my house when I'm traveling helps offset the cost of my travel.


So it's such a win win. I mean, if I could do it, you could do it, and your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how host.