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I'm Nicole Lapin, the only financial expert. You don't need a dictionary to understand it's time for some money rehab.


Well, Christmas is Monday, aka the day after the day after tomorrow. And if you celebrate the holiday and you haven't done your shopping yet, you're not doomed. But you are getting into doomy territory, Cory. So let's figure out your gifts right now. If you're going to see your loved ones in person on Monday, you actually have a little more time and you have a good shot at finding some great gifts at even better prices this Saturday.


So historically, some of the best holiday deals have fallen on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But because of higher prices and therefore lower shopper turnout this year, experts are predicting tomorrow, Super Saturday, the Saturday before Christmas will have major, major deals. So if you can get out of the house on Saturday and do some last minute shopping, I am not worried about you. You're gonna find something awesome. Plus, I worked with some really super brands this year that I absolutely love legit like Justin Wine and factor meals and others, and they have given me discounts that I can pass on to you.


All of the discounts and how to snag them are listed in the show notes. But if you have a loved one on your list that lives far away, let's just rip off the bandaids. You can't send anything today and have it get there in time for Christmas. Even with rush shipping, it's just not going to happen. So here are ten last minute gift ideas that you can get a friend who lives far, far away that will get to them on Monday and won't break the bank.


If you want to lock in one of these gifts ASAP because we are in crunch territory. They're all linked in the episode description as well. Number one, an IRL subscription. There is a subscription box for every type of person in your life. I swear I have been down this rabbit hole.


You can get a monthly subscription box for wine, for cheese, for books, socks, snacks, self care items, flower arrangements, dog treats, coffee, meal kits, makeup. Like truly anything you can think of, there is a monthly subscription box for it. And pro tip. If you're looking at a price, your subscription box a year long subscription would probably be too expensive. Most of these companies, though, will let you gift a three month subscription.


Or you can just tell your friend that you're giving them a three month subscription and then sign them up for a monthly subscription that you can cancel after three months. No shame in that game. Number two, a URL subscription. While we're on the subject of subscriptions, let's not forget that all of the online membership subscriptions can be gifted in five minutes or less. If you have a friend who's always bugging you for the password to your Hulu or New York Times cooking app accounts, maybe it's time to get them their own membership.


Or if you know that one of their new year's resolutions is to be more mindful in 2024, consider getting them a membership to an app like headspace or calm. Number three, an online course. We all have that friend who is always trying to learn how to cook but could literally burn soup. If you're shopping for that friend, give them a gift to a course platform like Masterclass or skillshare. Or if they have a big trip planned for 2024 in a country where they don't speak the language yet.


Italki spelled Italki, is a great platform for learning a new language. Or you can give your bestie my money school course. Duh. It is, and it is always the right size. Number four create a recipe book if you're looking for a gift that is free my favorite price?


Get your digital arts and crafts game on and create a digital recipe book. This could also work for your cooking challenged friend as well. Here's how you pull it off. Create a word doc that's filled with recipes for meals that are meaningful for the two of you. Cocktails and desserts totally count too, by the way, so I'll give you an example.


If I was making this for my friend Christy, I'd find an online recipe for Falafel, because when we met at dinner, that's what was on the menu. And then when I was going through a breakup or a few breakups, we drank many spicy margaritas. So that recipe goes in the book, too. You get the idea. You can sprinkle in photos of the two of you, use a fun font, export it to a pdf, and you have a very thoughtful and useful gift.


Number five, an experience my favorite gifts have always been experiences because it always involves spending time with the people you love. And not to be cheesy, but that is truly priceless. If you and your friends share a love for a favorite band or sports team, check their calendar for 2024 and buy tickets to an event together. If it feels too risky to lock in a particular day, there are other sites where you can buy an experience first and then lock in the day later. Uncommon goods, for example, has more experiences available than you could ever dream of like make your own dumpling class, flower arranging, tarot reading, DIY hot sauce making, how to paint a picture of your dog.


Penny, get excited. Seriously. These are all real gift options, so even if this person is really hard to shop for, I'm sure you'll find something there. Uncommon goods is not the only site for experiences. There's also course horse.


Airbnb also has experiences on their site. Once you start poking around these experiential gifts, you're going to go from not having any ideas to having too many. Number six. Rich bitchness. Can you believe I waited until recommendation number six to bring up the gift of financial literacy?


In my opinion, there is no better gift. Obviously, if you're looking to help someone in your life make progress on their financial journey without giving them the fortune yourself, you can teach them how to make their own fortune. And look at apps like magnify. It's the AI investing assistant that helps you make a financial plan for a goal, get invested in the market for the very first time, or just keep up on the latest news in the markets. That is the gift that pays dividends, literally.


Number seven, a gift they choose. The not so fun part about giving a gift card is that they know exactly how much you spend, so you feel a little bit of pressure to make it more than you really want to spend. But on the other hand, I get the gift card appeal because it allows your friend to pick out exactly what they want. Well, there are companies that allow you to take all of the good of gift cards and none of the bad. For example, the company's sugar wish allows you to send a friend a personalizable gift.


But unlike a gift card, where you give your friend essentially a budget that they can spend, companies like sugar wish present a friend with a bunch of goodies and then tell them to pick three. So instead of saying, hey, Nicole sent you $50. Spend it on whatever you want. It says, nicole wants you to get exactly what you want, pick your favorite things. That way, your friend gets to pick exactly what they want without ever knowing what you spent.


Number eight, a priceless conversation for your friend who wants to kick their career into high gear in 2024. Give them the gift of a one on one coaching session with a worldrenowned entrepreneur on the platform. Intro was one of my favorite discoveries of 2023. It's almost like cameo, but for meetings with entrepreneurs, you can give your friend a 30 minutes meeting with iconic, iconic business experts. People like Spencer Raskoff, who founded Zillow Allie Webb, who's the founder of Drybar Andrew Chen, who's a partner at the huge VC firm a 16 z Jason Pfeiffer, who's the editor in chief of entrepreneur magazine and co host of help wanted Alex Lieberman, who is the co founder of Morning Brew and Lil me.


Number nine a donation to a cause they love for the friend who has everything. Get them something that can't fit in a box and donate to a cause they're really passionate about. This is my favorite gift for an animal lover because a lot of organizations like the World Wildlife Fund will allow you to symbolically adopt an animal in your friend's name. And that gift comes with a picture of the real life animal the WWF has helped and a toy version of the animal. Plus, the gift is tax deductible, so it's kind of a gift for yourself, too.


Number ten, a gift receipt. Whatever you decide to go with, give a gift receipt. We are not mind readers. The presents we give won't always be slam dunks. And even though you probably don't want your friend to return what you gave them, at the end of the day, you just want them to love that gift.


So if a gift receipt is what it takes to make that happen, it's worth it. For today's tip, you can take straight to the bank. Most of these digital presents have an option where you can get the company to send an email on Christmas with instructions on how to claim the gift. Instead of that route, take it to the next level and add some TLC schedule. Send your own email for Christmas Day with all of the details that your friend needs to know to redeem the gift.


But make it personal. Write a sweet note, insert a photo of the two of you, or find an e card online that is pretty and interactive. If you're sending a gift over email, your friend isn't going to have the experience of unwrapping a physical gift. So make your digital packaging something just as fun. Money Rehab is a production of Money News Network.


I'm your host, Nicole Lappin. Money Rehab's executive producer is Morgan Lavoie. Our researcher is Emily Holmes. Do you need some money rehab? And let's be honest, we all do.


So email us your money questions to potentially have your questions answered on the show or even have a one on one intervention with me. And follow us on Instagram at moneyNews and TikTok at moneyNews Network for exclusive video content. And lastly, thank you. Seriously, thank you. Thank you for listening and for investing in yourself, which is the most important investment you can make.