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President biden signs an expansive executive order on immigration sparking backlash from republicans this.


Is another giveaway program they don't qualify for asylum it's asylum fraud but they're not going to leave they're going to hang around they'll hide out to the.


Next giveaway the move comes as police arrest an illegal immigrant on charges of rape of a young teen in a new york city park the horrific crime.


Was committed in broad daylight and our investigators immediately went about filing and apprehending.


The person responsible i'm daily wire editor in chief john bickley it's wednesday june 19 and this is morning wire pfizer is hit with a big lawsuit over making several misleading claims about its COVID-19.


Vaccine this lawsuit is simply about withholding misleading and deceiving the public a company has a high obligation to be honest.


With americans and alarm within the democrat party grows as former president trump gains more ground and key demographics turn their backs on biden i believe that black.


Voters are over the entertainers and the athletes being the representation of the community.


Thanks for waking up with morning wire stay tuned we have the news you need to know.


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President biden announced what is being called a sweeping amnesty order on tuesday the president took unilateral action to provide a pathway to legal residency for an estimated half a million illegal immigrants here to talk about the specifics of the order is daily wire reporter tim pierce hey tim so we'd seen reports this order was coming now it's been signed first who exactly does the order apply to yeah biden's.


Order covers about 500,000 illegal immigrants who have been in the us ten years and are married to a us citizen another roughly 50,000 non citizen children who are under 21 years old and whose parent is married to a us citizen will be covered as well this order has been billed as the largest amnesty action since former president obama's deferred action for childhood arrivals program in 2012 known.


As daca and that order sparked a lot of controversy as well what does this new order do the major change.


Is it takes a step out of the residency process for the spouses of us citizens under current federal law an illegal immigrant who marries a us citizen must request parole first before he or she can apply for legal residency potentially that means the applicant has to leave the country for a certain period of time biden's order removes that step there's also what it does for the president politically cnn reports that biden hopes the order will appeal to latino communities in arizona nevada and georgia all places that he is underwater with voters it is also an olive branch to progressive groups upset with him for his attempt a few weeks ago to suppress illegal immigration.


And what about the response what's the reaction been to this order so far.


It'S gotten good marks from democrats colorado governor jared polis commended biden for stepping up as congressional republicans fail to pass the bipartisan border security workforce and asylum reform bill on the other side republicans have hammered biden over it arkansas senator tom cotton went on cnn and brought up the case of rachel morin that was the case we reported monday a maryland woman who was raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant recently learned that.


The murderer of rachel morin a beautiful young mother of five was a savage degenerate from el salvador who raped and beat her after doing something similar in el salvador yet joe biden rather than getting serious about immigrant crime is about to give amnesty to more than a.


Million illegal aliens former president trump's campaign called biden's order a power play to give quote mass amnesty and citizenship to hundreds of thousands of illegals who he knows will ultimately vote for him and the open border democrat party the campaign statement also brought up another tragic example of a crime committed by an illegal immigrant where a 13 year old girl was tied down and raped in a new york city park and according to the new york post the suspect shouldn't have even been in the country he was ordered out of the country by a judge two years ago trump campaign spokeswoman caroline levitt summed up the message when she wrote quote biden doesn't care about american lives right tell us about.


That case that really dominated the news cycle yesterday what happened there according to.


Police an illegal immigrant found 213 year olds walking in a park in queens in the middle of the day at knife point he threatened them into a secluded area tied them up with their shoelaces and raped the girl he took their phones before running away nypd caught up and arrested the suspect on monday with the help of some good samaritans here's chief detective joe kenney announcing the.


Arrest yesterday his name is christian giovanni inga landi he is of ecuadorian descent he has no prior arrest history in new york city however he does have one arrest out of state in texas since his time in new york city he's been involved with the police department only three times involving three summonses and one domestic violence incident in the 107 precinct that did not require an arrest.


And here's kenny laying out the charges.


The charges are going to be as follows for our female victim rape sex abuse robbery in the first degree menacing unlawful imprisonment kidnapping endangering the welfare of a child and possession of a weapon for the male victim robbery in the first degree menacing criminal possession of a weapon unlawful imprisonment kidnapping endangering the welfare.


Of a child just really a horrific story tim thanks for reporting thanks for.


Having me.


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You do not deceive consumers and you especially must not deceive consumers when consumers are making an urgent frantic decision believing that their life might be on the line that was.


Kansas attorney general kris kobach announcing that his state is suing pfizer for making misleading claims about the efficacy of its COVID vaccine and for allegedly covering up evidence of potential risks daily wire culture reporter megan basham is here now with more hey megan so a major lawsuit here what are the claims so kobach.


Says he's bringing this suit because pfizer violated his state's consumer protection act in his press conference on monday he especially focused on what he says are the vaccines potential harms to pregnant women and also evidence that pfizer had knowledge it could potentially cause heart issues so kobach said that this information only came out because of a previous freedom of information act lawsuit against pfizer here's a bit of the evidence he said was revealed as a result of that foia suit.


Pfizer marketed its vaccine as safe for pregnant women however in february of 2021 pfizer possessed reports for 458 pregnant women who received pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy more than half of the pregnant women reported an adverse event and more than 10% reported a miscarriage many within days of the vaccination pfizer consistently denied any evidence of a connection or safety signal between its COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis or pericarditis however as pfizer knew the united states government the united states military foreign governments and others had found that pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine caused myocarditis and pericarditis kobach.


Also said that when pfizer urged americans to get vaccinated in order to protect their loved ones the company was quoting clearly indicating that the vaccine would prevent the virus from spreading but later pfizer executives admitted before congress that they never even studied the effectiveness of the jab at stopping transmission and then there's covid censorship he also says pfizer colluded with big tech to silence and intimidate medical experts who were critical of the vaccines.


Now overarching this case is the question of immunity didn't the federal government grant the pharmaceutical companies blanket immunity from lawsuits when it comes to covid vaccines yeah.


They sure did and that's one of the major hurdles that kobach is going to have to clear here but kind of a wrinkle pfizer was not a part of operation warp speed that the trump administration put in place to develop the vaccines meaning it only accepted federal funding to distribute them not to manufacture them what that means is that pfizer didn't have the government oversight that the other manufacturers did so it may be easier to get around that blanket immunity and kobach specifically said that immunity quote did not free any of the vaccine manufacturers from their obligation to not mislead the public or make deceptive statements in marketing the vaccines do we expect any.


Other states to join kansas in this.


Kobach said in his statement that he is expecting this to become a multistate effort in fact he said that five other states will be joining this suit but the only other one he has specifically named so far is idaho now that said texas did file its own suit against pfizer at the end of last year and it's very similar to this one and then also at the end of 2022 florida's supreme court granted a request from governor desantis to launch a grand jury investigation into criminal or wrongful activity on the part of the COVID vaccine manufacturers that investigation is still ongoing yeah in the meantime the cdc is standing by the vaccines in its latest recommendation last month it said that new data shows these vaccines were effective and it is still advising everyone ages six months and older to get both vaxxed and or boosted this year the pfizer vaccine was one of the three that it recommended pfizer meanwhile says this suit has no merit and that patient safety is their quote number one protocol.


Well it's going to be interesting to see what could come out in discovery as this lawsuit moves forward megan thanks.


For reporting anytime.


Democrats and the liberal media are growing more alarmed by joe biden's continued weakness in the polls leading up to the november election here to discuss the numbers and where they lead the races daily wire contributor david marcus hey dave so let's start with this iowa poll why is this getting so.


Much attention morning john ann seltzer is one of the highest rated pollsters in the country especially known for her expertise in iowa and she had a shocker this week that showed trump up 18 points there a state that he won by only eight in 2020 that is a really huge shift and while iowa is not a swing state its neighbors in northeast wisconsin certainly is so if there's any spillover into the badger state that could prove significant i mean after all the last presidential election there was decided by about a quarter of the paid attendance at a packers game there's also polls showing a much closer race in virginia than experts expected and all of this broadens the map of states biden has to defend speaker one yeah.


Now we're also seeing a lot of worry from democrats over the black and hispanic vote traditionally bulwarks of support for the party how big of a problem is this for biden really it's existential.


To his candidacy an aggregation of network polls recently found that biden's support among black voters has fallen to 70% compared to 86% in 2020 put simply if that's accurate there is very little chance that joe biden can win especially since the black vote plays a major role in several swing states owing to major urban areas like philadelphia atlanta and detroit trump is targeting the minority vote very hard we saw with his rally in the bronx and a trip to north philly this coming weekend and as you say it's hispanic voters too these are core constituencies in the democratic party and losing this many of them could hurt not just joe biden but democrats all the way down the ticket yeah really.


Is a potentially generational shift here what is the level of panic now that we're seeing at least publicly among biden surrogates and supporters well to borrow from.


Spinal tap for some prominent democrats the knob seems to be up at eleven even if the official biden campaign is shrugging this data off as nothing to see here democrat congressman dean phillips who ran against biden early in the primary took to social media to say of the iowa poll that quote the shift is real and transcends identity and ideology end quote also stressing that biden needs a very strong performance in next week's debate and it gets worse here's what longtime democratic strategist james carville said about the current crop of polls i don't.


Think people really appreciate how bad biden's poll numbers are when you look at them it's like walking in on your grandmother naked you can't unsee him no matter how hard you try quite an image so phillips mentioned the debate almost as a test for biden's viability in this race is that something that we're hearing from other corners as well yes.


Axios and a few others have reported on democrats who think that this debate is make or break not just for biden's campaign but for his nomination and candidacy there has been speculation even before biden took office that he may not actually run for reelection and it's a plausible explanation for why democrats wanted an unprecedented june debate but this is really what is at stake for the president in the debate it's a chance for him to quiet some of the worried voices conversely a poor performance could create a cacophony of calls for a new.


Nominee could these rumblings become a deafening chorus at some point i guess is the concern dave thanks for joining us.


Thanks for having me.


Thanks for waking up with us we'll be back this afternoon with more news you need to know.