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California mom, Ann Fundner, brought the tens of thousands of attendees at the RNC to tears and to their feet last night when she told the tragic story of losing her 15-year-old son, Weston, to fentanyl. The blame for his death, she said, ultimately falls on President Biden and his administration.


Our lives were shattered, and our baby was gone. This was not an overdose. It was a poisoning. His whole future, everything we ever wanted for him, was ripped away in an instant. And Joe Biden does nothing. I hold Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the borders are. What a joke. And Gavin Newsom and every Democrat who supports open borders responsible for the death of my son.


In this episode, we sit down with Anne to discuss what led to the death of her son and what steps we can take to prevent such future tragedies. I'm Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief John Bickley. It's Wednesday, July 17th, and this is an RNC Extra edition of Morning Wire. Joining us now is Anne Fundner, a mother from California who lost her 15-year-old son to fentanyl and who's putting the blame on President Biden and his administration and the governor of her State, Gavin Newsom. And thank you so much for joining us. You courageously took the stage last night at the RNC, gave a very powerful emotional statement about your son and your family and the tragedy you guys suffered. I know it's difficult to discuss, but for the sake of our listeners, can you tell us about what happened to your son, Weston?


Well, Weston was a really good kid. We did everything right. We put him in sports, and I was room mom. We had such a great relationship, and he was my perfect little bouncing baby boy. He taught me what love was, an unconditional love like I had never known existed other than my own parents. He was my first born son. It just teaches you that love is so strong. For the first time, I understood what that meant when I looked at him, held him in my arms. He was my everything. He really was. I was so active in his life. His father was active, both of us. We did the family dinners every night. We had outings together, fun vacation. I mean, we had a nice life. Private school, I think it's things like we got him braces. He just had braces. Just everything that you do to set somebody up for the perfect life, 3.5 GPA, football, hockey, friends. Fentanyl still found him because kids fall into peer pressure. And as many conversations as I had with him, he's a teenager who came into his own independence and decided he wanted to fit in with a new crowd at a new school.


He had always been private-schooled. He wanted to try public school, too. And I think he just wanted these friends that were just fun. And I guess he fell into their peer pressure and got a hold of them, and it killed my son.


You made a striking statement last night. You said, Look, it's murder in a sense. Absolutely, it's murder. Can you unpack that for us? Why do you feel that way?


Why do I feel like it's murder? Because the people who deal this know that fentanyl kills. When you try fentanyl one time, it is not a question of if you are going to die. It's when once you try it, it is very hard to get off of it and never do it again. These drug dealers are like sexual predators. They groom children. They know that if they can get a child to try it once within three hours, they're going to get withdrawal symptoms that range from bone aches to fevers to cold sweats to bowel issues to headaches, just things that make chemotherapy recovery look like a picnic in the park. It's just a very, very difficult thing on the body. Within two of the three hours of the first time of trying it, one time, it's 50 times more addictive than crack. And these drug dealers know that, and that's when they come around and say, I got what you need to ease this pain. So if the child survives the first pill, now the drug dealer has a client. And everyone asks, Well, why would they want to kill their client? Because there's a million others.


It's so addictive. They're going to have business. If they can get someone to try it one time, they're going to have business. So most kids don't live more than a couple of weeks. And when I say it's a groomer mentality, they know they can't tell their parents. They've gotten them to do something wrong. They're afraid. They're struggling with an addiction that they never wanted just because they tried something one time. And by the way, they don't know they're trying fentanyl. They think they're trying something like a Percocet or Xanax, which is very popular, unfortunately, with kids these days as a party drug. And it's pure fentanyl. There's no Xanax. It's a press pill with blue powder that you can buy off of Amazon, where someone who's probably on drugs himself is packing these pills. It's like a chocolate chip cookie. There's all these little chocolate chips of fentanyl in it, and you don't know which side of the cookie is going to have the most fentanyl. If you get that dose, 7 out of 10 pills are deadly.


For you, were there any warning signs?


No. My son was a really good kid. I mean, all kids start walking in a high school situation. You want to make sure they're making the best choice. We had conversations. That was not a good choice the other night. But for the most part, nothing that I thought was concerning enough. I'll tell you what, I don't know if I was just blind or I just never imagined in a million years this would happen.


I think every parent... I've got two young girls. The most terrifying thing to me is this sense that you cannot see this coming and how sudden this is. It really struck me when you spoke last night that sense. It strikes terror in every parent.


It should.


You've blamed two administrations, the Biden administration and the Newsom administration for this tragedy. Can you tell us why.


Because President Trump had the factories in China closed that produced the precursor chemicals. He had the borders secured as well as he could without some of the Democrat border cities putting a stop to their border walls. But for For the most part, he did as much as he could to get that border wall shut. He had ice. He had everything on lockdown at the border. He was doing everything he could to stop it. Now, there were Democrats that are doing their Democrat thing and not following along with what they're supposed to be doing. Fentanyl still got over the border, but he was stopping it. I mean, he really was coming down on this hard. President Xi knew he was business, and he knew that he couldn't get away with things with Trump. When President Biden came in, the border just opened. You saw caravans flooding over. We don't even know who these people are coming into our country. The cartels have just run wild. He allowed those China factories to be reopened under the Biden administration. I mean, this is their exasperated tragedy. They did this. I mean, there is no way to look around this.


I mean, they opened the borders. They do nothing, nothing to stop this crisis at all. They did more to stop you from taking Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine during COVID than they are doing to stop people from coming in with Fentanyl Fentanyl. And Gavin Newsom, he should be ashamed. He has children, young ones, and California is the Wild Wild West. They will find a car of fentanyl, someone drug running fentanyl, and they arrest Judge lets them out and says, Come back in two weeks. And how many people do you think come back? These people should be tried for attempted murder. If they kill someone, they should go to jail for life. And look at what Sarah Huckabee-Sanders did. She said, And if you kill a child, you're looking at the death penalty. When you get strict penalties on this, you will see the fentanyl statistics drop dramatically because drug dealers do not want to go to jail and be sentenced to life. My son's case was clear-cut on video. They knew who it was, second person they person had murdered, and nothing, not even a slap on the wrist. Nothing happened. If they're not going to prosecute people, then why should...


It doesn't make sense. It's almost like they want this to happen. It's like they're... Our youth has so many challenges with all of the indoctrinations going on. It's just one more thing they're doing to hurt us and just bring down our youth. You're a dad of girls, and they're everything. It's too right. They're everything. Your children are everything.


That they are everything. They are indeed. It's not only hard to hear the tragedy. It is very hard to hear that there's no accountability, that there's actually no repercussions for these horrific crimes, as you've described. What can be done to reverse this?


Close the borders. Number one, shut the borders. Let's increase our ICE officers because there are no resources there. Biden has just done a number on ICE, and he took away the Fentanyl machines that were at the ports of entry, which is a secondary precaution because drug dealers don't go through the front door, right? But he did put some of those back in this weak fentanyl bill. That's all he did in the fentanyl bill. But he did give money to the Ukraine in that bill, and that's That's really what that bill was about. It was such a weak bill. It was embarrassing. The cartels need to be labeled foreign terrorist organizations. This is a war on American soil, and more people are dying than all of our recent wars combined on American soil. 9/11, we attacked a country because they had 3,000 people on American soil die. Where is the attack on the cartels? They are killing our children. Why aren't we holding China accountable? Fentanyl needs to considered a weapon of mass destruction, and every community needs harsh strict laws. You want to deal fentanyl, you're going to jail, period. That zero tolerance whatsoever. You're going to jail.


If you kill someone, you're going to jail for life or looking at the death penalty. If you kill a child, you will look at the death penalty. These people know what they're doing. They know what they're doing. There's still pushing in on our children, and they don't care about your kids. They don't care if they die. These pills come to your door for $7.50 through Snapchat, through Instagram. They are ordering them online. Underneath your door, leave $7.50. They'll come straight to you. They know they have an income. They have so many clients, and they're all expendable, and there's more behind them.


As you have made clear, this is a true crisis. Something has to change. We you so much for sharing your personal tragedy so that some action can be taken.Thank.


You for joining us.Thank you so much. Thank you for having me.