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In another historic verdict, President Biden's son, Hunter, is found guilty on all three felony gun charges. This case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throes of addiction, his choice to lie on a government farm when he bought a gun and the choice to then possess that gun. I'm Daily Wire Editor and Chief John Bickley. It's Wednesday, June 12th, and this is Morning Wire. Newly released video from January sixth shows Democrat House Leader Nancy Pelosi taking partial responsibility for the capital breach.


They clearly didn't know, and I take responsibility We're not having to just prepare for more.


And controversy erupts between Elon Musk and Apple over the rollout of its new Apple intelligence product. Thanks for waking up with Morning Wire. Stay tuned. We have the news you need to know.


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Hunter Biden was found guilty on all three federal charges brought against him in a Delaware courthouse on Tuesday. The felony conviction stem from lying on a form while purchasing a firearms, and each carries a potential sentence of 25 years in prison, though few expect such a harsh penalty. Here to join us to discuss the conviction of the troubled first son is Daily Wire contributor, David Marcus. Hey, Dave. How long was the jury out and was this conviction more or less expected?


Morning, John. The jury deliberated only for about three hours, some of it Monday afternoon, the rest on Tuesday morning, and they did not require a lunch break as they brought back three guilty decisions by late morning. There wasn't a lot of shock over the verdict. The evidence was very compelling. One juror told Fox News that nobody in the room believed the defense team's story that Hunter Biden was at 7:11 at in the morning to buy donuts, not to buy drugs, especially after Hunter's own book described this 7:11 as a regular haunt for crack dealers. Town Hall's Mia Caffole spent much of the trial in the courthouse and talked about the moments she thought had the biggest impact.


The most compelling witness for the prosecution was Zoe Kesten, Hunter Biden's ex-girlfriend. They went on this cross country spending spree, buying crack, smoking crack. The jurors heard about Hunter after learning to cook crack at the Chateau Mourmon, and all of these sorted details of their exploits and sexcapades. The defense was trying to target their heartstrings that this was a man in the throes of addiction. When you see that he was not living a destitute life. He was living a life of luxury. I don't think that resonated with the jurors.


Joe Biden changed his plans in order to return to Wilmington on Tuesday after the verdict was read. What was the reaction from him and the White House?


Within minutes, Biden released a statement saying he loved his son and was proud of him, that many families suffer with addiction, and also that he respects the result of the legal system, with one caveat, which was that Hunter could appeal. The President gave scheduled remarks Tuesday afternoon at, of all places, an Event on Gun Safety. These included specific remarks about increasing penalties for people who dangerously mishandled guns or obtain them illegally, as here They're weapons of war.


And by the way, it's time we establish universal background checks and require the safe storage of firearms. We should all families responsible if they don't provide those locks on those guns.


He did not mention Hunter's case. In addition, Press Secretary, Kareen Jean-Pierre, abruptly canceled her scheduled press conference, and Biden did change his plans to return to Delaware and be with his family who had spent much the last two weeks in court, another detail noticed up close by Cavill.


What reaction did we see more broadly across the political spectrum, and how might this impact the politics of this election?


Special Counsel David Weiss stressed that this conviction was a result not of Hunter's addiction, but rather of his illegal choices while in the throes of addiction. Democrats are going to want to frame this as evidence that Merrick Garland's Department of Justice shoots straight and is unbiased, especially in defense of their prosecutions of Donald Trump. Also, Hunter is not done. He's facing a tax evasion federal prosecution in California in September. Trump supporters will argue that these cases are very different and that, in fact, the most serious charges against Hunter Biden were allowed to lapse. And that just a year ago, he was minutes from a sweetheart plea deal that would have put all of this behind him. This trial would not have taken place had that widely ridiculed deal been allowed to slip through. There's still very much an argument to be made here that Hunter was the beneficiary of some special treatment by his dad's Department of Justice.


Yeah. Finally, what have we heard so far from Donald Trump about the Hunter verdict?


There was a statement from Trump campaign, Press Secretary Caroline Levis saying that the trial was only a distraction from the, Biden family criminal enterprise. This echoes language that we've heard from House Republicans, including some Trump will meet with this week, about how they We're continuing to investigate potential influence peddling and money laundering allegations against Joe Biden himself. We now have these dueling convictions, John, between the Trump and Biden camps, and it is sure to set up one of the most anticipated subjects and dynamics of the first presidential debate, which somehow is now just a bit over two weeks away.


Yeah, that debate's coming up fast. Historically so, in fact. Yeah. Dave, thanks for joining us.


Thanks for having me.


Newly uncovered video footage shows former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi partial blame for the January sixth Capitol breach. Daily Wire reporter Tim pierce is here to talk about this new J6 footage. Hey, Tim. So what do we know about this tape?


So in total, the new footage is about 45 minutes long, and it was filmed by Pelosi's daughter, a filmmaker who made a documentary about Pelosi for HBO. Republicans got the video from the streaming service. It caught the immediate reactions of congressional leaders to chaos that day. One of those reactions being Pelosi taking responsibility for an unprepared capital police force. Here's the clip.


We have responsibility, Terry. We did not have any accountability for what was going on there. And we should have. This is ridiculous. You're going to ask me in the middle of the thing when they've already breached the inaugural stuff, should we call the capital police? I mean, the National Guard? Why weren't the National Guard there to begin with? They thought that they had sufficient resources. That is not a question about it, but they don't know.


This is a tough look for Pelosi, who has spent years denying Republican questions about Capitol Hill security.


Right. It hits on a major accusation has been leveled in the past against her about failing to take action to secure the Capitol. What has the reaction to the video been so far?


Well, Pelosi went on MSNBC on Monday after this clip was released and accused Republicans of attempting to rewrite history with the footage. Here's some of that.


The fact is that the President of the United States, the former President, and his tories do not want to face the facts. They're trying to do revisionist history on January sixth. But we cannot let us be dragged into their, again, false impression of what happened that day. They know what happened that day.


Now, Republicans want to know how this video, Again, taken by Pelosi's own daughter was never aird by the Democrat-led House Select Committee on January 6 after it spent two years and millions of taxpayer dollars on its investigation. Here's congressman Barry Lautermilke, who has led the GOP audit of Pelosi's January sixth Committee on Real America's voice on a tape. Yes, she should take responsibility, but it doesn't answer the questions that we've been after. Why were they caught flat-footed? What was the failure? And why did not her select committee investigate that failure. That turned into simply a committee to tie Trump into all these failures instead of looking at the failures within the capital.


Now, regarding J6, we're also expecting a Supreme Court ruling soon that could have a big impact on the cases of those convicted of crimes related to the riot. What can you tell us about the case the Court is reviewing?


This case, Fischer versus United States, involves three defendants who have been charged with multiple crimes related to January 6. But this challenge focuses on one in particular, a count of obstruction of an official proceeding. The defendants argue that the legal statute doesn't prohibit their alleged conduct, so it doesn't apply. District Court agreed with them before the DC circuit reversed that decision. We should have the final ruling in the case from the Supreme Court later this month. If the justices side with the defendants, the decision would impact many cases associated with January sixth, most prominently that of Special Counsel Jack Smith's case against Trump.


We'll see what the court decides a major decision there. Tim, thanks for reporting.


Good to be on.


Apple announced this week an ambitious move to bring AI software to billions of their devices by the end of this year. The announcement sparked immediate controversy. Here to discuss the ground-breaking development is DailyWire's Senior Editor, Kabbit Phillips. Kabbit, it feels like this was only a matter of time for Apple. What did we learn this week?


Yeah, it's interesting. Interesting. To this point, Apple has been on the sidelines when it comes to AI development. While competitors like Google and Microsoft spent billions in recent years developing their own AI platforms, Apple had really yet to publicly join that arms race. But that changed in a big way this week, with the company announcing the rollout of Apple Intelligence, which they say will bring personalized AI to their more than 2.2 billion devices worldwide. But it's worth noting, instead of developing their own programs from scratch, Apple is partnering with OpenAI to integrate the now ubiquitous ChatGPT with iPhones and other devices. As Apple CEO Tim Cook put it, the AI will analyze every user's personal data and habits to offer personalized AI. It has to understand you and be grounded in your personal context, like your routine, your relationships, your communications, and more.


All right, so what exactly will this look like?


Well, according to Apple, the AI software will be embedded in virtually every single function of your iPhone. Combing through your conversations, social media activity, Google searches, etc, to optimize your daily life. That means suggesting responses to text and emails, analyzing your daily commute, work routine, exercise schedule, the list goes on. It'll also revolutionize the Siri feature, offering users the ability to not just ask questions verbally, but type queries directly into their iPhone, which will then be answered by ChatGPT. For more, I spoke with Chris Alexander, the Chief Analytics Officer at Pioneer Group and co founder of Lever AI.


There can be a lot of utility because it may notice, Oh, you're never productive at this time of day. Maybe this is when you should take lunch or you make more errors after you've been sitting for X amount of time. It's going to be able to figure those kinds of things out in time and help optimize virtually every aspect of your life.


Now, some folks might be uneasy about AI software being downloaded onto their personal devices. To that point, Apple and other tech companies have actually been fairly open about the fact that this is the future. Essentially, it's coming whether you like it or not.


There are plenty of folks who've raised concerns about artificial intelligence being integrated into virtually all of our devices. Talk to us about that aspect.


The big concern for many people is how it could influence everything from culture and language to politics. We've talked a good bit on the show about the apparent left-wing bias present in most AI software, including ChatGPT, and now that program is going to make its way onto the devices of a billion-plus people, answering questions for them, directing them to certain news outlets or apps, even helping them decide which restaurants they eat at. Here's Alexander speaking to those concerns.


You have what's called a black box, and those are the algorithms and the rules by which the artificial intelligence operates. And those are an industrial secret. They don't publish those. That is literally the secret sauce. What's in there, what will happen with your Apple device is whatever a Silicon Valley software engineer thinks the world is supposed to be, you're We're going to see that.


Now, there are obviously privacy concerns here, which Apple did try to get ahead of, stressing that you can opt out of the features and also attempting to assure users that most of the AI processing would take place on their specific device and not be sent out into the cloud. But there are still, again, plenty of folks unnerved by the move. Chief among them is Elon Musk, who called it a security violation and claimed it's patently absurd that Apple is not smart enough to make their own AI, yet is somehow capable of ensuring that Open AI will protect your security and privacy. He even went so far as vowing to ban Apple devices from its companies for employees and even visitors, saying visitors with an iPhone will have to hand over their device for storage in a Faraday cage. That's a box that essentially blocks wireless signals. A monumental week for AI, but not everyone is on board.


A lot of trepidation about AI's role going forward. Kabbit, thanks for reporting.




Thanks for waking up with us. We'll Plus, we'll be back this afternoon with more of the news you need to know.


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