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I'm Daily WIRE Editor-in-Chief John Bickley. It's Monday, June 17th, and this is your Morning WIRE Afternoon Update. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dissolved his six-member war cabinet. Daily WIRE reporter Tim pierce has more.


Today's decision comes after former General Benny Gantz left the so-called Unity Government that was assembled after the October seventh attack. Two other members of the Special War cabinet also resigned last week, siding disputes over Gaza strategy. Netanyahu will now consult on Gaza with a smaller group of ministers, including Defense Minister Yuev Galant and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer. Meanwhile, White House official Amos Hochstein met with Israeli officials today on Israel-Lebanon border tensions. In recent weeks, Lebanon's Hezbollah has stepped up attacks on Israel, and officials in the Jewish state say Hezbollah risks triggering a serious escalation. Here's IDF Spokes, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari.


Because of Hezbollah's refusal to comply with UN Security Council Resolution 1701, Because of Hezbala's military infrastructure, weapons, and fire at Israel from the area south of the Littani River in Southern Lebanon, and because of Lebanon's failure to enforce 1701 on Hezbala, Israel will take the necessary measures to protect its civilians until security along our border with Lebanon is restored.


Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit North Korea Tuesday for the first time since 2000. The Kremlin stated that Putin accepted the invitation with pleasure. The two leaders met nine months ago in Russia. Reports say Putin is seeking weapons for his war in Ukraine, including artillery shells. According to US officials, North Korea has already shipped 7,000 containers of weapons to Russia and hopes to gain advanced military technology out of the deal. Putin says the nations want to strengthen bilateral relations amid regional and global dynamics.


Us Surgeon General Vivek Murthy is calling for tobacco-style warning labels on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Daily Wire senior editor, As Short, has the latest.


In a New York Times opinion essay, the surgeon general cites evidence linking increased social media scrolling to higher risks of anxiety and depression among adolescents. Murphy's proposal would include broader regulatory steps, calling for limits on the collection of data from children and restrictions on addictive features like autoplay and infinite scroll. While lawmakers are responding with children online protection proposals, the scientific community community continues to debate over the exact impact social media has on youth mental health. Stephen Kent of the Consumer Choice Center says there are plenty of other ways to protect kids from social media.


There are wonderful technologies out there, ranging from the Bark phone, to the Trumy phone, to Pinwheel, that allow parents to completely control and moderate their kids' online experiences. But most families don't use them. They just buy their kids' Androids or iPhones. They get them the same phone that they And that might be the cultural change that we need to undergo on the consumer level.


A US district Court in Kentucky has halted the Biden administration's rewritten Title IX rules. The court's decision comes after a lawsuit from a West Virginia track athlete and the Christian Educators Association International, challenging a boy attempting to compete in a girls' sport. The injunction affects Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Virginia, and West Virginia. The court criticized the administration's changes to the rule, stating that it conflicts with the original intent of Title IX and raises concerns about privacy in educational settings.


Meanwhile, another federal judge also blocked the rule last week in Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho. And a Democratic candidate for county commissioner in Texas is being charged with fabricating fake racist messages online and trying to blame supporters of his opponent. Taral Patel, a former Biden Whitehouse appointee and candidate for Fort Bend County Commissioner, has been arrested after his opponent, incumbent Andy Myers, initiated an investigation into the messages. Patel had claimed supporters of his opponent were saying, hateful things to him online, but the investigation traced the comments back to Patel himself. Here's Patel talking about the allegedly made-up messages.


Unfortunately, what we hear from a polarized environment is it doesn't matter what my policies are. They're coming after my race, my religion, my nationality, which is American. I've been called Indian, Pakistani, so many different things that are not even accurate. But our goal is to respond back with love.


He now faces felony and misdemeanor charges. Patel, who touts his previous roles in both the DOJ and the White House, is set to appear in court next month. All right, those are your drive home updates this afternoon. To learn more about these stories, go to dailywire. Com. For more in-depth discussion of the biggest stories of the day, listen to our latest full episode of MorningWire every morning.