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Senator J. D. Vance takes the stage for the first time as VP candidate Vance and lays out his vision for the country.


Mr. Chairman, I officially accept your nomination to be vice President of the United States of America.


We break down the highlights from his speech.


I'm Georgia Howe with Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief John Bickley. It's Thursday, July 18th, and this is Morning Wire. It's bad news for Biden as an unlikely source predicts an overwhelming victory for Donald Trump.


The numbers are getting worse for the President Wolf, and Donald Trump has an opportunity with this convention to build it even more.


And is the law fair effort against Trump officially dead? We talk to a legal expert who lays out that case.


Thanks for waking up with MorningWire. Stay tuned. We have the news you need to know.


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Two days after being tapped as Donald Trump's running mate, Ohio Senator JD Vance offered the keynote address to a raqueous crowd at the RNC Convention. John is in Milwaukee with Kabbit Phillips.


We're joined now in our RNC booth by a man who was in the room for that address, Daily WIRE senior editor Kabbit Phillips. So Kabbit, Republicans heard for the first time from a VP candidate, Vance. What did we hear?


Yeah, millions of Americans are already familiar with his life story, having seen or read Hillbilly Elegy. But as a man who's only held elected office for two years now, this was in many ways his national coming out party, where he offered his vision for America under a Trump Vance presidency. I was on the convention floor when he took the stage. Here's what I heard.


It is my great privilege to introduce my husband and the next vice President of the United States, JD Vance.


Later on, Vance talked about what he believed are the most important issues facing America.


We're done importing foreign labor. We're going to fight for American citizens and their good jobs and their good wages. We're done buying energy from countries that hate us. We're going to get it right here from American workers in Pennsylvania, in Ohio, and across the country. We're done sacrificing supply chains to unlimited global trade, and we're going to stamp more and more products with that beautiful label, Made in the USA.


As you might expect, he took more than a few shots at President Biden, Kamala Harris.


Now, Joe Biden has been a politician in Washington for longer than I've been alive, 39 years old. Kamal Harris is not much further behind. For half a century, he's been the champion of every major policy initiative to make America weaker and poorer. In four short years, Donald Trump reversed decades of betrayals inflicted by Joe Biden and the rest of the corrupt Washington insiders.


Now, one of the things that drew the Trump campaign to Vance in the first place, beyond his policy record, is his biography. Whatever anyone thinks of his political views, it's impossible to deny that Vance has embodied and lived out the American dream, overcoming extreme poverty, abuse, and family trauma, to now become one of the country's most important political in the figures. Typically, when a VP choice is made, folks go to their Wikipedia to learn about their background. But in this case, again, there's already a hugely popular book and film about his life. Millions of Americans are now turning to that story to learn more about their potential next vice president. To that point, the paperback and hardcover editions of his book, Hillbillyology, now hold the number one and two spots on the Amazon bestseller list, while the film, starring Amy Adams and Glenn Close, is now the fourth most streamed movie on Netflix. Wow.


So, Republican voters seemingly very enthused by the pick. What are we hearing from the other side?


Yeah, the Biden camp has spent the last 72 hours painting Vance as an extremist Trump mini me. To give you an idea of their messaging, here's a video posted by Vice President Harris yesterday, ahead of it's competitive.Now, listen, if Biden loses Virginia, the fat lady is going to bust into a very loud aria because there is absolutely no path without it. Meanwhile, Trump now has myriad possible combinations of states to get him over the top.How significant is it that this analysis is coming from CNN, which has typically taken a pretty dim view of the GOP nominee?On the one hand, numbers are numbers, so you can't just make up good ones. But this is different from the network simply reporting out the results of a latest poll. There's a subjective nature to King's calculations, so they are actively choosing to highlight Biden's current weakness, something that I think it's fair to say would have been rather unlikely before the debate debacle and Trump's display of courage after the assassination attempt. I wouldn't say this is CNN throwing in the towel on 2024, but this is not a segment that the Biden campaign or the White House would be eager to see.Yeah, it certainly was not. Speaking of the things that the Biden campaign does not want to see, after several days in which talk of replacing Biden on the ticket really quieted down to almost a whisper, we had a fairly important Democrat come out and call for Biden to step out of the race. Who was it and are we likely to see more of these calls now.It was Adam Schiff, a fairly powerful California congressman, very close to Nancy Pelosi, who, in an exclusive statement to the Los Angeles Times, called on Biden to drop out. His statement begins with the obligatory words about what a fantastic and wonderful President he thinks Biden has been, but goes on to say, But our nation is at a crossroads. A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November. Now, the reason I read that instead of playing a clip is that Schiff did not say this on video, which would have had a much bigger impact. We'll have to wait and see if this opens the floodgates or if perhaps Schiff is simply covering his you know what in the event of the thrashing that John King was warning about. Yeah.Thus far, Biden has been stubborn in his insistence that he is not going anywhere. Is that still his position today?Well, we actually saw a wrinkle in that in which Biden now says that if a medical professional told him he couldn't run, he would accept that. Previously, Biden had only said that he would drop out if he was told he had no chance to win. These are difficult tea leaves to read. He could be laying the foundation for a graceful exit, or this could just be a delaying tactic. As we've pointed out on the show, there's a real question after the assassination attempt as to whether any Democrat has a shot now. There's still a lot of balls in the air here as Democrats are just weeks away from their virtual nominating.It really seems like a party in disarray right now. Absolutely. Dave, thanks for joining us.Thanks for having me.The legal landscape for Donald Trump has altered significantly over the last few days. One of the stronger federal cases against the former President was tossed out Monday by Judge Eileen Canon. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court's immunity ruling has already wreaked havoc on other pending cases against a former President, leading many to wonder if the lawful effort against Trump is officially dead.Joining us now in our Morning Wire booth here at the RNC is Sarah Partzel-Perry, a Senior Legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a fan favorite here on the show. Thank you so much for joining us. It's great to have you here in person in the studio.Well, it is great to be here. Thanks for having me.Let's start with the biggest legal news of the week that broke on Monday. The classified documents case against Trump was tossed out for now. So what does this ruling mean and does it affect other cases against him? Are we seeing a domino effect of sorts?Yeah, it's definitely going to, I think, ignite a domino effect because what happened in federal district court in Florida was that Judge Eileen Canon said, All of these indictment charges, every one of them, have to be tossed because the appointment of Jack Smith as special counsel was unconstitutional in the first place. Now, I've heard a lot of partisan commentary about the fact that Eileen Canon has been overturned on, appealed at the 11th Circuit. But this is a very well-reasoned 93-page opinion. She went through the Congressional history of all of the statutes that were actually employed by Jack Smith. She went through the Constitution's history. She actually went back to the Declaration of Independence and said, Listen, this was one of the complaints that the founders had against King George III, that he would appoint certain partisan rule enforcers without the people's way in whatsoever. Biden appointed him through Garland and just said, This is the guy I want. He could have appointed a US attorney to do this. That would have been constitutional. You need the advice and consent of Senate, which means the President appoints and then the Senate weighs in. That was not who Jack Smith was.And so this is going to affect at least three other cases currently pending.Another major case, obviously, from the Supreme Court, the immunity ruling. Also a domino effect here. What are we seeing play out right now with the other cases against Trump, in particular as a result of that immunity ruling. Yeah.So there were actually two cases at the Supreme Court that are going to directly impact what happens next with President Trump. First of all, of course, in Trump versus United States, the The Supreme Court determined that a president enjoys presumptive immunity for any act at the outer perimeter of his official duties. That one's going to have a significant impact because just about everything that's now been claimed by all of the individual, very partisan prosecutors in these cases is something that presumptively was an official act. That's number one. Then the other one was a case called Fisher versus United States. Remember, that was a series of January 6 defendants, and they were all charged with obstruction of justice. But the statute under which they were charged was actually related to obstruction of justice by use of things or documents. And so the Supreme Court said, We're sorry, that's a little too expensive a reading, and it's not supported by the statutory context or history here. So both of those will have an impact. Now, on top of that, you've determined out of the Florida Federal Circuit Court that you've got this unconstitutional appointment of Jack Smith, and it looks like just about everything now is going to fail.So let's put a finer point on that. Do you believe that the lawful effort against Trump at this point, the cases that have been brought, are they all going to collapse?I do. I believe that. Absolutely. In fact, the one state case that we saw coming out of New York from district Attorney Alvin Bragg, one of our many favorite rogue prosecutors at the Heritage Foundation, who loves to selectively enforce the law. Those were 34 State counts, and the unconstitutional jury instructions and the Judge malfeasance top to bottom gives his entire defense team a whole host of issues to argue on appeal in New York State. Then on top of that, you've got these other two federal early impacted cases with an Unconstitutional Special Attorney. That one will fail in New York. Then you've got the Georgia case that's also still pending. That one will fail because the claims are the same. Every which way from Sunday, I think this man is going to, and rightly so, I would argue, walk free.The good news for Trump, for sure, if that ends up being the case. Sarah Parshaw-Perry, thank you so much for joining us. Great to see you in person. Thank you. We'll have you on again very soon.Thank you so much.Thanks for waking up with us. We'll be back later this afternoon with more news you need to know.


it's competitive.


Now, listen, if Biden loses Virginia, the fat lady is going to bust into a very loud aria because there is absolutely no path without it. Meanwhile, Trump now has myriad possible combinations of states to get him over the top.


How significant is it that this analysis is coming from CNN, which has typically taken a pretty dim view of the GOP nominee?


On the one hand, numbers are numbers, so you can't just make up good ones. But this is different from the network simply reporting out the results of a latest poll. There's a subjective nature to King's calculations, so they are actively choosing to highlight Biden's current weakness, something that I think it's fair to say would have been rather unlikely before the debate debacle and Trump's display of courage after the assassination attempt. I wouldn't say this is CNN throwing in the towel on 2024, but this is not a segment that the Biden campaign or the White House would be eager to see.


Yeah, it certainly was not. Speaking of the things that the Biden campaign does not want to see, after several days in which talk of replacing Biden on the ticket really quieted down to almost a whisper, we had a fairly important Democrat come out and call for Biden to step out of the race. Who was it and are we likely to see more of these calls now.


It was Adam Schiff, a fairly powerful California congressman, very close to Nancy Pelosi, who, in an exclusive statement to the Los Angeles Times, called on Biden to drop out. His statement begins with the obligatory words about what a fantastic and wonderful President he thinks Biden has been, but goes on to say, But our nation is at a crossroads. A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November. Now, the reason I read that instead of playing a clip is that Schiff did not say this on video, which would have had a much bigger impact. We'll have to wait and see if this opens the floodgates or if perhaps Schiff is simply covering his you know what in the event of the thrashing that John King was warning about. Yeah.


Thus far, Biden has been stubborn in his insistence that he is not going anywhere. Is that still his position today?


Well, we actually saw a wrinkle in that in which Biden now says that if a medical professional told him he couldn't run, he would accept that. Previously, Biden had only said that he would drop out if he was told he had no chance to win. These are difficult tea leaves to read. He could be laying the foundation for a graceful exit, or this could just be a delaying tactic. As we've pointed out on the show, there's a real question after the assassination attempt as to whether any Democrat has a shot now. There's still a lot of balls in the air here as Democrats are just weeks away from their virtual nominating.


It really seems like a party in disarray right now. Absolutely. Dave, thanks for joining us.


Thanks for having me.


The legal landscape for Donald Trump has altered significantly over the last few days. One of the stronger federal cases against the former President was tossed out Monday by Judge Eileen Canon. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court's immunity ruling has already wreaked havoc on other pending cases against a former President, leading many to wonder if the lawful effort against Trump is officially dead.


Joining us now in our Morning Wire booth here at the RNC is Sarah Partzel-Perry, a Senior Legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a fan favorite here on the show. Thank you so much for joining us. It's great to have you here in person in the studio.


Well, it is great to be here. Thanks for having me.


Let's start with the biggest legal news of the week that broke on Monday. The classified documents case against Trump was tossed out for now. So what does this ruling mean and does it affect other cases against him? Are we seeing a domino effect of sorts?


Yeah, it's definitely going to, I think, ignite a domino effect because what happened in federal district court in Florida was that Judge Eileen Canon said, All of these indictment charges, every one of them, have to be tossed because the appointment of Jack Smith as special counsel was unconstitutional in the first place. Now, I've heard a lot of partisan commentary about the fact that Eileen Canon has been overturned on, appealed at the 11th Circuit. But this is a very well-reasoned 93-page opinion. She went through the Congressional history of all of the statutes that were actually employed by Jack Smith. She went through the Constitution's history. She actually went back to the Declaration of Independence and said, Listen, this was one of the complaints that the founders had against King George III, that he would appoint certain partisan rule enforcers without the people's way in whatsoever. Biden appointed him through Garland and just said, This is the guy I want. He could have appointed a US attorney to do this. That would have been constitutional. You need the advice and consent of Senate, which means the President appoints and then the Senate weighs in. That was not who Jack Smith was.


And so this is going to affect at least three other cases currently pending.


Another major case, obviously, from the Supreme Court, the immunity ruling. Also a domino effect here. What are we seeing play out right now with the other cases against Trump, in particular as a result of that immunity ruling. Yeah.


So there were actually two cases at the Supreme Court that are going to directly impact what happens next with President Trump. First of all, of course, in Trump versus United States, the The Supreme Court determined that a president enjoys presumptive immunity for any act at the outer perimeter of his official duties. That one's going to have a significant impact because just about everything that's now been claimed by all of the individual, very partisan prosecutors in these cases is something that presumptively was an official act. That's number one. Then the other one was a case called Fisher versus United States. Remember, that was a series of January 6 defendants, and they were all charged with obstruction of justice. But the statute under which they were charged was actually related to obstruction of justice by use of things or documents. And so the Supreme Court said, We're sorry, that's a little too expensive a reading, and it's not supported by the statutory context or history here. So both of those will have an impact. Now, on top of that, you've determined out of the Florida Federal Circuit Court that you've got this unconstitutional appointment of Jack Smith, and it looks like just about everything now is going to fail.


So let's put a finer point on that. Do you believe that the lawful effort against Trump at this point, the cases that have been brought, are they all going to collapse?


I do. I believe that. Absolutely. In fact, the one state case that we saw coming out of New York from district Attorney Alvin Bragg, one of our many favorite rogue prosecutors at the Heritage Foundation, who loves to selectively enforce the law. Those were 34 State counts, and the unconstitutional jury instructions and the Judge malfeasance top to bottom gives his entire defense team a whole host of issues to argue on appeal in New York State. Then on top of that, you've got these other two federal early impacted cases with an Unconstitutional Special Attorney. That one will fail in New York. Then you've got the Georgia case that's also still pending. That one will fail because the claims are the same. Every which way from Sunday, I think this man is going to, and rightly so, I would argue, walk free.


The good news for Trump, for sure, if that ends up being the case. Sarah Parshaw-Perry, thank you so much for joining us. Great to see you in person. Thank you. We'll have you on again very soon.


Thank you so much.


Thanks for waking up with us. We'll be back later this afternoon with more news you need to know.