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I'm Georgia Howe with Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief John Bickley. It's Friday, December 29th, and this is your Morning Wire afternoon update.


Maine's Secretary of State, Shina Belloz, has unilaterally decided that Donald Trump is not eligible to appear on the state's presidential primary ballot. Belloz, a Democrat, said that the January sixth riot was violent enough, potent enough, and long enough to constitute an insurrection. Maine's Republican Senator Susan Collins says Bello's decision should be overturned and that voters should have the right to vote for Trump. In Colorado, the state court also ruled that Trump is not eligible for the ballot. Both decisions are being challenged. Loyola law professor, Jessica Levenson, believes that the Supreme Court will and must weigh in on these state challenges.


We need from the US Supreme Court guidance about what the federal constitution says. They're the last word on the federal constitution. They're the only ones that can provide the ultimate word on that. And so all of this, I think, at least before the general is screaming out for the Supreme Court to say, Here's who is disqualified under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, and Here's who is not.


A similar effort to remove Trump from the ballot California has failed. The Secretary of State there did place the former President on California's ballot.


A federal judge who was appointed by former President Barack Obama upheld Republicans redrawn congressional maps in Georgia. Back in October, US district Judge Steve Jones ordered new Congressional maps to be drawn following the US Supreme Court's ruling on a case concerning Black Voters and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. On Thursday, the judge found the new maps to be in compliance. In his order, Judge Jones said that his court finds that Georgia's General Assembly, quote, fully complied with the court's order requiring the creation of Black majority districts in the regions of the state where vote dilution was found. The decision makes it likely that the GOP will maintain their 9:00 to 5:00 advantage in the state's 14 seats in the US House of Representatives.


The Biden administration is threatening to sue Texas over its new state law that makes it a crime to illegally enter the state. The new Texas law empowers state officials to take more active measures to secure the border. The Biden Justice Department, though, sent a letter Thursday to Texas Governor Greg Abbott and says the state is interfering with the federal government by attempting to enforce immigration law at the state level.


Texas Republicans, however, say that the Biden administration has forced their hand by failing to take appropriate action to stem the record-breaking influx of migrants across the border.


Ohio's Republican governor, Mike DeWine, vetoed bill today that would have restricted both transgender medical treatments for minors and participation of biological males in girls' sports. Dewine joins Arkansas Governor Assa Hutchinson as the only two Republicans to veto such legislation. In a press conference earlier today, DeWine said that the decision as to whether a minor should have access to these types of treatments, quote, should not be made by the government, but by parents and doctors. Here's DeWine.


Were I to sign House Bill 68 or were House Bill 68 to become law. Ohio would be saying that the state, that the government, knows better what is medically best for a child than the two people who love that child the most, the parents.


Ohio's legislature, which is currently under a Republican supermajority, can override the governor's veto with a three-fifths majority vote.


An Israeli air strike has reportedly killed 11 high-ranking leaders in Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps. Israel bombed the Damascus International Airport on Thursday night, killing 11 of the Iranian military leaders. That's according to Saudi Arabian media outlets. The Jerusalem Post reports that among the dead is Nour Rachid, that's Eastern Syria's commander of the Revolutionary Guard. The strike comes as Iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, is reportedly speeding up its transfer of precision weapons to Hezbollah. Israel is rumored to be preparing for a defensive war against Hezbollah in the north.


The militant group has already launched dozens of rockets and missiles at Northern Israel.


The new Willy Wanka film, starring Timothée Chalamey, released on December 15th, has stacked up more than $100 million in domestic box office ticket sales. That beats DC's Aquaman sequel and the musical remake of the Color Purple. Wanka focuses on the backstory of the famed fictional Chocolatier and is based on the 1964 novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by RoleDoll. The 1971 Wanka film starred Jean Wilder, while the 2005 Tim Burton remake Johnny Depp. The new film earned 39 million in its opening weekend and is continuing to bring in solid numbers of the theaters.


And Seattle has closed the Black Lives Matter garden, the last vestige of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAS, as it was called. The zone was established in 2020 as a result of the George Floyd riots. City officials called the garden makeshift and stated it needed to be closed for maintenance as well as public health and safety concerns related to homelessness and drug use.


Those are your drive home updates this afternoon. To learn more about these stories, go to dailywire. Com, and tune in tomorrow morning for a special episode of MorningWire.