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Donald Trump takes to the stage of the RNC and delivers a historic speech accepting the Republican nomination.


Friends, delegates, and fellow citizens, I stand before you this evening with a message of confidence, strength, and hope.


I'm Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief John Bickley with Georgia Howe. It's Friday, July 19th, and this is Morning Wire. The embattled head of the Secret Service is confronted by Republicans amid yet more damning revelations. This is a vaccination attempt. You owe the people answers.


You owe President Trump answers.


And from gold star families who lost loved ones at Abbeygate to a mother who lost her son to Fentanyl, the Republican Party gave the stage to the forgotten Americans.


In the nearly three years since Hunter has been gone, there has been the deafening silence from the Biden and Harris administration.


Thanks for waking up with Morning Wires. Stay tuned. We have the news you need to know.


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Donald Trump took the stage at the RNC last night to officially accept to meet an arrogant politician. Instead, I met a man who had empathy for us. He was compassionate, and he spent time with us because he knew it would make us feel better. Thank you, President Trump.This was probably the most emotional moment of the entire convention, and that could really be felt in the room.Indeed, it was incredible being there in the center for it. Now, we also heard from Trent Conway, the mayor of East Palestine, Ohio. That's where last year, a train derailment released toxic chemicals and black smoke into his town. What did he have to say about Biden?Nothing good. You may recall at the time there was no shortage of controversy over Biden refusing to visit East Palestine to the point of real anger in the town. We heard some of that very anger in Conway's fiery remarks, such as here.For the longest This time, the White House was silent, and we never heard a word from Vice President Harris. I guess we weren't their type of folks. No Hollywood elites or Wall Street billionaires live in East Palestine. Just hardworking Americans.This was really one of the moments that have given Americans the perception of an absent presidency, and combined now with the real concerns about Biden's mental and physical capabilities, it is painted in a slightly different light. But the bottom line was that the mayor does not think Biden cares about these parts of the country, especially if they're Republican leading.Now, these are voters who are often ignored, but we're given a bright spotlight here at the convention. How central to Trump's campaign are these voices and stories?It's essential, and always has been core to Trump's message. In 2019, I interviewed a family in Missouri who explained the former president's appeal and flyover country very simply. He listens to us, they told me. From my own reporting this cycle, voters not only still feel that way, but further, they feel that Biden and the Democrats are lecturing, not listening. Much of Biden's economic message, for example, centers on the idea that American voters just don't understand that actually things are great. It's not something most people are buying into, and it provides Trump a chance to point out again that when voters tell Biden what they think and feel, the President doesn't show a whole lot of interest.Well, the forgotten voter is a powerful message, Dave. Thanks so much for coming on. It's been such a pleasure reporting with you at the RNC this week.As always, thanks for having me.Waking up with us. We'll be back later this afternoon with more news you need to know.


to meet an arrogant politician. Instead, I met a man who had empathy for us. He was compassionate, and he spent time with us because he knew it would make us feel better. Thank you, President Trump.


This was probably the most emotional moment of the entire convention, and that could really be felt in the room.


Indeed, it was incredible being there in the center for it. Now, we also heard from Trent Conway, the mayor of East Palestine, Ohio. That's where last year, a train derailment released toxic chemicals and black smoke into his town. What did he have to say about Biden?


Nothing good. You may recall at the time there was no shortage of controversy over Biden refusing to visit East Palestine to the point of real anger in the town. We heard some of that very anger in Conway's fiery remarks, such as here.


For the longest This time, the White House was silent, and we never heard a word from Vice President Harris. I guess we weren't their type of folks. No Hollywood elites or Wall Street billionaires live in East Palestine. Just hardworking Americans.


This was really one of the moments that have given Americans the perception of an absent presidency, and combined now with the real concerns about Biden's mental and physical capabilities, it is painted in a slightly different light. But the bottom line was that the mayor does not think Biden cares about these parts of the country, especially if they're Republican leading.


Now, these are voters who are often ignored, but we're given a bright spotlight here at the convention. How central to Trump's campaign are these voices and stories?


It's essential, and always has been core to Trump's message. In 2019, I interviewed a family in Missouri who explained the former president's appeal and flyover country very simply. He listens to us, they told me. From my own reporting this cycle, voters not only still feel that way, but further, they feel that Biden and the Democrats are lecturing, not listening. Much of Biden's economic message, for example, centers on the idea that American voters just don't understand that actually things are great. It's not something most people are buying into, and it provides Trump a chance to point out again that when voters tell Biden what they think and feel, the President doesn't show a whole lot of interest.


Well, the forgotten voter is a powerful message, Dave. Thanks so much for coming on. It's been such a pleasure reporting with you at the RNC this week.


As always, thanks for having me.


Waking up with us. We'll be back later this afternoon with more news you need to know.