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I'm Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief John Bickley. It's Tuesday, June 25th, and this is your Morning Wire Afternoon Update. The judge in Donald Trump's Hush Money trial has partially lifted the gag order imposed against the former President. The decision comes just weeks after the jury in the case found him guilty on all counts. The judge's move means that Trump can now speak about witnesses and jurors involved in the case. However, Trump is still barred from commenting on individual prosecutors, court staff, and their family members. The latter part of the order will remain in effect until Trump's sentencing on July 11th. Wikileak's founder Julian Assange is en route to the US to enter a plea deal with the government, ending a years long legal saga. Assange is expected to bleed guilty charges under the Espionage Act, resolving accusations over the publication of classified documents. Assange was accused of helping Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning steal diplomatic cables and military files that WikiLeaks published in 2010. Voters in New York and Colorado head to the polls today to cast their ballots in heated primary elections. Here with the details is Daily Wire reporter Tim pierce.


The most contentious race so far is in New York's 16th Congressional district, where incumbent Jamal Bowman is challenged by Westchester County executive George Latimer. Bowman would be the first member of the squad, a far left coalition of Democrats to be ousted from office. The race is the most expensive Congressional primary in US history. With the American Israel Public Affairs Committee spending $14 million to support Latimer, and progressive Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Alexander Ocasio-Cortez holding a rally in the Bronx for Bowman. Here's a clip from the widely criticized event.


You're waiting to win this country back.


In Colorado, seven Republicans are vying to replace Representative Lauren Boebert in the state's third district. Boebert, who won re-election in 2022 by just 0.2%, moved to Colorado's fourth district, where she's expected to win easily.


Us Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, has declared gun violence a national public health crisis. Murthy's advisory, which he put out today, calls on lawmakers to take action against gun violence, which he says has taken more young lives than car accidents. Murthy also called for universal background checks and stricter storage laws. Murthy's announcement has sparked fierce debate, the NRA calling it an attack on lawful gun owners. The former NPR editor who blew the whistle on bias in the organization has a new gig. Ori Berliner has landed a new job at the Free Press, the same outlet where he exposed NPR's bias. Berliner resigned from his role back in April amid controversy over his criticism of his former employee's one-sided coverage. His departure from NPR sparked debate over viewpoint diversity in the media. A Chinese spacecraft returned to Earth today after a historical break trip to the far side of the moon. Here with more is Daily Wire's Senior Editor, Joe Niedler.


The mission is the first ever to bring back rock samples from the dark side of the Moon. Its success underscores China's plan to put astronauts on the Moon by 2030 and build a there by 2035. China's progress is reportedly concerning US space officials who fear the Communist country will claim the Moon South Pole. Here's NASA Director Bill Nelson testifying to Congress in April.


My concern is that they don't get there first and then say, This is our area, you stay out.


It also puts pressure on NASA to fast track its newest exploration program, which has faced repeated delays and funding issues. Two US companies have launched lunar landings this year with funding from NASA, both of them had technical problems that prematurely ended their trips.


And? For the first time in their 30-year history, the Florida Panthers are Stanley Cup champions.


The Florida Panthers defeated the Edmonton Oilers last night to secure the franchise's first ever Stanley Cup title. Florida's game seven victory comes after a collapsed three zero series lead. Edmonton would have been just the second team to ever overcome such a deficit. Despite the loss, Oilers captain, Connor McDavid, was named the playoff's most valuable player. All right, those are your drive home updates this afternoon. To learn more about these stories, go to dailywire. Com. And for more in-depth discussion of the biggest stories of the day, listen to the latest full episode of MorningWire every morning.