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I'm Georgia Howe with Daily Wire editor in chief John Bickley. It's Monday, July 29, and this is your morning wire afternoon update.


Nicolas Maduro has been officially declared the winner in Venezuela's tumultuous and disputed presidential election. Daily Wire reporter Amanda Prestigiacomo has the latest.


Despite significant momentum from the opposition and various voting irregularities, election authorities in the country claim that Maduro secured around 51% of the vote and opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez received 44%. And that's only with 80% of the vote counted. Many leaders in the opposition have questioned the vote. They've cited voter intimidation, refusal to release verification printouts, and independent exit polling that reflects much more enthusiasm for the opposition party. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed the following to reporters this morning.


We have serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the venezuelan people. It's critical that every vote be counted fairly and transparently, that election officials immediately share information with the opposition independent observers without delay, and that the electoral authorities publish the detailed tabulation of votes. The international community is watching this very closely and will respond accordingly.


In a televised speech, Maduro declared his victory a triumph of peace, and he denied allegations of fraud. Tensions remain high as the nation grapples with the uncertainty of the election outcome.


The United Kingdom's highest court has upheld the government's emergency ban on puberty blockers for kids to address gender dysphoria. Judge Beverley Lang ruled that the use of blockers for such a purpose is supported by, quote, remarkably weak evidence. The ruling was influenced by the cast report, which reviewed existing evidence on the safety and efficacy of puberty blockers. It also follows the NHS decision to permanently ban blockers this past spring. New labor health secretary west streeting responded to the ruling by announcing plans for clinical trials of puberty blockers while asserting the need for evidence based health care.


Text messages have surfaced showing that Secret Service agents identified the would be assassin of former President Donald Trump 90 minutes before shots were fired. Daily mile and a half to rescue the animals.Those are your drive home updates this afternoon. To learn more about these stories, go to comma. And for more in depth discussion of the biggest stories of the day, listen to the latest full episode of Morning Wire. Every morning.


mile and a half to rescue the animals.


Those are your drive home updates this afternoon. To learn more about these stories, go to comma. And for more in depth discussion of the biggest stories of the day, listen to the latest full episode of Morning Wire. Every morning.