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In July of 1911, a detective in London was searching the home of a man who had recently gone missing. At some point, this detective went down into the man's basement, and right away, he spotted this fireplace. In front of the fireplace was this strange brick formation laid into the ground. For some reason, the detective just couldn't stop looking at these bricks. He felt like there was something off about them. Operating on a hunch, he walked over and grabbed a metal fireplace poker and began jabbing at the bricks on the ground one by one. Each time he jabbed down, he would hear a loud thud sound until he got to the middle of the bricks, at which point when he jabbed down, it made a hollow sound. He called over his team, they got down and ripped up all these bricks, and they could not believe what was hidden underneath them. This is like a major plot twist that nobody's going to see coming. If you want to hear the whole crazy story, go ahead and click right here.