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The crazy part is most people believe that these three things will save your life. They don't. Let's pretend you've just moved into your brand new house and you hear some strange noises coming from the basement. Although it may seem really appealing to want to go downstairs and investigate your basement, it's a terrible idea because there's going to be a demon down there. But you decide you still want to go down. And so, of course, what's down there? A demon. And as soon as you reach the base of the stairs, they grab you, they start throwing you against the wall. You manage to scramble back upstairs and slam the door behind you, narrowly escaping death. At this point, most people believe that the right thing to do in this situation is to get your Ouija board out and try to make contact with your demon to maybe convince them not to harass you. But demons don't respond well to that, and typically, it only incites them to do more damage to you and your family. You play with a Ouija board anyways, you make contact with your demon, and before long, somebody's possessed, and your demon's charging out after you.


You take off running, but then you remember that if you just forget how to run, no demon can catch you. Except that's not true. They will catch you.