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Crazy part is, most people believe that these three things will actually save your life. They don't. Let's pretend you get stuck in a blizzard on a mountain, and you need to stay warm. How are you going to do that? You remember hearing somewhere that alcohol is supposed to keep you warm. You whip out your flask, you take a swig, and sure enough, you feel warm already. You feel flush in the face. But it's an illusion because what happens is alcohol, it increases blood flow to the skin and away from your core. It plummets your core temperature, increasing the odds that you'll get hypothermia and die. You stop drinking booze and you head off for a cave you see in the distance. Once you get inside the cave, you remember that you know how to make a fire, and so you do. Except the problem with fires inside a cave is it starts to expand the rock above you, causing it to crack and eventually caving in on you. So you narrowly escape the cave in only to hear something in the background. A grizzly bear was in the cave with you, and now it's charging out to avoid the cave in.


But you remember humans can outrun bears, and you start taking off the dumb bear, and it just catches.