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This is why you should never spend the night on Nikumuroro Island. In 1937, while on her flight around the world, Amelia Earhart mysteriously vanished over Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean. Despite an enormous search, she was never found. Three years after her disappearance, a scientist discovered an incomplete skeleton on this tiny uninhabited island called Nikumuroro Island that wasn't too far from Howland Island. It looked like whoever's bones these were, they had been ripped limb from limb. But when the bones were examined, they determined they were not Amelia Earhart's. But in 2017, a forensic anthropologist reexamined the bones and determined they were almost definitely Amelia's. So scientists went to Nikumiroro Island and they found freckle cream, something Amelia was famous for using. So the working theory is she crash landed on Nicaru, Island, and she fell asleep somewhere on the beach. Then, after smelling her blood, hundreds of three-foot-wide coconut crab came out of their burrows, swarmed her, and ate her.