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Are you familiar with the Diatlapast story? Not. In the 1950s, there were these hikers, these incredibly talented hikers. There was nine of them. They needed to go through a fairly treacherous route up into the Yural Mountains, and they stopped halfway in the middle of this mountain, and they weathered the most horrific snowstorm ever. But at some point in the middle of the snowstorm, the hikers cut their tents open from the inside, and they walked down the mountain where there was this gaggle of trees. We don't know what they did down there, but three of their bodies were found up in the trees, and there were all these scratch marks on the base of the tree. Then the footsteps continued about a half mile to this cave where they found the rest of the hikers, and all of them were deceased. And several of them had pieces of their face. They looked like they had been bitten off, and some of them were radioactive. Their skin was radioactive, their clothes were radioactive. No clue what happened to them. The Soviet government, they investigated, and then their conclusion was an unknown, unnatural force killed them. Case closed.


That is incredible.