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He got into the venue, he got on stage, his band was getting ready. Thousands of people were coming into the audience. Before the show started, somebody handed him a note. Chalino takes the note, he's smiling, he's looking around at the crowd, and then he looks down at the note and he reads it. Right away, his expression completely changes. He looks distressed. He rubs his brow. He frowns. He looks up at the crowd like he's looking for someone. Then all of a sudden, he just snaps out of it, takes the note, puts it in his pocket, picks up the microphone, and proceeds to give one of his best live performances to date. After the concert was over, Chalino made a special effort to say bye to everybody in his band. He said bye to some people in the crowd. Then finally, after this long, drawn-out goodbye, he walked out the back door. Shortly after, he was kidnapped, tied up, and then shot in the back of the head, execution style. It would turn out that note he received on stage was from his killers, who we don't know exactly who they are still to this day, but the note said, After this performance, we're going to kill.