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Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction, and today's story is definitely a great example of that. But before we get into today's story, if you're a fan of the strange, dark, and mysterious delivered in story format, then you've come to the right his mother just left the house and went back to part's apartment. And then the next day, part's mom went back to the house, and she pretended to find Arun Kumar's body, even though she already knew he was in there. And then she called 911 and acted totally beside herself when they showed up, as if she had just happened upon her husband's dead body.But almost four years later, when the truth finally came out about this horrible situation, part and his mother were arrested. Now, both of them absolutely maintained that they genuinely believed their lives were in danger because of Arun Kamar. And they said, during that confrontation in the house, Part was only acting in self defense. He really believed his dad was gonna grab that pipe wrench first, and so he had to do it before him, and that's why he killed his dad. But ultimately, Part would plead guilty to manslaughter, and he would be sentenced to 33 months in prison.And part's mother would plead guilty to conspiracy, and she would be sentenced to ten months in prison.I want the people in the audience to be drawn into the stories I'm telling the same way they are at home.And it's a privilege to have the opportunity to stand in front of people that want to be there.So that's going to do it. If you want more strange, dark, and mysterious content, remember, we have a whole slew of strange, dark, and mysterious podcasts that are free under the Ballin Studios umbrella. All you have to do is go to any podcast platform and look up Ballin Studios, and you'll find the Mister Ballin podcast, Mister Ballin's medical mysteries. You'll find runful bedtime stories and our newest podcast, wartime stories. These are all incredible shows.They're all strange, dark, and mysterious. And again, they are free. So go binge. As always, thank you so much for your support. Until next time, see ya.


his mother just left the house and went back to part's apartment. And then the next day, part's mom went back to the house, and she pretended to find Arun Kumar's body, even though she already knew he was in there. And then she called 911 and acted totally beside herself when they showed up, as if she had just happened upon her husband's dead body.


But almost four years later, when the truth finally came out about this horrible situation, part and his mother were arrested. Now, both of them absolutely maintained that they genuinely believed their lives were in danger because of Arun Kamar. And they said, during that confrontation in the house, Part was only acting in self defense. He really believed his dad was gonna grab that pipe wrench first, and so he had to do it before him, and that's why he killed his dad. But ultimately, Part would plead guilty to manslaughter, and he would be sentenced to 33 months in prison.


And part's mother would plead guilty to conspiracy, and she would be sentenced to ten months in prison.


I want the people in the audience to be drawn into the stories I'm telling the same way they are at home.


And it's a privilege to have the opportunity to stand in front of people that want to be there.


So that's going to do it. If you want more strange, dark, and mysterious content, remember, we have a whole slew of strange, dark, and mysterious podcasts that are free under the Ballin Studios umbrella. All you have to do is go to any podcast platform and look up Ballin Studios, and you'll find the Mister Ballin podcast, Mister Ballin's medical mysteries. You'll find runful bedtime stories and our newest podcast, wartime stories. These are all incredible shows.


They're all strange, dark, and mysterious. And again, they are free. So go binge. As always, thank you so much for your support. Until next time, see ya.