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So lots of people ask me, I would say in comments and DMs, what is my stance on the paranormal, let's say? I'm not a hardliner like, Oh, paranormal is real. But what I am a hardliner about is, as a species, our understanding of everything, of everything, is like this. If you look at the Earth from outer space, here's all space, we've only gone that far off of Earth. With our best spaceships and our best people, we don't even know what's in our own galaxy. So the idea that we can just immediately dismiss anything paranormal because how could that be true? Why? How is that any more or less likely than anything else? We don't understand anything. So my stance is be curious and don't just shoot things down because socially, that's what you're supposed to do. Believe what you want to believe because frankly, it's just as believable as not believing it. That's my two cents.