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Today, I'm going to tell you a strange, dark, and mysterious medical mystery. It actually happened really recently, and it's totally insane. There is not another story I've covered Samira took some Ibuprofen to help with their headaches. Then they, too, climbed in bed and drifted off to sleep, hoping that when they woke up, everybody would feel better again. But the next morning, nobody better. In fact, everybody was doing worse. Umar's headache had now gotten much stronger, and Samira, she still had a headache, but also was very lethargic, and the baby was still very fussy. Over the next few days, their symptoms continued to get worse and worse. Umar's headache went from really bad to pretty much blinding, like he couldn't do anything else but think about his headache. Samira basically had to lay down all day. It was like no matter how much she slept, she had zero energy, and their poor baby just continued to cry and fuss all the time and even began to vomit. It seemed pretty obvious by this point, after a few days, that the three of them must have caught some bug while they were traveling, that this was not just jet lag, that they actually had some illness. But the parents were convinced that they could just rough it out, and eventually, after a couple of days, they would get better.But on the morning of June 14th, so this is now a week after coming back home from their trip, not only were all their symptoms still really bad, but on this particular morning, things took a dark turn. That morning, when Umar went to his daughter's bedroom, he's still dealing with this horrible headache. He makes his way into the bedroom, and he goes down to pick his daughter up from her crib, and as he's reaching down to grab her, he freezes because on the bed, on the pillow right behind the baby, is all the baby's hair. The baby had clearly lost huge chunks of her hair. Umar, at this point, forgot about his headache and yelled for Samira. And even though she's super lethargic, she could tell this is an emergency. So she got up and made her way into the bedroom, and she looked down, too, and saw the hair and she reached down and scooped the baby up, and she turned the baby over, and sure enough, there was a huge bald spot on the back of their baby's head. But Umar and Samira, they said to each other right away that, wait a minute, I know this is scary, but it is actually a thing that newborn babies sometimes do lose their hair.But when they went online and looked at the age range of when that's a common thing to happen, it was pretty obvious that their baby, being 10 months old, was a little bit too old for losing her hair to be considered a normal thing. And so Umar and Samira sat there and continued googling, What could this be? My 10-month-old baby is losing her hair. And there were lots of explanations, ranging from ring worm to some severe infection to some rare genetic disorder. And all of it was terrifying. And also none of it really lined up with what they were seeing with their daughter. The parents were like, You know what? Clearly, we don't know what this is. We've all been sick for a week. We have to bring our baby to the doctor. As Samira got on the phone and called the baby's doctor, Umar hopped in the shower to get ready to go to the doctor. As soon as he began shampooing his hair, he noticed clumps of his hair were falling out. So all of a sudden, it dawned on him that whatever's going on with his baby is going on with him and very likely, going on with his wife, too.It was at this point, too, that Umar remembered that strange smell when they first walked into their apartment after coming back from their trip. Now, they had opened up all the windows and lit candles, and the smell had dissipated, and then they had shut the windows again, and they hadn't smelled again. And so Umar began thinking, Wait a minute, maybe we've just gone nose-blind to the smell, and maybe there's some contamination in the air. Maybe there's a gas leak or something worse than that. And so as soon as Umar got out of the shower and told his wife about how he lost hair and his theory that maybe there was some contamination in their apartment, Umar called his landlord and explained the whole situation. And the landlord would tell Umar right off the top that during the time they were in Ohio, nobody went inside their apartment. So there's no fresh paint in there, no maintenance was done. So whatever you smelled was not from us. Then the landlord said to Umar that, You know what? As scary as it sounds, it's possible that you might have a gas leak inside of your apartment, or maybe you have a free on leak from your air conditioning system, or maybe there's toxic mold.But whatever it is, we're going to get people in there, we're going to find the issue and solve it. And so later that day, sure enough, a gas inspector showed up to Umar and Samira's apartment, and they checked the entire place, and they could not find any trace of a gas leak. They checked everywhere. There was no leak, but they did tell Umar and Samira that, yes, we can smell a faint trace of some chemical smell, they did have a little baby, and babies make noise. But I mean, they were doing everything they could to be quiet. And so they had no idea that Zu Ming was still just completely furious at them. And eventually, Zu Ming's fury just became completely unhinged, and he used his chemistry know-how, because remember, he's studying for his in chemistry to begin putting together this deadly mixture of chemicals that contain things like methadone and hydrocodone.And he put them into a syringe, and he began injecting them into Umar and Samira's apartment to poison them, to make them be quiet. And so by the time Zu Min was arrested, he had been injecting these deadly chemicals into their apartment for a month. That was obviously the cause of all of Umar and Samira and their baby's symptoms. It was this poison. Umar, Samira, and their baby would get treatment, and they would fully recover from their poisoning. But very likely, had they not been quick thinkers and put that camera in place and caught Zu Min in the act, it's entirely possible that over time, the poison that was being injected into their apartment would have killed them. Officials are still investigating this case as it's still relatively new. However, the legal process was paused when Zu Min was deported back to China. Zu Min has not been convicted of any crime, and the criminal case remains open. And if Zu Min ever were to step foot on US soil, he would be arrested immediately.Okay, here is the clip from our newest episode of Mr. Balin's Medical mysteries.Enjoy.One day in 2009, a high school janitor was mopping the hallway in between classes when he heard a heavy scraping sound. The janitor looked up and he saw a student slowly walking towards him. The boy's grotesquely swollen right leg dragged along the floor, and he walked with a dramatic limp. The janitor smiled and waved at the boy as he approached. After all, this boy was a familiar sight. It took him so long to get between classes, he would have to leave 10 minutes early just to make it to his next one, barely on time. And so the janitor saw him going through this routine all the time. Just then, the bell rang and more students streamed into the hallway. They jostled past the limping student, knocking him off balance as a few kids snickered at the boy. For three years, the janitor had seen this happen every single day. He wanted to yell at the kids to stop being bullies, but he knew that would only make things worse. So instead, he gave the young man a reassuring pat on the back as he hobbled by, and the janitor just hoped that whatever was wrong with this boy would clear up soon.So that's the end of today's Medical mystery story. If stories like this one appeal to you, remember, we have an entire show dedicated to stories just like this one. It's called Mr. Balin's Medical mysteries, and it's available on all podcast platforms for free. But you can listen to episodes early and ad-free on Amazon Music. That's going to do it. Thank you so much for your support. Until next time. See you. Wait, don't go anywhere.If you're looking for more Strange, dark, and mysterious videos, click here.


Samira took some Ibuprofen to help with their headaches. Then they, too, climbed in bed and drifted off to sleep, hoping that when they woke up, everybody would feel better again. But the next morning, nobody better. In fact, everybody was doing worse. Umar's headache had now gotten much stronger, and Samira, she still had a headache, but also was very lethargic, and the baby was still very fussy. Over the next few days, their symptoms continued to get worse and worse. Umar's headache went from really bad to pretty much blinding, like he couldn't do anything else but think about his headache. Samira basically had to lay down all day. It was like no matter how much she slept, she had zero energy, and their poor baby just continued to cry and fuss all the time and even began to vomit. It seemed pretty obvious by this point, after a few days, that the three of them must have caught some bug while they were traveling, that this was not just jet lag, that they actually had some illness. But the parents were convinced that they could just rough it out, and eventually, after a couple of days, they would get better.


But on the morning of June 14th, so this is now a week after coming back home from their trip, not only were all their symptoms still really bad, but on this particular morning, things took a dark turn. That morning, when Umar went to his daughter's bedroom, he's still dealing with this horrible headache. He makes his way into the bedroom, and he goes down to pick his daughter up from her crib, and as he's reaching down to grab her, he freezes because on the bed, on the pillow right behind the baby, is all the baby's hair. The baby had clearly lost huge chunks of her hair. Umar, at this point, forgot about his headache and yelled for Samira. And even though she's super lethargic, she could tell this is an emergency. So she got up and made her way into the bedroom, and she looked down, too, and saw the hair and she reached down and scooped the baby up, and she turned the baby over, and sure enough, there was a huge bald spot on the back of their baby's head. But Umar and Samira, they said to each other right away that, wait a minute, I know this is scary, but it is actually a thing that newborn babies sometimes do lose their hair.


But when they went online and looked at the age range of when that's a common thing to happen, it was pretty obvious that their baby, being 10 months old, was a little bit too old for losing her hair to be considered a normal thing. And so Umar and Samira sat there and continued googling, What could this be? My 10-month-old baby is losing her hair. And there were lots of explanations, ranging from ring worm to some severe infection to some rare genetic disorder. And all of it was terrifying. And also none of it really lined up with what they were seeing with their daughter. The parents were like, You know what? Clearly, we don't know what this is. We've all been sick for a week. We have to bring our baby to the doctor. As Samira got on the phone and called the baby's doctor, Umar hopped in the shower to get ready to go to the doctor. As soon as he began shampooing his hair, he noticed clumps of his hair were falling out. So all of a sudden, it dawned on him that whatever's going on with his baby is going on with him and very likely, going on with his wife, too.


It was at this point, too, that Umar remembered that strange smell when they first walked into their apartment after coming back from their trip. Now, they had opened up all the windows and lit candles, and the smell had dissipated, and then they had shut the windows again, and they hadn't smelled again. And so Umar began thinking, Wait a minute, maybe we've just gone nose-blind to the smell, and maybe there's some contamination in the air. Maybe there's a gas leak or something worse than that. And so as soon as Umar got out of the shower and told his wife about how he lost hair and his theory that maybe there was some contamination in their apartment, Umar called his landlord and explained the whole situation. And the landlord would tell Umar right off the top that during the time they were in Ohio, nobody went inside their apartment. So there's no fresh paint in there, no maintenance was done. So whatever you smelled was not from us. Then the landlord said to Umar that, You know what? As scary as it sounds, it's possible that you might have a gas leak inside of your apartment, or maybe you have a free on leak from your air conditioning system, or maybe there's toxic mold.


But whatever it is, we're going to get people in there, we're going to find the issue and solve it. And so later that day, sure enough, a gas inspector showed up to Umar and Samira's apartment, and they checked the entire place, and they could not find any trace of a gas leak. They checked everywhere. There was no leak, but they did tell Umar and Samira that, yes, we can smell a faint trace of some chemical smell, they did have a little baby, and babies make noise. But I mean, they were doing everything they could to be quiet. And so they had no idea that Zu Ming was still just completely furious at them. And eventually, Zu Ming's fury just became completely unhinged, and he used his chemistry know-how, because remember, he's studying for his in chemistry to begin putting together this deadly mixture of chemicals that contain things like methadone and hydrocodone.And he put them into a syringe, and he began injecting them into Umar and Samira's apartment to poison them, to make them be quiet. And so by the time Zu Min was arrested, he had been injecting these deadly chemicals into their apartment for a month. That was obviously the cause of all of Umar and Samira and their baby's symptoms. It was this poison. Umar, Samira, and their baby would get treatment, and they would fully recover from their poisoning. But very likely, had they not been quick thinkers and put that camera in place and caught Zu Min in the act, it's entirely possible that over time, the poison that was being injected into their apartment would have killed them. Officials are still investigating this case as it's still relatively new. However, the legal process was paused when Zu Min was deported back to China. Zu Min has not been convicted of any crime, and the criminal case remains open. And if Zu Min ever were to step foot on US soil, he would be arrested immediately.Okay, here is the clip from our newest episode of Mr. Balin's Medical mysteries.Enjoy.One day in 2009, a high school janitor was mopping the hallway in between classes when he heard a heavy scraping sound. The janitor looked up and he saw a student slowly walking towards him. The boy's grotesquely swollen right leg dragged along the floor, and he walked with a dramatic limp. The janitor smiled and waved at the boy as he approached. After all, this boy was a familiar sight. It took him so long to get between classes, he would have to leave 10 minutes early just to make it to his next one, barely on time. And so the janitor saw him going through this routine all the time. Just then, the bell rang and more students streamed into the hallway. They jostled past the limping student, knocking him off balance as a few kids snickered at the boy. For three years, the janitor had seen this happen every single day. He wanted to yell at the kids to stop being bullies, but he knew that would only make things worse. So instead, he gave the young man a reassuring pat on the back as he hobbled by, and the janitor just hoped that whatever was wrong with this boy would clear up soon.So that's the end of today's Medical mystery story. If stories like this one appeal to you, remember, we have an entire show dedicated to stories just like this one. It's called Mr. Balin's Medical mysteries, and it's available on all podcast platforms for free. But you can listen to episodes early and ad-free on Amazon Music. That's going to do it. Thank you so much for your support. Until next time. See you. Wait, don't go anywhere.If you're looking for more Strange, dark, and mysterious videos, click here.


they did have a little baby, and babies make noise. But I mean, they were doing everything they could to be quiet. And so they had no idea that Zu Ming was still just completely furious at them. And eventually, Zu Ming's fury just became completely unhinged, and he used his chemistry know-how, because remember, he's studying for his in chemistry to begin putting together this deadly mixture of chemicals that contain things like methadone and hydrocodone.


And he put them into a syringe, and he began injecting them into Umar and Samira's apartment to poison them, to make them be quiet. And so by the time Zu Min was arrested, he had been injecting these deadly chemicals into their apartment for a month. That was obviously the cause of all of Umar and Samira and their baby's symptoms. It was this poison. Umar, Samira, and their baby would get treatment, and they would fully recover from their poisoning. But very likely, had they not been quick thinkers and put that camera in place and caught Zu Min in the act, it's entirely possible that over time, the poison that was being injected into their apartment would have killed them. Officials are still investigating this case as it's still relatively new. However, the legal process was paused when Zu Min was deported back to China. Zu Min has not been convicted of any crime, and the criminal case remains open. And if Zu Min ever were to step foot on US soil, he would be arrested immediately.


Okay, here is the clip from our newest episode of Mr. Balin's Medical mysteries.




One day in 2009, a high school janitor was mopping the hallway in between classes when he heard a heavy scraping sound. The janitor looked up and he saw a student slowly walking towards him. The boy's grotesquely swollen right leg dragged along the floor, and he walked with a dramatic limp. The janitor smiled and waved at the boy as he approached. After all, this boy was a familiar sight. It took him so long to get between classes, he would have to leave 10 minutes early just to make it to his next one, barely on time. And so the janitor saw him going through this routine all the time. Just then, the bell rang and more students streamed into the hallway. They jostled past the limping student, knocking him off balance as a few kids snickered at the boy. For three years, the janitor had seen this happen every single day. He wanted to yell at the kids to stop being bullies, but he knew that would only make things worse. So instead, he gave the young man a reassuring pat on the back as he hobbled by, and the janitor just hoped that whatever was wrong with this boy would clear up soon.


So that's the end of today's Medical mystery story. If stories like this one appeal to you, remember, we have an entire show dedicated to stories just like this one. It's called Mr. Balin's Medical mysteries, and it's available on all podcast platforms for free. But you can listen to episodes early and ad-free on Amazon Music. That's going to do it. Thank you so much for your support. Until next time. See you. Wait, don't go anywhere.


If you're looking for more Strange, dark, and mysterious videos, click here.