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Today, I'm going to share three progressively more bizarre missing person cases. But before we get into those stories, if you're a fan of the Strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format, then you've come to the right place because that's all we do, and we upload once a week. So if that's of interest to you, please tuck the like button into their bed and read them a bedtime story. And then when they ask you for a glass of water, say, no problem. Go get them a cup of water. And then when you come back, dump it on their stupid face. Also, please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads. Okay, let's get into today's stories. On the evening of June 28, 1997, an 83-year-old woman named Lila Howard turned up the radio in the living room of her small home in Texas, and then she took a seat next to her husband, Raymond, on the couch. This was a song that both of them loved, and in the past, Lila knew her husband would have swooped her up and begun dancing with her right away.


But Raymond was now 88 years old. He was also recovering from brain surgery, and they both were planning to go to bed in the next few minutes because they had a big day the next day. They were going to go to the Pioneer Day Music Festival, which is an annual fiddling festival located about 15 miles away from where Lila and Raymond lived in the town of Solado, Texas. Lila and Raymond had attended this festival basically every year. And so even though Raymond right now was a bit fragile from a surgery in his advanced age, the couple had not even considered missing it. Lila's son, Hal, had tried to persuade Lila to let him, Hal, drive the couple to the music festival. But Lila said no because Lila and Raymond were both fiercely independent and wanted to be in control of their lives, which included driving to and from this festival. Also, Lila had talked about maybe going someplace else after the festival ended with Raymond, spontaneously just driving out and doing something. She really wanted to have her own car in case she did want to do that. After a few minutes, Lila and Raymond's favorite song came to an end, and the DJ hopped back on the radio and began talking about the weather and the traffic, and At that point, Raymond and Lila, they stood up from the couch, they took each other's hands, and they walked upstairs to go to bed.


The next morning, so June 29th, Lila and Raymond walked out the front door of their house, and they walked down to their driveway where their Oldsmobile car was parked. Lila helped Raymond get into the passenger seat, and then Lila took her spot in the driver's seat. Then a few moments later, after they were all buckled in and situated, Lila fired up the car, backed out the driveway, and began driving. That evening, Lila's son, Hal, decided to swing by Lila and Raymond's house to check in on them and see how the festival went. At about 5:00 PM, Hal got to their house, and right away when he pulled up, he noticed that Lila and Raymond's car, the Oldsmobile, was not in the driveway. Hal thought that was pretty odd because by now, they should have been back from the festival. In years past, they would always get home by about 3:00 PM at the absolute latest because they didn't like staying out late. It just seemed odd that they were not back by now. But at the same time, Hal knew that Lila had been thinking about maybe going out and doing something spontaneous after the event was over.


And so he thought maybe his mom and Raymond were out driving around somewhere and they'd be back later. But just for good measure, Hal did park the car and he walked up to the front door of the house and he did knock. But when there was answer, he thought, You know what? I'll just go home and come back in a few hours and check in on them at that point. And so a few hours later, at 08:00 PM, Hal drove back to Lila and Raymond's house, and when he got there, he saw their car was still not back yet. And so now, Hal is starting to feel pretty worried. And so he parked the car, he walked up to the front door, he did knock, there was no answer. And so he pulled out his set of keys, he opened up the door, and he walked inside. Now, as soon as he was in the house, nothing looked out of place. It actually looked very organized and clean like as he normally was. But as he walked around looking for some sign of where Lila and Raymond were, all he could find was on one of the beds there were all these neat stacks of clothes that were laid out as if somebody was getting ready to pack but didn't finish packing.


And so it This seemed like something's off here. Something's not right. This doesn't seem like they just went out and did something spontaneous. Something must have happened at the festival. That's why they're not back yet. In a panic, Hal ran outside and he called the police. After reporting recording Lila and Raymond missing, he actually began calling news stations and telling them, Can you please put out my mom and Raymond's picture because they're older and they're missing? I need your help. In fact, that night, those TV stations did begin putting out all these reports about how Lila and Raymond were missing and for people to be on the lookout for them and their car. At the same time, the police immediately launched an investigation, and they quickly discovered that Lila and Raymond had never even made it to the music festival. They never got there. Then when The police drove the route that Lila would have taken to get to the music festival. They didn't find any car accidents or anything unusual on the route that would indicate that they got into some trouble or something. They checked their phone records, and Lila and Raymond had called nobody.


There was no action on their credit cards, and so they hadn't bought anything. The police would send out all these missing person reports to police officers all over the state of Texas, and nobody reported seeing anything or hearing anything. That is, until three days later on July second. On that night, a police officer in a little town in Arkansas, located 500 miles away from where Lila and Raymond lived, this police officer was driving down the road when he spotted an Oldsmobile that was driving with its lights off. The officer pulled the car over and he ran the license plate, and it came back as belonging to Lila and Raymond. But you got to remember that this police officer was in Arkansas, and so he had not received any updates about this missing couple. All those TV broadcasts and all the missing person alerts that were getting sent out all over the place, those were really only happening in the state of Texas. And so this officer has no clue that Lila and Raymond are missing. But he runs the plate, he sees it belongs to Lila and Raymond, and he goes up to the driver's side window and he looks inside and he sees Lila and Raymond.


Lila's driving, Raymond's in the passenger seat, and they look like a really happy, older couple. The officer would say to Lila, Hey, you're driving with your lights off. Lila would say, Oh, my goodness. I'm so sorry. We were driving in Texas and we got lost, and I just didn't notice. I'm really sorry. The officer believed her and felt like these were good people who just made an honest mistake. So he just flicked her lights on and said, I'm going to give you a warning. No big deal, no ticket, but be careful with your lights. You got to make sure those are on at night. Lila said, Thank you very much. Of course, I'll be very careful with my lights. Then actually, the officer gave Lila directions on how to get back to Texas from Arkansas. Then he got back in his cruiser, and then he watched as Lila and Raymond pulled onto the main road and then disappeared into the darkness. The police officer in Arkansas who pulled them over would eventually put it together who he had pulled over. At that point, Arkansas would get in on the search for Lila and Raymond. But for the next two weeks, despite having both states aggressively searching for this couple, nobody could find them.


That is until July 12th, so that's 10 days after Lila and Raymond got pulled over by that cop in Arkansas. On that day, these two young boys were walking by a small stream in town called Hot Spring, Arkansas, when they began to smell a terrible smell. They would end up telling their parents who would come back to the stream and they'd smell it, too. They would end up alerting the police, and the police would come out, and they would search that entire area, and they would find Lila and Raymond's Oldsmobile at the base of a 25-foot cliff. Inside the vehicle were Lila and Raymond, and they were both deceased. It looked very much like Lila and Raymond had driven off this cliff, and they had landed down below, and that's what killed them. But when investigators went up to the top of that cliff, there were no skid marks on the cliff itself, which meant Lila, who was driving, never hit the brakes as she went over the cliff. Nobody knows why Lila and Raymond abrupt left their town and drove hundreds of miles into Arkansas instead of going to their favorite music festival, although their family members have speculated that it could be because Lila and Raymond had declining cognitive function, and so they basically didn't know what was going on, and that's why it happened.


But the reason this story is in this video is because this story about Lila and Raymond is what inspired a very famous song from the late 1990s. It's called The Way by Fastball, and for copyright reasons, we can't play it for you, but I'll sing you a line and see if you can remember this song. Where were they going without ever knowing the way? Anyone can see the road that they walk on is paved in gold. It's always summer, you'll never get cold. You'll never You'll never be hungry, you'll never be old and gray. Boom, there you go. If you know the song, now you know it's got a pretty intense backstory. Thank you to Better Help for sponsoring today's video. After getting out of the military at the end of 2017, the transition from military life to civilian life was so overwhelming that it sent me spiraling into a deep depression. Luckily, before I did anything rash, I took my family and friends' advice advice and sought out a therapist. My therapist quickly identified that a lot of my depression stemmed from things that I couldn't change. My therapist not only showed me this truth to my life, but they also helped me reframe the way I think about those triggers.


Eventually, their help allowed me to accept the past and just move on. And so this was a huge turning point for me because it showed me therapy actually works. Now, therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but if you're struggling right now and you don't know what to do, consider giving therapy a try. And a great therapy platform to try, especially for folks who have never used therapy before, is Betterhelp. Betterhelp is a highly reviewed online therapy platform, which means you can get the help you need right from the comfort of your own home. Get matched with a better health therapist after filling out a brief survey online, and then it's up to you how you communicate with your therapist, whether that's through messaging or video or phone call or some combination You can also switch your therapist at any time at no additional charge. Join over 4 million people who have used better health and start living a healthier and happier life. Visit betterhelp. Com/misterbaulen, or just click on Mr. Baulen during the sign-up process for a special discount on your first month of better help. Okay, back to the stories. Late one afternoon in April of 2019, a middle-aged woman named Mary Mary was cutting up some vegetables in her kitchen in northern Spain when she heard a knock on her front door.


She put her things down, she went to the door, opened it up, and standing there was her next door neighbor who was all smiles, and she was holding this big box that was wrapped in wrapping paper and had a big bow on it. Then sitting on top of this big gift was a tray of deep fried rolls or croquets. Mary's neighbor was a 61-year-old woman named Carmen Moreno, who was an exceptional chef, and her specialty were making these croquets. They were filled with different types of meat and other things, and all the time Carmen would come over and give them to Mary, and Mary loved these croquets. And so as soon as she saw those, she was like, Wow, amazing. And she invited Carmen inside. But Carmen didn't come inside. Instead, she took the croquets and handed them to Mary, and Mary's like, Okay, great. Thank you. But Carmen was still standing right outside holding this box, and now Mary's looking at her thinking that Carmen looks uneasy. Mary said, What's going on here? What's up with this box? Carmen Carmen was silent for a second and just held this box out, at which point Mary realized, Okay, so she's trying to give me this gift.


And so Mary reached out and took this huge present, and she was like, Thank you, Carmen. What is this? What's going on? And Mary, when she looked at Carmen, she could tell Carmen's face was now bright red. She was very embarrassed about something, maybe whatever she was going to say. And so Mary just waited for Carmen to speak. And so eventually, Carmen would, she would clear her voice, and then she would say, You know, Mary, this is really embarrassing, but I need I need you to hold on to this box for a little bit. It contains my sex toys, and I'm having company over at my house, and I'm just worried that somehow they're going to find these things. Mary was so caught off guard by what Carmen was telling her that she just started laughing. But Carmen didn't join in on the laughter. She just looked down like she was totally mortified. Mary stopped laughing because she felt bad. Then Carmen elaborated on why she had this huge box full of sex toys. She would tell Mary that she bought them with the intent of them with her boyfriend, but a couple of months ago, he had broken up with her.


But Carmen had held on to these in the hopes that the boyfriend would eventually take her back, and they would get back together again and get to use these toys. And so even though this was a totally weird and uncomfortable request, Mary felt bad for Carmen. One, because she had to make this request of Mary, but also two, it was obvious that Carmen was pretty shaken up about losing her boyfriend. And so Mary said, You know what? No problem, Carmen. I will look look after your sex toys, and I will enjoy your croquets. Carmen was so relieved and said, Thank you so much. And then she turned and hustled back to her house, and then Mary shut the door, and she brought the croquets into the kitchen, and she tried one, and it was so good. And then she took the big box of sex toys, and she went into the hallway, she opened up a closet, and she put it on the top shelf, and then shut the door. Over the next couple of days, Mary expected Carmen to come back over and reclaim her box of sex toys, but Carmen didn't. When days turned into and then turned into months, and still Carmen had not come over to get the sex toys, Mary was annoyed, but she was just too embarrassed to go over to Carmen and be like, Hey, why don't you come over and get your sex toys?


And so Mary just decided she would leave it alone and not talk about it. And if ever Carmen wanted them back, she could have them. But if she never asked for them again, Mary didn't care. She would just eventually throw the box away, and that would be it. A few months later, on September 29th, 2019, so we're talking about six months or so from when these sex toys were first brought over to Mary's house. Well, on this day, Mary was doing chores in her house when she began to smell a really bad smell coming from the hallway closet where the box of sex toys were. And so Mary opened up the closet, and for sure, she could tell the bad smell was coming from this closet. And so she started by smelling the shoes that were towards the bottom of the closet to see if maybe she had stepped in something gross, but they were all clean. And then eventually, she reached the sex toy box. She pulled it down from the top shelf, and it had never been opened. It's still wrapped, but she just smelled the box, and she immediately recoiled because that had to be where the terrible smell was coming from.


It was coming from this box. And so Mary was totally repulsed at the idea that these sex toys smell horrible. But she carried the box into the kitchen and set it down, and she thought, Is this a horrible betrayal of my friend's trust if I open up this box and look at her sex toys? But Mary ultimately was like, You know what? Carmen has not come back for this thing. I'm opening this up because I need to know what's making this smell. So Mary went over and got a pair of scissors, and she cut off the wrapping paper, and then she opened up the box, and inside was this big thing that had been wrapped in tinfoil. So all you saw was tinfoil. Mary, she reached down and began to peel back the tinfoil. It was sticking to whatever was under it. But eventually, after she yanked on it, she pulled the tinfoil off. When she saw what was in there, she began screaming and ran outside and called the police. It would turn out Mary's neighbor, Carmen, who owned the box of the sex toys. Well, her boyfriend didn't just break up with her a couple of months before she brought the sex toys over.


No, her boyfriend, who was a 67-year-old man named Jesús Baranda, he went missing around the time that supposedly Carmen and her boyfriend broke up. And so naturally, Jesús's family began looking for Jesús, and when they couldn't find him, they called the police. And eventually, the police called Carmen and said, Hey, you were dating Jesús around the time he went missing. We're going to need to come to your house and search it. And when When Carmen heard that, she knew she had a big problem because Carmen had murdered Jesús and cut his head off with a chainsaw, and she still had his head in her house. And so what did she do? Well, she boiled his head down, and then she put it in a box, wrapped it in tinfoil, and then she wrapped that box in wrapping paper, put a bow on it, and then went next door to Mary's house and said, Hey, can you hold my sex toys for me? Because she knew Mary would likely not look in the box if it was sex toys. Mary took the box, put it in her closet, and then, of course, the smell began several months later, and she would discover Jesús's head.


Carmen was convicted of murdering her boyfriend, and she was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Police were never able to locate the rest of Jesús. All they had was his head. But there's a running theory that Carmen may have used the rest of her boyfriend's body and grounded it up and then baked him into her croquets that she gave out to people like Mary and other people in her neighborhood. But that's just a theory. On the evening of June 24th, 1986, a 10-year-old boy named Juan Pedro Martinez Gomez bounced around in his seat and smashed his toy cars together in the cab of his father's big red tractor trailer truck. Juan was so excited he could barely sit still. He always wanted to go for a ride in his dad's big truck. His dad was a long-haul trucker. But his dad always said no. But Juan had just gotten his best report card ever. And so as a reward for doing so well in school, Juan's father had surprised Juan and Juan's mom with this particular trip. Their plan was to drive from their hometown in Southeastern Spain all the way across the country to the northern Coast.


Then once they got there, Juan's dad would offload the cargo that he had driven there. Juan and his mom and dad would stick around and make a vacation out of it, going to the beaches and checking out the beautiful pastures where all the cows would graze. I mean, Juan was super excited. Juan's dad pulled the truck into this big lot with all these other trucks around, and then Juan's dad turned around and began backing the truck up so it could be paired up with the cargo he'd be hauling to the North Coast. It was this huge 25,000-litre tanker that was covered in all these stickers and warning labels. Juan's father didn't know what this tanker actually contained, but he could tell whatever it was, it was pretty dangerous and also very important. So as Juan's dad is backing up skillfully to line up with this tanker, Juan is just sitting in the back seat, absolutely transfixed at how cool his dad is. I mean, this is like the most amazing thing Juan had ever seen. And so finally, Juan's dad successfully hitched the truck to the tanker. And so once they were all hooked up, Juan's father yelled out the window and said bye to the people he worked with.


And then Juan's father put in Juan's favorite tape cassette into the stereo and turned the music up. And then he turned onto the road and began making his way toward the Juan's dad would drive basically all night, and Juan and his mother would basically sleep all night. But they would wake up at about 05:00 AM when Juan's father pulled into the parking lot of a diner that was located just north of the city of Madrid, Spain. They were making great time, so Juan's father told his family they could take their time eating. When the family did finish their meals, they got up and began walking out towards the truck, and little Juan, he turned around and he waved the waitresses, and they all waved back. Then the family climbed back into Juan's father's truck, and Then before long, Juan was curled up in the back seat, trying to fall asleep again as his father merged onto the highway and began heading towards the stretch of mountain road called the Soma Sierra Mountain Pass. About 40 minutes later, a man who was also driving in the Soma Sierra Mountain Pass was just driving along when suddenly a huge red tractor trailer truck came barreling toward him from behind, shining their lights into his car.


And so this man, he sees this truck approaching so quickly, and he tried to get out of the way, but there nowhere to go. The truck wasn't stopping. It was honking its horn, and the truck smashed into this guy, which sent his car careening off the road. But luckily, it did not tumble all the way down the mountain. This guy's car comes to a stop on the side of the road, and the guy he comes to, and he feels himself. He's worried he's got a serious injury. He did find a little blood on his head, but overall, he felt he was okay. Then he managed to get his door open, and he climbed out of his car, and he looked a little ways down the road, and there was the truck that had hit him. It was now on its side, and it was hisscing steam. Team, and it didn't look like anybody inside the truck was trying to get out. Now, even though this guy was pretty shaken up from the crash he had just gotten into, he felt like he was definitely in better shape than whoever was in this truck. And so he decided he would just go up there and try to help them.


But after only taking a few steps, this white van came blazing around the corner and came to a screeching stop on the road right next to where this guy was. And then before the guy could do anything, the sliding door to the van flung open, and this woman with blonde hair jumped out, and she ran over to him, and she said, I'm a nurse. Do you need any help? And so this guy, he's looking at this woman, and he's sizing her up, and she did not seem like a nurse. And in fact, for some reason, this guy felt like she just made him really uncomfortable. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. And then he looked past this woman at the van and he saw the driver looked broadly similar to the woman, except it was a man who was driving, but he also had very bright blonde hair, and he had these striking blue eyes that really stood out even from a distance. And then in the passenger seat of this van was this elderly woman who was just staring daggers at this guy who's now talking to this nurse who's right next to him.


The guy is looking at the old woman, and the old woman is looking right back, and she really looked mean. She was not happy to be talking to him. The guy finally just said to this woman who was claiming to be a nurse that, You know what? I don't need any help. Go help them. They need help because they haven't gotten out of the truck yet. The woman just nodded, and then she ran back to the van, hopped inside, and the van sped the 100 feet down the road to where the crashed big red tractor trailer truck was. Again, the woman hopped out, and she rushed over to the truck, and she climbed on top of it, and she reached down, and she took something out of the truck. But from his perspective, 100 feet back, the guy who had also crashed, he couldn't tell what she had taken out of the cab. But after she took whatever she took, she climbed off the cab, she did not attempt to help anybody inside of the truck. She jumped back in the white van and the white van sped off down the road and they were gone.


The guy barely had time to process what had just happened before he began to smell this unbelievably powerful, rotten egg smell. When help arrived, emergency responders immediately realized they had an environmental disaster on their hands. The big red tractor trailer truck, which was Juan's father's truck, was hauling 25,000 liters of sulfuric acid. That rotten eggs smell they were smelling in the area meant the air was now becoming toxic as the sulfuric acid leaked out and began interacting with the ground and making its way into the nearby river. Before anybody could even go inside of this truck to see if there were survivors, they had to basically cover it and the surrounding areas with hundreds and hundreds of pounds of sand and lime to try to counteract the acid. It would take hours to do this, and in that time, nobody came out of the truck's cab. Then finally, when emergency crews were able to go up to the truck and look inside, they discovered that the vehicle's occupants were all dead. However, there were only two bodies. It was Juan's mother and father. Juan was nowhere to be found. Now, one of the theories was, well, when this crashed, maybe the sulfuric acid landed on Juan's body somehow and literally dissolved him.


And so that's why he was not found. But that's not possible because it would take much, much longer for sulfuric acid to totally eat away someone's body. And the body would have to be fully submerged in the acid the entire time. So that could not have happened. Rescuers would search the entire area deep into the woods in all directions, looking for signs of this child, but there were none. When investigators attempted to recreate this accident to try to figure out what actually caused it and why it happened, what they would learn would only confuse them more. Juan's father's truck had nothing wrong with it mechanically, meaning the brakes weren't messed up, the accelerator wasn't messed up. There really was no reason why this truck should have crashed unless it was That's the only way this could have happened. Also, the truck contains something called a tachometer, which registers every time the truck slows down or stops. When investigators looked at the record from this tachometer, they discovered that Juan's father had slowed down or stopped 12 different times between leaving the diner and crashing. But the route from the diner to the crash site was a straight shot with no traffic lights or stop signs.


Basically, there had been no reason from the to the crash site to ever slow down or stop. But again, Juan's father did 12 separate times. Then also there were traces of heroine that were found in a hidden compartment in Juan's father's truck. Now, Juan's parents had no criminal record and Absolutely no connection to drugs or the cartel. But investigators did consider a theory that perhaps a drug cartel ambushed Juan in his family, and ultimately, Juan was kidnapped. But there was one more really strange element to the one's disappearance, and that was that white van that that guy saw right after the crash. Multiple people in the area around the Soma Sierra Mountain Pass said they saw that exact white van because they all remembered the woman and the man who had that same really bright blonde hair. It just was something that was unique and stood out. But the police tried to track down this van and the man and the woman and the elderly woman who was also claimed to have been seen inside the van, but no trace of that van was ever found. Found, and also police were never able to figure out what that woman actually took from inside of one's father's cab before they sped off and disappeared.


Missing person posters of one went up all over Spain, and almost immediately, loads of sightings were reported of Juan. But every time the police followed up on these sightings, they never panned out. Interpol, which is a major international police organization, called one's disappearance, one of the strangest disappearances in all of Europe. One year after the crash. In 1987, a driving instructor in Madrid, Spain, was filling out some paperwork in his office when he heard a knock on the door. When he answered the door, he found there was this elderly woman who appeared to be blind, and with her was a young boy who appeared to be about 11 years old. The driving instructor asked them, How can I help you? And he watched as the elderly woman turned and whisper something into the little boy's ear. And the driving instructor, he could hear her whispering, but he couldn't understand what she was saying. It sounded like a foreign language. French. In fact, it would turn out they figured out she was speaking Farsi, which is the language spoken in Iran. The little boy listened to the elderly woman, and then after hearing what she had to say, he turned to the driving instructor and he asked in perfect Spanish, Where's the US Embassy?


The instructor gave them directions, and then the little boy nodded, and then he and the elderly woman, they turned around, they grabbed each other's hands, and they began walking away. As they walked away, the driving instructor, he just couldn't help but feel like there was something oddly familiar about these two people. And so he flagged them down and he said, Come back for a second. And so the boy and the woman, they came back and the driving instructor, he asked the boy, he said, Do you live in Spain? And if you do, how long have you lived here for? And when he asked the boy this, the boy immediately looked really afraid and just didn't say anything and just stepped back like this like he wasn't going to answer. And then the elderly woman, she turned and she whispered something else into the boy's ear. And then after she was done talking, the boy settled down and he looked at the driving instructor and he said, Six months. For some reason, at this exact moment, the driving instructor realized why this boy seemed so familiar. He remembered seeing him on all those missing person posters all over the place.


The driving instructor, he couldn't remember the boy's name. He goes, Hold on a minute. He turns and he runs inside of his office and he finds one of the posters that said Juan Pedro Martinez Gomez. He grabbed it and he ran back out to show it to them and be like, Hey, they're looking for you. But when the driving instructor came back to the front door, the and the blind old woman were gone. And so the driving instructor, he stepped out, he's looking around, he's yelling out for them. They were gone. Now, it's important to understand that to this day, no sightings of Juan have ever been confirmed. And that includes the driving instructor who claimed to have seen Juan. But to this day, Juan's body has never been found. He's still missing, and his case is still unsolved. If you didn't hear the huge announcement we made last week, well, here it is again. The Mr. Ballen podcast, our top podcast, the one we launched in 2022 that immediately rocketed to the top of the charts, and then by the end of that same year, it got picked up by Amazon. Yeah, that show is now Now, once again, available on every podcast platform, and it's free.


All you got to do is go to your choice podcast platform and look for the Mr. Ballen podcast, and boom, you now have access to the hundreds of episodes in our catalog. Catalog. If you haven't listened to the podcast since it went exclusive at the end of 2022, then you have a crazy amount of content to go binge. So go find the Mr. Ballen podcast on whatever platform you like, follow the show, leave a positive review, or at least an honest review of the show, because that really helps grow the podcast, and then enjoy. That's it. But a quick caveat, if you've been listening to the Mr. Ballen podcast on Amazon Music, well, there's still going to be perks for you. With your Prime membership, you can listen to brand new Mr. Ballen podcast episodes 30 days early and ad-free on Amazon Music. But again, the show right now is available everywhere, and it is free. Enjoy the show. So that's going to do it. If you enjoyed today's stories, be sure to check out our podcast called the Mr. Ballin podcast, which has literally hundreds more stories, many of which sound a lot like these, and many of the stories on the podcast are exclusive to the podcast, so you can only get them there.


Again, it's called The Mr. Ballen podcast, and you can listen to it on Amazon Music or anywhere else you get your podcasts. It's available everywhere and it's free. Until next time. Thank you so much. See you. Wait, don't go anywhere. If you're looking for more Strange, dark, and mysterious videos, click here.