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But in terms of the actual training, sleep deprivation is horrible. You lose your mind. Really, you actually become an insane person. In this iconic idyllic place, there's the most treacherous military training ever taking place. It's an intense place to be. What's intense about it? The worst part is sleep deprivation. First phase is called first phase, and that's the gut check. Then there's a week early on in first phase called Hell Week, where you sleep for a total of four hours broken up into little naps over the span of five and a half days. Oh my gosh. Sleep deprivation is horrible. It's so bad. What does that feel like? You lose your mind. Really, you actually become an insane person. That's the gist. It's famously challenging. That's the whole point. They wanted to be borderline impossible to do so that if you are able to complete the training, you've demonstrated that you can push beyond what most people would consider an impossible limit. Wow. Yeah.