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If you're scared of something, that means you probably want to do it and it's worth your time. It's the things that you're indifferent to that you don't want to do. And so I have found that when I find myself feeling terrified of a particular thing, for me, it's been like live speaking. It's terrified me. I've always been scared of it, and it's made me realize that I probably need to do it at some point, like true on a stage, live performance. I don't know what it is. I've just always had this fear of doing that. And in order to live up to what my kids, what I tell them to do, I made a point as soon as nick and I built up all in studios that I was like, I have to do live stuff because I'm terrified of it. And I think I'd be good at it, but I'm horrified to do it, but I got to do it because that's the thing that scares me the most. Fear is a signal that it's something worth your time.