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This is why you should always trust your gut. In the 1970s, a young couple decided to go for a late night hike in the woods. A couple minutes into their walk, and the man remembers thinking something's not right, he tells his girlfriend. But they just decide to ignore it and keep going until he steps on something that felt really soft, like it was alive. Before he has a chance to see what he stepped on, they hear all this rustling in the bushes next to them, and they bolt. Years later, that couple turns from the tv, and a death row inmate who's about to be executed is being interviewed, and they ask him, was there ever a time that you were almost caught red handed? He responded, yes. One time I was in the woods and a couple walked through, and the man actually stepped on the body of a girl I had just killed. I was hiding in the bushes just a few feet away. They didn't see me. That couple had run into one of the worst serial killers of all time, Ted Bundy.